Motorola: Comparison of Differential and Coherent RACH Preamble Detection
Motorola: Comparison of Differential and Coherent RACH Preamble Detection
Motorola: Comparison of Differential and Coherent RACH Preamble Detection
Yokohama, Japan
April 19-20, 1999
This contribution compares conventional coherent detection of the RACH preamble with a differential
approach as a function of Doppler spread. Coherent detection is found to be superior at speeds up to about
200 km/h at a carrier frequency of 2 GHz..
1.0 Introduction
Two methods of RACH preamble detection have been studied. The first consists of coherently
summing the preamble symbols, squaring the result, and comparing with a threshold. In [1] an
alternative approach based on differential detection is proposed. This approach is claimed to have
significantly superior performance in channels with multipath fading and frequency offset. The
performance of these approaches was compared in [2]. This contribution presents simulation
results which further compare these approaches. The comparison is based on the probability that a
transmitted preamble is detected for a fixed false alarm probability. This differs from [2] where
the preamble with the largest metric is compared with the transmitted preamble to determine a
detection probability.
512πvT c l
E { f k f k∗– l } = J 0 ------------------------ (1)
where v is the vehicle speed and λ is the carrier wavelength.The additive thermal noise has two-
sided density N 0 ⁄ 2 The T c ⁄ 2 spaced received signal r ( k ) is first matched filtered with the
length 256 spreading code. The result is the 16 element vector y = y 0 y 1 … y 15 :
y = M Ecf • p + n (2)
where • denotes Schur or element by element product and n = n 0 n 1 … n 15 is a vector of
independent complex Gaussians random variables with variance (real + imaginary part) M N 0 ,
E c is the energy per chip, and M = 256 .
Coherent Detection
The coherent detection statistic, decision z c , is calculated as
15 2
zc = ∑ y l p∗l
= ∑M E c f l + p∗l n l
Differential Detection
The differential detection decision statistic, z d , is calculated as
zd = ∑ Re { y∗l yl + 1 pl p∗l + 1 }
= ∑ Re { ( M E c f ∗l + p l n∗l ) ( M E c f l + l1 + p∗l + 1 n l + 1 ) }
For both methods the decision statistic is compared with a threshold to determine the presence of
⋅ zc
Preamble matched
y p l p∗l + 1
Sequence r filter
n Re zd
z-1 ∗
Figure 1: Signal Model
the preamble.
4.0 Conclusion
The simulation results presented in this contribution show little reason to modify the preamble
sequences for differential detection. The 2 dB degradation in performance at slow speeds could
only be justified if even greater degradation would occur at high speeds with the coherent
approach. Although such degradations do occur at speeds greater than 380 km/h, the occurrence
of such speeds in fully scattered environments, as was assumed here, would be quite rare. In addi-
tion it is likely that the channel estimation algorithms used on the preamble message will be opti-
mized for speeds much lower than 380 km/h; the result being that the message error rate will tend
to be high at speeds above 380 km/h anyway. The reduced sensitivity of coherent detection at
these speeds will compensate for this effect.
[1] Tdoc SMG2 UMTS-L1 620/98, “Random Access Preamble Detection in the Presence of Dop-
pler”, Interdigital
[2] Tdoc SMG2 UMTS L1 2x99-011, “Random Access Preamble Detection in Doppler; Perfor-
mance in ITU Channel Model”. Interdigital.
−30 −29 −28 −27 −26 −25 −24 −23 −22 −21
Ec/Io (dB)
Figure 2: 3 km/h
1 antenna, One User, One Ray, false alarm = 2.3e−05
512 search bins Carrier frequency = 2.0 GHz
Detection Probability
−30 −29 −28 −27 −26 −25 −24 −23 −22 −21
Ec/Io (dB)