Design Criteria Jazan
Design Criteria Jazan
Design Criteria Jazan
SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1-1
1.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 ORGANIZATION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTS ................................................................................. 1-1
1.4 DOCUMENTS REFERENCED IN TEXT ........................................................................................... 1-1
SECTION 2 APPLICABLE CODES AND STANDARDS .............................................................................2-1
2.1 CODES, STANDARDS, AND MANUALS ........................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 CRITERIA SOURCES ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 DRAFTING STANDARDS .............................................................................................................. 2-1
SECTION 3 GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA AND STANDARDS .................................................................3-1
3.1 SITE CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS .................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY ..................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3 TOPOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.4 SOIL CONDITIONS AND GEOLOGY .......................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARDS ................................................................................... 3-2
SECTION 4 CIVIL DESIGN ..................................................................................................................4-1
4.1 GOVERNING CODES AND STANDARDS ...................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 ROADS AND STREETS .............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.2 STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN .................................................................................................... 4-4
4.2.3 SEWERAGE SYSTEM DESIGN ................................................................................................. 4-11
4.2.4 POTABLE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: ........................................................................... 4-15
SECTION 5 STRUCTURAL DESIGN .....................................................................................................5-1
REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 COORDINATION AND DATA GATHERING REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 5-2
5.3 ROYAL COMMISSION AND TSS-SE GUIDELINE REQUIREMENTS ................................................ 5-2
5.4 CORROSION PROTECTION AND CONTROL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 5-3
5.5 STRUCTURAL DESIGN BASIS REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 5-4
5.5.1 BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES .................................................................................... 5-4
5.5.2 TRANSPORTATION STRUCTURES CODES ................................................................................ 5-4
5.5.3 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE CODES ............................................................................................ 5-6
5.5.4 STRUCTURAL STEEL CODES .................................................................................................... 5-6
5.19 SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 5-33
5.20 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CALCULATION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 5-34
5.21 STRUCTURAL DESIGN ANALYSIS REPORT (DAR) REQUIREMENTS ........................................... 5-36
5.22 STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS COST ESTIMATE (SSCE) REQUIREMENTS ............................................ 5-38
5.23 CHECKLIST REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 5-40
5.24 DELIVERABLES BY PHASE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 5-41
SECTION 6 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ................................................................................................6-1
6.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 CODES AND STANDARDS ........................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 DESIGN BASIS ............................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.3.1 PRIVACY .................................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.3.2 ENTERTAINMENT.................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3.3 RELIGION ................................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.4 DESIGN LIFE ................................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.4.1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.4.2 SUSTAINABILITY ...................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.4.3 STANDARDIZATION................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.5 DESIGN GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.5.1 FORM, DISPOSITION, AND PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 6-3
6.5.2 ARCHITECTURAL STYLE AND CONSISTENCY (BUILDING DESIGN) ........................................... 6-3
6.5.3 NATURAL VENTILATION.......................................................................................................... 6-5
6.5.4 WINDOWS AND SCREENINGS ................................................................................................. 6-5
6.5.5 MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.5.6 PROVISION FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES .......................................................................... 6-5
6.5.7 GRAPHICS, SIGNS, WAY FINDING AND IDENTIFYING DEVICES ............................................... 6-5
6.5.8 ENTRY DESIGN ........................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.5.9 SPECIALTIES ............................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.5.10 FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS .............................................................................................. 6-6
6.5.11 EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.5.12 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................................ 6-7
6.6 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 6-8
6.6.1 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR LOCAL CONDITIONS ................................................................ 6-8
6.6.2 CULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................. 6-8
6.6.3 ORIENTATION ......................................................................................................................... 6-9
Figure 4-1. Typical Intersection Channelization ................................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-2. Relation of Peak Discharge to Fixture – (1 Gpm = 0.062 l/s) ........................................... 4-13
Figure 6-1. Toilet Fixture Orientation ................................................................................................ 6-12
Figure 8-1 Demand Curve for Varying House Sizes............................................................................ 8-17
Figure 9-1. Pattern of Bend, Cable Duct Section ................................................................................. 9-5
Figure 9-2. Pattern of Bend, Cable Duct Section ................................................................................. 9-6
Figure 9-3. Pattern of Bend, Cable Duct Section ................................................................................. 9-7
Figure 9-4. Pattern of Bend, Cable Duct Section ................................................................................. 9-8
Figure 9-5. Pattern of Bend, Cable Duct Section ................................................................................. 9-9
Figure 9-6. Pattern of Bend, Cable Duct Section ............................................................................... 9-10
Figure 9-7. CCC/TEC/CATV Location .................................................................................................. 9-11
Figure 9-8. Typical Interface Point Connections & Duct Network to Cross Connect Cabinet/Telephone
Electronic Cabinet .............................................................................................................................. 9-12
Figure 9-9. Interface Point & Neighborhood Distribution ................................................................. 9-13
Figure 9-10. Suggested Detail in Paved Areas.................................................................................... 9-14
Figure 9-11. Handhole – Manhole Routing ........................................................................................ 9-15
Figure 9-12. Typical Installation of Main Duct Bank By-Passing a Handhole ..................................... 9-16
Figure 16-1. Sample Construction Cost Estimate Form (16 Div) ........................................................ 16-6
Figure 16-2. Sample Construction Cost Estimate Worksheet (33 Div) .............................................. 16-7
Table 5-1. Minimum Cover for Cast-In-Place and Precast Concrete Reinforcement .......................... 5-5
Table 5-2. Min. Jazan Seismic Design Categories............................................................................... 5-10
Table 5-3 Allowable Structural Deflections........................................................................................ 5-12
Table 5-4. Tolerable Crack Widths ..................................................................................................... 5-15
Table 5-5. Uniformly Distributed Piping Loads .................................................................................. 5-24
Table 5-6. Static Friction Coefficients ................................................................................................ 5-24
Table 5-7. Minimum Distance from Centerline of Anchors ............................................................... 5-28
Table 7-1. Recommended Pipe and Fitting Materials For Various Services ...................................... 7-27
Table 8-1. Private Lot Living Area Calculations .................................................................................. 8-18
Table 8-2. Demand Calculation Formulas .......................................................................................... 8-19
Table 8-3. Land Use Codes and Descriptions ..................................................................................... 8-20
Table 10-1. Summary of seasonal air temperature in JCPDI.............................................................. 10-5
Table 10-2. Guidelines for protection of concrete structures ......................................................... 10-12
Table 10-3. Recommendations on Protection of Pipelines ............................................................. 10-18
Table 10-4. Recommendations for Protective Coating Systems on Concrete ................................. 10-21
Table 10-5. Recommendations for Protective Coating Systems on Ferrous Steel .......................... 10-22
Table 10-6. Recommendations for protective coating systems on non-ferrous metals ................. 10-24
Table 11-1. Master Plant schedule (Example) ................................................................................... 11-3
Table 16-1. Minimum Level of Cost Information Table ..................................................................... 16-4
General Design Criteria and Technical Guidelines provide general requirements applicable in the
development of design and the preparation of contract documents pertinent to the Jazan City
for Primary and Downstream Industries (JCPDI).
This edition (1st) of the design guide is an adaptation of General Design Criteria And Technical
Guidelines 4th Edition for Yanbu Industrial City with required adjustments to JCPDI . In this
edition, most of the design criteria were updated to reflect current international standards with
emphasis on Saudi Building Codes.
Not all sections and subsections contained herein are applicable to each project. Applicability
will be determined by individual project requirements.
Federal specifications of the United States of America shall not be used. Where commercial
standards and specifications are not applicable, use generic descriptions.
The prevailing wind direction between February and October is from the west and it
changes slightly in the month of November, with the prevailing wind direction being
from the west-southwest and in the months of December and January from the south-
southwest. The strongest winds are recorded in the winter. Design wind speeds shall be
obtained from the Structural Design Criteria.
Total average rainfall for the year is between 180mm and 200mm. The minimum and
maximum rainfall per month ranges from 0.5mm in June to 39 mm in August. However
extreme rainfall events occur, with 158 mm recorded for October in 1997 and 120mm
recorded for August in 2006.
The climate is generally hot and humid particularly near the coast. The coolest period is
from December to February and the hottest months are from June to August. The mean
temperature ranges from 26.2 degrees Celsius in January to 33.7 degrees celsius in July.
Due to the site’s coastal location relative humidity is high for the majority of the year.
The mean monthly averages are around 60%, with the maximum monthly average
around 80%. This is relatively constant throughout the year.
Strong winds associated with blowing sand called “shamals” can occur several times a
year, mostly in summer but sometimes in winter resulting in large sandstorms which
may impact JCPDI. Sand can be picked up from other parts of Saudi Arabia or as far
away as sandy deserts on the east coast of Africa such as Sudan and Egypt.
The site shows local variation in topography from 2.0 metres to 31.0 metres. Along the
southern shoreline is a linear band of coastal sand dunes, with a change in level from
approximately 1.0 metres at the coast up to 15-20 metres. Cliffs of approximately 1-3 metres
in height are present at the southern end of the site’s coastline. There is generally an
increase in elevation towards the northern end of the site with the highest elevation in the
north-east. The majority of the site consists of relatively flat land, with occasional low-lying
hills. Small to medium sized vegetated sand mounds are also present.
Sand to silty sand at ground surface, with dry soil at the surface and saturated below;
Sandy silt to lean clay was recorded interrupting the silty sand.
The geographic location of Jazan on the Red Sea basin, which runs parallel to the Red Sea
and forms a narrow flat coastal plain at the western part of the Saudi Arabia, forms part of
the Arabian Peninsula tectonic plate.
The earthquake activity tends to be concentrated along the margins of the Arabian Plate.
One notable concentration is along the spreading axis of the Red Sea. Therefore, seismic
activities must be considered in all aspects of design per applicable standards. According to
Saudi Building Code 301-2007, the site is located within Region 6. Please refer to Structural
Design Criteria for additional details of seismic design requirements.
Groundwater levels vary from a depth of 1.7 m to 9.8 m below ground surface. Sulphate and
chloride content in soils were identified as low but very high in groundwater samples.
The Environmental Protection Standards may be revised and updated as the MEPA documents
are revised, and as more specific requirements arise for JCPDI.
The design and paving systems shall be in accordance with requirements of Ministry of
Transportation (MOT), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (KSA
MUTCD), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, the Asphalt
Institute, and the Portland Cement Association. Water supply and distribution systems shall be
designed in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) and National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) requirements. Sanitary sewers shall conform to the design
requirements of Report No. 37 of the American Society of Civil Engineers' Manuals and Reports
on Engineering Practice, with consideration to the special requirements for each project.
(13)Pavement Marking
Pavement Marking shall be designed in conformance with the Saudi Arabian Standards
for Road Safety Features issued by The Ministry of Transportation (MOT), Manual of
Uniform Traffic Control Devices by the FHWA. Colors shall be white and yellow as
required for the application. Border (edge) stripes shall be solid yellow; center lines shall
be white.
(14)Pavement Design
Pavement shall be of the following types.
(a) Asphalt:
i) Primary, secondary & tertiary roads.
ii) Public parking areas
iii) Commercial and industrial service areas.
(b) Concrete:
i) Residential area driveways and approaches to garages, service and parking
ii) Pedestrian walkways
(c) Concrete or Pavers:
i) Residential courtyards
ii) Public area parkways, courtyards and plazas.
iii) Flexible Pavement: Use Hot Plant Mix Asphalt, super pave shall be applied for all
roads categories in the industrial areas and highways. All parking and service
area paving shall have fuel-resistant surface sealer.
iv) Rigid Pavement:
All rigid pavement shall be reinforced concrete using Type V Portland
Cement conforming to the requirements of ASTM C-150. All pavement shall
be underlain with minimum 0.2 mm thick poly- ethylene sheet vapor barrier.
Expansion joints shall be provided between paving and buildings and
structures, and at about 8.00 m centers in paving. Control joints shall be
spaced at about 6 m centers in paving.
All paving subject to vehicular traffic shall be minimum 200 mm thick.
Pedestrian walkways protected from vehicular traffic or encroachment shall
be minimum 125 mm thick.
(15)Handicapped Access
(a) The AASHTO “Guide for the Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities”
contains additional design guidance that may be utilized for sidewalks and sidewalk
(b) When designing a project that includes curbs and adjacent sidewalks, proper
attention should be given to the needs of persons with disabilities whose means of
mobility are dependent upon wheelchairs and other devices. The street intersection
with steep-faced curbs need not be an obstacle to persons with disabilities.
Adequate and reasonable access shall be provided for sidewalk curb ramps.
(c) As a result, basic curb ramp types have been established and used in accordance
with the geometric characteristics of each intersection, and requires a 0.9-m
minimum curb ramp width and an 8.33 percent maximum grade. Cross slopes on
adjacent sidewalks should be no greater than 2 percent. A level landing area is
required at the top of each curb ramp.
All developments shall be designed to allow safe passage of the 100 Year storm
without damaging adjacent properties or infrastructure.
The drainage system for Yanbu Industrial City is organized into a major system and a minor
system, as summarized in the following table:
Q = Runoff in m3/s
i) Runoff Coefficients:
The coefficient used in the rational formula is based on the weighted average. The
range of coefficients classified with respect to the general character of the tributary
area are as follows:
b) Residential
c) Residential (suburban)
d) Industrial
g) Pavement
ii) The above coefficients of runoff are in accordance with the ASCE Manuals and
Reports on Engineering Practice No. 37 and Page No. 212 of Hydrology for
Engineers by Linsley, and modified by RC.
iii) For different types of areas, develop a composite runoff coefficient based on the
percentage of the different types of surfaces in the drainage area.
Surface Description n
Smooth Surfaces (concrete, asphalt, gravel, or bare soil) 0.011
Short grass or Landscaping 0.150
Native desert 0.130
( )( )
( )( )
( )( )
L = length of channel, m
V = average velocity of flow, m/s
The total time of concentration can be determined by combining (a) sheet flow, (b)
shallow concentrated flow, and (c) channel / Pipe flow (if applicable) for each
drainage sub-basin as shown below:
Total Time of Concentration (Total Tc) = Sheet Tc + Shallow Tc + Channel/Pipe Tc
(4) Design of the Drainage System:
The drainage system shall be designed for uniform flow. The velocity shall be calculated
based on the Manning's formula as follows:
⁄ ⁄
⁄ ⁄
Q = Discharge in m3/s.
V = Velocity in m/s
P = Wetted perimeter in m
n = Roughness coefficient
Type of Material n
(e) Sub-drains:
Sub-drains shall be designed with perforated pipe in collection areas and closed
pipes on effluent lines. All pipe joints shall be closed.
Sources Liters/Day
Residential Area [per capita] 340
Industrial Area (Non Residents) [per capita] 95
Hospitals [Per Bed] 760
Schools [students] 130
Hotels [per square meter] 570
Stores, Offices, and Small Business [per capita] 95
Shopping Centers [per capita] 220
Mosque [per capita] 80
(2) Groundwater Infiltration:
Groundwater Infiltration shall be calculated using the method described in “The United
States Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Collection
Engineer Manual”. The USACE Sanitary and Industrial Wastewater Collection Engineer
Manual provide the following guidance:
“Extraneous flows from ground water infiltration will enter the sewer system and is to be
accounted for by adding 500 to 1,000 gpd/per inch per mile of pipe, to the peak rate of
flow. Tests required for newly constructed sewers normally limit leakage to 500 gpd/per
inch per mile.”
The description provided has been converted to the metric system as follows:
An average of 70.5 l/d/mm of diameter/km of pipe is adopted for this design. The
infiltration rates determined using this methodology has been applied as an inflow into
the trunk sewers.
PF = 5/P0.167
Q = Discharge in m3/s.
V = Velocity in m/s
P = Wetted perimeter in m
n = Roughness coefficient
mm and 150 meters for larger pipes. The minimum inside diameter of manhole shall
be 1.20 meters. Whenever a sewer enters a manhole, at an elevation 450 mm or
more above the manhole floor, a drop type manhole shall be used.
(e) Cleanouts (C.O.) may be used in lieu of manholes at the head end of a sewer line and
along sewer laterals which are collectors for building sewers. The maximum spacing
from C.O. to C.O. shall not exceed 30.00 meters and the spacing from C.O. to
manhole shall not exceed 70 meters.
(f) Minimum cover over sewer line shall not be less than 1.20 meter and shall be
designed to sustain the super- imposed standard MOT wheel loading over the sewer
(g) Lift Stations/pump stations:
Lift stations/pump stations shall be designed to provide adequate capacity to handle
the sewage quantity at peak flow. Lift stations/pump stations shall conform to RC
standard details.
(h) Infiltration:
The infiltration of groundwater into sewer line shall not exceed 400 liters/cm of pipe
diameter per kilometer per day.
(i) Materials:
Piping shall be ultra polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) or fiberglass (GRP) for diameters up to
315 mm. Larger pipe over 315 mm shall be GRP. Manholes shall be fiberglass or
reinforced concrete with fiberglass lining or approved protective coatings. Manhole
covers shall be 600 mm diameter cast iron designed for a minimum total load of
7272 kg. All sewers shall have rubber gasket joints.
(j) Sewer Force Mains:
i) Force mains will be generally 200 mm in diameter or larger. For small pump
stations, 160 mm may be used. For short force mains for small ejector, a 110
mm pipe may be used.
ii) For calculating friction losses in force mains, use the Hazen Williams equation
with C = 110 for GRP or plastic pipes.
iii) The desired force main velocities are from 1.00 to 1.5 m/s to prevent
deposition of solids at minimum flow.
Potable water distribution system shall be designed in conformance with the applicable
criteria outlined below.
Sources Liters/Day
For calculating Average Day Demands (ADD) on the system, population shall be based on the
RC approved land use plan and 10% shall be added to account for water loses and leakage.
( )
( ) ( )
( )
V = Velocity in m/s
So = Hydraulic slope
(c) Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient 'C' value for various pipe materials.
Description of Pipe Value of 'C'
(d) For Heavy Industrial Areas and Light Industrial Areas, the process water and
industrial wastewater force main meters shall be Electromagnetic manufactured by
KROHNE battery operated. Potable water meter shall be Waterflux 3070F and
industrial wastewater meter shall be Tidalflux 2300F.
(e) All Electromagnetic KROHNE meters shall be provided with data logger for sending
data from the field to the Marafiq Control Room through GSM or GPRS modules.
(f) Water meters shall conform to RC standard specifications and drawings.
(7) General Water System Design Criteria:
(a) Sizing the Water Distribution System Network: Water main supplying fire hydrants
shall not be less than 200 mm and shall be a loop distribution system. For additional
technical requirements, see Subsection 7.14.
(b) Fire Hydrants: Fire hydrants shall be UL approved. Hydrant branch line from the
water main shall be a minimum of 160 mm pipe diameter. Hydrants shall be avoided
on dead end water mains. For technical requirements for fire hydrants, see
Subsection 7.14.
(c) Loop Distribution Piping: Piping in distribution system shall be interconnected to
provide a complete loop. Dead ends shall be avoided as far as possible. Water from
the main distribution grid shall enter individual loop from at least two points.
(d) Horizontal and Vertical Pipeline Separation: A horizontal separation of 2.00 meters
and a vertical separation of 0.50 m shall be maintained between water and irrigation
and sewer lines, with the sewer line below the water line. A horizontal separation of
3.00 m shall be maintained where a minimum of 0.50 m vertical separation cannot
be achieved. At cross overs, where the vertical separation cannot be maintained,
sewer line shall be encased in concrete for a minimum length of 3.00 m on each side
of the water line.
(e) Minimum Pipeline Cover: Pipeline shall be placed underground and designed to
support the superimposed standard MOT wheel loading over the water line.
(f) Code and Standard: The fire protection piping system shall comply with all the
applicable requirements of the National Fire Protection Association, fire underwriter
and the local fire department.
(g) Valve Size: Gate valve shall be used for valve size of 160 mm and below, and
butterfly valve with chamber shall be used for above 160 mm valve size.
(1) Engineer, calculate, draw, detail, note, specify, cost, quantify, and describe all primary and
secondary structural systems, components, and cladding including, but not limited to:
buildings; other structures; transportation structures; civil-site structures; electrical and
telecommunication structures; mechanical structures and above- below-ground fire,
potable, and irrigation tanks.
(2) S ECTION 5 is equally applies to pre-engineered buildings' and other structures’ (e.g., pre-
engineered metal buildings, shade structures, and porta-cabin buildings) primary and
secondary structural systems, components, and elements. Refer to Subsection 5.7“Pre-
Engineered Steel Building Structure Requirements” for additional information.
(a) The Royal Commission does not abide by the Metal Building Manufacturers Association’s
structural criteria as published in their “Metal Building System Manual” and “Common
Industry Practices” or their published loads, load combinations, live load reduction
formulae, serviceability and deflection criteria, etcetera.
(3) SECTION 5 “Structural Design Criteria” equally applies to the designs of primary and
secondary structural systems, components, and elements by Construction Contractors. “AE
Contractor” herein shall be read as “Construction Contractor” with respect to designs by
Construction Contractors. Refer to Subsection 5.17 “Structural Designs by the Construction
Contractor Requirements” for additional information.
(4) Lessons Learned: It is important to the Royal Commission that past projects’ errors,
omissions, conflicts, and ambiguities are not repeated. In this regard, therefore, the AE
Contractor shall coordinate with the Royal Commission and incorporate past projects’
“lessons learned” from: (a) field-generated RFI’s; (b) contractor claims and change orders; (c)
addenda produced during bidding; (d) Addenda produced during construction; and (e) any
other types brought to the AE Contractor’s attention. Refer to Subsection 5.23 “Checklist
Requirements” for additional information.
(5) There are Royal Commission, End-User, and Third Party (e.g., Marafiq) design criteria,
specifications, drawings, standards, and guidelines. The AE Contractor’s structural work
shall gather and incorporate the more stringent requirements from Royal Commission and
Third Party sets of design criteria, specifications, drawings, standards, and guidelines, as it is
required of both the design and the construction that Royal Commission and Third Party
design criteria, specifications, drawings, standards, and guidelines be satisfied.
(6) “TSS-SE” referred to herein is Royal Commission Engineering Department’s Technical
Support Section (TSS), Structural Engineering Unit (SE).
(7) Bill of Quantities (BoQ) and Pay Item Description (PID) referred to herein are RFP Document
F “Schedule of Prices and Quantities, Table P-2 and Specification Section 012200 “Unit
Prices”, respectively.
(e) Bill of Quantities for structural and structural-related systems and components.
(f) Pay Item Descriptions for structural and structural-related systems and components.
(g) Transportation Structure Aesthetics.
(h) Transportation Structure Design Analysis Report.
(6) Royal Commission Guidelines include, but are not limited to:
(a) Specifications.
(b) Drawings.
The atmosphere, soil, and water conditions in JCPDI are severely corrosive. The external
atmospheric corrosivity category has been identified and classified as “C5-M” in accordance with
ISO12944-2. The designs and documents shall include corrosion mitigation measures to yield
high durability before the first major maintenance as defined in ISO12944-5. AE Contractor shall
adopt all Royal Commission-issued corrosion related documents given in SECTION 10. In this
regard, gather and incorporate the most up-to-date:
(1) Special requirements for concrete strengths and constituents, coating systems, sheet
membrane systems, increased concrete cover to reinforcing, and fusion-bonded epoxy-
coated reinforcing (FBECR) where material is at and/or below soil grades and to 1m above
soil grades, and/or exposed to weather, salt, salt water, brackish water, seawater, or spray
from these sources.
(2) Special requirements for steel surface preparations and coatings where material is cast with
or embedded into concrete; and/or exposed to weather, salt, salt water, brackish water,
seawater, or spray from these sources.
(3) Concrete Corrosion Protection Guideline Drawings for sheet membrane and liquid-applied
protections, edited and modified by the AE Contractor so they become project-specific.
(4) Corrosion protection-related Royal Commission Guideline Specifications, edited and
modified by the AE Contractor so they become project-specific.
(5) Table 5-1 shows requirements for concrete cover to reinforcing that may be above and
beyond the requirements stated in ACI 318 and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications:
(6) Structural cast-in-place and precast concrete in contact with soil and to the first construction
joint above top soil level; exposed to salt, salt water, brackish water, seawater, or spray from
these sources; exposed to potable- and fire-water, stormwater, and sanitary- and treated
waste; interior, wet, non-air-conditioned environments (e.g., inside manholes, catch basins
& chambers) shall utilize f’c = 35 MPa as a minimum with silica fume as pozzolanic
(7) Structural cast-in-place and precast concrete in contact with soil and to 1 m above top soil
level; exposed to salt, salt water, brackish water, seawater, or spray from these sources;
exposed to potable- and fire-water, stormwater, and sanitary- and treated waste; interior,
wet, non-air-conditioned environments (e.g., inside manholes, catch basins & chambers)
shall utilize fusion bonded epoxy coated reinforcement (FBECR).
The following code with all revisions and errata shall be used:
Drilled piers;
All sizes of bars 100
All other elements;
All sizes of bars and WWR 75
(e) As well as the Codes, AE Contractor shall use AWS recommendations and guides to
engineer, detail, and specify structural welding. For example, use AWS “WHB-4.9 -
Welding Handbook.”
(1) Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC):
(a) Specification for Structural Joints Using High Strength Bolts.
(b) As well as the Code, AE Contractor shall use AISC and AASHTO recommendations
and guides to engineer, detail, and specify structural bolting. For example, use AISC
“Steel Construction Manual” and AASHTO “LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.”
Structural Masonry Codes using the editions specified in the applicable Buildings, Other
Structures, and Transportation Structures Codes:
(c) Wind forces from piping, Pw, react eccentrically on their supports and shall be
calculated using an equivalent area based on an assumed wind strip height
multiplied by the length of pipe tributary to the supports determined for any height
by the following formula:
Pw = qzSy
Note 1
Note 1: Refer To ASCE 7-2010 Section 11.4.7 and AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD
Seismic Bridge Design.
(c) AE Contractor shall make note of and include seismic-restraint of non-structural systems
and components in all disciplines’ designs, drawings, specifications, schedules of
quantities and prices, descriptions of pay items, and cost estimates for all buildings, non-
buildings, and transportation structures assigned to Seismic Design Category “C”, “D”,
“E”, or “F”.
(d) With regards to Project Specifications, when any building, non-building, or
transportation structure is assigned to Seismic Design Category “C”, “D”, “E”, or “F”, AE
Contractor shall include one or more of the following Project Specification Sections:
130541, 210548, 220548, 230548, 260548.16, and 270548.16.
(e) Further to Project Specifications, when any building, non-building, or transportation
structure is assigned to Seismic Design Category “A” or “B”, AE Contractor shall include
Project Specification Sections 210548.13, 220548.13, and 230548.13, and NOT include
Project Specification Sections 130541, 210548, 220548, 230548, 260548.16, and
(f) With regards to Pay Items and Pay Item Descriptions, when any building, non-building,
or transportation structure is assigned to Seismic Design Category “C”, “D”, “E”, or “F”,
AE Contractor shall include particular Pay Items in the BoQ with particular Pay Item
Descriptions in the unit prices specification, for each seismic-restraint system and type
of seismic-restraint device.
(1) Design structures for the loads and effects caused by restraining supports, contraction or
expansion resulting from temperature changes, shrinkage, moisture changes, creep in
component materials, differential settlement, and combinations thereof.
(2) Ambient temperatures range from a high of 50 degrees C to a low of 0 degrees C. In
direct sunlight, the temperature of structures and components shall be assumed to rise
a minimum of 15 degrees C above ambient. Therefore, design structures for
temperature gradients of +29 degrees C and -29 degrees C with the most severe
condition governing the design.
(1) Serviceability Factors: Serviceability factors (deflection, vibration, and drift) shall be
used in the design and shall be in accordance with IBC Section 1604.3 (except, Notes “a”
and “g” under Table 1604.3 are not to be considered), ASCE/SEI 7 Sections 12.8.6 and
12.12, AISC Steel Design Guide No. 3 "Serviceability Design Considerations for Steel
Buildings", AISC Design Guide No. 11 “Floor Vibrations Due to Human Activities”, and as
shown below, whichever provides for the more restrictive deflection, vibration, and drift
limits. The term, “span” used herein means the dimension along the member between
the centerlines of supports. For cantilevers, the “span” shall be taken as twice the
length (centerline of support to end of member) of the cantilever.
(2) The design of floors shall be in accordance with AISC Design Guide 11 “Floor Vibrations
Due to Human Activities”, latest edition. The following additional criteria shall be met:
(a) Floor natural frequency as determined from AISC Design Guide 11 procedures shall
not be less than 4 Hz.
(b) When determining the floor natural frequency from AISC Design Guide 11
procedures, actual dead loads plus superimposed dead loads plus a maximum of 10
percent of the unreduced live load shall be used.
(c) The depth of steel floor framing members shall not be less than 1/20 of the span.
(3) For design wind loads, displacement of structures shall be considered using the
displacements determined in an elastic analysis. The design story drift (Δi) shall be
computed as the difference of the displacements at the center of mass at the top and
bottom of the story under consideration; and Δi/Li < 0.0025, where Li = story height
under consideration.
(4) For design seismic loads, displacements of the structures and the potential for
interacting effects shall be considered using the amplified displacements obtained from
ASCE/SEI 7 Sections 12.8.6 and 12.12. The design story drift (Δi) shall be computed as
the difference of the amplified displacements at the center of mass at the top and
bottom of the story under consideration. In buildings with cranes, Δi/Lcr < 0.0025 or 20
mm, whichever is less, where Lcr = height to the crane rail.
(5) The displacements, vertical, horizontal, and drift, of the building framing shall not in any
way hamper the operation of equipment, doors, mechanical devices, storage racks,
cranes, and other items which may or may not be attached to the building frame.
(6) The vertical and horizontal deflections of roof, floor, and wall framing members and
crane-supporting members shall not exceed the deflection-to-span ratios shown in
Table 5-3.
Construction L W D+L Wheel
Roof framing members
Vertical deflection
(2) Thrust Restraint designs and details shall be made for all horizontal and vertical bends,
elbows, tees, wyes, dead ends, reducers, and valves.
(a) Design loads from fluid pressure at test levels plus changes in fluid momentum
within and generated by piped fluid shall be included.
(b) Thrust restraint and resistance (soil and concrete mass) designs shall be based on a
rational, widely accepted methodology, such as ASCE’s “Design of Thrust Blocks in
Buried Pipelines.”
(c) Buoyant weights shall be utilized for those blocks and anchors and chambers wholly
or partially within the Design Groundwater Table.
(d) Thrust restraints cast directly on and buried within soil shall be made from Type V
Portland cement with minimum f’c of 25 MPa and with ASTM A775 fusion bonded
epoxy coated, ASTM A767 Class 1 (915 g/m2) hot-dip galvanized, or AISI Type
316/316L marine grade stainless steel reinforcement.
(e) Pipe forces shall NOT be transferred to walls, floors, and roofs at their penetrations.
Refer to Subpart 3.5.10 “Pipe and Utility Requirements” for additional information.
(3) Earth-retaining Structure Design Surcharge: At-grade service level (un-factored) live load
shall be taken as 15 KPa minimum for the design of all structures that retain earth. This
live load (surcharge) shall be incorporated in design by the AE Contractor to account for
construction, backfilling, and compaction operations, direct and incidental.
(4) Earth-retaining Structure Design Pressure and Resistance: Use the Royal Commission’s
standard “Soil Lateral Pressure and Resistance”, Figure 1 in conjunction with the site-
specific Geotechnical Investigation Report.
(5) Design Groundwater Table (D-GWT) Elevation. Determine D-GWT elevation at each
subterranean element since the D-GWT will vary within the site. Set the D-GWT
elevation as the high, stabilized, local-to-the-structure groundwater table reading taken
from the site-specific Geotechnical Investigation Report plus the Seasonal Variance
taken from the same Report.
(6) Footing Stability: The locus of the most eccentric points of application of the resultant
vertical load, ΣV, corresponding to compression over the entire footing is defined as the
“kern.” Footings shall be so proportioned by the AE Contractor that there will exist
compression over the entire footing base for all load combinations. That is, the
eccentricity, e = M/P, shall remain “within the kern.” e.g., for square footings, “e”,
therefore, must be less than or equal to the footing dimension divided by six (6).
(7) Drilled Piers: Drilled piers are the most common, but not exclusive, deep foundations
used on Royal Commission projects. Where and when used, the AE Contractor’s drilled
pier designs and specifications shall comply with ACI 336.1 “Specification for the
Construction of Drilled Piers” and ACI 336.3R “Design and Construction of Drilled Piers.”
AE Contractor to note well that the correct term, and therefore the correct labeling
throughout the documents, is “Drilled Piers,” not piles, drilled piles, caissons, or other
(1) Minimum 35 MPa, Type I Portland Cement with Pozzolanic Admixtures shall be used for
the following Exposure Categories:
(a) Concrete In Contact with Soil and to 1st Construction Joint Above Top Soil Level;
(b) Exposed to Salt, Salt Water, Brackish Water, Seawater, or Spray from these Sources;
(c) Exposed To Potable- and Fire-Water, Stormwater, and Sanitary- and Treated Waste;
(d) Interior, Wet, Non-Air-Conditioned Environments (e.g., Inside Manholes, Catch
Basins & Chambers):
(2) Minimum 30 MPa, Type I plain Portland Cement shall be used for all other reinforced
concrete categories.
(3) Minimum 17 MPa, Type V Portland Cement shall be used for unreinforced lean or
blinding concrete only.
(4) Note that light weight aggregate is currently not available locally. Therefore, do not use
lightweight concrete mix designs for the design of any structural or architectural
concrete components.
(5) Vapor barriers below slabs-on-grade floors are only required if the floors are receiving
moisture sensitive floor coverings or are within humidity controlled areas. When vapor
barriers are used they shall be placed directly below the slab and on top of a minimum
150 mm thick free-draining granular fill.
(6) Durability Requirements: ACI 318-11, Chapter 4 requirements for concrete durability
shall be strictly adhered to.
(a) The A/E design professional shall assign exposure classes based on the severity of
the anticipated exposure of structural concrete members for each exposure
category according to Table 4.2.1 of ACI 318.
(b) In the absence of specific technical data, the following exposure categories and
classes listed in Table 4.2.1 of ACI 318shall be used for concrete design in the MYAS
Category F (Freezing and Thawing): F0
Category S (Sulfate): Below grade applications: S3
Above grade applications: S2
Category P (Requiring low Permeability): P1
Category C (Corrosion protection of reinforcement): C2
(7) Crack Control. Tolerable crack widths for reinforced concrete under various exposure
conditions (from ACI 224) are provided here and shall be used for design considerations
(see Table 5-4).
Table 5-4. Tolerable Crack Widths
(a) Care should be taken to provide the proper temperature and shrinkage
reinforcement for the listed exposure conditions to limit cracking.
(b) Cracking under service loads can also be controlled by limiting the maximum stress
in the reinforcing steel. Follow ACI 318-11 requirements for the distribution of
flexural reinforcement in beams and slabs to control flexural and torsional cracking.
(c) The Contract Documents shall include carefully detailed Expansion Joints,
Construction Joints, Control Joints etc. where required to provide for a durable and
serviceable structure.
(1) The A/E is responsible to design and detail all steel connections required to produce
fabrication shop drawings without any additional design needed by the
(2) Steel structures shall be configured so that steel components are not in contact with
(3) Anchor Bolts shall be headed bolts conforming to ASTM F1554, Grade 36 or Grade 50
(4) Steel Structures Exposed to Weather. Steel structures designed to be permanently
exposed to weather and corrosive environments should include the considerations of
the following corrosion protection measures:
(a) In general, steel surfaces exposed to weather shall be protected by heavy duty
epoxy coatings over a zinc base of either epoxy primer or hot-dipped galvanizing.
(Refer to chapter titled “Corrosion Protection and Control.”
(b) Hollow section members should be designed so that all inside surfaces may be
readily inspected, cleaned, and painted, or should be closed entirely to prevent
exposure to moisture.
(c) The legs of back-to-back angles, when not in contact, should have a minimum
separation of 9.5mm (3/8 inch) to permit air circulation.
(d) Pockets or depressions in horizontal members should have drain holes greater than
10mm to prevent water and deleterious matter from accumulating in low
areas. Positive drainage should be provided away from exposed steel. Column
bases should be terminated on concrete curbs or pedestals a minimum of 150mm
above finished grade, and tops of the curbs or pedestals should be sloped to drain
away from the steel components.
(e) Structural members embedded in concrete and exterior railing, handrails, fences,
guardrails and anchor bolts should be hot-dipped galvanized to ASTM A123M or
fabricated from a suitable grade of stainless steel. After fabrication, stainless steel
shall have a surface finish complying with ASTM A480 No. 6 finish or BS EN 10088
Part 2 Table 6 finish 1K or 2K (vertical) Ra < 0.5 µm.
(f) Risks from bimetallic corrosion of dissimilar metals shall be eliminated by conductive
isolation using a suitable insulator or by choosing compatible materials.
(g) Confer with Royal Commission Corrosion Protection Unit to recommend material
protection measures for elements exposed to environments not covered in this
design criteria.
(h) For increased serviceability and compatibility with fireproofing use galvanized steel
deck in accordance with ASTM A653/A653M.
(i) Note that some common grades of stainless alloy are susceptible to corrosion when
immersed in salt or brackish water.
(1) The A/E is responsible to provide, on the contract documents, all of the sizes and details
of reinforcing steel required to produce bar bending shop drawings and reinforcing
placement drawings.
(2) Hollow Concrete Masonry Units shall meet the requirements of ASTM C90, Type II. CMU
shall be laid in running (common) bond.
(3) The specified design compressive strength of concrete masonry assemblies, f’m, shall
not be less than 10.5 MPa (1500 psi).
(4) Mortar shall meet the property specifications of ASTM C270 Type “S” Mortar. Masonry
cement shall not be used as mortar.
(5) Grout shall meet the requirements of ASTM C476 and have a minimum 28-day
compressive strength of 20.7 MPa (3000 psi).
(6) All CMU walls, including exterior infill wall panels, shall be reinforced vertically and
horizontally. All cells containing reinforcing are to be fully grouted.
(7) All CMU walls shall be anchored to the roof and all floors and members that provide
lateral support for the wall or which are supported by the wall. The anchorage shall
provide a direct connection between the walls and the roof or floor construction. The
connections shall be capable of resisting the out-of-plane (normal) wind or seismic
forces set forth in ASCE 7-10, but shall not be less than 4kN/m along the length of the
wall at the connection interface.
(8) CMU is not acceptable to use for below grade applications.
(9) Control joints shall be spaced at 10m maximum on center. Provide rubber or polyvinyl
chloride control joint keys at control joint locations.
(1) Definitions:
(a) For civil and structural design purposes, ‘vibrating machinery’ shall be defined as any
equipment having reciprocating or rotary masses as the major moving parts (e.g.,
compressors, horizontal pumps, engines, and turbines).
(b) ‘Heavy vibrating machinery’ shall be ‘vibrating machinery’ having a gross plan area
of more than 2.5 m2 or an operating weight greater than 2,500 kg. All reciprocating
compressors shall be regarded as ‘heavy vibrating machinery’ even if their operating
weight is less than 2,500 kg.
(2) Minimum Concrete Mass:
(a) Minimum rigid concrete-to-equipment weight ratio for all vibrating machinery shall
be three-to-one (3:1) for rotary machinery and five-to-one (5:1) for reciprocating
(b) Design of elevated (table) support structures for vibrating machinery shall ensure
the foundation weight is not less than the combined weight of the table, machine,
columns, and walls.
(3) Loading Data; Design of structures and foundations supporting heavy vibrating
machinery shall be based on dynamic analysis using manufacturers’ loading data, which
shall include:
(a) Weight of machine and ancillary equipment.
(b) Speed of machine.
(c) Position of center of gravity of machine in the three major planes.
(d) Out of balance forces and moments (primary and secondary speed, where needed).
(e) Line of action of out of balance forces.
(f) Inertia of driver and driven in the three major planes.
(g) Short circuit/emergency failure forces and moments.
(4) Dynamic Analysis of Foundations: Shall include calculation of amplitude and frequency
for all six (6) degrees of freedom (3 x translational modes + 3 x rotational modes).
Foundation amplitude limits shall be as specified by the equipment vendor, but shall
provide a factor of safety of not less than 1.5 compared to Figure 3 of CP 2012-1, 1974
“Code Of Practice For Foundations For Machinery. Foundations For Reciprocating
Machines.” Besides the above data, a static design shall take into account a static
horizontal (longitudinal or transverse) force of 25 percent of a static horizontal weight
acting at shaft level and a static vertical force of 110 percent of machine weight, caused
by erection loading impact. These forces shall not be considered as acting
(5) General Design Requirements:
(a) Soil bearing pressure shall not exceed 50 percent of the net allowable values (NABC)
under static loads.
(b) The effects of shrinkage and thermal expansion shall be taken into account.
(c) All reinforcing shall be tri-axially arranged.
(d) All parts of foundations and supporting structures shall be isolated from adjacent
structures, paving, and slabs.
(e) The thickness of the foundation in meters shall be at least 0.6 + L/9 where L is the
longest horizontal dimension of the foundation.
(f) The ratio machine frequency/resonance frequency shall either be less than 0.8 or
greater than 1.2 in all six (6) degrees of freedom (3 x translational modes + 3 x
rotational modes).
(g) Base and bearing plates for equipment and structures shall be specified with non-
shrink, non-metallic epoxy-based grout to provide full uniform load transfer
between bottom of plates and concrete foundations.
(1) Determine the Code-required fire ratings structural for the structural systems and
components in coordination with the Architects and the Architectural Code Analysis.
(2) Select the means by which the required structural system and component fire ratings
will be achieved via IBC Section 704 and Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) Design
(3) Establish and incorporate the minimum structural properties and geometries (e.g.,
“minimum f’c = 30 MPa and cover to reinforcing = 40 mm”) to achieve the fire ratings
(4) Fire-rated individual members, floor and roof systems, and walls: Use the minimum
concrete cover requirements specified in IBC 2012 Table 721.1 when those cover
requirements exceed the cover requirements shown in the Table in Subpart 3.5.4
“Corrosion Protection and Control.”
(1) Emphasis shall be placed on safety. Calculations and drawings shall comply with the
OSHA Standards 29 CFR Parts 1910 – General Industry and 1926 – Construction Industry.
(2) Metal Ladder: Except for elevator pit ladders, refer to and make the calculations and
drawings comply with ANSI A14.3, OSHA 1910.27, and Royal Commission Guideline
Specification Section 055000 “Metal Fabrications.”
(a) Elevator Pit Ladder: Refer to and make the drawings comply with ASME A17.1 and
Royal Commission Guideline Specification Section 055000 “Metal Fabrications.”
(b) Ships’ Ladder: Verify that use of ships' ladders is acceptable to Royal Commission
before incorporating into the Work. Note that ANSI A14.3 and OSHA regulations
discourage the use of ships' ladders 60 degrees or steeper. Where use is acceptable,
refer to and make the calculations and drawings comply with Royal Commission
Guideline Specification Section 055000 “Metal Fabrications.”
(3) Alternating Tread Devices: Refer to and make the calculations and drawings comply
with ANSI A14.3, OSHA 1910.24, and Royal Commission Guideline Specification Section
055000 “Metal Fabrications.”
(4) Pipe Crossovers: Refer to and make the calculations and drawings comply with Royal
Commission Guideline Specification Section 055000 “Metal Fabrications.”
AE Contractor shall note well that a site-specific Geotechnical Investigation, Engineering, and
Interpretive Report is critical to the AE Contractor’s foundation engineering and related
(1) The geotechnical engineering reporting schedule needed, including milestone dates for
the completion of the geotechnical investigation reports (drafts and final); that is, a
geotechnical engineering reporting schedule that will work in tandem with the AE
Contractor’s design schedule.
(2) Drawings (four (4) hard copies and one (1) soft copy in both AutoCAD and PDF formats)
showing, as a minimum:
(a) Special ground penetration and test pit locations with their UTM and RC Datum
northing and easting coordinates (e.g., locations of high column load intensities,
minarets, deep foundations, etc).
(b) Existing grade levels (EGL).
(c) Estimated finish grade levels (FGL).
(d) Structures, primary and secondary, located on the Site Plan(s) with their estimated
bottom of foundation (BOF) elevations, including, but not limited to, BOF’s for
footings, mats, and u/g structures.
(e) Substructure descriptions with their estimated foundation gross and net service
loads (i.e., un-factored loads).
(f) Project’s principal features and locations of any major or special structures (e.g.,
presence of adjacent structures, underground utilities, retaining walls, etc).
(g) Requests for unique and/or special studies required for the AE Contractor’s
foundation engineering.
Royal Commission will review the site-specific Geotechnical Investigation, Engineering, and
Interpretive Reports (Drafts and Final) and prepare and provide written comments to the AE
(1) The Royal Commission does not abide by the Metal Building Manufacturers Association’s
structural criteria as published in their “Metal Building System Manual” and “Common
Industry Practices” or their published loads, load combinations, live load reduction
formulae, serviceability and deflection criteria, etcetera.
AE Contractor shall meet and coordinate with a KSA (local preferred) Pre-Engineered
Building Manufacturer (PEBM) to define the most sound and economical superstructure
layouts that satisfy the overall design program, as the Royal Commission requires PEBM
expertise embedded in the Work. Submit written minutes of the meeting(s) including
results, conclusions, and recommendations to the Royal Commission for discussion.
direction foundation loads shall be shown on the foundation and PEBM drawings. The AE
Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate with the PEBM so as to properly show and
design the foundations for these structures.
(1) As an alternative to the above, and at the Royal Commission’s option, the AE Contractor
shall meet and coordinate with a KSA (local preferred) PEPM and develop a Specification
Section “Pre-Engineered Porta-Cabin Buildings” that satisfies the overall design program.
The developed Specification shall be formatted to match the Royal Commission’s
(1) The following piping load conditions shall be considered:
(a) Hydro Test.
(b) Operating.
(c) Pipe Empty.
(2) Vertical and horizontal loads shall be determined from detailed pipe stress analyses
(e.g., Caesar II Pipe Stress Analysis).
(3) Uniformly distributed loads shown in Table 5-5 shall be used to determine minimum
design vertical load forces at each level of pipe racks.
(4) The coefficients of static friction shown in Table 5-6shall be used to determine
horizontal forces at sliding surfaces. However, due to the climate and windborne sand
and dust, the coefficients of static friction utilizing Teflon coatings at exterior conditions
shall not be considered:
Surfaces Coefficients
Teflon on Teflon 0.10
Teflon on Steel 0.20
Steel on Steel 0.30
Concrete Cast on Soil 0.40
Steel on Concrete 0.60
(5) Refer to Subsection 5.5 “Structural Design Basis” for additional information with respect
to thrust forces.
Pipe forces shall NOT be transferred to walls, floors, and roofs at their penetrations.
(1) Separate pipes at wall, floor, and roof penetrations with pipe sleeves and with the
annular spaces sealed all around for full moisture and weather protection.
(2) Pipe sleeves of one pipe size larger shall be installed, centered on the penetrating pipes.
(3) The sealing of the annular spaces shall be by:
(a) On the wet- or weather-side, pre-fabricated expanding rings with compressible
gaskets capable of sealing all around for full moisture and weather protection (e.g.,
“Link-Seal”); and
(b) For the balance of the annular spaces, non-metallic, non-shrink grout dry-packed.
(4) To account for pipe-and-structure differential movements, install compression couplings
with thrust harnesses designed and positioned to permit potential differential
movements that would otherwise damage the pipes and/or structures (e.g., “Smith-Blair
Joint Restraints”).
(1) Grating and solid plate flooring shall be hot-dip galvanized.
(2) Grating shall be serrated-type and solid plate shall be checkered-type.
(3) Provide primary, secondary, and intermediate supports as required to meet deflection
and loading requirements.
(4) Gratings shall have bolted anchorage with a minimum 4 bolts per panel using 316L
stainless steel fasteners.
(5) Connectors, accessories, and hardware shall be 316L stainless steel.
(6) Where floor plates or grating are required to be removable, no single section shall weigh
more than 60 kg.
Vertical expansion loops for pipes are required inside the Pipeline Tracks spaced at
approximately 300 meters. The dimensions are standardized to 6 meters long by 3 meters
wide (width is minimum and may increase depending on usage) by 10 meters high (from top
of pedestal to top of steel). Clearance for vehicular access shall be submitted to the Royal
Commission for approval.
(1) For pipe anchors with balanced and symmetrical loop configurations, an estimated
friction load equal to 0.30 (friction coefficient) times the total normal force (D + F) shall
be accumulated and applied in the direction of the piping run with a concurrent friction
load equal to 0.03 (friction coefficient) times the total normal force (D + F) applied in the
transverse direction to account for snaking forces, unless specific loads are supported by
pipe stress calculations.
(2) Loads from pipe stress calculations shall be used to design pipe anchors for unbalanced
and asymmetrical loop configurations.
(3) Pipe guides are usually provided to the sides of the pipes or pipe shoes with 2 to 3 mm
clearance to maintain the vertical and horizontal alignments of the pipes and where
movement of pipes must be controlled to avoid clashes.
From the Royal Commission’s perspective, they note that AE Contractors are not giving
boundary wall designs, drawings, specifications, BoQ and PID the time nor attention they
require. Too little consideration has been given to boundary walls systems, as they are, in
relative terms, simple and straightforward. However, this lack of proper time and attention
has caused the Royal Commission to receive many bidder queries, addenda, contractor
claims, and ultimately, construction phase change orders for both time and cost. To this
end, AE Contractor’s boundary wall structural engineering (designs, corrosion protections,
drawings, specifications, and pay items and descriptions) is to comply with the following
minimum level of work and product:
(1) Create and submit highlighted and notated drawings and request detailed topography,
existing conditions, and as-built surveys for and around the entirety of the boundary
wall system. This request must include topography, existing conditions, and as-built
data beyond the property line (or “LCD”), as the area that influences the designs of
boundary walls obviously extends beyond its outer face.
(2) Boundary wall designs shall take all grade differentials into account. Those are, at least:
outside grade higher than inside grade; outside grade lower than inside grade; and
outside grade equal to inside grade.
(3) Boundary wall designs shall take each interfacing structure into account. Those are, at
least: gates, guard houses, and fire water pump houses.
(4) Boundary wall designs shall take each new and existing utility into account. Those are,
at least: utilities passing under; and utilities running parallel.
(5) Boundary wall structural designs, drawings, specifications, and pay items and
descriptions are to receive the time and attention that is proper for structural building
and foundation systems.
(6) Boundary wall corrosion protection designs, drawings, specifications, and pay items and
descriptions are to receive the time and attention that is proper for structural building
and foundation systems.
(7) Minimum boundary wall “SE” drawing set would include: Foundation Plan over the CE
Grading Plan; Column and Wall Layout Plan; Sections and Details taken at and through
the various topographic, existing, and as-built conditions; Sections and Details taken at
and through all grade differential conditions; Sections and Details taken at and through
each interfacing structure condition; Sections and Details taken at and through each new
and existing utility condition; Sections and Details taken at and through the boundary
wall’s structure and foundation; and Sections and Details taken at and through the
boundary wall’s corrosion protections.
(8) Incorporate TSS-SE’s guideline pay items and descriptions. Refer to Subsection 5.18 “Bill
of Quantities (BoQ) and Pay Item Description (PID) Requirements” for additional
bottom of plates and concrete foundations. Note that ‘heavy vibrating equipment’ is
any equipment of operating weight greater than 2,500 kg.
5.14.2 ANCHORS
(1) The structures, tanks, and equipment and all such related items shall be securely
anchored to their foundations using cast-in-place steel anchor bolts designed to resist all
induced forces.
(2) Code-required concrete reinforcement shall be provided to transfer the design
compression, tension, and shear stresses from the anchors to the foundations.
(3) The minimum distance from base and bearing plate grout at its lower, outer
edge to the closest edge of foundation, taking chamfered edges into account, shall
be 75 mm.
(4) The minimum distances from centerlines of anchors to the closest edge of foundations
shall be as shown in Table 5-7. Additionally, anchors are to be dimensioned with further
edge distance to make certain that the anchors’ embedded parts (e.g., heads and
washer) clear the foundation reinforcement plus a tolerance:
Table 5-7. Minimum Distance from Centerline of Anchors
(1) All structural-related designs, drawings, and specifications shall be reviewed, updated,
and improved.
(2) All structural-related BoQ and PID shall be reviewed, updated, and improved.
(3) All structural-related Cost Estimate items shall be reviewed, updated, and improved.
(4) Complete and submit at each design stage the Structural Check List specific for the site
adaptation project at hand.
(5) Coordinate with TSS-SE Supervisor, gather TSS-SE’s latest guidelines, and incorporate the
latest guidelines.
(6) New sites have new soil characteristics, new groundwater table elevations, and new
grade elevations, both existing and finish. Therefore, foundations are never site
adaptable, and shall have full new designs, drawings, specifications, pay items and
descriptions, and cost estimates.
(7) Coordinate with TSS-SE Supervisor and incorporate “Lessons Learned.” These are issues
raised and documented from previous projects and that require the AE Contractor to
review and update the site adaptation project at hand so that errors and omissions from
prior projects are not repeated therein. Refer to Subsection 5.1 “General Conditions and
Initiation of the Structural Design Process” for additional information.
(8) Incorporate Royal Commission-, third party-, and end user-initiated modifications.
(9) Updates to Codes, Design Criteria, Specifications, Drawings, Standards, and Guidelines
shall be applied to site adaptation projects.
Roadway pavements and corresponding civil/site structures within and over such pavements
are designed for HS20-44 live load, NOT the Ministry of Transportation Highway Design
Manual’s 3-axle 600 kN (61.2 T) truck. HS20-44 live load, then, limits heavy cargo transports
to a maximum uniformly distributed pressure at the pavement surface to 1.62 T/m2. (Note:
that this limit is derived from ASCE 7-10, Table 4-1, surfaces subject to trucking live load =
11.97 KPa; such that, 11.97 KPa/9.81 x 1.33 for temporary loading = 1.62 T/m 2)
transport vehicle, dimensions between tires in length and width, wheel dimensions,
fully loaded length, width and height of load plus vehicle, number of tires, and total
vertical clearances needed to transport load.
(b) Rear, plan, and elevation views of the fully loaded tractor-trailer assembly.
(c) Cargo pay load and the location of the pay load center of gravity in three
(d) Tractor operating weight, axle loads, and wheel loads.
(e) Trailer with pay load operating weight, axle loads, and wheel loads.
(f) Calculations showing maximum uniformly distributed pressure at the road surface
under the tractor-trailer with its pay load.
(g) Number of heavy transport vehicles and other vehicles that will be part of the
(2) Referring to Subsection 5.16, prepare the following when it is not possible to limit the
maximum uniformly distributed pressure at the pavement surface to 1.62 T/m2:
(a) Diagram of the tractor-trailer turning movements: Provide a layout of the turning
movements at intersections, or any area that the tractor-trailer will need to turn
more than 30 degrees. The diagram shall show the turning radius of the tractor-
trailer, identify the exact route of the tractor-trailer, turning movements, and
identify all Royal Commission- and third party-owned appurtenances that the
tractor-trailer may encounter while turning (i.e. traffic signal poles, street lights,
median curbs, edge of pavement, traffic signs, etc) and that may need to be
detached, relocated, or rebuilt.
(b) If the tractor-trailer needs to travel off the pavement, provide road profile and
grades of the slopes and the characteristics of the soil that will be encountered. The
heavy cargo transporter may need to prepare the ground by grading, scarifying, and
compacting to ensure the ground can safely handle the tractor-trailer.
(c) Prepare plans showing and labeling all the Royal Commission- and third party-owned
civil/site structures along the proposed route, which shall include, but not be limited
to, culverts, headwalls, abutments, retaining walls, overpasses, and underground
duct banks, conduits, pipes, and other utilities. Prepare the following data for each
i) Soil overburden and paving thicknesses.
ii) Position of the tractor-trailer relative to the road.
iii) Structural existing conditions survey of the exposed primary structural
components and systems.
(a) With due consideration for the information obtained from the existing conditions
survey, prepare calculations for each structure identified and the associated soil
bearing medium for the tractor-trailer and for the maximum ground bearing
pressure under the trailer with pay load as per AASHTO guidelines. In the absence
of structure-specific geotechnical engineering recommendations, assume an
allowable soil bearing pressure of 150 KPa.
Provide temporary shoring, bracing, and support design calculations and drawings
for each structure and soil bearing medium where the analysis shows the existing
structure and/or soil will be overstressed.
(b) Application Data: Prepare the following data for the Application.
i) Completed Roads Department’s Oversize/Overweight Transportation Permit
ii) Written portal to portal route description.
iii) Road map highlighting the route portal to portal.
iv) Liability Waiver – signed Obligation Letter.
v) The date, time of day the transport will start, anticipated length of transport
time, anticipated time of day the transport will end, and the speed of the
tractor-trailer. Please note that during times of heavy traffic, the tractor-trailer
may need to wait until the traffic has passed.
vi) Prepared data prescribed in Subsection 5.16 when the uniformly distributed
pressure at the pavement surface exceeds 01.62 T/m2.
(1) S ECTION 5 equally applies to the designs of primary and secondary structural systems,
components, and elements by Construction Contractors. “AE Contractor” herein shall
be read as “Construction Contractor” with respect to designs by Construction
Contractors. Refer to Subsection 5.1 “General Conditions and Initiation of the Structural
Design Process” for additional information.
(2) Construction Contractor to note that there are Royal Commission, End-User, and Third
Party (e.g., Marafiq) design criteria, specifications, drawings, standards, and guidelines.
The Construction Contractor’s structural work shall gather and incorporate the more
stringent requirements from Royal Commission and Third Party sets of design criteria,
specifications, drawings, standards, and guidelines, as it is required of both the design
and the construction that Royal Commission and Third Party design criteria,
specifications, drawings, standards, and guidelines be satisfied.
(3) Where designs are required of the Construction Contractor by the Contract Documents,
the designs shall be performed by professional structural engineers.
(a) The governing Codes and the Contract Documents shall be referred to for
determining load and serviceability requirements on main systems, sub-systems,
and components and cladding, including, but not limited to: dead, live, wind,
earthquake, rain, vehicle, impact, equipment, and thermal loads, and deflection and
vibration limits.
(b) The design submittals shall indicate the loads and serviceability criteria used in the
designs of the main systems, sub-systems, and components and cladding.
(4) Designs shall be prepared in design document formats, not “shop drawing” formats; be
stamped and signed by the professional structural engineers who performed the
designs; have been first checked and approved by the Construction Contractor; and then
submitted to the Royal Commission for review. The responsibility for structural designs
required of the Construction Contractor shall remain solely with the Construction
(5) Refer to Subsection 5.4 “Corrosion Protection an Control” for designs involving metals in
wet environments, metals attached to or embedded in concrete or masonry, metals in
contact with soil, and metals exposed to weather, salt, salt water, brackish water,
seawater, or spray from these sources.
(6) Where designs are required of the Construction Contractor, note that the member and
connection designs shown in the Contract Drawings are indicative and shown for
illustrative, coordination, and information purposes, unless stated otherwise.
(7) Design submittals, first checked and approved by the Construction Contractor, shall be
submitted to the Royal Commission for review before fabrication or delivery of materials
not requiring fabrication can proceed.
(a) Design submittals sent to the Royal Commission without first being stamped
"checked and approved" by the Construction Contractor shall be returned without
being reviewed by the Royal Commission.
(b) Review of design submittals by the Royal Commission shall not relieve the
Construction Contractor from conforming to the requirements of the Contract
(c) Refer to Specification Sections for additional submittal requirements.
(8) Design documents shall be original documents prepared by the Construction Contractor.
Reproduction of the Contract Documents for use as Construction Contractor-prepared
design documents is unacceptable and will be rejected for non-compliance.
(9) Construction Contractor-proposed changes, substitutions or deletions to the Contract
Documents shall be submitted to the Royal Commission for review prior to their
incorporation into the project. The submission shall highlight and note the proposed
change, substitution or deletion. Proposed changes, substitutions or deletions to the
Contract Documents which do not follow this requirement shall be considered
(10)Record sets of design submittals shall be maintained in the field office by the
Construction Contractor.
(11)Work shall only be performed from design submittals that have been checked and
approved by the Construction Contractor and accepted without comment by the Royal
(1) Structural systems shall not have “rolled-up” pay items (e.g., excavation and backfilling +
blinding + footings and pedestals + corrosion protection + etc.) or have their works
rolled-up in other disciplines’ pay items (e.g., structural + electrical works). But, rather
structural systems’ pay items shall be separated into their components and be
independent of other systems’ pay items. This is required because the Royal
Commission uses Unit Price Construction Contracts and rolled-up pay items defeats the
advantages the Royal Commission seeks by choosing to use Unit Price Construction
(a) For structural works, AE Contractor shall use the TSS-SE Guideline BoQ and PID to
assist the AE Contractor in establishing appropriate and consistent pay items and
descriptions. TSS-SE Guidelines are not all-inclusive and the AE Contractor remains
responsible to ensure that their work products are all-inclusive, comply with their
contract obligations, and conform to the latest adopted Royal Commission rules,
regulations, codes, standards, specifications, and manuals.
(b) Refer to Subsection 5.5.11 “Seismic Design Parameters” for BoQ and PID
requirements particular to non-structural systems.
(9) Royal Commission Specification format, labeling, and numbering standard shall be
(1) The AE Contractor shall prepare and submit structural calculations in compliance the
Contract provisions and with the following. Refer to Subsection 5.24 “Deliverables by
Phase Requirements” for additional information.
(2) Format: All calculations shall be presented in a professional manner. Calculations shall
be grouped in accordance with the subject to which they pertain. Each group of
calculations shall be preceded by a cover sheet which contains the following
(a) Name of AE Contractor preparing and submitting the calculations.
(b) Contract Title and Number.
(c) Subject.
(d) Calculation No.
(e) Sheet No. ____ of _____
(f) Name and signature of structural engineer and design date.
(g) Name and signature of structural checker and checking date.
(h) Name and signature of the structural supervisor and approval date.
(i) List of all references used, including codes, standards, textbook, etc.
(j) Index, which shall itemize all major parts of the design.
(k) Highlights of all conclusive calculation results so that the AE Contractor’s checker
and approver, Royal Commission TSS-SE reviewer, and third parties who are not as
familiar as the preparers with the calculations can follow them without any
(3) Content: Calculations shall be prepared in SI units. The calculation sheets shall contain
or present the following information:
(a) List of all design parameters and assumptions used.
(b) List of all structural design information used in the calculations with proper
referencing from where it was taken (e.g., "Live Load Reduction from IBC 2012,
Section 1607.10, page 342 - copy attached.").
(c) List of all geotechnical/foundation design information used in the calculations with
proper referencing from where it was taken (e.g., soil bearing capacity = 100 kPa.
See Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by ______, dated ________, page
(d) List of all references used, including codes, standards, textbook, etc.
(e) Sketches as required.
(f) Description of software used in the calculations.
(g) Explanation of any non-standard vocabulary used in the software.
(h) Idealization of the structure and an explanation on how the structure is
mathematically modeled.
(i) Model showing the node, member, element, and support numbering.
(j) Node, member, element, and support restraints.
(k) Loads for each load cases and all load combinations.
(l) Input file and output analyses showing how the joint, member, and element loads
and support reactions are calculated.
(m) Output showing the member forces, joint displacements, and support reactions.
(n) Output showing the governing forces and stresses.
(o) Maximum member stresses.
(p) Column slenderness.
(q) Member deflections.
(r) Story drifts.
(s) Design results.
(t) Member sizes.
(4) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Calculations: Submit all CAE input (design bases,
modeling, nodes, members, numbering, etc.) and CAE output (analyses, designs, etc.) in
executable (i.e., native or source) file formats in addition to bound, hard copies. All CAE
calculations shall be prepared using only the latest version with latest releases and
updates. Use only CAE software STAAD.Pro, STAAD.Foundation, and RAM Structure.
Only commercially purchase CAE software can be used. The AE Contractor shall submit a
signed and dated statement with each submittal that the software used:
(a) Are the latest versions with latest releases and updates;
(b) Were purchased by and are currently licensed to the AE Contractor (the AE
Contractor shall not use “pirated” or “cracked” software on any Royal Commission
projects); and
(c) Were properly installed on all computer equipment that executes the software
(individual stations and network servers) and that such equipment meets the
software vendors’ requirements.
(d) For each CAE software used, the AE Contractor shall submit signed and dated
statements of verification and validation.
i) Statements of verification and validation with supporting documentation are
required for all design software used on Royal Commission projects.
ii) Signed and dated Statements Verifications and Validations shall pre-date the
first use of the software on the project.
iii) Verification – documentation that the software gives correct answers as judged
against standard problems with hand calculated solutions or against similar
software that has been verified. The verification must cover all algorithms of the
iv) Validation – documentation that the software is being properly applied to the
problems it was intended to solve.
(5) Checking of Calculations: All calculations prepared by the AE Contractor shall be
checked for completeness, accuracy, numerical, and geometrical correctness,
resolutions for interfaces and for any other details affecting the quality, constructability
and function of the end product.
(a) “Checking” is distinct from “review” and shall be performed by the AE Contractor for
all documents regardless of whether the document is selected by Royal Commission
TSS-SE for review.
(b) Checking is part of the regular design process and shall be performed by structural
engineers, assigned by the AE Contractor’s Engineering Supervisor or a Project
Engineer, with senior professional experience and competence to the originator of
the calculations. No calculations shall be prepared and checked by the same person.
(c) Originator and checker shall pay special attention to the completeness; accuracy;
numerical and geometrical correctness; identification of interfaces and their
coordination; interferences and to their resolutions; sequencing and phasing of
construction of this Contract, with other Contracts, and with other disciplines; and
for any other details affecting quality, constructability, form, and function of the
(d) Checkers shall be identified and checking shall be documented with dates.
(6) Approval of Calculations by AE Contractor: AE Contractor shall designate an Engineering
Supervisor or a Project Engineer who shall be accountable for all structural engineering
work, including completeness; accuracy; numerical and geometrical correctness;
coordination of interfaces; resolution of interferences; sequencing and phasing of
construction of this Contract, with other Contracts, and with other disciplines; and for
any other details affecting quality, constructability, form, and function of the project.
(a) The AE Contractor’s Engineering Supervisor or Project Engineer shall assign
structural engineers with senior professional experience and competence to the
originator of the calculations to perform all checking, supervise the checking to
assure compliance with the requirements, and review the calculations, until all are
to his satisfaction; and finally, approve all calculations before they are submitted to
Royal Commission for review.
(b) Approvers shall be identified and approvals shall be documented with dates.
(1) The AE Contractor shall prepare and submit a Structural DAR in compliance the Contract
provisions and with this Royal Commission TSS-SE standard for each structural system,
component, and elements for buildings, civil-site structures, utilities and utility
structures, and infrastructures. Refer to Subsection 5.24 “Deliverables by Phase
Requirements” for additional information.
(2) Format: The DAR shall be presented in a professional manner. The DAR shall be a
controlled document that contains the signatures of all originators, reviewers, and
approvers for each submittal.
(3) The DAR shall be grouped in accordance with the subject to which it pertains. Each
group within the DAR shall be preceded by a cover sheet which contains the following
(a) Name of AE Contractor preparing and submitting the DAR.
(b) Contract Title and Number.
(c) Subject.
(7) Checking of DAR: DAR shall be checked for completeness, accuracy, numerical and
geometrical correctness, resolutions for interfaces and for any other details affecting the
quality, constructability and function of the end product.
(a) “Checking” is distinct from “review” and shall be performed by the AE Contractor for
all DAR documents regardless of whether the document is selected by Royal
Commission TSS-SE for review.
(b) Checking shall be part of the AE Contractor’s regular DAR production process and
shall be performed by structural engineers, assigned by the AE Contractor’s
Engineering Supervisor or a Project Engineer, with senior professional experience
and competence to the originator of the DAR. No DAR, in whole or in part, shall be
prepared and checked by the same person.
(c) Originator and checker shall pay special attention to the completeness; accuracy;
numerical and geometrical correctness; identification of interfaces and their
coordination; interferences and to their resolutions; sequencing and phasing of
construction of this Contract, with other Contracts, and with other disciplines; and
for any other details affecting quality, constructability, form, and function of the
(d) Checkers shall be identified and checking shall be documented with dates.
(8) Approval of DAR: AE Contractor shall designate an Engineering Supervisor or a Project
Engineer who shall be accountable for all structural engineering work, including
completeness; accuracy; numerical and geometrical correctness; coordination of
interfaces; resolution of interferences; sequencing and phasing of construction of this
Contract, with other Contracts, and with other disciplines; and for any other details
affecting quality, constructability, form, and function of the project.
(a) The AE Contractor’s Engineering Supervisor or Project Engineer shall assign
structural engineers with senior professional experience and competence to the
originator of the DAR to perform all checking, supervise the checking to assure
compliance with the requirements, and review the DAR, until all are to his
satisfaction; and finally, approve all DAR before it is submitted to Royal Commission
for review.
(b) Approvers shall be identified and approvals shall be documented with dates.
(1) AE Contractor shall prepare and submit the SSCE in compliance the Contract provisions
and with this Royal Commission TSS-SE standard for each structural system, component,
and elements for buildings, civil-site structures, utilities and utility structures, and
infrastructures. Refer to Subsection 5.24 “Deliverables by Phase Requirements” for
additional information.
(2) Format: The SSCE shall be presented in a professional manner. The SSCE shall be a
controlled document that contains the signatures of all originators, reviewers, and
approvers for each submittal.
(3) The SSCE shall be grouped in accordance with the subject to which it pertains. Each
group within the SSCE shall be preceded by a cover sheet which contains the following
(a) Name of AE Contractor preparing and submitting the SSCE.
(b) Contract Title and Number.
(c) Subject.
(d) Sheet No. ____ of _____ .
(e) Name and signature of originator and production date.
(f) Name and signature of checker and checking date.
(g) Name and signature of the supervisor and approval date.
(h) List of all references used, including quotes, back-ups, textbooks, software, etc.
(i) Index, which shall itemize all each part of the SSCE.
(j) Highlights of all conclusive cost analyses so that the checker, approver, Royal
Commission TSS-SE reviewer, and third parties who are not familiar with the SSCE
can follow it without any questions.
(4) Content: The SSCE shall be prepared in SI units and Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR). The SSCE
sheets shall contain the following information:
(a) List of all cost and quantity parameters and assumptions used.
(b) List of all information used in the costing and quantities with proper referencing
from where they were taken.
(c) Description of the costing methods and quantity take-offs for all structural systems,
components, and elements.
(d) Description of software used in the SSCE.
(e) Explanation of any non-standard vocabulary used.
(f) Quotations and back-ups used to verify and validate the SSCE. Quotations and back-
ups shall not be more than three (3) months old.
(g) Overhead charges that are calculated and not presumed as a lump sum or
(h) Reasonable and justifiable estimated costs and quantities, cross-checked for
consistency and accuracy.
(i) Proper units of measure, cross-checked for consistency and accuracy.
(j) Costs associated with sustainability, e.g., LEED.
(k) Calculations and formulas limited to two (2) significant figures to the right of the
decimal point.
(l) Reasonable and justifiable Contingency Factors (CF) used in the SSCE. Contingencies
shall only be applied to costs, not to quantities. (Up to the 60% SSCE submittal,
Consultants can use CF’s to allow for lack of vendor quotations and/or back-up. The
CF’s shall be reduced to zero (-0-) at for the 90% SSCE submittal, as vendor
quotations and back-ups shall be firm.)
(m) Wastage, if used in the SSCE. (Wastage shall be carried out in the costs, not in the
(5) For each SSCE submitted, the AE Contractor shall demonstrate that they have identified,
defined, and incorporated all:
(a) Costs associated with the integration of all systems, sub-systems, and components,
structural and non-structural.
(b) Costs associated with risks and constructability issues that are outside the norm.
(c) Input of third-party stakeholders.
(d) Current market rates for labor, materials, and transportations.
(e) Escalation of costs to the midpoint of the construction contract.
(6) The SSCE shall be updated and maintained throughout the total life of the project – from
inception to completion - and capture all structural cost changes for retention as a
record of the Permanent Work.
(7) Checking of SSCE: SSCE shall be checked for completeness, accuracy, numerical
correctness, and for any other details affecting the quality of the end product.
(a) “Checking” is distinct from “review” and shall be performed by the AE Contractor for
all SSCE documents regardless of whether the document is selected by Royal
Commission TSS-SE for review.
(b) Checking shall be part of the AE Contractor’s regular SSCE production process and
shall be performed by cost estimators with senior professional experience and
competence to the originator of the SSCE. No SSCE, in whole or in part, shall be
prepared and checked by the same person.
(c) Originator and checker shall pay special attention to the completeness; accuracy;
numerical correctness; identification of interfaces and their coordination;
sequencing and phasing of construction of this Contract, with other Contracts, and
with other disciplines; and for any other details affecting the quality of the end
(d) Checkers shall be identified and checking shall be documented with dates.
(8) Approval of SSCE: AE Contractor shall designate a Cost Estimating Supervisor who shall
be accountable for all structural cost estimating work, including completeness; accuracy;
numerical correctness; identification of interfaces and their coordination; sequencing
and phasing of construction of this Contract, with other Contracts, and with other
disciplines; and for any other details affecting the quality of the end product.
(a) The AE Contractor’s Cost Estimating Supervisor shall assign cost estimators with
senior professional experience and competence to the originator of the SSCE to
perform all checking, supervise the checking to assure compliance with the
requirements, and review the SSCE, until all are to his satisfaction; and finally,
approve all SSCE’s before they are submitted to Royal Commission for review.
(b) Approvers shall be identified and approvals shall be documented with dates.
(1) AE Contractor shall complete and submit TSS-SE’s “Structural Engineering Checklist”
spreadsheet for each design submittal made.
(2) An important goal of the “Structural Engineering Checklist” is to confirm that “Lessons
Learned” are incorporated in the structural work. Therefore, coordinate with TSS-SE
Supervisor and incorporate “Lessons Learned.” These are issues raised and documented
from previous projects and that require the AE Contractor to review and update their
project so that errors and omissions from prior projects are not repeated. Refer to
Subsection 5.1 “General Conditions and Initiation of the Structural Design Process” for
additional information.
All building Design shall conform to these General Criteria, except as superseded by specific
project requirement and those requirements established in the Madinat Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah
Urban Design Study. In the event of conflict between the documents, the Urban Design Study
shall prevail.
The indigenous sociocultural patterns that have promoted Islamic traditions include:
Heightened privacy factors with particular emphasis on the segregation of male/female
allocated spaces and facilities.
Subdividing of the building (residence) to provide acceptable inter-relationships while
maintaining established social criteria with regard to the “Guest” and the containment of the
active family area(s).
Other than in the Mosque, the provision within diverse buildings of places devoted to daily
prayers and religious instructions.
The building's form, orientation and external fabrication shall be designed primarily to:
Ensure the appropriate use of building facade elements including architectural features,
terraces and shade devices to provide horizontal and vertical articulation.
Building facades should be well articulated through the use of a variety of materials,
patterns, decorative finishes, textures and colors.
(a) Walls facing a public right of way (ROW) without articulation are undesirable.
Articulation, can be defined as, meeting two of the following three design features:
i) One plane/surface extending beyond the top of the wall.
ii) One plane/surface extending beyond the face of the wall or varying the setback
of the wall by a minimum of 0.3 meters.
iii) Introduction of a second material design element other than concrete (typically
wrought iron or wood).
(b) A second design element should be durable and is typically wrought iron or other
metal detail.
(c) Articulation is typically accomplished with recesses, columns, column caps and wall
(d) Etched/recessed patterns in a wall surface are encouraged, but these do not extend
beyond the wall face and therefore do not qualify as articulation.
(e) For walls adjacent to a secondary roadway, “minimum landscape” shall consist of
continuous trees, with irrigation and spaced at a maximum of 15m centers,
(f) The color palette for walls should be white or light earth tones.
(g) Accent colors (embedded in concrete, not painted) may be darker to contrast with
wall colors.
(h) Accent materials at the top or bottom of the wall, such as ceramic tiles or stone,
may be utilized as long as such use reflects the character of the architectural style.
(i) Wall/Privacy extension should be of a color and material compatible with the
architectural style of associated built form.
(j) External infrastructure such as AC units, solar panels, solar hot water, etc. should be
screened from public street view.
(k) Ground mounted mechanical equipment and refuse/recycling should be screened by
landscape or an enclosure with a compatible material.
(3) Rooflines
Allow for variety of roof forms, creating interest and diversity, while reinforcing the
identity of the City. Architectural design features to be incorporated at key entry points
reinforce the character of the site, and provide landmarks for the community.
Glass Type: Residential – Double glazed tempered clear pane and/or tinted pane shall be
utilized throughout. Public Facilities, Institutional and Commercial use double glazed
tempered clear pane and/or tinted pane shall be utilized throughout.
Large expanses of reflective glass should not be used as the resultant glare and heat can
create discomfort in the public realm and to occupiers of surrounding buildings.
Systems and materials incorporated into all buildings should be selected on the basis of long
term operations and maintenance costs. The design should incorporate ease and efficiency
of operation and allow for easy and cost effective maintenance and repair. Standardization
of equipment, parts, is also the key to reducing maintenance costs and allows for stocking of
common replacement parts.
All material and systems should be reliable and easy to operate and maintain. Materials
should be environmentally sound.
(1) “Tactile” paving for pedestrian, sidewalks, ramps and stairways, etc. and “braille”
lettering on handrails for exterior must be ADA compliant.
(2) Tactile characters shall be accompanied by English Braille. Braille dots shall have a
domed or rounded shape. Braille shall be placed below the entire text
(3) “Public Accommodations” must be readily accessible and usable by the blind, visually
impaired & mobility impaired to the maximum extent feasible.
Graphics, signs and identifying devices must be provided in public spaces to provide
regulatory, safety, directional and interpretive information.
Ensure sign type, size and content suit viewing conditions. Sign graphics including text size,
style, color and its contrast with the background should maximize legibility. (refer to
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for detailed guidance)
Graphics, signs, and identifying devices shall be in both Arabic and English. Arabic shall
appear above and/or to the right of the English. The Arabic shall be 50% larger than the
comparable English (Arabic "aleph" compared with English letter "E").
Every building must clearly display its street address at the main entrance (at a minimum)
according to the Saudi Postal Corporation - National Address reference approved under
Decree No. (252) of 24/7/1434 AH.
(1) Toilet, Bath Enclosures and Accessories
(a) To reduce water damage and provide for air circulation, doors of the compartments
shall be undercut a maximum of 30 mm. adequate ventilation shall be provided in
every stall.
(b) Privacy screens shall be installed between all urinals
(c) All fixtures such as liquid soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers, disposal units,
robe hooks and framed plate glass mirrors shall be provided in public toilet facilities
as required.
(2) Drinking Fountains
(a) Drinking fountains, dispensing chilled water, shall be installed in all public areas as
per International Plumbing Code.
(1) Appearance and durability shall be the primary considerations in the selection of
furniture and furnishings.
(2) Generally, such items shall be of a contemporary design, and shall utilize, wherever
possible, replaceable, modular component construction.
(3) All upholstered items, fabrics and coverings shall be of self-extinguishing or fire resistive
type. Materials and finishes used should be easily and locally repairable.
(1) All equipment shall be specified only from recognized manufacturers with a proven
record of reliability, service and replacement parts supply.
(2) All equipment shall conform to applicable safety regulations and shall be installed in
strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations.
(3) As a general rule, commercial and industrial equipment shall be designed for a longer
service life.
(6) Flagpoles
(a) All public buildings/facilities i.e. schools, colleges, libraries, police station, fire
stations and other government offices shall be provided with flagpoles. Flagpoles
shall include Saudi National Flag, Royal Commission Flag and Institution flag (if any)
with Saudi National Flag as the highest pole.
(b) All flagpole positions and flag sizes / design must comply with Royal Decree No. (M /
3) dated 10/2 / 1393H Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 101 dated 2/2/1393.
Refer to
(c) Lowest flagpole height to be in ratio of (1:1.25) of the proposed building height
(front façade) and subject to final RC approval.
(d) Flagpole, based and anchorage devices shall be designed to withstand minimum
wind velocity of the context location.
(e) Refer to ANSI/ NAAMM FP 1001-07 “Guide Specifications For Design of Metal
Flagpoles” for metal flagpoles (stainless steel, aluminium, galvanized).
(f) Fiberglass or GRP (glass fiber reinforced plastics) flagpoles are not recommended for
heights more than 12 meters.
(7) Shaded parking incorporating photovoltaic panels (PV)
(a) Where shaded parking spaces are to be provided in accordance with the Parking
Standards in the Yanbu 2030 - Industrial City Master plan, incorporate photovoltaic
panels (PV) into the design of the carports.
(b) Refer to “Solar Car parks – BRE (2016) A guide for owners and developers” by BRE
National Solar Centre.
(c) PV panels and fixtures must be non-corrosive or have an approved anti-corrosive
(1) Design to deliver low maintenance/vandal-resistant interior finishes and building
systems that are commonly available for necessary replacement.
(2) Operation and Maintenance
All material and systems should be reliable and easy to operate and maintain. Materials
should be environmentally sound.
(3) Location
(a) The infrastructure shall reflect the location and surroundings in terms of color,
materials, and detailing and preserve architectural themes.
(b) Architectural design shall result from the successful blending of local culture,
function, environment, economy, durability, operation and maintenance and
(4) Sand Control
(a) The prevention of sand and dust infiltration is essential throughout the design of a
facility. Blowing dust particles tend to infiltrate through minute cracks, joints and
openings. The accumulation of sand and its harmful abrasive effects must be
countered. Joints and connections shall be designed to prevent dust and sand
(b) All main entrances and all other entrances to public buildings, which are frequently
used except emergency exits, should have vestibules with adequately separated
doors to check sand accumulation. Tight weather-stripping all around all doors,
windows, roll-up doors, sliding doors and other industrial doors shall be installed.
(1) All facilities shall be designed keeping in mind the Saudi Arabian heritage and culture.
Architectural aesthetics and layout shall reflect traditional designs, needs, values, motifs
and influences. Local materials and products shall be utilized to the greatest extent
(2) The overall facility should be sensitive to and reflect the local culture.
(3) Architectural design shall be respectful and relate to the building location and
surroundings through the use of appropriate color, materials, and detailing. Overall
architecture should enhance the environment by honoring and preserving significant
architectural, historical, cultural, and community themes which bring consistency.
(1) Special attention shall be paid in the design of all facilities to the need for utilizing shade
and natural ventilation possibilities due to frequent prevailing winds to minimize heat
gain, radiation and glare.
(2) Seasonal wind rises, showing a predominance of west-north-west to north-north-west
winds both in frequency and velocities as referred in the Environmental Chapter should
also be consulted when orienting facilities.
The safety standards identified in the criteria reflect the most recent safety guidelines
established for materials and building systems. They also recognize and reference the
importance of adhering to NFPA.
(1) Exterior floors, walls, and roof systems shall achieve thermal transmittance factors not
exceeding SASO standard requirements.
(2) In walls vapor barrier shall be on the warm side of the insulation.
(3) Interior. Material selection shall be limited only to Saudi owned companies. Suitability,
durability, maintainability and irreplaceability shall be prime factors in the material
selection process.
(4) Provide roof pavers or tiles for perimeters or the whole roof or when roof top traffic
requires a more durable and workable surface.
(1) Water Closet Orientation. All water closets shall be floor mounted, unless otherwise
indicated; in Mosques, positioning of fixtures must be 90 degrees from the Makkah axis.
(2) Other Fixtures.
(a) A hand-held perianal spray hose with wall mounted hanging hook and, tip flow
control shall be installed at all water closets to the right of the user.
(b) Ablution Area: Near the toilet room, provide a separate area where ablution may be
done. Provide one ablution seat and faucet for every 25 building occupants. The
flow of water from the ablution faucets shall be restricted on troughs or channels to
keep the access aisles dry.
(3) Number of toilet fixtures. Water closets for varying occupancies shall comply with the
International Building Code and International Plumbing Code.
(4) Water closets ratio western vs. eastern style it varies and shall be as per the end user
(1) General
All significant spaces in buildings and facilities shall be designed to provide an
acoustically controlled environment in relation to exterior noise from adjacent spaces.
6.7.6 METALS
(1) Architectural Metalwork
All architectural metals shall be designed with considerations for the high saline
atmosphere prevalent at the site.
(2) Color schemes developed as part of systems for the protection of health, safety and
welfare shall be coordinated with the overall color scheme in order to maintain project
continuity and maximum aesthetic impact.
(3) The guidelines for the color and texture of new and renovated or expanded facilities
have been established to provide continuity between the new and existing facilities. In
addition to providing aesthetic harmony in the appearance, this approach allows more
cost-efficient maintenance of all facilities.
(4) Exception to this requirement shall be piping corridors shared by the Industries in the
Industrial Area, on the Causeway and in the Port Area.
(1) All public buildings with waiting rooms, such as in hospitals, doctors' offices, etc. shall
have separate waiting rooms and entrances for men and women.
(2) Building facades on District Commercial centers should be built to property boundary to
preserve/ contribute to urban street character and provide customer shaded pedestrian
access to maximize users comfort.
(3) Shade is to be provided in parking lots either by purpose-built shade structures or
suitable shade trees species. District Commercial parking lots should have one tree for
every eight spaces, or fraction thereof.
(4) Loading facilities should be restricted to the rear of building away from
retail/commercial frontages, separate form pedestrian access points and minimized in
width to a single entry.
Please refer to the RC Mosques Book dated 1436-2015.
(i) Designs shall require that systems and equipment be installed in a manner making them
easily accessible and highly maintainable.
(j) To the maximum extent possible, designs shall incorporate all practical energy sources
and design features that conserve natural resources and are environmentally friendly.
This emphasis has recently become known as “sustainable designs.”
(4) Costs and Energy Performance
(a) The Royal Commission is committed to incorporating principles of sustainable design
and energy efficiency into all of its job projects. Energy-efficient design shall be
consistent with the project budget.
(b) The Royal Commission jobs shall be designed with the objective of achieving lowest life
cycle cost.
(5) Operations and Maintenance
(a) Systems and materials should be selected on the basis of long-term operations and
maintenance costs as those costs will be significantly higher over time than first costs.
(b) The design of the facility operating systems shall ensure ease and efficiency of operation
and allow for easy and cost effective maintenance and repair during the job useful life.
(6) Corrosion
(a) Special consideration of corrosion problems shall be made for any mechanical
equipment that is to be installed within 20 km of the Arabian Gulf, Red Sea or other salt
water body.
(b) Mechanical equipment located near the coast or exposed to corrosive environment shall
be provided with corrosion protection. Condenser coils shall have a factory anti-
corrosion coating. Anti-corrosion coating shall be immersion applied, baked phenolic or
other approved coating. Field applied coatings are not acceptable.
(c) Provide manufacturer's optional louvered covers or hail guards for outdoor coils to
provide protection against vandalism, debris or hail.
(7) Warranties
(a) Special emphasis shall be placed on all mechanical equipment and systems design
(2) ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers
Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration
(b) ASHRAE 15
(5) MSS - Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
Pipe Hangers and Supports-Selection and Application
(a) MSS SP69
The Contractor shall comply with all the Royal Commission applicable Codes/Standard, and
local laws and regulations controlling pollution of the environment.
heating, lighting, and other energy producing or consuming systems. These programs
shall be capable of simulating the features, systems, and thermal loads used in the
(2) Operating hours shall be those actually anticipated for operation.
(3) Where Central Plant is to be considered as a viable system, Energy Simulation Programs
shall be utilized as the basis for sizing/recommending such system. Approval of the
program(s) by the Royal Commission shall be obtained. In addition, input parameters to
attain lower equipment and systems energy consumptions, such as the use of thermal
storage tanks shall be considered
(4) A building energy analysis shall be performed to demonstrate that the building design
meets or exceeds the energy performance goals established for the project.
(5) The building energy analysis shall be performed using the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Energy
Cost Budget methodology, and must demonstrate compliance with the latest editions of
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and/or 90.2. The analysis shall be included in each design
(6) The analysis shall evaluate the energy performance of the building design including the
proposed building envelope, HVAC systems and components, the lighting systems, and
domestic hot water systems, as well as the proposed control strategies for these
building systems.
(7) The analysis shall be based on actual parameters and values found in the proposed
building design and not simply on defaults assigned by the simulation program.
(8) Simulation programs shall be capable of simulating:
8,760-hours per year, hourly variations in occupancy, lighting power, miscellaneous
equipment power, thermostat set points, and HVAC system operation defined
separately for each day of the week and holidays, thermal mass effects, the number of
required HVAC zones, part load performance curves for mechanical equipment, capacity
and efficiency correction curves for mechanical equipment, air-side and water-side
economizers, and temperature controls.
(9) The building energy analysis report shall include all input and output used in the
simulation programs, including:
Established energy goals for the project, detailed descriptions of the budget and
proposed building models, actual local utility rates, descriptions of any and all energy
conservation measures, an analysis of results with final conclusions and
(4) Life cycle cost analyses shall evaluate first cost, energy cost, recurring (operation and
maintenance) replacement and repair costs, and other costs and benefits attributed to
each alternative.
(5) Throughout the design, the designer must make choices regarding materials, sizes,
equipment and systems in order to establish the most cost effective design satisfying the
Royal Commission requirements and these criteria.
(6) The project’s design program must comprehensively define reasonable scope and
performance requirements, and must match those needs to an appropriate overall
(7) An ASHRAE based approved programs shall be used.
(8) General economic study for each project must be determined individually, to ensure the
cost effectiveness of the study effort itself.
(9) Before initiating any studies, the design shall consider the following points:
(a) A life cycle cost analysis is likely to be cost effective when, the design feature or
category to be examined is itself life cycle cost intensive relative to the project being
designed. Post-occupancy continuing costs including energy, maintenance, custodial,
and repair costs are especially important.
(b) A life cycle cost analysis is likely to be cost effective when, the design alternatives to
be compared are characterized by fundamentally different cash flows.
(c) A life cycle cost analysis is not cost effective when, the cost of the analysis is likely to
exceed any savings that could be achieved.
(d) A life cycle cost analysis is not cost effective when the relative economic rankings of
the various alternatives have already been established for similar design conditions.
This consideration encourages the use and/or revision of a previous study or analysis
rather than performing a new complete analysis. The conditions and results of the
previous study should be adapted and updated to the specific design alternatives
being considered.
(e) A life cycle cost analysis of a particular design feature should not be initiated when
its cost, added to the cost of life cycle cost analyses already conducted or planned
for other design features of the same project, would cause the total cost to exceed
1% of the programmed amount.
(10)The designer of a building or facility shall obtain from equipment manufacturers full and
part load energy consumption data over the range which all equipment and supporting
auxiliaries are expected to operate, as well as the space requirements for operation and
maintenance for each component. All equipment selections shall be based on life cycle
(5) The plumbing design shall comply with the International Plumbing Code (IPC) and
specific project criteria.
(6) All mechanical equipment rooms shall be a minimum of 3.7 m (12 ft.) in height (clear
(1) Equipment must be fully accessible to allow for proper servicing, including adequate
space to disassemble all pumps, motors and chillers.
(2) Chillers shall be placed to permit pulling of tubes from all units.
(3) Provide access for all required trap primers.
(4) Access doors or panels shall be provided in ventilation equipment, ductwork and
plenums as required for in-site inspection and cleaning.
(5) The mechanical rooms shall have adequate doorways or areaways and staging areas to
permit the replacement and removal of equipment without the need to demolish walls
or relocate other equipment.
(6) Sufficient service access space areas as noted by outlining manufacturer’s
recommendations and in compliance with applicable code requirements for routine
maintenance and removal of mechanical system components shall be provided.
(7) Equipment access doors or panels shall be readily operable and sized to allow full access.
(1) Horizontal Clearances
(a) Mechanical rooms shall be configured with clear circulation aisles and adequate
access to all equipment. Required clearance shall be in accordance to manufacturer
written instructions.
(2) Vertical Clearances
(a) Mechanical equipment rooms shall have clear ceiling heights of not less than 3.7 m
(12 ft.) or as per manufacturer recommendation, whichever is greater.
(3) Ceiling Clearances
(a) Provide adequate clearance and access for building systems installed between
ceiling and structure above.
(1) Mechanical rooms shall have floor drains in proximity to the equipment they serve to
reduce water streaks or drain lines extending into aisles.
(2) Provide at least 1 floor drain for every 13.4 m² (144 ft2) of each equipment room.
(3) Locate drains away from walking areas, but not beneath equipment.
(4) Slope floor to drain.
(5) Air handling units shall be drained considering air gap above the floor/area drain.
(1) Housekeeping pads shall be at least 152 mm (6 in.) wider on all sides than the
equipment they support and shall be 200 mm (8 in.) minimum thickness.
(1) Walls of equipment rooms, when located on occupied floors, shall be sound proof and
return air passages shall utilize sound attenuation boxes.
(1) Air Handling Room (AHU)
(a) Provide ample space on all sides of AHU for inspection and maintenance (filter
removal, bearing replacement, coil replacement, cleaning, etc.).
(a) Suspended air handlers shall be provided with permanent platforms for
maintenance including appropriate access to platforms where required.
(2) Chiller Equipment Rooms
(a) All rooms for refrigerant units shall be constructed and equipped to comply with
ASHRAE Standard 15, Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration.
(3) Electrical Equipment Rooms
(a) No water lines shall be permitted in electrical rooms, except for fire sprinkler piping.
(b) Sprinkler piping lines must not be located directly above any electrical equipment.
(c) Water lines shall not be located above motor control centers or disconnect switches
and shall comply with requirements of NFPA 70 Chapter 1.
(1) Telecommunications rooms shall be cooled. Closets which house critical
communications components shall be provided with dedicated air-conditioning systems
that shall be connected to the emergency power distribution system.
(1) Elevator machines, including controls shall be specified to sustain ambient conditions,
otherwise a dedicated cooling system shall be provided to maintain room mechanical
conditions required by equipment specifications.
(1) The environmental systems shall meet the requirements of NFPA Standard 110
Emergency and Standby Power Systems, and the combustion air requirements of the
(2) Rooms must be ventilated sufficiently to remove heat gain from equipment operation.
(3) The supply and exhaust louvers shall be located to prevent short circuiting.
(4) Generator exhaust shall be as per manufacturer’s installation guidelines or carried up to
roof level.
(5) Horizontal exhaust through the building wall shall be avoided.
(6) Acoustical enclosures shall be provided to maintain NC level to acceptable ASHRAE
Fundamentals and ASHRAE Applications levels.
(1) Battery rooms shall be equipped with emergency eyewash and shower equipment as
per ANSI Standard Z358.1( Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment).
(2) Floor drains required at the emergency shower, within the battery room acid
containment curb, shall extend with acid waste piping to an acid neutralization tank
prior to discharge to the sanitary sewer or building drain.
(3) The battery room must be ventilated/exhausted directly to the outdoors at a rate
calculated to be in compliance with construction codes requirements and
manufacturer’s recommendations; and the exhaust system must be connected to the
emergency power distribution system.
(4) Fans shall be spark-resistant, explosion proof, with motor outdoor the air stream,
ductwork to be negative pressure system of corrosion resistant material, with exhaust
directly to outdoors in a dedicated system.
(1) The entrances and exits at loading docks and service entrances shall be maintained at
negative pressure relative to the rest of the building with a means to reduce infiltration
and outdoor debris.
ii) Winter
Dry bulb 12°C (54 0F)
(b) Summer design conditions for sensible heat load calculations shall be based on the
0.4% dry bulb temperature with its mean coincident wet bulb temperature.
(c) Design conditions for the summer ventilation load and all dehumidification load
calculations shall be based on 0.4% dew point with its mean coincident dry bulb
(d) Winter design conditions shall be based on the 99.6% column dry bulb temperature
(e) For additional local meteorological weather data, summer and winter design
conditions shall be based on ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, latest edition.
(3) Indoor Design Criteria
(a) Indoor design temperatures and relative humidity requirements in different
applications shall be as stated in ASHRAE Applications Handbook.
(b) The space condition general datum shall comprise of the following nominal comfort
conditions representative for residences and offices:
i) Summer
Dry Bulb : 24°C +/- 1°C (75oF+/- 2oF)
45% - 55% Relative Humidity.
ii) Winter
Dry Bulb : 22°C (72oF)
(4) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
(a) The Royal Commission recognizes the importance of adequate ventilation to
maintain indoor air quality.
(b) The outdoor air ventilation rates of ASHRAE Standard 62 and International
Mechanical Codes (IMC) shall be the minimum acceptable in the Royal Commission
(c) Dilution with outside air is the primary method of maintaining acceptable indoor air
(d) Where aspects of energy use and air quality are in conflict, air quality shall take
(sensible and latent) from ventilation and infiltration, and heat gains or losses
through fenestration, walls, floors and roofs.
or suspended more than 1.8 m (6 ft.) above the floor, is undesirable and should be
avoided where possible. Fans, coils, and air filters of the units shall be as described in
the preceding sections. Layout of rooms housing air handling units shall allow for
adequate space to service valves, motors, coils and control panels and for removal and
replacement of filters.
(13)Refrigeration Machines:
Air-conditioning refrigeration compressors shall be of reciprocating, scroll or screw
type. Generally, compressors having a capacity greater than 450 kW (130
refrigeration tons) shall be of the centrifugal type. Individual reciprocating
compressors shall not exceed 350 kW (100 tons) capacities.
All refrigeration equipment shall be electric motor driven. For centrifugal type chillers,
VFD control on the compressor is required for energy efficient chiller system.
(b) Comply with the latest edition of ASHRAE Handbooks and ASHRAE Standards
guidance for selecting and specifying filters.
(c) Filter type and efficiency shall be based on the required cleanliness of the supply air,
to meet the objectives of the conditioned space.
(d) The filter media shall be rated in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52.2.
(e) The pre-filters shall have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 8 (30 to
35% efficient with a maximum allowable particle size of 10 micron), while the final
filters shall have a MERV of 13 (80 to 90% efficient with a maximum particle size of 1
micron), as determined by the dust spot test specified in ASHRAE Standard 52.
(f) Filter racks shall be designed to minimize the bypass of air around the filter media
with a maximum bypass leakage of 0.5%.
(g) Differential pressure gages shall be provided across the filter assemblies.
(a) Stairwell in multi-unit residence (apartments) shall be provided with air conditioning
(b) Windows A/C unit shall not be used.
(c) Exhaust systems for bathrooms with an individual exhaust, such as in single family
dwellings, shall be controlled thru light switch. Exhaust systems which have combine
exhaust from more than one toilet, such as in apartment buildings and dormitories,
shall have continuously running fans.
i) During the design conceptual phase, the A/E shall submit life cycle cost analysis
of at least three (3) HVAC systems.
ii) The A/E shall consider all air and chilled water system option as relevant to the
iii) Windows A/C unit shall not be used.
iv) As per the Royal Decree direction via CTS # 38-1000-943, District cooling shall be
used if the following conditions applicable:
New project
Cooling load more than 15,000 TR
High density area (land to building ratio 1.5 or more), where land to building
ratio = total building floors area / land area.
Availability of TSE water (Treated Sewage Effluent).
i) Local Mosque and Jumma Mosque shall be designed as per the latest edition of
General Design Criteria for Mosques
(2) Ventilation for Commercial Kitchens, Dining Rooms and Related Areas
(a) Cooking Appliances
i) Cooking appliances, such as ranges, deep fat fryers, broilers and roasting ovens
that present a fire hazard due to grease vapor emission shall be provided with
exhaust hoods, exhaust ducts, and exhaust fans.
(b) Commercial Kitchen Exhaust Hood System
i) Commercial-type kitchen ventilation system shall be designed and installed in
compliance with International Mechanical Code (IMC) and, NFPA 96. ASHRAE
HVAC Application Volume or SMACNA HVAC Systems Application Manual as
reference for the proper calculation of exhaust air and supply air (untreated)
ii) The hood exhaust system shall not be connected to any other building exhaust
system. Hoods shall be type I or II and shall be designed to capture and confine
cooking vapors and residues
iii) Grease exhaust ducts shall be housed in 1- or 2-hour fire-resistant rated shaft
enclosures for grease ducts or 2 layers of Fire Barrier Duct Wrap (ASTM E 2336
Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems).
iv) A temperature limit thermostat shall be provided in the exhaust hood to protect
the hood exhaust system against grease fires. The thermostat shall be a fixed
temperature device with a setting of 175°C. The thermostat shall be connected
to stop the exhaust fan, close the fire damper, and actuate the fire extinguishing
system. A manual switch, easily identifiable and accessible, shall also be
provided for initiating these actions.
v) All kitchen hood exhaust fans shall be the up blast type constructed on
ventilated roof curbs.
(c) Residential/Domestic Kitchen Exhaust
i) All exhaust shall discharge to the outdoors through sheet metal ducts
constructed of galvanized steel, stainless steel or aluminium. Such duct shall
have smooth inner walls, air tight and equipped with backdraft damper, and
shall independent of all other exhaust.
ii) Recirculating type hood is not permitted.
(d) Dining Room (Non-residential)
i) Outdoor air introduced into the dining rooms shall be filtered and conditioned. It
shall be transferred to the kitchen through transfer grilles, and shall be
considered as part of the kitchen ventilation. This will prevent transfer of food
odor from the kitchen into the dining area.
ii) Outdoor air supplied to the dining area shall be exhausted through the kitchen
ventilation system. If the kitchen exhaust air volume exceeds the outdoor air
requirements of the dining area, the additional air required shall be supplied
directly into the kitchen and shall be filtered, conditioned and introduced
horizontally at or near the ceiling, so that it will diffuse without causing drafts at
the cooking level or on kitchen personnel.
(e) Dishwashing Room
i) Dishwashing rooms shall be provided with general ventilation at a minimum rate
of 5 air changes per hour. Automatic conveyor type dishwashers shall be
provided with an exhaust hood having a minimum of 0.51 m/s velocity across its
face at each end. In no case shall combined-general ventilation and hood
exhaust air quantity be less than 30 air changes per hour.
ii) Makeup air for the dishwashing room shall be drawn from other heated spaces
in the building where outdoor air is introduced. If makeup air must be supplied
directly to the dishwashing room, it shall be filtered and heated.
(3) Ventilation for Industrial Processes
(a) The design of ventilation for Industrial Process shall comply with the Industrial
Ventilation (latest edition) and shall meet the requirements of Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA).
iii) Control equipment for the exhaust fan shall be located more than 6 ft. from the
battery and a minimum of 4 in. below the lowest point of the highest ventilation
iv) Where mechanical ventilation is used in a dedicated battery room, all exhaust
shall be directly to the outdoors.
(5) Fans shall be roof-mounted with an upwardly directed discharge. Fans will have non-
sparking wheel and motor location outside of the air stream. Elevator Machine Room
(a) Mechanical ventilation system shall be provided in Elevator Machine Room as
required by ASME A 17.1 to maintain temperature limits, as recommended by
elevator manufacturers.
(b) Air-conditioning is required in most conditions; gravity ventilation is not acceptable.
Coordinate with Electrical Engineer. Provide emergency power for machine room
cooling/ventilating equipment, if the elevator is on emergency power circuit.
(b) Ductwork shall be sized using equal friction or static regain methodsDuct velocity
shall be limited to 7.6 m/s (1500 fpm) for branch ducts and 10.2 m/s (2000 fpm) for
main ducts, but in no case shall the pressure drop exceed 0.82 Pa/m (0.1 in water
gage/100 feet).
Ductwork Sizing Parameters:
Fire dampers.
(4) Dampers
(a) Dampers shall be provided in duct work to provide proper control, balancing, and
distribution of air.
(b) Dampers shall be used as follows:
i) Volume dampers shall be used in branch ducts only when splitter dampers
cannot be used or when branches are taken from the air plenum.
ii) Splitter dampers shall be provided at all throats at duct branches.
iii) Automatic parallel-blade dampers shall be used for requiring two position
controls. Use opposed blade dampers applications requiring modulating control.
iv) Self-closing gravity operated louvers shall be used for applications when
backflow of air is to be stopped.
v) No damper shall be larger than 1200 mm (4 Ft). For ducts wider than 1200 mm
(4 Ft), dampers shall be provided in equal sections as required. Dampers for
ducts less than 350 mm (1 Ft) high shall have a single leaf. For ducts 350 mm (1
Ft) and higher, multi-leaf dampers shall be used.
vi) The length of splitter damper shall not be smaller than the width of branch
throat served. Adjusting rods shall be connected to the leading edge of damper
leafs, and shall protrude through duct faces. Adjustment shall be made through
lock screw fittings. One adjustment rod shall be provided for every 350 mm (1
Ft) increment in duct height.
vii) Blades of automatic dampers shall be no wider than 225 mm (0.75 Ft) and shall
have overlapping and interlocking edges lined with felt to prevent leakage of air.
Sch. 40 Black steel Pipe (Pre-
(a) Chillers shall use constant water flow or variable water flow. Chillers shall be
installed in parallel to allow for ease in maintenance.
(3) Chilled Water Lines
(a) Chilled water coil supply and return lines shall have thermowells, air release valve,
pressure plug points and drain line.
(b) Motorized butterfly valve, flow sensor, flow meter and balancing valve shall be
installed at chilled water return line.
(c) A shutoff valve shall be installed on each of the supply and return lines of each
cooling coil to allow for servicing of the coil without tampering with water balance.
(4) Chilled Water Circulating Pumps
(a) The chilled water circulating pumps shall be a 100% standby and shall have a
pressure gage at the suction side, a strainer, and gate valve.
(b) The discharge side shall have a pressure gage, a check valve and a gate valve.
(c) Suction diffuser with strainer at suction side and triple duty valve at discharge side
may be used in lieu of conventional pumps installation if the space constraint.
(d) Where primary-secondary pumping system provided, primary pumps shall operate
in constant volume and a variable volume in secondary pumps.
(e) When parallel operating chilled water pumps are used, pumps quantity shall not be
more than three (3) nos. Two (2) pumps duty and one (1) standby.
(f) The designers are required to submit manufacturer’s pump curve. Pump curve for
both single pump operation and combined operation shall cross the pump system
(g) A De-Coupler pipe (neutral bridge) in primary-secondary system shall have an equal
pipe size with supply and return chilled water pipe and shall have friction loss less
than 1.5 ft/sec. The pipe length shall not be less than 3 diameters of chilled water
(5) Chemical Feed and Water Make-Up
(a) The system shall also have at the suction side of the pump an air separator and
closed type compression tank.
(b) The make-up line to the system shall have a double check valve to prevent cross-
(6) A pot feeder having a capacity of no less than 0.1% of system water volume with two
shutoff valves shall be installed between the pump suction and discharge lines, in
parallel with the pump.
(7) Concrete Inertia Bases
Inertia bases shall be provided for reciprocating and centrifugal chillers, air compressors,
all pumps, axial fans, and centrifugal fans.
(c) Access space shall be provided for maintenance in front of motor control centers
and control panels.
(1) Systems Pressure Loss
(a) Systems pressure losses shall include all pressure drops in duct work, intake louvers
dampers, filters, cooling and heating coils, plenums, fire dampers, volume dampers,
duct transitions, elbows, tees, other fittings, extractors, splitter dampers, equalizing
grids, opposed blade volume dampers, air outlets, room overpressure, return inlets
and other devices. A minimum margin of 25% shall be added to the calculated loss.
(2) Duct Smoke Detectors
(a) Duct Smoke Detectors shall be installed as required by NFPA 90A and shall be
interlocked with the supply fan as required by NFPA 90A.
(1) The plumbing design shall include all plumbing (Potable water, Sanitary Drainage, Storm
Drain and Vents) inside buildings and to 1.5 m outside of the buildings.
(2) General Design Criteria for Medical Gases and Vacuum Systems
All plumbing design calculations shall utilize formats acceptable to the Royal Commission.
As a minimum, the data/information as shown on Appendix PG-1, PG-2, PG-3 and PG-4 must
be included as applicable.
(1) Pipe material shall conform to material listed in technical specification and the standard
shall conform to one of the standards listed in table 605.4 IPC.
(2) Headers supplying flush valve fixtures shall run full size to the last fixture.
(3) Shutoff valve and full-open valves shall be installed at the locations listed in the IPC. The
valves shall be accessible and identified. . Where valves are located in concealed spaces,
metal access panels of suitable size shall be furnished.
(4) Unless flanges are indicated, a union shall be installed on one side of all screwed shutoff
valves, equipment connections, and elsewhere as indicated or required for ease of
installation and servicing. Under no circumstances shall unions be installed in
inaccessible locations.
(5) The minimum branch pipe size shall be in accordance with table 604.5 IPC. .
(6) A water-hammer arrestor shall be installed where quick closing valves are utilized on
both hot and cold water lines
(7) A potable water supply system shall be designed in such a manner so as to prevent
contamination from non-potable liquids, solids or gasses being introduced into potable
water supply through cross-connections or any other pipe connections to the system.
(1) All plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be of the water conservation type, with a
maximum flow as follows:
Fixture Maximum Flow
Eastern Water closets 3.0 / 4.8 litres ( 0.8 / 1.28 gal) per flushing
Western Water closet 3.0 litres ( 0.8 gal) per flushing
Private Faucets 5.7 litres/min (1.5 gpm) at 60 psi
Public Faucets 1.9 litres/min (0.5 gpm) at 60 psi
Showers 7.6 litres/min ( 2.0 gpm) at 60 psi
Urinal 3.0 Liters (1.0 gal) per flushing
(5) Where the developed length of hot water piping from the source of hot water supply to
the farthest fixture exceeds 30 meter (100 ft), the hot water supply system shall be
provided with a method of maintaining the temperature in accordance with
International Energy Conservation Code.
(6) Thermal expansion control shall be provided to control pressure due to thermal
The plumbing specifications shall identify all types of materials, fixtures, and equipment to
be used, and shall set forth explicit and concise methods of construction and installations.
A solar water heating system shall include roof-mounted solar collectors, pumps, piping and
accessories, insulated storage tank(s) and control devices. A roof-mounted uninsulated tank
is not considered a solar collector.
Solar collector panels shall be oriented due south and installed at an angle of 32° with the
The design of solar water heating system shall comply with International Mechanical Code
(latest edition).
(1) Meter installation shall be located adjacent to the service disconnection or regulator
valve of the facility.
(2) The meter location shall be easily accessible, identified and protected against vandalism.
(3) Meters further than the 1.5m will be under civil site work.
(4) Each residential unit shall have a separate water meter.
(c) Drainage piping shall be designed so as to afford scouring action in the piping
system. A velocity of 2 ft/s (0.61 m/s) is recommended as the minimum necessary
to produce scouring action in the piping conveying sewage.
(d) Horizontal drainage piping shall be installed in practical alignment at a uniform
downstream slope. For inside building horizontal drainage piping, the pipe slope
shall be at least 2% (20mm/m) toward the direction of sewage flow.
(e) Material for above ground soil, waste and vents pipe shall conform to one of the
standards listed in table 702.1 IPC.
(f) Material for underground building sanitary drainage and vents pipe shall conform to
one of the standards listed in table 702.2 IPC.
(g) Material for building sewer pipes shall conform to one of the standards listed in
table 702.3 IPC.
(h) Material for pipe fittings shall conform to applicable standards listed in table 702.4
(i) Cleanouts is required and shall be provided in accordance with IPC section 708.
(j) Pipe size shall be designed in accordance with section 709 and section 710 IPC
(k) The design of sumps and ejectors shall in accordance with section 712 IPC.
(2) Chemical/Waste
(a) Waste containing acids or other chemicals which can adversely affect the piping
system shall be subjected to treatment prior to being discharged into the sanitary
drainage system.
(b) All acids waste requires neutralization to a pH 7.5 before it is permitted to be
discharged in any public sewer.
(c) Each basin shall be designed to allow sufficient contact time for the chemical
reaction to accomplish complete neutralization based on the maximum probable
flow rate.
(d) Treatment basin shall be outside of the building and shall consist of acid-resistant
neutralization basin, limestone or marble chips fill the interior of the tank, and
discharge pH sensor.
(3) Roof Drainage
(a) All roofs, paved areas, courts, and courtyard shall be drained into a separate storm
sewer system.
(b) The storm drainage piping system shall be independent of any other piping systems.
Storm water shall not be drained into sewer intended for sanitary drainage.
(c) The locations and sizing of roof drains shall be coordinated with structural design
and pitch of the roof.
(d) The size of the vertical conductors and leaders' building storm drains, building storm
sewers, and any horizontal branches of such drains or sewers shall be based on the
100-year hourly rainfall rate determined from Meteorology and Environmental
Protection Administration (MEPA), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
(e) Secondary (emergency) roof drains or scuppers shall be provided where the roof
perimeter construction extends above the roof in such a manner that water will be
entrapped if the primary drains allow buildup for any reason.
(f) Discharge point of secondary roof drain shall be above grade, independent from
primary roof drain, in a location that would normally be observed by the building
occupants or maintenance personnel.
(4) Vents
(a) The design of vents piping, materials and installation shall conform to chapter 9,
International Plumbing Code (IPC)
(5) Sanitary Drainage for Elevator pit (When required by Code)
(a) Floor drain is not acceptable. Elevator pit must have floor sump pit and pump.
Pump to sanitary sewer through a 2” (50 mm) air gap or directly through an
oil/water separator to storm sewer, or to grade outside the building line, each in
accordance with discharge permits, regulations, and statutes. Coordinate sump pit
pump with the Architect, Structural Engineer, and Electrical Engineer.
(b) The minimum size of sump pump is 20 gallons (76 liters) per minute. Coordinate
pump size with Architect to assure the pump will completely fit within the sump
pump pit and function correctly.
(6) Condensate Drain
(a) Condensate drain shall be used as irrigation water for the landscape around the
building, if applicable.
(1) Emergency shutoff valves in accordance with NFPA 58 and shall be incorporate all of the
following means of closing:
(a) Automatic shutoff valve through thermal (fire) actuation
(b) Manual shutoff valve from a remote location.
(c) Manual shutoff valve at the installed location.
(2) Pressure relief device in accordance with NFPA 58.
(a) For LPG storage tanks and equipment located inside buildings where there is a
potential for loss of LPG, provide an alarm/detection system with local alarms,
ventilation and a leak detector, Provide gas leak detection in accordance with SASO,
AHJ and NFPA 59.
7.14.2 PURPOSE
The purpose of this GDCTG is to establish minimum protection requirements for RC facilities.
The requirements in this GDCTG reflect the need for the protection of life and property
(building or contents) while taking into account the costs of implementing the criterion and
risks associated with the facility. These criteria have been established in the best interest of
(2) Comprehensive calculations shall be performed using Fire Protection Design and
Engineering Programs that are acceptable and/or recognized by NFPA Standards to
substantiate all design.
(5) Fire water pipes runs under the buildings are prohibited.
(6) Fire water mains shall not pass aboveground through fire hazardous areas.
7.14.10 HYDRANTS
Fire hydrants shall be UL listed and shall be dry barrel type, opening against the pressure and
closing with the pressure.
(1) They shall have one 4 1/2 inch pumper connection with two 2 1/2 inch outlets for hose
connection. They shall be designed for 1035 kPa (150 psi) working pressure. Stem rod
shall be acid resistant stainless steel conforming to AISI 316. Weather and pressure seals
shall be incorporated. The pumper and hose connections shall have American National
screw threads according to NFPA Standard dated 1963, the 2 1/2 inch outlet shall have
7.5 threads per inch. The operating stem nut at the top of the hydrant cap (dome) shall
be a pentagon shape and measure 1 1/2 inches from point to opposite flat. The
direction to open shall be counter clockwise. A minimum 150 mm auxiliary gate valve
shall be provided on the hydrant branch. The hydrants shall be painted with one primer
coat of red-lead or other corrosion-resistant paint and two coats of weather resistant
enamel paint of International Red color (MUNSELL REF: 7, 5R, BS REF: 0.005), as may be
available within the Kingdom.
(2) Fire hydrant spacing shall comply with the NFPA requirements. As a general rule the
spacing in the closely built areas shall not exceed 150m.
(3) For areas or facilities that manufacture, process, store, transport, transfer or handle bulk
materials, hydrant spacing shall not exceed 328 ft (100m).
(4) Fire hydrants shall be connected to the Potable Water network.
(5) At least one hydrant must be located within 100 ft (30.5 m) of a Fire Department
Connection (FDC).
for fire hose stations in light hazard occupancies where investigated and listed for
this service and where approved by AHJ.
(c) Requirements for hose stations shall include determination of which, if any, are to
have foam generation capability.
The designer shall determine which facilities are to be protected by the system.
Constantly attended areas, e.g. data processing and communication centres, the system
shall be clean agent type and shall be designed in accordance to NFPA 2001.
(a) Areas normally unattended but periodically serviced by one or two persons (e.g.
flammable oil-insulated transformer vaults) may be protected by environmentally
friendly fire suppression agent such as FM 200, FE-227, PC-410 or carbon dioxide or
equivalent systems such as water mist and designed according to NFPA 12 and other
relevant codes. Time delays and pre discharge alarms shall be built into the system
for personnel protection and safety.
(b) NFPA 17 and 17A shall be used as references when wet or dry chemical are used as
fire extinguishing system.
(c) Provide a manually activated exhaust system to facilitate the extraction of any
remaining clean agent after the required hold time of the total flooding clean agent
system. The exhaust system can be integrated into the HVAC system for the
(a) Cooking Facilities: Hood and duct systems for commercial cooking equipment that
produces smoke and grease laden vapors must comply with NFPA 96, Ventilation
Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations. Limit kitchen-
extinguishing systems to wet chemical or automatic sprinklers installed in
accordance with NFPA 96. Install fire suppression systems that sound a general
building fire alarm and transmit a signal to the Fire Department or to a constantly
monitored location.
(b) Cooking Equipment: Residential type (Multi-family dwellings greater than 2 stories in
height but not greater than 4 stories) range top cooking surfaces must be equipped
with approved residential range top extinguishing system. The range top
extinguishing system must be connected to the building fire alarm system to sound a
general building fire alarm and must automatically shut off all sources of fuel and
electric power that produce heat to the equipment being protected by that unit
(a) Portable fire extinguishers must be provided where required by NFPA 101, Life
Safety Code or AHJ. Portable fire extinguishers must be located and installed in
accordance with NFPA 10, Portable Fire Extinguishers
(b) Recessed or semi-recessed enclosed cabinets must be provided in new or renovated
facilities, except storage rooms, Electrical rooms, Mechanical Equipment rooms and
industrial occupancies.
(c) Selections of Fire Extinguisher type such as (A), (B), (C), (ABC) or (BC), etc. depend on
type of hazard and shall meet the requirements of NFPA 10, where applicable.
(a) Fire Detection. The designer shall determine those buildings or portions thereof
which are to have automatic fire alarm systems or individual detectors.
(b) Buildings or portions thereof not protected by automatic extinguishing systems
shall, as a minimum, be equipped with automatic fire detection systems.
(c) The Fire Alarm and Detection system shall be of addressable type. These systems, as
well as all types of extinguishing systems shall, where required, transmit alarms to a
remote, constantly attended station Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) with 24 hours
responsible supervision.
(d) Buildings protected by automatic extinguishing systems shall also be provided with
smoke detection systems as required.
(e) Interior manual fire alarm boxes shall include an audible alarm.
Appendix PG-1
Job Number
Rev Date By Checker
Domestic Cold Water
Demand Summary
Wash fountain
Service sink
Mop sink
Lab sink
Cup Sink
Kitchen Sink
Electric water
Hose bibb
Appendix PG-2
Wash fountain
Service sink
Mop sink
Kitchen Sink
Lab Sink
Cup sink
Bath Tub
LPS = Liters per second
LPH = Liters per hour
Appendix PG-3
Wash fountain
Service sink
Mop sink
Kitchen Sink
Lab Sink
Cup sink
Water Closet
Floor Sink
Floor Drain
Appendix PG-4
3 Meter loss(pa)
The electrical design shall comply with the latest edition of National Electrical Code and the
latest edition of the standards and codes stated in SECTION 2.
Facilities with electrical loads that does not exceed 4 MVA Low Voltage (400/230 V)
Facilities with electrical loads higher than 4 MVA Medium Voltage
and does not exceed 16 MVA (13.8 kV & 33 kV) *
Facilities with electrical loads higher than 16 MVA
Medium Voltage (33 kV)
and does not exceed 25 MVA
Facilities with electrical loads higher than 25 MVA
High Voltage (132 kV)
and does not exceed 120 MVA
High Voltage (132 kV) or
Facilities with electrical loads higher than 120 MVA
Extra High Voltage (380 kV)
* Based on voltage availability and loop capacity.
(a) Customer Substation and Service Configuration and Operation.
i) Provide two full capacity underground cable circuit feeders. Electrical Service
Provider (ESP) ownership includes and ends at high voltage cable terminators.
ii) Provide circuit breaker isolation for each feeder and provide tie circuit breaker
between feeders.
iii) Indoor or enclosed switchgear is required due to the high contamination rate of
outdoor insulation in the Jazan coastal environment.
iv) Feeders shall be normally paralleled at both ends and the design of protection and
control schemes shall be compatible with this type of operation.
v) Operate plant distribution buses (transformers) normally unparalleled to reduce
motor contributions to 132 kV system faults. When customer has a strong
requirement to parallel downstream distribution buses, short circuit studies and
system operation analyses shall be submitted to RC and ESP for consideration.
vi) Operation and maintenance of customer circuit breakers and switchgear are not the
responsibility of ESP and will be controlled by ESP if necessary according to the
operation policy of JCPDY grid.
vii) Emergency generators shall not be paralleled with the main supply from ESP.
Automatic transfer schemes for Emergency Generators shall be break before make.
(b) Load Shedding
i) A customer load shedding scheme for industrial plant internal loads is mandatory in
accordance with Paragraph 3.b below.
ii) The ESP load shedding system will trip ESP line breakers at ESP substation when
required if customer load shedding is not implemented or functional.
(c) JCPDY Guidelines For Customer Load Shedding Schemes
i) Objectives
Automatically shed at least 35 to 50 percent of plant peak load in 3 or 4 steps
using underfrequency (UF) relays.
Shed at least 25 percent of peak load in the first two (2) steps.
Implement an independent load shedding scheme that is fully coordinated with
the ESP load shedding system. Load shedding equipment should be self
contained in separate cabinets or panels to facilitate easy access by ESP.
Step 2 : 15% @ * Hz
Step 3 : 15% @ * Hz
Step 4 : 10% @ * Hz
*Final load block percentage and UF relay settings will be provided by ESP.
iii) UF Relay Features: Use ABB relay type FC95 same as existing RC relays. RC and ESP
approval is required for alternative relays.
iv) UF Relay Application Considerations
The load shedding scheme should be equipped with interposing and auxiliary
devices to provide flexibility in selection of breakers to be tripped in each stage
or step.
Potential for UF relays shall be supplied from two separate buses with automatic
Install test switches and jacks to permit functional test of relays and trip circuits
without tripping breakers.
UF relay test set and test equipment suitable for the relay and installation shall
be made available.
v) Load Restoration: Restore load only after communication with ESP dispatcher.
(d) Relaying
i) Customer feeder line protection schemes and hardware shall match existing "like"
ii) ESP ownership of pilot protection scheme equipment will include terminal
equipment mounted in separate cabinets or panels in customer's substation. ESP
will maintain pilot protection equipment. Customer shall maintain all other relaying
at the customer's substation including feeder line protection backup relaying.
iii) Instrument transformers for pilot protection schemes at customer's substation shall
match instrument transformers at ESP substation and shall serve only the pilot
relays independent of other relays.
iv) Feeder line automatic reclosing shall not be used.
(e) Metering: Revenue metering will be provided at ESP substation. Customer billing will be
calculated from these meter readings.
(f) Communication Channels: A communication cable shall be installed with each 132 kV
circuit to provide communication channels for pilot relaying schemes and, where
applicable, cable circuit alarms. Communication cable shall be in accordance with ESP
specifications and standards.
(g) Power Factor Correction: Minimum power factor is 0.90. Customer's substation design
must provide for capacitors on plant distribution buses when required.
(h) Transformer Requirements
Step 2 : 15% @ * Hz
Step 3 : 15% @ * Hz
Step 4 : 10% @ * Hz
*Final load block percentage and UF relay settings will be provided by RC and ESP.
iii) UF Relay Features: Use ABB relay type FC95 same as existing ESP relays. ESP
approval is required for alternative relays.
iv) UF Relay Application Considerations
The load shedding scheme should be equipped with interposing and auxiliary
devices to provide flexibility in selection of breakers to be tripped in each stage
or step.
Potential for UF relays shall be supplied from two separate buses with automatic
Install test switches and jacks to permit functional test of relays and trip circuits
without tripping breakers.
UF relay test set and test equipment suitable for the relay and installation shall
be made available.
v) Load Restoration: Restore load only after communication with ESP dispatcher.
(d) Relaying
i) Customer feeder line protection schemes and hardware shall match existing "like"
ii) Customer shall maintain all relays and relaying schemes in Customer's substation
including any relaying for 33.0 kV feeder protection.
iii) Feeder line automatic reclosing shall not be used.
(e) Metering: Revenue metering will be provided at ESP substation or at RC/ESP 33.0 kV
Ring Main Unit. Customer billing will be calculated from these meter readings.
(f) Power Factor Correction: Minimum power factor is 0.90. Customer's substation design
must provide for capacitors on plant distribution buses when required.
The Ring Main Unit (RMU) designed to have pad mounted switches with fused taps or
SF6/vaccum circuit breaker with suitable protection device are provided to facilitate the use
of 13.8 kV sub-loops within the haiis and haras. For the 15 kV equipments a, 70, 95 or 120
mm2 triplexed cable is used for sub-loops.
Except in simple installation configurations, ampacity ratings of cables installed in duct banks
must be determined by computer calculation using software such as ETAP. Calculations
must model installation conditions using 40 ºC earth temperature and 200 K·cm/W earth
thermal resistivity. Lower earth thermal resistivity values can be used for areas near the sea
coast if supported by soil tests. As a general guideline, 300 mm2 main loop cables installed
in duct banks filled with cables might be expected to carry from 5 to 6.5 MVA. However, the
capacity might also be less than 5 MVA, depending on installation conditions. Calculations
must be done for specific installation conditions to determine cable ampacity.
All primary cables in community area shall be installed in concrete encased duct banks. The
duct banks shall consist of 160 mm diameter PVC ducts for 300 mm2 cable. The duct banks
shall conform to the applicable Royal Commission Standard Drawing details. Duct banks
shall have a vertical and horizontal separation from other utilities of at least 200 mm. A bare
copper ground wire shall be included in each duct bank and sized per RC Electrical Standard
Low voltage system ducts and cables shall conform to the Royal Commission Standard
Drawing details. The horizontal and vertical separation of the low voltage system from other
utilities shall be 0.3m except for communication lines which shall be 1.0m.
The 400/230V street lighting supply shall consist of a three phase 4 wire plus ground 600V
direct burial cable from the distribution transformer to street lighting pillars and then to the
street lighting poles. The cable shall be direct burial multicore 10mm2 copper conductor
(1) The normal system Voltage and special system shall be as tabulated below:
Normal System Voltage
Nominal Highest Operating
System Voltage Voltage (rms)
33.0 kV 38 kV
13.8 kV 15 kV
400/230 V 420/240 V
Note: The equipment shall be rated for the highest voltage values. Fault calculations and
analysis shall be based on the highest voltage.
(c) Insulation Levels: The Basic Insulation Level (BIL) and Power Frequency withstand
voltage for medium system voltages are as tabulated below:
Altitude above mean sea level
System Nominal Voltage (kV rms)
Up to 1000 Meters Above 1000 Meters
BIL (kV peak) 170 200
33.0 Power Frequency Withstand
70 80
Voltage (kV rms)
BIL (kV peak) 95 110
13.8 Power Frequency Withstand
38 50
Voltage (kV rms)
Note: The dry/wet power frequency withstands voltages are: Dry for one (1) minute
and wet for ten (10) seconds.
The Basic Insulation Level (BIL) and Power Frequency withstand voltage for low system
voltages are as tabulated below:
Power Frequency Withstand Voltage
System Nominal Voltage (V) (kV rms)
(kV Peak)
Equipment Panel Wiring
400/230 V 6 3 2
(d) External Insulation refers to the insulation of equipment exposed to the open air which
will be influenced by atmospheric conditions, such as pollution and humidity. External
insulation is further categorized into two categories.
i) Outdoor insulation which is totally susceptible to atmospheric radiation pollution,
humidity, sandstorms and such other vagaries of nature.
ii) Indoor insulation which is installed inside a building or outside a building but inside
an enclosed box such as cable box, terminal box, etc. where it is not directly
subjected to outdoor atmospheric extremities.
iii) IPxx, protection index shall be as specified in the respective materials Specification.
(e) Internal insulation refers to the insulation of equipment immersed in a dielectric
medium such as insulating fluid, or totally encapsulated in a solid dielectric, and not
exposed to atmospheric conditions.
(4) Short Circuit Levels: The minimum short circuit level for one second unless otherwise
specified in the relevant specification shall be as follows:
33.0 kV : 25 kA
13.8 kV : 21 kA
400 V : 40 kA
(5) Neutral Arrangement: Unless otherwise specified in the associated RC Standards, the
neutral shall be solidly grounded for system low voltages and solidly grounded or low
resistance for system medium voltages.
(6) All equipment/material and accessories shall be designed for satisfactory
operation/performance based on the above service conditions, unless otherwise specified
in associated RC specification
(7) All outdoor equipment enclosures/materials shall be harsh weatherproof and all metal
parts be corrosion and/or abrasion resistant, and the minimum degree or protection shall
be IP54 as per IEC 60529 Standard.
(1) Electrical Service: Generally, the service feeders for residential units shall be run from the
secondary circuit breakers of the low voltage panel in the package substation. Feeders for
schools, commercial, and light industrial facilities shall be extended from the package
substation to a switchboard within the facility. Metering shall be on transformer low
voltage distribution panel.
For light industrial areas developed by investors who also provide/own/maintain the
package substation, the 13.8 kV service will be extended to a Metered Ring Main Unit
(MRMU) equipment at area fence.
(a) Package Substation combines distribution transformer, MV switchgear and Low voltage
distribution panel in a single transportable unit ready for operation on being fixed in
position on concrete foundation pads.
(2) Emergency Power System: Emergency lighting shall be either local-battery or central-
battery equipment. The selection for each building to be based on economics (initial cost
plus maintenance) and practicality. Industrial-type lighting fixtures (fluorescent or
incandescent) shall be used in warehouses, pumphouses, and other unfinished areas. In
finished offices and similar areas, the emergency lighting shall employ some of the general
lighting fixtures, with automatic transfer from normal to emergency operation. Emergency
security and safety lighting shall also be provided in exterior working and storage areas.
Emergency circuits shall be physically separated from normal circuits.
Emergency power shall be provided for communications, fire protection, and other critical
loads. Each requirement for emergency power shall be checked to determine the maximum
tolerable interruption or deviation in voltage and frequency for each portion of the load.
The emergency power shall be provided by a static rectifier-inverter and storage battery
uninterruptible power system, diesel engine generators, or a combination, as required to
meet the constraints of each load. The selection in each case shall be based on the
characteristics of the load and the economics, safety, and security consequences of an
unplanned outage and the probability of failure of the normal power supply.
(3) Nonresidential Building Electrical Systems: Unless otherwise stated, power service for
nonresidential buildings will generally be at 400/230 V from the secondary
distribution system, unless the size of the building and nature of the loads would make
service at 13.8 kV more practical and economical. Generally, the interface between the
building service and the exterior power distribution system shall be coordinated with
serving utility or local authority.
A main distribution switchboard shall be located as close to the point of service entrance as
practicable. Circuit breaker panelboards shall be located to provide switching and
distribution centers for branch circuits. Motor control centers rather than individual motor
controllers shall be used where applicable.
Receptables, conduit, and lighting fixtures in hazardous areas shall comply with the US
National Electrical Code requirements for hazardous areas.
Illumination levels for lighting shall be in accordance with IES recommendations for the
areas. The minimum lighting levels and types of fixtures shall be as shown below.
Area Lux Fixture Type
Offices 500 Fluorescent with low-brightness
Acrylic prismatic lens
Machinery rooms (where not specifically 430 Fluorescent or incandescent,
indicated on the drawing) industrial type
All light fixtures shall operate at 230V. High-power-factor ballasts shall be used with all
discharge lamps.
Lighting systems shall be designed for optimal energy efficiency and reduction of energy
waste, with extensive use of LED lighting and low energy fluorescent lamps.
Local switches shall be provided for the lighting in offices, pumphouses, and other specific
areas. All other areas shall be switched from the panel-boards, unless specifically directed
otherwise. General purpose receptacles shall be provided in all areas. In such areas as
warehouses, pumphouses, storerooms, mechanical equipment rooms, and corridors,
receptacles shall be spaced (as far as is practical) so that any point in the area can be
reached with a 7.5m appliance cord (for cleaning, small tools, and other uses). In office
areas, wall receptacles shall be located so that any point along the walls may be reached
with a 1.8 m cord. In addition, a probable furniture layout shall be established, and wall or
floor receptacles shall be provided that reach each desk without cords that cross aisles or
walking areas. Special receptacles shall be located, as needed, for items such as copy
machines and portable tools.
(4) Residential Building Electrical Systems: Power service to single-family dwellings and
dwelling units of apartment buildings shall be 400/230 V, 3-phase, 4 wire.
Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a circuit breaker panelboard, a main circuit
breaker, and sufficient branch circuit breakers to meet all requirements of the NFPA 70 plus
a minimum of two spare 20A, single-pole circuit breakers and space for two more. All wiring
within each dwelling unit shall be fed from the panelboard in that unit, except for central
alarm and communications wiring, if used, and thermostat and control wiring for central
air-conditioning systems.
All lighting and convenience outlets in dwelling units shall be rated at 230V. General
purpose receptacles shall be single phase, rated at 230V, 13A in compliance with SASO
2203/ BS 1363.
All conduit and wiring shall be concealed in walls, ceilings, or floors. All outlet boxes shall be
installed flush with the walls, ceilings, or floors. PVC wires and conduits shall not be used
where fire hazards may be present. Indoor exposed conduits shall be metallic and wires
shall have thermosetting insulation such as cross link polyethylene.
(5) Fire Alarm System: A fire alarm system shall be provided as required. For additional
requirements, refer to Fire Protection Design Criteria, Subsection 7.14, and International
Building Code (IBC). Smoke detector and fire alarm circuits shall not be combined with
other equipment or device circuits.
(6) Lightning Protection: Lightning protection shall be provided by grounding structural steel,
lightning rods (air terminals), and other means as recommended by the NFPA or equivalent
Generally lightning protection shall be provided for the following:
(a) Minarets and mosques 10 meters or over in height.
(b) Flagpoles and chimneys or other such structures 10 meters or over in height.
(c) Chimneys, vents, flagpoles, or other appurtenances that project 2 meters or more
above a 2 story building.
(d) All buildings 3 stories or more in height.
(7) Grounding: A grounding system shall be provided. All facilities shall be securely connected,
with minimum practicable resistance, to the common ground system. The maximum
resistance to ground of a single electrode shall not exceed 25 ohms, when measured by
standard ground resistance measurement techniques.
For substations and generating stations the earth resistance shall not exceed 1 ohm.
An engineering analysis shall be made of the ground systems and materials in conjunction
with the cathodic protection system, to determine if copper rods and ground wires are
sacrificial to building steel and, if so, to calculate the amount of extra thickness required to
compensate for the accelerated corrosion of the copper.
If separate grounding is required for instrumentation systems, the resistance of this ground
shall not exceed 1 ohm.
Equipment grounding conductors shall be carried in all raceways. The equipment
grounding conductors shall have green-colored insulation. Raceway and cable sheaths are
prohibited for use as equipment grounding conductors. Raceways and cable sheaths shall
be bonded to the insulated wire equipment grounding conductor at each box, enclosure,
and protective and utilization device. Grounding shall conform to the US National Electrical
Code requirements.
(8) Electrical Meters: Metering equipment shall be provided in the service entrance equipment
of each facility in accordance with JCPDY Metering Standards.
(9) Irrigation Control Systems: Refer to RC Standard Drawings.
(1) General: The equipment and materials shall be specified in sufficient detail to ensure that
they will meet the requirements of the design in all respects. Where possible, reference
shall be made to specific requirements of widely recognized standards. Certification or
listing of a recognized testing laboratory shall be required as evidence of compliance.
All electrical equipment shall be "Site Rated" (rated for site ambient conditions). All bus
bars shall be braced to withstand, and all protective devices shall be capable to interrupt
the available symmetrical RMS short circuit current.
(2) Distribution Transformers: Distribution Transformers shall be the 3-phase, oil-filled,
compact compartmental type that are self-cooled, tamper resistant, weather protected,
and suitable to be mounted in a pre-fabricated kiosk/enclosure. The transformer tank,
specifically designed for underground distribution systems.
The high-voltage terminations shall be dead front and arranged for loop feed. The
transformers shall be equipped with all appropriate gauges and rated for 40°C average and
50°C maximum ambient temperature. Primary taps shall be two 2 1/2% above and two 2
1/2% below nominal voltage. Primary rating shall be delta connected 13.8 kV. Secondary
rating shall be 400/230 volts wye. HV B.I.L. shall be 95 kV. (Maximum transformer rating
shall be 1500 kVA)
Distribution transformers within a packaged substation shall be designed to be connected
to M.V. Ring Main Unit (RMU) from the 13.8 kV side and to a low voltage panel from
400/230V side. All connection terminals shall be dead front type.
The residential distribution transformers shall be sized by applying a 77% diversity factor on
the total demand loads of the residences served. See Table 8-2 for demand calculations
and other diversity factors. Calculate residential loads in accordance with Subsection 8.8.
Transformers for public and commercial facilities shall be sized in accordance with the
calculated demands. All transformers shall utilize a 100% load factor.
(3) Package Substation: Package Substation shall be housed in separate buildings or in pre-
fabricated kiosk/enclosure. The metal-clad switchgear shall contain drawout-type air circuit
breakers and/or fused disconnect switches. The equipment shall include all necessary
current and potential transformers, meters, relays, instruments, and fuses. All bus bars and
terminations shall be copper. A ground bus shall be provided.
Substation transformers shall be oil-filled or dry type, air-cooled, and totally enclosed with
provisions for future forced-air cooling. These transformers shall be equipped with all
normal gauges and pressure and temperature sensors. Oil insulated transformers, installed
inside a facility, shall be installed in a vault in accordance with the US National Electrical
Code. Transformers shall have the highest standard impedance normally available, be
shielded from direct solar radiation and rated for the ambient temperature. Substation
transformers with 400V secondaries shall not be rated at more than 1,500 kVA.
(4) Switchgear: Switchgear shall be totally enclosed, metal-clad, and designed for the
environment in which it is to be used. Outdoor switchgear shall be ventilated,
weatherproof, and dust-tight or be installed in a separate building or enclosure. All bus bars
and terminations shall be made of copper. A copper ground bus shall be provided. Circuit
breakers shall have adjustable or interchangeable, and ambient calibrated trips. Space
heaters, convenience outlet or local light shall be provided when required for outdoor
(5) Motor Control Equipment: Motor control centers shall be free-standing, modular, totally
enclosed, metal-clad equipment, not less than 500 mm deep. Bus bars and other current-
carrying parts shall be copper. Each motor control module shall consist of a fused switch or
circuit breaker and starter, factory-assembled and connected. All power and control
interconnections within the motor control centers shall be factory wired (NEMA Class IIB),
so that only the connections from the motor control center to the motors and to external
control devices need be made in the field. Motor control centers used in field installations
shall be NEMA Type 1, gasketed in air-conditioned pre-assembled walk-in enclosure or shall
RCY-GDCTG 2018 1ED REV. 0.9 8-12
be installed in a separate building. Bus bars shall be braced to withstand the available
symmetrical RMS short circuit current (minimum 42,000) amperes RMS symmetrical. A
ground bus shall be provided. Space heaters, convenience outlets, and local lighting shall be
provided where required.
Individual motor controls shall be used only in locations where the number and size of
motors to be controlled would make a control center impractical or uneconomical. In such
cases, the controls shall be neatly and securely mounted as an assembly. If an assembly
includes two or more controls, the assembly shall also include a main disconnect switch and
feeder wireway. Motor control assemblies installed outdoors shall be weatherproof, dust-
tight and shall include a roof or sunshade to protect the equipment from direct exposure to
the sun.
Three-phase motor starters shall be equipped with overload protection in all three phases.
Individual 120V control transformers shall be provided for each motor starter, both in
motor control centers and in assemblies of individual motor controls.
(6) Motors: Motors of less than 0.37 kW (1/2 hp) shall be rated for use on a 230V single phase
supply. Motors from 0.37 kW to 375 kW (500 hp) shall be rated for use on a 230V or 400V,
3-phase supply.
Motors 400 kW and larger shall be rated 13.8kV, 3-phase. Motors located outdoors shall be
totally enclosed and fan cooled. All other motors, except in hazardous areas, shall be
standard drip-proof. The conditions of use and criticality shall be investigated for all large
motors, to consider the advisability of providing space heaters and/or temperature
detecting devices embedded in the motor windings and on the motor bearings. If
temperature detecting devices are used, they shall be connected to motor shutdown or
alarm circuits, or both. Abnormal conditions or overloads on fire pump motors shall
operate alarms only, and not cause a shutdown. When required, slide rails shall be
furnished with motors. All motors shall have a ground lug.
(7) Raceways: Buried conduits and service ducts shall be high impact direct burial rigid
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) NEMA TC6 Type EB rated for 90oC conductors and be encased in
concrete. Separation between ducts shall be 50 mm. The encasement shall be structural
concrete when run under heavy traffic areas. Service ductbanks shall be coordinated with
ductbanks to which they will be joined. Provision shall be made to ensure the mechanical
integrity and watertightness of ductbanks at joints.
Conduit run exposed outdoors shall be aluminum or galvanized rigid steel. Conduit runs
embedded in floor slabs, vertical risers and elbows of underground ducts and conduit runs
exposed indoors where subject to mechanical damage shall be galvanized rigid steel. Indoor
conduit concealed in walls or ceiling, exposed and above 2.4m, or located where not
subject to damage, may be electrical metallic tubing (EMT).
Aluminum conduit for indoor/outdoor installation shall be manufactured from copper free
(maximum 0.4% copper content) aluminum alloy in conformance with ANSI standard C80-5.
Aluminum conduit shall be used where there is a specific need for corrosion protection and
nonmagnetic conduit.
Flexible galvanized steel conduit may be used only in short lengths for connection from a
junction box to recessed lay-in-type fixtures, final connections to motors or other
equipment subject to vibration, or in locations where the use of rigid conduit or EMT is
completely impractical, and then only with prior approval. Flexible conduit used outdoors
or in wet locations shall be PVC jacketed galvanized steel liquid-tight conduit.
Cable trays shall be galvanized steel or aluminum open ladder type. Under floor duct
systems, surface metal raceways and wireways may be utilized where permitted by the
latest National Electric Code (NEC).
(8) Wire and Cables: All conductors shall be copper, specified in standard metric (mm2) sizes.
The cable shall be designed and manufactured to Insulated Cable Engineers Association
standards, or Royal Commission approved equivalent.
Cable for use at 13.8 kV shall be rated 15 kV, consisting of three single conductors, triplexed,
cross-linked polyethylene insulated, shielded, and PVC jacketed.
Cable for use at 600 V or less shall be single- conductor when in raceway and multi-
conductor when direct burial and shall consist of 0.6/1 kV material which is flame retardant,
moisture and heat resistant, cross-linked synthetic polymer or thermoplastic insulated, with
a temperature rating of not less than 85°C. PVC insulated wire shall not be used.
Feeder and branch circuit wiring shall consist of 0.6/1 kV rated copper conductors in conduit,
with a temperature rating of not less than 85°C. The minimum conductor sizes shall be 4
mm2 for lighting and power, and 1.5 mm2 for control circuits, supervisory controls, fire
alarms, and intercommunications. Cable for use in cable tray systems shall meet the
requirements of the US National Electrical Code.
Wire and cable shall be factory color coded by integral pigmentation with a separate color
for each phase and neutral conductor. The color code in the following table shall be used
consistently throughout the electrical system.
For conductor sizes where factory integral pigmentation is not a standard and would require
special mill runs, the use of colored plastic tape will be permitted. When tape is used for
phase identification it shall be applied in manholes, boxes, panels, switchboards and other
Each feeder and branch circuit conductor shall be identified with a permanent tag or
pressure- sensitive label in all panels, pull boxes, cable trays, wiring gutters and other
enclosures, clearly identifying the power source and circuit number.
(9) Lighting Fixtures: Lighting fixtures shall be the standard products of established
manufacturers. The fixtures shall have a history of use under adverse conditions and shall
require a minimum of maintenance.
Lighting fixture types and lamp types and sizes shall be standardized to minimize stocking of
replacement parts and lamps. Insofar as is practical, the same fixture type and lamp size
shall be used for similar applications wherever they occur.
Fluorescent fixtures shall be equipped with one, two, three or four lamps and high-power-
factor, Class P ballasts. High-intensity discharge fixtures shall be equipped with constant-
wattage, high-power-factor ballasts.
(10)Lighting Panelboards: Panelboards shall be the circuit-breaker type, with automatic trip-
free breakers, rated not less than 15A. Multipole circuit breakers shall be common-trip,
single-handle, factory-assembled units. Single-pole breakers with handle ties shall not be
used. Circuit breakers shall be suitable for operation at 40°C or shall be ambient
temperature compensated and rated for interrupting the available symmetrical RMS fault
current at a minimum of 10,000 amperes. Unless otherwise specified, full capacity
insulated neutral bus shall be provided in each panelboard.
Electrical design drawings shall be presented in the following sequence:
When the actual living area (ALA) of a housing unit is known, use Figure 8-1 to find the VA/m2.
This table shows VA/m2 values for housing units up to 1000 m2. The demand for housing units
larger than 1000 m2 can be calculated using formulas in Table 8-1and Table 8-2
For new subdivisions, when the ALA of housing units is not known, it must be estimated from
lot sizes by applying restrictions from zoning codes with regard to allowable or useable building
space for individual lots. If the entire allowable building space of a particular lot were to be
used, the resulting housing unit would have a maximum living area (MLA). However, empirical
data for JCPDY residential areas has shown that housing units with MLA are extremely rare.
The same data has shown that realistic estimates for expected sizes of housing units can be
estimated by applying appropriate factors to calculated MLA values to produce estimated living
area (ELA) values. See Table 8-1for ELA calculation formulas. ELA values are then used with
Figure 8-1to estimate electrical demand.
Use formulas in Table 8-2 to calculate diversified demand for residential loads at main circuit or
substation levels.
Formulas and factors used in Table 8-1, Table 8-2, Table 8-3 and Figure 8-1 are derived in
Engineering Report No. E-002 entitled ‘COMMUNITY AREA SIX HAIIS REPORT ON
Zoning Code
MLA Calculation Method ELA Calculation Method
(Note 1)
( )
The Contractor shall provide the project requirements for the telecommunications (telecom)
system, complete with plans, layouts and details of equipment locations, and design and
installation of conduits, raceways, and accessories.
(1) Telephone sets, including type: wall mounted, desktop, hands free, decorative, etc.
(2) Extension telephone sets, same selections as above.
(3) Emergency telephones
(4) Telephone hot lines
(5) Dedicated lines
(6) Key systems
(7) Electronic private automatic branch exchange (EPABX).
(8) Cable television (CATV)
(9) Closed circuit television (CCTV)
(10)Cable terminal requirements
(11)Location and dimensions of rooms, closets and floor areas for telecom equipment
installation, satellite terminals and operator consoles.
(a) Materials
Raceways may be of galvanized steel or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material; the term
includes rigid metal conduit, rigid non-metallic conduit, intermediate metal conduit,
liquid tight flexible metal conduit, flexible metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit,
electrical metallic tubing, flexible
metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, underfloor raceways, cellular concrete floor
raceways, cellular metal floor raceways, surface raceways, and wireways. PVC conduits
or insulated wire shall not be used where fire hazards may be present.
(b) Installation
The Contractor shall design the raceway system as an integral part of the building(s). The
raceway system shall be continuous from the EPABX outlet boxes. Raceway systems shall be
separate runs for telephone, cable television and closed circuit television systems.
(4) Ducting for the telephone and CATV cables and power source for the CATV amplification
at the area of the CCC/TEC shall be as indicated on Figure 9-9.
(5) The method of determining the approximate location of the CCC/TEC shall be based on
the estimated ultimate line requirements and the limitation size of the CCC/TEC; i.e., 800
pairs per B.(1). These factors shall incorporate distribution to the following building
(a) Apartments - 2 lines
(b) Townhouses - 2 lines
(c) Villas - 3 lines
(d) Public Buildings - *
(e) Schools - *
(f) fIndustrial Facilities -*
* Use of standard ratio of PBX stations/ trunk pairs plus fire alarm, security, etc.
(6) Exact location of the CCC/TEC must be shown, and reflect consideration of traffic
hazards toward workmen and parking for construction tasks at the CCC/TEC. The site
selected shall not be a detriment to the appearance of the neighborhood. Landscaping
or a decorative enclosure should be consistent with the architectural character of the
design. Refer to Figure 9-7 for typical preferred CCC/TEC scheme location.
(7) Conduit distribution design shall commence at the interface point as indicated by the
Royal Commission. Refer to Figure 9-8 for a typical interface point installation.
(8) Conduit ductbank, manholes, handholes, and accessories shall be in accordance with
JCPDI Standards and Saudi Telephone Company (STC) standards for main ducts and sub-
(1) The conduit system shall be designed and sized to accommodate the ultimate number of
telephone and CATV cables. The rule-of-thumb in conduit design shall include additional
ducts for municipal and maintenance use. Filler ducts shall be included for the
construction of standard configuration.
(2) At manholes from which CCC/TEC and CATV cables shall be connected, design 8 x 50 mm
PVC to the CCC/TEC cabinets and 1 x 50 mm PVC to the CATV cabinets.
(3) Commence at CATV cabinet by extending a 1 x 50 mm PVC conduit to the low voltage
power source (127V AC.) Refer to Figure 9-9 for a typical scheme.
(4) Each manhole shall have a 1 x 50 mm PVC stub- out to extend to an area designated by
the design contractor. Termination points shall be identified on "As-Built Drawings".
Refer to Figure 9-10.
(1) Basic conduit sizes and quantities of ducts in any bank within a neighborhood (SAC) shall
be as follows:
(a) Manhole to Manhole/Handhole - 4 x 110 mm; increased where express ducts extend
through and are required to provide feeder pairs to subsequent CCC/TEC. The
largest cable permitted in a neighborhood project from a main feeder will be 1200
pairs, allowing up to 4 CCC/TEC in a route; 400 pairs feeder per CCC/TEC in a serving
(b) Handhole to handhole - 4 x 110 mm.
(c) Handhole to each resident site - 2 x 50 mm.
(d) Handhole to large building site (industrial, commercial, or public facility) - 2 x 50
mm. REF: 3.12.3(N)
(e) Apartment complex - 2 x 50 mm
Refer to Figure 9-11 and Figure 9-12.
(2) The number of ducts from a chamber to building sites shall be limited to 4 conduits each
for telephone and CATV.
(3) All ducts shall be mandril tested.
(4) All ducts shall have a pulling-in nylon cord left in place.
(5) Duct Bending Radii Limitations:
(a) 110 mm - 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 meters
(b) 50 mm - 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 meters
(6) A manhole identification number system shall be provided by the Royal Commission.
(7) An alphanumeric conduit identification system shall be part of the design task and be in
accordance with Standard Drawing RC-T-1.
Figure 9-8. Typical Interface Point Connections & Duct Network to Cross Connect
Cabinet/Telephone Electronic Cabinet
(1) Royal Commission Issued Reports
(a) Royal Commission at Jazan contract PID A- 0083 Geotechnical investigation
(b) Geotechnical Investigation Report for PAN-ASIA Site, JCPDI, Ayed Eid Al Osaimi
Engineering Consulting Office.
(c) Preliminary Onshore Geotechnical Investigation for Jazan Refinery and Terminal
Project, JCPDI, Ayed Eid Al Osaimi Engineering Consulting Office.
(d) Offshore Geotechnical Investigation for Jazan Refinery and Terminal Project,
JCPDI, Fugro-Suhaimi LTD.
(e) Geotechnical Investigation for Jazan Port Dredging and Reclamation Final Factual
and Interpretative Report 1, JCPDI, Fugro-Suhaimi LTD.
(f) Geotechnical Investigation for Jazan Port Dredging and Reclamation Final Factual
and Interpretative Report 2, JCPDI, Fugro-Suhaimi LTD.
(g) Geotechnical Investigation for Jazan Port Dredging and Reclamation Final Factual
and Interpretative Report 3, JCPDI, Fugro-Suhaimi LTD.
(h) Geotechnical Investigation Report for Cristal Ilmenite Smelting Project, JCPDI,
Fugro-Suhaimi LTD.
(i) Marine Geotechnical Investigation for JCPDI Port Phase 1, JCPDI, Fugro Middle
East B.V.
(j) Geotechnical Investigation Report for The Proposed South Steel Factory (SOLB)
Project, JCPDI, Adel Engineering Office.
(2) Industry Standards
(a) Saudi Building Code (SBC)
i) Chapter 304, Concrete Structures.
ii) Chapter 304c, Commentary for Concrete Structures.
(b) American Concrete Institute (ACI)
i) ACI 214R, Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete.
The Red sea coastal zone can be divided into broadly defined zones each of which is
topographically distinct. Running parallel to the coast and few kilometers inland from
the site is a range of mountains that comprise the scarp of Arabian shield. The rocks are
pre-Cambrian and consist of a complex set of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Material
has eroded from these mountains to form the coastal plain, which consists of gravel,
sand and silt as a network of interlinked alluvial fans and gravel mounds. At many
locations along the coastline, these deposits extend from the shoreline out to the coral
reef, intermixing with the reef deposits. The formation of the coralline deposits can be
related to changes in the sea level in geologically recent times. Initially the sea level was
considerably lower relative the land surface than at present. Reefs were formed at this
level and the thickness increased initially with the reef growth and other processes
associated with the changes in sea level.
Corrosion is further intensified in the region by the effects of high relative humidity, high
temperatures and high level of particulate and pollutants so the exposure conditions in
JCPDI are considered to be very severe. The parameters which are relevant to ensure an
adequate durability of concrete or steel and equipment are detailed below.
rain falls in the summer season during July, August and September; these rains are
often dense and heavy, generating huge and sudden floods as a result of rainfall on
mountainous areas and steep slope towards the coast, where the main wadies of
the region often turn from east to west towards the Red Sea coast. Local air
temperatures are summarized in Table 10-1
Range of monthly maximums 29.7°C to 41.0°C
Range of monthly minimums 21.8°C to 29.6°C
Monthly mean daily maximums 27.5°C to 33.9°C
Monthly mean daily minimums 20.0°C to 27.5C
(b) Soil.
Soils at the site are corrosive due to a high chloride and sulfate content, as is the
ground water which can be found at depths as shallow as 0.50m below existing
ground level. Chloride content in the soil varies from 0.011-2.711% while sulfate
content ranges from 0.013-0.99%Soil resistivity values vary generally less than 10
Ω-m and hydrogen ion concentrations are between pH 7.2-8.1. In some locations,
salt-bearing soils are absent and instead there exist terraces of coralline limestone
overlooking the Red Sea. Further inland, localized deposits of argillaceous silts and
gypsum outcrops can be found. West of the coastal plains, offshore coral banks and
reefal limestone can be found either outcropping or covered with mostly carbonate
sands. Moisture rise of saline groundwater through the salt-laiden soil under the
construction site is a major concern as these conditions exasperate premature
deterioration through corrosion of below and near grade construction.
(c) Coastline
i) Local Tidal Range of the Red Sea
The mean sea level (MSL) in Jazan which relates to Lowest Astronomical Tide
(LAT) is used and the relationship is MSL=LAT+0.78m. The year-average mean
sea level is MSL+0.1m. Seasonal fluctuations cause the mean water level in
winter to be higher than in summer. In the months August and September
(summer) the water level is approximately 0.78m below mean, while in the
months December and January (winter) it is approximately 0.78m above mean
usually mild, with velocities less than 0.25 ms-1. Maximum velocities recorded
(offshore) are about 0.50 ms-1. Computed flow velocities on the reef were
generally smaller than 0.30 ms-1.
If reinforcing steel is cast in to the concrete then this form of attack is also a precursor to
corrosion of the now exposed reinforcing steel.
Cement with a high C3A content is more resistant to chloride exposure than that
with a low C3A content. This is due to the influence of C3A in binding more chlorides
and reducing chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete.
Type of cement for different exposure conditions (as defined in Subsection 2.C) shall
be as follows:
i) For reinforced concrete exposed to severe conditions, use ASTM C150 Type I
with natural pozzolan .
ii) For reinforced concrete not exposed to severe conditions, use ASTM C150 Type I
cement without natural pozzolan.
iii) For unreinforced concrete exposed to severe conditions, use ASTM C150 Type V
cement with natural pozzolan1.
(b) Water Cementitious Materials Ratio
Water-cementitious material ratio is the ratio of water to the sum of cement and
natural pozzolan. Saudi Building Code recommends maximum water- cementitious
material ratio of 0.40 for concrete exposed to very severe chloride exposure and
0.45 for concrete exposed to very severe sulfate exposure. ACI 318 recommends
maximum water-cementitious material ratio of 0.45 for concrete exposed to very
severe sulfate exposure. To ensure concrete durability in JCPDI it is recommended
Mineral admixtures such as silica fume conforming to ASTM C 1240, Class F fly ash or Class N natural pozzolan conforming to ASTM C 618
that the maximum water-cementitious materials ratio for all concrete shall be
limited to 0.40.
(3) Design
(a) Cover
The quality and amount of cover over the reinforcing steel plays a very important
the role in protection of reinforcement against corrosion. ACI 318 specifies a
minimum cover of 75mm for concrete cast against and exposed to earth. For
concrete exposed to severe conditions (as defined in Subsection 2.C), the minimum
cover shall be 75mm.
ACI 224R "Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures" provides a general guide for
tolerable crack widths in reinforced concrete for different exposure conditions. A
tolerable crack width of 0.30mm is recommended for concrete structures exposed
to humidity, moist air and soil, and 0.15mm for structures exposed to seawater and
seawater spray. The minimum tolerable crack width shall be 0.15mm for concrete
exposed severe conditions (as defined in Subsection 2.C) and 0.30mm for concrete
exposed to atmosphere.
The above crack width limits shall be used during the design process. However,
ACI 224R cautions that these values of crack width are not always a reliable
indication of the corrosion and deterioration to be expected. In particular, a larger
cover, even if it leads to a larger surface crack, may sometimes be preferable for
corrosion control in certain environments. Thus, the design team must exercise
engineering judgment on the extent of crack control to be used. ACI 224R also
provides recommendations for controlling cracks in different structural members.
The minimum curing period shall be 14 days for all reinforced concrete with and
without silica fume. However, the minimum curing shall be extended to 21 days for
concrete containing fly ash as natural pozzolan.
soluble chloride content is adopted for JCPDI . For pre-stressed concrete, the limit
shall be reduced to 0.06%.
Sulfate (SO₃) content of cement allowed by ASTM C150 is 3% for Type I cement with
C3a content of 8% and less, and 3.5% for C3a content of more than 8%. This is
equivalent to approximately 4% of SO₄ content. Therefore, SO₄ content of hardened
concrete shall be limited to a maximum of 4% for all concrete (reinforced and
A summary of the guidelines for the protection of concrete structures are given in
Table 10-2.
Natural pozzolan at 7% silica conforming to ASTM C1142, as cement replacement.
(2) Pitting
Pitting corrosion is localized accelerated dissolution of metal that occurs as a result of a
breakdown of the otherwise protective passive film on the metal surface. Pitting can be
avoided/minimized by coating the metal surfaces, periodic cleaning and designing
shapes that prevent liquids or solids to collect.
(e) Aluminum
Ductile iron Potable water Pure metallic zinc High alumina cement
(conforming to AWWA Reclaimed water (200g/m2) with mortar applied
C151) bituminous paint centrifugally and sealed
120µm and with 400µm epoxy
polyethylene sleeve coating
Prestressed Concrete Pipe Potable water Modified epoxy coating Epoxy coating 400µm
(conforming to AWWA Reclaimed water 400µm
C301) Seawater
and/or Cathodic
Concrete Cylinder Pipe Potable water Modified epoxy coating Epoxy coating 400µm
(conforming to AWWA Reclaimed water 400µm
C303) Seawater
and/or Cathodic
Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm drains Culvert Modified epoxy coating Modified epoxy coating
(conforming to pipe 400µm 400µm
Cement Lined Carbon Steel Potable water Epoxy or polyethylene Cement mortar lining plus
Pipe Reclaimed water coating and/or Cathodic epoxy coating 400µm
Seawater protection
(1) Analyze or estimate the corrosivity of the environment in the area where the structure is
located or is to be located.
(2) Establish any special conditions which may affect the choice of coating system to be
(3) Examine the design of the structure and make sure that corrosion traps have been
avoided and adequate access has been provided for corrosion protection work.
(4) Avoid galvanic corrosion by insulating dissimilar metals from each other.
(5) Identify a coating system with the required durability for the relevant environment or
from results of laboratory performance testing if no long-term experience is available.
(6) When designing a coating system, take into consideration the method of surface
preparation which will be used.
(7) Make sure that damage to the environment and all health and safety risks are
(8) Draw up a plan of work and select a method of application.
(9) Establish a program of inspections to be carried out during and after the work.
(10)Establish a maintenance program covering the whole service life of the structure.
(11)Consider the lifetime cost and cost of maintenance of the chosen coating system.
(1) Concrete surfaces shall be cleaned prior to coating to remove loose material, oil, grease
and dust. Imperfections in the surface shall be filled with epoxy filler. The coating system
shall comprise penetrating epoxy sealer, intermediate and top coat.
(2) Steel surfaces shall be prepared to the required preparation grade then abrasive blast
cleaned to the relevant surface preparation standard.
(3) All applied coatings shall be tested for dry film thickness, integrity, appearance and
Reinforced Concrete Structures Marine Clean surface and fill Epoxy sealing primer
within 500m from seashore imperfections with epoxy filler Amine cured modified epoxy 400µm
Urethane acrylic 60µm
Reinforced Concrete Supports Exterior (above Clean surface and fill Epoxy sealing primer
ground) imperfections with epoxy filler Modified epoxy 400µm
Reinforced Concrete Chambers Interior Clean surface and fill Epoxy sealing primer
and Manholes imperfections with epoxy filler Modified epoxy 400µm
Reinforced Concrete Chambers Interior Clean surface and fill Epoxy sealing primer
Handling Wastewater and imperfections with epoxy filler Modified epoxy 400µm
Part 1 of 2
ISO RATING ISO12944-C2 ISO12944-C2 ISO12944-C4 ISO12944-C4 ISO12944-C5M ISO12944-C5M ISO12944-C1
ISO8501-SA2½ ISO8501-SA2½ ISO8501-SA2½ ISO8501-SA3 ISO8501-SA2½ ISO8501-SA2½
PROFILE 50-75µm Rz PROFILE 50-75µm Rz PROFILE 50-75µm Rz PROFILE 50-75µm Rz PROFILE 50-75µm Rz PROFILE 50-75µm Rz
100µm A123 (600g/m² TYPE I OR TYPE II A123 (915g/m² TYPE I OR TYPE II A123 (915g/m² A123 (915g/m²
85µm) 80µm 130µm) 80µm 130µm) 130µm)
20µm 20µm 20µm
100µm 200µm 100µm
60µm 60µm 60µm 60µm
Table 10-5. Recommendations for Protective Coating Systems on Ferrous Steel
Part 2 of 2
ISO8501-SA3 ISO8501-SA3 ISO8501-SA3 ISO8501-SA3 ISO8501-SA3 ISO8501-SA3
PROFILE 75-100µm Rz PROFILE 75-100µm Rz PROFILE 50-75µm Rz PROFILE 75-100µm Rz PROFILE 75-100µm Rz PROFILE 75-100µm Rz
400µm 400µm 80µm PROPOSE PRODUCTS
400µm 400µm
ACRYLIC ACRYLIC 20µm 500µm 600µm
60µm 60µm
(b) Design current density for existing reinforced concrete shall at least be 20 mA/m² of
steel reinforcement area.
(c) Protection criteria shall be an instant off potential of -720 mV or more negative with
respect to silver-silver chloride electrode or potential decay of at least 100 mV over
a period of 24 hours or 150 mV over extended period of time.
(2) Steel Structures.
(a) Design current density for tank bottoms, buried piles and buried bare pipeline shall
at least be 20mA/m² of steel area. For coated steel piles and pipes, the value shall
depend on the type of coating; a value of 0.1-1.0 mA/m² can be adopted.
(b) Design current density for bare steel piles exposed to seawater shall at least be 150
mA/m² (initial) and 70 mA/m² (mean) of steel area. For coated steel, the design
current density can be based on a coating breakdown factor of 10%.
(c) Protection criteria for steel exposed to soil and seawater shall be an instant off
potential of 800 mV or more negative with respect to silver-silver chloride electrode.
(1) Reinforced Concrete.
(a) For new reinforced concrete, mixed metal oxide coated titanium expanded mesh
ribbon anodes from a qualified manufacturer with sufficient track record shall be
used. The anodes shall be placed in the cover concrete or between two layers of the
reinforcement. Titanium conductor bar shall be used for current distribution.
(b) For existing reinforced concrete, mixed metal oxide coated titanium mesh anodes
from a qualified manufacturer with sufficient track record shall be used. The anodes
shall be placed on the existing concrete surface and covered in a cementitious
overlay. Titanium conductor bar shall be used for current distribution.
(c) The structure shall be divided in zones of suitable sizes and each zone shall be fed
from a dedicated power supply channel.
(2) Steel Tanks and Vessels.
(a) For new tanks, mixed metal oxide coated titanium ribbon anodes from a qualified
manufacturer with sufficient track record shall be used. The anodes shall be placed
in soil under the tank in the form of parallel strips running in one direction. Titanium
conductor bar shall be used for current distribution and shall be placed
perpendicular to the anodes.
(b) For existing tanks, mixed metal oxide coated titanium tubular or high silicon cast
iron anodes from a qualified manufacturer with sufficient track record shall be used.
The anodes shall be placed in drilled holes around the tank. The depth of the anodes
shall be determined in the design calculations.
(c) Each tank shall be fed from a dedicated transformer rectifier or a dedicated channel
of a multi-channel transformer rectifier.
(3) Steel Pipelines.
(a) For new and existing pipelines, different types of anodes can be used. The type of
anode shall be manufactured by from a qualified manufacturer with sufficient track
(b) Use of deep well anodes may be used for cross country pipeline, however,
distributed anodes shall be used for pipelines inside plants and if other structures
exist in the vicinity of the pipeline.
(4) Steel Piles.
(a) For new and existing steel piles buried in soil or submerged in seawater, sacrificial or
impressed current anodes may be used. Sacrificial aluminum anodes shall preferred
for piles in seawater. The impressed anodes may include mixed metal oxide coated
titanium tubular anodes for seawater and mixed metal oxide coated titanium
tubular and high silicon cast iron anodes for soil.
(1) All cathodic protection systems shall be regularly monitored to ensure proper
functioning of the systems and to upgrade them, as required.
(2) The frequency of monitoring for sacrificial anode systems shall be six months. The
monitoring shall include measuring anode current and structure-to-soil potentials.
(3) The frequency of monitoring for impressed current systems shall be as follows:
(b) Monthly: Inspect condition of the hardware and measure transformer rectifier
(c) Semi-Annually: Inspect condition of the hardware, measure transformer rectifier
output and structure-to-soil potentials (on, instant-off and decay).
(d) Three-years: Conduct complete system check including analysis of the monitoring
data for the previous period
In order to maintain design uniformity throughout the community, landscape design shall be
guided by:
(1) Parks, Recreation & Landscape Guidelines - Vol I The Master Plan Report
(2) Parks, Recreation & Landscape Guidelines - Vol II Landscape Design Manual.
which provide design criteria and guidelines for the landscaping of both public and private
areas; provide specific requirements and recommendations regarding soil improvement and
irrigation systems; identify geographic areas and recommend plant selection for specific land
use within each area; and provide a maintenance program.
in immediate vicinity.
(6) All planting materials shall be certified free of pest and diseases.
This section identifies required typical notes and details for landscape planting construction
documents in JCPDI.
(1) Preparation of plant pits, beds, and installation of all plants shall be in accordance with
the standard details and as described in the specifications. Situations requiring
exceptions shall be fully detailed and documented by the landscape designer prior to the
Preliminary Design submittal and shall be approved by the Royal Commission prior to
design completion.
(2) All areas to be planted shall be tested for percolation and where the penetration rate is
less than 25 mm per hour, additional drainage holes shall be augured and filled with
sand until the percolation rate exceeds 25 mm per hour.
(3) Planting soil in tree and shrub areas shall always have a finish grade 50 mm below
adjacent finish grades paving. Planting soil in lawn areas shall always have a finish grade
25 mm below adjacent finish grades.
(4) The quality and size of all plants shall be fully specified. The Royal Commission may
reject non-conforming plant materials at any time during the construction contract
(5) All plants shall be from approved JECS plant list, or suitable to hot arid environment with
(6) The construction contractor will be required to acclimate all specified species under field
conditions in the JCPDI climate and environment.
(7) All planting procedures and operations shall be rigidly enforced in accordance with the
(8) All special situations, conditions and requirements for installation or maintenance
pertaining to the intended design effect shall be clearly detailed and noted on the
drawings by the landscape designer.
(9) Turf areas (grass) shall be designed in accordance with existing JCPDI policy and shall be
constructed according to the specifications. Where suitable and approved,
Symbol or
Ball Size
Size (Water
or full value)
(2) Each Planting Plan shall include the following information pertaining to that specific
drawing location as illustrated below.
(a) Location Plan
(b) Plant List with Quantities
(c) Plant Specification (height, caliper… etc.)
(d) Notes
The following criteria shall be taken into consideration and incorporated into the design of
the irrigation systems.
(1) Deep watering devices utilizing drip or bubbler systems as approved shall be installed for
all street trees and other trees surrounded by paving to discourage surface rooting.
(2) As a general rule, water conserving and full value species shall not be mixed on one
remote control valve. However, water conserving and full value species may be irrigated
on the same remote control valve with appropriate adjustments in operational outlets
to account for required irrigation regimes for the individual species in the proposed
plant mix.
(3) Due to the possibility of non-proportional irrigation rate adjustments during growth and
at maturity, trees shall not be mixed with other plantings on the same remote control
valve zone. Shrubs and ground cover may be irrigated on the same zone.
(4) Multi outlet drip emitters shall be used for irrigating shrubs and ground cover only.
(5) A minimum of two bubblers shall be used per tree.
(6) In general non-potable water, Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) shall be used for irrigation.
For areas such as mosques, schools, hospitals and lawns potable water shall be used for
irrigation with the prior approval from R.C.
(7) Tertiary distribution design in large mass planting areas shall incorporate header mains
and branches of short length where practicable in lieu of lengthy, convoluted, single
distribution lines.
(8) Where tertiary distribution design incorporates several branches, the remote control
valve shall be located as close to the midpoint of the branching as is practicable to
balance the distribution.
(9) Irrigation system design(s) shall incorporate maximum adjustment flexibility at the
timing controller to reduce in-field maintenance requirements and adjustment,
maximum effective- ness, and efficiency of water application.
The following objectives shall be exhibited in all systems:
(a) Suitability for use with MYAS treated sanitary effluent (TSE).
(b) Maximum efficiency of water use (no ponding of irrigation water). Flood irrigation is
not acceptable.
(c) Salt dispersal from the soil through leaching by downward movement of soil water.
(d) Minimizing water loss and upward salt movement by minimizing surface
(e) Flexibility in use to encourage slow or rapid growth, deep or shallow roots, response
to high or low demand planting as appropriate to aesthetic and site related
(f) Cost effectiveness in terms of capital investment, efficiency, life expectancy and
maintenance requirements.
(g) Operation and maintenance requirements.
(1) Calculations are to be divided into three groups.
(a) Irrigation Demand Calculations
(b) Hydraulic Calculations
(c) Controller Calculations
In the design analysis submittals, the contractor shall show the relationships between
these three and demonstrate how they substantiate each other.
These are average figures for peak demand under worst summer conditions. They also
include a 15% leaching factor. Shrubs include groundcovers and vines. Large shrubs
planted individually shall be treated as trees. Otherwise, all shrubs and groundcovers
will be planted in beds that will be mass excavated. The irrigation demand for these
shrubs and groundcovers will be based on the square meter area of bed excavated.
Irrigation demand calculations shall be supplied complete and in the following format:
Total Area allocation For each Remote m3/day
Control Valve:
No. trees at 100 liters/tree/day =
No. trees at 60 liters/tree/day =
m2 shrubs at 10 liters/m2/day =
m2 shrubs at 6 liters/m2/day =
= liters/day ÷
1000 =
m /day
Total Area allocation For each Remote m3/day
Control Valve:
No. trees at 100 liters/tree/day =
No. trees at 60 liters/tree/day =
m2 shrubs at 10 liters/m2/day =
m2 shrubs at 6 liters/m2/day =
m2 lawn at 15 liters/m2/day =
= liters/day ÷
1000 =
m /day
A summary calculation sheet shall identify all individual remote-controlled valves, the
demand quantity (subtotal) for each valve, and shall show the accumulative valve
demands compared to the total area allocation.
(a) Pipe size calculations for secondary irrigation mains shall include piping layout,
locations, and quantity of flow through each Remote-Controled Valve (RCV). The
maximum flow from a combination of the RCV used as the basis of the design shall
be clearly indicated. Secondary irrigation mains shall be designed as a loop system.
Hydraulic calculations for tertiary irrigation lines from the solenoid remote control valve
to the end of the distribution system shall contain the following information for every
(e) RCV size, flow rate, duration of valve operation, and total water volume through
(f) Piping diagrams for each tertiary irrigation line showing pipe sizes length, outlet
spacing, and outlet discharge rate.
(4) Controller Calculations
Controller clock settings shall be given, demonstrating how each valve will efficiently
supply the correct amount of water to the plants at installation and maturity. Notes
shall be made regarding the adjustments required to constantly maintain efficient water
Efficiency is defined as applying the minimum water required to satisfy every plant type
without overwatering any other plant type.
Minimum copper conductor cable size for primary feeder and secondary irrigation control
cable shall be 4 mm2 and 2.5 mm2, respectively.
The interface documentation requirements defined herein shall be implemented by all
interfacing design agencies throughout the development of JCPDI. The principal objectives
of this document are to: (1) establish a uniform and consistent format of interface
identification, (2) provide a means for tracking and controlling interfaces, and (3) provide for
the orderly and timely flow of information among interfacing design agencies.
12.2 SCOPE
The interfaces addressed herein are limited to the external interfaces with other design
Interface drawings shall be standard A1 size and shall include a plan view (scale 1:200) and
profile (scale 1:200 horizontal; 1:50 vertical) of the interface. All existing utilities and utilities
to be installed must be differentiated. A sample format is available on request from the
Royal Commission.
(1) Functional Characteristics: Functional characteristics shall include, but not be limited to,
such items as loads, flow rates, pressures, phasing, and percent regulation.
(2) Physical Characteristics: Physical characteristics shall include, but not be limited to, such
items as location, space requirements, size, material, and routing.
(3) Interference: Interferences can be either physical (e.g., a waterline running into a
sewerline) or functional (e.g., radio stations operating on the same frequency). It is the
responsibility of the designer to lay out and design his elements or systems on a
noninterference basis with other project elements or systems.
All changes to an established interface must have prior approval from the Royal Commission.
(1) When an interface is required with an existing “As-Built” drawing and the contractor’s
main work has to be shown on a new drawing prepared by him under the current
contract, the contractor shall show an interface point on the existing “As-Built” drawing
and show appropriate reference to the new contract drawing number.
(2) The contractor shall show a new Revision in the “Revision Box” of the existing “As-Built”
drawing that will indicate that the drawing has been revised under the new contract.
The drawing number of the existing “As-Built” drawing shall, of course, remain
unchanged and the drawing will be returned to the existing contract for filing after a
Mylar copy, if available, has been made for inclusion in the set of design drawings for
the new contract.
(3) Both the existing “As-Built” drawing and the new drawing shall provide appropriate
cross references as necessary.
Case 2 - When contractor’s new work to be shown on existing As-Built drawing
(1) The contractor shall obtain the existing “As-Built” drawing from the Royal Commission
files. The contractor must retain the existing title block, the existing drawing number and
the existing contract number.
(2) A new revision in the Revision Box” will indicate that the drawing has been
revised/modified under the new contract.
(3) The drawing will provide appropriate reference to new contract drawings, as applicable.
(4) The existing “As-Built” drawing must be returned to Royal Commission to be filed under
the existing contract after a Mylar copy, if available, has been made for inclusion in the
set of design drawings for the new contract.
(5) The contractor’s new drawing list under the current contract shall include the revised
“As-Built” drawing number from the existing contract.
In many cases, the existing “As-Built” drawings are in very poor shape and barely legible. A
new drawing may be required to replace the existing “As-Built” drawing. The procedure to
replace an existing “signed (by RCM) and stamped As-Built” drawing may not always be
same in all cases and may require a differential treatment as noted below. The matter
should be brought to the attention of the Authorized Representative (PE or RCM) for proper
• In some cases, a note and a reference in the existing “As-Built” drawing to indicate
that the drawing has been replaced (or voided) with a new drawing under the current
contract will suffice. A new drawing number will be assigned to the replacement drawing
and the existing “As-Built” drawing will be returned to be filed with the existing contract
• But in other cases, the existing drawing number will be retained on the replaced
drawing and filed with the existing contract. The contractor’s new drawing list under the
new contract will include the replaced drawing from the existing contract.
• In any case, drawing sets in the new contracts must be complete with copies of
affected drawings from As-Built files. The integrity of As-Built drawing files, including
drawing numbering, must be preserved. Cross referencing and information documentation
on affected As-Built drawings and affected drawings in new project drawing files must
provide adequate direction for quick and easy assimilation of total system and/or facility
design records.
The Contractor shall make a formal application to the Royal Commission for data on survey
control points in their particular project area prior to construction.
Documents furnished by the Contractor can be in the form of field notes, field sketches or
standard plan type drawings.
The organization and order of each section into four parts entitled General, Products,
Execution and Measurement and Payment shall be followed whenever the length and
subject matter require each of the parts.
The numbering of sections shall correspond to the numbering system listed in the
Construction Specifications Institute's Manual of Practice.
The correct usage of words such as “shall,” “will,” “should,” and “may” is of prime
importance. “Shall” shall be used whenever a specification expresses a provision that is
binding, and “will” to express a declaration of purpose on the part of the Royal Commission.
It may be necessary to use “will” in cases where simple futurity is required (e.g., “power for
the motor will be supplied by the ship”"). “Should” and “may” shall be used whenever non-
mandatory provisions must be expressed.
Part 4 – FOP Section 3.L - List of Minimum Construction Plants and Equipment for
use on this project
Part 5 – List of Long Term Warranties (to insert in the Special Conditions)
The Special Specifications shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of SECTION
13 and SECTION 15 herein, as applicable.
The format, as follows, is for equipment procurement specifications and includes certain
standard paragraphs considered necessary to the overall structure of the specifications.
15.2.1 SCOPE
This specification covers (Note: Insert descriptive name of equipment), furnished complete,
as indicated in the design criteria and data sheets, which form a part of this specification.
(Note: In these subsections, present those criteria that are required by the specific
application of the equipment. Guards, couplings, accessories, operational efficiency, and
capacities are a few of the potential entries. The following subsection topics are examples
only and can be added to or deleted from as the requirements dictate.)
Units shall be guaranteed by the Seller against all deficiencies in performance and defects in
design, materials, and workmanship for a period of 1 year after plant startup but not less
than 18 months after shipment; with any corrections, adjustments, replacements, or repairs
being made promptly, at no cost to the purchaser. Performance shall be guaranteed to
comply with the design criteria.
(1) A project construction budget estimate shall be submitted with the program analysis
submittal and shall be based on the best cost data available for the level of detail used.
Once approved by the Royal Commission it will form the construction budget for this
(2) Construction cost estimates for each proposed construction bid package (see SECTION
14) shall be submitted with each design submittal up to and including the pre-final
design submittal. A final cost estimate, to be submitted with the final design
submission, will be required whenever the Royal Commission review comments for the
pre-final design submission indicate that changes and/or corrections other than minor
revisions are necessary. The requirement for final construction cost estimate(s) shall be
determined solely by the Royal Commission.
(3) Bills of Quantities shall be prepared and submitted as specified in the contract. The Bills
of Quantities shall be subdivided into elements in accordance with Construction
Specifications Institute, 50 division format and as directed by the Royal Commission.
(4) If the Royal Commission review of any estimate submitted indicates non-compliance
with the requirements of this SECTION 16, the estimate shall be revised and resubmitted
at no additional cost to the Royal Commission.
(5) Substantial increases or decreases in total costs between each estimate submitted and
the previous estimate shall be analyzed and explained as a part of the submittal.
(6) The estimate shall be prepared in the English language and shall be clearly printed,
typewritten or in computer printout form. Paper size shall be 216mm x 280mm.
Specific terms and descriptions used in this section are as follows:
(1) Line Items - An item described and priced on an "Estimate Worksheet" (Figure 16-2).
(2) Manual Labor - Skilled and unskilled field labor up to and including foreman.
(3) Non-Manual Labor - Management, construction supervision above foreman level,
engineering, surveying, clerical and administrative personnel.
(4) Small Tools - Individual hand or powered tools which have an initial cost of less than SR
2,000 each.
(5) Construction Equipment - All plant, vehicles and equipment required in the execution of
the work but excluding small tools.
Requirements and Indirect Costs for an entire construction bid package, and 3) Risk and
profit for an entire construction bid package (See Table 16-1).
(1) Direct Costs - Direct Costs estimates for each bid item shall be prepared for each
applicable section of the specifications (usually the CSI format) and summarized by
specification division using the Estimate Worksheet. The specification division totals are
then carried forward to the “Cost Estimate Summary - Direct Cost.” The total direct
costs for each bid item are the carried forward to the Direct Cost column of the Overall
Summary. The amount estimated for cost reimbursable items shall be according to the
terms and conditions stated in the construction contract documents. Any non-
reimbursable portions of the direct costs associated with this category shall be
transferred to the fixed cost category.
(2) General Requirements and Indirect Costs - The General Requirements and Indirect Cost
estimate shall be prepared using the "Estimate Worksheet" for at least each item listed
on the "General Requirements and Indirect Cost Summary." The total General
Requirements and Indirect Costs shall then be forwarded to the "Overall Summary, "in
the General Requirement and Indirect Cost Column at the total line. General
Requirement and Indirect Costs can then be distributed to each bid item based on the
estimator's judgement.
(3) Risk and Profit - The total Risk and Profit mark-up shall be entered at the total line in the
appropriate column of the "Overall Summary." The amounts to be used for risk and
profit shall be determined on an individual job basis and distributed to each bid item in a
manner similar to 16.3(2) above.
The construction cost estimate(s) shall contain all the line items required to adequately
define the work. The number of line items will normally increase as the design work
progresses. At the various design stages, the number of line items and their descriptions
shall be at a level of detail commensurate with the design drawings and specifications
submitted. The pre-final and the final design submittal estimate(s) shall contain line items to
cover every separately identifiable part of the work.
(1) Basis of Estimate - A narrative giving the basis of the estimate, assumptions used and
special information not contained elsewhere in the estimate shall be submitted using
"Construction Cost Estimate" sheet, Figure 16-1.
(2) Quantity Take-Off - Quantity take-off shall be made for every line item. Contractor shall
prepare quantity take-off on a "Estimate Quantity Worksheet.” All Quantity take-off
sheets shall indicate the source, procedure, and assumptions used in the take-off. All
calculations shall be shown and arithmetically checked. Quantity take-off sheets shall be
submitted with each estimate and shall be neatly and clearly prepared, summarized, and
analyzed to permit straightforward verification/ checking by the Royal Commission. The
metric system shall be used for all quantity measurement.
(3) Costs - Costs shall be developed for each line item. Calculation sheets shall be submitted
showing how the costs are developed and shall be supported by vendor/sub-contractor
quotations as appropriate. These sheets shall be clearly labeled to identify the line
item(s) involved. All line item costs shall be in current day Saudi Riyals. The minimum
level of cost information required for each design submittal shall be as tabulated on
Table 16-1.
(4) Cost elements to be included in the cost components listed in paragraphs 16.2 (9)
and (10) shall be as follows:
(a) Manual Labor - Man-hour unit costs used on the estimate worksheet, Figure 16-2
shall include wages, payroll burdens, housing and subsistence and small tools.
(b) Non-Manual Labor - Unit costs used on the estimated work sheet, Figure 16-2, shall
include wages/salaries, payroll burdens and housing and subsistence.
(c) Construction Equipment - Costs used in developing construction equipment cost
shall include operating costs, maintenance and repair costs, and equipment
amortization cost. Equipment Operators shall be included in manual labor. for
specialized or short term requirements, third party rental rates may be used.
(d) Materials - Cost of materials and consumables delivered to the jobsite.
(e) Sub-Contract - Total Sub-contractor's price to General Contractor. Sub-contract
prices shall be backed up by cost estimates which comply with all requirements of
Subsection 16.3 and 16.4. Unsubstantiated lump sum prices are not acceptable.
(f) Temporary Facilities - Costs for manual labor, construction equipment, materials and
sub- contracts.
(g) Other costs – (16.2 (10) (h)) - Contractor's net costs.
(h) Mobilization - Labor mobilization costs, delivery and erection of construction
equipment, initial costs of temporary facilities and any other requirements peculiar
to the specific project.
RCY-GDCTG 2018 1ED REV. 0.9 16-4
Pay Item
Unit Estimated
(Refer to Estimated
Description of Item Unit Price Amount
Section Quantity
(SR.) (SR.)
01.01. Mobilization*
01.02. Demobilization
Estimate Unit Estimated
Pay Item Description Unit d Price Amount
Quantity (SR) (SR)
01.01. Mobilization
01.02. Demobilization