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CoE WS Design Guidelines

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March 2020

Version: Final
City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services


1 GENERAL BACKGROUND AND REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................1

Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................................1
Design Codes and Standards ............................................................................................................................................1
Submission and approval of design documents and drawings .....................................................................................1
Take – over of Works after completion .............................................................................................................................2

2 WATER RETICULATION...............................................................................................................................................................3
General requirements .........................................................................................................................................................3
Design guidelines ...............................................................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Unit demands for master planning........................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.2 Unit demands detail engineering design ............................................................................................................... 4
2.2.3 Peak demand factors and flow velocity ................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.4 Firefighting demand and pressure ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.5 Position of pipes ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.6 Thrust / anchor blocks ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Valves ...................................................................................................................................................................................8
City of Ekurhuleni

2.3.1 Isolating valves .................................................................................................................................................. 8

2.3.2 Scour valves ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.3 Pressure and Flow Control Valves ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.4 Air Valves .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Water meters .......................................................................................................................................................................9
2.4.1 Bulk water meters .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.2 Reticulation water meters .................................................................................................................................. 10
Valve markers ....................................................................................................................................................................10
Valve boxes / chambers ...................................................................................................................................................10
2.6.1 Valve boxes ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.6.2 Valve chambers ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Property / erf connections................................................................................................................................................11
2.7.1 General requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.7.2 Connection requirements .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.7.3 Connections to all multi-residential erven and other land uses .............................................................................. 12
Fire hydrants .....................................................................................................................................................................12
Field testing, inspection and taking over .......................................................................................................................12
Dolomite .............................................................................................................................................................................12

3 SANITATION RETICULATIONS .................................................................................................................................................15

General requirements .......................................................................................................................................................15
Design guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Unit demands for master planning...................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 Unit demands for detail engineering design......................................................................................................... 16
3.2.3 Hydraulic design .............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.4 Routing/location ............................................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.5 Sewer pumping lines (rising mains) .................................................................................................................... 21

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

3.2.6 Sewer system in mid-blocks .............................................................................................................................. 22

Sewer junctions (junction, cleaning eyes, lampholes and manholes).........................................................................22
3.3.1 Junction of sewers ........................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Cleaning eyes & lampholes ............................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.3 Manholes ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Property / erf connections................................................................................................................................................23
3.4.1 General requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 23
3.4.2 Connection requirements .................................................................................................................................. 23
Existing services ...............................................................................................................................................................24
3.5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.2 Storm water drains ........................................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.3 Electrical and telecommunication cables ............................................................................................................ 24
3.5.4 Water mains .................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.5 Trees .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Turbulence and odour prevention ...................................................................................................................................24
Field testing, inspection and taking over .......................................................................................................................25
Dolomite .............................................................................................................................................................................25

4 RESERVOIR GUIDELINES .........................................................................................................................................................27

City of Ekurhuleni

General requirements .......................................................................................................................................................27

Design Codes and Standards ..........................................................................................................................................27
Reservoir sizing ................................................................................................................................................................27
Supply rates.......................................................................................................................................................................29
Structural design...............................................................................................................................................................29
4.5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.2 Recommended loadings ................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.3 Materials ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.5.4 Pipework inside reservoir .................................................................................................................................. 30
4.5.5 Ventilation, access opening and ladders ............................................................................................................. 30
4.5.6 Sealing of reservoirs ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Pipework and valves .........................................................................................................................................................30
4.6.1 Inlet, outlet, overflow and scour pipework ........................................................................................................... 30
4.6.2 Valves ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
4.6.3 Water meters ................................................................................................................................................... 32
4.6.4 Bypass system ................................................................................................................................................ 32
4.6.5 Potable Water sampling points .......................................................................................................................... 32

5 ELEVATED TOWER GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................................................35

General requirements .......................................................................................................................................................35
Design Codes and Standards ..........................................................................................................................................35
Tower sizing ......................................................................................................................................................................35
Supply rates.......................................................................................................................................................................37
Structural design...............................................................................................................................................................37
5.5.1 Materials ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.5.2 Pipework inside water towers ............................................................................................................................ 37
5.5.3 Ventilation, access opening and ladders ............................................................................................................. 37

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Pipework and valves .........................................................................................................................................................37

5.6.1 Inlet, outlet, overflow and scour pipework ........................................................................................................... 37
5.6.2 Valves ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
5.6.3 Water meters ................................................................................................................................................... 39
5.6.4 Bypass system ................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.6.5 Potable Water sampling points .......................................................................................................................... 39

6 WATER PUMP STATIONS ..........................................................................................................................................................42

General requirements .......................................................................................................................................................42
Location and site selection ..............................................................................................................................................42
Pumps and motors............................................................................................................................................................42
6.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.3.2 System hydraulics ............................................................................................................................................ 43
6.3.3 Surge analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 43
6.3.4 Cyclic fatique ................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.3.5 Pump duty and number of pumps ...................................................................................................................... 43
6.3.6 Efficiency ........................................................................................................................................................ 43
Pump station layout ..........................................................................................................................................................43
Noise control .....................................................................................................................................................................44
City of Ekurhuleni

Other mechanical and electrical items............................................................................................................................44

6.6.1 Hoisting equipment........................................................................................................................................... 44
6.6.2 Ventilation ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.6.3 Standby generators .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Valves .................................................................................................................................................................................45
Pipework ............................................................................................................................................................................45
Water meters .....................................................................................................................................................................45

7 SEWER PUMP STATION ............................................................................................................................................................47

General requirements .......................................................................................................................................................47
Location and site selection ..............................................................................................................................................47
Pumps and motors............................................................................................................................................................48
7.3.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.3.2 Self-priming pumps .......................................................................................................................................... 48
7.3.3 Submersible pumps .......................................................................................................................................... 49
7.3.4 System Hydraulics ........................................................................................................................................... 49
7.3.5 Surge analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 49
7.3.6 Cyclic fatigue ................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.3.7 Pump duty and number of pumps ...................................................................................................................... 50
7.3.8 Efficiency ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
7.3.9 Solids passing ................................................................................................................................................. 50
Pump station layout ..........................................................................................................................................................50
7.4.1 Inlet works ....................................................................................................................................................... 51
7.4.2 Sumps ............................................................................................................................................................ 51
7.4.3 Sump level control ............................................................................................................................................ 52
7.4.4 Emergency overflow storage ............................................................................................................................. 52
Noise control .....................................................................................................................................................................52

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Odour control ....................................................................................................................................................................53

Other mechanical and electrical items............................................................................................................................53
7.7.1 Hoisting equipment........................................................................................................................................... 53
7.7.2 Ventilation ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.7.3 Standby generators .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Valves .................................................................................................................................................................................53
Pipework ............................................................................................................................................................................54
Water meters .....................................................................................................................................................................54

Annexure A: Submission and approval of design documents and drawings
Annexure B: Material standards
Annexure C: Standard Guideline Drawings
Annexure D: Water reclamation for industrial use
Annexure E: Infrastructure applicable to water and sanitation services
Annexure F: Water conservation and demand management measures
City of Ekurhuleni

Table 1: Summarised Planning Standards for AADD ............................................................................................................................4
Table 2: Design Standards for AADD ....................................................................................................................................................4
Table 3: Peak Flow Factors ...................................................................................................................................................................6
Table 4: Flow Velocities ........................................................................................................................................................................6
Table 5: Fire Flow under Peak Demand Conditions .............................................................................................................................7
Table 6: Fire-risk Categories .................................................................................................................................................................7
Table 7: Recommended pipe diameters for house connections .........................................................................................................11
Table 8: Summarised Planning Standards for ADWF .........................................................................................................................16
Table 9: Design Standards for Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) ..................................................................................................16
Table 10: Sewer flow friction formulae ................................................................................................................................................18
Table 11: Sewer flow velocities ...........................................................................................................................................................19
Table 12: Minimum gradients ..............................................................................................................................................................19
Table 13: Loss Coefficients for change in direction ............................................................................................................................23
Table 13: Reservoir Storage requirements .........................................................................................................................................27
Table 14: Elevated Tower Storage requirements ................................................................................................................................35
Table 15: Recommended number of maximum pump starts ..............................................................................................................51

Figure 1: Concept of extraneous flows in a waterborne sewer (CTMM, 2009) ...................................................................................18

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City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

AADD Average Annual Daily Demand
ADWF Average Dry Weather Flow
BOD Biochemical oxygen demand
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CoE City of Ekurhuleni
CV Curriculum Vitae
DWA Department of Water Affairs
DWS Department of Water and Sanitation
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMF Electromagnetic flow
EMP Environmental Managmet Plan
FC Fibre Cement
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
HDPE High Density Polyethylene
IPF Instantanious Peak Factor
IWA International Water Association
JASWIC The Joint Acceptance Scheme for Water Services Installation Components
KPA Key Performance Area
KPI Key Performance Indicator
City of Ekurhuleni

MNF Minimum Night Flow

NRW Non Revenue Water
PE Polyethylene
P&G’s Preliminary and General
PF Peak Factor
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
RW Rand Water
SABS South African Bureau of Standards
SANS South African National Standards
SIV System Input Volume
SPF Summer Peak Factor
TOC Total organic carbon
UFW Unaccounted for Water
WCWDM Water Concervation and Water Demand Management
WTW Water Treatment Works
WUL Water Use Licence
WWTW Wastewater Treatment Works

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services



The procedures in this document provide the Guidelines and Standards to be adhered to in all developments for the design,
construction and maintenance operations of water and sewerage networks and associated infrastructure, operated and
maintained by the City of Ekurhuleni (CoE). Where special circumstances necessitate a deviation from the guidelines and
standards, the proposed deviation must be referred to the Divisional Head: Water and Sanitation – Planning Division for
approval before implementation.

The Guidelines are divided into the main document with the following annexures:

· Annexure A: Submission and approval of design documents and drawings

· Annexure B: Material standards
· Annexure C: Standard Guideline Drawings
· Annexure D: Water reclamation for industrial use
· Annexure E: Infrastructure applicable to water and sanitation services
· Annexure F: Water conservation and demand management measures

Design Codes and Standards

City of Ekurhuleni

The design of water and sanitation services infrastructure within the CoE must comply with the requirements of the latest
editions of the following Codes, Standards and Statutory Regulations, amongst others:

· The South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) / South African National Standards (SANS)
· Guidelines for human settlement planning and design (Red Book)
· SANS 10100: The structural use of concrete
· SABS 0162-1: The structural use of steel
· SANS 10160: The general procedures and loading to be adopted in the design of buildings
· SANS 1200: Standardized Specification for Civil Engineering Construction
· BS 8007: 1978 – British Standard Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structure for Retaining Aqueous Liquids
· SANS 1936: Development on dolomite land

Submission and approval of design documents and drawings

The following documents must be submitted to the Divisional Head: Planning Division for review and approval before –

· commencing with the next project stage; or

· commencing with the construction of new works; or
· taking over of private developments CoE.

The reports and drawings must be signed by a professional Engineer or Technologist (Pr Eng. or Pr Tech Eng.), registered
in terms of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000).

· Feasibility Study Report – the Report must be based on the masterplan, must address land matters and servitudes,
must address possible Rand Water connection requirements, and be submitted to Divisional Head: Planning Division

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City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

· Concept & viability (Inception / Scoping) Report – the Report should be in accordance with Section 4.1 of
Annexure A of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”. The
Chief Area Engineer should confirm the scope of work and the challenges of the region
· Preliminary Design Report – the Report should be in accordance with Section 4.1 of Annexure A of CoE’ “Guidelines
and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”. It should outline the full extent of the
project, alternatives and proposed engineering solutions, associated costs and impact on the environment
· Design Development (Detail Design) Report – the Report should be in accordance with Section 4.1 of Annexure A
of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”. The Repor should
outline the project background, preliminary investigations, design methodology, design calculations and results,
comparisons of alternatives, risk managements, associated cost, drawings, operation and maintenance plans and
manuals amongst others
· Wayleaves Applications – wayleave approvals from all service providers must be obtained before the Design
Development (Detail Design) Report will be approved
· Documentation and Procurement – for procurement of internal capital projects, use latest CoE template of Tender
Document must be made. It must conform to the CIDB’s Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement policies
and be submitted to CoE one (1) month prior to advertisement;
· Construction Drawings – drawings should be in accordance with Section 4.2 of Annexure A of CoE’ “Guidelines
and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”. It must be approved by CoE prior to
commencement of construction
City of Ekurhuleni

Take – over of Works after completion

The new services installed by the service providers will only be taken over by CoE after –

• Proclamation of the development / township. Refer to Annexure A of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning
and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.
· All inspections have been carried out to the satisfaction of the relevant CoE Water and Sanitation Divisions
(including the relevant completed & signed inspection sheets)
· Submission of As-built drawings, Close-out Report and Completion Inspection Report. These documents shall
be submitted within one month after project completion. Refer to Annexure A of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for
Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.
· Submission of Asset Capitalisation Certificate and final Bill of Quantities. The Certificate shall be completed
and submitted together with final accounts / final payment certificates.
· Submission of Operation and Maintenance Manuals. . Refer to Annexure A of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards
for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

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City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

General requirements

This Section covers the planning and design of water reticulation and trunk/mains (bulk) pipelines.

Water reticulation for residential, industrial and commercial development shall be implemented in accordance with the
guidelines and standards in this document within the road reserve of a public road or within a servitude registered for this
purpose in the name of CoE.

All work (pipes, valves, fittings, hydrants, chambers etc.) must comply with CoE standards and drawings as per Annexure C
of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Upon completion of the project, the water reticulation infrastructure shall be inspected by the relevant Water and Sanitation
– Division. Once approved, and the required documentation as specified in paragraph 1.4 are submitted, the ownership and
maintenance of the infrastructure will be taken over by Water and Sanitation – Operations Division. In case of a private
development, CoE will only take-over the operations and maintenance responsibility of infrastructure from the developer
(including connections) upon proclamation and / or registration of a subdivision, where applicable.

Where Municipal water pipelines cross private properties and the pipelines are not protected by servitudes in terms of the
conditions of establishment / township, the registration of servitudes in favour of the CoE will be required, at the cost of the
City of Ekurhuleni


The design of water reticulation systems shall ensure sufficient capacity for the type of development proposed. The
proposed system shall be designed to integrate with existing and future developments and provide a water connection at
the street front of every erf.

The design of each development’s water reticulation system has to be submitted to the CoE for incorporation into their
overall water supply system. A hydraulic modelling analysis must be submitted for each development, in order to evaluate
and properly develop existing water sources and distribution systems.

The CoE considers trunk / link / bulk water pipelines to be 250 mm in diameter and larger. Average velocities should be ±
0.6 m/s and not exceed 1.5 m/s. Bulk pipelines shall have parallel distribution mains in order to supply water for service
connections. No house connections will be allowed on bulk pipelines. Bulk pipelines shall not be located in narrow
residential roads.

The works shall comply with SANS 1200 unless otherwise specified in this Guideline document or per specific conditions of
the tender document.

A detailed site investigation must be undertaken to establish the location of all existing infrastructure and affected services
to facilitate the design of the water reticulation. Plans and records of these services must be obtained from the relevant
service providers and approval must be obtained when their services are affected. A layout plan indicating the location of
all existing services in relation to the planned location of new services must be submitted to the relevant CoE division for

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Design guidelines

2.2.1 Unit demands for master planning

During the planning and design stages of a development, formalised site layout plans or specific land uses might not be
readily available. Use of Table 1 must therefore be made to calculate average annual daily demands (AADD) for long-term
water master planning purposes or until layout plans or specific land uses have been finalised.

Table 1: Summarised Planning Standards for AADD

(erven/ha) (kℓ/ha/day)
Residential I 10 12.00
Residential I and II 20 18.00
Residential III 40 25.00
Residential IV 60 30.00
Residential IV 80 32.00
Residential IV 100 40.00
Residential IV 120 48.00
Agricultural Holding 1 4.00
Business/Commercial 0.4 FAR 1 32.00
Industrial 0.6 FAR 1 24.00
1FAR – Floor Area Ratio
City of Ekurhuleni

Demand values reflected in Table 1 excludes unaccounted for water (UFW) which can be calculated at 20%.

2.2.2 Unit demands detail engineering design

Unit demands for detail engineering design Table 2 must be made to calculate AADD during detail design, when layout
plans or specific land uses have been finalised.

Table 2: Design Standards for AADD

1.1 Low-cost housing – erf up to 500 m² kℓ per erf 0.7
1.2 Conventional small sized erf up to 500m² kℓ per erf 0.8
1.3 Medium sized erf 501m² - 1000m² kℓ per erf 0.8
1.4 Large-sized erf 1 001 m² up to 1 500 m² kℓ per erf 1.0
1.5 Extra-large erf 1 501 m² and larger kℓ per erf 1.5
1.6 Cluster housing up to 20 units per hectare (Res 2) kℓ per unit 1.0
1.7 Cluster housing 21 up to 40 units per hectare (Res 3) kℓ per unit 0.8
1.8 Cluster housing 41 up to 60 units per hectare (Res 4) kℓ per unit 0.6
1.9 Cluster housing 61 up to 80 units per hectare (Res 4) kℓ per unit 0.5
1.10 Cluster housing 81 up to 100 units per hectare (Res 5) kℓ per unit 0.4
1.11 High-rise flats (± 50 m² per unit) according to FSR kℓ per 50 m² 0.6
1.12 Boarding houses, hostels, hotels, retirement centers & villages, orphanages kℓ per 100m² 0.9
1.13 Guesthouses - allocation per room regardless of room size kℓ per room 0.4
1.14 Agricultural holdings & farm land (connection for domestic use only) kℓ per domestic unit 2.4
Agricultural holdings (house + servants quarters + garden) (to be used only
1.15 kℓ per holding 4.0
for subdivisions to create multiple holdings)
1.16 Gate house for security villages kℓ per unit 0.2
2.1 General business with an FAR (dry) kℓ per 100m² 0.8
2.2 General business with an FAR (wet) kℓ per 100m² 1.2

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

2.3 Business and offices kℓ per 100m² 0.6
2.4 Gym, health spa kℓ per 100m² 0.6
2.5 Commercial kℓ per 100m² 1.0
2.6 Restaurant, bakery kℓ per wash bay 1.0
2.7 Butchery kℓ per 100m² 0.2
2.8 Warehousing (including up to 20% offices) kℓ per 100m² 0.6
2.9 Garage or filling station kℓ per 100m² 1.2
2.10 Car wash facility (no recycling) kℓ per wash bay 6.0
2.11 Car wash facility (with recycling plant) kℓ per wash bay 3.6
2.12 Motor city / Retail park as a single zoning (car sales + limited offices) kℓ per 100m² 0.6
2.13 Vehicle parking garage/grounds kℓ per bay 0.0
2.14 Nursery (sales area) kℓ per 100m² 0.4
2.15 Nursery (planting and production area) kℓ per hectare 15.0
3.1 Industrial (dry) kl per 100m² 0.5
3.2 Industrial (wet) kl per 100m² min of 1.2 kl
4.1 Club buildings kl per 100m² 0.3
4.2 Club grounds kl per hectare 3.0
4.3 Stadium building per 1 000 people 1.5
4.4 Stadium grounds kl per hectare 3.0
4.5 Municipal park buildings kl per 100m² 0.4
City of Ekurhuleni

4.6 Municipal park grounds kl per hectare 3.5

4.7 Hospital buildings without laundry kl per 100m² 1.54
4.8 Hospital buildings with laundry kl per 100m² 4.2
4.9 Hospital grounds kl per hectare 10.0
4.10 Church buildings kl per 100m² 0.1
4.11 Church grounds kl per hectare 10.0
4.12 School, crèche, educational buildings kl per pupil 1.5
4.13 School, crèche, educational grounds kl per hectare 1.5
4.14 Municipal, governmental developments kl per 100m² 1.0
5.1 Mixed use kl per hectare 20.0
5.2 Private open space kl per hectare 15.0
5.3 Special (Development specific)
5.4 Home enterprise (dry, office, IT) kl per 100m2 0.4
5.5 Home enterprise (wet, tavern, hairdresser) kl per 100m2 0.8
1 FAR – Floor Area Ratio
2 Water demand excludes unaccounted water (UFW) @ 20%.
3 The calculation should be based on the potential area or number of units being applied for.

2.2.3 Peak demand factors and flow velocity

The following equations should be used in calculating peak demands:

1. Summer peak demand: Summer peak factor (SPF) x AADD

2. Instantaneous peak demand: Instantaneous peak factor (IPF) x AADD

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Table 3: Peak Flow Factors

< 1 000 1.90 3.60
1 000 - 5 000 1.80 3.40
5 000 - 10 000 1.70 3.30
Low-cost housing
10 000 - 15 000 1.50 3.20
15 000 - 20 000 1.40 3.10
> 20 000 1.40 3.00
< 1 000 2.20 4.60
1 000 - 5 000 2.00 4.00
5 000 - 10 000 1.80 3.60
10 000 - 15 000 1.60 3.50
15 000 - 20 000 1.50 3.30
> 20 000 1.50 3.30
< 5 000 1.70 3.30
Business / Commercial / Industrial 5 000 - 10 000 1.60 3.15
> 10 000 1.50 3.00

Table 4: Flow Velocities


City of Ekurhuleni

Diameters ≤ 110mm 0.7 m/s 1.0 m/s – 3.5 m/s

Diameters ≥ 250mm 0.6 m/s 1.5 m/s
Feeder pipes to reservoirs 1.2 m/s 2.0 m/s
Special Fittings - 6.0 m/s

Water systems must be designed and pipe sizes determined in accordance with the standards and engineering principles
set out in this document. All water reticulation systems must be designed by means of a computer program that is compatible
with Wadiso or Sewsan, or similar approved by CoE.

All systems must adhere to the following:

· Residual pressures at every erf boundary is 24 m for residential and 35 m for industrial/business under peak
consumption conditions; and
· The requirements set out in Table 5 for fire flow under peak flow conditions.

No reticulation system will be approved before the Consultant provides the above design information, as part of the
Preliminary Design Report. An electronic copy of the information, assumptions, analyses and results must also be included
in the report.

2.2.4 Firefighting demand and pressure

Provision of water for fire-fighting purposes should comply with the requirements of the SANS code of practise 10090 –
Community Protection against Fire.

Any section of pipe serving a fire hydrant within a residential, industrial, commercial or business area, must be designed in
accordance with Table 5. This includes the required minimum fire flow as well as the minimum remaining pressure head

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

(under fire flow plus peak flow conditions) at any node in the water reticulation system. Table 5 illustrates the minimum fire
flow requirements under peak demand conditions.

Table 5: Fire Flow under Peak Demand Conditions

Peak Hour Demand - minimum 24 90
Static (no demand) - Maximum 90
Fire flow (@ peak demand) See below
FLOW (ℓ/S) HYDRANT (ℓ/S) (m)
A 217.00 33.33 85 15 4
B 150.00 33.33 120 15 4
C 100.00 33.33 200 7 2
D1 31.67 20.00 240 6 2
D2 47.50 20.00 200 6 2
D3 63.33 23.33 200 6 2
D4 95.00 33.33 200 6 2
E Based on risk assessment

A fire area should be divided into sub-areas, which falls within one of the following fire-risk categories as shown in Table 6.
City of Ekurhuleni

Table 6: Fire-risk Categories

A Non-residential buildings and divisions not greater than 5 000 m2
B Non-residential buildings and divisions not greater than 2 500 m2
C Non-residential premises not greater than 1 250 m2
D1 Houses > 30 m apart
D2 Houses 10.1 to 30 m apart
D3 Houses 3 to 10 m apart
D4 Houses < 3 m apart
E As determined by risk assessment

Designers are referred to the following publications:

Outside stands:
· SANS 10090 – Community Protection Against Fire

Within stands:
· National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No 103 of 1977)
· Part W – Fire Installation of SANS 10400 – The Application of the National Building Regulations (latest addition) and,
· On-site Rational Designs by a Competent Person executed in accordance with the above legislation and National

2.2.5 Position of pipes Depth of pipes below final ground level

The following minimum depths are prescribed:

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City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

· Stream and river crossings: 1.2 m *

· Wetlands and vlei crossings: 1.2 m *
· Undeveloped / open areas: 1.0 m
· On sidewalks: 1.0 m
· Road crossings: 1.5 m
· Across erven: 1.0 m. No pipes will be allowed across erven unless very special circumstances
justify the deviation from this guideline. Prior approval / authorisation must
however be obtained from CoE
· In close proximity of other services: 1.0 m. Services sharing the same trenchis not preferred, but could be considered
with prior approval / authorisation from CoE
· Erf connections: 0.5 m

Pipe cover should not exceed 2.0 m unless prior approval / authorisation is obtained from CoE.

* Special attention must be given to the design of river crossings, where welded steel pipes shall preferably be used. Horizontal alignment of pipes

All water pressure pipelines shall be installed 1.0 m from erf boundaries for all road reserves.
City of Ekurhuleni

Where this is not possible, services shall be installed as follows:

· When new services are required to connect into existing reticulation systems in recently developed townships, the
placement of the new water services must be placed in accordance with the positions set out in the standard drawings
representing the positions of the various services for different road reserve widths and road uses.
· When new services are required to connect into existing reticulation systems in older townships, the placement of the
new water services must be placed in accordance with the positions set out in the standard or at the distances
prescribed by the Head of Department: Water and Sanitation Department from time to time.

2.2.6 Thrust / anchor blocks

Thrust / anchor blocks must be specifically designed for each fitting according to the soil conditions and the expected
maximum pressure (e.g. static / surge) at that point. Valves, bends, tees and end stops / plugs must be adequately anchored.


Refer to Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

2.3.1 Isolating valves

· Valves must be placed directly opposite the closest splay corner pegs in networks;
· Line valves must be installed not more than 1 000 m apart on feeder and discharge pipelines in order to isolate sections
for maintenance purposes;
· In reticulation systems, isolating valves should be placed so that not more than four valves need to be closed to isolate
a section of main, and so that the total length of main included in an isolated section does not exceed a nominal 600 m;
· Where pipes intersect, isolating valves shall generally be installed in the smaller diameter branches;

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

· Valves shall generally be located opposite erf boundary (splay) pegs. Avoid placing valves underneath kerb lines or
· Every effort should be made in the design of the reticulation system for inclusion of alternative supply pipes to connect
to the system if maintenance has to be carried out on the main supply pipeline;
· Butterfly valves must be used on pipes larger than 450 mm diameter;

2.3.2 Scour valves

Scour valves shall be installed at all low lying areas within the mainline system to allow for scouring purposes, cleaning and
emptying of the mainline. Scour valves shall be positioned to ensure a maximum drainage time of 2 hours per section.
Scour valves may not be discharged into underground drainage systems and must be discharged only into open surface

It is preferred that fire hydrants be utilized to scour reticulation and network lines. However, scour valves shall be installed
at the end of network lines (i.e. dead ends).

Scour valves shall be of the same type and specification as for isolating wedge gate / RSV type valves.

2.3.3 Pressure and Flow Control Valves

City of Ekurhuleni

PRV’s and FCV’s shall be installed where the Consultant in collaboration with CoE’s Divisional Head: Water and Sanitation
Department – Project, Planning and Operations Divisions, deem it necessary.

PRV’s and FCV’s shall be sized and installed according to the manufacturer's specifications. All PRV’s and FCV’s shall be
installed with a by-pass arrangement with flanged RSV gate valves on both sides of the valve.

2.3.4 Air Valves

Air valves shall be installed where mainline pipe gradients change from positive to negative. Air valves shall also be spaced
approximately 1 000 m apart on the mainline system.

Water meters

2.4.1 Bulk water meters

No connection of secondary reticulation networks to main (bulk) water lines shall be permitted without a bulk water meter
approved by the Divisional Head: Water and Sanitation – Revenue Division.

In the case of low cost housing developments, a bulk water meter with associated PRV (if required) shall be installed at the
inlet connection point to the development. The bulk water meter as well as the PRV must be appropriately sized. Should
there be more than one inlet connection point to the development, both shall be equipped with a bulk water meter and PRV,
if required.

At boundaries of private road reserves (to private enclosed developments / restricted access developments) one bulk meter
will be installed at the cost of the developer.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

A bulk water meter shall be installed in accordance with the latest Meter Specifications as compiled and approved by the
Divisional Head: Water and Sanitation – Revenue Division. Bulk water meters shall be sized and installed according to the
manufacturer's specifications. All meters should be installed with an NRV.

Bulk water meters shall be installed above ground where possible. Should it be required to install a meter below ground
level, a reinforced concrete chamber shall be constructed.

Bulk zone meters shall be installed with a by-pass, including isolating valves on either side of the meter.

NRV’s shall be provided with all bulk consumer meter installations. In the case where a combination meter with a NRV
function is used, no additional NRV shall be required.

2.4.2 Reticulation water meters

No individual erf water meters shall be installed by the developer.

All water connections are required to end with an SANS-approved isolating valve in accordance with the requirements set
out in Annexure C of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.
City of Ekurhuleni

Valve markers

Valve marker shall be placed within 500mm from the closest erf boundary.

Valve markers are not required for hydrants since the hydrant standpipe is act as the marker.

Refer to Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Valve boxes / chambers

All reticulation isolation valves shall be installed in valve boxes whilst zone valves, air valves, isolating valves on mainline
systems, scour valves and control valves shall be installed in reinforced concrete chambers with the relevant designed thrust
blocks, puddle flanges (where necessary) and access covers.

2.6.1 Valve boxes

The placement of valves in roadways should be avoided at all times.

Valve boxes must be specified in accordance with Annexure C of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design
of Water and Sanitation Services”.

2.6.2 Valve chambers

All chambers shall be purposely designed to suite the specific valve installation with regards to size and type. Chambers
shall be constructed from reinforced concrete, in accordance with the relevant SANS Specifications pertaining to water
retaining structures and sealed to prevent stormwater ingress.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Within the chambers, provision shall be made for sufficient workspace (400 mm minimum all round). Chambers shall also
be equipped with a drainage sump in accordance with the standard drawings. All chambers shall have removable reinforced
concrete cover slabs, designed for the specific chamber and load conditions with cast in manhole cover and frame according
to standard drawing. All chambers shall be protected with a suitable locking mechanism cast into the concrete chamber
cover, refer to standard drawings. Provision shall also be made for 100mm Ø holes above all isolating valves in the cover

All valve chambers shall be provided with sufficient air vents for ventilation.

Property / erf connections

2.7.1 General requirements

For normal residential, industrial and commercial developments, water reticulation shall be installed within the road reserve
of public roads in accordance with the specifications set out in this document.

Erf connection pipes must be installed from the water reticulation connection for each erf, up to the isolating ball valve. All
erf connections and / or communication pipes shall be fitted with the appropriate compression 'Plasson' fittings (according
to Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”. No other
fittings shall be accepted unless otherwise approved by the Division Head: Operations Division.
City of Ekurhuleni

Head of Department: Water and Sanitation in association with the Divisional Head: Water and Sanitation – Planning Division
will determine the type of installation required for each area and / or development in accordance with the requirements set
out in the CoE standard drawings. All connections must be specified, supplied and installed in accordance with Annexure C
of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Property connections on pipes larger than 250 mm diameter will only be made in exceptional circumstances with the approval
of the Head of Department: Water and Sanitation: Planning Division.

2.7.2 Connection requirements

· All property connections shall be a minimum PE100, PN 16, SDR11 HDPE pipe for a maximum potential static
pressure of 1200 kPa;
· Long connections underneath streets must have no joints under the paved roadway or kerbs;
· Strainers and NRV’s shall be installed on all metered water connections larger than 25mm diameter.

Table 7: Recommended pipe diameters for house connections


Subdivision/second dwellings, 40 mm, branching to 2 x 25 40 mm, reducing to 25 mm at 32 mm, reducing to 25 mm at

up to 4 units mm erf erf
Maximum of one dwelling per 32 mm, branching to 2 x 25 32 mm, reducing to 25 mm at
25 mm
erf mm erf
25 mm , branching to 2 x 20 25 mm, reducing to 20 mm at
Low-cost housing 20 mm
mm erf

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Note: Where there is a possibility that network water pressures will in future be reduced in order to minimise water loss, it
may be necessary to install communication pipes up to the house that are 40 mm in diameter to have a sufficient flow at the

2.7.3 Connections to all multi-residential erven and other land uses

The diameter of connecting pipes must be determined by the potential flow to the planned development with due regard to
fire flow requirements. Meter installations larger than 20 mm diameter must be manufactured from SANS and Jaswic
approved material, poly carb / HDPE piping, and SANS and Jaswic approved valves in accordance with Annexure C of
CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Fire hydrants

Hydrants shall be installed 450mm from erf boundaries and spaced in accordance with fire flow requirements.

A blue reflectors / "cat's eye" with a blue backing shall be fixed to the kerb, in line with the hydrant.

Field testing, inspection and taking over

All erf connections and / or draw off points shall be included in the final testing of the new water network, in accordance with
City of Ekurhuleni

the relevant requirements of SABS 1200. Separate testing of the erf connections and / or draw off points shall not be
accepted. The contractor must ensure that the test is achievable and correct prior to calling of CoE officials to witness the

The Projects Manager – Department of Water and Sanitation shall inspect the installation and witness the final testing of the
new water network. No connections / tie-ins of new pipe(s) to the existing infrastructure shall be allowed unless all tests
have been done, approved and accepted. CoE will do the connection to the existing infrastructure in accordance with the
approved design. This work will be done at the cost of the applicant who must request the CoE to execute the work.
Standard tariffs for different sizes of pipe will be applicable and must be paid by the applicant before any work will be done
by CoE.

Upon acceptance of the final testing, the ownership and maintenance of the network will be taken over by the Department
of Water and Sanitation – Operations Division. However, CoE will only take over the operational and maintenance
responsibility of infrastructure from a developer (including connections) upon proclamation and / or registration of
subdivisions, where applicable.

In the case of a "security" residential development, where access to the individual properties will be controlled by means of
a "private road", the internal water reticulation is installed on private property and shall therefore remain the property and
responsibility of the registered owner of the development. In this case, only a metered connection point will be provided by
the Department Water and Sanitation – Revenue Division at the boundary of the "private road".


It is of the utmost importance that no leakage emanating from water infrastructure occurs in dolomite areas.

The requirements of the following national standard shall be implemented for all water infrastructure in areas underlain by

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

· SANS 1936:2012 – “Development of Dolomite Land”, Parts 1 to 4 and in particular Part 3: “Design and Construction
of Buildings, Structures and Infrastructure”

Consultants may also consult the following publications for further information:

· “Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment in South Africa”, SAICE Journal Volume 43(2) 2001,
paper 462 pages 27-36, Buttrick et. al. (current industry standard document)
· Section 2.8 of Part 1 of the Home Building Manual as published by the NHBRC, Revision 1, 1999
· PW344: “Appropriate Development Infrastructure on Dolomite: Manual for Consultants” as published by the National
Department of Public Works, June 2006. This document is available under Consultants Documents on the website of
the Department of Public Works (www.publicworks.gov.za)

Consultants shall obtain the Dolomite Report for the specific development before the design of the water network
commences. The map included in below depicts, in broad terms, the areas within the CoE which are known to be underlain
by dolomites.

Alternative routing of wet services around high-risk areas should always be investigated.
City of Ekurhuleni

The minimum standards for water services in areas underlain by dolomite are as follows:

· Underground wet services shall be designed and constructed to minimise maintenance requirements and to avoid
potential leakage points. In addition, liquids shall be contained in watertight structures to avoid possible disturbance
of the underground environment.
· The relevant portions of the Standard Specifications for Municipal Civil Engineering Works shall be applied in the
installation of all underground services.
· The backfilling to service trenches and other excavations shall, except in rock, be less permeable than the surrounding
material. General minimum compaction standard to be 93% Mod AASHTO, provided permeability requirements are
met. The use of non-cohesive single size graded sand or crusher sand for bedding, surround blankets and backfill
shall not be allowed.
· Where feasible, provision for future connections to all services should be made in order to minimize cutting into pipes
to provide such connections at a later stage.
· Provision should be made in all pipelines transporting water to accommodate potential differential movements without
causing pipelines or joints to leak.
· Valves shall be flanged resilient seal gate valves and be fitted to butt welded flanges only.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services
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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

General requirements

This Section covers the planning and design of sewer reticulation and sewer mains / links (bulk sewer).

Sewer reticulation for residential, industrial and commercial development shall be implemented in accordance with the
guidelines and standards in this document document within the road reserve of a public road or within a servitude registered
for this purpose in the name of CoE..

All work (pipes, manholes etc.) must comply with CoE standards and drawings as per Annexure C of CoE’ “Guidelines and
Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Upon completion, the sewer reticulation shall be inspected by the relevant Water and Sanitation – Division. Once approved,
and the required documentation as specified in paragraph 1.4 are submitted, the ownership and maintenance of the
infrastructure will be taken over by Water and Sanitation – Operations Division. In case of a private development, CoE will
only take-over the operations and maintenance responsibility of infrastructure from the developer (including connections)
upon proclamation and / or registration of a subdivision, where applicable.

Where Municipal sewers cross private properties and the sewers are not protected by servitudes in terms of the conditions
City of Ekurhuleni

of establishment / township, the registration of servitudes in favour of the CoE will be required, at the cost of the Applicant.

The design of sewer reticulation systems shall ensure sufficient capacity for the type of development proposed. The
proposed system shall be designed to integrate with existing and future developments and provide a sewer connection at
the street front of every erf.

The design of each development’s sewer reticulation system has to be submitted to the CoE for incorporation into their
overall sewer system. A hydraulic modelling analysis must be submitted for each development in order to evaluate and
properly develop existing sewer systems.

The works shall comply with SANS 1200 unless otherwise specified in this Guideline document or per specific conditions of
the tender document.

A detailed site investigation must be undertaken to establish the location of all existing infrastructure and affected services
to faciliate the design of the sewer system. Plans and records of these services must be obtained from the relevant service
providers and approval must be obtained when their services are affected. A layout plan indicating the location of all existing
services in relation to the planned location of new services must be submitted to the relevant CoE division for approval.

A gravity sewer reticulation shall be installed for all types of developments, in accordance with the specifications of this
Guideline Document. The sewer reticulation system shall be placed either within the road reserve of a public road or within
the necessary servitude on private property. Upon completion, the sewer reticulation shall be inspected by CoE’s Water
and Sanitation Department where after the ownership will be transferred to CoE’s Operations Division, who will be
responsible for the operation and maintenance of the network.

The CoE will only consider municipal sewer pump stations in exceptional circumstances, after all other alternatives have
been exhausted. It must be avoided as far as possible and will only considered if gravity transfer of sewage is not possible
and / or feasible with the approval of the HOD: Water and Sanitation Department.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

New private developments shall not make use of septic tanks, conservancy tanks, "French drains" or any other sewer
system, unless approved by CoE’s Divisional Head: Planning Division.

Design guidelines

3.2.1 Unit demands for master planning

During the planning stages of a development, formalised site layout plans or specific land uses might not be readily available.
For long-term planning, the ultimate development potential must be taken into consideration (i.e. densification increases) on
a continuous basis. The design of outfall sewers must cater for all potential development scenarios upstream to allow for
proper implementation of wastewater treatment facilities and other related bulk sewer infrastructure i.e. pump stations. Use
of Table 8 to calculate average dry weather flow (ADWF) must therefore be made for long-term water master planning
purposes or until layout plans or specific land uses have been finalised.

Table 8: Summarised Planning Standards for ADWF

(erven / ha) (kℓ / ha / day)
Residential I 10 10.00
Residential I and II 20 16.00
Residential III 40 22.00
City of Ekurhuleni

Residential IV 60 27.50
Residential IV 80 32.00
Residential IV 100 40.00
Residential IV 120 48.00
Agricultural Holding 1 1.40
Business/Commercial 0.4 FAR 1 30.00
Industrial 0.6 FAR 1 22.00
1FAR – Floor Area Ratio

3.2.2 Unit demands for detail engineering design

As a general guide for determining sewer discharge, it can be assumed that the discharge will be approximately 80% of the
daily water consumption for fully developed areas. Use of Table 9 must be made to calculate ADWF during detail design,
when layout plans or specific land uses have been finalised.

Table 9: Design Standards for Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF)

1.1 Low-cost housing – erf up to 500 m² kℓ per erf 0.6
1.2 Conventional small sized erf up to 500m² kℓ per erf 0.5
1.3 Medium sized erf 501m² - 1000m² kℓ per erf 0.5
1.4 Large-sized erf 1 001 m² up to 1 500 m² kℓ per erf 0.6
1.5 Extra-large erf 1 501 m² and larger kℓ per erf 1.0
1.6 Cluster housing up to 20 units per hectare (Res 2) kℓ per unit 0.65
1.7 Cluster housing 21 up to 40 units per hectare (Res 3) kℓ per unit 0.53
1.8 Cluster housing 41 up to 60 units per hectare (Res 4) kℓ per unit 0.4
1.9 Cluster housing 61 up to 80 units per hectare (Res 4) kℓ per unit 0.34
1.10 Cluster housing 81 up to 100 units per hectare (Res 4) kℓ per unit 0.28
1.11 High-rise flats (± 50 m² per unit) according to FSR kℓ per 100 m² 0.4
1.12 Boarding houses, hostels, hotels, retirement centers & villages, orphanages kℓ per 100m² 0.6

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services


1.13 Guesthouses - allocation per room regardless of room size kℓ per room 0.4
1.14 Agricultural holdings & farm land (connection for domestic use only) kℓ per domestic unit 1.56
Agricultural holdings (house + servants quarters + garden) (to be used only
1.15 kℓ per holding 1.4
for subdivisions to create multiple holdings)
1.16 Gate house for security villages kℓ per unit 0.2
2.1 General business with an FAR (dry) kℓ per 100m² 0.6
2.2 General business with an FAR (wet) kℓ per 100m² 0.8
2.3 Business and offices kℓ per 100m² 0.44
2.4 Gym, health spa kℓ per 100m² 0.4
2.5 Commercial kℓ per 100m² 0.7
2.6 Restaurant, bakery kℓ per wash bay 0.8
2.7 Butchery kℓ per 100m² 0.2
2.8 Warehousing (including up to 20% offices) kℓ per 100m² 0.4
2.9 Garage or filling station kℓ per 100m² 1.0
2.10 Car wash facility (no recycling) kℓ per wash bay 6.0
2.11 Car wash facility (with recycling plant) kℓ per wash bay 3.6
2.12 Motor city / Retail park as a single zoning (car sales + limited offices) kℓ per 100m² 0.4
2.13 Vehicle parking garage/grounds kℓ per bay 0.0
2.14 Nursery (sales area) kℓ per 100m² 0.4
2.15 Nursery (planting and production area) kℓ per hectare 0.2
City of Ekurhuleni

3.1 Industrial (dry) kl per 100m² 0.4

3.2 Industrial (wet) kl per 100m² min of 1.0 kl
4.1 Club buildings kl per 100m² 0.3
4.2 Club grounds kl per hectare 0.0
4.3 Stadium building per 1 000 people 1.5
4.4 Stadium grounds kl per hectare 0.0
4.5 Municipal park buildings kl per 100m² 0.4
4.6 Municipal park grounds kl per hectare 0.0
4.7 Hospital buildings without laundry kl per 100m² 1.0
4.8 Hospital buildings with laundry kl per 100m² 3.15
4.9 Hospital grounds kl per hectare 0.0
4.10 Church buildings kl per 100m² 0.1
4.11 Church grounds kl per hectare 1.0
4.12 School, crèche, educational buildings kl per pupil 0.5
4.13 School, crèche, educational grounds kl per hectare 0.5
4.14 Municipal, governmental developments kl per 100m² 0.8
5.1 Mixed use kl per hectare 13.0
5.2 Private open space kl per hectare 0.0
Development Development
5.3 Special
specific specific
5.4 Home enterprise (dry, office, IT) kl per 100 m2 0.4
5.5 Home enterprise (wet, tavern, hairdresser) kl per 100 m2 0.8
1 FAR – Floor Area Ratio

Calculations to be based on the potential area or number of units being applied for.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

3.2.3 Hydraulic design Design flow and pipe capacity

· Network / reticulation sewer lines shall have a full flow depth of 50% (d/D) at design flow, including allowance for
infiltration (15% of ADWF).
· Outfall sewers shall have a full flow depth of 70% (d/D) at design flow, including allowance for infiltration (15% of

Providing a full flow capacity of at least 80% at peak dry weather flow (PDWF) with the remaining 20% allocated for
extraneous flows (storm water ingress) as shown in Figure 1. The peak flow must be calculated with a peak factor of 2.5
irrispective of the number of erven.
City of Ekurhuleni

Figure 1: Concept of extraneous flows in a waterborne sewer (CTMM, 2009)

Peak discharge: Peak factor (PF) x ADWF

The minimum allowable internal diameter for any municipal sewer pipe is 145 mm (160 mm OD).

Table 10: Sewer flow friction formulae


Q = flow rate (m³/s)

n = coefficient of roughness (s/m1/3)
2 A = flow area (m²)
𝑅𝑅3 √S P = wetted perimeter (m)
𝑄𝑄 = A
n R = hydraulic radius (m) – A/P
S = slope of the energy grade line (m/m)

The following typical Manning values should be used:

· New / finished concrete pipes: 0.012

· Old / unfinished concrete pipes: 0.015
· Vitrified sewer pipes: 0.014
· Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) with smooth inner walls: 0.012

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· Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with smooth inner walls 0.010 Pipe flow velocity

Pipe flow velocity should fall within the limits specified in Table 11

Table 11: Sewer flow velocities

Gravity mains 0.70
Rising mains 0.70 Pipe gradient

Where possible, sewer lines should follow the natural slope of the ground provided that the minimum flow velocity of 0.7 m/s
is maintained with sufficient hydraulic capacity. The minimum gradients, as specified in Table 12 shall be adhered to.

Table 12: Minimum gradients

< 10 1:80
10 - 30 1:100
City of Ekurhuleni

> 30 1:150
110 mm diameter (house connections) 1:60
160 mm diameter 1:150
200 mm diameter 1:200
250 mm diameter 1:250
315 mm diameter 1:300
355 mm diameter 1: 350
400 mm diameter 1 : 400
450 mm diameter 1 : 450
500 mm diameter 1 : 500
Slope must ensure minimum full flow
> 500 mm diameter
velocity of 0.70 m/s is maintained
Special approval is required from CoE for gradients larger than 1: 500. Depths of sewer pipes below natural ground level

A sewer connection must be provided to drain the total developable area of the erf. The sewer invert level at each erf
connection must be designed so that the most critical point in the erf can drain to the sewer at a minimum gradient of 1:60.
The erf connection must have a minimum cover of 300 mm at any point in the erf.

A minimum allowance of 100 mm must be made for survey (DTM) error. An allowance for the actual DTM error shall be
made if the mean square error is larger than 100 mm.

The minimum depth to invert level of the erf / house connection = cover + DTM error + pipe diameter = 500 mm.

Provided that the natural ground slope along the house connection is less than 1:60 the sewer invert level at each house
connection can be calculated as follows:

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

DB = Depth of invert of house connection at point B

DB = (L1 + L2) / 60 + 0.5 - (ZA - ZB)
L1 and L2 = Maximum length of private sewer as shown
ZA = Ground level at point A
ZB = Ground level at point B (normally the lowest point of the erf adjacent to municipal sewer)
City of Ekurhuleni

The following must be considered:

· The invert level of the erf connection must be connected to the soffit of the municipal sewer.
· The invert level of the sewer line at the house connection B may therefore not be less than:
Invert level = ZA – 0.5 - (L1 + L2) / 60

The following minimum depths are prescribed:

· Stream and river crossings: 1.2 m *

· Reticulation pipes ouside road reserves: 1.0 m.

· Reticulation pipes inside road reserves: 1.4 m.
· Reticulation pipes and erf connections with cover of less than 0.8 m under road surface shall be encased in soilcrete.

The minimum depths stipulated above can be decreased where the depth of the existing infrastructure dictates otherwise
(depending on the invert level of the existing sewer). Exceptional cases will be considered on their merits after consultation
with the Divisional Head: Operations Division. Steep slopes

For gradients steeper than 1:10, concrete anchor blocks should be provided at pipe joints.

Sewer at a slope of 1 in 6 or steeper must be encased in 15 MPa concrete with a minimum thickness of 150 mm around the
barrel of the pipe. The consultant to determine detail of anchoring, but the anchor blocks may not be spaced more than
12 m apart.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services Road crossings

Sewer crossing under surfaced roads (existing tar roads) may not be encased in concrete as a rule. However, an
engineering design must be submitted, indicating the protection measures (which must be approved by the Divisional Head:
Projects Division) for any sewer road crossing shallower than 1.5 m.

The trench must be backfilled in accordance with the specifications of the CoE: Roads and Storm Water Department. The
selected materials must be compacted to a depth of at least 300 mm above the top of the pipe by means of compactors to
ensure the specified compaction density.

3.2.4 Routing/location

For routing of sewer lines, the following aspects should be considered:

· The sewer line must follow the natural fall of the ground.
· The sewer line must be installed in and/or adjacent to the properties that will benefit most from the line.
· Road crossings must be kept to a minimum.
· The sewer must have minimum interference with existing infrastructure and other services.
· All sewer reticulation pipes shall be installed according to the standard services layout drawings.
· Sewers installed within the road reserve boundary must be positioned in accordance standard drawing indicating the
City of Ekurhuleni

positions of the various services. (See also specific positions in areas underlain by dolomite.)
· Where the sewer and water lines are to be installed in the same trench, sewer manholes must be positioned so as to
allow for a minimum clear distance of 500 mm between the outside of any manhole and the water pipeline.
· The final finished levels of carriageways, sidewalks and vehicle entrances to properties, and the depth of sewer inverts
below finished sidewalk levels, particularly for steep cross-falls, must be considered in the design of sewers.
· All other services must be taken into account.

3.2.5 Sewer pumping lines (rising mains)

The pumping of sewage must be avoided as far as possible and only considered if gravity transfer of sewage is not possible
and / or feasible. Accordingly, the installation of sewer pumping lines is strictly dependent on approval of CoE’s HOD –
Water and Sanitation Department.

The design of sewer pumping lines shall comply with the following minimum standards:

· The minimum diameter of a rising main shall be 160 mm.

· The minimum velocity shall be 0.7 m/s with a maximum velocity not exceeding 1.5 m/s.
· The vertical alignment of the rising main must be such that air and scour valves are avoided or kept to an absolute
minimum where it is required due to site conditions.
· Air pockets must be avoided by using a gradient greater than 0.3% (1:333) for small diameters and 0.2% (1:500) for
large diameter pipelines.
· Stilling chambers must be provided at heads of all rising mains with sufficient ventilation. The stilling chamber must be
designed so that the water level is above the soffit of the pipeline entering the chamber.

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3.2.6 Sewer system in mid-blocks

Mid-block systems are not permitted and will only be allowed under special conditions with the approval of CoE’s Divisional
Head: Water and Sanitation Department – Project, Planning and Operations Divisions.

Sewer junctions (junction, cleaning eyes, lampholes and manholes)

3.3.1 Junction of sewers

The junction with an interceptor sewer must generally be soffit (top of pipe) to soffit; with due design consideration to the
hydraulic energy lines through the junction.

3.3.2 Cleaning eyes & lampholes

Cleaning eyes and lamp holes in road reserves and erven, may only be placed at the higher end of sections shorter than
15 m, serving a maximum of two dwelling units.

3.3.3 Manholes Manhole placement

Manholes must be placed as follows:

City of Ekurhuleni

· At intervals of 80 m on network sewers. A larger spacing may be accepted for outfall sewers of diameters greater
than 600mm, subject to approval by CoE of each proposed installation. On collector sewers, and especially outfall
sewers, the distance between manholes may be increased in consultation with the CoE. The manhole spacing should
be reduced where steep grades are encountered to limit the head on any part of the sewer to 6 m maximum under
blockage conditions.
· At positions on steep grades (1:10 or steeper), to prevent backpressure in house gullies under blockage conditions.
· At changes in grade and direction.
· Where two or more sewer lines connect.
· At the higher end of all sections that serve more than three dwelling units and that are longer than 50 m.
· At least one manhole must be positioned in the road reserve where a sewer line crosses a road.
· With the establishment of all reticulation systems, a starting manhole shall be introduced.
· Backdrops / drop-manholes will not be considered. Where flows and economy considerations (i.e. trench depth)
become significant, the alternative of two closely spaced manholes is the prescribed option. Fall through manholes

Compensation for energy losses must be made by allowing a fall in channels through manholes.

A minimum fall of 75 mm is required for pipes diameters ranging between 160 to 315 mm, up to gradients of 1:15. Where
gradients exceed 1:15, the actual fall on the inlet or outlet pipe, whichever is the greatest, plus an additional 25 mm must be
provided. For pipe diameters exceeding 315 mm, the actual fall must be calculated from the standard energy equations, as

· Standard Energy Equation:

H1 + V12/2g = H2 + V22/2g + h

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h = fall in manhole due to gradient

= minimum fall
= S x (diameter of manhole)
= energy loss through manhole
S = gradient
H = design flow depth on either side of a manhole
V = design velocity on either side of a manhole
· Energy loss due to change in direction:
hb = Kb ( Vf2/2g)
hb = Energy loss in metres due to bend
Kb = Loss coefficient, which is a function of the change in direction (refer to Error! Reference source not found.)
Vf = Flow velocity with pipe flowing full

Table 13: Loss Coefficients for change in direction

Change in Direction Kb
0˚ - 22.5 ˚ 0.0 - 0.1
22.5˚ - 45 ˚ 0.1 - 0.2
45˚ - 90 ˚ - 0.4
City of Ekurhuleni

Property / erf connections

3.4.1 General requirements

Each erf in a new township must be serviced by a separate house connection from the main sewer. Traversing neighbouring
properties with a private sewer will not be allowed. Cleaning / rodding eyes shall be installed at each house connection to
the municipal system.

Erven zoned for use other than special residential, as well as residential erven zoned to a density higher than Residential 1
and with three or more units, must connect to the municipal sewer system with a 160 mm diameter connection out of a
manhole. This manhole and connection must be provided on the main sewer during construction of the network of the

The sewers for new developments must be implemented in such a way that future developments can easily connect and to
minimise the need for additional manholes and sewers. This will require the sewer to be extended to the boundary of the
higher lying properties at suitable drainage positions for future developments.

A concrete marker with wire attached to the end cap shall be provided at the terminal point(s).

No private connection(s) shall be allowed after the sewer reticulation has been transferred to CoE’s Operations Division.
Thereafter, CoE’s Water Services shall construct additional connection point(s) against the applicable promulgated tariff.

3.4.2 Connection requirements

· All erf connections shall be 110 mm diameter uPVC.

· For larger users (i.e. cluster developments, business, commercial or industrial), erf connections shall be 160 mm
diameter uPVC.

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· All erf connections shall be terminated at the road reserve boundary and 1.0 m from the lateral boundaries at the erf /
stand's lowest hydraulic point. All erf connections shall be provided with suitable end caps.
· A sewer connection must be provided at the lowest point of each erf, as follows:
o For Residential 1 erven: 110mm diameter house connection from the main sewer to a distance of 500 mm
inside the erf boundary and not less than 1.0 m from the side boundary at the lowest point of the boundary.
o For a property with a house plus a second dwelling unit: 110 mm diameter private connection from the
main sewer via a private cleaning eye (square cover).
o For more than two delling units on any erf up to a maximum of three units: 160 mm diameter sewer
connection to the main sewer via a lamp hole or cleaning eye.
o For more than three units on any erf: 150 mm diameter sewer connection to the main sewer via a manhole.
o For erven zoned for any use other than Residential 1 (Special Residential): 160mm diameter connection
to the main sewer via a manhole.
· The position of each erf connection must be identified with a marker block at ground level. The marker block will be
attached to a vertical wire from immediately above the connection but not tied or attached to the connection.

Existing services

3.5.1 General

The position of all existing and planned public and engineering services must be obtained and ascertained on site.
City of Ekurhuleni

Applicants, consultants and developers must adhere to the conditions set out in the wayleaves from affected service

The conditions of establishment in respect of the building line restrictions, servitudes and other relevant clauses must be
taken into account.

3.5.2 Storm water drains

Crossings of storm water drains / drainage should be kept to a minimum. With proper arrangement of manholes, it may be
possible for the sewer line to pass underneath storm water drain with minimum additional excavation.

3.5.3 Electrical and telecommunication cables

Prior to installing any sewer, the position of electrical and telecommunication cables must be verified with the relevant
authority and all relevant service providers as part of the wayleave application process (Eskom, Telkom, etc.).

3.5.4 Water mains

The exact location of water mains must be verified on site by utilising the position of valve boxes and through exposure of
the water mains and house connections where the sewer will be installed.

3.5.5 Trees

No interference or removal of trees on sidewalks will be allowed. Should site circumstances require removal of trees, official
approval must be obtained from CoE and Metro Parks.

Turbulence and odour prevention

Turbulence at junctions and in manholes may cause bad odours which must be limited by the following:

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· By ensuring that sewer connections to interceptor sewers is kept to an absolute minimum

· By avoiding areas that may lead to hydraulic jumps (i.e. ramps, sudden changes in gradients from steep to flat – rapid
change in slope i.e. where the upstream grade is more than five times the downstream grade of the sewer)
· By avoiding steep drops in manholes, and
· By adequately and correctly shaping channels and benching in manhole

Field testing, inspection and taking over

All erf connections shall be included in the final testing of the new sewer network, in accordance with the relevant
requirements of SABS 1200. Separate testing of the erf connections shall not be accepted. The contractor must ensure
that the test is achievable and correct prior to calling of CoE officials to witness the test.

The Projects Manager – Department of Water and Sanitation shall inspect the installation and witness the final testing of the
new sewer reticulation. No connections / tie-ins of new pipe(s) to the existing infrastructure shall be allowed unless all tests
have been done, approved and accepted. CoE will do the connection to the existing infrastructure in accordance with the
approved design. This work will be done at the cost of the applicant who must request the CoE to execute the work.
Standard tariffs for different sizes of pipe will be applicable and must be paid by the applicant before any work will be done
by CoE.
City of Ekurhuleni

The results of CCTV inspection(s), including the inspection the gradient of the newly laid pipes, shall be submitted to CoE.
Upon acceptance of the final testing and results of the CCTV inspection(s), the ownership and maintenance of the reticulation
network will be taken over by the Department of Water and Sanitation – Operations Division. However, CoE will only take
over the operational and maintenance responsibility of infrastructure from a developer (including connections) upon
proclamation and / or registration of subdivisions, where applicable.


It is of the utmost importance that no leakage emanating from water infrastructure occurs in dolomite areas.

The requirements of the following national standard shall be implemented for all sewage infrastructure in areas underlain
by dolomite:
· SANS 1936:2012 – “Development of Dolomite Land”, Parts 1 to 4 and in particular Part 3: “Design and Construction
of Buildings, Structures and Infrastructure”
Consultants may also consult the following publications for further information:

· “Proposed method for dolomite land hazard and risk assessment in South Africa”, SAICE Journal Volume 43(2) 2001,
paper 462 pages 27-36, Buttrick et. al. (current industry standard document)
· Section 2.8 of Part 1 of the Home Building Manual as published by the NHBRC, Revision 1, 1999
· PW344: “Appropriate Development Infrastructure on Dolomite: Manual for Consultants” as published by the National
Department of Public Works, June 2006. This document is available under Consultants Documents on the website of
the Department of Public Works (www.publicworks.gov.za).

Consultants shall obtain the dolomite report for the specific development before the design of the sewer network

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The map in Section 2 (page 14) depicts, in broad terms, the areas within the municipality which are known to be underlain
by dolomites.

Alternative routing of wet services around high-risk areas should always be investigated.

The minimum standards for sewer services in areas underlain by Dolomite are as follows:.

Underground wet services shall be designed and constructed to minimise maintenance requirements and to avoid potential
leakage points. In addition, liquids shall be contained in watertight structures to avoid possible disturbance of the
underground environment.

· The relevant portions of the Standard Specifications for Municipal Civil Engineering Works shall be applied in the
installation of all underground services.
· The backfilling to service trenches and other excavations shall, except in rock, be less permeable than the surrounding
material. General minimum compaction standard to be 93% Mod AASHTO, provided permeability requirements are
met. The use of non-cohesive single size graded sand or crusher sand for bedding, surround blankets and backfill
shall not be allowed.
· Where feasible, provision for future connections to all services should be made in order to minimize cutting into pipes
to provide such connections at a later stage.
City of Ekurhuleni

· Provision should be made in all pipelines transporting sewer to accommodate potential differential movements without
causing pipelines or joints to leak.
· Valves shall be flanged resilient seal gate valves and be fitted to butt welded flanges only.

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General requirements

Regardless of the shape and size of the reservoir, the aesthetics of the reservoir and site should blend in with the natural

Above ground reservoirs are preferred as leaks can be easily identified around walls and between wall and floor joints.
Shallower underflow drains of above ground reservoirs will further assist in leak detection while easing the cleaning
operations of underdrain sumps.

The reservoir must be equipped with the following:

· Inlet pipes;
· Outlet pipe;
· Scour chamber / pipe with a valve;
· Standard access manholes with a watertight, lockable cover raised 200mm above the roof top surface;
· Overflow pipe with the necessary discharge arrangements;
· Air vents – these should not give access to insects, birds or other contaminants;
· Access ladders mounted both inside and outside the reservoir;
City of Ekurhuleni

· A 2.0 m wide concrete apron around the reservoir and a 1.0 m wide storm water v-drain; and
· A network of under floor drains (to collect any leakage and/or if the ground water table rises);
· All pipes running below the reservoir will be encased in mass concrete.

Design Codes and Standards

The design of reservoirs structure and pipe works infrastructure within the CoE must comply with the following designed
requirements, amongst others, according to the latest edition of the following Codes, Standards and Statutory Regulations:

· SANS 10100: The structural use of concrete,

· SABS 0162-1: The structural use of steel;
· SANS 10160- Series -: The general procedures and loading to be adopted in the design of buildings;
· SANS 1200: Standardized Specification for Civil Engineering Construction; and
· BS 8007: 1978 – British Standard Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structure for Retaining Aqueous Liquids.

Reservoir sizing

Sufficient storage must be provided to meet balancing requirements and to cater for emergency and / or planned shutdowns
of the supply to the distribution system by CoE or Rand Water. The sizing should also align with the RW Application.

Table 14: Reservoir Storage requirements

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Reservoir Storage Capacity Additional capacity for Fire Flow

Supply under gravity 36 Hours of AADD Equal to fire flow requirements (refer to
Supply under pumping 36 Hours of AADD Section 2.2.4)
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Supply rates

Flow control valves should regulate the flow to reservoirs.

The recommended flow rate to the reservoir is 1.5 times the AADD. The flow control valve should have an ultimate capacity
to comply with the required inflows under the ultimate AADD for the reservoir zone.

A recommended peak demand supply factor of 3.0 must applied to the AADD from the reservoir. The outlet pipework must
be designed using a required peak flow.

Structural design

4.5.1 General

All reservoirs should be concrete, with no painting of the external structure to facilitate ease of maintenance.

A pre-stressed concrete reservoir wall with a uniform thickness constructed monolithically with the wall foundation is
recommended. The prestressing cables must be anchored at buttresses equally spaced around the perimeter of the
reservoir wall. Cables must be arranged so as to minimize the effect of losses due to friction and to produce a constant
prestressing force around the tank perimeter.
City of Ekurhuleni

Flat roof reservoirs are preferred as maintenance of domed roof reservoirs remain a challenge. A conventionally reinforced
concrete roof slab with the top surface sloping from the centre towards the perimeter to facilitate drainage of rain water is
recommended. The roof must be covered with a 100 mm thick layer of 19 mm diameter crushed stone to provide thermal
insulation. Column foundations are to be constructed off the floor slab so as to eliminate penetrations through the floor. An
upstand beam around the edge of the roof must be provided to:

· retain the crashed stone insulating layer; and

· control and guide roof run-off, which must be discharged through weep-holes strategically positioned.

The floor must be provided with underfloor drains positioned immediately below the expansion/contraction joints in the floor.
In addition, a 100 mm thick no-fines concrete drainage layer must be provided under the complete floor area. The floor
drains discharge to a perimeter drain with inspection eyes at each junction to facilitate the detection of any leaks at the floor

4.5.2 Recommended loadings

· Roof – 100 mm thick layer of 19 mm saturated crushed stone on roof slab (Live load of 2.5 kPa);
· Wall – Hydrostatic pressure due to water (10 kN/m³ density);
· Minimum cover to all reinforcement of 40 mm;
· Maximum design crack width of 0.1 mm.

4.5.3 Materials

· Concrete – Class 35/19 as minimum with minimum cement content of 420 kg/m³;
· SANS 1200: Standardized Specification for Civil Engineering Construction;

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· Reinforcing Steel – 450 MPa yield strength; and

· Structural Steel – Grade 355W for hot rolled sections and Grade 355W for plates.

4.5.4 Pipework inside reservoir

All pipework cast-in concrete and inside the reservoir shall be stainless steel grade 316L, lined and coated with epoxy. All
other pipework will be in accordance with the requirements of Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning
and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Flexible joints (i.e. couplings, Victaulic clamps or flange adaptors) are not allowed inside reservoirs.

4.5.5 Ventilation, access opening and ladders

The design shall make provision safe access into the reservoir and adequate ventilation into the reservoir. The ladder inside
the reservoir shall be stainless steel grade 316L.

Ventilators shall be designed to allow sufficient air inlet but prevent entry of dirt, birds, insects and other objects that can
affect the quality of water inside the reservoir.

4.5.6 Sealing of reservoirs

City of Ekurhuleni

Special measures shall be implemented to prevent reservoir leaks. The consultant shall submit the design and specification
in this regard for CoE’s review.

Pipework and valves

This section should be read in conjunction with Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of
Water and Sanitation Services”.

4.6.1 Inlet, outlet, overflow and scour pipework

· All pipework must be sized to have an acceptable flow velocity of between 1.0 m/s to 1.5 m/s;
· A water meter must be installed where the main supply pipeline enters the reservoirs site. This is to enable CoE to do
a water balance and identify possible leaks on the supply line;
· After the water meter, a chamber with FCV / ACV combination must be constructed to control / limit the flow to the
designed AADD. This will also ensure valve closure when the reservoir reaches its full supply level. The system must
be a duplicate to allow maintenance of the control valves without disrupting the operation of the reservoir;
· An isolating valve is required on each inlet to allow selective operation of the inlets if required;
· The inlet and outlet pipes shall be positioned to ensure good circulation of the water and prevent stagnant areas.
· Two bottom outlets must be provided that will combine into a single pipe outside the reservoir. The combined outlet
must be metered and the outlet pipe must be constructed to the reservoir site boundary wall. Isolating valves must be
installed on each individual outlet to allow selective operation if required;
· An overflow pipe must be installed which will enter an inspection chamber;
· The overflow capacity shall be adequate to accommodate any possible inflow scenario in future, during periods where
there will be no water flowing from the reservoir through the outlet and the level control is not working.
· A scour pipe must be installed with an isolation valve and the scour pipe to be linked to the overflow inspection

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· The design shall provide for a channel system to transport the overflow water away from the reservoir site, without
causing erosion, taking health and safety into consideration and to an area where it can do no harm to the public and
environment. The consultant shall obtain CoE’s approval for the proposed design.
· A scour pipe must convey water from the reservoir to the nearest existing storm water system; and
· The scouring capacity shall be adequate to empty a full reservoir in 36 hours. The same requirements applicable to
channel overflow water away from the reservoir site also apply to scouring.
· Minimum scour velocity of 0.6 m/s to be achieved in main pipeline.
· A manual by-pass system must be included, should the need arise to completely isolate the reservoir from the supply
and distribution networks.

4.6.2 Valves Level control

Hydraulic level control valves are preferred to valves with actuators as they do not require any electricity, require minimal
maintenance and lower operating costs.

The following three types of hydraulic level control valves will be considered:

· Altitude level control: Can be used where the reservoir is supplied by a dedicated inflow with no off-takes on the supply
City of Ekurhuleni

· Flow rate control: Can be used where off-takes are present on the supply pipeline. The flow rate can be controlled
with an orifice plate, sized for maximum flow into the reservoir, downstream of the level control valve.
· Float level control valve.

The altitude level -, flow rate - and float level control valves for reservoir inlets shall have a float control pilot and have a
pressure rating of Class 16 – flanges shall conform to SABS 1123 table 1 600 / 3.

The valve must be able to function as a two position control valve, either fully open or fully closed. The valve must also
allow normal forward flow to fill the reservoir to the maximum level and then close drip-tight at the set-point. It must open to
refill the reservoir once the level drops below a fixed level (normally 2 m below the TWL). This delayed opening feature
ensures that the valve does not immediately open and subsequently close on a lowering reservoir TWL.

The altitude pilot system shall fully exhaust to atmosphere ensuring the valve opens fully, no modulating control shall be
accepted. The pilot control shall be supplied complete with an adjustment range of between 2 m and 14 m.

Valves shall be hydraulically operated globe valves. The inner valve assembly shall be top and bottom guided by means of
bearing bushings. The inner valve assembly shall be the only moving part and shall be securely mounted on an AISI 316
Stainless Steel stem. Lower grades of Stainless Steel shall not be acceptable. The Stainless Steel stem shall be provided
with wrench flats for ease of assembly and maintenance. Wrench flats will be fully accessible when inner valve is assembled.

All pressure containing components shall be constructed of ASTM A536-65 / 45 / 12 ductile iron. Valves shall be provided
with smooth frictionless motion and maximum low flow stability with actuation being achieved by the use of Rolling
Diaphragm technology.

Telemetry can be used to stop and start pumps by monitoring the level of the reservoir or to close and open a valve with an
actuator on the reservoir inlet pipe for gravity feed pipelines.

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Special design measures must be implemented to ensure that pumping against a close valve does not occur.

The consultant shall submit the proposed method for reservoir level control for CoE’s approval. Isolating valves

Wedge gate type valves are preferred, with a minimum pressure rating PN16 standard left-hand closing.

Butterfly valves shall be considered in case where the pipe diameter is greater than 300 mm, with prior approval from
Divisional Head: Projects Division. Pressure reducing valves

As per Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

4.6.3 Water meters

A water meter, EMF type or similar, must be installed where the main supply pipeline enters the reservoirs site. This is to
enable City of Ekurhuleni to do a water balance and identify possible leaks on the supply line.;
City of Ekurhuleni

A water meter, EMF type or similar, must also be installed on the reservoir outlet for water management and / or billing

4.6.4 Bypass system

Where feasible, a bypass system must be installed for maintenance purposes within the reservoir site. The bypass must
be fitted with a PRV (where required) as well as upstream and downstream isolating valves. The installation of a PRV on
the bypass is dependent on the system operating pressure.

4.6.5 Potable Water sampling points

This section gives a guideline to the installation of potable water sample points for Water Quality to be able to take potable
water samples at reservoirs , towers and other network points.

It is very critical for each reservoir complex to have a properly installed potable water sample point to enable Water Quality
to take a quality sample to test the water for compliance against the legislated SANS 241 standard. These tests results are
thereof audited by Water Affairs for Blue drop compliance.

The sample point:

· Ensure that a sample point is installed on the inlet and outlet of the reservoir unless otherwise requested.
· Ensure that the water is not stagnant at the new installed point of sampling.
· Where two reservoirs are situated on one site, each reservoir should have a sample point to sample and test the
outgoing water.
· If a normal tap is used, requirements prefer a brass tap for enough sterilization of the sample point to take place.

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· Water Quality prefers a Parker Brass Female Hydraulic Quick Connect Coupling BH2-61 1/4 coupling at the fixed
installation points. See Figure below

· Where a Parker Brass Female quick connect BH2-60 coupling is used, Red polycop or polyethylene pipes should
not be exposed to the sunlight if used in installation. See Figure below

· Where a sample point is installed against a wall or vertically upwards, the space between the tap and the surface
should be at lease 500mm to ensure that the sample bottle can fit in-between.
City of Ekurhuleni

Stand-alone sample point.

Where a stand-alone sample point is to be installed at any reservoir or any other site, the ideal sample point can be
constructed in the following manner:

· Steel pipe must be about 500 mm high, and at least be 100mm or more in diameter and filled with concrete.
· Stand-alone pipe must be casted in a concrete base of approximately 1 m² or fixed to a base plate bolted into an
existing concrete slab.

· The standpipe must be painted yellow for the purpose of positive identification. Special measures shall be
implemented to prevent reservoir leaks. The consultant shall submit the design and specification in this regard for
CoE’s review

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· The pipe diameter between the water pipe (from which the sample needs to be taken) and the sample tap have
to be < 10 mm diameter
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General requirements

Regardless of the shape and size of the tower, the aesthetics of the tower and site should blend in with the natural

Due to corrosion problems all towers shall be concrete, with no painting of the external structure to facilitate ease of
maintenance, unless otherwise approved by CoE.

Water towers must be equipped with the following:

· Inlet pipes;
· Outlet pipe;
· Scour chamber / pipe with a valve;
· Standard access manholes with a watertight, lockable cover raised 200mm above the roof top surface;
· Overflow pipe with the necessary discharge arrangements;
· Air vents – these should not give access to insects, birds or other contaminants;
· Access ladders mounted both inside and outside the tower;
City of Ekurhuleni

Design Codes and Standards

The design of water towers and pipe works infrastructure within the CoE must comply with the following designed
requirements, amongst others, according to the latest edition of the following Codes, Standards and Statutory Regulations:

· SANS 10100: The structural use of concrete,

· SABS 0162-1: The structural use of steel;
· SANS 10160- Series -: The general procedures and loading to be adopted in the design of buildings;
· SANS 1200: Standardized Specification for Civil Engineering Construction; and
· BS 8007: 1978 – British Standard Code of Practice for Design of Concrete Structure for Retaining Aqueous Liquids.

Tower sizing

Sufficient storage must be provided to meet balancing requirements and to cater for emergency and/or planned shut-downs
of the supply to the distribution system by CoE or Rand Water.

Table 15: Elevated Tower Storage requirements

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Elevated Storage (Tower) Capacity Additional capacity for Fire Flow

One electrically driven duty pump, plus

one identical electrically driven standby
pump, plus automatically activated 2 Hours of IPF To be stored in Reservoir
standby power generation independent of
the electricity supply.
One electrically driven duty pump, plus
one identical electrically driven standby 4 to 6 hours of AADD To be stored in Reservoir
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Supply rates

· The elevated tower pump sets should be sized to have a duty equivalent to the sum of the instantaneous peak and
fire flow or instantaneous peak demand plus additional allowance of 10%, whichever is the greater.
· Where elevated storage (towers) can be supplied via gravity feed, a tower by-pass pipeline is recommended to supply
the consumers directly during power failures. Where necessary, PRV should be installed on the by-pass to control
the pressure in the water system downstream of the tower.

Structural design

5.5.1 Materials

· Concrete – Class 35/19 as minimum with minimum cement content of 420 kg/m³;
· SANS 1200: Standardized Specification for Civil Engineering Construction;
· Reinforcing Steel – 450 MPa yield strength; and
· Structural Steel – Grade 355W for hot rolled sections and Grade 355W for plates.

5.5.2 Pipework inside water towers

All pipework cast-in concrete and inside water towers shall be stainless steel grade 316L, lined and coated with epoxy. All
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other pipework will be in accordance with the requirements of Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning
and Design of Water and Sanitation Services”.

Flexible joints (i.e. couplings, Victaulic clamps or flange adaptors) are not allowed inside water towers.

5.5.3 Ventilation, access opening and ladders

The design shall make provision safe access into the water tower and adequate ventilation inside the tower. The ladder
inside the tower shall be stainless steel grade 316L.

Ventilators shall be designed to allow sufficient air inlet but prevent entry of dirt, birds, insects and other objects that can
affect the quality of water inside the water tower.

Pipework and valves

This section should be read in conjunction with Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of
Water and Sanitation Services”.

5.6.1 Inlet, outlet, overflow and scour pipework

· Towers must have dedicated inlet and outlet pipes – no common inlet and outlet pipe system shall be accepted;
· A water meter must be installed on the supply pipeline to the water tower;
· After the water meter, a chamber with FCV / ACV combination must be constructed to control / limit the flow to the
designed AADD. This will also ensure valve closure when the tower reaches its full supply level. The system must
be a duplicate to allow maintenance of the control valves without disrupting the operation of the tower;
· An isolating valve is required on each inlet to allow selective operation of the inlets if required;
· The inlet and outlet pipes shall be positioned to ensure good circulation of the water and prevent stagnant areas.

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· Two outlets must be provided that will combine into a single pipe outside the tower. Isolating valves must be installed
on each individual outlet to allow selective operation if required;
· An overflow pipe must be installed which will enter an inspection chamber;
· The overflow capacity shall be adequate to accommodate any possible inflow scenario in future, during periods where
there will be no water flowing from the reservoir through the outlet and the level control is not working.
· A scour pipe must be installed with an isolation valve and the scour pipe to be linked to the overflow inspection
· The design shall provide for a channel system to transport the overflow water away from the tower site, without causing
erosion, taking health and safety into consideration and to an area where it can do no harm to the public and
environment. The consultant shall obtain CoE’s approval for the proposed design.
· A scour pipe must convey water from the reservoir to the nearest existing storm water system; and
· The scouring capacity shall be adequate to empty a full reservoir in 6 hours. The same requirements applicable to
channel overflow water away from the water tower site also apply to scouring.
· A manual by-pass system must be included, should the need arise to completely isolate the water tower from the
supply and distribution networks.

5.6.2 Valves Level control

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Hydraulic level control valves are preferred over valves with actuators as they do not require any electricity, require minimal
maintenance and lower operating costs.

The following three types of hydraulic level control valves can be considered:

· Altitude level control: Can be used where the tower is supplied by a dedicated inflow with no off-takes on the supply
· Float level control valve.
· Ultrasonic level control

The altitude level -, flow rate - and float level control valves for reservoir inlets shall have a float control pilot and have a
pressure rating of Class 16 – flanges shall conform to SABS 1123 table 1 600 / 3.

The valve must be able to function as a two position control valve, either fully open or fully closed. The valve must also
allow normal forward flow to fill the tower to the maximum level and then close drip-tight at the set-point. It must open to
refill the tower once the level drops below a fixed level (normally 2 m below the TWL). This delayed opening feature ensures
that the valve does not immediately open and subsequently close on a lowering reservoir TWL.

The altitude pilot system shall fully exhaust to atmosphere ensuring the valve opens fully, no modulating control shall be

Valves shall be hydraulically operated globe valves. The inner valve assembly shall be top and bottom guided by means of
bearing bushings. The inner valve assembly shall be the only moving part and shall be securely mounted on an AISI 316
Stainless Steel stem. Lower grades of Stainless Steel shall not be acceptable. The Stainless Steel stem shall be provided
with wrench flats for ease of assembly and maintenance. Wrench flats will be fully accessible when inner valve is assembled.

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All pressure containing components shall be constructed of ASTM A536-65 / 45 / 12 ductile iron. Valves shall be provided
with smooth frictionless motion and maximum low flow stability with actuation being achieved by the use of Rolling
Diaphragm technology.

Telemetry can be used to stop and start pumps by monitoring the level of the reservoir or to close and open a valve with an
actuator on the reservoir inlet pipe for gravity feed pipelines.

Special design measures must be implemented to ensure that pumping against a close valve does not occur.

The consultant shall submit the proposed method for reservoir level control for CoE’s approval. Isolating valves

Wedge gate type valves are preferred, with a minimum pressure rating PN16 standard left-hand closing.

Butterfly valves shall be considered in case where the pipe diameter is greater than 300 mm, with prior approval from
Divisional Head: Projects Division.

5.6.3 Water meters

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A water meter, EMF type or similar, must be installed where the main supply pipeline enters the reservoirs site. This is to
enable City of Ekurhuleni to do a water balance and identify possible leaks on the supply line.;

A water meter, EMF type or similar, must also be installed on the reservoir outlet for water management and / or billing

5.6.4 Bypass system

Where feasible, a bypass system must be installed for maintenance purposes within the water tower site. The bypass must
be fitted with upstream and downstream isolating valves.

5.6.5 Potable Water sampling points

This section gives a guideline to the installation of potable water sample points for Water Quality to be able to take potable
water samples at reservoirs , towers and other network points.

It is very critical for each reservoir complex to have a properly installed potable water sample point to enable Water Quality
to take a quality sample to test the water for compliance against the legislated SANS 241 standard. These tests results are
thereof audited by Water Affairs for Blue drop compliance.

The sample point:

· Ensure that a sample point is installed on the inlet and outlet of the tower unless otherwise requested.
· Ensure that the water is not stagnant at the new installed point of sampling.
· Where two towers are situated on one site, each tower should have a sample point to sample and test the outgoing
· If a normal tap is used, requirements prefer a brass tap for enough sterilization of the sample point to take place.

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· Water Quality prefers a Parker Brass Female Hydraulic Quick Connect Coupling BH2-61 1/4 coupling at the fixed
installation points. See Figure below

· Where a Parker Brass Female quick connect BH2-60 coupling is used, Red polycop or polyethylene pipes should
not be exposed to the sunlight if used in installation. See Figure below

· Where a sample point is installed against a wall or vertically upwards, the space between the tap and the surface
should be at lease 500mm to ensure that the sample bottle can fit in-between.
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Stand-alone sample point.

Where a stand-alone sample point is to be installed at any reservoir or any other site, the ideal sample point can be
constructed in the following manner:

· Steel pipe must be about 500 mm high, and at least be 100mm or more in diameter and filled with concrete.
· Stand-alone pipe must be casted in a concrete base of approximately 1 m² or fixed to a base plate bolted into an
existing concrete slab.

· The standpipe must be painted yellow for the purpose of positive identification. Special measures shall be
implemented to prevent reservoir leaks. The consultant shall submit the design and specification in this regard for
CoE’s review

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· The pipe diameter between the water pipe (from which the sample needs to be taken) and the sample tap have
to be < 10 mm diameter
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General requirements

Water pump stations are designed to either pump water into a reservoir / water tower or to pump it directly into reticulation
zones in order to maintain constant pressures within a zone. While pump stations pumping water into a reservoir / water
tower will be controlled by level controllers, the latter will be controlled by pressure monitoring and pumps fitted with variable
speed drives (VSD’s).

Pump stations shall be easily accessible during all weather conditions.

To ensure proper operation of the pumps, the contractor shall be required to test and adjust all equipment after construction
is completed. Pumps and motors shall be aligned and balanced on site per manufacturer’s specifications /

The following basic requirements are applicable:

· Aesthetic appearance and low-maintenance landscaping.

· Adequate service (water and electricity) connections.
· A concrete apron sloping away from the pump station.
· A washing slab draining into the wet sump.
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· A 25 mm hose bib tap with a heavy duty garden hose capable of reaching the whole pump station.
· Access stairs / CAT ladders where necessary.
· Safe and sufficient storage areas for operational manuals, tools and lubricants
· To ensure a valid warranty, pump sets shall be supplied directly by the manufacturer or by authorized and licenced
suppliers who shall provide the manufacturer's warranty services for the pump sets.
· Inlet works, dry / wet wells, suction and delivery pipework and rising main with all necessary pressure control and
measurement features, surge protection systems, air-vacuum / release valves, isolation valves, couplings, odour
control systems and other appurtenances required for a complete and operable system.
· Appropriate noise control system.
· Access road and parking, site security, lighting, drainage, signs and landscaping

Location and site selection

The following aspects must be addressed during the site selection process of a pump station:

· It must have minimum impact on the environment.

· It must be situated above the 1:50 year flood line.
· It must cause minimum inconvenience for those operating and maintaining it.
· It must have a minimum impact in the event of an emergency.

Pumps and motors

6.3.1 General

In general, dry well installations are preferred.

Split case centrifugal type pumps are preferred above multi stage pumps. Bronze or stainless steel impellers are also
preferred. The pumps should be equiped with a Fenno flex or steel type coupling.

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Base plates must be manufactured from mild steel plate of adequate thickness, galvanised according to SABS 1463. The
base plate must allow the pump and motor to be easily removed without removing any part of the suction or delivery

Pump motors must be three-phase induction type, with embedded sensors for thermal detecting and cut out.

6.3.2 System hydraulics

Pump stations shall be designed to operate under the full range of projected system hydraulic conditions. Systems shall be
designed to prevent pumps from operating for extended periods beyond the pump manufacturers’ recommended normal
operating ranges. Start / stop cycles shall be in accordance with the motor manufacturers’ recommendation.

6.3.3 Surge analysis

Hydraulic surges and transients (water hammer) shall be determined during the design of pump stations and rising mains
and the design of all relevant components shall take these pressures into consideration.

6.3.4 Cyclic fatique

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The design shall take cyclic fatique due to cyclic pressures (pump starts and stops) into consideration.

6.3.5 Pump duty and number of pumps

The pump performance curves must be superimposed on the pipeline system curve to select a suitable pump operation
duty point.A minimum of two pumps (1 x operating + 1 x standby) should be installed, operating alternatively, each capable
of pumping the design flow. Standby pumps must be automatically activated if a duty pump or its driving motor fails due to
mechanical failure. However, care must be taken not to provide excessive standby capacity.

At least one spare / standby pump must be provided, depending on the total number of pumps, with a capacity similar to the
largest pump.

6.3.6 Efficiency

Pumps shall be selected to ensure that the specific duty point falls within the best efficiency performance / near the maximum
efficiency point on the pump’s characteristic curve, within the pump’s recommended operating range and within the
manufacturer's recommended limits for radial thrust and vibration.

Pump station layout

The design of the pump station shall make provision for adequate space for operation and maintenance and a safe working

Hoisting equipment must be able to reach all equipment that cannot be handled by hand, with sufficient vertical space to lift
and move the equipment to the outside of the pump station.

At least one access door shall be provided for man entry only and one for the removal of all equipment by truck.

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Pump stations shall be protected from physical damage and remain operational during a 100-year flood.

It is preferred that pump floors be above ground level to prevent storm water flooding and to drain leaking water under gravity
to the outside. Should it be necessary that the pump sets be installed below ground level (eg to increase the NPSH available),
adequate provision must be made to pump storm water and leaking water out to prevent damage to equipment.

Noise control

The pumping station facility should meet the minimum noise level requirement of the local authority and the Occupational
Safety and Health Act (Act 85 of 1993).

The following aspects should receive special attention during the design and positioning process:

· Minimizing the generation of sound energy as well as the reduction thereof by applying appropiate attenuation
· Deflecting the sound energy away from sensitive areas.
· Minimizing the objectional characterisitcs of the sound.

Other mechanical and electrical items

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6.6.1 Hoisting equipment

The sub-structure and superstructure must be designed to ensure that the installation and removal of equipment can be
done with minimal effort. This may require provision for access hatches, lifting hooks, hoisting systems, roller shutter doors

6.6.2 Ventilation

The pump station should ensure sufficient movement of fresh air by a suitable ventilation system to prevent damage to
mechanical and electrical equipment due to overheating.

Sumps shall also be well ventilated to prevent build-up of dangerous gasses.

6.6.3 Standby generators

Where water pump stations require backup power a stand-by generator to supply the pump station with full load of power
for a minimum of 6 hours in case the primary electrical supply is out of service.

Larger pump stations shall have permanent diesel-oil fuelled, engine-driven generator units with automatic transfer switches
to transfer the electrical feed from the primary to the standby unit when a power failure is detected by the instrumentation
and control system, sized to operate all electrical components. Generators must be fitted with a stainless steel diesel tank
as well as an AMF (automatic mains failure) detection.

Determining the engine generator’s size depends upon the requirements of starting and operating the pumps at peak
possible load and all ancillary equipment in the pump station that could operate during a power outage.

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Wedge type gate valves shall be permitted for diameters smaller than 600 mm with a minimum pressure rating PN16 to
SABS 664, non-rising spindle and left hand closing. Butterfly valves shall only be considered for installations exceeding 450
mm in diameter.

Provision must be made for suitable air, scour, control and non-return valves as required by the design.

Butterfly valves shall not be allowed as pressure or flow control valves but can be used with an actuator to start or stop
pumps against closed valves, but it must be either in a fully open or fully closed position.

The selection of the type of non-return valves shall take surges and transients into consideration.

For general valve descriptions and details, refer to Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design
of Water and Sanitation Services”.


· All pipework within the pump station must be flanged or welded.

· The class of pipes and associated flanges shall suit the design pressure (including surge and transient) with a minimum
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design pressure of 16 bar.

· The bell-mouth suction from a wet well should be sized to have a velocity less than 1.0 m/s.
· Inlet shall be designed to prevent forming of vortexes.
· The velocity in suction pipes may not exceed 1.5 m/s.
· The velocity in delivery pipes may not exceed 3.0 m/s.
· Restrained flexible couplings must be provided between the isolating valve and the pump on the suction pipe and
between the pump and the non-return valve on the deliver pipe.
· Suction and delivery pipework shall be supported at 1.5 m intervals (maximum) and all changes in direction.

The pump station pipework must allow for easy removal of standby pumps and fittings without affecting the operation of the
pump station.

A pressure gauge shall be installed on the suction and discharge side of each pump installed in a dry well. The range of
discharge gauges shall be adequate to measure the shutoff head on the pump.

Water meters

Flow meters must be installed in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer on delivery manifolds of the pump

Provision shall be made for telemetry for remote monitoring purposes. The CoE prefers the following types of flow meters:

· in line ultrasonic flow meters;

· clamp on ultrasonic flow meters;
· flanged mechanical turbine meters and,
· electromagnetic flow meters.

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The type of meter for each pump station to be agreed with CoE.

Flow meter installations shall make provision for straight pipe sections upstream and downstream of the meter to ensure the
required meter accuracy. The length of these straight pipe sections shall be in accordance with the meter manufacturer’s
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General requirements

The CoE will only consider municipal sewer pump stations in exceptional circumstances, after all other alternatives have
been exhausted. Sewer pump stations must be avoided as far as possible and only considered if gravity transfer of sewage
is not possible and / or feasible. Accordingly, the installation of sewer pump stations is strictly dependent on approval of
CoE’s HOD – Water and Sanitation Department.

Sewer pump stations normally pump sewage from gravity inlets into outfall sewer systems or into sewage treatment works
via rising mains.

The design of sewer pump stations require special attention with regards to the environmental hazard caused by pump
station failure. All reasonable and practical measures shall be implemented in the planning and design of these pump
stations to minimise the incidence and effect of any pollution because of overflows from the pump station. Sewer pump
stations shall also be located where the impact on residential areas and the environment will be an absolute minimum.

Pump stations shall be easily accessible during all weather conditions.

To ensure proper operation of the pumps, the contractor shall be required to test and adjust all equipment after construction
is completed. Pumps and motors shall be aligned and balanced on site per manufacturer’s specifications /
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The following other basic requirements are applicable:

· Aesthetic appearance and low-maintenance landscaping.

· Adequate service (water and electricity) connections.
· A concrete apron sloping away from the pump station.
· A washing slab draining into the wet sump.
· A 25 mm hose bib tap with a heavy duty garden hose capable of reaching the whole pump station.
· Access stairs / CAT ladders where necessary.
· Safe and sufficient storage areas for operational manuals, tools and lubricants
· To ensure a valid warranty, pump sets shall be supplied directly by the manufacturer or by authorized and licenced
suppliers who shall provide the manufacturer's warranty services for the pump sets.
· Inlet works, dry / wet wells, suction and delivery pipework and rising main with all necessary pressure control and
measurement features, surge protection systems, air-vacuum / release valves, isolation valves, couplings, odour
control systems and other appurtenances required for a complete and operable system.
· Appropriate noise control system.
· Access road and parking, site security, lighting, drainage, signs landscaping and emergency storage.

Location and site selection

The following aspects must be addressed during the site selection process of a sewage pump station:

· It must have minimum impact on the environment.

· It must be situated above the 1:50 year flood line.
· It must cause minimum inconvenience for those operating and maintaining it.

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· It must have a minimum impact in the event of an emergency.

Pumps and motors

7.3.1 General

Horizontal split case, centrifugal type / vertical pumps are preferred to multi stage pumps. Bronze or stainless steel impellers
are preferred, although cast iron impellers are also commonly used. The pumps should be equiped with a Fenno flex or
steel type coupling.

Pump motors must be three-phase induction type, with embedded sensors for thermal detecting and cut out.

7.3.2 Self-priming pumps

The selection of self-priming pumps must take the following aspects into consideration:

· The pump must be able to achieve the required duty at a rotational speed not exceeding 1 500 rpm.
· The suction inlet must be at least 100 mm diameter.
· The impellors must be of a non-clog type, able to pass solids of up to 75 mm in diameter.
· Base plates must be manufactured from mild steel plate of adequate thickness, galvanised according to SABS 1463.
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The base plate must allow the pump and motor to be easily removed without removing any part of the suction or
delivery pipework.
· All bolts, nuts and washers shall be of 316 stainless steel.
· An appropriate size Fenner type tyre coupling or V-belts (with a Coupling Drive safety factor of 1.5), shall be used
between the motor and the pump. The coupling shall be covered with a strong guard.
· The pump design must allow for sufficient clearance to remove blockages and provide easy access for service and
repair without interrupting suction and discharge piping.
· The pump shall be equipped with a mechanical shaft seal by the manufacturers. The seal shall be oil-lubricated,
double floating, self-aligning mechanical seal with the rotating and stationary seal faces, manufactured from tungsten
titanium carbide. The seal shall be lubricated from an independent oil filled reservoir, fitted with a clear sight gauge to
provide easy monitoring of the seal oil level and condition. Pump protection shall include an atmospheric vent between
the mechanical seal chamber and the bearing chamber.
· The pump shall have a non-overloading power curve.
· Only electrical powered pumps are allowed.
· The electrical motors must be rated for continuous operation at an output of at least 10% (or the % proposed by the
motor manufacturer whichever is the greater) more than the maximum power requirements of the pump when
operating at the maximum duty.
· The maximum suction lift shall not exceed the pump manufacturer’s recommendations. The suction lift shall be based
on a net positive suction calculation with an adequate factor of safety.
· All self-priming pumps shall be fitted with manufacturer’s custom air release valves that close on presence of pressure,
not on presence of liquid only.
· Each pump shall be designed to retain adequate liquid in the pump casing to ensure unattended automatic re-priming
while operating at its rated speed in a completely open system without suction check valves and with a dry suction

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7.3.3 Submersible pumps

In general, submersible pumps will not be permitted unless specifically approved in advance by the Head of Department:
Water and Sanitation.

Should the use of submersible pumps be approved, it shall be installed on a guide rail system to allow for removal and
installation of the pump without entering the wet well. Submersible pumps shall be easily removable and replaceable without
dewatering the sump or disconnecting any piping in the sump.

Submersible pumps shall be designed specifically for raw sewage pumping applications and the following aspects must be
taken into consideration:

· All slide rails, locating plates, lifting eyes and lifting ropes must be manufactured from grade 316L stainless steel.
· Each pump shall be equipped with a seal monitoring sensor.
· Each pump shall be equipped with a temperature sensor in the motor stator.
· Motors shall be non-overloading type under maximum demand, and have an S1 rating under these conditions.
· Drive-end bearings shall be angular contact type, preferably double row C3 with an expected bearing life of 50 000
· Rotor shaft shall be minimum 30 mm at impeller bore and shall be manufactured from 431 stainless steel material.
· No pump hosting mechanical seal or seal cavity in wet-end* will be accepted, as raw sewage will include rags, grit and
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sand which will be pumped. The use of a double, back to back mechanical seal in oil, is preferred.
· The wet-end* shall be manufactured from a wear resistant material, suitable for grit removal.
· The impeller shall be a non-clogging or open vortex type, as raw sewage will include rags, grit and sand.
· The required solid passing shall be a minimum of 75 mm spherical outside diameter.
· The suction and outlet of the pump shall not be smaller than 100 mm to prevent clogging at low hydraulic speeds
· The 100 mm duckfoot shall be the catalogued product for the specific pump, manufactured from high-grade cast iron.
· The duckfoot seal shall provide for sealing between slide shoe and duckfoot bend.

* Wet-end: all parts in contact with the raw sewage being pumped (i.e. rags, sand and grit).

7.3.4 System Hydraulics

The pump station must have sufficient capacity for pumping instantaneous peak and peak wet weather flows without
overflowing the pump station or sewer system.

Pump stations shall be designed to operate under the full range of projected system hydraulic conditions. Systems shall be
designed to prevent pumps from operating for extended periods beyond the pump manufacturers’ recommended normal
operating ranges. Start / stop cycles shall be in accordance with the motor manufacturers’ recommendation.

7.3.5 Surge analysis

Hydraulic surges and transients (water hammer) shall be determined during the design of pump stations and rising mains
and the design of all relevant components shall take these pressures into consideration.

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7.3.6 Cyclic fatigue

The design shall take cyclic fatique due to cyclic pressures (pump starts and stops) into consideration. Especially for sewer
pump stations where many pressure cycles could be experienced during the life time of the pump station, depending on the
variance of inflow over time and the capacity of suction storage and other factors.

7.3.7 Pump duty and number of pumps

Pump stations shall be designed to accommodate peak wet weather flow.

The pump performance curves must be superimposed on the pipeline system curve to select a suitable pump operation duty

A minimum two pumps (1 x operating + 1 x standby) should be installed, operating alternatively, each capable of pumping
the design flow. Standby pumps must be automatically activated if a duty pump or its driving motor fails due to mechanical
failure. However, care must be taken not to provide excessive standby capacity.

At least one spare / standby pump must be provided, depending on the total number of pumps, with a capacity similar to the
largest pump.
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7.3.8 Efficiency

Pumps shall be selected to ensure that the specific duty point falls within the best efficiency performance / near the maximum
efficiency point on the pump’s characteristic curve, within the pump’s recommended operating range and within the
manufacturer's recommended limits for radial thrust and vibration.

7.3.9 Solids passing

Openings and passages of pumps shall be large enough to permit the passing of 75 mm diameter spheres. Impellers shall
be "non-clog” type. Pump volute or casing shall contain no openings (recirculation ports, etc.) of a lesser diameter than the
specified sphere sizes. No screens or any internal devices that interfere with priming and performance or create
maintenance nuisance of the pump shall be allowed.

Pump station layout

The design of the pump station shall make provision for adequate space for operation and maintenance and a safe working

Hoisting equipment must be able to reach all equipment that cannot be handled by hand, with sufficient vertical space to lift
and move the equipment to the outside of the pump station.

At least one access door shall be provided for man entry only and one for the removal of all equipment by truck.
Pump stations shall be protected from physical damage and remain operational during a 100-year flood.

It is preferred that pump floors be above ground level to prevent storm water flooding and to drain leaking water under gravity
to the outside. Should it be necessary that the pump sets be installed below ground level (e.g. to increase the NPSH
available), adequate provision must be made to pump storm water and leaking water out to prevent damage to equipment.

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7.4.1 Inlet works

The pump station inlet works must be designed to include the following:

· Adequate protection measures at inlets to protect pumping equipment against large solids in the effluent.
· Due consideration for the practical operation and maintenance of the protection screens, as approved by the CoE’s
Division Head: Projects and Operations Divisions.
· For small installations, where an automatic screening system will not be feasible, a 316L stainless steel / galvanised
mild steel filter basket with/without a macerator (grinder).
· A sand trap system including a bypass for maintenance purposes.
· Interconnection with the bypass by means of a sluice gate configuration.

7.4.2 Sumps

The sump must be designed to include the following:

· Size to be based on the cycle time and the wet-well volume between start and stop elevations. It can be calculated
as follows:
𝑉𝑉 =
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V = required wet-well capacity (m³)

T = minimum time in minutes of one pumping cycle
Qp = pump capacity (m³/min) or increment in pumping capacity
· The maximum number of motor starts per hour shall be as shown in Table 16.

Table 16: Recommended number of maximum pump starts

Up to 35 6 10
45 to 55 4 15
70 and larger 2 30

· To prevent formation of septic conditions and odours, a maximum of 10 min retention time at average design flows will
be allowed.
· Inlet sewers are not allowed to be used as wet-well storage.
· No mixers are allowed.
· The two sumps must be interconnected by means of a valve / sluice gate configuration. An overflow to the emergency
storage facility must be provided to allow the discharge of sewage in high water level conditions during power failures
or blockage scenarios.
· To allow access to the sumps, CAT ladders with safety cages must be installed in each. The ladder shall be
manufactured from 316L stainless steel. Step irons are not permitted.
· Access manholes of at least 900 x 900 mm must be provided for each sump.
· All equipment and fixtures in the sump shall be corrosion proof (stainless steel, unless otherwise specified and
approved by the Division Heads: Projects and Operations Divisions.
· Sumps designs shall minimise solids build-up and shall be self-cleansing. Sumps shall either be trenched or hopper
style, with side slopes of 45 degrees or steeper (60 degrees is preferred), to the inlet of the pumps.
· The base of the wet sump shall slope towards the pump inlet to enable the sewage to flow into the sump without
forming deposits. All corners shall have a minimum benching of 45 degrees, however the angle may be reduced if the

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

section is flushed by a strong flow. As far as possible, the bottom area should be minimized and liquid volume below
the pump stop level should be kept to a minimum.
· Sumps shall be designed to avoid air entrainment and low local flow velocities. A suitably sized bellmouth shall be
installed the avoid the formation of vortexes and to eliminate suction cavitation.
· Sumps shall also be designed to prevent the occurrence of septic action during periods of extreme low flow. The
dissolved hydrogen sulphide content of the wet well shall be maintained below 0,1 mg/l.
· The pump station shall be designed to avoid flooding of the sump and / or electrical installations by stormwater or
other water infiltration.
· In order to prevent the pump station from floating, Anti-buoyancy measures shall be implemented where required.

7.4.3 Sump level control

For sewer pump installations, the level control mechanism shall be an ultrasonic level controller, together with a backup float
mechanism. The ultrasonic sensing devices shall be located in the sump of the pump station where it will not be affected
by flows entering the sump or by the suction of the pumps.

At a given water level, the first pump shall be activated to start. As the water level rises, subsequent pumps are activated
to start one at a time. In cases where the water level raises extremely high, the standby pump must also be activated to
City of Ekurhuleni

At a predetermined low water levels, pumps must be deactivated to stop.

7.4.4 Emergency overflow storage

Taking the environment, public etc. into consideration, adequate provision shall be made for emergency storage to
accommodate sewage flow during periods when the pump station is out of operation due to power, maintenance or other

The consultant shall a design proposal for emergency storage to CoE for approval.

The following must be considered for emergency storage:

· Emergency storage must be provided for at least 6 hours of ADWF which can either be provided in a concrete tank
and / or dam, based on site constraints and economics.
· For small pump stations, the emergency storage capacity above the pump start-up level should be equivalent to the
greater value of 24 hr ADWF or 1 kl (SANS 10252-2:1993)
· The maximum high level in the storage facility should be less than the lowest manhole in the system, upstream of the
pump station.

Noise control

The pumping station facility should meet the minimum noise level requirement of the local authority and the Occupational
Safety and Health Act (Act 85 of 1993).

The following aspects should receive special attention during the design and positioning process:

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

· Minimizing the generation of sound energy as well as the reduction thereof by applying appropiate attenuation
· Deflecting the sound energy away from sensitive areas.
· Minimizing the objectional characterisitcs of the sound.

Odour control

A suitable odour control system must be installed for pump stations located near residential, business and/or other sensitive
areas to pro-actively minimise odour. The design of the pump station must as far as possible control and eliminate potential
odour generation at the source, with due consideration of the septicity and prevailing wind directions applicable at the pump

Other mechanical and electrical items

7.7.1 Hoisting equipment

The sub-structure and superstructure must be designed to ensure that the installation and removal of equipment can be
done with minimal effort. This may require provision for access hatches, lifting hooks, hoisting systems, roller shutter doors
City of Ekurhuleni

7.7.2 Ventilation

The pump station should ensure sufficient movement of fresh air by a suitable ventilation system to prevent damage to
mechanical and electrical equipment due to overheating.

Sumps shall also be well ventilated to prevent build-up of dangerous gasses.

7.7.3 Standby generators

All sewer pump stations must include a stand-by generator to supply the pump station with full load of power for a minimum
of 6 hours in case the primary electrical supply is out of service.

Larger pump stations shall have permanent diesel-oil fuelled, engine-driven generator units with automatic transfer switches
to transfer the electrical feed from the primary to the standby unit when a power failure is detected by the instrumentation
and control system, sized to operate all electrical components. Generators must be fitted with a stainless steel diesel tank
as well as an AMF (automatic mains failure) detection.

Determining the engine generator’s size depends upon the requirements of starting and operating the pumps at peak
possible load and all ancillary equipment in the pump station that could operate during a power outage.


Wedge type gate valves shall be permitted for diameters smaller than 450 mm with a minimum pressure rating PN16 to
SABS 664, non-rising spindle and left hand closing. Butterfly valves shall only be considered for installations exceeding 600
mm in diameter.

Provision must be made for suitable air, scour, control and non-return valves as required by the design.

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Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design of Water and Sanitation Services

Sewage specific air valves shall be provided at critical locations in the pump station and delivery line. The valves shall
prevent air being captured inside the piping system or prevent collapse of the piping system during vacuum conditions.

Butterfly valves shall not be allowed as pressure or flow control valves but can be used with an actuator to start or stop
pumps against closed valves, but it must be either in a fully open or fully closed position.

The selection of the type of non-return valves shall take surges and transients into consideration and shall be suitable for

Gate valves and NRV’s shall be installed above the natural ground level or in a separate dry chamber next to a wet sump.
The NRV shall be set at a level higher than the water level. Each pump shall have its own gate valve / NRV arrangement.
For submersible pumps, the valves and check valves must be installed in a separate box outside the wet sump and access
from the natural ground must be easy.

For general valve descriptions and details, refer to Annexure B of CoE’ “Guidelines and Standards for Planning and Design
of Water and Sanitation Services”.


· All pipework within the pump station must be flanged or welded.

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· The class of pipes and associated flanges shall suit the design pressure (including surge and transient) with a minimum
design pressure of 16 bar.
· Inlet shall be designed to prevent forming of vortexes.
· The velocity in suction pipes may not exceed 1.0 m/s.
· The velocity in delivery pipes may not exceed 1.4 m/s.
· Adequate allowance for space between pumps shall be made to avoid suction interference.
· Restrained flexible couplings must be provided between the isolating valve and the pump on the suction pipe and
between the pump and the non-return valve on the deliver pipe.
· Suction and delivery pipework shall be supported at 1.5 m intervals (maximum) and all changes in direction.

The pump station pipework must allow for easy removal of standby pumps and fittings without affecting the operation of the
pump station.

A pressure gauge shall be installed on the suction and discharge side of each pump installed in a dry well. The range of
discharge gauges shall be adequate to measure the shutoff head on the pump.

Water meters

Clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters or full bore electromagnetic flow (EMF) meters shall be installed on delivery manifolds of
sewer pump stations.

Provision to be provided for telemetry for remote monitoring purposes.

Flow meter installations shall make provision for straight pipe sections upstream and downstream of the meter to ensure the
required meter accuracy. The length of these straight pipe sections shall be in accordance with the meter manufacturer’s

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