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Geopolymer: The Properties and Durability of Alkali-Activated Masonry Units

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Geopolymer outperformed CEM I concrete in the global warming

potential by a factor 3, while it had a similar impact on the depletion
of resources and energy use.
From: Handbook of Alkali-Activated Cements, Mortars and
Concretes, 2015

Related terms:

Microstructure, Binders, Compressive Strength, Sodium Silicate, Activator,

Geopolymerization, Geopolymers, Metakaolin, Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland
Cement Concrete

The properties and durability of alkali-activated

masonry units
AhmariS. , ZhangL. , in Handbook of Alkali-Activated
Cements, Mortars and Concretes, 2015
24.6 Summary and future trends
Geopolymer binder has been proven to possess excellent
physical and mechanical properties and durability. Different
applications of geopolymer binders, such as concrete, coating
material, and masonry units, have been studied. Study of
GMU from different types of waste materials indicates that
GMU is a superior replacement for regular MU, especially
considering the environmental impacts of solid wastes and
the sustainability issues related to usage of natural materials
and energy. For wide application of GMU, the major issue is
the transition from research stage to commercialization.
GMU standardization and public education are the main
steps to achieve this goal. Further research is also needed to
study the long-term durability of GMU and the
environmental and economic benefits of utilizing waste
materials to produce GMU.
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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781782422761500241
Utilization of industrial by-products and natural ashes
in mortar and concrete development of sustainable
construction materials
Rafat Siddique, ... Ankur Mehta, in Nonconventional and
Vernacular Construction Materials (Second Edition), 2020 Summary
Geopolymer concrete can be seen as a more viable and
sustainable solution to highly energy intensive conventional
Portland cement concrete. The utilization of various
industrial by-products such as fly ash, GGBS, rice husk ash,
etc. as polymerized binder also alleviates their disposal
problem as well. High early age compressive strength can be
produced in geopolymer concrete. However, the major
constraint of the use of GPC in is the requirement for high-
temperature curing. Extensive research is still required to
obtain standard design mixtures of geopolymer concrete as
well as to mitigate the need for high-temperature curing.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081027042000111

Use of construction and demolition waste (CDW) for

alkali-activated or geopolymer concrete
Vanchai Sata, Prinya Chindaprasirt, in Advances in
Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling, 2020
19.3.2 Durability properties
Geopolymer concrete is more durable than Portland cement
concrete, because the product obtained from the
polymerization reaction is different from the cement
hydration reaction, as mentioned in the previous section.
Geopolymer concrete containing recycled concrete has
higher permeable void volume, water absorption, and rate of
sorptivity than the normal aggregate (crushed limestone)-
based concrete for the same sodium hydroxide solution
concentration (Nuaklong et al., 2016). The high porosity of
old cement mortar in the recycled aggregate serves as a
potential conduit for water transportation in concrete.
Increased recycled aggregate content, pores at the
microstructure interfacial transition zone (ITZ), and looser
structure decrease the density of the matrix (Shi et al., 2012).
The rate of water absorption by concrete is a function of the
pore system penetrability. Therefore, concrete with high
porosity can absorb more water, resulting in higher chloride
penetration. The boundaries of the chloride penetration
depth by spraying silver nitrate (AgNO3) on samples after
immersion in a 3% NaCl solution of normal geopolymer
concrete (GL) and recycled aggregate geopolymer concrete
(GR), for different sodium hydroxide solution concentrations
(8–16 Molars), at 30 and 120 day-long immersions, are
shown in Fig. 19.2. Chloride can penetrate deeper into
geopolymer concrete that contains recycled aggregates,
compared with the normal aggregate geopolymer concrete.
However, a mixture with a high sodium hydroxide solution
concentration can reduce the chloride penetration for
geopolymer concretes containing both aggregates (Nuaklong
et al., 2016). The dissolution of Si and Al in the source
material increases as the sodium hydroxide solution
concentration increases. Further, the higher amounts of
dissolved Si and Al yield a better polycondensation process in
the geopolymer system and reduce porosity and chloride
ingression (Mikuni et al., 2007; Chindaprasirt and Chalee,
2014; Gunasekara et al., 2019).
Fig. 19.2. The chloride penetration depth of geopolymer
concrete at 30 and 120 day-long immersions.
Reproduced with permission from Nuaklong, P., Sata, V., Chindaprasirt, P., 2016. Influence of
recycled aggregate on fly ash geopolymer concrete. J. Clean. Prod. 112, 2300–2307. Copyright ©
2016, Elsevier.

In addition, Koushkbaghi et al. (2019) found that the increase

in sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide solutions ratio from
2.0 to 3.0 (R2-R3) helped to decrease the deboning width at
the ITZ between recycled aggregate and binder which
improved the chloride resistance of recycled aggregate
geopolymer concrete as shown in Fig. 19.3
Fig. 19.3. Effect of sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio
(R2-R3) and 10%–30% recycled aggregate replacement
(RCA10-30) on the chloride permeability of geopolymer
Reproduced with permission from Koushkbaghi, M., Alipour, P., Tahmouresi, B., Mohseni, E.,
Saradar, A., Sark, P.K., 2019. Influence of different monomer ratios and recycled concrete aggregate
on mechanical properties and durability of geopolymer concretes. Constr. Build. Mater. 205, 519–
528. Copyright © 2019, Elsevier.

In general, the deterioration under the acid attack of Portland

cement-based materials is primarily a reaction between
calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] and an acid solution that causes
tensile stress, cracking, and scaling of the cement matrix. The
excellence in sulfuric acid resistance of geopolymer-based
binders is caused by a low water absorption and calcium
hydroxide content, which creates less soluble products
(Pacheco-Torgal and Jalali, 2011). The main components of
the geopolymer binders are Si, Al, O, and Na, which have
better resistance than those of Portland cement systems. The
resistance of the geopolymer matrix in magnesium sulfate
solution and sulfuric acid was better than that of the Portland
cement mortar (Sata et al., 2011; Elyamany et al., 2018).
The weight loss of geopolymer concrete increases
significantly with immersion time after 14 days of sulfuric
acid immersion, as shown in Fig. 19.4. The aggregate
particles are damaged owing to the sulfuric acid reacting with
calcium compounds in crushed limestone, which results in
the destruction of its particle. The weight loss after 28 days of
limestone aggregate geopolymer is related to the
concentration of sodium hydroxide solution, and the
resistance increases as the sodium hydroxide solution
concentration increases. At the same concentration, recycled
aggregate geopolymer concrete exhibits lower acid resistance
than normal aggregate geopolymer concrete. This occurs
owing to the higher water absorption, permeable void
volume, and sorptivity of recycled aggregates. In addition,
calcium compounds in the old mortar (cement mortar) react
with the acid solution and cause more deterioration.

Fig. 19.4. Weight loss after immersion in a 3% sulfuric acid of

limestone aggregate (GL) and recycled aggregate (GR)
geopolymer concretes, for different sodium hydroxide
solution concentrations.
Reproduced with permission from Nuaklong, P., Sata, V., Chindaprasirt, P., 2016. Influence of
recycled aggregate on fly ash geopolymer concrete. J. Clean. Prod. 112, 2300–2307. Copyright ©
2016, Elsevier.

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Bond Between Steel Reinforcement and Geopolymer

A. Castel, in Handbook of Low Carbon Concrete, 2017
14.2.1 GPC Mixes and Curing Regime
Two GPC mixes were used for this study. They were designed
using the outcomes from both literature [15–21] and
laboratory trials where different aluminosilicate materials
proportions (FA and GGBFS), various activator concentration
(8–14 M), and diverse activator-to-aluminosilicate source
ratio (0.42–0.6) were tested.
Three different sources of aluminosilicate materials have
been used in this study: a low-calcium type (ASTM C 618
Class F) FA, sourced by Eraring Power Station in New South
Wales, Australia; a special-grade (ultrafine) FA branded as
Kaolite High-Performance Ash (HPA) sourced by Callide
Power Station in Queensland, Australia; and a GGBFS
supplied by Blue Circle Southern Cement Australia. All details
related to those three aluminosilicate materials such as oxide
compositions and grading curves are available in Ref. [22].
The alkaline solution was made from a mixture of 12 molar
(M) sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution and sodium silicate
solution with Na2O. The mass ratio of alkaline solution to
aluminosilicate material was 0.55.
The two GPC mixes are presented in Table 14.1. The first GPC
mix (labeled GPC-FA) contains only 15% GGBFS. It is a low-
calcium GPC. The second GPC mix (labeled GPC-S) contains
75% GGBFS. It is a high-calcium GPC. All GPCs were
compacted using a poker vibrator and demoded 24 h after
casting. The low-calcium GPC, GPC-FA, required an intense
heat curing to achieve an acceptable performance. Two types
of heat curing conditions were adopted:

Table 14.1. Geopolymer concrete mixes

GPC-FA (kg/m3) GPC-S (kg/m3)

FA 193.5 80

Kaolite HPA 51.9 —

GGBFS 42.5 240

Crushed coarse aggregate 1/10 kg/m3 1144.6 1215.2

Sand 0/1 kg/m3 710.4 714.8

Free water, kg/m3 59 25.5

Sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) 45.2 54.9

Sodium silicate solution (Na2SiO3) 112.9 137.1

1. 2D-curing: After casting, specimens were sealed to prevent

excessive loss of moisture, stored in an 80°C oven for
1 day, and then cured in an 80°C water bath for a further
1 day. Then, all specimens where transferred to a
controlled room at 23°C and 65% relative humidity until
the day of the test.
2. 7D-curing: After casting, specimens were sealed to prevent
excessive loss of moisture, stored in a 40°C oven for 1 day,
and then cured in an 80°C water bath for a further 7 days.
All specimens where then transferred to a controlled room
at 23°C and 65% relative humidity until the day of the test.
The high-calcium geopolymer concrete GPC-S was ambient
cured in a controlled environment (T = 23°C, RH =65%).

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128045244000142

Coal combustion products in green building

L. Lemay, in Coal Combustion Products (CCP's), 2017
17.3.3 Geopolymers
Geopolymer concrete combines an alkaline liquid with a
geological source material containing silicon and aluminum
to form a binder that does not use any Portland cement.
Because the chemical reaction that takes place is a
polymerization process, the material is called a geopolymer.
The geological source material can come from naturally
occurring materials such as kaolites and clays or by-product
materials such as fly ash, silica fume, slag, rice-husk ash, etc.
Fly ash, being one of the most abundant source materials
with the necessary properties, is the most commonly used
source material for geopolymer concrete. The alkaline liquids
come from soluble alkaline metals such as sodium or
potassium such as combinations or sodium hydroxide and
potassium hydroxide and sodium silicate or potassium
The mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete is similar
to that of Portland cement concrete, and therefore can be
used as a substitute for Portland cement. Geopolymer
concrete gains strength similar to Portland cement concrete,
is resistant to sulfate attack, has good acid resistance, and
undergoes very little creep and drying shrinkage. It is ideal
where durable concrete is a must. Structural tests on
reinforced concrete elements such as beams and columns
demonstrate similar behavior to ordinary Portland cement
One drawback is that the alkaline liquid is expensive to
manufacture, and thus geopolymer concrete has not been
commercialized to replace ordinary Portland cement
concrete. However, some companies have commercialized it
for specialty applications where high fire or chemical
resistance is required. Obviously, if the process could be
made more economical, it would provide an excellent
opportunity to lower the environmental footprint of concrete

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081009451000174

Biomass fly ash and biomass bottom ash

Francisco Agrela, ... Mazen Alshaaer, in New Trends in Eco-
efficient and Recycled Concrete, 2019
2.4.6 Use of BA-based geopolymers for thermal and acoustic
Geopolymer concrete leads to an excellent new material that
will save operational energy due to its low density and
relatively lower thermal conductivity than normal-weight
concrete (Zhang et al., 2014). Moreover, Liu and his
colleagues (Liu et al., 2014, 2016) have introduced the
foamed technique into geopolymer materials to improve
thermal insulation. In their initial investigation regarding the
behaviour of palm oil-shell foamed geopolymer concrete
utilising industrial wastes such as palm oil shell as
lightweight coarse aggregate and POFA and coal FA as binder
mix in concrete, they produced a geopolymer with densities
between 1300 and 1700 kg/m3 due its higher porosity.
Despite the fact of a reduction in compressive strength, they
concluded that a thermal conductivity of about 0.47 W/m K
was 22% and 48% lower than blocks and bricks as
conventional materials for walls. Hence this geopolymer
could be categorised as structural concrete Class I
(compressive strength more than 15 MPa) and structural and
insulating concrete Class II (compressive strength between
3.5 and 15 MPa and thermal conductivity less than
0.75 W/m K) according to the RILEM (1983) classification.
From the point of view of the acoustic properties of BA-based
geopolymer, it is well-known that the sound absorption of a
porous material is related to the loss of noise by friction in
the wall of its pores (Park et al., 2005), so that geopolymer
concrete which presents a high open voids ratio will have a
greater sound absorption coefficient than less-porous
concrete (Kim et al., 2012). Nevertheless, no study has been
found in the literature regarding to the use of biomass ash in
geopolymers with the purpose of enhancing its acoustic
properties. The development and application of geopolymers
manufactured with biomass ashes as insulated materials can
contribute to the environmental impact on buildings
reducing the energy demand both during the construction
and use.

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Engineering properties of geopolymer concrete

B.V. Rangan, in Geopolymers, 2009
11.3.2 Production
Geopolymer concrete can be produced by adopting the
conventional techniques used in the manufacture of Portland
cement concrete. In the laboratory, the fly ash and the
aggregates were first mixed together dry in an 80-litre
capacity pan mixer for about three minutes. The alkaline
liquid was mixed with the super plasticiser and the extra
water, if any. The liquid component of the mixture was then
added to the dry materials and the mixing continued for
another four minutes. The fresh concrete could be handled
up to 120 minutes without any sign of setting and without
any degradation in the compressive strength. The fresh
concrete was cast and compacted by the usual methods used
in the case of Portland cement concrete (Hardjito and
Rangan, 2005; Wallah and Rangan, 2006; Sumajouw and
Rangan, 2006). The compressive strength and workability of
geopolymer concrete are also influenced by the wet-mixing
time (Hardjito and Rangan, 2005). As the wet-mixing time
increased, the compressive strength of hardened geopolymer
concrete increased with a slight loss in the workability of the
fresh concrete.

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Design and properties of fly ash, ground granulated

blast furnace slag, silica fume and metakaolin
geopolymeric based masonry blocks
Radhakrishna, in Eco-Efficient Masonry Bricks and Blocks,
15.1 Introduction
Geopolymer is the name given to a wide range of alkali or
silicate-activated aluminosilicate binders. Since the chemical
reaction that takes place in this case is a polymerization
process, Davidovits (1994, p. 9, 1999) coined the term
‘geopolymer’ to represent these binders. The dominant
aluminosilicates are class F fly ash and ground granulated
blast furnace slab (GGBS).
Provis (2014) reports that the chemistry of low calcium
(“geopolymer”) and high calcium (blast furnace slag-derived)
alkali-activated material differ from each other. He also
reports that the underlying mechanisms of degradation in
such materials may not be always the same for alkali-
activated binders as for Portland cement-based binders.
According to Chao, Sun, & Longtu (2010), there are two main
models of alkali-activated cements. They are activation of slag
and metakaolin. In the first case of alkali activation of GGBS,
the Si + Ca system dominates. In the second case of a
geopolymer made with metakaolin and fly ash, Si + Al
dominate. The main drawback in this case is a very high
water requirement, which in turn causes difficulties related to
drying shrinkage and cracking of the material.
Geopolymer composites have a very small greenhouse
footprint when compared to traditional cement composites.
The study by Shi & Fernandez-Jiménez (2006) concludes that
alkali-activated cements are a better matrix for
solidification/stabilization of hazardous and radioactive
wastes than ordinary Portland cement. Geopolymer concrete
possesses excellent similar strength and appearance similar
to conventional concrete made from Portland cement
(Hardjito, Wallah, Sumajouw, & Rangan, 2004). It is also well-
known that geopolymers possess excellent mechanical
properties, fire resistance and acid resistance (Davidovits &
Davidovits, 1988; Palomo, Macias, Blanco, & Puertas, 1992).
The choice of the source materials for making geopolymers
depends on availability, cost, type of application, etc. Studies
by Zhao, Ni, Wang, and Liu (2007) have confirmed the
formation of mainly ettringite and calcium silicate hydrate
gel in the activation of GGBS and class F fly ash pastes.
According to Astutiningsih & Liu (2005), the strength of
alkali-activated slag decreases as the water content increases.
According to Montes, Islam, Shi, Kupwade-Patil, & Allouche
(2013), the materials prepared by geopolymerization of fly ash
and GGBS offer considerable resistance to freeze-thaw action,
sulfate attack, sulfuric acid attack and nitric acid attack
compared to Portland cement products. Sakkas, Nomikos,
Sofianos, & Panias (2014) report that the sodium-based
geopolymer from slag would be an appropriate material for
passive fire protection systems. In the absence of long-term
durability of geopolymers, comparable in scale and longevity
to Portland cement, well-established testing methods and
research are essential to validate the laboratory trials. Van
Deventer, Provis, & Duxson (2012) are of the opinion that
colloid and interface science, gel chemistry, phase formation,
reaction kinetics, transport phenomena, communication,
particle packing and rheology play a salient role in the
development of geopolymer technology.
A report by Dahmen & Muñoz (2014) indicates that
geopolymerization of abundant minerals such as
aluminosilicates has the capacity to radically transform
traditional cement-based masonry products on a global scale.
It is possible to tailor the geopolymer material to attain the
required strength and durability to optimize the cost. Given
the correct mix design and formulation development,
geopolymeric materials derived from fly ash and GGBS can
exhibit superior chemical and mechanical properties over
those of OPC composites. But no literature is reported so far
about the logical mix proportioning of the geopolymer mix
except those of Rangan (2008a, 2008b). Trial mix is essential
for exact proportions of the concrete mix. As geopolymers are
highly complex and yet relatively poorly understood, there are
clearly many areas in which further work is required (Duxson,
Provis, Lukey, & Van deventer, 2007). There are attempts to
develop phenomenological models to reproportion
geopolymer mortar and concrete (Radhakrishna, Madhava,
Manjunath, & Venugopal, 2013; Radhakrishna &
Udayashankar, 2008; Radhakrishna, Udayashankar, & Renuka
Devi, 2010). Such models were reported for fly ash, as well as
lime-based masonry blocks (Radhakrishna & Niranjan, 2013).
The vast majority of research conducted in the field of
geopolymers has to date focused on manipulation of
engineering properties, short-term durability and waste
immobilization efficacy. The objective of this chapter is
therefore to remedy this situation by developing methods to
reproportion the geopolymer mortar under the framework of
scientific laws rather than simply by empirical mix
formulation. The possibility of developing phenomenological
models to take care of this situation merits examination.
Methods of accounting different parameters involved in
strength development of fly ash and GGBS-based thermal
cured/ambient cured geopolymer masonry blocks is the
major outcome of this chapter.

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9781782423058000152

An overview of cementitious construction materials

Nagesh R. Iyer, in New Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020
1.3 Geopolymer concrete
1.3.1 Introduction
Geopolymer cements, eco-cements, and sulfoaluminate
cements are considered as three alternative cements holding
high potential in recent years [2,13]. Geopolymer cement
concretes (GPCCs) are the most preferred among the new
binder systems. Geopolymer is a generic and broad term. It
comprises nine classes of materials representing a chain of
inorganic molecules. However, Class F material consisting of
aluminosilicate materials qualifies for civil engineering
applications as it has the potential to replace partially at least
OPC. However, its utility for structural and nonstructural
elements and its durability characteristics need to be
established from extensive R&D studies [2].
The program on waste to wealth undertaken internationally
to use the large amount of industrial wastes and by-products
by cleverly attempting to replace partially or substitute the
ingredients of concrete mix mainly, cement and aggregates
have been the subject of research and applications. Some of
these wastes include FA, ground granulated blast furnace
(GGBS), alkaline sludges like red mud, and other materials.
The wastes used are not necessarily pozzolanic. Considering
these aspects, deployment of GPC can provide significant
environmental benefits. Over OPC, the setting process in
GPC is much faster and does not affect the hydration process.
The polymerization takes place under alkaline conditions on
silicon–aluminum minerals. This creates a three-dimensional
polymeric chain and ring structure. The ratio of Si to Al
determines the final structure of the geopolymer. This mix
gains strength over different timescales. However, one
disadvantage is that one needs over 30°C temperature scales
for curing. This results in a reduction of the extent of
amorphous order within the binder. Aside from their
application as high-performance cements, GPCs find a range
of niche applications such as in automobile car parts, waste
immobilization, thermal boards, roof tiles, tooling materials,
and decorated ceramics. GPCs result in a microstructure that
is more heat resistant, fire resistant, and that has superior
thermal expansion, cracking, and swelling properties
compared to PC. They exhibit a smooth surface and can be
molded easily.
Several studies indicate that for geopolymerization, natural
Al–Si minerals are most suitable. Due to the complexity of
the reaction mechanisms involved, it is as yet difficult to
identify and assess the suitability of the specific mineral. So
far, FA and slags such as GGBS which are the by-products,
have shown very encouraging results for use as geopolymers
in the studies conducted. Between FA and slag, FA exhibits
high reactivity—one of the reasons for this being that FA is
finer than slag.
1.3.2 Development of structural grade geopolymer cement concretes
There are no standard mix design approaches available for
GPCs. As mentioned earlier, the water–cement ratio
influences the strength of cement concrete. Studies have
been conducted for the formulation of the GPC mixtures on a
trial-and-error basis through liquid to binder (l/b) ratio and
suitable composition of GPC solids (GPS). This is done till it
meets the workability and strength requirements through a
good cohesive mix. Recommended requirements for such
mix are slump of 75–100 mm and 28-day compressive
strength of 20–45 MPa [14–16]. The mixes were designed
such that the test specimens cast were demoldable after
24 hours of wet gunny curing and the required strength
could be realized after 28 days. Table 1.1 shows the typical
mix composition of the geopolymer concrete.

Table 1.1. Typical mix composition for GPCC [2].

Mix Molar ratios
Mix proportion
ID Binder (B:S:CA) H2O/Na2O SiO2/Na2O SiO2/Al2O3 Na2O/(Al2O3+SiO

FAB- 75% F 1:1.64:2.82 7.77 2.49 4.24 0.33

1 25% G

FAB- 75% F 1:1.43:2.6 10.34 3.18 4.58 0.26

2 25%G

FAB- 75% F 1:1.10:1.83 9.61 3.64] 4.43 0.22

3 25% G

GGB- 0% F 1:184:2.82 11.96 5.36 4.30 0.15

1 100%

GGB- 25% F 1:1.78:2.82 9.42 3.78 4.16 0.21

2 75% G

GGB- 50% F 1:1.64:2.62 6.80 2.72 3.97 0.29

3 50% G

CC1 OPC 1:2.35:2.95 –

CC2 OPC 1:1.95:2.58 –

CC3 OPC 1:1.49:2.15

B, Binder; CA, coarse aggregate; F, FA; G, GGBS; l/b,

liquid/binder; S, sand.

The mechanical properties of the GPCC mixes, including the

stress–strain characteristics, were evaluated. Table 1.2 shows
the strength characteristics of the mixes.

Table 1.2. Strength characteristics of the mixes [2].

Mix σcu, σft, Ec, σft, MPa Ec, GPa Ec, GPa
ID Binder MPa MPa GPa (IS-456) (IS-456) (ACI-318)

FAB- 75% F, 17 2.35 11.2 2.07 14.79 14.7

1 25% G

FAB- 75% F, 49 4.65 20.8 4.47 31.92 25.0

2 25%G

FAB- 75% F, 52 4.81 22.4 4.63 33.07 25.8

3 25% G

GGB- 0% F, 63 5.53 28.3 5.18 37.00 28.4

1 100% G

GGB- 25% F, 57 4.84 26.5 4.89 34.91 27.0

2 75% G

GGB- 50% F, 52 4.86 22.7 4.63 33.07 25.8

3 50%G

CC1 OPC 35 4.03 3.62 25.86 24.9

CC2 OPC 41 4.32 4.01 28.61 26.9

CC3 OPC 52 4.85 4.63 33.07 30.3

σcu, Compressive strength; σspt, split tensile strength; σft,

flexural tensile strength; Ec, elastic modulus.

The elastic modulus of high-volume GGBS-based GPCCs was

slightly less than that of conventional OPCCs but the high-
volume FA-based GPCCs showed considerably lower elastic
modulus compared to OPCCs. The strain at peak stress
ranged from 3216 to 4516 µm/m for GPCCs, which is higher
than that for CCs (around 2700 microstrains). The strain at
failure ranged up to 6000 μm/m.
1.3.3 Geopolymer cement concrete building blocks and paver blocks
With the scarcity in availability of fired clay bricks, concrete
building blocks and pavers are the most widely used concrete
components other than structural concrete [17]. Therefore
the use of eco-friendly GPCCs in lieu of OPCCs for the
production of building blocks is an attractive proposal. Table
1.3 shows the engineering properties of some of the paver
blocks with indigenous materials, the GPCC-based building
blocks and pavers are feasible on a large scale and using the
same tools and plants as OPCC elements, and these blocks
meet the relevant performance requirements. This
technology was released by CSIR-SERC to AEON
Construction Products Ltd., Chennai, in 2008–09 [18].

Table 1.3. Engineering properties of GPCC building/paver


Average value of Average value of

σcu σspt SD Suitable Grade designation absorption SD
ID (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) application as per IS code (%) (%)

GB1 18.2 4.85 2.2 Building Grade Aa 3.3 1.0


GB2 36.4 6.33 4.3 Paver block M-30+ 2.4 0.47

GB3 57.2 8.15 4.9 M-50+ 1.2 0.29

GB4 58.0 6.14 4.9 M-50+ 0.7 0.23

GB5 53.8 5.44 4.3 M-50+ 1.4 0.8

FB1 22.6 3.77 2.8 Building Grade Aa 4.3 1.0


FB2 18.3 3.66 3.3 Grade Aa 4.9 2.5

FB3 26.3 4.14 4.1 Grade Aa 4.0 1.4

FB4 28.8 5.14 4.6 Grade Aa 3.7 1.6

FB5 27.2 4.76 4.4 Grade Aa 3.1 1.9

LWG 23.2 - 4.6 Grade Ab 5.3 1.5

LWF 20.7 - 4.4 Grade Ab 5.8 1.6

LWC 19.9 - 2.0 Grade Ab 4.3 1.1

σcu, Compressive strength; σspt, split tensile strength; SD,

standard deviation.
IS: 1185 -Part I(C & M 8).
IS:1185-Part 2 (C & M 9),+IS:15658 (C & M 19).

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Sustainability of fibre composite concrete construction

O. Kayali, in Sustainability of Construction Materials (Second
Edition), 2016
21.7.4 The development of geopolymer concrete
Geopolymer concrete has become a very popular subject of
research in recent years. The main reason for its popularity is
that the use of geopolymers carries the potential of totally
replacing portland cement as the cementitious material.
What makes it even more attractive to use is the fact that its
raw component is usually an industrial by-product rich with
silica and alumina. Such compounds are found in abundance
in by-products like fly ash, slag, rice husk ash and metakaolin.
Ground granulated blast furnace slag used as the only alkali-
activated material (Mozgawa and Deja, 2009; Li et al., 2010;
Oh et al., 2010) or one of combinations of alkali-activated
industrial by-products (Cheng and Chiu, 2003; Izquierdo et
al., 2009) has produced expected promising results as load-
bearing and fire-resistant material. Rice husk ash has been
researched mainly in combination with fly ash to produce
satisfactory performing geopolymers (Kusbiantoro et al.,
2012; He et al., 2013). The use of red mud as a major
geopolymer raw material has been explored (van Riessen et
al., 2013) and is indeed a very promising waste material that
can be utilized in combination with different by-products in
sectors of construction that also result in environmental
protection (He et al., 2012, 2013; Kumar and Kumar, 2013;
Hajjaji et al., 2013; Badanoiu et al., 2015). Metakaolin has
become an important supplementary cementitious material
that possesses geopolymeric components. Metakaolin has
been activated on its own to act as the only cementitious
material (Rovnanik, 2010; Kuenzel et al., 2013; White et al.,
2013; Pelisser et al., 2013; Li et al., 2010) or in combination
with fly ash (Khatib et al., 2014; Papa et al., 2014) or with rice
husk ash and silica fume (Villaquiran-Caicedo et al., 2015).
Arguably, the most popular material used to produce
geopolymer concrete is fly ash. This has prompted research
into optimizing mix-design methods for this new
construction material (Junaid et al., 2015). Nevertheless,
significant research into the use of other silica- and alumina-
bearing compounds has been increasing.
An expected corollary to these activities has been exploring
the possibility of fibre reinforcement in geopolymer concrete
(Nematollahi et al., 2014). The feasibility of using fibres in
geopolymer concrete has been clearly established with fibre-
reinforced geopolymers displaying a clear strain-hardening
characteristic with strain values in the range of 4% (Ohno and
Li, 2014). Fig. 21.5 from the work of Ohno and Li (2014)
shows the behaviour of a fibre-reinforced geopolymer
concrete bar in direct tensile test.

Fig. 21.5. Fibre-reinforced geopolymer concrete showing the

multiple cracking phenomenon (cracks are marked by blue
lines) (Ohno and Li, 2014).
Fig. 21.5 very clearly shows the phenomenon of multiple
cracking that distinguishes the strain-hardening
phenomenon (Wille and Naaman, 2010). Ohno and Li (2014)
further demonstrated this phenomenon in the diagram of
stress–strain shown in Fig. 21.6. The strain-hardening
phenomenon is clearly demonstrated in which the material
has acquired approximately 4.7% of strain while stress has
increased constantly to nearly double its value at the point of
maximum elastic stress. This diagram confirms the results of
Wille and Naaman and their proposed model (Wille and
Naaman, 2010).

Fig. 21.6. The stress–strain diagram corresponding to fibre-

reinforced geopolymer concrete showing clear strain-
hardening characteristic (Ohno and Li, 2014).

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URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081003701000214

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