ACC12 - Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications 1 Midterm Examination
ACC12 - Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications 1 Midterm Examination
ACC12 - Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications 1 Midterm Examination
Question 46 of 70
1 Point
You were engaged to audit, for the first time, the financial statements of Annaleisse Corporation for the period
ended December 31, 2016. The company which is into the distribution of construction materials and supplies in
various locations in the Northern Luzon, has started its operations in 2014. The company reported net income for
2014, 2015 and 2016 at P1,020,000, P1,450,000 and P1,805,000; respectively. Your investigations and inquiries
revealed the following information:
a. A three-year rent covering the period 2015 to 2017, amounting to P180,000 for a warehouse in Pangasinan
was paid in advance at the beginning of 2015. The entire amount was charged to rent expense upon payment.
b. Accrued salaries expense at the end of the following years were consistently omitted: 1/2
4/4/22, 4:43 PM Midterm Examination - ACC12 - Auditing and Assurance Concepts and Applications 1 - Midterm Examination - University of Batang…
c. The following are the invoice prices of construction materials and supplies delivered to customers by the end of
each year under FOB Shipping Point term. While the goods were appropriately excluded from the year-end inventory
count, the related invoices were recorded in the sales journal only upon collection the following year. Gross profit margin
is at 40% based on sales.
d. The following advance payments to suppliers at the end of each year were recorded in the purchases journal
upon payment. Goods for the said advances however were only received the following year.
e. A major overhaul was done on one of the company's delivery trucks at the beginning of 2015. The
overhaul did not extend the truck's remaining life which was 5 years but it improved the truck's operating
efficiency and safety. The overhaul cost P250,000 and was charged by the company to repairs and maintenance
expense upon incurrence.
income is:
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