Pharma Questioner
Pharma Questioner
Pharma Questioner
Section 5 • Pharmacology 247
1289. Which of the following best describes the protein 1296. Which one of the following drugs mimics the activity of
binding properties of albumin for local anesthetics? metenkephalin in the dorsal horn of the spinal
A. Low affinity, low capacity A. Deprenyl (selegiline)
B. Low affinity, high capacity B. Trihexyphenidyl
C. High affinity, low capacity C. Baclofen
D. High affinity, high capacity D. Morphine
E. High affinity only E. Phenobarbital
1290. The phenothiazines have a variety of actions at different 1297. In the managemen of this patient, which one of the
receptor types. However, they do NOT appear to following procedures is not likely to have therapeutic
interact with receptors for value?
A. Dopamine A. Alkalinization of the urine
B. Histamine B. Correction of metabolic acidosis and electrolyte imbal-
C. Nicotine ance
D. Norepinephrine C. Gastric lavage with an endotracheal tube in place
E. Muscarine D. Hemodialysis, if pH or CNS signs are not readily con-
1291. A psychiatric patient taking medications develops a E. Treatment with acetylcysteine
tremor, thyroid enlargement, and leukocytosis. The
drug he is taking is most likely to be 1298. The first local anesthetic used clinically was
A. Clomipramine (Anafranil®) A. Cocaine
B. Haloperidol (Haldol®) B. Tetracaine
C. Imipramine(Tofranil®) C. Lidocaine
D. Lithium D. Bupivacaine
E. Sertraline( Zoloft®) E. Mepivacaine
1292. Inhibitors of serotonin (5-HT) uptake such as paroxetine 1299. The highest concentration of phenol clinically used in
(Paxil®) interact significantly with which of the neurolytic blocks is:
following drugs? A. 6%
A. Chlorpromazine B. 10%
B. Tranylcypromine C. 20%
C. Halothane D. 40%
D. Benztropine E. 100%
E. Digoxin
1300. In addition to its use in the treatment of schizophrenia,
1293. Which of the following agents does not act on chlorpromazine is effective
prostaglandins peripherally, and as such does not A. In reducing nausea and vomiting
block local inflammation? B. As an antihypertensive agent
A. Acetaminophen® C. As an antihistaminic
B. Ibuprofen® D. In the treatment of depression
C. Naproxen® E. For treating bipolar affective disorder
D. Celebrex®
E. Aspirin® 1301. Recreational use of drugs sometimes leads to
dependence. Which of the following is LEAST likely to
1294. The mechanism of action of benzodiazepines is cause physical dependence?
A. Activation of GABAb receptors A. Amphetamine
B. Antagonism of glycine receptors in the spinal cord B. Cocaine
C. Blockade of the action of glutamic acid C. Heroin
D. Increased GABA-mediated chloride ion conductance D. Mescaline
E. Inhibition of GABA aminotransferase E. Secobarbital
1295. Which one of the following statements about 1302. Which one of the following effects of the opioid
scopolamine is false? analgesics is most likely to be mediated via activation
A. It has depressant actions of the CNS of mu receptors?
B. It may cause hallucinations A. Cough suppression
C. It is poorly distributed across the placenta to the fetus B. Elevation of arterial PCO2
D. It may prevent motion sickness and vertigo when ap- C. Emesis
plied as a patch to the skin D. Sedation
E. It is similar to atropine in reducing gastrointestinal mo- E. Vasodilation
248 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1303. A 38-year-old divorced woman who lived alone visited a B. It is a selective D2 receptor agonist
psychiatrist because she was depressed. Her symptoms C. Its mechanism of action is completely different from that
included low self-esteem, with frequent ruminations of chlorpromazine
on her worthlessness, and hypersomnia. She was D. It is more potent as an antipsychotic drug than is chlor-
hyperphagic and complained that her limbs felt heavy. promazine
An initial diagnosis was made of a major depressive E. It produces a lower incidence of extrapyramidal reac-
disorder with atypical symptoms. Treatment was tions than does chlorpromazine
initiated with amitriptyline, but after 2 months the
patient had not improved significantly. Which one of 1309. Of the following characteristics, which is unlikely to be
the following drugs is MOST likely to have therapeutic associated with the process of facilitated diffusion of
value in this depressed drugs?
A. Buprenorphine A. The transport mechanism becomes saturated at high
B. Diazepam drug concentrations
C. Paroxetine B. The process is selective for certain ionic or structural
D. Methylphenidate configurations of the drug
E. Risperidone C. If two compounds are transported by the same mecha-
nism, one will competitively inhibit the transport of
1304. Which of the following corticosteroids has the highest the other
anti-inflammatory potency? D. The drug crosses the membrane against concentration
A. Betamethasone gradient and the process requires cellular energy
B. Triamcinolone diacetate E. The transport process can be inhibited noncompetitively
C. Triamcinolone acetonide by substances that interfere with cellular metabolism
D. Depo-methylprednisolone
E. Hydrocortisone
1310. A young woman presents with a several-year history
1305. What is the maximum dose of lidocaine without of ulcerative colitis. Recently she has been treated
epinephrine? with alprazolam 0.5 mg Q 8 hrs. This pharmacologic
A. 2 mg/kg treatment can be expected to:
B. 3 mg/kg A. Reduce stress and anxiety
C. 4 mg/kg B. Result in long-term improvement
D. 5 mg/kg C. Reduce interpersonal dilemmas
E. 6 mg/kg D. Produce a mild stimulus
E. Be used without development of tolerance
1306. Psychiatric evaluation of a patient after 6 weeks of
treatment with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor 1311. Which one of the following statements about cocaine is
(MAOI) shows no improvement. The psychiatrist now false?
writes a prescription for fluoxetine which the patient A. Blocks sodium channels in axonal membranes
starts two days after her final dose of the MAOI. Since B. Blood pressure increase is due to its ability to release nor-
the MAOIs used as antidepressants continue to exert epinephrine from sympathetic nerve terminals
effects for 2 or more weeks after discontinuance, the C. Cardiac arrhythmias may occur at high doses
most likely result of the administration of fluoxetine D. Derived from a botanical source
now will be to cause E. Topical application can provide local anesthesia and re-
A. A rapid amelioration of her depressive symptoms strict bleeding
B. Electrocardiographic abnormalities
C. Extrapyramidal dysfunction 1312. The pKa of Lidocaine is:
D. The serotonin syndrome A. 7.4
E. Weight gain B. 7.6
C. 7.7
1307. After an intravenous bolus injection of lidocaine, D. 8.0
the major factors determining the initial plasma E. 8.2
concentration are
A. Dose and clearance 1313. Clinically significant methemoglobinemia may result
B. Dose and apparent volume of distribution from administration of large doses of
C. Apparent volume of distribution and clearance A. Chloroprocaine
D. Clearance and half-life B. Bupivacaine
E. Half-life and dose C. Etidocaine
D. Prilocaine
1308. Haloperidol may best be characterized by which of the E. Lidocaine
following statements?
A. It is classified as a phenothiazine
Section 5 • Pharmacology 249
250 Section 5 •Pharmacology
D. Procaine E. Etidocaine
E. Tetracaine
1333. Seizures occur at what serum concentration range for
1327. Which of the following local anesthetics is useful for lidocaine?
topical (surface) administration only? A. 10-12 µg/mL
A. Procaine B. 10-12 ng/mL
B. Bupivacaine C. 100-120µg/mL
C. Etidocaine D. 1-1.2 mg/mL
D. Benzocaine E. 10-12 mg/mL
E. Lidocaine
1334. The serum concentration of lidocaine would be highest
1328. Beta-lactamase production by strains of Haemophilus with which route of administration…..specifically at
influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Neisseria 60 minutes after administration?
gonorrhoeae confers resistance against penicillin G. A. Intravenous
Which one of the following antibiotics is most likely B. Epidural
to be effective against all strains of each of the above C. Brachial Plexus
organisms? D. Intercostal
A. Ampicillin E. Subarachnoid
B. Ceftriaxone
C. Clindamycin 1335. Which of the following corticosteroids has the highest
D. Gentamicin anti-inflammatory potency
E. Piperacillin A. Cortisone
B. Prednisone
1329. Which of the following drugs increase alprazolam’s half C. Triamcinolone
life? D. Methylprednisone
A. Fluoxetine (Prozac®) E. Dexamethasone
B. Fluvoxamine (Luvox®)
C. Paroxetine (Paxil®) 1336. The most common adverse effect associated with the
D. Sertraline (Zoloft®) tricyclic antidepressants is
E. Clozapine (Clozaril®) A. Anticholinergic effects
B. Seizures
1330. Of the following antiepileptic agents, which is associated C. Arrythmias
with causing psychosis? D. Hepatotoxicity
A. Phenobarbital E. Nephrotoxicity
B. Ethosuximide
C. Phenytoin 1337. Concomitant SSRI and TCA therapy can lead to which
D. Vigabatrin of the following:
E. Valproic acid A. Elevated TCA blood levels
B. Decreased TCA blood levels
1331. A patient with terminal cancer is suffering from pain that C. Increased SSRI blood levels
is gradually increasing in intensity. In the management D. Decreased SSRI blood levels
of pain in such a patient E. Increased TCA and SSRI blood levels
A. Physical dependency occurs universally in later stages of
the disease 1338. The serum concentration of lidocaine would be highest
B. To delay the development of dependency, opioid anal- with which route of administration…..specifically at 5
gesics should never be given for initial management of minutes after administration?
chronic pain A. Intravenous
C. Meperidine is more effective than morphine in cancer B. Intercostal
pain states C. Epidural
D. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may control D. Brachial Plexus
symptoms during a significant portion of the course E. Subcutaneous
of the disease
E. The placebo effect is absent 1339. Acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin) exerts its action by:
A. Prostaglandin synthesis
1332. Which of the following are hydrolyzed by plasma B. Inhibiting platelet aggregation
pseudocholinesterases? C. Antipyretic action at the hypothalamus
A. Lidocaine D. Inactivating cyclooxygenase
B. Ropivacaine E. All of the above
C. Bupivicaine
D. Tetracaine
Section 5 • Pharmacology 251
1340. Which of the following is most correct about modern brane-bound receptors increases the activity of an
psychopharmacology? intracellular second messenger
A. There is a one-diagnosis-one-drug approach E. Activation of membrane-bound receptors and subse-
B. Many variables affect the practice of psychopharmacol- quent intracellular events elicit a biologic response
ogy through the transcription of DNA
C. Medications must be given in large dosages for months
to work 1346. The antidepressant with the least sedation side effect is:
D. Monitoring is rarely necessary and dose adjustments are A. Desipramine
infrequently warranted B. Trazadone
E. Medications exert their effect with in hours. C. Nortriptyline
D. Maprotiline
1341. The earliest sign of lidocaine toxicity is: E. Amitriptiline
A. Shivering
B. Nystagmus 1347. The side effects of intravenous (IV) local anesthetics are
C. Lightheadedness and dizziness related to central nervous system (CNS) toxicity. Signs
D. Toxic-clonic seizures are all of the following EXCEPT
E. Nausea and vomiting A. Metallic taste
B. Tinnitus
1342. A 35-year-old female who has never been pregnant C. Agitation
suffers each month from pain, discomfort, and mood D. Increased appetite
depression at the time of menses. She may benefit E. Convolusions
from the use of this selective inhibitor of the reuptake
of serotonin. 1348. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Amitriptyline A. Acetaminophen leads to more toxicity annually than
B. Bupropion NSAIDs
C. Mirtazapine B. Aspirin is known to have a lower annual associated toxic-
D. Paroxetine ity cost compared to acetaminophen
E. Trazodone C. NSAIDs cause fewer GI toxicity events than acetamino-
phen and aspirin
1343. Efficacy with TCAs in treating depression is generally D. Acetaminophen use is associated with a lower annual
thought to be seen in____ toxicity cost
A. 1 to 3 days E. Aspirin produces a temporary effect on platelet aggrega-
B. 3 to 7 days tion
C. 3 to 7 weeks
D. 6 to 8 weeks 1349. Distribution of medication into the brain is most
E. After 2 months commonly governed by which of the following?
A. Regional cerebral blood flow
1344. Carisoprodol (Soma®) is associated with all of the B. Abnormalities in the blood-brain barrier
following EXCEPT: C. Percent of the drug that is protein bound
A. Potentially habituating, with potential for abuse D. Relative density of target receptors for binding
B. Hepatic impairment E. Gastric and intestinal motility
C. Excessive sedation
D. Direct central brain stem activity 1350. Norepinephrine will cause contraction of the smooth
E. Dizziness, vertigo, ataxia and tremor muscle in
A. Bronchioles
1345. Of the following, which is unlikely to be associated B. Pupils
with receptors bound to plasma membranes, their C. Intestine
interaction with ligands, and the biologic response to D. Arterioles
this interaction? E. Ciliary body
A. Structurally, these receptors have hydrophobic amino
acid domains, which are in contact with the membrane, 1351. When an inactive substance or condition induces a
and hydrophilic regions, which extend into the extracel- therapeutic change, the procedure (result) is called
lular fluid and the cytoplasm A. Nonpharmaceutical reaction
B. Chemical interactions of ligands with these receptors B. Modulated conditioning
may involve the formation of many types of bonds, in- C. Placebo effect
cluding ionic, hydrogen, van der Waals’, and covalent D. Reaction formation
C. Ligand-receptor interactions are often stereospecific E. Fantasy reaction
(i.e., one stereoisomer is usually more potent than the
D. In some cases, a ligand that acts as an agonist at mem-
252 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1352. The drug of choice for the management of osteoporosis 1359. Which of the following is an antidepressant agent that
caused by high-dose use of glucocorticoids is selectively inhibits serotonin (5-HT) uptake with
A. Alendronate minimal effect on norepinephrine uptake
B. Calcitonin A. Protriptyline
C. Mestranol B. Maprotiline
D. Oxandrolone C. Fuoxetine
E. Vitamin D D. Desipramine
E. Amoxapine
1353. Catecholamines are all of the following, except 1360. The opioid which has been implicated in Torsade de
A. Drugs that contain a 3,4 dihydroxybenzene structure Pointes is:
B. Are produced by monoamine oxidase A. Morphine
C. Are inactivated by catechol-O-methyl transferase B. Meperidine
D. Are most effectively inactivated by synaptic re-uptake C. Buprenorphine
E. Broken down into byproducts, one of which is meta- D. Methadone
nephrine E. Propoxyphene
1356. Which of the following is a selective inhibitor of 1363. A patient has been taking aspirin for rheumatoid
monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) and, therefore, arthritis for 8 years. Exacerbations are becoming
useful in treating parkinsonism? worse and she asks the physician about drugs that
A. Bromocriptine might stop the progression of the disease. Which
B. Carbidopa one of the following is not a disease-modifying (slow-
C. Selegiline acting) antirheumatic drug?
D. Phenelzine A. Auranofin
E. Tranylcypromine B. Hydroxychloroquine
C. Methotrexate
1357. Two drugs may act on the same tissue or organ through D. Penicillamine
independent receptors, resulting in effects in opposite E. Rofecoxib
directions. This is known as
A. Physical antagonism 1364. A 24-year-old schizophrenic man has been treated for
B. Chemical antagonism several years with haloperidol but, since parkinsonism-
C. Competitive antagonism like effects are worsening, the drug is discontinued and
D. Irreversible antagonism treatment is started with olanzapine. Which one of
E. Dispositional antagonism the following statements about the new medication is
1358. The intrathecal equivalent of the epidural administration A. Antipsychotic effects may take several weeks to develop
of 10 mg of morphine is: B. Alleviates some of the negative symptoms of schizo-
A. 0.1 mg phrenia
B. 1 mg C. Causes agranulocytosis
C. 5 mg D. Has a greater affinity for serotonin receptors than for
D. 10 mg dopamine receptors in the CNS
E. 0.5 mg E. Less effect on pituitary function than haloperidol
Section 5 • Pharmacology 253
1365. The main advantage of neurolytic nerve blockade with 1372. Which of the following local anesthetics has the lowest
phenol versus alcohol is ratio of dosage for cardiovascular collapse to dosage
A. Denser blockade required for central nervous system toxicity?
B. Blockade is permanent A. Lidocaine
C. The effects of the block can be evaluated immediately B. Etidocaine
D. The block is less painful C. Bupivacaine
E. Phenol is selective for sympathetic fibers D. Prilocaine
E. Chloroprocaine
1366. Of the following, which is a phase II biotransformation
reaction? 1373. The correct arrangement of local anesthetics in order
A. Sulfoxide formation of their ability to produce cardiotoxicity from most
B. Nitro reduction to least is:
C. Ester hydrolysis A. Bupivacaine, lidocaine, ropivacaine
D. Sulfate conjugation B. Bupivacaine, ropivacaine, lidocaine
E. Deamination C. Ropivacaine, bupivacaine, lidocaine
D. Lidocaine, ropivacaine, bupivacaine
1367. The concentration of epinephrine corresponding to a 1: E. Lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine
200,000 mixture is:
A. 0.5 µg/mL 1374. The antidepressant below with the highest risks of
B. 5 µg/mL inducing seizures is:
C. 50 µg/mL A. Doxepin
D. 0.5 µg/mL B. Trazadone
E. 0.1 mg/mL C. Amitriptyline
D. Maprotiline
1368. Damage to dopamine neurons in the midbrain is a E. Nortriptyline
central feature of the pathophysiology of Parkinsons
disease. The loss of midbrain dopamine in this disease 1375. The antidepressant below with the least anticholinergic
is accompanied by and least sedating effects is:
A. An increase in the dopamine transporter A. Amitriptyline
B. A decrease in dopamine 1 receptor density B. Imipramine
C. An increase in dopamine 2 receptor density C. Doxepin
D. A decrease in dopamine synthesis in remaining dopa- D. Trazadone
mine neurons E. Desipramine
E. An increase in both dopamine 1 and dopamine 2 recep-
tor density 1376. Adrenergic receptors are coupled to
A. G proteins
1369. What would be the most appropriate dose of ephedrine, B. Tyrosine kinase
for a patient that has a fall in blood pressure, following C. Sodium channels
epidural anesthesia? D. Cyclo-oxygenase
A. 10-25 mg E. Nerve growth factor
B. 100-250 micrograms
C. 10-25 micrograms 1377. All of the following medications can cause sexual
D. 1-2.5 micrograms dysfunction. However, the following drug does not
E. 100-250 mg inhibit desire or decrease arousal.
A. Amphetamines
1370. Clonidine B. Phenothiazines
A. Preferentially inhibits alpha 1 receptors C. alpha -Methyldopa
B. Only binds to alpha 2 receptors D. Guanethidine
C. Prolongs the sensory block of subarachnoid bupiva- E. Tricyclic Anti-Depressents
D. Produce pruritis, epidurally 1378. Local anesthetic per spinal segment to patients between
E. Does not reduce shivering 20 and 40 years of age receiving an epidural is most
likely limited to
1371. Which of the following irreversibly inhibits alpha A. 0.5 mL
receptors? B. 1.0 mL
A. Phentolamine C. 1.5 mL
B. Prazosin D. 2.0 mL
C. Phenoxybenzamine E. 2.5 mL
D. Esmolol
E. Clonidine
254 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1379. The maximum dose of lidocaine containing 1:200,000 C. Nystatin, for a yeast infection
epinephrine that can be administered to a 70-kg D. Phentermine, used for weight reduction
patient for regional anesthesia is E. Triazolam, used as a sleeping pill
A. 50 mg
B. 100 mg 1386. Accidental poisonings are common with both aspirin
C. 200 mg and ibuprofen, two OTC drugs available in tasty
D. 500 mg chewable tablets. In cases of overdose, aspirin is more
E. 1000 mg likely than ibuprofen to cause
A. Autonomic instability
1380. Which of the following is described as a competitive B. Hepatic necrosis
benzodiazepine receptor antagonist? C. Metabolic acidosis
A. Ketamine D. Thrombocytopenia
B. Chlordiazepoxide E. Ventricular arrhythmias
C. Flumazenil
D. Midazolam
E. Triazolam
Directions: Each question below contains four suggested
1381. Among the local anesthetics used for intravenous responses of which one or more is correct. Select
regional anesthesia (Bier block) the most rapidly A if 1, 2 and 3 are correct
metabolized and thus least toxic accentis: B if 1 and 3 are correct
A. Etidocaine C if 2 and 4 are correct
B. Lidocaine
D if 4 is correct
C. Ropivacaine
D. Prilocaine
E if All (1, 2, 3 and 4) are correct
E. Mepivacaine
Section 5 • Pharmacology 255
1390. Of the following agents is/are effective topical anesthetics 1397. Concomitant use of a COX-2 selective NSAID with
when applied to mucous membranes an ACE inhibitor potentially produces which of the
1. Lidocaine following adverse effects:
2. Cocaine 1. Hypotension via an additive pharmacodynamic effect
3. Tetracaine 2. Hypertension via an additive pharmacokinetic effect
4. Procaine 3. Hypotension via an opposing pharmacokinetic effect
4. Hypertension via an opposing pharmacodynamic ef-
1391. Which of the following best describes the receptor effects fect
of psychoactive medications?
1. Some agents are agonists for receptors and stimulate the 1398. Gabapentin is labeled by the Food and Drug
specific biological activity of the receptor Administration for use in:
2. Some agents are antagonists for receptors and inhibit 1. Epilepsy
biological activity 2. Myofascial pain syndrome.
3. Some agents are partial agonists because they cannot 3. Post herpetic neuralgia.
fully activate a specific receptor 4. Bi-polar disease
4. All antagonists stimulate receptor activity
1399. The seizure threshold for local anesthetics is raised by
1392. Most commonly observed side effects in adults who use 1. Hypokalemia
Gabapentin include: 2. Hyperoxia
1. Somnolence 3. Hypocarbia
2. Peripheral edema. 4. Acidosis
3. Dizziness.
4. Amnesia. 1400. Dopamine agonists include
1. Bromocriptine (Parlodel)
1393. Epidurally administered opioids encompass the 2. Pergolide (Permax)
following true statements. 3. Ropinirole (Requip)
1. Posterior radicular arteries transfer opioids to the dorsal 4. Prochlorperazine (Compazine)
2. The epidural venous system carries opioids through the 1401. The triptan class of drugs are selective
systemic circulation 1. Muscarinic agonists
3. Epidural fat and opioids bind 2. Dopamine agonists
4. Opioids are carried through the dura by diffusing across 3. Cholinergic agonists
arachnoid granulations and enter the cerebrospinal 4. Serotonin agonists
fluid (CSF)
1394. Traditional NSAIDs (e.g. Ibuprofen) are now known to 1402. Local anesthetic metabolized by ester hydrolysis include
effect their pharmacodynamic activity via inhibition 1. Lidocaine
of: 2. Cocaine
1. Cyclooxygenase 1 3. Mepivacaine
2. Prostaglandin synthetase 4. Tetracain
3. Thromboxane synthetase
4. Cyclooxygenase 2 1403. Which of the following local anesthetic concentrations
is(are) isobaric?
1. 2% Lidocaine
1395. Which of the following local anesthetics depend on 2. 0.5% Tetracaine
hepatic blood flow for plasma clearance? 3. 0.5% Bupivacaine
1. Procaine 4. 0.75% Bupivacaine
2. Prilocaine
3. Tetracaine 1404. Which is true about the lumbar epidural instillation of
4. Lidocaine local anesthetics?
1. Ropivacaine and bupivacaine at identical concentra-
tions will provide identical depths and durations of
1396. Which of the following drugs have sodium channel motor block
blocking properties? 2. Local anesthetics diffuse across the dura and act on the
1. Lidocaine spinal cord and exiting nerve roots
2. Ziconotide 3. Hypotension, bradycardia, and high thoracic levels of
3. Quinidine sensor-motor block that occurs 10-15 minutes after an
4. Strychnine epidural test dose, suggest a subarachnoid block
4. Local anesthetics exit the intervertebral foramina and
cause multilevel paravertebral nerve blocks
256 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1405. Risk factors for induction of gastropathy and induction 1411. Plasma monitoring should be considered with a tricyclic
of gastroduodenal ulcers include: antidepressant in the following situation:
1. Age over 60 1. Lack of efficacy
2. Alcohol use 2. Suspected Non-compliance
3. Steroid use 3. Dosing in excess of 50 mg
4. Multiple NSAID use 4. Concurrent therapies with potential cardiac toxicity
1406. Which of the following statements about routes of 1412. Which of the following statements about alcoholics
administration of opioids is/are true: withdrawing from alcohol are true?
1. The rectal route may be used safely in patients with 1. Overhydration more likely than dehydration
thrombocytopenia. 2. Well-nourished patients should receive vitamins
2. The intravenous route is more effective than the subcu- 3. Often dependent also on other CNS depressants
taneous route. 4. Withdrawal syndrome followed by insomnia
3. The transdermal route yields predictable and stable
blood levels.
4. The transmucosal route may be effective in certain situ- 1413. Factor(s) that antagonize local anesthetics include
ations but it is expensive. 1. Tissue acidosis
2. Presence of myelin
3. Increasing fiber diameter
1407. True statements concerning local anesthetics include the 4. Rapid firing rate
1. The un-ionized form of a local anesthetic binds to the
nerve membrane to actually block conduction 1414. Local anesthetic blockade is
2. If one node of Ranvier is blocked, conduction will be 1. Ionic
reliably interrupted 2. Reversible
3. The ability of a local anesthetic to block nerve conduc- 3. Frequency-dependant
tion is directly proportional to the diameter of the 4. Depolarizing
4. The presence of myelin enhances the ability of a local
anesthetic to block nerve conduction 1415. Which of the following are metabolized by monoamine
1. Norepinephrine
1408. Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory medicines should be 2. Dopamine
used with caution with the following cotherapeutic 3. Epinephrine
agents: 4. Serotonin
1. Coumadin
2. Methotrexate
3. Lithium Carbonate 1416. Side effect/s of corticosteroids is/are:
4. H2 Antagonists 1. Hypoglycemia
2. Hyperkalemia
3. Decreased intraocular pressure
1409. Hepatic toxicity and NSAID is related to: 4. Psychosis
1. Class of NSAID
2. Pharmacokinetics of drug
3. Dose of drug 1417. A 29-year-old male requires suturing for a deep laceration
4. Cholestatic activity in his palm. He is allergic to benzocaine. Which of the
following local anesthetics could safely be used?
1. Cocaine
1410. Factor(s) that influence systemic absorption of local 2. Tetracaine
anesthetics include 3. Procaine
1. Site of injection of the local anesthetic 4. Bupivacaine
2. Lipid solubility of the local anesthetic
3. Addition of vasoconstrictor substances to the local
anesthetic 1418. Hypercalcemia can occur in the following:
4. Concentration of the local anesthetic 1. Renal cell carcinoma
2. Cushing’s syndrome
3. Hyperparathyroidism
4. Pituitary Adenoma
Section 5 • Pharmacology 257
1421. Non-selective NSAID agents inhibit both: 1428. Epinephrine is effective in increasing the clinical
1. Cyclooxygenase-I Constitutive Pathway duration of action of
2. Leukotrienes Pathway 1. Procaine
3. Cyclooxygenase-II Inducible Pathway 2. Lidocaine
4. Arachidonic Acid Lipid Membrane Cascade 3. Tetracaine
4. Etidocaine
258 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1433. Frequency-dependant anesthetic blockade is 1441. Pharmacogenetic variability in drug effects occur by:
characterized by 1. Differences in drug metabolism
1. Enhanced binding in open state 2. Altered levels of normal receptor protein
2. Reduced release in resting state 3. Variations in drug receptor binding
3. State-dependent phasic block 4. Acquired variations due to mutations
4. Deeper blockade at higher frequency
Section 5 • Pharmacology 259
1448. Ziconotide 1455. Which of the following drugs produce sodium channel
1. Is a N-type voltage sensitive calcium channel antago- blockade?
nist. 1. Lidocaine
2. Has been reported to be beneficial in spinal cord injury. 2. Phenytoin
3. Has side effects including nystagmus, ataxa, hallucina- 3. Quinidine
tions etc. 4. Amitritpyline
4. Is a L-type voltage sensitive calcium channel antago-
1456. The following statements are true regarding fentanyl as a
good agent for transdermal use:
1449. Phenol is 1. Low molecular weihjt
1. Hyperbaric relative to CSF 2. Adequate lipid solubility
2. Produces selective coagulation of proteins 3. High analgesic potency
3. Has a local anesthetic effect 4. Low abuse potential
4. Causes selective small fiber destruction
260 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1463. The following are true choices which may lead to 1471. The following drugs are effective in a treatment of
decreased opioid requirements: pruritus from administration of neuraxial opiates:
1. Combined treatment with local anesthetics 1. Nalbuphine 5mg IV
2. Advance age 2. Diphenhydramine 50mg IV
3. Decreased renal function 3. Hydroxyzine 20mg IM
4. Combined treatment with gabapentin 4. Propofol 10mg IV
1464. Beta-endorphin is found in the: 1472. Which of the following drugs are serotonin antagonists?
1. Locus ceruleus 1. Ondansetron (Zofran)
2. Hypothalamus 2. Granisotron (Kytril)
3. Periaqueductal gray 3. Dolasetron (Anzemet)
4. Pituitary 4. Metoclopramide (Reglan)
1465. Examples of phenanthrene class of opioid include all 1473. Serious drug interactions may occur with MAO
except: inhibitors and which of the following drugs?
1. Morphine 1. Fluoxetine
2. Fentanyl 2. Amitriptyline
3. Codeine 3. Sumatriptan
4. Meperidine 4. Meperidine
Section 5 • Pharmacology 261
262 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Definitions of Opioids
Opiate A drug derived from alkaloids of the opium poppy
Opioid The class of drugs that includes opiates, opiopeptins, and all synthetic and semisynthetic
drugs that mimic the actions of the opiates
Opioid peptides Endogenous peptides that act on opioid receptors
Opioid agonist A drug that activates some or all opioid receptor subtypes and does not block any
Partial agonist A drug that can activate an opioid receptor to effect a submaximal response
Opioid antagonist A drug that blocks some or all opioid receptor subtypes
Mixed agonist antagonist A drug that activates some opioid receptor subtypes and blocks other subtypes
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
Section 5 • Pharmacology 263
Term Definition
Tolerance A decreased response to a drug, necessitating larger doses to achieve the same effect. This can
result from increased disposition of the drug (metabolic tolerance), an ability to compensate
for the effects of a drug (behavioral tolerance), or changes in receptor or effector systems
involved in drug actions (functional tolerance)
Psychologic Compulsive drug-using behavior in which the individual uses the drug for personal
dependence satisfaction, often despite known health risks
Physiologic A state characterized by signs and symptoms, frequently the opposite of those caused
dependence by a drug, when it is withdrawn from chronic use or when the does is abruptly lowered.
Psychologic dependence usually precedes physiologic dependence
Abstinence A term used to describe the signs and symptoms that occur on withdrawal of a drug in a
syndrome physiologically dependent person
Controlled A drug deemed to have abuse liability that is listed on governmental Schedules of Controlled
substance Drugs. Such schedules categorize illicit drugs, control prescribing practices, and mandate
penalties for illegal possession, manufacture, and sale of listed drugs. Controlled substance
schedules are presumed to reflect current attitudes toward substance abuse; therefore, which
drugs are regulated depends on a social judgment
Designer drug A synthetic derivative of a drug, with slightly modified structure but no major change
in pharmacodynamic action. Circumvention of the Schedules of Controlled drugs is a
motivation for the illicit synthesis of designer drugs.
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New
York, 1998.
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New
York, 1998.
264 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Heroin; other opioid Constricted pupils, clammy skin, Nausea, chills, sweats, cramps,
analgesics nausea, drowsiness, respiratory lacrimation, rhinorrhea, yawning,
depression, coma, death hyperpnea, tremor
Cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and stroke occur more frequently in cocaine overdose than
with other CNS stimulants.
Ethanol withdrawal includes the excited hallucinatory state of delirium tremens.
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
Drugs of Abuse
Section 5 • Pharmacology 265
Benzodiazepine Indications
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
266 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
Section 5 • Pharmacology 267
Tricyclic antidepressants
Tertiary amines
Trimipramine [Surmontil] + 0
Secondary amines
Protriptyline [Vivactil] ++ 0
Amoxapine [Asendin]* ++ 0
Atypical antidepressants
Maprotiline [Ludiomil] ++ 0
Bupropion [Wellbutrin] + 0
Venlafaxine [Effexor] + +
Nefazodone [Serzone] ‡ + +
268 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
Substantial Minimal
Analgesia Constipation
Respiratory depression Seizures
Euphoria and dysphoria Antagonist activity
Nausea and vomiting
Cough suppression
Source: Katzung & Trevor’s Pharmacology, Examination and Board Review, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1998.
Section 5 • Pharmacology 269
1267. Answer: A B. Barbiturates also act on the Cl¯ channel to increase the
Explanation: opening frequency of the channel.
Reference: Katzung, pp 439-441. D. Valproic acid elevates brain levels of GABA by
The primary effect of local anesthetics is blockade of inhibiting GABA metabolism.
voltage channel-gated Na channels. E. Chlorpromazine blocks the activity of dopamine
Progressively increasing concentrations of local receptors and has little or no effect on the GABA system.
anesthetics results in an increased threshold of excitation, a Source: Stern - 2004
slowing of impulse conduction, a decline in the rate of rise
of the action potential, a decrease in the height of the 1273. Answer: E
action potential, and eventual obliteration of the action Explanation:
potential. Reference: Katzung, p 602.
Tasteless enteric-coated tablets and capsules are
Local anesthetics first block small unmyelinated or lightly formulated to resist the acidic pH found in the stomach.
myelinated fibers (pain), followed by heavily myelinated Once the preparation has passed into the intestine, the
but small-diameter fibers (sensory) and then larger- coating dissolves in the alkaline milieu and releases the
diameter fibers (proprioception, pressure, motor). drug. Therefore, gastric irritation, drug destruction by
Source: Stern - 2004 gastric acid, and the forming of complexes of the drug
1268. Answer: C food constituents will be avoided.
Explanation: Source: Stern-2004
Reference: Hardman, pp 414-416.
Unwanted pharmacologic side effects produced by 1274. Answer: B
phenothiazine antipsychotic drugs (e.g., perphenazine)
include Parkinson-like syndrome, akathisia, dystonias,
galactorrhea, amenorrhea, and infertility. These side effects 1275. Answer: C
are due to the ability of these agents to block dopamine Explanation:
receptors. (Raj, Practical Mgmt of Pain, 3rd Ed, page 566, Stoelting,
The phenothiazines also block muscarinic and a- Pharmacology and Physiology of Anesthetic Practice, 3rd
adrenergic receptors, which are responsible for other Ed., page 170-171)
Source: Stern - 2004 All local anesthetics can produce a dose dependent
depression of cardiac conduction velocity, including intra-
1269. Answer: C atrial, AV nodal, His-Purkinje, and intraventricular
pathways. Part of local anesthetic cardiac toxicity is due to
1270. Answer: A blockade of cardiac sodium channels. Accidentally
Source: Cole EB, Board Review 2003 administered bupivacaine can lead to precipitous
hypotension, dysrhythmias, and A-V heart block. The
1271. Answer: B dissociation of highly lipid soluble bupivacaine from Na+
channels is slow.
270 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Section 5 • Pharmacology 271
272 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1311. Answer: B
1327. Answer: D
1312. Answer: C Explanation:
Source: Day MR, Board Review 2004 Reference: Katzung, p 437.
Local anesthetics are agents that, when applied locally,
block nerve conduction; they also prevent generation of a
1313. Answer: D nerve impulse. All contain a lipophilic (benzene)
Explanation: functional group and most a hydrophilic (amine) group.
Large doses of prilocaine, usually greater than 600 mg
epidurally, can result in clinically significant
methemoglobinemia. Prilocaine is metabolized by the Benzocaine does not contain the therminal hydrophilic
liver to o-toluidine, which is responsible for the oxidation amine group; thus, it is only slightly soluble in water and is
of hemoglobin to methemoglobin. Methemoglobinemia slowly absorbed with a prolonged duration. It is,
can be treated with IV methylene blue, or it will resolve therefore, only useful as a surface anesthetic.
spontaneously. Source: Stern -2004
Source: Hall and Chantigan.
1328. Answer: B
1314. Answer: B
1329. Answer: B
1315. Answer: C Explanation:
Among the SSRIs, fluvoxamine appears to present the
1316. Answer: E greatest risk of drug-drug interactions. Fluvoxamine is
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 metabolized by CYP 3A4. Fluvoxamine may increase the
half-lives of alprazolam and diazepam and should not be
1317. Answer: C coadministered with these agents. Fluvoxamine may
increase theophylline concentrations 3-fold and warfarin
1318. Answer: C concentrations 2-fold, with important clinical
Explanation: consequences. Fluvoxamine raises concentrations and may
Reference: Hardman, pp 510 increase the activity of clozapine, carbamazepine,
Carbidopa is an inhibitor of aromatic L-amino acid methadone, propranolol, and diltiazem.
decarboxylase. It cannot readily penetrate the central Source: Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD
nervous system (CNS) and, thus, decreases the
decarboxylation of L-dopa in the peripheral tissues. This 1330. Answer: D
promotes an increased concentration of L-dopa in the Explanation:
nigrostriatum, where it is converted to dopamine. In Reference: Katzung, pp 404-405.
addition, the effective dose of L-dopa can be reduced.
Source: Stern - 2004 Vigabatrin can induce psychosis. It is recommended that it
not be used in patients with preexisting depression and
1319. Answer: C Source: Stern - 2004
Section 5 • Pharmacology 273
(Raj, Practical Mgmt of Pain 3rd Ed., pag 565) 1345. Answer: E
As the serum levels of lidocaine rise, the patient may be at Reference: Hardman, pp 31-34.
increased risk for seizures. At 10 to 12 micrograms/ml.,
inhibitory pathways in the brain are selectively inhibited, * Based upon the molecular mechanisms with which
but facilitatory neurons are unopposed. receptors transduce signals, four major classes of
receptors have been identified:
Seizures originate in the amygdale and hippocampus. - ion channel receptors,
- receptors that interact with G proteins,
Lidocaine toxicity presents with prodromal symptoms, - receptors with tyrosine kinase activity, and
before seizures: slow speech, jerky movements, tremors, - nuclear receptors.
and hallucinations
Source: Shah RV, Board Review 2004 * The first three types of receptors are complex membrane
bound proteins with hydrophilic regions located within
1334. Answer: D the lipoid cell membrane and hydrophilic regions located
Explanation: within the lipoid cell membrane and hydrophilic portions
(Raj, Practical Mgmt of Pain, 3rd Ed., page 565)Similarly found protruding into the cytoplasm of the cell and the
the peak concentrations would be extracellular milieu; when activated, all of these receptors
Intercostal > Epidural > Intravenous = Brachial Plexus > transmit (or transduce) information presented at the
Subcutaneous extracellular surface into ionic or biochemical signals
Source: Shah RV, Board Review 2004 within the cell (i.e., second messengers). Nuclear receptors
are found in the nucleus of the cell, not bound to plasma
1335. Answer: E membranes. In addition, these receptors do not transduce
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 information by second-messenger systems; rather, they
bind to nuclear chromatin and elicit a biologic response
1336. Answer: A through the transcription of DNA and alterations in the
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 formation of cellular proteins. Ligand binding to all types
of receptors may involve the formation of ionic, hydrogen,
1337. Answer: A hydrophobic, van der Waals’, and covalent bonds. In most
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 cases, ligand-receptor interactions are stereospecific; for
example, natural (-)-epinephrine is 1000 times more
potent than (+)-epinephrine.
1338. Answer: A Source: Stern-2004
(Raj, Practical Mgmt of Pain, 3rd Ed., page 565, figure 39- 1346. Answer: A
6) Ok, a trick question. Explanation:
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) have been known to be
The actual peak concentrations of these routes at 5 effective in managing chronic pain. Unfortunately, their
minutes would be on the order of micrograms per side effect profile very often limits their clinical use. Some
milliliter IV> Intercostal> Epidural> Brachial Plexus > of the major side effects include orthostatic hypotension,
Subcutaneous anticholinergic effects, weight gain, sedation, cardiac
Source: Shah RV, Board Review 2004 conduction disturbances, sexual dysfunction and
1339. Answer: E
Source: Hansen HC, Board Review 2004 TCA’s with lower sedating effects include Protriptyline,
amoxapine, desipramine and imipramine. Trazadone is an
1340. Answer: B atypical antidepressant. It inhibits serotonin uptake, blocks
Source: Cole EB, Board Review 2003 serotonin 5-HT2 receptors, a1 receptor antagonist. Its
most common side effects are sedation and orthostatic
1341. Answer: B hypotension. At low doses it is used an adjunct for
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 insomnia.
Source: Chopra P, 2004
1342. Answer: D
1343. Answer: C 1347. Answer: D
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 Source: Raj P, Pain medicine - A comprehensive Review -
Second Edition
1344. Answer: D
Source: Hansen HC, Board Review 2004 1348. Answer: D
Source: Jackson KC. Board Review 2003
274 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Section 5 • Pharmacology 275
1359. Answer: C
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 1367. Answer: B
1360. Answer: D Epinephrine is commonly packaged as followos:
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
1:1000 1000 mg per 1,000 mL = 1 mg/mL
1361. Answer: C
Explanation: 1:10,000 1000 mg per 10,000 mL = 0.1 mg/mL
(Stoelting 3rd Ed., Chapter 12)
1:200,000 means 1 g = 1000mg = 1,000,000 µg per
Renal dose dopamine may promote diuresis, but it is not 200,000mL
conclusive whether it may protect against acute renal
failure. Dopamine antagonists, such as metoclopramide or 1,000,000 µg /200,000 mL = 5 mg/mL
droperidol, interfere with dopamine effects on the kidney.
Low dose dopamine may exacerbate GI mucosal ischemia Source: Hall and Chantigan
and contribute to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
Source: Shah RV, Board Review 2005 for Smith 1368. Answer: E
1362. Answer: C (Cooper, pp 317-322.)
Explanation: · Although there are hypotheses and models of
(Stoelting, 3rd Ed., Chapter 14) neurotransmitter dysfunction for many psychiatric and
Nonselective Beta Blockers do reduce heart rate and neurologic diseases, Parkinson’s disease remains the
cardiac contractility. They are highly absorbed by the gut, model disorder in which damage to a specific neural
but are subject to a significant first pass effect. They are pathway characterized by a particular neurotransmitter
highly protein bound. They do reduce the clearance of can explain most or all of the pathophysiology of the
local anesthetics, by affecting hepatic blood flow. They do disease.
increase airway resistance.
Source: Shah RV, Board Review 2005 for Smith · Patients with Parkinson’s disease have biochemical
evidence of greatly decreased dopamine function in the
1363. Answer: E brain because of degeneration of the nigrostriatal tract. A
neurotoxic model of the disease, produced in primates by
276 Section 5 •Pharmacology
administration of a derivative of meperidine (MPTP), Phentolamine and prazosin are reversible alpha blockers.
demonstrated that severe damage to dopaminecontaining Phenoxybenzamine is an irreversible alpha blocker.
nigrostriatal neurons produced nearly all of the signs and Esmolol is a selective Beta-1 blocker. Clonidine is a
symptoms of Parkinsons disease. selective partial alpha 2 agonist.
· As dopamine neurons in the nigrostriatal tract Source: Shah RV, Board Review 2005 for Smith
degenerate, compensatory changes occur that also
contribute to the pathophysiology. These changes include
a matching loss of the dopamine transporter and a 1372. Answer: C
compensatory rise in both dopamine 1 and dopamine 2 Explanation:
postsynaptic receptor density. The remaining dopamine In general, there is an overall direct correlation between
neurons synthesize and release more dopamine as a anesthetic’s potency and its direct depressant effect on
compensatory mechanism. These secondary physiologic myocardial contractility.
changes probably explain some of the signs and symptoms
seen in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease who are A. Ratio for lidocaine and mepivacaine is 7.1.
being treated with agents that augment dopamine B. Ratio for etidocaine is 4.4
production. One example is the “on-off’ phenomenon in C. The ratio of dosage required for cardiovascular
which patients have abnormal increases in movement after collapse in animal models compared with that required to
administration of dopamine-augmenting agents, probably produce neurologic symptoms is the lowest for
because of hypersensitive dopamine receptors in bupivacaine and levo-bupivacaine (2.0)
remaining neurons of the nigrostriatal tract. - Ratio for ropivacaine is 2.2
Source: Ebert 2004 D. Ratio for prilocaine is 3.1;
E. Ratio for procaine and chloroprocaine is 3.7
Section 5 • Pharmacology 277
one spinal segment. Two thirds of these would be above is not useful as a topical agent.
the epidural entry side and one third would be below.
1391. Answer: A (1, 2, & 3 )
1379. Answer: D Source: Cole EB, Board Review 2003
The maximum dose of local anesthetics containing 1392. Answer: A (1,2, & 3)
1:200,000 epinephrine that can be used for major nerve Source: Hansen HC, Board Review 2004
blocks is:
Lidocaine, 500mg 1393. Answer: E (All)
Mepivacaine, 500mg Explanation:
Prilocaine, 600mg When an opioid is delivered to the epidural space, all the
Bupivacaine, 225mg listed actions occur. These characteristics affect the
Etidocaine, 400mg clinical effects of various opioids in the following way:
Tetracaine, 200mg. Lipid-soluble agents (e.g., fentanyl) have rapid onset of
analgesia, short duration, and early respiratory depression
1380. Answer: C associated with the degree of systemic uptake. Hydrophilic
Explanation: agents (e.g., morphine) have slow onset of analgesia,
Reference: Katzung, pp 373-374. prolonged duration, and late respiratory depression
antagonist. The drug reverses the CNS sedative effects of associated with rostral spread via the CSF to the
benzodiazepines and is indicated where general anesthesia brainstem.
has been induced by or maintained with benzodiazepines Source: Kahn CH, DeSio JM. PreTest Self Assessment and
such as diazepam, lorazepam, or midazolam. Review. Pain Management. New York, McGraw-Hill, Inc.,
Source: Stern - 2004 1996.
1388. Answer: D (4 Only) * The alkalosis and hypokalemia that occur as a result of
Source: Cole EB, Board Review 2003 hyper-ventilation lead to hyperpolarization of the resting
transmembrane potential of neurons, thus increasing the
seizure threshold for local anesthetics.
1389. Answer: D (4 Only)
Source: Jackson KC. Board Review 2003 * Acidosis and hypercarbia decrease the seizure threshold
for local anesthetics.
1390. Answer: A (1, 2, & 3)
Explanation: * Hyperoxia does nothing to prevent seizures.
* Lidocaine, tetracaine, and cocaine are all effective topical
anesthetics when applied to mucous membranes. 1400. Answer: A (1, 2, & 3 )
* Procaine penetrates the mucous membranes poorly and 1402. Answer: C (2 & 4)
278 Section 5 •Pharmacology
1406. Answer: D (4 Only) * Larger-diameter fibers are more difficult to block than
Source: Reddy Etal. Pain Practice: Dec 2001, march 2002 smaller-diameter fibers.
1407. Answer: D (4 Only) * Tissue acidosis results in formation of the ionized form
Explanation: of the local anesthetics. This form does not readily
1. The un-ionized form of the local anesthetic traverses the transverse the lipophilic cell membrane.
nerve membrane whereas the ionized form actually blocks
conduction. About three nodes of Ranvier must be 1414. Answer: A (1, 2, & 3 )
blocked to achieve anesthesia.
1415. Answer: E (All)
2. The ability of a local anesthetic to block conduction is
inversely proportional to the diameter of the fiber. 1416. Answer: D (4 Only)
Source: Day MR, Board Review 2004
3. The presence of myelin enhances the ability of a local
anesthetic to block conduction, as does rapid firing. 1417. Answer: D (4 Only)
1408. Answer: A (1,2, & 3) Reference: Hardman, p 340. Katzung, p 437.
Source: Hansen HC, Board Review 2004
Section 5 • Pharmacology 279
Of the listed agents, only bupivacaine is an amide. Allergy 1428. Answer: A (1, 2, & 3)
to amide-type local anesthetics is much less frequent than Explanation:
with ester-type local anesthetics, such as benzocaine; 1. Epinephrine or phenylephrine is frequently added to
patients who demonstrate an allergy to one such drug will local anesthetic solutions to produce vasoconstriction.
be allergic to all of them. This decrease systemic absorption of the local anesthetic
Source: Stern - 2004 and prolongs the duration of action of the local anesthetic.
280 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Section 5 • Pharmacology 281
282 Section 5 •Pharmacology
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005 effects of L-dopa are mediated by CNS dopamine, so
adding carbidopa does not make them less likely. The
1475. Answer: E (All) combination of L-dopa and carbidopa reduces the
Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004 extracerebral metabolism of L-dopa, resulting in decreased
peripheral adverse effects.
1476. Answer: E (All) Source: Stern - 2004
Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004
1487. Answer: A ( 1, 2, & 3)
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
1477. Answer: C (2 & 4)
Explanation: 1488. Answer: A ( 1, 2, & 3)
Metabolism of drugs occurs in the liver (most important) Explanation:
as well as the kidneys, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Fluoxetine is an inhibitor of CYP 2D6
Phase II reactions are conjugation reactions, which involve Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004
covalent binding of adducts to drugs to increase water
solubility and enhance renal excretion. Most conjugation 1489. Answer: A ( 1, 2, & 3)
reactions occur in the cytosol (except for glucuronidation, Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
which is microsomal).
Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004
1490. Answer: C (2 & 4)
1478. Answer: E (All) Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004
1491. Answer: B ( 1 & 3)
1479. Answer: A ( 1, 2, & 3) Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
1492. Answer: A ( 1, 2, & 3)
1480. Answer: B (1 & 3) Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004
1493. Answer: E (All)
1481. Answer: E (All) Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
Anticonvulsants are effective more quickly than lithium, 1494. Answer: C (2 & 4)
and potentiate the effect. Centrally acting L type calcium Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
channel blockers are also helpful.
Source: Boswell MV, Board Review 2004 1495. Answer: C (2 & 4)
Source: Smith H, Board Review 2005
1482. Answer: E (All)
1496. Answer: D (4 only)
1483. Answer: E (All) Explanation:
1484. Answer: C (2 & 4) Explanation: Amino ester local anesthetics include
Explanation: tetracaine, cocaine, prilocaine, and chloroprocaine. Amino
* Local anesthetics are weak bases with pKas ranging from amide local anesthetics include: lidocaine, etidocaine,
7.6 to 8.9. bupivacaine, ropivacaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine, and
* A low pH will result in the formation of the ionized
species because more protons (hydrogen ions) are Source: Hahn, McQuillan, Sheplock: Regional Anesthesia:
available to bind to the nitrogen atoms in the local An Atlas of Anatomy and Techniques. Mosby 1996.
anesthetics. Source: Day MR