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Fresco Pressure Cooker

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Welcome to Fresco International History of the pressure cooker
At Fresco, our goal is to provide the creative home chef with new In 1679, the French physicist Denis Papin invented what he called the
cooking tools, techniques and recipes that will make every bite at Papin Digester, or the steam digester. This early version of a pressure
every meal and every gathering extraordinary. cooker was made from cast metal with a lid that locked into place
with a screw-like clamping device.
The dedicated staff at Fresco travel the world to find the highest
quality innovations that will make the busy cook’s life quicker and Papin had discovered that as food heated in a cooking liquid, the
more delicious – products that are leading-edge, health-conscious trapped steam raised the cooking temperature at least 15 percent
and priced competitively for today’s savvy consumer. Fresco finds higher than the boiling point of water. This very hot steam cooked
restaurant-quality kitchenware and makes them affordable and the food quicker than other cooking devices available at the time,
readily available to Canadians. required less fuel and made tougher cuts of meat deliciously tender.

With our focus on bringing the freshest designs and most helpful Alas, in the early days, because of crudely made pots, ineffective
tools to the Canadian market, we proudly created this booklet: clamping devices and an inability to properly regulate steam
Cooking Under Pressure – The Complete Guide to Buying and pressure, many a steam digester burst at the seams.
Cooking with Fresco Pressure Cookers.
Over hundreds of years, innovations in safety and the manufacturing
At the height of their popularity around the Second World War, of pressure cookers have continued to improve this incredible
pressure cookers were a mainstay in kitchens across Europe and kitchen tool. In the postwar 1940s, the consumer pressure cooker
North America. Postwar, amid tales of flawed pressure cooker market took off again in Europe. Although Europeans continue
design, the North American market fizzled as consumers turned to benefit from the
to frozen dinners, microwaves and fast food. remarkable workings of
pressure cookers, North
Fresco has made huge advances in safety and durability and its Americans have lagged
pressure cookers offer home chefs an efficient tool to help prepare behind – choosing instead
nutritious, homemade meals in a fraction of the time of other to turn to microwaves,
methods. Because pressure cookers work quickly, they save energy frozen entrées and
and produce fresh, flavourful and nutritious meals. The time has prepared foods.
never been better to own a Fresco pressure cooker.
Finally, the time has
Bon Appétit! come for North American
The Fresco Team consumers to discover
the safe, money-saving,
www.fresco-intl.com scrumptious benefits
2770 Dufferin St., Unit #221 of cooking with a Fresco
Toronto, Ontario pressure cooker.
M6B 3R7
Phone: (416) 644-1661
Fax: (416) 644-1661

Copyright © 2011 Fresco. All rights reserved.

How do pressure cookers work? The benefits of pressure cooking
Simply put – this is how a pressure cooker works. Sealing a liquid, Reap the rewards of delicious cooking with your Fresco
such as water, broth or wine, and then heating it inside a pressure pressure cooker
cooker, along with grains or meats, traps the steam that rises from Years of dramatic improvements in the manufacturing of pressure
the liquid. This steam raises the pressure inside the cooking vessel, cookers have helped to create a modern tool from which every
as well as the boiling point of the liquid. The increased pressure and home can benefit. For busy cooks who want to serve homemade,
higher temperature dramatically speeds up the cooking process. nutritious and delicious meals, there is no better tool than a Fresco
pressure cooker. Here are just a few of the benefits you can reap
Want a bit more physics? Water boils at 212˚ F (100˚ C) – no from your new Fresco pressure cooker.
matter how long you boil the water, the temperature will not go
any higher. The steam that is created when you boil a liquid is also Preserve the nutrients in your foods – Because it is a very fast
212˚ F (100˚ C). The only way that you can make the boiling water cooking technique, pressure cooking helps retain more nutrients
and steam temperatures rise any higher than 212˚ F (100˚ C) is to versus slower cooking methods. Instead of boiling them away,
put the cooking process under the Fresco pressure cooker locks in the flavour and nutrients.
pressure. And that’s exactly what
Pressure-Limiting Valve
a modern pressure cooker does! It Boost the natural flavour of foods – The super-heated steam
Upper Handle raises the boiling point of liquids and inside your pressure cooker makes foods cook quickly and intensifies
Safety Open-Preventing Valve
the temperature of the subsequent their natural flavours. Instead of having to add salt or sugar to your
steam. More heat means faster dishes, the natural flavours of the ingredients shine through.
cooking times.
Cooker Lid
Save time – Fresco pressure cookers can cook foods in about
By tightly sealing the lid and adding one-third of the time it takes to conventionally prepare them.
heat, we are able to force the Imagine cutting the time it takes to prepare a scrumptious dinner
steam and pressure to rise inside
by one-third or more!
Lid Release the pressure cooker. This means
Push Button food cooks faster, while maintaining
Save money – With a pressure cooker, less expensive cuts of meat
nutritional value and tenderizing the
can be cooked with tender results. Even the bones from meat and
food. The safety valves, found on all
chicken can be cooked in the pressure cooker to create savoury
Fresco pressure cookers, ensure that
homemade stocks.
your pressure cooker will never
Cooker Body explode from too much pressure.
Use less energy – By cooking faster, the Fresco pressure cooker
can help you save money and energy. It’s a smart choice for a
greener planet.

A cool tool for hot summer days – A pressure cooker can cook
delicious foods in a fraction of the time of conventional methods.
So on sweltering summer days, that means your Fresco pressure
cooker will create less heat in the kitchen and use less energy.
How to select a pressure cooker Fresco 9L Pressure Cooker
• Heavy gauge polished aluminum promotes rapid, even heat
• Stay-cool handles on both sides of the pot
• Four built-in safety devices – pressure limiting valve, safety
First, choose between an aluminum and stainless steel appliance.
open-preventing valve, sealing ring and automatic cover lock
Aluminum pressure cookers are lighter, provide excellent heat
• 9L capacity for large batch cooking
conduction and cost less. Stainless steel models are slightly heavier,
extremely durable and typically more expensive. Discover the complete line of Fresco pressure cookers
at www.fresco-intl.com.
Next, consider the capacity best suited for your cooking needs.
Fresco offers pressure cookers in sizes ranging from 5.5L to 9L. It’s
important to remember that pressure cookers are sold by the size
of their liquid capacity even though the actual useable space is less.
Tips for perfect results from your Fresco
That extra space is needed to allow steam to build inside the unit. pressure cooker
The 5.5L size is perfect for cooking one course, such as vegetables,
or meals serving one or two people. The 6L size is the most popular Inspect your pressure cooker before every use for maximum safety
and can accommodate recipes serving four to six people. The 9L and best results. Ensure the steam-releasing valves are clear of any
size is best suited for large-batch cooking. obstructions. Check the rubber gasket – it should be pliable, clean
and free of any tears.

Explore the complete line of Fresco pressure cookers and find

Since the cooking time is short, be sure to have all of your ingredients
the one that’s perfect for your family.
prepared before you start cooking.

Fresco 6L One-Handed Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker

Always use a kitchen timer. The time frame for pressure cooking is
• Simple and safe one-handed opening and closing
short, and much can happen in just a few minutes.
• Encapsulated base for quick and even heat distribution
• Pressure regulator dial with three internal pressure settings
Begin timing when the cooker reaches full pressure, set it for the exact
• Four built-in safety devices – pressure limiting valve, safety
number of minutes and remove the pot from the heat the second the
open-preventing valve, sealing ring and automatic cover lock
timer beeps.

Fresco 6L Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker If you have an electric stove, turn one burner to high to bring the
• Professional 18/10 stainless steel cooker up to pressure and another burner to low. That way you can
• Stay-cool handles on both sides of the pot move the pot to the low burner as soon as the pressure is reached.
• Encapsulated base for quick and even heat distribution
• Four built-in safety devices – pressure limiting valve, safety Most foods benefit from browning before they are cooked in a
open-preventing valve, sealing ring and automatic cover lock pressure cooker. It’s an extra step but it does make a big difference
to the end result.
Fresco 5.5L Pressure Cooker
• Heavy gauge polished aluminum promotes rapid, even heat It’s possible to let the cooker depressurize naturally but we prefer
• Stay-cool handles on both sides of the pot the quick-release method. Place the cooker in the sink and run cold
• Four built-in safety devices – pressure limiting valve, safety water over the lid. It will depressurize very quickly and allow you to
open-preventing valve, sealing ring and automatic cover lock access your food sooner – which is especially important with delicate
foods such as grains and veggies.
Layered Black Bean Mushroom Barley Soup
Chipotle Dip
For the dip: For the layers: The perfect soup for a 1/2 oz dried porcini mushrooms
2 cups dry black beans 1 cup sour cream blustery day – hearty and 1/2 cup hot water
1 tbsp olive oil 2 ripe avocados, diced 2 tbsp olive oil
flavourful. If you don’t have 2 medium onions, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped 1 tbsp fresh lime juice
2 cloves garlic, minced 1 ripe tomato, chopped dried mushrooms, just 2 medium carrots, chopped
1/4 cup chopped cilantro 2 green onions, chopped leave them out – it will still 1 stalk celery, chopped
2 tbsp fresh lime juice 1 fresh jalapeño pepper, 2 cloves garlic, minced
be delicious. For a
1 canned chipotle pepper chopped (optional) 1 lb fresh mushrooms, sliced
in adobo 1 cup shredded Monterey
vegetarian version of this 3 quarts chicken, beef or vegetable broth
1/2 tsp ground cumin Jack cheese soup, use vegetable broth. 1 cup pearl barley
1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
Rinse the beans well to remove any bits of grit. Place the beans in the
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
pressure cooker and add cold water to cover by about 2 inches. Place
the pot over high heat and bring to a boil without the lid. Let the beans
cook for 3 to 5 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for 1 hour to
This recipe for pressure- soak. Drain. Place the dried mushrooms in a small bowl with the hot water.
cooked black beans yields Let soak for at least 10 minutes or longer. When softened, drain the
Add 4 cups fresh cold water to the beans. Secure the pressure cooker mushrooms thoroughly, saving the soaking liquid. Chop mushrooms
more than you’ll need to lid, adjust the dial for high pressure and place over medium-high heat. coarsely and strain the liquid to remove any grit.
make the dip. Refrigerate When the pressure cooker reaches the correct pressure, turn the heat
down as low as possible while still maintaining pressure and begin Heat the oil in the pressure cooker over medium-high heat, with the
or freeze the extra beans in
timing for 8 minutes. Immediately remove from heat, place the lid off. Add the onions, carrots, celery and garlic and cook, stirring,
their cooking liquid to use pressure cooker in the sink and run cold water over the lid until the for 8 to 10 minutes or until the vegetables are soft. Add the dried and
another time. Then again, pressure is released and the lid can be opened. fresh mushrooms to the pot and continue to cook, stirring often, for
this dip is so addictive you’ll 6 to 8 minutes or until the mushrooms have released their liquid and
Meanwhile, in a small skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the it has started to evaporate.
be glad to have more onion and garlic and cook, stirring constantly, for 3 to 5 minutes or until
beans ready go. the onion is softened but not brown. Add the broth, reserved mushroom soaking liquid, barley, thyme,
salt and pepper. Secure the pressure cooker lid and adjust the dial for
Measure 2 cups of the drained black beans into the bowl of a food high pressure. When the pressure cooker reaches the correct pressure,
processor. Add the sautéed onion mixture, the cilantro, lime juice, turn the heat down as low as possible while still maintaining pressure
chipotle, cumin and salt. Process, using on/off pulses, until the mixture and begin timing for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and run cold
is smooth but with some texture. If you find the mixture too thick, add water over the lid to reduce the pressure until the lid can be opened.
1 tbsp water to thin it. Spread black bean dip in an 8- or 9-inch round Stir in the parsley, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper.
pie plate. Spread the sour cream over the bean layer. Toss the Serves 8 to 10.
avocados with the lime juice and sprinkle over top of the sour cream.
Top this with the chopped tomato, green onions, jalapeño pepper
(if using) and, finally, the shredded cheese. Serve with nacho chips.
Traditional Chili with Beans Beef Bourguignon
3 cups dried red kidney or pinto beans, rinsed and cleaned All the rich, saucy 2 lbs stewing beef, cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes
2 lbs lean ground beef 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
flavour of the French
1/2 lb hot or mild Italian sausages, skins removed and 1 tsp salt
classic in less than an 1/4 tsp black pepper
meat crumbled
hour. Serve with a 2 tbsp olive oil
2 large onions, chopped
2 medium carrots, sliced 1/2 inch thick
2 cloves garlic, minced crusty baguette and 1 medium onion, sliced 1/2 inch thick
1 can (28 oz/796 mL) diced tomatoes
crisp green salad for 2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can (5.5 oz/156 mL) tomato paste
a fabulous meal. 1/4 cup chicken or beef broth
2 canned chipotle peppers in adobo, chopped (optional) 2 cups hearty red wine such as pinot noir or burgundy
2 fresh jalapeño peppers, minced 1 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp Mexican chili powder 1 tsp dried thyme
1 tbsp ground cumin 2 bay leaves, broken
1 tbsp salt 2 tbsp butter
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper or to taste 8 oz mushrooms, halved
1 tsp curry powder 5 oz pearl onions, peeled
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

A delicious, full- Place the beans in the pressure cooker and add cold water to cover Place the beef in a bowl and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Toss
flavoured chili made them by about 2 inches. Place the pot over high heat and bring to until meat is evenly coated. Place the oil in the pressure cooker and
a boil without securing the lid for pressure. Cook the beans for 3 to set over medium-high heat. Working in batches to avoid crowding the
from scratch in just 5 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for 1 hour to soak. Drain meat, place a few pieces of beef in the hot oil and brown well, turning
over an hour – off the water. to brown all sides. Remove meat to a bowl and continue to cook the
practically a miracle! remaining pieces until they are all browned.
Add 4 cups of fresh cold water to the beans. Secure the pressure
cooker lid, adjust the dial for high pressure and place over medium- Add the carrots, onion and garlic to the pot and sauté for about
high heat. When the pressure cooker reaches the correct pressure, 5 minutes or until the onion is softened. Add the broth and continue
turn the heat down as low as possible while still maintaining pressure to cook, stirring, to dissolve the browned or crusty bits in the pressure
and begin timing for 10 minutes. Immediately remove from heat, cooker. Add the beef, wine, tomato paste, thyme and bay leaves and
place the pressure cooker in the sink and run cold water over the stir well. Secure the lid on the pressure cooker, adjust the dial for high
lid until the pressure is released and the lid can be opened. pressure and place over medium-high heat. When the pressure cooker
reaches the correct pressure, turn the heat down as low as possible
Meanwhile, in a large skillet, combine the beef, sausage meat, onions while still maintaining pressure and begin timing for 25 minutes.
and garlic. Place over medium-high heat and cook, stirring to break
up any lumps, for about 10 minutes or until the meat is no longer pink. While the beef bourguignon is cooking, melt the butter in a large skillet
Drain any liquid or fat. Add the meat mixture to the pressure cooker over medium-high heat. Add the mushrooms and pearl onions and
with the beans and cooking liquid. Stir in the remaining ingredients. cook, stirring, until both the mushrooms and onions are browned in
Replace the pressure cooker lid and bring the pot up to high pressure spots. Remove from heat and set aside. When the pressure cooker time
over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat as low as possible while still is up, remove from heat and run cold water over the lid until the pressure
maintaining the pressure in the pot and begin timing for 8 minutes. is released and the lid can be opened. Add the sautéed mushrooms,
Remove from heat and run cold water over the lid to reduce the pearl onions and chopped parsley. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, until
pressure until the lid can be opened. Serves 8 to 10. flavours are blended. Serves 4.
Flank Steak with Speedy Sloppy Joes
Mushroom & Onion Gravy
1 1/2 lbs flank steak Less than 20 1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt minutes from start 1 1/2 lbs lean ground beef or turkey
1/4 tsp black pepper 1 medium onion, chopped
to dinner plate – the 1 medium green pepper, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil, divided
1 medium onion, sliced classic messy meal 2 cloves garlic, minced
8 oz Portobello mushrooms, sliced made even quicker. 3/4 cup ketchup
3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp prepared mustard
A perfect solution
1 tbsp fresh rosemary, chopped 1 tbsp vinegar
1/2 cup red wine for weeknight 1 tbsp brown sugar
1 cup diced tomatoes, canned or fresh mayhem. 1 tsp salt
1 cup beef broth 1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
additional salt and pepper to taste

Serve this tender Season the flank steak on both sides with salt and pepper. In a large Heat the olive oil in the pressure cooker over medium-high heat.
skillet, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil over medium-high heat. Brown the steak Add the ground beef or turkey, the onion, green pepper and garlic.
beef with rich
in the hot oil, turning to brown evenly on both sides. Remove from skillet Cook, stirring to crumble the meat, for 5 to 7 minutes or until the
mushroom gravy and set aside. meat is no longer pink. Add the ketchup, mustard, vinegar, brown
over mashed sugar, salt and pepper and stir to mix well.
Heat the remaining 1 tbsp of olive oil in the pressure cooker over
potatoes for a
medium-high heat. Add the onion, mushrooms, garlic and rosemary Secure the lid on the pressure cooker and adjust the dial for high.
perfectly homey and cook, stirring, until softened – 6 to 8 minutes. Add the wine and When the pressure cooker reaches the correct pressure, turn the
weeknight dinner. cook, stirring to loosen any crusty bits from the bottom of the pot. Stir heat down as low as possible while still maintaining pressure and
in the tomatoes and beef broth and cook for just a minute or two, until begin timing for 10 minutes. When the pressure cooker time is up,
blended. Place the browned flank steak in the pressure cooker on top remove from heat and run cold water over the lid until the pressure
of the vegetable mixture and cover with the lid. Adjust the dial for high is released and the lid can be opened.
pressure and place over medium-high heat. When the pressure cooker
reaches the correct pressure, turn the heat down as low as possible while Spoon the mixture over fresh hamburger buns and serve with your
still maintaining pressure and begin timing for 20 minutes. Remove from favourite assortment of toppings. Serves 4 to 6.
heat, place in the sink and run cold water over the lid until the pressure
is released and the lid can be opened.

Place the cooked flank steak on a cutting board and cover with foil to
keep warm. In a small bowl, stir together the water and flour. Add to the
sauce in the pressure cooker and cook, stirring constantly, over medium
heat until the gravy comes to a simmer and thickens. Taste and adjust
seasoning with salt and pepper, if desired. Slice the flank steak thinly
across the grain and serve with the mushroom and onion gravy. Serves 4.
Arroz con Pollo Chicken Paprikash
with Noodles
3 lbs skinless chicken thighs Tender chicken 1 chicken, cut up (3 lbs) or equivalent amount of bone-in
1 tsp salt cooked in a rosy, sour chicken pieces
1/4 tsp black pepper 1 tsp salt
cream paprika sauce is 1/4 tsp black pepper
2 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/4 tsp saffron, crumbled a classic Hungarian 1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp olive oil comfort food. 1 medium onion, chopped
4 oz chorizo sausage, cut into 1/4-inch slices 1 medium green pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium red sweet pepper, chopped 2 tbsp Hungarian paprika (sweet, hot or a mixture)
2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp tomato paste
1/2 cup white wine 1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup diced tomato, fresh or canned 3/4 cup sour cream
1 tsp smoked Spanish or regular paprika 1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups arborio or parboiled white rice 1 pkg (12 oz/340 g) broad egg noodles
1 cup frozen peas 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

This quick and delicious Arrange the chicken pieces on a plate or baking dish and sprinkle Season the chicken on both sides with salt and pepper. Heat the oil
version of the classic with salt and pepper. Set aside. Heat the chicken broth in a saucepan in the pressure cooker over medium-high heat. Working in batches,
or the microwave. Stir in the saffron and let sit while you prepare the brown the chicken on all sides, removing them to a plate once they
Spanish dish calls for remaining ingredients. are browned. Drain off all but 1 tbsp of fat from the pot.
arborio or parboiled
rice, both of which are Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in the pressure cooker and Add the onion, green pepper and garlic to the pressure cooker,
add the sliced chorizo. Cook, uncovered, until the sausage pieces are lower the heat to medium and cook, stirring, until vegetables are
easily cooked in the slightly browned, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the sausage from the softened – 5 to 7 minutes. Add the paprika, tomato paste and broth
pressure cooker without pot, leaving the oil behind. Add the onion, pepper and garlic to the and mix well. Add the chicken to the pressure cooker, mixing well to
becoming mushy. pressure cooker and cook, stirring, until softened, about 5 minutes. coat chicken with the sauce. Secure the lid on the pressure cooker,
Add the wine and cook for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring to dissolve crusty bits adjust the dial for high pressure and increase the heat to medium-
from the bottom of the pot. Stir in the tomato and paprika and cook high. When the pressure cooker reaches the correct pressure, turn
for 1 or 2 minutes. the heat down as low as possible while still maintaining pressure and
begin timing for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and run cold water
Return the browned sausage to the pot along with the rice, chicken over the lid until the pressure is released and the lid can be opened.
pieces, broth and peas and stir until well mixed. Secure the pressure
cooker lid and adjust the dial for high pressure. When the pressure Remove the chicken pieces from the pressure cooker. Combine
cooker reaches the correct pressure, turn the heat down as low as the sour cream and the flour. Ladle about 1/2 cup of the hot sauce
possible while still maintaining pressure and begin timing for 10 minutes. into the sour cream mixture and stir. Place the pressure cooker over
Immediately remove from heat and run cold water over the lid until the medium heat, add the sour cream mixture into the sauce and cook,
pressure is released and the lid can be opened. Let the dish sit off the stirring constantly, until the sauce thickens and just begins to simmer.
heat, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the rice to absorb excess Serve the chicken and paprika sauce over egg noodles. Serves 4.
liquid before serving. Serves 4 to 6.
Korean Glazed
Beef Short Ribs
These succulent short Heat the oil in the pressure cooker over medium-high heat.
ribs are infused with Asian Working in batches to avoid crowding, brown the short ribs in
the hot oil, turning to brown on all sides. Remove ribs to a bowl
seasoning and cooked as they are browned.
to fork-tenderness in
record time. In a mixing bowl, stir together the soy sauce, brown sugar,
Hoisin sauce, chili paste, vinegar, sesame oil, ginger and garlic.
Pour over the browned short ribs and mix well to coat meat on
1 tbsp vegetable oil all sides.
4 lbs meaty beef short ribs, cut
Drain all the fat from the pressure cooker and discard it. Add the
into individual ribs 2 inches long
onions and the beef broth to the pressure cooker and place over
1/4 cup soy sauce
medium heat, stirring to dissolve crusty bits from the pot. Add the
1/4 cup brown sugar
short ribs and all the seasonings to the pressure cooker, arranging
3 tbsp Hoisin sauce
the ribs so that they are in a single layer on top of the onions.
1 tbsp Asian chili garlic paste
Secure the lid on the pressure cooker, adjust the dial for high
1 tbsp rice vinegar
pressure and place over medium-high heat. When the pressure
1 tbsp sesame oil
cooker reaches the correct pressure, turn the heat down as low
1 tbsp minced fresh ginger
as possible while still maintaining pressure and begin timing for 35
6 cloves garlic, minced
minutes. Immediately remove from heat and run cold water over
2 medium onions, chopped the lid until the pressure is released and the lid can be opened.
1 cup beef broth
2 tbsp water With tongs or a slotted spoon, remove the short ribs to a bowl and
1 tbsp cornstarch cover with foil. Pour the sauce into a shallow bowl or baking dish
4 green onions, chopped and refrigerate or freeze to allow the fat to solidify and be easily
removed. If you don’t have time to chill the sauce, just skim the
top of the sauce to remove the fat and discard.

Transfer the skimmed cooking liquid to a large saucepan (or to

the pressure cooker without the lid) and place over medium heat.
In a small bowl, stir together the water and cornstarch. Pour this
mixture into the cooking liquid and bring to a boil, stirring, until the
sauce thickens and becomes glossy. Return the short ribs to the
sauce and cook, stirring gently, just until heated through and
glazed with sauce. Sprinkle with green onions and serve with rice
or noodles. Serves 4 to 6.
Pulled Pork Sandwiches Vanilla Bean Rice Pudding
1/4 cup granulated sugar Without a pressure 3 cups whole milk
2 tsp smoked paprika cooker, a simple, 1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp dry mustard powder 2 tbsp butter
creamy rice pudding 1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise or 1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp salt
3 lbs pork shoulder butt or picnic, bone-in or boneless, like this would take 2/3 cup arborio rice
skin and excess fat removed hours to make. Our cinnamon for garnish
1 bottle beer, any kind
version takes less than
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup cider vinegar 30 minutes – start to
1/2 cup ketchup finish. Comfort food
1/4 cup brown sugar at its easiest.
1 tbsp Dijon mustard

Pulled pork can take a In a small bowl, stir together the sugar, paprika, dry mustard and salt. Combine the milk, sugar, butter and vanilla bean in the pressure
whole day to cook the Rub this mixture all over the pork and place the meat on a steamer rack cooker. If you are using vanilla extract, do not add it at this time.
in the pressure cooker. Add the beer and water to the pot, secure the Place over medium-high heat and cook, stirring once or twice, just
conventional way. A pressure cooker lid and adjust the dial for high pressure. Place over until the butter melts. Stir in the rice; place the lid on the pressure
pressure cooker cuts medium-high heat until the pressure cooker reaches the correct pressure cooker and adjust the dial for high pressure. Cook until it reaches
the time to a little over then turn the heat down as low as possible while still maintaining pressure. the correct pressure then turn heat down as low as possible while
Let cook at high pressure for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Remove from heat still maintaining pressure and begin timing for 12 minutes.
an hour with wonderfully and run cold water over the lid until the pressure is released and the lid
tender and juicy results. can be opened. Remove the pressure cooker from the heat and allow the pressure
to reduce naturally until you can safely open the lid. If you’re using
Remove meat to a cutting board or bowl until cool enough to handle. vanilla bean, remove it from the pudding, scrape the seeds out
With two forks or by hand, pull the meat into long shreds, discarding the with a spoon and stir them into the pudding. Discard the husk.
bone and any fat. If you’re using vanilla extract, simply stir it into the warm pudding.

Drain off all but 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid from the pressure cooker. Transfer rice pudding to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let
Stir in the cider vinegar, ketchup, brown sugar and Dijon mustard. Place cool completely. Immediately after cooking, the pudding will be
over medium heat and let simmer, uncovered, for 8 to 10 minutes. Add quite loose and runny, but as it cools it will thicken to a creamy
the shredded pork to the sauce and heat through. Taste and adjust sauce. Serve sprinkled lightly with cinnamon, if desired. Serves 4 to 6.
seasoning if desired.

Serve pulled pork on fresh crusty buns with sliced onions, pickles,
coleslaw, ketchup, mustard, lettuce – the works. Serves 4 to 6.
Fresco International
2770 Dufferin Street,
Unit #221 Toronto,
Ontario, M6B 3R7
Phone: (416) 644-1661
Fax: (416) 644-1661


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