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Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (New York - July 6, 1946), better known
as Sylvester Stallone, is an American actor, screenwriter, producer and director
of Italian origin. Stallone is recognized worldwide as one of the leading actors
in Hollywood action movies. He has given life to two iconic characters in film
history: Rocky Balboa, an unknown boxer from Philadelphia who against all
odds became a champion; and John Rambo, a tormented ex-green beret
veteran of the Vietnam War, specializing in guerilla, survival and combat. The
film Rocky (1976) earned him three Oscar nominations, in the category of best
actor, best film and best screenplay. In 2016, he won the Golden Globe for best
supporting actor for the role of Rocky Balboa in the spin-off of the saga, Creed
(2015), in addition to being nominated for an Oscar in the same category.
Apart from the Rocky and Rambo sagas, his most popular films include: Cobra
(1986), Lock Up (1989), Tango and Cash (1989), Demolition Man (1993),
Cliffhanger (1993), Asesinos (1995), Judge Dredd (1995) and The Expendables
(2010). He has declared himself a fan of Bollywood cinema, the Everton FC
football team, boxing and the work of Edgar Allan Poe. He has devoted himself
to oil painting and sold several of his works. He was a boxing promoter for a
time, in the 1980s, and with his promoter Tiger Eye Productions he
represented world champion boxers like Sean O'Grady and Aaron Pryor. He has
denied using steroids to build muscle, although he has repeatedly
acknowledged its use of human growth hormone for its anti-aging reputation.
In 2007, he was arrested in Australia with 48 vials of the synthetic human
growth hormone Jintropin. Although Stallone does not touch on the subject,
the media has highlighted several cosmetic surgeries that he has performed
over the years