08 - Installing SQL Server 2008 R2
08 - Installing SQL Server 2008 R2
08 - Installing SQL Server 2008 R2
1. Before you start, you should know where you can view the setup log of your installation,
the log is particularly useful if your installation failed. All logs are saved in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log
2. Terminate service to the server/VM and log on as Wake\SQLService, the SQL Server
service account.
3. Create two folders named MSSQL and MSSQL_x86 under D:\
4. For default instance, create a MSSQL folder under the data and log drives. For example,
E:\ (default instance root directory)
E_01\MSSQL (mount point attached to E: for user database data)
See end of file for mount point configuration.
E_02\MSSQL (mount point attached to E: for user database log)
5. Map a drive (e.g. Z:\) to \\sqlp3\d$ where the SQL Server 2008 R2 source is located.
6. Double click on
7. Open a separate Windows Explorer window and double click the Virtual Drive (e.g. BD-
ROM Drive (H:) ENU) to show the installation files.
8. Double click on Setup.
9. Click Installation in SQL Server Installation Center and select New installation or add
features to an existing installation.
10. In the Setup Support Rules page, resolve any failed rule before clicking OK.
12. Check I accept the license terms and click Next. (Click Next and go to step 14, if this is a
second instance installation on the same server/VM)
13. Click Install to install the Setup Support files.
14. Click the Hide Details button in the Setup Support Rules page to show the rule status.
Correct any Setup Support Rules failure before you click Next to install the SQL Server
Setup support files.
15. Click SQL Server Feature Installation option in the Setup Role page, then click Next.
16. In the Feature Selection page, specify D:\MSSQL for Shared feature directory and
D:\MSSQL_x86 for Shared feature directory (x86). Check all Instance Features except
Reporting Services and SQL Server Books Online, then click Next.
For the second instance installation, select Database Engine Services, SQL Server
Replication, Full-Text Search, and Analysis Services. Unless the instance requires
Reporting Services, otherwise don’t check the feature. The Shared Features and the
Shared Feature directory are grayed out for they have been installed and specified in the
first installation.
17. Click the Hide details button to show all rules status, fix any failed rule before moving
on. Then click Next.
18. In the Instance Configuration page, accept the default Instance ID MSSQLSERVER for the
default instance. Specify E:\ as the Instance root directory. Then click Next.
For named instance, check the Named Instance radio button and enter NI01 (stands for
named instance 01, the next named instance on the same server will be named NI02, for
example). The Instance ID will be automatically filled.
Specify F:\ as the Instance root directory. Click Next.
19. Review the disk space summary, then click Next.
20. In the Server Configuration page, click on the Use the same account for all SQL Server
Services button, enter the SQL Server service account Wake\sqlservice and its password,
click OK.
Specify Automatic Startup for SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Browser. Then click
Next. (Note that SQL Server Integration Services is a shared feature, it will not be
included in the second installation on the same box)
21. In the Database Engine Configuration page, check Mixed Mode under Authentication
Mode and enter the password for the SQL Server system administrator sa account.
Click Add Current User to add Wake\sqlservice (the SQL Server service account) as the
SQL Server administrator.
Click the Add button to add the SQL DBAs domain group Wake\SQL DBAs as another
SQL Server administrator. DON’T click Next yet!!! Go to step 22.
24. Add Wake\sqlservice and Wake\SQL DBAs domain user/group to be the Analysis
Services administrators.
Click the Data Directories tab, specify e.g. \\BackupServer\Prod\SQLMonitor\OLAP for
backup directory. Accept the rest of the default directories.
For named instance the backup directory is e.g.
25. Do not check Send Windows and SQL Server Error Report to Microsoft or your corporate
report server. Click Next.
26. In the Installation Configuration Rules page, Click Next if the status of all displayed rules
are either Passed or Not applicable.
27. Verify the SQL Server 2008 R2 features to be installed then click Install.
28. When you see the message “Your SQL Server 2008 R2 Installation completed
successfully”, you can click Close.
2. Select the disk that you want to configure as a mount point. Right click on the selected
disk graphic bar, select Format
3. Enter the mount point name in the Volume label field. Mount point volume naming
convention is rootDiskLetter_nn. For example, the first mount point to the root drive G
will be G_01 and the second G_02, and so on.
4. File system is NTFS, Allocation unit size is 64K, click OK to format the selected disk.
5. When formatting is done, right click on the just formatted disk graphic bar. Select
Change Drive Letter and Paths. Click Add and select the radio button next to Mount in
the following empty NTFS folder.
6. Click the Browse button and hightlight the root drive, create a new folder and name it
with the mount point name. Then click OK to exit.
7. If the mount point is part of a cluster environment, you must define it as a resource to
the cluster.