Amazon Indias Apni Dukaan Branding Strategy
Amazon Indias Apni Dukaan Branding Strategy
Amazon Indias Apni Dukaan Branding Strategy
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After a successful debut in the American e-commerce market and presence in some other Neetu Yadav is Assistant
European and Asian countries, Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, started identifying business Professor at Department
potential in emerging economies, and one of the growing countries was India. By the late of Management, Birla
2000s, the e-commerce business had already mushroomed in metro and urban cities of Institute of Technology
and Science Pilani,
India. It seemed the biggest challenge for Amazon was to compete with home-grown
Jhunjunnu, India.
e-commerce giants, such as Flipkart and Snapdeal. In 2013, Amazon made its debut in
Mahim Sagar is Associate
India through one of its subsidiaries, As homegrown players had already
Professor at Indian
tapped the urban market, Amazon realized that Tier-II and Tier-III cities were its future Institute of Technology
markets in India. But, customers in these cities were still avoiding online purchases Delhi, New Delhi, India.
because of the fear of fraud, duplicate products and complicity in the transaction. How to
build trust factor among these customers seemed the management dilemma for Amazon
India’s top executives. Early in the year 2016, Bezos discussed and reflected upon different
ways to build trust among those potential customers of Tier-II and Tier-III cities. Were hefty
discounts sufficient to lure these customers or was there something more that Amazon
needed to do in India to capture this customer base?
1. Introduction
Amazon, a global e-commerce giant, has emerged as the largest online store in India and was listed as the most visited website in 2015 (Times of India, 2015a). It strived
hard to attract Indian customers by providing them with more of what they want-vast
choices, low prices, fast and reliable delivery, an original and authenticated online
shopping experience and 100 per cent purchase protection (Company website, 2016).
India is one of the fastest growing markets for Amazon. It competed with two major Indian
players, that is, Flipkart and Snapdeal and operated under a marketplace model to provide
a platform linking buyers and sellers.
US giant Amazon, which launched in India in 2013, has gained a distant third position in the
Indian e-commerce market share (Mishra, 2015). Amazon India has vigorously adopted a
“GLOCAL” strategy to increase its presence in customers’ mind with its “desi” (local)
flavored advertisement campaigns. In this line, its famous branding campaigns as “Try to
kar”, “Aur Dikhao[1]”, “Kya Pehnu[2]” and “Apni Dukaan[3]” aimed at capturing Indian
consumers dilemma and fear about online shopping. The management is exploring
Disclaimer. This case is written
whether these “culture-specific” branding strategies would enable Amazon to become the solely for educational
number one choice for Indian online shoppers in the near future? purposes and is not intended
to represent successful or
unsuccessful managerial
2. E-commerce in India decision-making. The authors
may have disguised names;
financial and other
Over the past two decades, rising internet and smartphone usage have revolutionized recognizable information to
business and shopping. It has transformed the way business used to reach to its protect confidentiality.
DOI 10.1108/EEMCS-09-2017-0230 VOL. 8 NO. 3 2018, pp. 1-15, © Emerald Publishing Limited, ISSN 2045-0621 EMERALD EMERGING MARKETS CASE STUDIES PAGE 1
customers. E-commerce or electronic commerce deals with the buying and selling of
goods and services over an electronic platform, mainly through the internet. The Indian
e-commerce market is expected to grow ten-fold to reach $100 billion in 2020 with support
from the increasing reach of internet, smartphones and spread of a digital network in rural
areas (KPMG, 2015). A KPMG report highlights that by 2017, India will have 350 million
smartphones and it will create huge demand. According to Amitabh Kant, Secretary
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), “While e-commerce has
mushroomed in India recently, by 2017 we would have 500 million Indians connected to the
internet, and it will create huge business opportunity” (Economic Times, 2015). The
e-commerce industry in India has shown promising growth with a 35 per cent Compound
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) since 2009 from $3.8 billion to approximately $12.6 billion in
2013 (PwC Report, 2014).
e-Tailing comprises of online retail, and the online marketplace has grown at a CAGR of 56
per cent over 2009-2014. The direct selling market in India is estimated to be around INR
80 billion with growth at a CAGR of over 13 per cent between 2010 and 2015 (KPMG, 2016
Report). Direct selling covers both business-to-business and business-to-customer
Some of the prevailing business models adopted by e-commerce companies are inventory
model and marketplace model. Under the inventory model, inventory is controlled by the
company, and they sell their products (E.g. Croma, big basket, Shoppers stop), whereas
under a marketplace model, one of the dominantly used models, the e-commerce company
creates a platform for linking sellers and buyers for business transactions (e.g. Amazon,
Flipkart, Snapdeal) (Details about business to customers (B2C) segments with dominant
business models are exhibited in Figure 1).
Looking at the Indian e-tail pie, Flipkart is top with 44 per cent, Snapdeal is a close second
with 32 per cent, whereas Amazon is a distant third with 15 per cent (Mishra, 2015). The
remaining nine per cent is fragmented with some small players. For Flipkart, 34 per cent of
its gross merchandise value (GMV) as of 2014 is from electronics followed by clothes.
Flipkart and Snapdeal are among the most funded companies in Indian e-commerce. Cash
on delivery (COD) is the most preferred mode of payment in India with 45 per cent of
shoppers using it, while 21 per cent opts for debit cards and another 16 per cent go for
credit cards. With Government initiatives for financial inclusion such as Jan Dhan, payment
bank licenses, other initiatives like Digital India, emerging cashless payment solutions
enabled a boost in the e-commerce sector (ASSOCHAM Report, 2015).
4. Branding strategy
When all other e-commerce biggies were dealing with the primary challenges of growing
their market in India, Amazon was focusing on brand positioning and attracting Indian
customers in “desi” (English word-local) style. With its popular festive season sales,
creative advertisement campaigns and “Apni Dukkan” phrase, it attempted to increase its
brand presence in Indian consumers’ mind who were concerned with authenticity,
originality and trust. Those branding campaigns launched in an attempt to attract those
potential customers from Tier-II and Tier-III cities, some unique and famous advertisement
campaigns were:
5. Differentiation strategy
During the late 2000s, Indian e-commerce giants were fighting for market share by
offering deeper discounts, and creating differentiation among these websites was one
of the major challenges. All websites sold the same products from the same merchants
to the same customers at the same price, so higher GMV was only possible by
increasing sales volumes. During these few years, Amazon attempted to position itself
as a brand of India with its differentiation strategy in branding campaigns, fashion week
sale, Great Indian sale, etc. In the words of vice-president and country management of
Amazon India, “Our approach is to look at three dimensions: How to expand the
selection, make that available for immediate shipment, and how to widen our network
and reach throughout the country?” (Forbs, 2014).
Capturing local cultural aspects of Indian consumers and dealing with their everyday
shopping issues were the only ways to develop differentiation to make a presence in
consumers’ minds. These branding campaigns tout convenience, originality, trust,
extensive product range and their low prices to reach to Indian shoppers. Its local
competitors including Flipkart and Snapdeal had also turned to an advertisement to
boost sales, but this was noteworthy that none of these companies was profitable.
According to the Brand Trust Report (2016), “Amazon is India’s most trusted online
shopping brand with 36 per cent of the trust pie” (Economic Times, 2016b). A recent
survey by afaqs, advertising, media and marketing portal revealed that Amazon had
been hailed as India’s buzziest brand by beating Flipkart, which was the buzziest brand
in 2015 (afaqs, 2016).
6. Way ahead
Having its presence in other countries in Asia such as China and Japan, Amazon strived
hard to make its presence in the list of the top five e-commerce players. In contrast, looking
at the Indian scenario, in a short span of three years, it has given tough competition to its
local e-commerce giants. Amazon has realized the growth potential of e-commerce in
India, and hence, there were tremendous efforts to beat the existing local giants. It had
done extremely well in brand positioning with a lot of expenditure in creative advertising,
promotional campaigns and deep discounts during festive seasons. As Jeff Bezos’s clear
commitment to invest in Indian operations, it was evident that he would spend whatever it
would take to win. The slogans in Hyderabad warehouse “Transforming the way India sells,
transforming the way India buys” reinforced Amazon’s focus to succeed in India by
transforming Indian shopping by connecting traditional local sellers with masses through a
well-built internet infrastructure.
Experts emphasized that with big sales numbers in a very short space of time, the message
was very clear that it was all set to target the number one position in Indian e-commerce.
The million-dollar question was whether it would be able to de-throne the local players by Keywords:
acquiring them or by beating them? Being the most-visited website in 2015, would it Marketing,
become the most loved brand of the Indian masses? If Jeff writes a book on Amazon, then Brand management/equity,
India would be a chapter in it, but would the chapter would be titled “Bezos’s folly” or “The Strategic management/
Billion-Customer bounty”? planning
afaqs (2016), “Amazon is now India’s buzziest brand”, available at:
Amazon-is-now-Indias-Buzziest-Brand (accessed 15 March 2016).
ASSOCHAM Report (2015), “Future of e-commerce: uncovering innovation”, available at: www.
(accessed 5 March 2016).
Bloomberg (2015), “Amazon passes Wal-Mart as biggest retailer by market value”, available at:
market-value (accessed 8 March 2016).
Brand Trust Report (2016), “The brand trust report india study”, available at: https:// (accessed 20 April 2016).
Campaign India (2015), “Amazon launches “aur dikhao” campaign to highest power of choice”,
available at:,amazon-launches-aur-dikhao-campaign-to-
highlight-power-of-choice.aspx (accessed 13 March 2016).
Economic Times (2013), “Can Amazon, world’s largest online retailer, crack an emerging market?”,
available at:
india-south-india-retailer (accessed 3 March 2016).
Economic Times (2015), “E-commerce market in India may touch $100 billion by 2020: DIPP Secretary
Amitabh Kant”, available at:
0093960.cms (accessed 10 March 2016).
Economic Times (2016a), “Amazon invests Rs 1980 crore more in its India unit to beef up services”,
available at:
india-amazon-seller-services-sachin-bansal (accessed 21 February 2016).
Economic Times (2016b), “Amazon is India’s most trusted online shopping brand: survey”, available
shopping-brand-survey/articleshow/51258066.cms (accessed 14 March 2016).
Forbs (2014), “Poised for exceptional growth, Amazon devices aggressive marketing strategy”,
available at:
aggressive-marketing-strategy/38903/1 (accessed 20 February 2016).
Fortune (2015), “How Jeff Bezos aims to conquer the next trillion dollar market: the inside story”,
available at: (accessed 2 March 2016).
Gupta, R. and Gupta, D. (2016), “Amazon’s India insights and power of consumer insights”,
Advertising Age, available at:
and-the-power-of-consumer-insights/articleshow/50841677.cms (accessed 14 March 2016).
KPMG (2015), “Direct 2015”, available at:
Publications/Documents/Direct-2015.pdf (accessed 15 February 2016).
Mint (2016), “Amazon India sees FY 15 sales jump to Rs. 1,022 crore, but posts loss of Rs. 1,724
crore”, available at:
jump-sixfold-to-Rs1022-crore.html (accessed 8 March 2016).
Mishra, D. (2015), “Flipkart has biggest piece of Indian e-tail pie”,, available
032100041_1.html (accessed 10 March 2016).
Times of India (2015a), “Amazon claims to be India’s biggest e-tailer in 2015”, available at: http://
articleshow/50321595.cms (accessed 3 February 2016).
Times of India (2015b), “India no. 2 investment country for Amazon”, available at: http://timesofindia.
cms (accessed 8 March 2016).
Further reading (2016), “About us”, available at:⫽UTF8&node⫽1592138031
(accessed 15 February 2016).
Corresponding author
Neetu Yadav can be contacted at: