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Level 9.1: Instruction Manual

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Instruction Manual Level 9.

SpaceRail is a spectactular marble-run coaster that guarantees
high-speed action rides consisting of wild rotations, daring loop-
the-loops and spectactular swivel motions. These marble-run
coasters are an ultimate challenge for teenage and adult
enthusiasts alike.
Spacerails are available in several different sizes and levels of
difficulty. Try them all!.

fg. 1

Free fall helix(enlarged view)

Helix(enlarged view)

Pendulum(enlarged view)
Table of Contents
Figure 1..................................................................................P. 2-3
Figure 2-6..................................................................................P. 4
Parts List...................................................................................P. 5
Assemblyof the base plate & armholder B..............................P. 6
Assemblyof the arms and seesaws..........................................P. 7
Assemblyof the pendulumand the elevator.............................P. 8
Assemblyof the elevator...........................................................P. 9
Assemblyof the free fall helix.................................................P. 10
Locations of the elevator rings....................................................E1
Installation of elevator stand, gear boxand base plate...............E1
Assemblyof armset D................................................................E1
Assemblyof the arms and armset C...........................................E2
Assemblyof shafts and arms......................................................E3
Assemblyof the stairway............................................................E4
Assemblyof shafts and arms......................................................E5
Positions of shafts and arms.......................................................E6
Rail assembly steps...........................................................P. 11-16
Rail mounting and assembly of the loops...............................P. 17
Assembly of the double loop tunnel........................................P. 18
Assemblyof the free fall helix(entries & exits)........................P. 18
Assemblyof the elevator (entryand exit) and rail mounting.....P. 19
Warnings.................................................................................P. 20

Funnel-shaped helix(enlarged view)

Double loop tunnel (enlarged view)

Stairway (enlarged view)

These images show the
SpaceRail Level 9.1
from different views.
They will be very useful
during assembly.

fg. 2 (top)

fg. 3 (left) fg. 4 (front)

fg. 5 (right) fg. 6 (back)

Parts List

Tools for installation: Pliers Tape measure or folding ruler

Use 2 xC/LR14 batteries (not included)

Parts list Handle the components with care to prevent themfromgetting lost.
[S1] 600mm [S2] 391mm [S3] 300mm [S4] 200mm [S5] 159mm [S6] 65mm [C3]

[S1] Shaft 600mm [S2] Shaft 391mm [S3] Shaft 300mm [S4] Shaft 200mm [S5] Shaft 159mm [S6] Shaft 65mm [C3] Spacer

9x 8x 20 x 7x 19 x 8x 1x

[A1] [A2] [A3] [A4] [A5] [A6]

[A1] Arm [A2] Armholder A [A3] Armtube [A4] Armholder B [A5] Armwrench [A6] Rail stand
147+x 108+x 168+x 265+x 375+x 300+x

[G1] [E1] [E2] [E3] [Ex1] [P1]

[G1] Gear Box [E1] Elevator helix [E2] Elevator ring [E3] Elevator cover [Ex1] Seesaw [P1] Junction
2x 38 x 9x 4x 2x 3x

[B2] [B3] [E4] [R1] 68.000mm [G2] [R2]

[B2] Base holder (big) [B3] Base holder (small) [E4] Elevator stand [R1] Rail (68,000mm) [G2] Gearboxsocket Steel balls [R2] Rail joining
13 x 10 x 11 x 2x 2x 12 x 15 x

[C4] [Ex2] [Ex5] [Ex6] [Ex7] [B4] [B1]

[C4] Shaft cap [Ex2] Pendulum [Ex5] Ball catcher [Ex6] Counterweight [Ex7] Pendulumtray for steel balls [B4] Double base plate [B1] Base plate
2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 13 x

Assembly of base plate & arm set B

1 01-1 [B3] Base holder (small)

Assemblyof base plate

1. Assemble the base plate (13 [B2] Base holder (big)
pieces). Pay attention to a
proper seating of the clips and
slots (fg. 01-1)

[B1] Base plate

2. Fasten the base holders (B2 + 01-2

B3) in the correct positions
(fg. 01-2)
First floor

[B4] Double base plate

3. Assemble the base plate [B4] of 01-3

the second foor (fg. 01-3)

2 02 [A3] Armtube
These armsets consist exclusively of
Assemblyof armset B [A4] armholders B
For this ball roller coaster 56
special armsets are required which
consist exclusively of [A4] arm
holders B (fg. 02). On pages E1-E6 [A4] Armholder B
these components are termed „Arm
Set B“ Top-down view

[A4] Armholder B
[A5] Armwrench
Top-down view

Assembly of arms & seesaws

3 03 [A3] Armtube
[A1] Arm
Assemblyof arms
1. Assemble the arms according
to fg. 03
Caution: Armholder A(A2) +
armholder B (A4) are different
107 arms are needed for the
complete set-up
[A4] Armholder B

Top-down view
[A2] Armholder A

Top-down view
[A5] Armwrench

2. Insert the armwrench into the 04

armholder Aand turn it by 90
degrees to fxthe arm(fg. 04)
Note: To modify the angle of the
arm, release the fxation frst
Note: When turning the armwrench, make sure not
to change the right position of the arm

3. Attach the armto the shaft
(fg. 05): Insert shaft into the
armholder B and turn the arm
wrench by 90 degrees to fxthe Note: When turningthe armwrench, make sure not to
Insert shaft into the armholder B. Do not change the right position of the arm
arm(fg. 05)
applyforce in order to avoid damages
Note: To modify the angle of the
arm, release the fxation frst

Refer to the assemblyof arms (page E1-E6)

[Ex1] Seesaw
Assemblyof seesaw
Insert 2 x75mmrail into the holes
of the seesaw. Then attach the rail Length: 75mm
stand to the seesaw(fg. 06)

[A6] Rail stand

Mount left handside

Attach seesawto the shaft 07 08
(fg. 07 +08) Install 1 pc

1. Connect seesawwith armholder Adjust seesawafter assemby

[A3] Armtube Holeprofle
B (fg. 07)
2. Attach armholder B to the shaft
(fg. 08). Refer to the assembly
of arms (E1-E6). Insert arm
[A4] Armholder B
wrench into armholder and turn
it by 90 degrees (fg. 03).
Note: To modify the angle of the Holeprofle
arm, release the fxation frst

Mount right handside

1 Stückaufbauen
Install 1 pc Holeprofle


Note: When turningthe armwrench, make sure not

to change the right position of the arm

Assembly of pendulum and elevator

5 09 [A5] Armwrench [Ex6] Counterweight

[A4] Armholder B
Installationof thependulum
Connect attachment parts with [S6] Shaft 65mm [A4] Armholder B
pendulum(fg. 09) [S1] Shaft 600mm
Note: To modify the position of arm [A5] Armwrench
holder B, release the fxation frst

[A5] Armwrench [S6] Shaft 65mm

[A4] Armholder B

[Ex2] Pendulum
The counterweight position is
adjustable on the shaft if the
pendulumdoes not work properly
[Ex5] Ball catcher [S4] Shaft 200mm Note: To modifythe position of
counterweight, release the
fxation frst

Refer to the assemblyof arms (fg. 05)

10-1 [S3] Shaft 300mm


[S3] Shaft 300mm 10-2

[E1] Elevator helix

directionof rotation

Avoid that there is a gap

between gearboxand
elevator helix. Otherwise
the elevator will not
6 operate properly
[G1] Antrieb
Installationof the elevator [G1] Gearbox
1. Insert the 300mmshaft into the
gearbox(fg. 10-1)
2. Slide the elevator (12 pcs) onto
the shaft (fg. 10-2). Insert shaft
into base (fg. 10-1)
Please note the correct direction
of rotation
3. Insert 3 further 300mmshafts
into the exact pre-defned
positions on the gearbox(fg.
4. Allowthe 3 shafts to snap into
place (pic. 10-4). Take care that 10-4
the elevator rings are properly 10-6
located. See page E1 for the
proper locations of the elevator
rings [A6] Rail stand
5. Insert the 4 shafts into the
elevator cover (fg. 10-5). Take
care that the shafts are properly [A6] Rail stand
located 10-5
6. Nowattach rail stands [A6] to
the elevator ring(fg. 10-6)

[E3] Elevator cover

Makesureconvexredparts point up
andeverythingis correctlyseated

[A6] Rail stand

[E2] Elevator ring

[A6] Rail stand

Assembly of the elevator

Installationof theelevator [S2] Shaft 391mm

1. Insert the 391mmshaft into
the gearbox(fg. 11-1)
2. Slide the elevator (16 pcs)
onto the shaft (fg. 11-2)
11-2 11-3
3. Insert 3 further 391mmshafts
into the exact pre-defned
positions on the gearbox
(fg. 11-3)

[E1] Elevator helix Pleasenotethecorrect direction

of rotation

[S2] Shaft 391mm

Avoid that there is a gap between

gearboxand elevator helix. Otherwise
the elevator will not operate properly

[G1] Gearbox

4. Allowthe 3 shafts to snap into
place (pic. 11-4). Take care
that the elevator rings are
properly located. See page E1 [E2] Elevator ring
for the proper locations of the
elevator rings
5. Insert the 4 shafts into the
elevator cover (fg. 11-5). [A6] Rail stand
Take care that the shafts are
properly located
6. Nowattach rail stands [A6] to [A6] Rail stand
the elevator ring (fg. 10-6)
11-5 11-6
[E3] Elevator cover

Makesureconvexredparts point upandeverything

is correctlyseated

[A6] Rail stand

[E2] Elevator ring

[A6] Rail stand

Assembly of the free fall helix

[S3] Shaft 300mm 12-9
Installationof the free [S3] Shaft 300mm
fall helix 12-1
1. Attach spacer [C3] to the shaft
(fg. 12-1, 12-8). Insert the 12-2 12-3
shaft incl. spacer and shaft
cap [C4] into the elevator [S3] Shaft 300mm
cover (fg. 12-1) 12-9
2. Slide the elevator (10 pcs)
onto the shaft (fg. 12-2)
3. Insert 3 further 300mmshafts
Takecarethat the
into the exact pre-defned elevator rings are
positions on the gearbox properlylocated
(fg. 12-3) (fg. 12-9, picture
Pleasenotethecorrect direction shows ascale
of rotation of 1:1)

[C3] Spacer

[C4] Shaftcap


4. Allowthe 3 shafts to snap into

place (pic. 12-4). Take care
that the elevator rings are
properly located. See fg. 12-9 12-6
for the proper locations of the
elevator rings
5. Insert the 4 shafts into the
elevator cover (fg. 12-5). 12-4
Take care that the shafts are
properly located
6. Nowattach rail stands [A6] to
the elevator ring (fg. 12-6)
7. Insert the elevator stand (E4)
into the ring (fg. 12-7)


thespacer [C3] is
[A6] Rail stand (fg. 12-8, picture
shows ascale
12-7 of 1:1)

[E4] Elevator stand [A6] Rail stand

Makesureconvexredparts point up
andeverythingis correctlyseated [E2] Aufzugring
[E2] Elevator ring

[A6] Rail stand

Assembly of rails

Letters and numbers (e.g. H-2) showthe correct positions of shafts and arms

Rail assemblysteps 25
This ball roller coaster provides 6
exits (start) and 9 entries (end).
Please note fg. 25-36 and the
illustrations on page 2-4 during
Install rail stands together with Elevator (2nd foor)
the rails (page 17, fg. 40)

Elevator (1st foor)

Don´t cut

Junction A Duetothelongdistance, theinstallationof this sectionis dividedinto2assemblysteps (pleaserefer tofg. 25+26)

1. Fromsecond foor elevator exit

BI3 (Start) to junction A
(fg. 26, 26-1)
2. Fromthe junction Aexit (start)
via the double loop tunnel to
the frst foor elevator entry BJ1
(end) (fg. 25+26, 26-3+26-2)
Assemblerail as shownontheright

Fromjunction A(start) via double loop tunnel to frst foor

Fromsecond foor elevator exit BI3 (start) to junction A elevator entry BJ1

26-1 26-2 26-3

Install 2 x7cmrails (fg. 26+26-1) Caution: First install inner looptunnel, thencontinuewithouter looptunnel Install 2 x560cmrails (fg. 26+25, 26-3+26-2)

Front Back

Assembly of rails

Rail assemblysteps Attachtheseesawsasshown

3. Please note page E4 for

stairway installation
27 SeesawA SeesawB
4. Fromstairway (part B) to
seesawA(fg. 27, 27-1+27-2)
5. FromseesawB to frst foor
elevator entry BJ1 (fg. 27,

Installation of stairway B Fromstairway (part B) to seesawA FromseesawB to frst foor elevator entry BJ1

27-1 27-2 27-3

Please note fg. 27, 27-1 and page E4 for

Install 2 x90cmrails (fg. 27+27-2) Install 2 x100cmrails (fg. 27+27-3)
stairway installation

6. FromseesawAto seesawB SeesawB

(fg. 28, 28-1) SeesawA
7. Fromthe „bypass slip“ to frst
foor elevator entry BJ2 28
(fg. 28, 28-2)
Assemblerail as shownontheright

FromseesawAto seesawB Fromthe „bypass slip“ to frst foor elevator entry BJ2

28-1 28-2 28-3

Install 2 x46cmrails (fg. 28+28-1) Install 2 x93cmrails (fg. 28+28-2)

Assembly of rails


Rail assemblysteps
8. Please note page E4 for
stairway installation
9. Fromshaft/armAE-8 to
stairway (fg. 29, 29-2)
10. Fromfree fall helix(exit A) to
frst foor elevator entry BJ2
(fg. 29, 29-3)

Exit A

Installation of stairway Fromshaft/armAE-8 to stairway Fromfree fall helix(exit A) to frst foor elevator entryBJ2

29-1 29-2 29-3

Please note fg. 29, 29-1 and page E4 Install 1 x550cmrails (fg. 29+29-2). Pleasenotepage Install 2 x75cmrails (fg. 29+29-3)
for stairway installation E4 for stairwayinstallation(fg. 24)

11. Fromthe junction B exit to the 30

funnel-shaped helix(fg. 30,
30-1, 30-2)
12. Fromthe „bypass slip“to
junction B entry(fg. 30, 30-3)
Assemblerail as shownontheright

Junction B

Fromthe junction B exit to the funnel-shaped helix Fromthe „bypass slip“ to junction B entry

30-1 30-2 30-3

Install 2 x475cmrails (fg. 30, 30-1, 30-2) Install 2 x55cmrails (fg. 30, 30-3)

Assembly of rails

Junction C
Rail assemblysteps
13. Fromsecond foor elevator
exit BI3 to „bypass slip“
(fg. 31, 31-1, 31-2)
14. Fromsecond foor elevator
exit BI3 to junction C (fg. 31,

Fromsecond foor elevator exit BI3 to „bypass slip“ Fromsecond foor elevator exit BI3 to junction C

31-1 31-2 31-3

Install 2 x86cmrails (fg. 31, 31-1, 31-2) Install 2 x16cmrails (fg. 31, 31-3)

Junction C

15. Fromjunction C to pendulum 32

(fg. 32, 32-1)
16. Fromjunction C to shaft/arm
AE-9 (fg. 32, 32-2, 32-3)
Assemblerail as shownontheright

Fromjunction C to pendulum Fromjunction C to shaft/armAE-9

32-1 32-2 32-3

Install 2 x19cmrails (fg. 32, 32-1) Install 2 x194cmrails (fg. 32, 32-2, 32-3)

Assembly of rails

Second foor elevator
Rail assemblysteps
17. Fromfrst foor elevator exit
BJ3 to second foor elevator
entry BI1 (fg.33, 33-1, 33-2)
18. Fromfrst foor elevator exit
BJ2 to second foor elevator
entry BI2 (fg.33, 33-3)

First foor elevator

Fromfrst foor elevator exit BJ3 to second foor Fromfrst foor elevator exit BJ2 to second foor
elevator entry BI1 elevator entry BI2

33-1 33-2 33-3

Install 2 x71cmrails (fg. 33, 33-1, 33-2) Install 2 x21cmrails (fg. 33, 33-3)

19. Fromshaft/armF-2 to frst 34 Second foor elevator

foor elevator entry BJ2
(fg. 34, 34-1)
20. Install 1 x7cmrail and1 x
5cmrail to assemble exit B of
free fall helix(fg. 34, 34-2,
Caution: Outer rail should be
longer than inner rail to ensure
the steel balls running smoothly
(fg. 34-3) Exit A
Assemblerail as shownontheright

First foor elevator

Fromshaft/armF-2 to frst foor elevator entry BJ2 Exit B of free fall helix

34-1 34-2 34-3

Install 2 x54cmrails (fg. 34, 34-1) Install 1 x7cmrail and 1 x5cmrail to assemble exit B Caution: Outer rail should be longer than inner rail to
of free fall helix(fg. 34, 34-2, 34-3) ensure the steel balls running smoothly (fg. 34-3)

Assembly of rails

Rail assemblysteps
21. Fromfrst foor elevator exit
BJ3 to second foor elevator
entry BI2 (fg. 35, 35-1)
22. Fromjunction B via the loop
to frst foor elevator entry BJ1
(fg. 35, 35-2, 35-3)
Caution: Steep downward
gradient! Attach further rail
stands to prevent steel balls
frommissing the track Junction B

Fromfrst foor elevator exit BJ3 to

second foor elevator entryBI2 Fromjunction B via the loop to frst foor elevator entryBJ1

35-1 35-2 35-3

Install 2 x188cmrails (fg. 35, 35-1) Install 2 x175cmrails (fg. 35, 35-2, 35-3) Caution:Steepdownwardgradient! Attachfurther rail stands
toprevent steel balls frommissingthetrack

23. Fromjunction Avia the helix

to entry Aof the free fall helix 36
(fg. 36, 36-1, 36-3)
24. Fromthe tray [Ex7] to entry B
Tray [Ex7]
of free fall helix(fg. 36, 36-2)
Assemblerail as shownontheright
Junction A

Entry A

Eingang B
Entry B

Fromjunction Avia the helixto entryAof the free fall helix Fromthe trayto entryB of free fall helix

36-1 36-2 36-3

Install 2 x670cmrails (fg. 36, 36-1, 36-3) Install 2 x66cmrails (fg. 36, 36-2)

Assembly of rails and loop


Installationof the rails

Attachment of rails to arms andshafts [R1] Rail
(fg. 37 +38)
37 38
Attachrail to arm(fg. 37)
Rail joining(fg. 39)
Adjust andconnect therails. Insert therail
joinings [R2] into theholes at thecenter of
therails (fg. 39)

[A1] Arm
Insert rails into arm

[R2] Rail joining

[R1] Rail
[R1] Rail

Informatons about rail stands (fg. 40) Use rail stands like railway ties
Thedistancebetweenthearms shouldbe 40
between8 to 10cmto ensurebest stability.
Whenthedistanceis larger, rail stands [A6]
haveto beinstalled

Attachrail stands insteepsections and 41 Thedistancebetweenthearms shouldbebetween8 to 10cm. Whenthedistanceis larger, rail stands [A6] haveto beinstalled
elevator entry/exit points to ensurebest
stabilityof therails
Steepsections (fg. 41)
Install thearms inaninclinedpositionto Install thearms inaninclinedposition
eachother to createsteepsections, so that to eachother to createsteepsections
thesteel balls canrunsmoothly(fg. 41)

18 42 43 44 Outer looping

Installationof a loop
Ensurethesteel balls runningsmoothly
(fg. 42)
Thediameter of theouter loop should have Inner looping Inner looping
twicethediameter of theinner loop
Important informationfor theassemblyof
loops (fg. 43) Height Whenmountingloops, thesecondloophas to
Rails haveto forma circlethat remains in besmaller thanthefrst loopto ensurethesteel
anupright positionto ensurethesteel balls
runningsmoothly(fg. 43)
balls runningsmoothly
Installationof a loop (fg. 44)

[A6] Rail stand
Cut here
[P1] Junction 45-2
Whenmountingloops, thesecond loop has [Ex7] Tray for steel balls
to besmaller thanthefrst loop to ensure
thesteel balls runningsmoothly
Installationof pendulumtrayand junction
(fg. 45-1 +45-2)
Insert rail stands intothejunction(fg. 45-1)
Simplycut therails to thecorrect length
(seeenlarged pictureontheright)
Insert rails intothependulumtray(fg. 45-2)

[A6] Rail stand

Assembly of double loop tunnel and
exits/entries of the free fall helix

46 47
Assemblyof the double
looptunnel (fg. 46-49)
1. The looping diameters depend
on the fall height of the steel
balls (see the example in
fg. 46-47)
2. All single loops of the loop
tunnels must be round and Diameter
have the same diameter to Height
keep the steel balls running

48 49
Innerer Looping Outer looping
Inner looping

Diameter Parallel
Diameter Parallel

20 50 51

Assemblyof the free fall

helix(entries &exits)
(fg. 50+51)
1. Pay attention to a proper
installation of the entries and
exits (fg. 50)
2. Install rails of entries and
exits as shown in fg. 50 Entry


Exit Exit

Assembly of rails

52 53
Installationof elevator
Important informationfor the
assemblyof elevator entryandexit
(fg. 52) Exit
Steel balls will not runcorrectlyif
entryandexit point inthesame
direction Entry
Payattentionto a proper installation Entry
of theentryandexit (fg. 53)
Install rails as closelyas possible
to theentryandexit of theelevator
to ensurethesteel balls running
smoothly(fg. 53)
54-1 54-2
Payattentionto a correct angleof
therails whenthesteel balls enter
theelevator (fg. 54-1, 54-2, 55)
Makesurethesteel balls enter the
elevator slowly. Otherwisetheywill
reboundandfall off therails
(fg. 54-1)
Steel balls that enter theelevator
therails after hittingthehelix. Pay
particular attentionhereto the
correct seatingof therails. Otherwise
thesteel balls will stopandcannot
re-enter theelevator (fg. 54-2)

At theentryall rails must beat right 55

angles to theelevator (fg. 55)

All rails must beat right angles to the



Distance betweenrails
(fg. 56)
Install therail standto keeprails
parallel (fg. 56)

Keeprails parallel

Curves needto be
assembledina certainangle

Adjust rails to reducespeed

Assemblyof curves
(fg. 57+58)
Curves needto beassembledina
certainangleto prevent steel balls
frommissingtheturn(fg. 57). If
steel balls miss theturn, speedhas
to bereducedright beforethecurve
Adjust rails to reducespeedof the
steel balls (fg. 58)

Safety Instructions – Keep After Reading

General SafetyInstructions
This ball roller coaster is NOTATOY and only suitable for persons 14 years and older!
Warning: Read the manual carefully before using the ball roller coaster. Keep the manual after reading.
Always followexactly the recommendations given in the instructions.
Errors and negligences in operating your ball roller coaster can result in injuries and damage to
property. As manufacturers and vendors have no infuence on the operation and maintenance of your
ball roller coaster, we bring these hazards expressly to your attention but deny all further liability.

Keep away fromchildren. The ball roller coaster contains small parts. Choking hazard.

Warning: Sharp edges - watch your fngers.

Warning: Do not drape the rail around your neck, as this could result in suffocation or injury.
Strangulation hazard.
Keep the packaging for future reference as it contains important information.

SafetyInstructions DuringOperation
Moving parts are a constant source of injury. Never touch moving parts.

Keep hands, hair, loose clothing and further objects away frommoving parts.
Persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience
are not allowed to use this ball roller coaster, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for
their safety and able to give professional advice howthe product should be used.

Do not bend the shafts and other parts to avoid injury and ensure safe operation.

Keep fngers away fromthe moving elevator to avoid injury.

Only use original steel balls to prevent damage of the ball roller coaster.

Caution: Violent jamming (stopping) during operation may damage the motor. Do not cumber the
Always store and operate the ball roller coaster at a safe place.
Be sure to check battery regularly to ensure a proper operation of the elevator.

Check rails regularly for a frmseating and adjust if necessary!

Protect the ball roller coaster fromheat and sun.
Caution: To protect motor fromdamage and overheating, do not operate the ball roller coaster for more
than 5 hours at a time.

SafetyInstructions For Batteries

Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
Exhausted batteries should be removed fromthe ball roller coaster.
Do not dispose batteries in fre – batteries will explode or leak.
Battery is to be inserted with the correct polarity.
Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.
Remove battery if the ball roller coaster is not to be used for an extended period of time.
Be sure to check battery regularly to ensure a proper operation of the elevator.

Disposal Restrictions (WEEE)

Electrical and electronic equipment should be disposed separately fromthe household waste. Take your unwanted equipment to your local community collection point. This requirement applies to member countries
of the European Union as well as other non-European countries with a separate waste collection system. Never throwbatteries into normal household waste, but dispose of discharged batteries
at the collection points provided for that purpose (e.g. your local toxic waste disposal centre).

RecommendedAccessories: 1 xC/LR14 battery 1.5 V

Insertingthe battery: Use a Phillips screwdriver to open the battery compartment cover. Insert 2 xC/LR14 batteries with the correct polarity and replace the battery compartment cover.

Distributed by:
SpaceRail LLC - Salt Lake City, UT - www.spacerails.com - orders@spacerails.com - 801.486.3867

Assembly of elevator rings, elevator stand, gearbox socket, gearbox and arm set D

Locations of the elevator rings

Elevators (fg. 13+14)
Elevators (fg. 13+14) are shown in a scale 17 Second foor elevator Back

of 1:1. Attach the elevator rings to the exact

pre-defned red positions (BI-1, BI-2, BI-3, BJ-1,
BJ-2, BJ-3)


First foor elevator

Installationof elevator stand
Insert the elevator stand [E4] into the ring(fg. 15)

[A5] Armwrench
Installationof gearboxsocket
Gearboxsocket (fg. 11): Attach the gearbox
socket to the gearboxto provide a tight ft of the 16
elevator to the base plate

[G1] Gearbox
[A4] Armholder B
Top-down view

[E4] Elevator stand

[A4] Armholder B
Top-down view
15 Connect with holes on [G2] Gearboxsocket
Installationof gearbox base plate
Gear boxlocation on base plate (fg. 17). Attach
the 3 clips at the bottomof the gearbox(see
red markings in fg. 16) to the exact pre-defned
positions of the base plate (fg. 17)
[E2] Elevator ring Attach gearboxstand [G2] For this ball roller coaster 3 special armsets are required which consist
exclusively of [A4] armholders B (see illustrations onthe left). These
Make sure the steel balls enter the elevator slowly. Otherwise they components are termed „ArmSet D“. Attach armset Dto shaft F, BC and BD.
will rebound and fall off the rails. Example view

[A1] Arm

Assembly of shafts, arms and arm set C

Armset B

Up Location of armset B Locationof armset C

Down Armposition Location of armset B Location of armset D Seesawlocation
Attach the arms and seesaws to the shaft as shown on page E1-E6. Shafts are shown in a scale of 1:1. Attach
the arms and seesaws to the exact pre-defned red positions. Please note the correct order and directions of Front
arms. Insert the shafts (A-Q) into the base plate (fg. 23+24). Please note the correct directions of shafts Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove)
[S6] Shaft 65mm
Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove)

[S1] Shaft 600mm

Seesaw(mount right hand side)

Armset B

[S1] Shaft 600mm

Armset C

[S3] Shaft 300mm [S3] Shaft 300mm

Armset D

[S3] Shaft 300mm

[S3] Shaft 300mm

[S4] Shaft 200mm [S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm

[S4] Shaft 200mm [S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm

[A5] Armwrench

[A4] Armholder B
[S4] Shaft 200mm [S4] Shaft 200mm Top-down view
For this ball roller coaster 36 special armsets are required
which consist exclusively of [A4] armholders B (see
illustrations on the left). These components are termed
„ArmSet C“. Attach armset C to shaft D, E, F, G, BC and BD

[S4] Shaft 200mm [S4] Shaft 200mm

[A1] Arm

Assembly of arms

Attach the arms and seesaws to the shaft as shown on page E1-E6. Shafts are shown in a scale of 1:1.
Attach the arms and seesaws to the exact pre-defned red positions. Please note the correct order and Location of armset B Location of armset B Location of armset C
Armposition Up
directions of arms. Insert the shafts (R-Zand AB-AF) into the base plate (fg. 23+24). Please note the Down
correct directions of shafts
Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove)

Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove)

Armset B

[S1] Shaft 600mm

[S1] Shaft 600mm

[S3] Shaft 300mm [S3] Shaft 300mm

[S2] Shaft 391mm [S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm [S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm

[S2] Shaft 391mm [S6] Shaft 65mm

Armset B

[S2] Shaft 391mm

[S6] Shaft 65mm

[S1] Shaft 600mm

Assembly of stairway

Assemblyof stairway(fg. 20-22-2)

1. Install the stairway (part A) according to fg. Attach the stairways (part A& B) to the shaft as shown on page E4-E6 (fg. 20 - 22-2, 24-1+24-2).
Shafts are shown in a scale of 1:1. Attach the stairways to the exact pre-defned red positions. Up Up
20. Attach the stairway to the shafts AG,
AHand AI Please note the correct order and directions of arms
2. Install the stairway (part B) according to fg.
Left Right Left Right
22-1 (attach these components to the shaft Armposition Location of armset B Location of armset B
Armposition Location of armset B
AK) and 22-2 (attach these components to
the shafts AL, AM, AN)
Down Down
Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove)
Stairway (part A): 45-degree view

[S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm

Caution: Attach a rail stand [A6] to the front section of

the rail to forma wider width at the end of the rail. That
Stairway (part A) [S5] Shaft 159mm
way steel balls will fall down to the next level.

Install 1 x550cmrail (fg. 21). Please note page 13

(fg. 29, fromshaft/armAE-8 to stairway)
20 [A6] Rail stand [A6] Rail stand
[S5] Shaft 159mm

Caution: Attach a rail stand [A6] to the front section of

the rail to forma wider width at the end of the rail. That
way steel balls will fall down to the next level.

Stairway (part B)
Install 1 x34cmrail (fg. 20) [A6] Rail stand
[A6] Rail stand

[S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm

About 5.5cm

Stairway (part B): 45-degree view

[S5] Shaft 159mm

[S5] Shaft 159mm

Install 1x43.5cmrail (fg. 22-1)

Caution: Attach a rail stand [A6] to the front [S5] Shaft 159mm
section of the rail to forma wider width at the
endof the rail. That way steel balls will fall down
[A6] Rail stand to the next level.

Install 1 x34cmrail (fg. 22-2)

[A6] Rail stand
[A6] Rail stand
Caution: Attach a rail stand [A6] to the front section of
the rail to forma wider width at the end of the rail. That
way steel balls will fall down to the next level.

Assembly of arms

Attach the arms and seesaws to the shaft as shown on page E1-E6. Shafts are shown in a scaleof 1:1. Attach the Back
arms and seesaws to the exact pre-defned red positions. Please note the correct order and directions of arms.
Insert the shafts (AP-AZand BC-BF) into the base plate (fg. 23+24). Please note the correct directions of shafts Location of armset B Location of armset C Location of armset D
Armposition Location for seesaw Down Up


Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove)

[S3] Shaft 300mm [S3] Shaft 300mm

Seesaw(mount left hand side)

[S1] Shaft 600mm

[S6] Shaft 65mm [S3] Shaft 300mm [S5] Shaft 159mm

[S1] Shaft 600mm

Armset B

[S1] Shaft 600mm

[S6] Shaft 65mm [S6] Shaft 65mm [S3] Shaft 300mm

Armset C
Armset D

[S3] Shaft 300mm [S3] Shaft 300mm

Armset D

[S2] Shaft 391mm [S5] Shaft 159mm

Positions of shafts

Attach components to the shaft as shown on page E1-E6. Shafts are shown in a scale of 1:1. Attach
all components to the exact pre-defned positions. Please note the correct order and directions of
Location of armset B
arms. Insert the shafts into the base plate (fg. 23+24). Please note the correct directions of shafts Armposition Down Up

Pleasenotethecorrect positions and directions of arms (seeabove) Front

Armset B

[S1] Shaft 600mm

[S6] Shaft 65mm

First foor base plate
Second foor base plate

Caution: Shafts E and Dmust be ftted at the centre between

the shafts Aand K. Shafts Gand F must be ftted at the centre
between the shafts L and M


Caution: Shafts E and Dmust be ftted at the centre between

the shafts C and H. Shafts Gand F must be ftted at the centre
between the shafts I and J

Stairway (part A) Stairway (part B)


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