Cbse - Department of Skill Education: Artificial Intelligence (Subject Code 843)
Cbse - Department of Skill Education: Artificial Intelligence (Subject Code 843)
Cbse - Department of Skill Education: Artificial Intelligence (Subject Code 843)
General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully
2. This Question Paper is divided into 03 sections, viz., Section A, Section B and Section C.
Answer any 5 questions out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
843-AI- MS-XII-Term1(2021-2022) 1
15. Ans. d. 1, 2 and 3 1
16. Ans. a. 1 1
17. Ans. a. Data Requirements >> Data Collection >> Data understanding >> Data preparation 1
18. Ans. b. Get more training data 1
19. Ans. b Empathies 1
20. Ans. c. It makes the cost function faster to optimize 1
21. Ans. a Scikit-learn 1
22. Ans. c. Point estimate for population standard deviation is 3.5 1
23. Ans. c. KNN is used only for classification problem statements. 1
24. Ans. d. 28.956 1
25. Ans. c. Reinforcement Learning. 1
26. Ans. c Python 1
843-AI- MS-XII-Term1(2021-2022) 2