Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Semester I/II - Week 1
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Semester I/II - Week 1
Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person: Semester I/II - Week 1
Semester I/II -Week 1
The Difference Between Holistic
Perspective from Partial Point of View
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person – Grade 11/12
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Week 1: The Difference Between Holistic Perspective from
Partial Point of View
First Edition, 2020
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Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view. (PPT11/12-Ia-1.1)
Objectives: 1. Define the concept of holistic perspective and partial point of view
2. Differentiate between a holistic perspective from partial point of view
3. Distinguish a situation if it is holistic view or partial view
Let’s Try
Directions: Carefully read the statement in each number. Choose the correct or best answer and write only
3. What are the two Greek words which the term philosophy came from?
A. Philia and Sophie C. Phila and Sopia
B. Philo and Sophia D. Philo and Sopie
B. Distinguish the following situations if it is Holistic view or Partial view. Write HV if it
is Holistic View and PV if it is Partial View on the space provided.
3. The teacher recognizes and understands the situation of her students for
being late in the class.
Unlocking of Difficulties
Philosophy- it comes from the two Greek words: Philo which means “to love” and Sophia meaning “wisdom”. The
Holistic thinking - refers to a perspective that considers large-scale patterns in systems.
Partial thinking- it focuses on certain areas or aspect of a situation.
It has been said that people who engaged in philosophy are called “Philosophers
or lovers of wisdom. Through this lesson it will enhance your critical thinking skills that
can be applied in your day-to-day life.
Did you know that studying philosophy helps us identify the different pers
Why Study Philosophy ?
It is important to study philosophy because its significance goes into all aspects of
human life. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. This implies that
philosophy leads us to a broader perspective and wiser way of life. We view things from
the partial point of view into a wider perspective.
This picture depicts the different view of each blind man on how they observe or
perceive the wholeness of an elephant. It shows also that each blind man really
appreciates each part assigned to them and interpreted it based on what they feel and
know. Hence, all of them cannot distinguisth the wholenes of a particular thing if they
only focus in a specific part.
Let us now discuss the importance of different views of thinking and on how we see
our life in partial and in holistic aspect.
(Source: Roberto D. Abella, Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Quezon City,
C & E Publication, Inc., 2016, 10-11.)
Let’s Practice
To have a deeper understanding of what philosophy is, just keep the pace running by
doing the following activities.
Directions: Identify the words that you can associate with philosophy. Choose yo
Directions: Answer the question “Why do I study philosophy?”, provide your answer in each box and choose
I study
Why do I study I study
Philosophy ? because
I study
Let’s Do More
Partial View
Holistic View
Directions: Identify the situation under Holistic View and Partial Thinking. Choose you
Home Quarantine 1. 3.
Online Class 2. 4.
Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: The statements below show the different view of thinking. Write the missing letter to com
Statement no. 1
Statement no. 2
Let’s Assess
Directions: Carefully read the statement in each number. Choose the correct or best answer and write o
3. What are the two Greek words which the term philosophy came from?
A. Philia and Sophie C. Phila and Sopia
B. Philo and Sophia D. Philo and Sopie
5. What perspective enables a person to better appreciate his or her experiences as
vital component that gives meaning to his or her life?
A. Open Perspective C. Partial Perspective
B. Particular Perspective D. Holistic Perspective
3. The teacher recognizes and understands the situation of her students for
being late in the class.
Abella, Roberto D., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon
City: C & E Publishing, Inc., 2016
4. Was there any part of this CLAS that you found difficult? If
yes, please specify what it was and why.
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