Chapter-1 Physical World
Chapter-1 Physical World
Chapter-1 Physical World
Q. What is science?
It is the systematic method to understand phenomenon as much in detail as possible based on experiment
and observation.
Q. What are the main branches of science?
Physical science and biological science
Q. What is physics?
Physics is that branch of science which deals with study of nature and natural phenomenon.
Q. What is reductionism?
Explaining the properties of complex system using the properties and interactions of its constituent
simpler parts is called reductionism.
Example: Initially thermodynamics was dealing with bulk system in terms of temperature, internal energy
etc. Now the Kinetic theory and statistical mechanics interpreted these quantities in terms of properties of
molecular constituents of the bulk system. In particular temperature was related to kinetic energy of the
molecules of the system.
Q. What is technology?
Application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose is called technology.
Gravitational force:
It is the force of attraction between the two bodies due to their masses and is governed by Newton's law
of gravitation. It is always an attractive force. This force is due to the exchange of graviton between the
two bodies. It is the weakest force
Electromagnetic force:
It is the force of attraction or repulsion between the two charges. When the charges are at rest force
between them is called electrostatic force and when they are in motion it is called electromagnetic force.
Photon is the field particle. It is of long range. It is a central force.
Q. Mention one of the major contributions of 's. Chandrasekhar in the field of Physics.
Chandrasekhar limit (1.44 solar mass), structure and evolution of stars.
Q. Who introduced the concept of anti particle theoretically for the first time?
Paul Dirac
Q. Who was awarded a Nobel prize for the explanation of photo electric effect?
Albert Einstein
Q. Who won the Nobel Prize in the field of inelastic scattering of light by molecules?
C.V. Raman
Q. Name the elementary particle emitted during 𝜷- decay along with the electron.
Anti Neutrino
Important discoveries
Important inventions
Telescope Galileo
Laser T. Maimann