Ap-37-Tb-3870 Dasu
Ap-37-Tb-3870 Dasu
Ap-37-Tb-3870 Dasu
Insured's Declared Vehicle Chassis Vehicle Body (`) Non Electrical Acc. (`) Electrical Acc. (`) CNG/LPG Kit (`) Total IDV (`)
Value (IDV) (`)
0 0 0 0 0 0
Payment Details: Fund Transfer No. QP151253179 Dated : 22/03/2022 Drawn on BizDirect
Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, 165-166 Backbay Reclamation, H. T. Parekh Marg, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020. Customer Service Address: 6th Floor, Leela Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road,
Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 059. Toll Free : 1800-2-700-700 (Accessible from India only) | Fax : 91 22 6638 3699 | care@hdfcergo.com | www.hdfcergo.com
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
Frequently Asked Question’s (FAQ’s) - Motor Insurance
Loss or Damage to the Insured Vehicle caused due to: For Accidental Damage to Insured Vehicle (Own Damage Claims):
a. Fire, explosion, self ignition or ¡Call our customer care Toll-free 1800-2-700-700 (Accessible from India only) if the vehicle meets
lightning. b Burglary, housebreaking or with an accident and provide your policy number for reference and register the claim
theft ¡Alternatively, you can visit and register on IPO (available on website/Download IPO app on your
c All act of God perils like earthquake, flood, cyclone smart phone) by providing personal details, link your policy and register your claim under
etc d Accidental external means, terrorism, riot and "Claims" tab
strike Liability to Third Parties: Please keep the following details handy while intimating a claim
Provides cover for any legal liability arising out of the use of the vehicle a. Policy No.
for a Accidental death / injury to any third party b. Registration details/ RC copy
b Any damage to property owned by third party c. Drivers details at the time of accident including driving license number
Personal Accident Cover: d. FIR on a case to case basis
The policy provides for a mandatory Personal Accident cover for owner driver and optional cover for e. Repair estimate
passengers covering accidental death and permanent total disability
1. If your vehicle can be driven, take it to the nearest dealer / garage.
a. General aging, wear & tear, mechanical or electrical breakdown, failure, depreciation, any
2. Get a repair estimate, fill up the claim form and attach a copy of the registration certificate and
consequential loss
driving license of the person driving at the time of the accident.
b. Damage by a person driving without a valid license
3. If the garage is within our network, you could avail of cashless claim facility. Pay for non
c. Damage by a person driving under the influence of liquor or drugs
accident related repairs, depreciation and deductible. We would settle the rest.
d. Loss/damage attributable to war, mutiny, nuclear risks
4. If the garage is outside our network, you would have to get the claim reimbursed subsequently.
e. Damage to tyres and tubes, unless damaged during an accident
f. Usage on hire & reward (applicable for all classes except public commercial vehicles) CLAIMS DOCUMENTS -
g. Loss or damage to bonnet side parts, mudguard, bumpers, lamps, tyres, tubes, headlights, For ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE TO INSURED VEHICLE
paint work (applicable for all commercial vehicles; unless opted additionally)
h. Loss or damage resulting from overturning arising out of operation as a tool (applicable for a. Duly filled and signed claim form & satisfaction voucher
mobile cranes, drilling rigs, mobile plants, navvies, shovels, grabs, rippers unless opted for b. Registration Certificate (RC)
additionally) c. Driving license of the person driving at the time of the accident
i. Loss of or damage to accessories by burglary housebreaking or theft unless the vehicle is d. Policy copy , original repair estimate, repair invoice
stolen at the same time (applicable to all commercial vehicles & two wheelers) e. Payment receipt for non-cashless claims
f. Original repair invoice for cashless claims
TRANSFER OF INSURANCE (INCASE VEHICLE IS SOLD) g. AMLdocuments for amount more than 1 lac (PAN card, 2 passport size photo, residence proof)
h. Form 35 & original NOC from financer incase of total loss where payment is made to insured
a. No objection letter from the previous insured i. Acopy of police FIR/panchnama is required for TP injury / death / property damage
b. Form 29/30, Sale Deed OR transferred RC copy. In case of smart card, RTO transfer fee paid
receipt. Additional documents required for commercial vehicles:
c. Differential Premium if any (NCB recovery, PAto Owner - Driver etc) a. Spot survey b. Load challan c. Fitness certificate d. Route permit
d. NOC from Financier, if applicable.
e. Pre-inspection is must if transfer request date is >14 days from the endorsed RC copy date CLAIMS DOCUMENTS: IN CASE OF LOSS DUE TO THEFT
f. Break-in loading >45 days ( if applicable)
a. Duly filled and signed claim form & discharge voucher ( after loss settlement )
Additional Documents b. Original Registration Certificate (RC)
a. Incase of death of Insured - a. Death Certificate b. Legal heir certificate c. Original policy copy
b. Incase of Employer to Employee transfer - a. Letter from Employer d. Copy of FIR lodged at the nearest police station
e. All original keys & vehicle invoice copy
f. No trace report confirming that the stolen vehicle is not traceable
g. Original NOC from financer incase of hypothecation / HPA
For Changes related to registration of vehicle or vehicle details like h. Intimation to RTO for theft of vehicle
a. Correction in registration number/ location / address i. Duly signed RTO transfer papers (Form 26, 28,29,30,35)
b. Correction in vehicle make & model/ cubic capacity/ seating capacity/ engine & chassis j. RC extract with stolen remark from the concerned RTO after the loss
number/manufacture year k. AMLdocuments for amount more than 1 lac (PAN card, 2 passport size photo, residence proof)
l. Deed of subrogation cum indemnity on judicial stamp paper
To make above changes, you need following documents:
a. Request letter for the change WHAT IS NCB?
b. Policy copy NO CLAIM BONUS (NCB):
c. Registration Certificate copy /Invoice Copy for change in vehicle details NCB is provided for every claim free year basis the slab as provided by Tariff.
d. Cheque for additional premium if applicable
How can I get No Claim Bonus Reserving Letter?
For addition of electrical and non electrical accessories, CNG & LPG Kit: NCB Reserving letter can be provided only on Sale of vehicle evidenced by transferred RC copy OR
a. Request letter for the change Sale Deed and Form 29 & 30. The OD section of the policy needs to be transferred to the new
b. Policy copy owner or cancelled.
c. Invoice copy (mandatory where value of accessory exceeds ` 20,000/-) HOW DO I RENEW MY POLICY?
d. Endorsed Registration Certificate Copy (For CNG/LPG kit)
e. Cheque for additional premium
E mail or Call us for additional premium details & send relevant documents copy to our customer a. Visit www.hdfcergo.com to renew instantly d. Send a copy of the renewal notice along with
service office online premium cheque to our branch office
b. SMS "RENEW <POLICY NO> " to 9999 /Corporate office
For Change of financier details (Hypothecation/Lease/Hire-Purchase) 700700 e. Call our toll free number 1800 2 700 700
a. Request letter for the change c. Visit our nearest branch / your agent (Accessible from India only)
b. Policy copy
c. Endorsed Registration Certificate copy HOW TO CONTACT US?
d. NOC from financier (not mandatory for deletion if RC is Call Toll-free :1800 2 700 700 (Accessible from India only)
endorsed) Fax :022 6638 3669
For any endorsments on your policy you can contact us through any of the below mentioned modes: E-Mail :care@hdfcergo.com
E mail us at : care@hdfcergo.com OR Call Toll-free: 1800 2 700 700 (Accessible from India only) Write to us at :HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
OR Fax your request at: 022 6638 3669 OR Raise a service request on Insurance Portfolio (Customer service office) 6 Floor, Leela Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East),
Organizer (IPO) from www.hdfcergo.com Mumbai - 400 059
IPO :Raise a service request on Insurance Portfolio Organiser (IPO)
Manage Your Portfolio ¡Link multiple policies ¡View/Edit your contact details
¡View/Email your policy ¡Set Renewal Reminders
@ hdfcergo.com / ¡Register Motor claims ¡Create and track your interactions
¡Track your claim status ¡Locate our network garages/ branches
* supports smart phone based on Blackberry, iPhone, Windows 8 & Android platform. Download IPO mobile application from IPO website post log in
This document is a summary of the benefits offered. The information mentioned above is illustrative and not exhaustive. Information must be read in conjunction with the policy wordings.
In case of any conflict between this document and the policy wordings, the terms and conditions mentioned in the policy wordings shall prevail.