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1 Technology, Evolution and Purpose

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Technology, Evolution, and Purpose

Author(s): Harvey Brooks

Source: Daedalus, Vol. 109, No. 1, Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity? (Winter,
1980), pp. 65-81
Published by: The MIT Press on behalf of American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20024649
Accessed: 14/06/2009 22:11

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Technology, Evolution, and Purpose

it has been traditional to define technology in terms of its physical embodi

ments, as novel physical objects created by man to fulfill certain human pur
poses. In my opinion, this is too limited a view and one that is becoming
increasingly obsolete. Nevertheless, this narrow conception of technology is
one source of the current malaise with respect to technology and our
technological society.
Hannay and McGinn have said that the "basic function of technology is the
of the realm of human This is a defini
expansion practical possibility."1 good
tion, but it seems to me that it already implies a good deal more than physical
artifacts. Technology must be sociotechnical rather than technical, and a tech
nology must include the managerial and social supporting systems necessary to
on a
apply it significant scale. Most highly original inventions have usually in
volved social as well as technical innovation. The Edison electric light, the
Xerox copier, the computer, the Polaroid camera, the automobile, the television
system?all involved concepts of complete technological systems that included
and markets. In the case of TV, very different man
supporting organizations
agerial and financing systems grew up in different countries with the same hard
ware are of the sociotechnical
building blocks. To be sure, not all innovations
are that fit into as
system type. Many simply components existing systems, such
bubbles or and their introduction little
magnetic integrated circuits, requires
social or market innovation. however, even such "hardware"
Ultimately, purely
type innovations can have major social impact through the changes they make
possible in the systems of which they are a part. Other innovations may arise
largely out of basic scientific discoveries such as lasers and many new materials.
In the past, the social aspect was largely restricted to the market, to envi
a social need not to exist that could be so marketed
sioning previously imagined
as to create a
self-sustaining technological system. In this sense, many of the most
important inventions have been systems inventions in which the organization of
the market has been part of the system. Today, managerial innovations are
an important aspect of We see this
becoming increasingly technology. particu
larly in the case of computers and communications systems, where not only the
software, but also the organization that goes with the system, are inseparable
from the physical embodiment of the technology, and are often the most ex
and innovative of it. Some such as MacDonald's or the
pensive parts enterprises

supermarket are based almost entirely on managerial innovation, with simple

inventions in hardware being added gradually and later as incidental improve
ments to the
original managerial concept.2
It seems to me that the defining feature of technology is that it is "public
knowledge," in the sense proposed by J. M. Ziman with respect to science.3
But rather than knowledge of how and why things are as they are, it is know
ledge of how to fulfill certain human purposes in a specifiable and reproducible
way. The characteristic aspect of public knowledge is its communicability and
reproducibility; it is that can be reconstructed in
something principle through
specifiable algorithms.4 To an extent, it is independent of culture and can be
reproduced in any culture. Yet, not all cultures are equally receptive to it, and
the process of assimilation may require great effort and patience. Furthermore,
different cultures will tend to generate or select different technologies, so that
the actual technological system that is chosen will be culture-dependent. Tech
nology, therefore, does not consist of artifacts but of the public knowledge that
underlies the artifacts and the way they can be used in society. Management,
insofar as it can be described by fully specifiable rules, is thus a technology, and
indeed every large bureaucratic organization can be considered an embodiment
of technology just as much as a piece of machinery. Thus it has been suggested
that the greatest innovation in the Apollo program was not the hardware, but
the managerial system. This system made possible the degree of reliability and
technical discipline to to a successful conclusion,
necessary bring the project
through the coordination of the activities of hundreds of contractors and sub
contractors.5 In contrast, the of the Commission that it
report Kemeny suggests
was the lack of similar mangerial innovation in the nuclear industry that led to
the mishaps of Three Mile Island and Brown's Ferry.6
By identifying technology with knowledge rather than artifacts, we do not
intend to imply that technology is the same as science, or even that it is based on
science, which is conceptual knowledge involving mental models applicable in a
number of concrete situations. can be
large Technological knowledge highly
scientific and abstract, but it can also be highly concrete and empirical. Usually
it consists of a mix, with the science component being much larger in the tech
of more recent It is also to observe that the process
nologies vintage. important
of creating technology for the first time is quite different from the process of
it so that it can be reproduced by others. The creation process is
culture-dependent, but its reproducibility makes it technology rather than art.
The assertion that is is, of course, con
technology culture-wdependent
troversial, but it is certainly true that most cultures behave as though this were
so. The attitude toward Western technology in Islamic cultures is particularly
in this respect. Even a country as conservative as Saudi Arabia be
lieves it can adopt modern technology while retaining all the essentials of Islam
ic culture and beliefs. Japan is often cited as an example of a different culture
that has assimilated modern technology and become a creator of it without giv
ing up its own cultural norms. That this is questionable does not alter the fact
that the transferable elements that specifically define technology are not part of
culture. The social effects of technology are of living
secondary consequences
with the embodiments of technology, not a part of the technology itself. This is
true even if the social consequences turn out to be inevitable for practical pur

poses. We know, for example, that people of widely differing political, cultural,
and religious persuasions can both create and apply the same technologies.

The Innovation Process

The by which
process technology is conceived, developed, codified, and
on a scale is called innovation. In fact, it is its reproducible and
deployed large
transferable nature that makes it possible for technology to be diffused widely,
often with surprising speed. We know today that innovation is the major source
of economic growth in industrial societies, almost certainly more important
than physical factors such as labor and capital.7 Indeed, growth probably occurs
as a result of the embodiment of new knowledge both in physical
capital and in human labor and organizations. In this sense, innovation consists
in the creation of sociotechnical systems, and it is these systems that are the
source of economic
Becauseof the relationship between the creation of technology and econom
ic growth, industrial societies have become increasingly preoccupied with diag
nosis of the innovative process in order to stimulate and nurture it as a source
both of domestic growth and comparative advantage in international trade.8 In
addition, it has become an ever larger component of military power; indeed, the
capacity of the United States to innovate rapidly and efficiently in weapons
systems is frequently put forward as the key source of continuing U.S. military
over the Soviets,
advantage offsetting their greater rate of investment inmilitary
hardware during the past decade.9 Since the early 1970s, concern has
been expressed in the United States about an alleged decline in our rate of
innovation, especially in comparison with the dynamic economies of
and Japan.10 The U.S. trade deficit and declining rates of growth of productiv
ity in the domestic economy are attributed in part to declining innovative capac
ity. However, there is little agreement as to whether the declining innovation
rate is a problem in itself or a symptom of other
changes in U.S. society, such as
a low and investment rate and an shift of both innovative
savings increasing
effort and investment toward environmental and
improvement, energy savings,
social services. The product of these improvements is not measured in custom
ary productivity indices, but itmay be of equal or greater value from the stand
of overall social welfare.11
Innovation is not the same thing as either R&D or invention, although these
are both
important parts of the innovation process. The process includes the
evolution of a whole technological system, from research through invention, to
for and or
design manufacturing, marketing operational application. As in
dicated earlier, innovation includes organizational change and the creation of
social support systems to make possible the deployment and use of artifacts on a
scale. Thus the of service stations and
large system repair shops, of highways
and highway maintenance, of credit and insurance, of traffic controls and law
enforcement, all comprise the technological system of automobile transporta
tion. Their creation constitutes a part of the innovation process in which the
automobile is the central artifact.12 In this sense, we see that innovations are not
conceived and created all at once, but, rather, that evolve in close inter
action with society. Very often the driving force may be the central artifact?in

our example, the automobile?and this pulls along with it a host of ancillary
technologies, from gasoline pumps to oil refineries to radar speed measuring
devices. One can, in fact, imagine a variety of alternative organizational and
the same basic elements. For ex
supporting systems embracing technological
the automobile system could have developed on a rental rather
ample, entirely
than an ownership basis, much like the telecommunication system.
Most innovations are directed not at the final consumer, but at the develop
ment of capital goods and intermediate products that are inputs to the manufac
or the distribution system. These innovations affect the
turing process
consumer only indirectly their influence on the costs of and
through production
distribution. They may also interface with the public through their effect on the
environment public health.
The fact that most innovation is directed at capital and intermediate inputs
is the reason that labor productivity, or factor productivity more generally, can
be used as measures of the rate of technological change. Innovation directed at
the final consumer, contrast, often does not show up in Gross National
Product measures. For home that have in
example, appliances enormously
creased the productivity of work in the household, or power tools that have
increased the productivity of do-it-yourself work, hardly show up at all in con
ventional measures of GNP or the tools and appliances
productivity. Only
themselves, not the stream of services are valued in the
continuing they provide,
GNP. new or that reduce or save ener
Similarly, products processes pollution
gy have become an increasingly prominent target for innovation, yet are mea
sured only minimally in the GNP. An auto tire that has a much longer lifetime
or that results in substantial fuel over the life of a car will be counted in
the GNP only to the extent that it is more expensive than the tires it replaces.
This extra initial cost, however, will generally be more than offset by lower
sales of tires and fuel over the lifetime of the car. Thus,
replacement by savings
the net effect of such an innovation could be a reduction of measured GNP,
even though society is obviously materially enriched by its substitution for
In the past, a area of innovation has been that of materials
very dynamic
with new properties, ranging from high-purity silicon fabricated into integrated
circuits to steels. Yet, these material innovations result al
high-strength alloy
most exclusively in intermediate goods that are sold to manufacturers either to
or to be into or consumer
improve production incorporated capital goods goods.
New materials have often made goods cheaper and more durable, as in the
vacuum tube radios and TV by solid state electronic devices that
replacement of
are both we see an
cheaper and longer lasting. Here, again, important package
of innovations that does not show up directly inmeasures of economic output or
personal consumption. They may affect GNP, but only indirectly, by reducing
the cost of final goods, and thus generating increased purchases through the
mechanism of price elasticity of demand, or simply because the goods are more
attractive to consumers.14

It is often useful to think of biological evolution as a metaphor for tech

nological evolution and innovation, although technological evolution takes place
a million times faster than biological evolution.15 In this metaphor the part of
genetic inheritance is played by the inherent logic of technological develop

ment, whereas the part of natural selection by the environment is played by the
social mechanisms of decision, the market. Just as other species form
of the environment that exercises selection on a so
part pressures given species,
do form of the selective environment that deter
competing technologies part
mines the evolution of a given technology. Technologies have ecological rela
tionships with one another, and occupy niches in the overall
technological system, do species in the biological world. The biological meta
phor is most apt in the case of markets, where selection is exercised in millions
of decentralized and uncoordinated decisions. It is less clearly applicable when
case of
society exercises collective choices, as, for example, in the political deci
sions to go forward with or cancel large technological programs such as the S ST
or the breeder reactor. Social decisions to
regulate environmental impact, or
occupational health and safety, similarly have no clear counterpart in natural
evolution, except in the sense that they are and
biological culture-dependent
thus part of the social context of technological evolution.
The biological analog of conscious political choice in technological evolution
is, perhaps, best viewed as analogous to the artificial selection used in creating
domesticated species. Here, man has intervened in natural selection to produce
new are the
biological results that product of conscious collective choice. Just as
man has learned how to direct natural evolution in parts of the ecosystem
so have societies
through artificial selection, gradually learned how to take over
the direction of technological evolution from the market through collective regu
lation or investment. In this sense, the art of assessment
government technology
becomes analogous to the art of plant or animal breeding. The possibilities for
the channeling of technological evolution are still constrained by the internal
logic of technology at a particular stage of its just as the possi
bilities for creating new properties of plants and animals are constrained by the
varieties that exist in the present generation and by the laws of genetics. One
can, perhaps, carry the analogy still further by pointing out that the modern
phenomenon of organized innovation in large firms and laboratories may bear
some resemblance to a kind of genetic in the biological field.
The biological metaphor is useful because it illuminates the debate between
those who see technology as proceeding inexorably by an inner logic and those
who see technology and innovation as being largely driven by social forces or
class interests. as the variations on which natural selection acts are
Just genetic
determined internal events, so evolution from one of tech
by genetic generation
nology to the next is determined by logic internal to the technological system.
But just as the number of genetic variations is very large compared with the
number that are in the next as a result of natural selec
propagated generation
tion, so is the number of technical possibilities very large compared with those
that actually survive in the development process, and even more so in the mar
ket or society. Thus the influence of society and culture on the inner logic of
is similar to the influence of the environment on
technology genetic inheritance
between successive In each case the inheritance mechanism
a of possibilities, while the environment selects
produces large redundancy
those that survive to the next generation. In technological evolution, what
survives provides the knowledge base that generates the full range of possibi
lities for the next generation of technology. The genealogy of ideas in the evolu

tion of technology is similar to the genealogy of genetic variations in biological


Some of the critics of recent technological trends argue from perspectives

somewhat similar to those who are critical of human intervention in natural
evolution, as in the use of artificial monocultures in modern intensive agricul
ture. Just as ecologists deplore man's upsetting of the "balance of nature"
or industrial practices, so some critics of
through his agricultural and building
recent technology argue that consumer no controls its devel
sovereignty longer
opment; technology, rather, is forced into the market by high-powered sales
and by the influence of concentrated corporate power on the political
process. These critics would
agree that the biggest revolution in the last half
century is the development of systems for the organized generation of new tech
nology, the creation of institutions to manufacture technology in almost the
same way that in the nineteenth century we created institutions to manufacture
on a
and market goods and services large scale. But it is exactly this revolution
that they condemn as taking technology out of the context of "natural" evolution
in the marketplace.16 Only in the days of the lone inventor was the evolution of
technology truly "organic," allowing the social selection process time and trial
and-error to determine the true "fitness" of a new contrast,
technology. By
"artificial selection" or forced development of technology is creating
"monsters" that are vulnerable and nonresilient.

It is interesting to note, in fact, that this criticism emanates in different ways

from both the Right and the Left. The Left sees the generation of new tech
as been taken over by concentrated corporate power in alliance
nology having
with government, the the sees the evolution of tech
especially military; Right
as distorted by political intervention and the creation
nology being increasingly
of perverse incentives by government. Neither, however, usually condemns the
same end results of technological evolution. Critics of the Left focus their con
demnation on especially military development and
large-scale technologies,
such as nuclear critics of the
large-scale energy generation technologies power;
on the diversion of technological innovation to meet what they see as
unreasonable environmental or health and
requirements safety regulations.
Nevertheless, some critics on the Right have asserted that nuclear power has
run into trouble just because it was forced prematurely into the market through
government pressures on industry and special economic incentives that dis
torted the form and rate of evolution of the technology.17 Industry, they say,
was led down the primrose path by government. In two other respects the
that a com
critics would probably agree: government regulation has given
parative to larger firms, and that it has tended to erode com
in the
petitiveness economy.18

Recent Trends in Technological Development

What can we say about recent trends in the character of technology? To
what extent are these trends inherent in technological extent are
logic; to what
they a of social forces; and to what extent are they merely transient
phenomena as with irreversible tendencies? Just as biological evolu
tion has often led to dead ends, is it possible that technological evolution is
us into cultural dead ends, as the critics of the New Left maintain?

Is technology the cause for, or the solution of, the probl?matique of our newly
or is it some combination of both?19
global society,
are of a number of trends or
Following analyses alleged trends and attempts
to their future course.

scale Economies of scale have been a major driving force in the evolution
of technology in the twentieth century. These economies apply both to the size
of individual embodiments of technology?supertankers, nuclear power plants,
wide-bodied aircraft, energy and communications networks?and to the size of
the market for consumer technologies?automobiles, TV and radio, pocket
computers. The scale of markets, of course, implies an accompanying large
scale sociotechnical system for marketing and service, so that it equally requires
large organizations and control systems. There is some evidence that we may
have come to the end of the road as far as the scale of individual technological
embodiments are concerned. In the past decade, for example, no additional
economies of scale have been realized with electric generating plants, and there
is even some indication that the reliability of such plants is lower than for small
er in the siting of power plants have increased rapid
plants. Political difficulties
as the scale of individual
ly plants has increased, in part because of the
concentration of environmental impacts. Even though the cost of pollution con
trol tends to be a smaller fraction of cost as size increases, the environmen
tal impact ismore concentrated, and hence visible, and tends to provide a more
obvious target for opposition.20 Supertankers have become so large that they
can enter fewer and fewer
ports, and will be subject to ever tighter navigation
restrictions. Ecological damage from the shipwreck of one supertanker is more
obvious and concentrated, even such tankers account for a small
though only
fraction of the oil entering the marine environment.
Many environmental problems are associated not with new technologies/^
se but with the scale on which
they are applied and diffused. Individually, auto
mobiles are less and smaller demands on natural resources than
polluting place
did the horse-and-buggy. Electric generating plants pollute the air less than
wood stoves relative to the amount of energy produced. Traffic and
are problems of scale, not of the basic
building blocks of technology. Some of
these of scale arise because a tends to become
problems particular technology
less adaptive to its environment as its scale of application increases: designs
become standardized in order to realize economies of scale, it more
difficult to adapt as environmental from this same
designs problems resulting
scale become manifest. evolution, which is highly plastic and
responsive in its early phases, tends to as a result of itsmarket success.
Yet, scale is a and not all trends are in the direction of
complex concept,
centralization. When examined carefully, the concepts of scale and centraliza
tion become rather ambiguous. The automobile, in its individual embodiment,
is a decentralized more
technology that permits much personal control over
mobility than does public transit. Indeed, when the value of time is taken into
account, the automobile appears to be the cheapest form of transportation in
most circumstances. Other small-scale that facilitate con
technologies personal
trol and choice are home appliances, television, phonographs, personal comput
ers, services, and credit cards. From the of the user, these
telephone standpoint

seem to be "appropriate inmost of the senses usually put forward

by the advocates of such technologies. Yet, they are seldom cited favorably,
enormous and service
apparently because all require production, distribution,
networks that are associated with centralization and bureaucracy. The booming
do-it-yourself home
tool and shop business, cable TV, citizen's band radio, self
vehicles?all that appear to increase individ
powered camping technologies
ual control, without depending very much on large centralized infrastructures.
Individual solar energy installations are frequently cited as an example of appro
that frees the individual from dependence on impersonal ener
priate technology
gy networks; yet, it is hard to see how solar energy could be deployed on a
scale without standardization and mass production, and without
large distribution and service networks differing little from those associated
with, say, automobiles or home The advocates of decentralized
energy systems often envision a construction and repair industry,
but, in this case, massive education and information dissemination would be
necessary, even most families would want to build their own.
assuming Clearly,
this is a prime example of Spreng and Weinberg's trade-off with both time and

centralization and decentralization The automobile and cable TV

may be examples of two decentralized technologies that have displaced or will

displace centralized large-scale technologies. The automobile has already
the passenger railroad and urban mass transportation in most
largely displaced
of the United States. It has done this by making possible decentralized living
patterns (associated also with the availability of home appliances) and by in

troducing, through competition, diseconomies of small scale into public trans

portation. Public transport has the characteristic that both the quality and the
of the service with patronage. But patron
cheapness improve rapidly increasing
age of rail and public transit is declining everywhere in the industrialized world,
and we see a descending spiral of poorer service and further loss of patronage.
It could well be that we will see a similar phenomenon occurring between
broadcast and cable TV and, even between solar and cen
conceivably, energy
tralized electric grids. Cable TV could well draw off the most affluent patronage
from broadcast TV, thus setting off a spiral of declining advertising revenue and
ever which could result in the demise of man's"
poorer programming, "poor
home entertainment,just as the automobile threatens the demise of "poor
man's" public transportation. Similarly, the advent of decentralized power
sources, available at first largely to the more affluent, could so degrade the eco
nomics of energy distribution networks as to make them uneconomical or in
without such as is now necessary to
ordinately expensive public subsidy,
sustain transit.
These examples show that the trend toward centralization in modern tech
is less clear and less certain than is sometimes asserted. Many modern
technologies are, in fact, decentralizing rather than centralizing, much as in the
case of TV in to the movie theater of a
comparison generation ago.

standardization One of the ways to achieve economies of scale has been

through standardization of products, especially in the basic technology. This
is now on a world scale
standardization appearing through dissemination by

that transcend national boundaries. One hears, for instance, increas

a "world automobile."23 We have seen that the use of
ing talk of widespread
small-scale decentralized technologies requires standardization in production
and service aspects if the technology is to become inexpensive enough to be
accessible to a large fraction of the population. Thus, even for decentralized
"appropriate" technologies, it is the form of centralization that is changed rather
than the need for centralization in some aspect of the system.
The advent of sophisticated and cheap information technology may also be
greatly decreasing the significance of standardization for achieving economies of
scale in production and distribution. Assembly systems can now be pro
to turn out many individualized versions of a technology on the same
production line, and this is probably only the beginning of a trend toward sub
stituting cheap information for standardization. Indeed, following the argument
a de
of Spreng and Weinberg, the old-fashioned mass-production factory was
vice for economizing on both time and information in the process;
but as information becomes cheaper, it is no longer so necessary to economize
on it in order to obtain an accessible to all. Production can
inexpensive product
be much more individualized, even crafted.
Similarly, in the distribution pro
to store information has made it
cess, the ability possible to reduce inventories
and to offer wider choices to consumers. In the of the re
servicing products,
placement of mechanical by electronic functions should have two effects: to
make products more durable and to make diagnostics and repair much more
Thus one of information
automatic, hence, cheaper. impact technology may be
to the economic balance between
change cheap capital-intensive production and
expensive labor-intensive repair that has been the underlying driving force of
our This will come about
"throw-away" society. change because repair will be
cheaper and materials and energy that go into the original production more

labor versus energy and materials An characteristic of tech

nological progress in the last one hundred years has been that it is labor-saving
(or time-saving) rather than materials- and energy-saving. Although outputs per
unit of labor, material, and energy input have increased, the output per unit of
labor has increased much more rapidly than the other two. This is a con
sequence of the fact that the cost of labor has risen much faster than the cost of
materials and energy, and it is thus that a major part of
logical technological
innovation should be directed at saving on the most
expensive input. A man
hour of labor today buys many times more raw materials and
energy than it did
in 1900.24 Indeed, until the
early 1970s, the trend in real costs of energy and
raw materials had been almost
uniformly downward for more than a century.
While there are few experts who would agree that we have reached "limits to
growth" in terms of basic materials and energy, or that we will "run out" of the
resources necessary to support continued economic
growth within the foresee
able future, there is general agreement that resources will become more ex
pensive, and that we are entering a period of transition from a world economy
based on the extraction of
cheap resources from localized, high-grade locations,
to an based on the extraction of more abundant but much lower
economy grade,
and hence more to extract, resources that are more distrib
expensive widely
uted.25 This transition will involve, as well, extensive substitution for relatively
rare and resources?as it were, information (and inge
expensive substituting
nuity) for unusually, but only temporarily, accessible resources. What this im
plies, of course, is that much more innovative effort in the future will be
directed at saving resources and energy, or substituting more abundant, but
more difficult to convert and use, resources for
relatively rare, but easier to
convert and use, resources.26 Natural and oil are of re
gas prime examples
sources that are remarkably easy to extract and use; they will be replaced by
coal, uranium, and solar energy, all of which are more abundant and widely
distributed, but much harder and trickier to convert to usable form. But in the
intermediate term there is general agreement that the most cost-effective policy
is to extend the life of our highest-quality resources
through investments in
more efficient end use.27
A question difficult to answer iswhether the shift of innovative effort toward
materials and energy conservation will result in slower growth of labor produc
tivity. There is evidence of a trend in this direction in the United States, but
there is no consensus that this has much to do with a shift of innovative effort.
Some attribute it to emphasis on meeting environmental restrictions, but the
still at
question appears open present.
is little question, however, that the entrepreneurial opportunities in
for energy and materials efficiency are very large. This is especially
true because the new associated with the word "microelectronics"
have very high potential for substituting ingenuity (information) for materials
and energy consumption. A major part of the recent improvement in fuel effi
ciency of automobiles has been due to the use of electronic techniques in con
trolling combustion. The possibilities of using sophisticated controls on the
direction and flow of energy in industrial processes and in commercial and resi
dential use are and have been started. Of course, microelectronics
great barely
can also human labor; to the extent that costs are reflected
replace higher energy
in increased wage inflation, there may be equal pressures to use technology to
replace labor. But it may also be that here is an opportunity to channel con
sciously an emerging technology into applications that are preferentially
rather than and this may more than nor
resource-saving labor-saving, require
mal market forces to make it come about. At all events, this appears to be a

prospective sea change in the direction of technological progress in the future.

consumer sovereignty versus complexity To the that the

degree prod
ucts of innovation go directly to the consumer, rather than being sold as inter
mediate goods or capital equipment to
producers, they have been characterized
by increasing mismatch between the complexity of the product and the abili
to assess
ty of the purchaser its qualities and performance. Thus the traditional
model of the market in which producers and consumers bargain rationally,
based on complete information regarding the properties of the products in ques
tion, breaks down. To be sure, various mechanisms have aris
en?consumer research consumer and
organizations, protection legislation

agencies such as the Consumer Products Safety Commission, stricter product

liability interpretations in the courts, and voluntary industry standards. All of
these mechanisms are intended to substitute for the lack of knowledge and time

for the consumer to evaluate the host of products he buys. Where the balance
now lies, therefore, can be endlessly debated without any clear conclusion.
In the nineteenth century caveat emptor was the rule, and the purchaser of a
defective or hazardous product had little recourse other than not to purchase the
product a second time. But products were also much simpler and fewer in
ber and variety. The question today is whether the countervailing mechanisms
have kept up with the increased complexity of products. This question applies
not only to issues of safety, but also to matters of durability, maintainability,
energy consumption, and environmental effects, none of which can really be
assessed by the consumer before he buys. In the courts, the burden of proof has
shifted strongly toward the producer to prove the safety and performance of his
product. For high-technology products, such as prescription drugs, an elaborate
assessment mechanism has been created to the consumer, the
protect despite
fact that the physician is an intermediary between the producer and developer
of the drug and the patient. This is because the technical sophistication of the
is the of even a who is not a on
product beyond capacity professional specialist
to evaluate.
Of course, the inability of the consumer
to properly evaluate high
technology products has led to the centralization
of decision-making with re
spect to the safety of such products. Organizations such as the Food and Drug
Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Automobile
Safety Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission intervene between
and consumer. Even for such as ma
producer producer goods, manufacturing
chinery, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration has intervened to
the worker. Products such as aircraft, nuclear reactors,
protect passenger public
transportation equipment, and residential and commercial buildings are all sub
to evaluation by public intermediaries on behalf of the
ject safety and health of
the consumer.

In summary, while the increasing complexity of products has led to the

erosion of consumer sovereignty as amechanism for quality control and product
assessment in the market, substitute intermediary mechanisms have evolved for
making such decisions in a centralized way on behalf of the consumer. These
mechanisms, however, constitute another source of centralization and bureau
cratic structures that have been
generated by modern technological

environmental pollution and externalities There is a

public perception that technology has increased the pollution of the environ
ment, and multiplied the hazards to the health and safety of the public that arise
from the deployment of technology. This perception may be
only partially cor
rect. The and scientific concern is not matched
rising public yet by statistical
indicators that show life is more hazardous on the average than it used to be.
Quite the contrary is the case.28 With the exception of the rise in the incidence
of lung cancer, which is generally acknowledged as attributable if not
exclusively, to there are no trends in the incidence of forms of
smoking, specific
cancer that the of a new threat to human health.
suggest appearance major
Certain other forms of cancer, such as melanoma, have shown increases in in

cidence, but are statistically minor in the overall picture. Some diseases thought

to be cardiovascular diseases?have shown

environmentally caused?notably

improving trends in the United the last few years. States within
a latent haz
However, all this does prove that technology may not present
ard that has not yet caught up with us. New substances are constantly being
introduced into the environment, and new technology deployed in such a way
that a major commitment is often made in a period that is short compared with
the induction period of cancer produced by low-level exposures to environmen
tal contaminants. Our knowledge of the biological mechanisms of cancer induc
tion is too rudimentary for us to rule out such future delayed effects from
current industrial activities. There have been numerous examples in which oc
cupational exposure to chemicals, or expqsure of patients to new
drugs, has
resulted in serious delayed effects. The cases of asbestos and vinyl chloride
monomer come to mind, as well as several examples of mercury
Fortunately, the population affected has been sufficiently small so that these
episodes have not affected national health statistics. But the potential is there. In
the case of saccharin, for example, more than seventy million people routinely
use saccharin, and the rate of saccharin use children under ten has risen

dramatically within a few years.29 With such large populations exposed, even
very minute cancer risks could result in a large number of people being affected
in decades to come. Hence, the concern and debate over whether saccharin

should be banned. Fatigue failure of man-made structures is something that can

occur after many years of use; it represents another example of a delayed effect
that could appear long after an apparently safe technology had been deployed
on a we a more about the
large scale. Fortunately, know gQod deal physics of
metal fatigue than about the biology of cancer induction, but the possibility of
hazard is there. The recent problem with the DC-10 is a sobering reminder.
Alterations of natural ecosystems can also have human effects that are long
and not be felt until future The
delayed may generations.30 intergenerational

question has been raised especially forcefully in connection with radioactive

waste from the nuclear power The effect of fluoro
management industry.
carbons from cans on ozone is a worry decades
spray stratospheric only many
in the future, but it will result from current activities and take many decades to
use of fluorocarbons
disappear even after the is banned.31 The increase of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil fuels and the conversion
of forests to agriculture is another essentially irreversible, but long-in-the future,
effect.32 Thus the absence of contemporaneous indicators of trouble is not cause
Another source of concern is that, whereas earlier environmental threats
or had an immediate
could be apprehended by the senses (for example, smoke),
effect (disease due to contaminated water), today's hazards of technology can
often be identified only with the aid of very sophisticated science. They usually
have to be measured with sensitive scientific instruments, and their human ef
fects lie at the end of a long, complex, and frequently uncertain causal chain, as
in the case of fluorocarbons or sulfate aerosols from coal-fired electric power


Innovation for What?

Until World War II the process of technological was

change largely directed
by the market. Only in the military field was it clearly driven by other forces,
technology, evolution, and purpose 77

but until the postwar period the magnitude of military R&D and the rate of
innovation were modest compared with civilian fields. In 1938 agricul
tural research constituted 40 percent of all government-supported research in
the United States. By the mid-sixties it had dropped to 1.6 percent. In 1938

federally supported research constituted less than one-sixth of national R&D

it was to
expenditures. In the mid-sixties nearly 70 percent, and it has fallen off
about 45 percent today.33 During the postwar period technological develop
ment has also been increasingly driven by new technological opportunities, as

perceived in the political process?civilian nuclear energy and the space pro
are the clearest
gram among examples.
Within the last decade to the collective
increasing attention has been given
of to realize certain social goals outside the purview of
channeling technology
the market. The biom?dical research program of the National Institutes of
Health and rising expenditures on energy and environmental research are here
the clearest examples. Environmental an
regulation has also played important
role in the private sector, as illustrated by the dramatic
growth of research expenditures by the automobile industry in connection with
emission controls and fuel conservation. More precisely stated, regulation has
created a market for technologies that would not have been demanded by con
sumers because their benefits represent a public
good?for example, pollution
controls. has made an accurate estimate of what fraction of the national
R&D effort, private and public, is now directed at meeting goals established by
or by citizens
government through regulation through collective action in the

We that in the last two decades the percentage of technical articles

do know
published risk assessment has increased eightfold, and
in Science that deal with
this is certainly symptomatic of a broad trend in scientific and technological
activity and interest.34 Despite all this, however, the overwhelming proportion
of nonmilitary research is still directed at meeting traditional market demands,
directly through innovations in consumer products, and indirectly through ad
vances in or service or in the materials and com
manufacturing technology
ponents used in consumer and
products capital goods.
Robert Morison's paper raises the issue of whether this laissez faire (or laissez
innover) to is under modern circumstances.35
approach technology appropriate
Much of today's R&D, it is argued, is aimed at or the
extending elaborating
amenities available in affluent societies. These may
already represent improve
ments in the quality of life that are marginal at best, and that may be increas
ingly offset by unforeseen side effects a little further in the future. The question
raised iswhether can and should be directed in amore concentrated
way at meeting fundamental human needs of the future.
In the eyes of many, humanity is at a crossroads, on the threshold of a
precarious future that could bring catastrophe and collapse or material abun
dance for all. This "transition crisis" arises because of man's activities are
now of sufficient to make on the natural world we
magnitude significant inroads
have inherited from geological ages. For the first time we are depleting some of
the mineral concentrations laid down over geological history. Several natural
geochemical cycles of nitrogen and of sulfur are now being appreciably acceler
ated man's activities, and we have the to accelerate others,
by capacity many
such as the hydrological cycle, in the near future. We are now
changing the

trace substance composition of the global atmosphere sufficiently to alter cli

mate drastically early in the next century. Agriculture now accounts for about 5
percent of all photosynthetic fixation of carbon, and the burning of fossil fuels
similarly corresponds to 5 percent of the global carbon fixation rate.36
What are the fundamental human needs to which advances in science and
could contribute? are the standard list: food, energy
technology They supply,
health, a cleaner environment, materials shelter,
supply, transportation, per
sonal security, and a social system that facilitates rapid adaptive change while
containing the possibility of violent conflict. The achievement of a minimum
level for all people in each of these areas is for the first time within reach from a
technical and scientific viewpoint, although science and technology cannot pro
vide a solution by themselves. They only generate the conditions in which
can a solution.
society develop
or can science and a min
Should technology be channeled toward providing
imum standard in each of these areas for every living person? I start from the
premise that such a standard is technically attainable; not everybody would
agree. The existence of absolute poverty in the world can no longer be justified
as a result of the scarcity of resources or the lack of technical capacity to alleviate
it. This is also an important respect in which we are at a crossroads: ours is the
first generation in which the technical possibility of a materially secure future
can be envisioned concretely without implausible extrapolation from existing
we may not be able to manage the transition. It
Socially and managerially
for entail a sacrifice of other values that are too cherished in
might, example,
advanced industrial societies to be given up willingly. A central argument of
antinuclear activists, for example, is that safe and secure management of a global
nuclear power industry would inevitably entail infringement of civil liberties.
Continued economic is most attacked on the that
growth frequently grounds
it destroys environmental values, which are cherished more for their own sake
than for their biological or physical sustenance of human existence.38 Legal
philosophers debate seriously whether objects of nature should have "standing"
in the courts in the same sense as young children or other helpless people who
cannot defend themselves.39 Whether the plight of the poor in the world can be
alleviated without some sacrifice of these values is at least open to question.
Those who defend them most earnestly argue that the problem of poverty
should be solved by redistribution rather than growth, but it is hard, for me at
least, to believe that the proponents of this view are really serious.
of mankind some
Improvement of the material condition inevitably involves
redistribution, of course, even if it results mainly from economic and tech
as land and wilderness are in finite supply, and
nological growth. Such items
thus tend to become shared in one way or another.40 In affluent
societies the most privileged groups can no longer command the personal ser
vices of others to the degree possible in poor societies. One suspects this may be
one of the unconscious reasons the condemnation of economic is con
fined mainly to an affluent minority in such societies. The redistribution that
has taken place is not so much in income or wealth (though rich countries gener
ally have much more equal income distributions than poor ones), but in what
wealth or income can command. The poor can buy TV sets and automobiles,
but the rich can no longer buy personal services or privacy.
technology, evolution, and purpose 79

What is implied by the foregoing, then, is that, although science and tech
have us with the means to overcome scarcity for everybody, it
nology provided
is less than self-evident that the actual application of these means is compatible
with such other goals as democracy, personal liberty, an aesthetically satisfying
environment, the preservation of pristine nature, or individual privacy and dig
nity. These, of course, are culturally derived values, and the culture is certainly
part of the environment that selects future technology. Also, the personality
types that emerge in various systems are different, and may in fact
be contradictory with the character types we idealize and regard as "civilized" in
the best sense.

Perhaps the greatest fear of some critics of technological societies is not that
progress will destroy or eliminate these values and character types, but that, if
we will not even miss them. At all events, it seems to me that this is
they do,
where the central debate on "innovation for what?" lies. Is the society of materi
al abundance for all, which iswithin our reach from a technical point of view, a
we want? The
society that problem is, those who have not attained to the state
of the affluent countries seldom consider that there is a real choice. They want
material progress; they are willing to mitigate the social costs only to the extent
that this does not interfere with progress. If the materially most advanced so
cieties decide that they have had enough of material progress, and look to other
values, not be able to arrest the of at the level.
they may process change present
The rest of the world may over them in its demand for what the
simply sweep
advanced societies have already achieved.
The other problem is, of course, that innovative capacity is largely concen
trated in the advanced societies and ismostly concentrated on the problems and
of those societies, whereas the of innovation are increas
aspirations objectives

ingly related to the poor societies. Some objectives, of course, are to some extent
common, energy supply perhaps being the best example. But even here needs
may be different and technologies not
directly transferable.
We have learned that innovative capacity is the hardest
thing in the world to
transfer. can be transferred, because, as we have seen, the
Technology very
definition of technology implies transferability in some degree, even though the
receptivity of a different culture may be in doubt. But innovative capacity may
be much more culture-dependent. One of the characteristics of all innovation (as
opposed to research or development per se) is that it can only be carried to clo
sure in very close
relationship to the final user of the technology. Even in devel
oped societies many innovations fail because in the end they don't quite "fit."
This problem is compounded when we try to innovate in a society at one cultur
al and material level for the benefit of another society at quite a different level.
Indeed, several participants at the conference that led to this volume have se
verely condemned the whole notion of innovation/or someone else. Yet, if the
world cannot make use of the innovative capacity that
already exists, but has to
wait for the development of indigenous innovative capacity in an almost autono
mous or self-sufficient fashion, it may be too late for the transition. There are
some it is too early to say how they will
promising developments, although
finally turn out. the past eight years the international agricultural re
search system, with its network of
independent but cooperating institutes, has
grown to be effective, especially in close to the ulti
extraordinarily innovating
mate user. An number of countries show
increasing developing signs of having

crossed a sort of take-off threshold of economic development, although the

lution in Iran illustrates how precarious this transition can be. The next decade
will be critical in relation to a host of developments in the application of tech
nology to economic and social development. It is unclear whether crises like that
in Iran will be a common feature of rapidly developing societies, especially
those with cultural traditions, or whether economic devel
non-European rapid
opment can follow a relatively smooth path. I remain an optimist because of my
belief that man will not be foolish enough to reject what is within his grasp, and
that we will succeed in reconciling further material progress with the other
values we hold dear.

^his volume of Daedalus.
2Levitt, Theodore, "Management and the 'Post-Industrial' Society," The Public Interest, 44
(Summer 1976): 69-103.
3Ziman, J. M., Public Knowledge: The Social Dimension of Science (New York: Cambridge Univer
sity Press, 1968).
4Brooks, H., "A Framework for Science and Technology Policy," Arleigh House IEEE Work

on Goals and Policy, 2 (5) (November 1972): 584-88.
5Sayles, L. A., Chandler, M. K., Managing Large Systems (New York: Harper & Row, 1971).
the Legacy ofTMI, Report of the President's
6Kemeny, J. G. (ch.), The Need for Change: Commis
sion on the Accident of Three Mile Island, October 1979, USGPO.
7National Science Foundation, Science and Technology Annual Report to the Au
gust 1978, USGPO, 1978.
8The White House. Fact Sheet. The President's Industrial Innovation Initiatives. October 31,
R&D: An Introductory
9Perry, R., Long, F. A., Reppy, J., "U.S. Programs Military Over
view," and "R&D American for Cornell/Rockefeller on Decision-Mak
Style," prepared Workshop
ing for U.S. Programs of Military R&D, March 1-2, 1979 (to be published).
10Katz, M., (ch.), Technology, Trade, and the U.S. Economy, report of NAE Workshop, Woods
Hole, August 22-31, 1976, Office of Foreign Secretary, NAS, 1978.
brooks, H., "Science and the Future of Economic Growth," Journal of the Electrochemical So
ciety, 121 (2) (February 1974): 35c^2c.
12NAS, Technology: Processes of Assessment and Choice, Committee on Science and Astronautics,
U.S. House of Representatives, July, 1969, USGPO, pp. 16-17.
13Heller, W., "On Economic Growth," in Schurr, S. H. (ed.), Energy, Economic Growth and the
Environment, for Resources for the Future, Inc. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1972), pp. 3-29.
in Applied Science and Tech
14Brooks, H., "Applied Research: Definitions, Concepts, Themes,"
on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives,
nological Progress, Committee June
1967, USGPO, pp. 21-55.
15Brooks, H., Assessment as a Process," International Social Science Journal,
UNESCO, 25 (3) (1973): 247-56.
16Wald, G. and discussants Bell, D., Brooks, H., and Fisk, J. B., "Man and the Machine:
for the Human in Greenberger, M. (ed.), Computers, Communications, and the
Prospects Enterprise,"
Public Interest (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971), pp. 255-93.
17Bupp, I. C, Derian, J. C, Light Water (New York: Basic Books, 1978).
18Ginsburg, Douglas H., Abernathy, W. J. (eds.), Government, Technology, and the Future of the
Automobile (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980).
19Brooks, H., "Technology: Hope Catastrophe?" Technology in Society, 1 (1979): 3-17.
20Brooks, H. "The Energy Problem," Oak Ridge Bicentennial Lectures, Technology and Society, spon
sored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1977, pp. 101-19, ORNL/PPA-77/3, USGPO, No.
21Brooks, H., "Critique of the Concept of Appropriate Technology," Appropriate Technology and
Social Values?A Critical Appraisal, Long, F. A. and Oleson, A. (eds.), published for the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences (Cambridge, Mass: Ballinger, 1980).
22This volume o? Daedalus.
23Orski, C. Kenneth, "Urban Transportation: The Role of Major Actors." Address delivered
at the Aspen Conference on Future Urban Transportation, sponsored by the American Planning
Association, June 3-7, 1979.

24Rice, D. B. (eh.), Government and theNation's Resources, report of the National Commission on
Supplies and Shortages, Washington, USGPO, December 1976.
25Brooks, H., "Notes on the Energy Probl?matique," for IFIAS Seminar "From Vi
sion to Action," held inMexico City under auspices of El Colegio de Mexico, October 22-26, 1979
(to be published).
26Brooks, H., "Resources and the Quality of Life in 2000," Annual Review ofMaterials Science,
8 (1978): 1-19.
27Brooks, H., Hollander, J. M., "United States Energy Alternatives to 2010 and Beyond: The
4 (1979): 1-70.
CONAES Study," Annual Review of Energy,
28Kates, R. W., "Assessing the Assessors: The Act and Ideology of Risk Assessment," Ambio,
6 (5) (1977): 247-52.
29NAS/NRC, Saccharin: Technical Assessment of Risk and Benefits, part 1F, Committee for a Study
on Saccharin and Food Safety Policy, Assembly of Life Sciences, NAS-NRC, 1979.
30Brooks, H., "Environmental and Values," inWhen Values
Decision-Making: Analysis Conflict,
Tribe, L. H., Schelling, C, and Voss, J. (eds.), (Cambridge, Mass:
Ballinger, 1976), pp. 115-35.
J. W., et al., Halocarbons: Environmental Release, NAS
31Tukey, Effects of Chlorofluoromethane
NRS, September 10, 1976.
32Charney, J. (ch.), Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment, Summary report of an Ad
Hoc on Carbon Dioxide and Climate, Woods Hole, 1979, National Acad
Study Group July 23-27,
emy of Sciences (to be published).
33Bush, V., et al., Science, the Endless Frontier, a report to the
on a program for postwar
scientific research, July 1945, republished by the National Science Foundation,
July 1960, cf. table
1, p. 86.
34Kates, R. W., "Assessing the Assessors."
35This volume of Daedalus.
36Stumm, W. (ed.), Global Chemical Cycles and Their Alterations byMan, (Berlin: Dahlem Konfer
enzen, 1977).
37For a striking presentation of this perspective, see Marchetti, C, On 1012: A Check on Earth
Carrying Capacity for Man, Research Report RR-78-7, May 1978, International Institute for Applied
Austria. *
Systems Analysis, Laxenburg,
38Tribe, L., "Ways Not to Think About Plastic Trees," inWhen Values L. H.,
Conflict, Tribe,
Schelling, C. and Voss, J. (eds.), (Cambridge, Mass: 1976), pp. 115-35.
39Stone, C. D., "Should Trees Have Standing??Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects,"
California Law Review, 45 (1972): 490.
40Brooks, H., "Environmental Decision-Making."

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