The inspection and test report summarizes the inspection of concrete work for the KALSELTENG 2 CFSPP (2X100MW) project. It checks items like form work, rebar work, embedded items, cleaning, and interface works. Measurement values are recorded and each item is marked as accepted, rejected, or not applicable. The report is prepared by the subcontractor and inspected, witnessed, and approved by the project's quality control, owner's engineer, and client representatives.
The inspection and test report summarizes the inspection of concrete work for the KALSELTENG 2 CFSPP (2X100MW) project. It checks items like form work, rebar work, embedded items, cleaning, and interface works. Measurement values are recorded and each item is marked as accepted, rejected, or not applicable. The report is prepared by the subcontractor and inspected, witnessed, and approved by the project's quality control, owner's engineer, and client representatives.
The inspection and test report summarizes the inspection of concrete work for the KALSELTENG 2 CFSPP (2X100MW) project. It checks items like form work, rebar work, embedded items, cleaning, and interface works. Measurement values are recorded and each item is marked as accepted, rejected, or not applicable. The report is prepared by the subcontractor and inspected, witnessed, and approved by the project's quality control, owner's engineer, and client representatives.
The inspection and test report summarizes the inspection of concrete work for the KALSELTENG 2 CFSPP (2X100MW) project. It checks items like form work, rebar work, embedded items, cleaning, and interface works. Measurement values are recorded and each item is marked as accepted, rejected, or not applicable. The report is prepared by the subcontractor and inspected, witnessed, and approved by the project's quality control, owner's engineer, and client representatives.
ITP : IKCP0-YYB-G-05-006 Project Name : KALSELTENG 2 CFSPP (2X100MW) RFI No.: Date: Location : Description: Reference drawing: Measured Check No. Items to be Inspected Remarks Value OK RJ NA Preparation Visual Inspection of cleaning 1 Check any Joints Surface preparation of previous concrete Form Work Location of Survey check report Elevation of survey check report Dimension/Horizontal/Vertical/Plumb Bracing and shoring
Sealing any gaps
2 Apply Cement Mortar (or alternative) at outside bottom of form (pedestal / column only) Condition of Form (max 5 times use)
Installation of Chamfer (pedestal / column only)
Surface treatment (Oil Coating) Survey Report (Report to be attached) Rebar work Size and Number Length and splicing 3 Clear Cover Spacing between rebars Location and Bending Radious Additional Reinforement (If required) Embeded Items Anchor Bolts/Embedded Plate/Miscellaneous steel Pipe sleeves 4 Water Stopper/Joint fill material Location and Dimension of BlOck out/Opening Insert Material 5 Cleaning Condition Interface Works (If required) □ YES □ NO Section Mechanical Electrical Piping Inst. HVAC 6 Name Signature Date Legends □ Accepted(OK) □ Rejected(RJ) □ Not Applicable (NA)