NCM 117 Rle - Self-Awareness
NCM 117 Rle - Self-Awareness
NCM 117 Rle - Self-Awareness
• Abstract standards that give a person a sense of right or wrong; it establishes
a code of conduct for living
• To gain insight into one's self and personal views/values, the Values Clarification
Process is very helpful
• Sample values include: hard work, honesty, cleanliness, sincerity, orderliness
• Are ideas that one holds to be true
• Other beliefs are irrational and may persist despite these beliefs having no
supported evidence or the existence of contradictory empirical evidences
○ Ex.: People who believe in evolution have accepted the evidence that support
these explanations for the origins of life
• Are general feelings or a frame of reference around which a person organizes
knowledge about the world
○ Ex. for Positive: (Grocery Shopping; Waiting in line) A person would be
thankful for the extra minutes and would begin to use them to do
breathing/relaxation exercises
○ Ex. for Negative: A person who has had an unpleasant experience with a
rude waiter may develop a negative attitude towards all waiters