P PQT Questions
P PQT Questions
P PQT Questions
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a) Find K .
b) Evaluate P X 6 , P X 6 .
c) Find P X 2 , P X 3 , P 1 X 5 .
2 x, 0 x 1 1
5) A random variable X has the p.d.f f ( x ) . Find (i) P X (ii)
0, otherwise 2
1 3 3 1 3 1
P X (iii) P X / X (iv) P X / X .
2 4 4 2 4 2
, x 2
6) If a random variable X has the p.d.f f ( x ) 4 . Find (a) P X 1
0, otherwise
(b) P X 1 (c) P 2 X 3 5
7) The amount of time, in hours that a computer functions before breaking down is a
continuous random variable with probability density function given by
e 100 , x 0 . What is the probability that (a) a computer will function
f ( x)
between 50 and 150 hrs. before breaking down (b) it will function less than 500 hrs.
xe x , x 0
8) A random variable X has the probability density function f ( x )
0, otherwise
. Find , c.d . f , P 2 X 5 , P X 7 .
9) If the random variable X takes the values 1,2,3 and 4 such that
2 P X 1 3 P X 2 P X 3 5 P X 4 . Find the probability
10) The distribution function of a random variable X is given by
F ( x ) 1 1 x e x ; x 0 . Find the density function, mean and variance of X.
11) A continuous random variable X has the distribution function
0, x 1
F ( x ) k ( x 1)4 , 1 x 3 . Find k , probability density function f ( x ) , P X 2 .
0, x 30
12) A test engineer discovered that the cumulative distribution function of the lifetime
3) In a certain factory furning razar blades there is a small chance of 1/500 for any
blade to be defective. The blades are in packets of 10. Use Poisson distribution to
calculate the approximate number of packets containing (i) no defective (ii) one
defective (iii) two defective blades respectively in a consignment of 10,000 packets.
4) The number of monthly breakdown of a computer is a random variable having a
Poisson distribution with mean equally to 1.8. Find the probability that this
computer will function for a month
a) Without a breakdown
b) With only one breakdown and
c) With atleast one breakdown.
5) Prove that the Poisson distribution is a limiting case of binomial distribution.
6) If the mgf of a random variable X is of the form (0.4e t 0.6)8 , what is the mgf of
3 X 2 . Evaluate E X .
1 3
7) A discrete R.V. X has moment generating function M X ( t ) e t . Find E X
4 4
, Var X and P X 2 .
11) Suppose that a trainee soldier shoots a target in an independent fashion. If the
probability that the target is shot on any one shot is 0.8. (i) What is the probability
that the target would be hit on 6th attempt? (ii) What is the probability that it takes
him less than 5 shots? (iii) What is the probability that it takes him an even number
of shots?
12) A die is cast until 6 appears. What is the probability that it must be cast more than 5
13) The length of time (in minutes) that a certain lady speaks on the telephone is found
to be random phenomenon, with a probability function specified by the function.
Ae 5 , x 0
f ( x) . (i) Find the value of A that makes f(x) a probability
0, otherwise
density function. (ii) What is the probability that the number of minutes that she will
talk over the phone is (a) more than 10 minutes (b) less than 5 minutes and (c)
between 5 and 10 minutes.
14) If the number of kilometers that a car can run before its battery wears out is
exponentially distributed with an average value of 10,000 km and if the owner
desires to take a 5000 km trip, what is the probability that he will be able to
complete his trip without having to replace the car battery? Assume that the car has
been used for same time.
15) The mileage which car owners get with a certain kind of radial tyre is a random
variable having an exponential distribution with mean 40,000 km. Find the
probabilities that one of these tyres will last (i) atleast 20,000 km and (ii) atmost
30,000 km.
16) If a continuous random variable X follows uniform distribution in the interval 0, 2
and a continuous random variable Y follows exponential distribution with
parameter , find such that P X 1 P Y 1 .
17) If X is exponantially distributed with parameter , find the value of K there exists
P X k
P X k
18) State and prove memoryless property of Geometric distribution.
19) State and prove memoryless property of Exponential distribution.
20) The time required to repair a machine is exponentially distributed with parameter ½.
What is the probability that the repair times exceeds 2 hours and also find what is
the conditional probability that a repair takes at least 10 hours given that its
duration exceeds 9 hours?
21) The life time X in hours of a component is modeled by a Weibull distribution with
2 . Starting with a large number of components, it is observed that 15% of the
components that have lasted 90 hrs. fail before 100 hrs. Find the parameter .
Production (X) 55 56 58 59 60 60 62
Export (Y) 35 38 37 39 44 43 44
3) Let X and Y be discrete random variables with probability function
f ( x, y)
x y
, x 1, 2, 3; y 1, 2 . Find (i) Cov X , Y (ii) Correlation co –
4) Two random variables X and Y have the following joint probability density function.
2 x y , 0 x 1, 0 y 1
f ( x, y) . Find Var X , Var Y and the
0, otherwise
covariance between X and Y. Also find Correlation between X and Y. ( ( X , Y ) ).
5) Let X and Y be random variables having joint density function.
3 2
x y , 0 x, y 1
f ( x, y) 2 . Find the correlation coefficient ( X , Y ) .
0, otherwise
6) The independent variables X and Y have the probability density functions given by
4ax , 0 x 1 4by , 0 y 1
f X ( x) fY ( y ) . Find the correlation
0, otherwise 0, otherwise
coefficient between X and Y .
The independent variables X and Y have the probability density functions given by
4ax , 0 x 1 4by , 0 y 1
f X ( x) fY ( y ) . Find the correlation
0, otherwise 0, otherwise
coefficient between X Y and X Y .
7) Let X,Y and Z be uncorrelated random variables with zero means and standard
deviations 5, 12 and 9 respectively. If U X Y and V Y Z , find the
correlation coefficient between U and V .
8) If the independent random variables X and Y have the variances 36 and 16
respectively, find the correlation coefficient between X Y and X Y .
9) From the data, find
(i) The two regression equations.
(ii) The coefficient of correlation between the marks in Economics and
(iii) The most likely marks in statistics when a mark in Economics is 30.
Marks in Economics 25 28 35 32 31 36 29 38 34 32
Marks in Statistics 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39
10) The two lines of regression are 8x – 10y + 66 = 0, 40x – 18y – 214 = 0. The variance
of X is 9. Find (i) the mean values of X and Y (ii) correlation coefficient between X
and Y (iii) Variance of Y .
11) The joint p.d.f of a two dimensional random variable is given by
f ( x, y) ( x y ); 0 x 1, 0 y 2 . Find the following
(i) The correlation co – efficient.
(ii) The equation of the two lines of regression
(iii) The two regression curves for mean
Transformation of the random variables
1) If X is a uniformly distributed RV in , , find the pdf of Y tan X .
2 2
2) Let (X,Y) be a two – dimensional non – negative continuous random variables having
4 xye x 2 y 2 , x 0, y 0
the joint probability density function f ( x , y ) . Find the
0, elsewhere
density function of U X Y .
2 2
The waiting times X and Y of two customers entering a bank at different times are
assumed to be independent random variables with respective probability density
e x , x 0 e y , y 0
functions. f ( x ) and f ( y )
0, otherwise 0, otherwise
Find the joined p.d.f of the sum of their waiting times, U X Y and the fraction
this time that the first customer spreads waiting, i.e V . Find the marginal
p.d.f’s of U and V and show that they are independent.
If X and Y are independent random variable with pdf e x , x 0 and e y , y 0 , find the
density function of U and V X Y . Are they independent?
1) If X 1 , X 2 ,... X n are Poisson variables with parameter 2 , use the Central Limit
Theorem to estimate P (120 S n 160) where S n X 1 X 2 ... X n and
n 75 .
2) The resistors r1 , r2 , r3 and r4 are independent random variables and is uniform in
the interval (450 , 550). Using the central limit theorem, find
P(1900 r1 r2 r3 r4 2100) .
3) Let X 1 , X 2 ,... X 100 be independent identically distributed random variables with
2 and . Find P (192 X 1 X 2 ... X 100 210) .
4) Suppose that orders at a restaurant are iid random variables with mean Rs.8
and standard deviation Rs.2 . Estimate (i) the probability that first 100
customers spend a total of more than Rs.840 (ii) P(780 X1 X 2 ... X100 820) .
5) The life time of a certain brand of a Tube light may be considered as a random
variable with mean 1200 h and standard deviation 250 h. Find the probability, using
central limit theorem, that the average life time of 60 light exceeds 1250 h.
6) A random sample of size 100 is taken from a population whose mean is 60 and
variance is 400. Using Central limit theorem, with what probability can we assert
that the mean of the sample will not differ from 60 by more than 4.
7) A distribution with unknown mean has variance equal to 1.5. Use central limit
theorem to determine how large a sample should be taken from the distribution in
order that the probability will be at least 0.95 that the sample mean will be within
0.5 of the population mean.
Poisson process
1) Define Poisson process and obtain its probability distribution.
2) Queries presented in a computer data base are following a Poisson process of rate
6 queries per minute. An experiment consists of monitoring the data base for
m minutes and recording N ( m ) the number of queries presented
i) What is the probability that no queries in a one minute interval?
ii) What is the probability that exactly 6 queries arriving in one minute
iii) What is the probability of less than 3 queries arriving in a half minute
3) Suppose that customers arrive at a bank according to a Poisson process with a mean
rate of 3 per minute; find the probability that during a time interval of 2 mins.
(i) Exactly 4 customers arrive and
(ii) More than 4 customers arrive.
4) State the probability law of Poisson process. If X ( t ) and Y ( t ) are two
independent Poisson processes, who that the conditional distribution X ( t ) given
X (t ) Y (t ) is Binomial.
5) Find the autocorrelation co – efficient between X(t) and X(t + s) is {X(t),t ≥ 0} is a
Poisson process.
6) Prove that the Poisson process is Covariance stationary (not a stationary).
7) Show that the sum of two independent Poisson process is a Poisson process.
and what is the probability of a newly arriving customer finding the car park full and
leaving to park his car elsewhere.
5) A one – person barber shop has 6 hairs to accommodate people waiting for a hair
cut. Assume that customers who arrive when all the 6 chairs are full leave without
entering the barber shop. Customers arrive at the average rate of 3 per hour and
spend an average of 15 min in the barber’s chair.
a) What is the probability that a customer can get directly into the barber’s
chair upon arrival?
b) What is the expected number of customers waiting for a hair cut?
c) How much time can a customer expect to spend in the barber shop?
d) What fraction of potential customers are turned away?
Model – IV (M/M/C) : (K/FIFO)
1) A car servicing station has 2 boys where service can be offered simultaneously.
Because of space limitations, only 4 cars are accepted for servicing. The arrival
pattern is Poisson with 12 cars per day. The service time in both the boys is
exponentially distributed with 8 cars per day. Find the average number of cars in
the service station, the average number of cars waiting for service and the average
time a car spends in the system.
2) A two person barber shop has 5 chairs to accommodate waiting customers.
Potential customers, who arrive when all 5 chairs are full leave without entering
barber shop. Customers arrive at the average rate of 4 per hour and spend an
average of 12 min. in the barber’s chain compute P0,P1,P7,E(Nq) and E(W).
3) A barber shop has two barbers and three chairs for customers. Assume that the
customers arrive in Poisson fashion at a rate of 5 per hour and that each barber
service customers according to an exponential distribution with mean of 15 minutes.
Further if a customer arrives and there are no empty chairs in the shop, he will
leave. What is the probability that the shop is empty? What is the expected number
of customers in the shop?
Derivations of Queueing Models
1) Discuss the birth and death process and hence obtain its probability distribution.
2) Define Kendall’s notation. What are the assumptions are made for simplest queuing
3) Explain an M/M/1, finite capacity queueing model and obtain expressions for the
steady state probabilities for the system size.
4) Explain an M/M/1, finite capacity queueing model and obtain expressions for the
steady state probabilities for the system size.
Queueing networks
Theory Questions
1) Write short notes on the following:
Series Queues
1) The are two salesmen in a ration shop, one in charge of billing and receiving
payment and the other in charge of weighing and delivering the items. Due to
limited availability of space, only one customer is allowed to enter the shop, that too
when the billing clerk is free. The customer who has finished his billing job has to
wait there until the delivery section becomes free. If customers arrive in accordance
with a Poisson process at rate 1 and the service times of two clerks are independent
and have exponential rates of 3 and 2, find
c) The average amount of time that an entering customer spends in the shop.
2) For a 2 – stage (service point) sequential queue model with blockage, compute the
average number of customers in the system (LS) and the average time that a
customer has to spend in the system (WS), if λ= 1, µ1 = 2 and µ2 = 1.
Hint: The problem is same as previous, P00 = 3/11, P11 = 1/11, P10 = 2/11, P01 = 3/11,
Pb1 = 2/11, LS = 1, WS = 11/6.
customers in the book shop and the average waiting time of a customer in the shop.
Assume that there is only one salesman in each section.
3) In a departmental store, there are 2 sections namely grocery section and perishable
section. Customers from outside arrive at the G – section according to a Poisson
process at a mean rate of 10 / hr and they reach the P – section at a mean rate of 2 /
hr. The service times at both the sections are exponentially distributed with
parameters 15 and 12 respectively. On finishing the job in the G – section, a
customer is equally likely to go the P – section or to leave the store, whereas a
customer on finishing his job in the P – section will go to the G – section with
probability 0.25 and leave the store otherwise. Assuming that there is only one
salesman in each sections, find the probability that there are 3 customers in the G –
section and 2 customers in the P – section. Find also the average number of
customers in the store and the average waiting time of a customer in the store.