Evolution of An Arsenal
Evolution of An Arsenal
Evolution of An Arsenal
Evolution of an Arsenal
Bryan G. Fry‡§, Holger Scheib¶储, Louise van der Weerd**, Bruce Young‡‡,
Judith McNaughtan§§, S. F. Ryan Ramjan‡, Nicolas Vidal¶¶, Robert E. Poelmann**,
and Janette A. Norman‡储储
Venom is a key innovation underlying the evolution of systems in three front-fanged lineages is associated with
advanced snakes (Caenophidia). Despite this, very little is recruitment of new toxin types or explosive diversification
known about venom system structural diversification, of existing toxin types. These results support the role of
toxin recruitment event timings, or toxin molecular evolu- venom as a key evolutionary innovation in the diversifi-
tion. A multidisciplinary approach was used to examine cation of advanced snakes and identify a potential role
the diversification of the venom system and associated for non-front-fanged venom toxins as a rich source for
toxins across the full range of the ⬃100 million-year-old lead compounds for drug design and development.
© 2008 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7.2 215
This paper is available on line at http://www.mcponline.org
Evolution of an Arsenal
Studies of the first full-length toxins from non-front-fanged molecular phylogenetic studies demonstrated the shared or-
snakes were revealing, particularly the isolation and charac- igin of 3FTx and other toxin types across the entire advanced
terization of a potently neurotoxic three-finger toxin (3FTx)1 snake radiation (3).
from the colubrid snake Coelognathus radiatus (2). This toxin In view of the homology of the venom toxins and toxin-
type had long been considered the hallmark of elapid venoms secreting glands of all advanced snakes, the fact that Duver-
and had been the subject of intense study (19). Follow-up noy’s glands represented a primitive condition and that the
derived glands of the front-fanged snakes were independently
The abbreviations used are: 3FTx, three-finger toxin; CRISP, cys- evolved from these, the distinction between Duvernoy’s
teine-rich secretory protein; SVMP, snake venom metalloprotease; glands and venom glands was revealed to be an artificial one
ADAM, a disintegrin and metalloprotease; BLAST, Basic Local Align- that impeded the understanding of the evolution of the venom
ment Search Tool; 3D, three-dimensional; SPDBV, Swiss-PdbViewer;
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; T, tesla; CVF, cobra venom factor;
apparatus of snakes. For this reason, the term Duvernoy’s
MMP, matrix metalloprotease; PLA2, phospholipase A2; CRD, cys- gland was abandoned, and the term “venom gland” was used
teine-rich domain. for the toxin-secreting oral glands of all snakes regardless of
the degree of anatomical specialization in the venom delivery screened for vector sequences, and those parts were removed prior
apparatus (14). to analysis and identification. Toxin sequences were identified by
homology of the translated cDNA sequences with previously charac-
It has been shown previously that snake venoms evolve via
terized toxins using a BLAST search of the Swiss-Prot protein data-
a process by which a gene encoding for a normal body base (www.expasy.org/tools/blast/).
protein, typically one involved in key regulatory processes or Molecular Modeling of Toxins—3D models for caenophidian toxins
bioactivity, is duplicated, and the copy is selectively ex- were generated based on the assumption that homologous proteins
pressed in the venom gland (20). The newly created toxin type share similar 3D structures (25). In other words, the three-dimensional
structure of a target protein can be modeled if its sequence is ho-
evolves via the birth-and-death model of protein evolution in
mologous to at least one template protein whose 3D structure has
which a toxin multigene family is created by further gene been determined experimentally by applying either x-ray or NMR
duplication events followed by the deletion of some copies techniques (26). In this work aligning the protein sequences of target
and conversion of others to non-functional copies or pseudo- and template(s) was carried out in SPDBV (27), and the initial align-
genes (19). ments were refined manually. From these alignments 3D models were
built directly in SPDBV applying the “Build Preliminary Model” option,
In addition to gene duplication, mutation is an important
which is disabled in the currently distributed public version of the
process that generates a tremendous diversity of venom tox- software. Loops were built by scanning a database of known loop
ins within these multigene families. The newly created toxin structures using the same software, and suitable specimens were
multigene families preserve the molecular scaffold of the an- selected after visual inspection. The enthalpy of the resulting models
cestral protein but modify key functional residues at the tips of was minimized applying two times 200 steps of Steepest Descent
Toxin types recovered from mRNA transcript sampling
CRI, CRISP; Fac X, Factor X; Ka, kallikrein; Ku, kunitz; Lec, lectin; NGF, nerve growth factor; Wap, waprin.
Type IA Type IB
Colubridae X
D. typus X X X
T. dhara X X X X
T. jacksonii X X X X
T. biscutatus X X X
L. poecilogyrus X X X X X
P. olfersii X X X X X X
O. microlepidotus X X X X X X
E. polylepis X X X X
R. tigrinus X X
closed venom canal, 2) no enclosed venom canal and surface with image acquisition. Anatomical images were acquired using a 3D
shallow furrow, 3) deep groove running the majority of the length of gradient echo sequence. The field of view and matrix were varied to
the tooth, 4) deep groove present but restricted to less than half the fit the individual samples, resulting in voxel sizes between (40)3 and
length of the tooth, and 5) enclosed venom canal. (70)3 mm3. Imaging parameters were: echo time ⫽ 8 ms; repetition
Histological Analysis—Histological sections were prepared from time ⫽ 40 ms; flip angle, 20°; four to eight averages; total scan time
the intact head and the excised venom delivery system. Whole heads between 3 and 9 h per sample, depending on size and resolution.
were removed, and a cut was made to the underside to allow fast Image segmentation of the glands was performed manually in Amira
penetration of the fixative (10% neutral buffered formalin). After a 4.1 (Mercury Computer Systems Inc.), and 3D surface renderings
minimum of 2 days excess tissue was removed, and specimens were were generated for all species.
immersed in Kristensen’s decalcification solution and placed on a
rotor for up to 3 weeks (depending on the size of the head). Before
processing the heads were bisected longitudinally for cutting trans-
versely, at 3 m, in two separate blocks. The processing schedule Isolation and Characterization of Venom Toxin Transcripts—
was: 10% formalin, 2 h; absolute ethanol, 4 ⫻ 1 h; Histolene, 3 ⫻ 1 h; Analysis of venom gland cDNA from non-front-fanged snake
paraffin wax, 2 ⫻ 90 min. The sections were taken every 100 m, and
libraries revealed the presence of transcripts with homology
matching sections were stained with periodic acid-Schiff stain and
Masson’s trichrome stain. In other specimens, the venom gland, to previously characterized venom toxins from front-fanged
venom duct, and the adjacent bony and muscular tissue were excised snakes and venomous lizards (helodermatids and varanids)
and placed in decalcifying solution (Cal-Ex, Fisher) for 72–168 h. Each (Tables I and II). Transcripts sequenced were 3FTx (Figs. 2
sample was dehydrated and cleared through a progressive ethanol and 3), C3/cobra venom factor (CVF) (Fig. 4), cysteine-rich se-
series and Cyto-Sol (Fisher) prior to embedding in Paraplast (Fisher).
cretory protein (CRISP) (Figs. 5 and 6), hyaluronidase (Fig. 7),
Serial sections were cut at 10 –12 m. All species were sectioned in
the frontal plane; when available, the contralateral venom delivery kallikrein (Figs. 8 and 9), kunitz (Figs. 10 and 11), lectin (Figs. 12
system was sectioned either parasagittally or transversely. Sections and 13), matrix metalloprotease (MMP) (Fig. 14), phospholipase
were stained using a variant of Van Gieson’s stain, which provides A2 (PLA2) Type IB (Fig. 15), SVMP/ADAM (Figs. 16, 17, and 18),
clear distinction between connective tissue, muscle, and epithelium, and waprin (Fig. 19). Transcripts of five of these toxin types were
or with hematoxylin and eosin.
also recovered from the cDNA libraries of the representative
Magnetic Resonance Imaging—Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
was used to examine the three-dimensional shape and internal anat- elapid Oxyuranus microlepidotus (3FTx, CRISP, kunitz, and wa-
omy of the venom glands. Formalin-ethanol-fixed heads were first prin) and the viperid Causus rhombeatus (kallikrein).
submersed in Fomblin (Solvay Solexis) to prevent air artifacts. De- Alignment of the translated amino acid sequences revealed
pending on head size, imaging was performed on either 9.4-T (small/ extensive variation in the molecular structure of the transcripts
medium) or 17.6-T (large) vertical 89-mm-bore systems (Bruker Bio-
Spin, Rheinstetten, Germany) with a Bruker Micro2.5 gradient system
for most toxin types. There was less amino acid sequence
of 1 T/m and transmit/receive birdcage radiofrequency coil with di- divergence in C3/CVF, CRISP, hyaluronidase, kunitz, PLA2
ameter of 10 –30 mm. Bruker ParaVision 3.0 software was used for (Type IB), and MMP toxins than in the much more variable
Transcripts from non-front-fanged snakes and previously characterized basal and derived bioactivities from elapid or viperid venoms (19)
VWF, von Willebrand factor; GP, glycoprotein.
Toxin type Bioactivities
3FTx Ancestral toxic activity of ␣-neurotoxicity, antagonistically binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; ␣-
neurotoxicity greatly potentiated by the deletion of the second and third ancestral cysteines. Functional
derivations include binding to the postsynaptic muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, presynaptic neurotoxic
action upon the L-type calcium channels, cytotoxic interactions, acetylcholinesterase inhibition, and others.
C3/CVF Ancestral activity of unregulated activation of the complement cascade causing rapid and significant problems
such as anaphylactic-type problems and/or tissue damage via hemolysis/cytolysis. Derived activities not
currently documented.
CRISP Ancestral activity of paralysis of peripheral smooth muscle and induction of hypothermia due to the action
upon voltage-gated Ca2⫹ channels and resultant blockage of K⫹-induced contraction. Derived activities
include blockage of cyclic nucleotide-gated calcium channels.
Hyaluronidase Venom spreading factor.
Kallikrein Ancestral toxic activity of increase of vascular permeability and production of hypotension in addition to
stimulation of inflammation. Derived activities affect the blood, particularly targeting fibrinogen.
Kunitz Ancestral toxic activity of inhibition of circulating plasma serine proteases. Derivations include inhibition of
plasmin and thrombin and the blockage of L-type calcium channels. Structural derivatives form part of
3FTx, kallikrein, lectin, SVMP/ADAM, and waprin toxins. For Even more so our in silico studies could not confirm sug-
most toxin types multiple transcripts containing significant gested functional motifs, namely EX2F and DVF, at least as a
molecular variations were also isolated from individual cDNA general principle of CRISP. Differences in CRISP function of
libraries; this is a characteristic previously attributed to acceler- toxic venom proteins and the non-toxic representative from
ated diversification in these toxin multigene families (19). cDNA mouse are subtle and likely to be found in CRD, i.e. Leu-220
sequencing revealed numerous transcripts in the venom glands and Leu-230 (numbering according to mouse; Fig. 5). The
of non-front-fanged snakes that preserve the key amino acids promiscuous susceptibility of CRISP toward different ion
essential for a particular bioactivity and potentially represent the channels is reflected in their high degree of sequence varia-
mRNA precursors of functional proteins. tion. In the absence of obvious sequence and structure dif-
Reflective of sequence variation of proteins in the CRISP ferences between toxic and non-toxic specimens (Figs. 5 and
family, its members have been found to interact with different 6) it will be necessary to acquire further data on the function
target proteins, i.e. cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels as of the CRISP family members to identify the functionally dis-
well as L-type Ca2⫹ and BKCa K⫹ channels (30 –32). Binding criminating amino acids.
to the respective channels is speculated to be a general The hyaluronidase transcript sequenced from Liophis po-
property of CRISP and was attributed to a predominantly ecilogyrus showed significant sequence similarity to those
hydrophobic cavity involving residues from both domain PR-1 sequenced from viperid venoms (36), and the snake se-
and cysteine-rich domain (CRD), whereas specific channel quences all formed a clade (Fig. 7). Kallikrein transcripts iso-
block supposedly is taking place with residues of CRD (30 – lated from Philodryas olfersii retained residues essential for
35). Six amino acids were identified for the calcium channel the potent hypotensive action mediated by the liberation of
blocker Triflin (Protein Data Bank code 1WVR (30)) to bind to bradykinin from kininogen (Fig. 8).
ion channels (numbering according to Triflin): Glu-44, Tyr-54, Kunitz-type toxins belong to the superfamily of bovine pan-
Ser-65, Tyr-125 (all four in PR-1), Thr-184, and Arg-185 (both creatic trypsin-like inhibitors. Although they share the same
in CRD). An additional four amino acids were conserved and overall 3D fold, their antitrypsin activity may vary. It has been
postulated to affect ion channel function of this neurotoxin. long known that the residue in the so-called P1 site of the
They are all located in CRD: Phe-189, Leu-195, Tyr-205, and trypsin inhibitor is positively charged (arginine, lysine, or his-
Phe-215. However, this work reveals that none of these 10 tidine), whereas this residue in a chymotrypsin inhibitor usu-
positions is conserved throughout the CRISP toxin family. ally is large and hydrophobic (leucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine,
or asparagine) (37). From the multiple sequence alignment pre- Within the lectin toxins, variation of a key tripeptide motif
sented in Fig. 10 it can be concluded that kunitz-type toxins has been shown to have significant impact upon functionality
from P. olfersii, Ophiophagus hannah, Naja naja, and Bungarus (38) with EPN conferring mannose binding ability, whereas
multicinctus are likely to inhibit chymotrypsin, whereas the oth- QPD confers galactose binding. In this study, both were ob-
ers putatively are trypsin inhibitors. Our 3D modeling efforts tained as well as new variants of this motif containing EAP,
showed that the kunitz toxins vary, i.e. in the length of their C- QAP, and LTD (Figs. 12 and 13). The EPN motif appears to be
but also their N-terminal tails (Figs. 10 and 11). The N-terminal basal, whereas the QPD motif is an early emerging variant, and
tail is held in place by formation of two disulfide bonds involving the other variants evolved subsequently at different times during
the first and sixth as well as the second and fourth cysteines. the evolution of the animals themselves. The viper venom-
The inhibitory residues are solvent-exposed and reside in a long specific heterodimeric forms have lost this motif entirely.
surface loop immediately after the second cysteine, which indi- A novel MMP toxin had been reported previously from the
cates that the position of these residues is rather conserved venom of the lethal natricid snake Rhabdophis tigrinus (39).
among kunitz toxins (Figs. 10 and 11). Therefore, changes in However, only a very small fragment was obtained so the
polarity and charge are expected to affect the physicochemical MMP-subtype relationship remained unclear. In this study, a
properties of this region. full-length MMP was obtained from the L. poecilogyrus library
and was shown to be closest to MMP2 (Fig. 14) rather than well as two conserved tyrosine residues that together with
showing the MMP9 relationship hypothesized in the previous structural water form the catalytic center (Fig. 15). This toxin is
R. tigrinus study. most likely responsible for conferring the presynaptic neuro-
A Type IB PLA2 transcript was isolated from Trimorphodon toxicity observed for this venom (40). The electrostatic sur-
biscutatus that retained not only the ancestral pancreatic loop faces of PLA2 IB clearly indicate the overall similarity of the
but also the catalytic diad residues histidine and aspartate as five toxins studied both in terms of size and shape as well as
with regard to the physicochemical properties. It can be con- (Figs. 4, 5, 8, 10, and 15). Large deletions were detected in
cluded that all PLA2 IB toxin specimens exhibit very similar transcripts of the lectin and SVMP/ADAM toxins. Multiple tran-
neurotoxic function. scripts of a deleted form of the lectin toxin were isolated from
The SVMP/ADAM sequences were shown to be of the PIII Enhydris polylepis (Fig. 12) in which a large stretch of residues
type, consistent with previously reported fragments from including an ancestral cysteine is deleted, leaving a free cys-
Dispholidus typus (41). Numerous transcripts were also recov- teine, potentially facilitating dimerization. Another lectin toxin
ered with significant variations including changes in the number version from the E. polylepis cDNA (again for which multiple
and spacing of cysteine residues and large scale deletions. transcripts were obtained) had a significant change in sequence
Caenophidian 3FTx, lectin, MMP, SVMP, and waprin transcripts to the second half of the protein as a consequence of a frame-
were all characterized by changes in ancestral cysteines in shift mutation. The resulting new transcript contains overall four
addition to the evolution of new cysteines (Figs. 2, 12, 16, 17, cysteine bonds and therefore may fold into a stable, bioactive
and 19). In contrast, transcripts of the caenophidian C3/CVF, molecule. A major truncation was detected in transcripts of the
CRISP, hyaluronidase, kallikrein, kunitz, and PLA2 Type IB tox- SVMP/ADAM toxins isolated from Psammophis mossambicus
ins preserved the ancestral cysteine numbers and spacing (Fig. 16). These transcripts consisted solely of the propeptide
region normally post-translationally cleaved from the functional Pareas carinatus. The course of the venom ducts ranged from
enzymatic region, and some isoforms had evolved new cys- nearly craniad in the elapid and viperid to varying degrees of
teines within this domain. medial or craniomedial in the non-front-fanged species.
Structural Variation of the Venom System—The combina- In histological analyses the serous (protein-secreting) sec-
tion of MRI, histological analysis, gross dissection, and ex- tion of the venom gland was isolated and easily distinguished
amination of dentition revealed extensive variations in the from the mucus-secreting supralabial glands of all species. In
relative size of the venom gland and lumen and variation in the the majority of the taxa examined the venom duct was lined
course of the venom duct (Figs. 1, 20, and 21 and see “Ap- with a combination of stratified squamous and mucoid cells.
pendix II”). Large venom glands, similar in size to those of The relative amount of mucoid cells was far more variable
some elapids, were found in representatives from each of the within the non-front-fanged snakes; mucoid cells were absent
different non-front-fanged families, such as the colubrid in some taxa (e.g. Diadophis punctatus). In Atractaspis bibro-
snake Telescopus dhara, the homalopsid snake Cerberus ryn- nii the radially arranged secretory tubules have a mucoid
chops, the psammophiine snake P. mossambicus, and the section at their opening into the central lumen. Irrespective of
dipsadid snake Helicops leopardinus. The lethal colubrid the epithelial lining, the majority of the taxa examined had a
snake D. typus had the most robust glands of all non-front- localized expansion of the venom duct, termed a venom
fanged snakes studied. In contrast, the venom glands of two vestibule. A venom vestibule was located adjacent to the fang
colubrid snakes (Pituophis guttatus and Dasypeltis scabra) sheath of all front-fanged species as well as many non-front-
were found to be greatly atrophied as was that of the pareatid fanged snakes. However, unique among the non-front-fanged
snakes was the presence of a venom vestibule located along tween these two structures as it is in all front-fanged taxa.
the medial surface of the venom gland. The proximal portion Most commonly in non-front-fanged snakes the venom duct
of the venom duct was septate in the front-fanged taxa and opened both into the fang sheath and directly to the roof of
generally ovoid and largely free of surrounding connective the mouth immediately adjacent to the fang sheath; this dual
tissue in the non-front-fanged taxa. In a few of them (most opening was achieved by the venom duct, or in some cases
notably in D. typus, Stenorrhina freminvillei, and Thelotornis the associated venom vestibule, paralleling the long axis of
capensis) the venom duct was more crenate in cross-section the fang sheath forming a prominent diverticulum. In a few
and was surrounded by concentric layers of connective tissue non-front-fanged taxa there was a secondary venom duct that
suggestive of pressure regulation. arose from the distal portion of the fang sheath and extended
The greatest level of morphological variation was found in peripherally to contact the roof of the mouth. Combining
the topographical relationship between the venom duct and information for the different structural features revealed the
the fang. In some non-front-fanged taxa (e.g. Heterodon) the non-front-fanged snakes to possess a highly variable venom
venom duct opens directly into the oral cavity rather than to system architecture with all combinations of epithelial lining,
the lumen of the fang sheath and the surface of the fang. In venom vestibule, and venom duct topography identified (see
other cases the venom duct courses directly to the fang “Appendix II”).
sheath with no venom vestibule located at the juncture be- The maxillary dentition was also revealed to be extremely
variable among the non-front-fanged snakes, ranging from quenced from non-front-fanged species. For 3FTx, CRISP,
solid smooth fangs (type 1) to grooved fangs of varying depth lectin, and kallikrein, taxonomically limited cDNA sequences
and length (types 2– 4) (Table III). Tooth size was also variable were previously reported, but comprehensive comparisons
with significant enlargement occurring on multiple independ- had not been undertaken.
ent occasions. Particularly enlarged teeth were observed in In the sequencing surveys undertaken in this study, tran-
representatives from all families, such as Dispholidus and scripts of 3FTx, CRISP, and SVMP/ADAM were the most
Oligodon in Colubridae, Tomodon and Waglerophis in Dipsa- phylogenetically widespread dominantly secreted toxin types,
didae, Macropisthodon in Natricidae, Malpolon and Rham- occurring in at least seven of the 10 non-front-fanged snakes
phiophis in Psammophiinae, and Homalopsis in Homalopsi- examined. Other phylogenetically widespread dominant toxin
dae. In contrast, Atractaspis plus all elapids and viperids transcripts were lectin and waprin. Identification of 3FTx tran-
possessed type 5 dentition with an enclosed venom canal, scripts as a common component of caenophidian venom is
and relative tooth size was also much less variable. consistent with previous studies showing active expression of
potent 3FTx in a range of non-front-fanged snakes (2, 14, 40).
DISCUSSION Similarly for the other toxin types, the congruence with pre-
Molecular Characterization of Caenophidia Venoms—Com- vious LC/MS data on the same species provides additional
plex venoms are a feature of the well studied elapids, viperids, evidence of active expression of bioactive proteins in the
and Atractaspis and have also recently been shown to be a venom glands of non-front-fanged snakes (14). Multiple tran-
feature of the helodermatid and varanid venomous lizards (4). scripts of the majority of toxins were recovered from individual
In this study, multiple toxin types were sequenced from all cDNA libraries; this pattern is consistent with accelerated
non-front-fanged snake cDNA libraries, indicating the com- diversification in toxin multigene families as observed in elap-
mon presence of complex venom transcriptomes containing ids and viperids (19). Numerous transcripts were recovered
multiple bioactive components. For hyaluronidase, kunitz, and with significant variations including changes in key functional
waprin these were the first sequences, whether protein or residues, changes in the number and spacing of cysteine
nucleotide, obtained for non-front-fanged species. For 3FTx, residues, and large scale deletions. These modifications rep-
CRISP, kallikrein, lectin, MMP, PLA2, and SVMP/ADAM, only resent potential neofunctionalization (evolution of novel bio-
a very few proteins had been previously even partially se- activities). These results support previous suggestions that
the venom system is a basal characteristic of the advanced Despite their relative presence, these toxin types in different
snakes (3, 4) and also previous crude venom studies (14, 16, lineages should not be considered the only classes present in
17). This has important implications for understanding the a particular venom. This caveat is due to the limited sequenc-
evolution and ecology of the advanced snake radiation and ing that detected only the major toxin transcripts for each
identifies venoms from non-front-fanged snakes as an impor- species. Other types may be present at lower expression
tant bioresource. levels. It is likely that more detailed exploration of their ven-
oms will reveal the presence of additional toxin types. This is
demonstrated by this study recovering only 3FTx, CRISP,
factor X, kunitz, and Type IB PLA2 from O. microlepidotus but
not other toxin types previously sequenced from this species
such as factor V, natriuretic peptides, or nerve growth factor.
Toxin Structure-Function Relationships—Structure-function
relationships of a number of the toxin types sequenced in this
study have been well characterized in venoms from snakes
(Atractaspis, elapids, or viperids) or helodermatid lizards (Table
II) (20). This includes information on the key amino acid residues
necessary for conferring toxicity (e.g. CRISP proteins (30 –35)),
may shed significant light into the evolutionary pressures driving nels). To attract positively charged ions this pore contains
the molecular diversification of this toxin type. both acidic and aromatic residues. Therefore, extracellular
Cation-permeable channels (sodium-, potassium-, and cal- channel blockers often contain positive charges, i.e. guani-
cium-selective channels as well as cyclic nucleotide-gated dinium groups as in arginine, which are flanked by H-bond
channels, which are unselective for monovalent Na⫹ and K⫹ donors, like in conotoxins and dendrotoxins. Due to their
but also allow transfer of Ca2⫹ cations) often contain more size, venom proteins can affect channel gating only from the
than one binding site for channel blockers, one generally extracellular side. We postulate that to occlude the channel
within the transmembrane bundle to bind e.g. anesthetics and pore these proteins require a 3D structure motif that (i) is
one or more at their extracellular side that interact with toxins. accessible to interact with an ion channel, (ii) consists of one
A most effective channel block occurs when the ion perme- (ideally positively) charged residue to interact with the
ation pore is directly occluded by a toxin from the extracellular charged amino acids inside the ion permeation pore, (iii)
side. This pore in many cases is bevelled, narrowing toward a exhibits one or more H-bond donor(s) in vicinity to the
selectivity filter (i.e. in potassium, calcium, and sodium chan- charged residue, and (iv) possibly contains an aromatic
amino acid to form either - or cation- interactions with date and were mainly postulated from multiple sequence align-
the channel pore. ments. To our understanding, the cysteine-rich domain contains
Structural studies revealed that CRISP is a two-domain three sites, which may putatively block ion channels: (i) the loop
protein of conserved fold consisting of a pathogenesis-related between 11 and ␣7 spanning eight residues between the first
PR-1 and a CRD, which are linked together via a flexible hinge and second cysteine in CRD, (ii) the loop connecting ␣7 and ␣8
(30, 44). Although significantly smaller than PR-1, the CRD containing up to six amino acids, and (iii) the C-terminal tail
spans the C-terminal six of a total of 16 conserved cysteines. following the sixth conserved CRD cysteine.
The resulting three disulfide bonds stabilize the CRD fold and A hypothesized functional EX2F motif (34, 35) was found
leave only marginal room for movement in this domain. It is three to six residues C-terminal to the first CRD cysteine. In
widely assumed that hydrophobic residues of a concave cleft this study we could not confirm this motif to be conserved and
including both the PR-1 and the cysteine-rich domain would thus functional throughout the CRISP family. However, the
bind the CRISP to the ion channel (30), whereas actual chan- widespread taxonomical presence is suggestive that if this
nel block is hypothesized to involve amino acids of CRD only. motif is not basal it is at least early emerging. Whereas the
The fact that CRISP toxins block a variety of ion channels may aromatic residue was conserved (either phenylalanine or ty-
indicate that different residues located at different positions of rosine), the glutamate occurred in only five of 16 sequences.
CRD are responsible for occluding the extracellular entry to At the same position five asparagines, one glutamine, and two
the channel. This hypothesis is supported by the observation lysines were found, but interestingly no aspartate was found.
that CRD can move relative to the PR-1 domain, which may In contrast, the C-terminal neighbor to glutamate in position
even lead to exposure of residues that in the experimental ⫹3 of the first CRD cysteine is highly conserved exhibiting
x-ray structures (Protein Data Bank codes 1RC9 (44) and only aspartate (nine occurrences) and asparagine (11 occur-
1XX5 (31)) are found at the interface to PR-1. Yet the amino rences). This position corresponds to the first residue in the
acids actually blocking ion channels remained unidentified to DVF motif that has been identified to selectively interact with
L-type calcium channels (35). It ranges from position 4 to 6 Alternatively, interactions with L-type calcium channels may
after the first CRD cysteine. This motif was first identified in involve one of the following motifs. (i) The loop tip between
-conotoxin TxVII (45) and was later found in the venom helices ␣7 and ␣8 may be involved. Here the first residue of
protein ablomin (35). Our structural studies showed that the the loop is either polar (Gln or Asn) or charged (Lys or Glu)
side chain of the aspartate/asparagine in DVF was oriented followed by a mostly polar (Asn, Ser, or Thr) and an either
toward the core of CRD forming several H-bonds with the polar (Ser, Asn, Thr, or His) or charged amino acid (Lys or Asp)
third and most C-terminal a-helix ␣9. The second and third just before the third conserved cysteine. This region contains
residues of this motif are located at the surface of CRD with charged residues in many toxins and is structurally exposed.
their side chains pointing toward the solvent. Yet valine was However, it lacks an aromatic amino acid in its vicinity. (ii) The
found only three times in this study, whereas in 14 instances residues in position ⫹1 or ⫹2 of the first and in ⫹1 of the fifth
this residue was charged (four times lysine and 10 times conserved CRD cysteine may be involved. The former was
glutamate and aspartate). The third residue of this motif was postulated to be involved in cyclic nucleotide-gated channel
large and hydrophobic and, with the exception of the se- block and often contains a basic amino acid (see below and
quence Q3SB05 from Pseudonaja textilis, aromatic. We hy- Fig. 5); the latter is predominantly phenylalanine. This sub-
pothesize that these two residues may dock to ion channels structure is also accessible and is held in place by a nearby
because they satisfy, in most cases, the four criteria postu- disulfide bond. (iii) Positions ⫹1, ⫹2, and ⫹3 after the sixth
lated earlier: (i) spatial accessibility, (ii) a charged amino acid, CRD cysteine may be involved. This part of the C terminus is
(iii) nearby H-bond donors, and (iv) an aromatic residue in mostly positively charged and polar. It is relatively flexible and
spatial proximity to the charged amino acid. Exceptions to accessible and may therefore interact with L-type calcium
criterion ii are several hydrophobic or polar residues found in channels.
D. typus, L. poecilogyrus, E. polylepis, Lapemis curtus, Pro- Morita and co-workers (32, 33, 35) proposed one or two
tobothrops mucrosquamatus, and Heloderma horridum. Inter- residues immediately C-terminal of the first conserved CRD
estingly potential H-bond donors are available in positions ⫺1 cysteine to be critical for interaction with cyclic nucleotide-
and ⫺2 of the fourth CRD cysteine (Fig. 5). gated ion channels. Their work revealed that the C-terminal
In addition to variations in functional residues and cys- Venom toxins from non-front-fanged snakes may also
teines, mutants were also sequenced with frameshifts, trun- prove useful for investigations of the structure-function rela-
cations, and putative exon deletions. Novel transcripts of the tionships of the normal body proteins from which they were
SVMP/ADAM toxin type were isolated from P. mossambicus derived (20). In some cases, much more is known about the
that were comprised solely of the propeptide domain (Fig. 16). toxic forms than the ancestral body homologues. For exam-
Although forms of SVMP/ADAM have been identified previ- ple, the normal body forms of the CRISP proteins are poorly
ously that selectively express a particular domain (e.g. com- characterized with virtually nothing known of their bioactivi-
prised solely of the disintegrin domain (19)) this is the first time ties. Even the activities of forms that may play important roles,
that the prepro domain has been discovered as being selec- such as those with high expression levels in specific tissue or
tively expressed as the sole domain. The putative exon dele- organs, remain unknown. The basal activity of the CRISP
tion in the lectin toxin variant from E. polylepis not only re- venom protein is likely to be relaxation of peripheral smooth
moved a large stretch of residues but also one of the ancestral muscle, such as helothermine from H. horridum (46), and may
cysteines, leaving a free cysteine, potentially facilitating indicate a tissue-specific role for the ancestral normal body
dimerization (Fig. 12). Similarly the putative frameshift in the protein. The kallikrein toxins are an example of where an
lectin toxin variant from E. polylepis produced transcripts with ancestral body action (liberation of bradykinin from kininogen)
even numbers of cysteines, and therefore these sequences is preserved, but some toxin isoforms have derived additional
may be able to fold to produce stable frameworks (Fig. 12). activities (e.g. cleavage of fibrinogen). Similarly the two inde-
Thus, genomic mutations in both the caenophidian SVMP/ pendently recruited types of PLA2 proteins in snake venoms
ADAM and lectin toxins have the potential to produce func- have derived activities that the normal body form lacks (e.g.
tional proteins with significantly altered bioactivities. antiplatelet toxicity, myotoxicity, and neurotoxicity). Consist-
ent with this, the toxic forms contain a positively charged are either shared with the two other Toxicofera lineages (Igua-
hotspot on the surface that is lacking in the ancestral form from nia and Anguimorpha) (7 of 27) or occur near the base of the
the pancreas (Fig. 15). The venom proteins therefore represent Caenophidia snake clade (7 of 27). The independent evolu-
exquisite natural “knock-out” studies of tremendous usefulness tions of advanced front-fang architectures in Atractaspis and
in elucidating the structure-function relationships of the non- Viperidae are linked with recruitments of new toxin types (Fig.
toxin, body homologues of physiological importance. The rela- 1). In the viperids, two new toxin types, c-type natriuretic
tive assignment of conserved/variable functional residues peptide-bradykinin-potentiating peptide and PLA2 (Type IIA),
should not be considered definitive as not all sites/proteins are are closely linked to the evolution of advanced venom delivery
well characterized, and other transcripts/toxin types may con- systems and ambush feeding, whereas four other toxin types
tain functional residues that confer ancestral or novel bioactiv- were evolved later on (renin-like aspartic protease, cytokine
ities, especially for the toxin types not listed above. FAM3B, glycine-rich toxin, and waglerin). The evolution of
Timing of Toxin Recruitment Events—The phylogenetic dis- advanced venom architecture in viperids also coincides with
tribution of venom toxins in the Toxicofera (venomous squa- significant molecular diversification of two existing toxin types
mates) provides insights into the timing of toxin recruitment (SVMP/ADAM and kallikrein). The evolution of sarafotoxins in
events (Fig. 1). The majority of snake venom toxins (14 of 27) Atractaspis is also closely timed with the evolution of ad-
factor X and factor V in the Australian clade of elapids would tremely long fangs and high venom yields. Unlike most Aus-
have also tremendously aided prey capture with only a small tralian snakes, which often feed on reptiles, these snakes feed
amount of these very active enzymes needed to cause severe exclusively on mammalian prey including large rats and
disruption of blood chemistry. However, the activity of factor bandicoots, dangerous prey items capable of an adept de-
X toxins is rate-limited by the requirement for cofactors, par- fense potentially causing serious injury to the snake preda-
ticularly the essential need to form a 1:1 complex with factor tors. The snakes successfully feed on such dangerous prey by
V (47). Thus, the recruitment of factor V into the venom of the minimizing prey contact time through the use of a snap-
Oxyuranus/Pseudonaja clade resulted in a virtually complete, release form of striking along with a tendency for multiple
perfect toxin complex, greatly increasing the relative toxicity strikes, thus overwhelming the prey items with copious
of the venoms and thus significantly aiding in the prey cap- amounts of the extraordinarily potent venom delivered deep
turing ability. Subsequent to the recruitment of factor V, the into the tissues several times. A limitation of this form of prey
Oxyuranus/Pseudonaja common ancestor split into two very capture is that the snakes need to be very warm to success-
different forms despite the two genera remaining very closely fully use this energetically costly form of prey capture. Con-
genetically related. sequently their habitat is limited only to the tropical north of
The Oxyuranus species are very large snakes with ex- Australia and in New Guinea (Oxyuranus scutellatus) and the
Summary of venom dentition variation in genera studied (for full species list see ⬙Appendix III⬙)
Smooth surface and no enclosed venom canal Colubridae: Coluber, Dasypeltis, Lycodon, Masticophis, Oligodon, Pituophis,
Philothamnus, Spalerosophis. Dipsadidae: Diadophis, Heterodon,
Hydrodynastes, Hypsiglena. Lamprophiinae: Lamprophis, Lycophidion.
Natricidae: Macropisthodon, Nerodia, Rhabdophis.
No enclosed venom canal and surface with Dipsadidae: Erythrolamprus. Natricidae: Amphiesma.
shallow furrow
Deep groove present but restricted to less than Colubridae: Ahaetulla, Chrysopelea, Dispholidus, Trimorphodon. Dipsadidae:
half the length of the tooth Coniophanes, Leptodeira, Oxyrhopus, Pseudoboa, Tachymenis, Tomodon.
Homalopsidae: Cerberus, Enhydris, Erpeton. Lamprophiinae:
Psammodynastes. Psammophiinae: Psammophis. Pseudoxyrhophiinae:
Deep groove running the majority of the length Atractaspidinae: Amblyodipsas, Aparallactus. Colubridae: Boiga, Chionactis,
of the tooth Crotaphopeltis, Oxybelis, Stenorrhina, Thelotornis. Dipsadidae: Philodryas.
Psammophiinae: Malpolon, Psammophylax.
Enclosed venom canal Atractaspidinae: Atractaspis only. Elapidae: ubiquitous. Viperidae: ubiquitous.
In this study, we sequenced numerous lectin toxin transcripts gland in non-front-fanged snakes (54), the relatively weak wall
from four additional non-front-fanged snake families. This of the venom duct, and the presence of a venom vestibule
shift in venom profile or recruitment of new toxin types. In- treat this species with the utmost caution until studies of the
stead, having typical viperid venom composition with the action of T. jacksonii venom upon the hemostatic system are
major toxin types sequenced (SVMP, kallikrein, and PLA2 undertaken, including the relative neutralization by D. typus
(Type IIA)) in this study being consistent with molecular antivenom. In at least this case, absence of evidence should
weights obtained in a previous LC/MS study by us (14). It not be taken as evidence of absence.
remains to be investigated whether there are significant Conclusion—Collectively these findings strongly support
venom compositional differences between long and short that there has been extensive evolutionary modification of the
glanded forms within the Atractaspis and Calliophis genera. venom system in the advanced snake radiation (Caenophidia).
Snakes of Potential Medical Concern—This study has im- All variables appear to change independently ranging from the
portant implications in regard to human medicine by providing biochemical variation and specialization of the venoms to the
new information regarding snake venom composition and dentition and glandular morphology. The long evolutionary
thus potential clinical effects of envenomation. It also high- history of the advanced snake radiation (⬃100 million years)
lights the potential danger of snakes regarded as of trivial has resulted in extensive diversification of the venom system
concern based solely upon the lack of severe bites, but in and shows how little we really know about venom macroevo-
some cases the rarity of reports is due to the rarity of the lution and the potential role in the ecology/evolution of the
snake in captivity or encounters in the wild. animals themselves. Furthermore the toxin types identified
This study has shown that the venom transcriptome of here should not be regarded as the only toxins present in
Species and mode examined
C, cDNA library; G, gross dissection; D, dentition; H, histology; M, magnetic resonance imaging.
APPENDIX I—continued
APPENDIX I—continued
Structural variation
Epithelium: 1, no mucus; 2, isolated mucoid cells or patches; 3, prominent mucoid region or gland. Contour: 1, relatively large ovate duct;
2, duct diameter reduced, surrounded by extensive circular connective tissue; 3, internal partitions to venom duct. Vestibule: 1, no vestibule;
2, vestibule present adjacent to venom gland; 3, vestibule present adjacent to fang sheath; 4, vestibule in contact with oral cavity. Topography
of venom duct opening: 1, venom duct opens only to oral cavity; 2, venom duct opens only to fang sheath; 3, venom duct opens to both oral
cavity and fang sheath.
APPENDIX II—continued
APPENDIX II—continued
Dentitional morphology
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