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Laboratory Experiment: Flow Through Pipes

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Laboratory Experiment: Flow through Pipes

Experiment Findings · May 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17004.69766


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1 author:

Keerthana Dana Sekaran

Curtin University


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Curtin University, Dubai.
ENGR2000 - Fluid Mechanics

Laboratory 2: Flow through Pipes

Technical Report

Name: Keerthana Dana Sekaran

Student ID: 19939889
Date Performed: 26.04.2021

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 1

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Objectives .............................................................................................................................................. 4

3. Nomenclature ........................................................................................................................................ 4

4. Background & Theory ....................................................................................................................... 5-6

5. Experimental Method ........................................................................................................................ 7-8

5.1 Laboratory setup for low flow rate [Water Manometer] ....................................................................... 7
5.2 Laboratory setup for higher flow rate [Mercury Manometer] ............................................................... 7
5.3 Data Collection for low flow rate [Water Manometer] – Procedure ..................................................... 8
5.4 Data Collection for higher flow rate [Mercury Manometer] – Procedure ............................................. 8

6. Results & Discussion....................................................................................................................... 9-16

6.1 Lab Data Calculations ..................................................................................................................... 9-11

6.2 Sample Calculations ............................................................................................................................ 12

7. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 17

8. References ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 2

List of Tables & Figures

Table 1: Nomenclature for the terms and symbols ............................................................................................. 4

Figure 1: Water flowing through the closed container ....................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Example of the water table to describe Hydraulic gradient ................................................................ 5
Figure 3: Factors and formula explanation for Reynold’s number ..................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Nomenclature for terms and symbols ................................................................................................. 7
Table 2: Data Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Results & Calculations ....................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Moody’s Chart .................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6: Friction factor comparison for Laminar flow.................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: Friction factor for Transitional flow ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 8: Friction factor analysis for Turbulent flow ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: Relation between Hydraulic gradient and Mean Velocity ................................................................ 14
Figure 10: Relation between Reynold’s number and Mean velocity................................................................ 15
Figure 11: Relation between calculated frictional factor and Reynold’s number ............................................ 16

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 3

1. Introduction
The laboratory work is carried to determine type of flow in fluids like laminar, turbulent, and transitional flows.
It is important to consider the after affects that occur due to increase or decrease in velocity which is a
determining factor for type of flow. Considering these factors, this data is essential in finding friction factor,
based on this critical pipe systems for various applications can be determined. Determining hydraulic gradient
helps us to understand the difference between levels relative to their flows. An essential part of the experiment
is carried to analyze the difference and similarities between theoretical and practical values and understand the
relation between them. These analyses and resulting data can be used to design a stable and reliable pipe
systems. There are various applications of this concept,

• Designing Industrial pipe systems.

• Community pipe systems like water, gas, and other consumables etc.
• Aerodynamic flow in cars, aero planes.

2. Objectives
• Identify typical values of Reynolds Number for the laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimes of flow
in a pipe with a circular cross-section of diameter 3mm.
• Understand the friction concept applied in pipe flow and obtain the friction factor for different types
of flows.
• Calculate Volumetric flow rate, velocity, friction factor, Hydraulic gradient, and Reynold’s number.
Analyze and interpret relation between experimental data and Moody’s chart.

3. Nomenclature
Symbol Parameter
i Hydraulic gradient
h1 Manometer reading 1
h2 Manometer reading 2
L Length of the pipe cross section
ρ Density of the liquid flowing through pipe
V Velocity of the liquid in the pipe
D Diameter of the pipe
µ Dynamic Viscosity of water
Re Reynolds Number
f Friction factor
g Gravitational Constant
hL Difference between manometer readings
ΔT Time
Q Volumetric flow rate in m3/s
W Water quantity in mL
A Area of the pipe cross section

Table 1: Nomenclature for the terms and symbols

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 4

4. Background & Theory
Quantities that are to be determined in the experiment are Volumetric flow rate, Hydraulic gradient, mean
velocity, Reynold’s number, and friction factor.

Volumetric flow rate – It is the amount of fluid that enters the system per second. SI unit is m3/s. When
incompressible fluid flows through the system then the flow rate will be constant. Moreover, the flow rate
depends upon the pipe system from which the liquid is flowing or the area of the pipe, and the velocity of the

Fig1: Water flowing through the closed container


Q = Volumetric flow rate in m3/s [m3/s = m . m2 / s]

A = Area of the pipe cross-section in m2
V = Velocity of the fluid in the pipe m/s

Hydraulic gradient – It is the slope of the potentiometric surface which contains different water levels and a
certain distance. It can be defined as ratio between heads and distance between them.

Fig2: Example of the water table to describe Hydraulic gradient

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 5

(ℎ1 − ℎ2 )

i = Hydraulic gradient
h1 = Manometer reading in 1
h2 = Manometer reading in 2
L = Length of the pipe / distance between heads

Reynold’s number – It helps us predict flow pattern of the fluid flow. It can also be defined as ratio
between inertial forces to viscous forces relative to internal movement inside the pipe systems.
Moreover, it is essential to determine whether the fluid is laminar, transitional, and turbulent.

𝑅𝑒 =
ρ = Density of fluid in kg/m3
V = Velocity of the fluid in the pipe system in m/s
D = Diameter of the pipe cross-section
µ = Dynamic Viscosity N.s/m2

Fig3: Factors and formula explanation for Reynold’s Number

Friction Factor - It is determined from Darcy-Weisbach equation, hL = f LV2 / 2gD, since hL/L is
Hydraulic gradient “i”, f can be obtained based on the collected data. Friction factor is generally the
loss of pressure inside the pipe due to contact between pipe and the fluid. Important factors which
affect friction factor are hydraulic gradient & velocity. There are different types of head losses in the
system, Darcy’s system is used to calculate major head losses. Moody’s Chart had detailed
predictions of the friction factor for fluids with different conditions however, friction factor is
independent of Reynold’s number at higher Reynold’s number values.

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 6

5. Experimental Method
The essential components in the lab equipment are Storage Tank or a bucket, Water Manometer, Mercury U-
Tube Manometer, Testing pipe, piezometer tapping’s, Air valve, measuring pipe, measuring cylinder, isolating
tap, Bleed screws, Needle Valve & Adjustable levelling feet. All of these components are arranged on the
Hydraulic bench.

5.1Laboratory setup for low flow rate [Water Manometer]

For lower flow rate experiment, which is for first 12 readings, bench value is opened, and water is transferred
to bucket or tank to reduce the velocity from the tank to the manometers. From the pipe entrance through the
inlet, diameter of the pipe is 3mm. Piezometers tapping’s are located upstream from the inlet and 40 diameters
away from the downstream. Because it takes time to develop velocity profiles during the entry and exit. The
inlet and exit valve contain piezometer tapping’s that are connected to U-Tube manometer which contains
water and Mercury (Hg), h1 and h2 readings can be taken. Water quantity in mL is stored in the measuring
cylinder, using a stopwatch data can be collected.

5.2 Laboratory setup for high flow rate [Mercury Manometer]

For higher flow rate experiment, which is the next 18 readings, bench value is opened, water is transferred
with high velocity from the from the tank to the manometers. From the pipe entrance through the inlet, diameter
of the pipe is 3mm. Piezometers tapping’s setup is like the water manometer setup. Bleed screws, Needle Valve
have essential functions in the setup to regulate water flow. Inlet and exit valve contain piezometer tapping’s
that are connected to U-Tube manometer which Mercury (Hg), h1 and h2 readings can be taken. Flow rate can
be calculated and recorded similarly.

Fig4: Nomenclature for the terms and symbols

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 7

5.3 Data Collection for low flow rate [Water Manometer] – Procedure

• Open the supply valve from the hydraulic bench which flows to the storage tank, until there is a steady
flow adjust using valve.
• Inlet and Outlet valves must be horizontal to get exact friction factor data, check and adjust the setup
• Once done, turn on the isolating tap to be able to read manometer. Using needle valves adjust the flow
rate optimal to take 12 readings. Staring from the comparatively lesser flow rate, take the readings h1
and h2 from manometer in mm.
• It is important to take readings carefully due to the chances of parallax error. At 10mL, 30mL and
suitable water quantity, stopwatch is used to measure time taken in the measuring cylinder. Similarly,
12 readings are taken.

5.4 Data Collection for higher flow rate [Mercury Manometer] – Procedure

• Unlike previous setup, separate water tank is not used, higher water velocity enters 5 mm diameter
pipe which connects to manometer inlet.
• Turn the isolating tap to read the mercury readings.
• For every reading, stop the flow using needle valves to check the readings at h1 and h2.
• Take the readings at h1 and h2.
• Flow rate is measured like the water manometer readings. Similarly, 18 readings are taken.

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 8

6. Results and Discussion
6.1 Data Collection
Water Time Flow Manometer Manometer
Test Quantity Taken Rate Reading Reading
No. W ∆t Q h1 h2
(ml) (s) (m3/s) (mm) (mm)
1 10 13.91 7.189 x 10-7 282 266
2 30 17.97 1.669 x 10 292 256
Water Manometer Tests

3 50 19.81 2.523 x 10-6 303 238

4 80 20.75 3.855 x 10-6 317 221
5 100 21.10 4.739 x 10-6 329 203
6 120 20.85 5.755 x 10-6 342 192
7 100 14.19 7.047 x 10-6 357 165
8 100 13.41 7.457 x 10-6 367 154
9 120 15.41 7.787 x 10-6 400 109
10 150 18.65 8.042 x 10-6 421 90
11 150 18.57 8.077 x 10-6 444 56
12 180 22.25 8.089 x 10-6 468 28
13 50 29.28 1.707 x 10-6 137 134
14 50 13.03 3.837 x 10-6 140 133
15 50 8.56 5.841 x 10 146 127
16 100 12.68 7.886 x 10-6 154 119
17 100 9.82 1.018 x 10-5 163 112
Mercury Manometer Tests

18 100 8.85 1.129 x 10-5 171 105

19 100 8.03 1.245 x 10-5 177 99
20 150 11.40 1.315 x 10-5 184 93
21 150 10.81 1.387 x 10-5 191 87
22 150 10.25 1.463 x 10-5 196 82
23 200 12.44 1.607 x 10-5 202 76
24 200 11.93 1.676 x 10-5 206 73
25 200 11.44 1.748 x 10-5 210 70
26 200 11.22 1.782 x 10-5 212 67
27 200 11.03 1.813 x 10-5 217 62
28 200 10.59 1.888 x 10-5 221 59
29 250 12.75 1.960 x 10-5 226 53
30 250 12.41 2.014 x 10-5 229 52

Table 2: Data Collection

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 9

Cross-section area of pipe: A = 7.065 x 10-6 m2

Relative roughness of pipe wall: s /D = 5 x 10-4

Mean Hydraulic Reynolds Friction

Test Velocity Gradient Number Factor
No. V i Re f
(m/s) (-) (-) (-)
1 0.101 0.030 302.395 0.1731
2 0.236 0.068 706.586 0.0718
Water Manometer Tests

3 0.357 0.124 1068.862 0.0572

4 0.545 0.183 1631.736 0.0362
5 0.670 0.240 2005.988 0.0314
6 0.814 0.286 2437.125 0.0254
7 0.997 0.366 2985.029 0.0216
8 1.055 0.406 3158.682 0.0214
9 1.102 0.555 3299.401 0.0268
10 1.138 0.631 3407.185 0.0286
11 1.143 0.740 3422.155 0.0333
12 1.144 0.839 3425.149 0.0377
13 0.241 0.071 9741.017 0.0719
14 0.543 0.166 21947.604 0.0331
15 0.826 0.453 33386.227 0.0390
16 1.116 0.834 45107.784 0.0394
17 1.440 1.216 58203.592 0.0345
Mercury Manometer Tests

18 1.598 1.574 64589.820 0.0362

19 1.762 1.860 71218.562 0.0352
20 1.861 2.170 75220.059 0.0368
21 1.963 2.480 79342.814 0.0378
22 2.070 2.719 83667.664 0.0373
23 2.274 3.005 91913.173 0.0342
24 2.372 3.172 95874.251 0.0331
25 2.474 3.339 99997.005 0.0321
26 2.522 3.458 101937.125 0.0320
27 2.566 3.697 103715.568 0.0330
28 2.672 3.864 108000 0.0318
29 2.774 4.126 112122.754 0.0315
30 2.850 4.222 115194.610 0.0305

Table 3: Results & Calculations

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 10

Fig5: Moody’s Chart

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 11

6.2 Sample Calculations

a. Calculation for Volumetric flow rate at Water Quantity (W), 10 mL and Time taken 13.91 secs.

Converting mL in m3 = 10 x 10-3 x 10-3

Q = Volume / Time
= 10 x 10-3 x 10-3 / 13.91
= 7.189 x 10-7 m3/s

b. Calculation for Cross-section area of the pipe

Diameter of the pipe = 3 x 10-3 m

Area of the circle = πD2/4
= 7.065 x 10-6 m2
c. Calculation for Relative roughness of pipe wall s /D

s = 0.0015 mm, Diameter of the pipe = 3 mm

s/D = 5 x 10-4

d. Calculation for Mean Velocity in m/s

At Reading 1, Q = 7.189 x 10-7 m3/s, So, Q = A x V.

Velocity = Q/A, hence, 7.189 x 10-7/7.065 x 10-6= 0.101m/s.

e. Calculation for Hydraulic gradient i

i = h1 – h2 / L
At Reading 1, 10 mL of water, h1 – h2 = 282-266 mm
= 16 mm
Length of pipe between piezometer tapping’s, L = 524 mm
i = 0.030

f. Calculation for Reynold’s Number

Re = ρVD / µ, Density of Water = 1000 kg/m3, Velocity of water at Reading 1 = 0.101 m/s, D = 3 x 10-3
m, µ = 1.002×10-3 N.s/m2
Re = (1000 x 0.101 x 3 x 10-3 )/ 1.002×10-3 = 302.395 (Laminar) [For
Mercury, consider Density data, ρ = 13,600 kg/m3]

g. Calculation for friction factor

f = i 2gD / V2
At Reading 1, i = 0.030, g = 9.81m/s, D = 3 x 10-3 m and V =
0.101, Hence f = 0.1731

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 12

a. Analyzing Lab results and Data from Moody’s Chart for friction factor in different
flow types

Fig6: Friction factor comparison for Laminar Flow

There is a minor difference in terms of overall data of Friction factor in laminar flow, however the first 2
readings are quite different from the theoretical ones. This is due to gradual development of velocity profiles
in the pipe systems. Eventually, accuracy of the data is increased which we can observe in the graph above.
The other factor of this difference could be due to lesser Reynold’s number compared to the other data sets.
Data’s accuracy increased at higher Reynold’s number.

Fig7: Friction factor for Transitional flow

To Analyze transitional flow in the fluid, it is not possible to estimate theoretical results using Moody’s chart.
It is proved that the Moody’s chart does not provide accurate results in estimating friction factor for Reynold’s

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 13

number between 2000-4000. Transition between laminar to transitional has resulted in quick development of
velocity profiles leading to fluctuated readings in the beginning.

Fig8: Friction factor analysis for Turbulent flow.

Due to the flow transition and increase in the velocity, there a slight difference in the first result. Initially there
is nearly 0.3 m/s difference in the readings, eventually at Reading 17 change in velocity is 0.1 m/s, at this point,
theoretical and practical results are close.

b. Analysis between Hydraulic gradient and mean Velocity

Relation between Hydraulic Gradient

and Mean Velocity

Mean Velocity

Fig9: Relation between Hydraulic gradient and Mean Velocity

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 14

There is clear relation between these two parameters. With increase in velocity, hydraulic gradient also
increases. At 0.071 m/s, although the previous readings contain higher velocity, decrease in velocity results
in decrease in hydraulic gradient. Type of flow effects the velocity but however, theoretically type of flow
does not effect the changes in the relationship between these parameters.

c. Analysis between Reynold’s Number and mean Velocity using experimental


Relation between Reynold's Number and

Mean Velocity

Reynold's Number

Fig10: Relation between Reynold’s number and Mean Velocity

With increase in velocity, Reynold’s number increases as well. Hence, this suggests that Velocity and
Reynold’s number are directly proportional.

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 15

d. Analysis between friction factor and Reynold’s number using experimental

Relation between experimental friction factor

and Reynold's Number

Friction Factor

Fig11: Relation between calculated frictional factor and Reynold’s number

The relation between experimental friction factor and Reynold’s number is bit inconsistent. However, we
can observe a pattern from last 18 readings that the flow is turbulent. It is because at higher Reynold’s
number values the friction factor becomes constant and is only dependent on relative roughness of the

The possible sources of errors could be due to manual calculations and observations while recording the
data. Due to limited time constraints and measurements required at various water quantities, data must be
recorded in a timely manner, there could be a minor error due to that. Difference in practical and theoretical
data is due to the flow transformation from laminar to transitional and turbulent. Rapid increase or decrease
in velocity has caused the readings fluctuate initially. Although, the data suggests and supports the theory.

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 16

7. Conclusion:
With 30 readings of data, experiment has achieved its initial objectives in calculating Reynold’s number
for different types of flows such as laminar, Transitional, and turbulent and thoroughly analyzed how
velocity plays a major role in the transition of flows. The minor variation in theory and lab results has
suggested the importance of fluid flow in pipe of circular regime. This has helped in understanding fluid
behavior and changes in developing velocity profile with respect to time. This experiment has proved the
concepts studies and relation between various parameters in terms of proportionalities and theoretical vs
practical data. By improving better observation and consistency in taking down data, there could be more
understanding of the concept. Since the readings are only limited to 30, more data could result in detail
predictions. However, objectives of the experiment are attained and predictions to comply with
experimental data.

8. References

• . "Volumetric Flow rate." [image] Available at:

Volumetric-flow-rate.svg.png> [Accessed 6 May 2021]. (retrieved May 13, 2021).

• . "Hydraulic Bench." [image] Available at:

5&pid=1.7> [Accessed 6 May 2021]. (retrieved May 13, 2021).

• . "Hydraulic Gradient." [image] Available at:

<https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.4DNl6axU5x3uUDFFUygxeAAAAA?pid=ImgDet&rs=1> [Accessed 6
May 2021]. (retrieved May 13, 2021).

• . "Reynold's Number." [image] Available at: <https://www.nuclear-power.net/wp-

content/uploads/2016/05/Reynolds-Number.png?a34b7f> [Accessed 6 May 2021]. (retrieved May 13,

Fluid Mechanics | Technical Report 17

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