Orthodontics 2: Research Activity Part 3 of 3
Orthodontics 2: Research Activity Part 3 of 3
Orthodontics 2: Research Activity Part 3 of 3
Cephalometric Landmarks
Bilateral Midsagittal
Cephalometric Landmarks
Anatomical Landmarks Represent actual anatomic structures of the skull
Hard Tissue Landmarks Situated on the bone (also referred as “osseous”, “bony”)
Bilateral Landmarks Structures that can be found on both right and left sides
Most anterior
midpoint of the
anterior nasal spine
of the maxilla
Landmark: Point A
Point of maximum
concavity in the
midline of the
alveolar process of
the maxilla
Landmark: Point B
Point of maximum
concavity in the
midline of the
alveolar process of
the mandible
Landmark: Pog / Pogonion
Most anterior
midpoint of the chin
on the outline of the
Landmark: Gn / Gnathion
Most inferior
midpoint of the chin
on the outline of the
Landmark: Go / Gonion
Point at each mandibular angle
that is defined by dropping a
perpendicular from the
intersection point of the tangent
lines to the posterior margin of
the mandibular vertical ramus
and inferior margin of the
mandibular body or horizontal
Landmark: Ar / Articulare