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William G Crook - Natures Own Candida Cure-Alive Books (2007)

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alive Natural Health Guides 8

William G. Crook md

About this author

William G. Crook m[). received his medical education and

training at the University of Virginia. Pennsylvania Hospital.
Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins

He IS a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics,

the American College of Allergy. Asthma and Immunology
and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
member of the American Medical Association,
He's also a
Alpha Omega Alpha and many other medical organizations.

He has presented observations on yeast-related disorders at

Georgetown. Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, the Universities of California.
Minnesota, Texas and other medical schools. He has served as a Visiting
Professor at Ohio State University and the Universities of California and

Dr. Crook is the author of 13 books-including

The Yeast Connection Hondbook-and numerous
articles in the medical and lay literature and for
fifteen years he wrote a nationally syndicated health
column. He has been a guest on Canadian National
eiNNECTIM Radio, the British Broadcasting Company, Good
HANDBOOK Morning Australia, TV Ontario, Oprah Winfrey and
other media programs. He has addressed
Crook. .M.0-
professional and lay groups in 39 US states, all

Canadian provinces, Australia, England, Holland, Italy,

Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand and Venezuela.

Dr. Crook lives in Jackson, Tennessee with his wife Betsy. They have
three daughters and four grandchildren. His interests include golf, oil

painting and travel.

About this series

The alive Natural Health Guides is the first series of its kind in North
America. Books in this series combine up-to-the-minute research, vivid full-

color photographs, easy-to-read text by recognized experts and easy-to-

follow recipes. Each book focuses on a specific natural health related topic

and explains how you can improve your health and lifestyle through diet
and natural healing methods.

It IS your constitutional riglit to rdiRatc ><.uisrll m licahli and imdRal knowlrdgi-, to si-ck liclphil information and make
use of it for y<jur own benefit, and for that of your family You are tlie one responsible for your health. In order to make
decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself With this book and the guidance of a naturopath or alternative
medical doctor, you will learn what is needed to achieve optimal health.

Those individuals currently taking pharmaceutical prescription drugs will want to talk to their health care professional about
the negative effects that the drugs can have on herbal remedies and nutritional supplements, before combining them.
alive Natural Health Guides 8

William G. Crook md

Nature's Own
Powerful remedies
to combat
health disorders

83 5 2 3

n n

All About Candida

Nature's Own Candida Cure 6
The Yeast Connection
Are Your Health Problems Yeast Connected? 8
What are Yeasts?
Factors that Promote Yeast Overgrowth I I

Yeast and the Immune System I I

Health Problems in Women I 2

Health Problems in Men 1

Health Problems in Children 1

Breaking the Cycle 1

Regaining your Health 1

The Candida Diet 1

Test Your Yeast Tolerance 20

Nonprescription Anti-Yeast Medications 23
Lifestyle Changes 24
Candida Questionnaire 28-3 I
Anti-Candida Recipes
Papaya and Grapefruit with Kamut® 34
Millet Puffs with Fruit 34
Anti- Candida Salad 36
Onion and Tomato Salad 38
Magnificent Red Beet Soup 40
Cucumber- Avocado Soup 42
Vegetable Festival 44
Winter Vegetables with Tofu 46
Savoy Cabbage with Baked Potato 48
Baked Seasonal Vegetables 50
Avocado Salad Si
Colorful Kohlrabi and Beet Soup 54
Potato Soup
Tomato - Tofu Tower 58

Quinoa- Vegetable Patties 60

Vegetable Medley with Poached Egg 62

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Ifyou feel "sick all over," your health

problems may be yeast-connected.
Nature's Own Candida Cure
During the past fifteen years I've received thousands of letters

and phone calls from people with complaints that focused on a

disease or on a particular part of their body. But I've received an
even greater number of (jueries from people who, when asked
Three of the aboul iheir medical history say, "It's hard to know where to
most common begin ... I feel sick all over."
symptoms in These letters and calls come from men and women of all
adults with ages, as well as from parents concerned about their children.
These individuals sought help from doctors and specialists, who,
health problems
\n the course of an examination and evaluation, ruled out any
are fatigue,
number of diseases and disorders. Yet these people still felt sick.
headache and
In discussing such situations. Dr. Martin Zwerling and
associates have commented:
"Consider the following 'incurable' patient who is being
treated by several specialists. Her gynecologist is treating her
recurrent vaginitis and irregular menstrual periods while an
otolaryngologist is trying to control her external otitis and
chronic rhinitis. At the same time, an internist is unsuccessfully

» attempting to manage symptoms of bloating, indigestion and

abdominal pain, and a dermatologist is struggling with bizarre
skin rashes, hives and psoriasis.

Lastly, psychiatrists are trying to convince the patient that

her nerves are the cause of her extreme irritability, inability to

concentrate and depression. We've all been guilty of labeling

such patients as 'psychosomatic,' and since there is 'nothing
physically wrong,' conclude that we cannot cure them.
Incurable? Not if you think yeast. This patient and thousands
like her are suffering from chronic candidiasis."

The Yeast Connection

The relationship of yeast infections to chronic illness was first

described by Orian C. Truss MD, more than twenty years ago.

However, because he published his observations in a non-peer
reviewed journal, most physicians were unaware of ihem. Truss's
observations spread to the public through magazine articles and
television programs, including Cable News Network (CNN) and
The Phil Donahue Show. As a result, the public
learned about yeast-related health problems
before scientific studies were published in
major medical journals.
Three of the most common symptoms in
adults with yeast-related health problems are
fatigue, headache and depression. However,
symptoms of systemic candidiasis are varied and
diverse, and typically manifest themselves in five

areas of the body:

Since the first edition of my book. The Yeast
Connection Handbook, was published in 1984,
critics have been asking for "scientific" proof
They want to see double-blind studies; they 'ifeillnmn^
want to be able to quantify my claim that yeasts can make
people sick. In response to these challenges I began knocking on

Common Candida Symptoms

Digestive System Symptoms include bloating, gas, cramps, and

Nervous System
diarrhea alternating with constipation.

Symptoms include abnormal fatigue, anxiety, mood i

swings, memory loss, depression, insomnia and
mental fogginess. In children, autism, hyperactivity
and learning disabilities may be indications of

Skin Symptoms include hives, psoriasis, eczema, excessive

sweating, acne and nail infections.

Genito-urinary Tract In women, common symptoms include PMS

(depression, mood swings fluid retention, cramps)
recurrent bladder or vaginal infections and a loss of
interest in sex. In males, common problems include
chronic rectal or anal itching, recurrent prostatitis,

impotence, and genital rashes.

Endocrine System The thyroid, adrenal glands and the pancreas may be
affected by Candida. Symptoms include fatigue,
weakness, low body temperature, constipation and
sugar craving.
doors, urging medical institutions
such as the National Institute of
Ik-ahh to look into ihe relationship
hciwcen yeast infections and chronic
illnesses. My on deaf ears.
pleas fell

Times have changed, and an

increasing number of traditional
physicians have made observations
that support the connection between
candidiasis and chronic illness. Still,

the battle is fought at the

frontlines-in the doctor's office-
w^here patients look for relief from
yeast-related illnesses. And candidiasis
is not an easy call.

Current laboratory tests do not

enable a physician to make a

diagnosis of a yeast-related illness.

Instead, the diagnosis must be based

on clinical observations, w^hich requires diligence and
I Many of those
being treated by
several specialists,
commitment on the part of the physician.
According to an editorial by John Bennett MD, in the New
and taking a
number of
England Journal of Medicine, few^ illnesses have sparked as much
prescriptions as a hostility between the medical community and the lay public as
result, may have to the chronic candidiasis syndrome: "Those who argue for the
start thinking
existence of this complex of symptoms... have leveled a serious
charge against the medical community, claiming it is not filling

one of its most important obhgations to its patients. The charge

is simply put: You physicians are not listening to your patients."

Are Your Health Problems Yeast Connected?

The common yeast Candida albicans has been linked to conditions

such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and sinusitis, as well as lo lupus,

rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

I'm not saying that Candida albicans is the cause of all these
problems. But Candida may be one of the causes-even a major
cause— of these and other health {problems.
The Candida Quiz
To help you determine if your health problems are connected to

yeast, answer the following questions. If you answer "yes" to any

question, circle the number in the right-hand cokimn. When y(3u've

completed the questionnaire, add up the numbers you've circled.

Yes No Score

1. Have you taken repeated or prolonged courses of anti-baaerial drugs? a O 4

2. Have you been bothered by recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary infections? n n 3

3. Do you feel "sick all over," yet the cause has not been found? n n 2

4. Are you bodiered by hormone disturbances, including PMS, menstrual n n 2

irregularities, sexual dysfunction, sugar craving, low body temperature or

5. Are you unusually sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, colognes and odier -i n 2
chemical odors?

6. Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems? Do you 1 1 2

sometimes feel "spaced out?"

7. Have you taken prolonged courses of prednisone or odier steroids; or have

n 2
you taken birth control pills for more dian three years?

8. Do some foods disagree with you or trigger your symptoms? o o 1

1 9. Do you suffer widi constipation, diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain? n n 1

10. Does your skin itch, tingle or bum; or is it unusuaDy dry or are you
n n 1

bothered by rashes?

Scoring for women: If your score is 9 or more, your health

problems are probably yeast-connected. If your score is 1 2 or

more, your health problems are almost certainly yeast-connected.

Scoring for men: If your score is 7 or more, your health problems
are probably yeast-connected. If your score is 1 or more, your

health problems are almost certainly yeast-connected.

What are Yeasts? . . .

Ycasis are single-cell organisms

iliai livr on the surfaces of all

li\iii^ ihiiigs, iiRiiidin^ fruits,

vegetables, grains and your skin.

Yeast is a kind of fungus. Mildew,
mold, monilia and Candida are all

names that are used to describe

different types of yeast. One
particular type of yeast, Candida
albicans, normally lives on the
inner warm creases and crevices of
your digestive tract and vagina.
Candida growth is kept in

balance by so-called "good

bacteria" including Lactobacillus
acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
Not all yeasts are bitidum, and by your immune system. However, Candida is an
bad. The yeast used opportunistic organism, and if the immune system is

i to leaven bread,


bacteria are
the tenuous balance
is upset
Candida then multiplies, and the
and the good

resulting overgrowth can lead to health problems, which affect

many parts of your body.

Not all yeasts are bad. In fact, of the thousands of existing
species of yeast, only a small percentage can survive in the
human body, and of these, only a few can induce disease.
Most yeasts, such as those used to leaven bread and brew
beer, are harmless. Moreover, there are numerous yeast-based
supplements, such as nutritional yeast and Floradix Iron Yeast
Extract, that promote good health. Candida albicans, however, has
a Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde type of personality: it has the ability
to change from a single-cell yeast into a

branching fungal form, able to burrow beneath

Good vs. Bad Yeast the surfaces of the mucous membranes. Thus, if

Not all yeasts are had. Of the not kept in check by a healthy diet and a well-
thousands of existing species of functioning inmuine system, Candida can
yeast, only a small percentage
become a threat to your health.
can induce disease.
Factors that Promote Yeast Overgrowth . .

Like all fungi, Candida albicans thrives in warm, moist areas. Under
normal conditions, Candida exists within us in a healthy balance,
and the body's immune system keeps it from spreading. When
your immune system is strong, Candida yeasts present no
problem. But, if you take broad-spectrum antibiotics or other
medications (the birth control pill or cortisone, for example) the
good bacteria that prevent fungal infections from developing are
knocked out. The Candida yeasts are not affected, so they multiply
and put out toxins that further
weaken the immune system. The Vicious Cycle
Consequently, you may experience
repeated infections, and these
infections may be treated with

another round of antibiotics,
encouraging further growth of
Candida... and so a vicious cycle
develops. While there may be many
factors that contribute to feeling
"sick all over," I am convinced that

Wipe out friendly bacteria
it is repeated courses of broad-
spectrum antibiotics that are the

main "villain."

A yeast infection in one part

of your body can cause symptoms elsewhere in several different

ways. Candida overgrowth in your intestine may create what is

called a "leaky gut," an inflammation of the intestinal wall that

permeating the protective lining of the gut.
results in substances

Consequently, toxins and food allergens can pass easily through

this membrane and travel to other parts of your body.

Yeast and the Immune System

Your immune system is composed of many different defenders,
including white blood cells, antibodies and immunoglobulins.
Some "sit" just under the surface of your mucous
membranes-ready to pounce on invaders. Others circulate and
patrol iIk' dcrpcT tissues and organs of the body, attacking and
wiping out enemies that nia) liave sneaked in.

When )()ur immune system is weak you are apt to develop

yeast and/or fungus infections of [hv skin, nails or vagina. You

may also become more susceptible to viral, bacterial and other
infections, and develop mold, chemical, food and other
allergies, intolerances and sensitivities.

Nutritional deficiencies caused by inadequate intake and/or

poor absorption of essential nutrients also weaken the immune
system. So does living or working in an environment loaded
with pollutants. A heavy load of environmental molds also
adversely affects your immune system. So does emotional stress.
Yeast toxins affect the immune system, the nervous system and

the endocrine system. Moreover, these systems are all connected. So,
yeast toxins play a role in causing allergies, vaginal, bladder, prostate

and other infections, as well as headaches, fatigue, depression and

other nervous symptoms. They also play an important role in
causing disturbances of hormone function, including loss of sexual
interest, impotence, premenstrual tension, menstrual irregularities,

» infertility and pelvic pain.

Health Problems in Women

Of those Women develop yeast-related problems more often than men,
individuals who and pre-menopausal women appear to be especially susceptible.
develop yeast- There appear to be several reasons for this:

related health • Hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle

problems, promote yeast growth, as do birth control pills and pregnancy.
approximately • The anatomical characteristics of women make them more
85 percent will susceptible to vaginitis and urinary tract infections.
be women. • Women visit physicians more often then men. Accordingly,
they are more apt to receive antibiotics for health complaints.

Health Problems in Men

Men also suffer from yeast-related health disorders. The
following list of symptoms may indicate a problem with yeast.
• Crave and consume lots of sweets, bread and alcohol.
Bothered by persistent jock itch,

athlete's foot or fungus infection of

the nails.
Troubled by food and inhalant

Complain of fatigue, depression

and nervousness.
Recurrent digestive problems.
Bothered by dampness, chemicals
or tobacco.
Impaired sex drive.
Partner has a yeast problem.

Health Problems in Children Repeated courses

of antibiotics given
As a pediatrician I'm interested in the problems that affect for childhood
ear infeaions
millions of infants, young children and teenagers. I'm especially
set up a VICIOUS
concerned about recurrent ear disorders, behavioral and cycle of recurrent

learning problems, and juvenile delinquency infections.

These problems are increasing in frequency and current

methods of management appear
problems are often yeast-related.
to be ineffective. These t
Breaking the Cycle
In my opinion, repeated antibiotics given for ear infections set

up a vicious cycle, w^hich includes recurrent infections and

nervous symptoms of various types. Here are my
recommendations for breaking the vicious cycle of ear
infections and preventing the development of hyperactivity,

attention deficits and autism:

1. Don't rush to your physician and ask for an antibiotic when
your infant or young child complains of mild ear pain.
Instead, use simple herbal remedies to relieve discomfort,
such as a warm chamomile infusion to wash the ears. There
are also several homeopathic remedies thatmay be effective,
including Belladona, Ferrum phosphoricum, Chamomilla and
Pulsatilla. The choice of a remedy will depend on the
hAany homeopathic symptoms your child exhibits. Consult a homeopath or your
remedies, including
health care practioner. There are also several excellent books

» Chamomilla,
helpful in

ear infections
may be

children, therefore
in 2.
on the subject.
Change your child's diet. Eliminate all sugar-containing foods
and beverages, as w^ell as milk and dairy products. In their
eliminating the need
place, offer whole foods, bottled or filtered water and fresh
for an antibiotic.

squeezed orange juice.

3. When your child develops a respiratory infection, give extra

vitamin You can purchase vitamin C crystals or powder

from a health food store. Add one teaspoon to six ounces of

water. Offer one-half to one ounce of this mixture every one
to three hours, unless it causes a stomach ache or loose stools.
4. Purchase liquid zinc sulfate from your health food store or

pharmacy. When taken along with vitamin C it strengthens the

innnune system. Give your child one to two milligrams four
times a day.
5. If your physician examines your cliild and suggests an antibiotic
for an ear or other infections, ask him/her if your child can get
along without the antibiotic.
6. If your child is given an antibiotic, ask your physician to
prescribe oral nystatin powder. Give your child 250,000 units
. -

(approximately 1/16 teaspoon) by mouth with each dose of

an antibiotic. I do not recommend Mycostatin or Nilstat
suspension as they are sweetened with sugar.
7 Go to your health food store or pharmacy and ask for a probiotic
powder or capsule. These products contain Lactobacillus
acidophilus and other helpful bacteria. Give your child one Most people
capsule or one-quarter teaspoon of the powder with each with yeast-
dose of the antibiotic. related health

8. After the course of antibiotics has been completed, I recommend problems

resemble the
continuing the nystatin and probiotic in the same amounts, two
or three times daily for one or more weeks. Nystatin
discourages the growth of yeast in the intestinal tract and the
probiotics replace the important friendly bacteria. These
products help heal the "leaky gut," lessen the absorption of
milk, wheat and other allergens, and decrease the chance of
your child developing repeated ear problems.

Regaining your Health

The Road to Recovery

Candida isn't like a dragon that you can slay with a single thrust

of a sword or kill with Most people with yeast

a magic bullet.

related health problems resemble the proverbial overburdened

camel. To regain your health you will need to unload many
bundles of straw. This may take months-even a year or more. But
then your camel can get on her feet and start walking-then
running. You can overcome your health problems and get your
life back on track!

Believe in Yourself
Believing that you have some control over your condition is an
essential first step. You do not need to feel victimized by
Candida; you can make the changes necessary for better health.

Take Charge
The second step is taking charge. Read, study and learn. Be
responsible. Although you will need help from kind and caring
health professionals, you must make the major decisions.
Conrrol Exposure to Chemicals
Alniosi vvith(nit exception, every
person Willi a yeast-related disorder is

iiiack' worse by exposure lo chemicals.

According to an article published in the

journal of the Arrifrican Medical Association

(JAMA), the risks from industrial

pollutants dumped or leaked into the
environment are "less than the risk

from exposures in the home, such as

smoking, showering, using room

deodorizers and storing and wearing
dry-cleaned clothes." So, begin at once
to get rid of the chemical pollutants in
your home.
Numerous studies have shown that
chemical exposure adversely affects the

immune system. The more chemicals

f< clean environment you're exposed to, the greater your chances of developing

» IS not only essential

for health,

health problems. Here are
chances that chemicals
some things you can do to lessen the
may be contributing to your health

Don't smoke or let other people smoke in your home. People in

homes where others are smoking experience twice as many
respiratory infections and other health problems as individuals

in smoke-free homes. Moreover, such infections set up a vicious

cycle of other health problems.
Don't spray insecticides in your home. You should also store
insecticides, paint thinners and other toxic chemicals in an
outside shed or garage. Don't keep them under the kitchen sink
or in the basement where fumes can leak into the house.
Buy all natural fibers. If you buy permanent press clothing or
sheets, wash them before using.
Air dry-cleaned items. Remove dry-cleaned items from their
plastic wraps and thoroughly air them outside before bringing

them into your house.

Avoid odorous and potentially toxic substances in your home. These
include paints, formaldehyde, gas stoves and many perfumes
and colognes.
Get an air purifier to remove dust, molds and some chemicals.
Have your home tested for the presence of toxic substances. If you
suspect that your home is contaminated from pesticides
and/or other chemicals have a professional test for dangerous
levels of toxins.

Nutritional Supplements
Many health professionals w^ith impeccable scientific credentials Supplements
have noted the importance of nutritional supplements. But are not
supplements are not nutrient substitutes; it is essential that you nutrients; it is

eat a healthy, balanced diet. However, getting optimal amounts essential that

of vitamins and minerals usually requires supplementing the you eat a

diet. For my adult patients with yeast-related health problems, 1
balanced diet.
prescribe the following supplements to be taken daily: (Note:
These suggested amounts may vary considerably from those
prescribed by your health care practitioner, who will take into
account your specific medical profile.)

Daily Supplements for Adults with Yeast- Related Health Problems

Vitamin A 5,000-10,000 lU Vitamin E 400-600 lU
Beta-carotene 15,000 lU Calcium 500 mgs
Vitamin Bl
Vitamin B2
25-100 mgs
50 mgs
50 mgs

Citrus bioflavonoids
500 mgs
100 mgs
100 mgs
Niacinamide 100-150 mgs PABA 50 mgs
Pantothenic acid 100-500 mgs Zinc 15-30 mgs
Vitamin B6 25-100 mgs Copper 1-2 mgs

Folic acid 200-800 megs Manganese 20 mgs

Vitamin Bl 2 100-2,000 megs Selenium 100-200 megs
Biotin 300 megs Chromium 200 megs
Choline (Bitartrate) 1 00 mgs Molybdenum 100 megs
Vitamin C 1,000-10.000 mgs Vanadium 25 megs

Vitamin D 400-800 lU Boron 1 mg

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Our bodies are composed of billions of cells of various sizes,

shapes and functions. A membrane composed of special types of

fats called essential fatty acids, or EFAs, surrounds each cell.

These "good" fats come directly and only from food and they
have many diverse functions.
During the past decade, almost without exception,

physicians treating patients with yeast-related health problems

routinely use
have used
irraiiiKMil proj^ram.

TluTc arc two

EFA supplements


a pan of

of HFAs:

fatty acid ()inrjja-3 fatly acids and the onu'jja-b tatty
supplements acids. Omega 6 essential fatty acids are found
as part of a
Ml primrose, safflower and siniflower oils;
()mega-3 is ahuiulaiit on!)'
in flax seed and some
fish oils. We have
doubled our intake
or omega-_6 but ^^
decreased omega- /^jT^v f
3 intake to one-sixth of
what we used to get in traditional diets. In order to rectify this
imbalance, I recommend taking flax oil: The usual dose is one to
two tablespoons a day. You can mix it with lemon juice and use
it as a salad dressing, or you can take it straight. Because flax oil
can become rancid, it should be dispensed in dark glass bottles
and kept refrigerated. The bottles should also be dated, as it has

» a short shelf

oil in

health food stores.

three to four

essential fatty acids see Fantastic Flax

For a more
at most. You will
detailed look at flax
and Good

Fats and Oils, both



are titles in the alive Natural Health Guides series.

The Candida Diet

This is the most involved step in your road to recovery, and it

will probably require a major shift in your shopping and eating

habits. In this section, I have outlined what foods to avoid and
what you should replace them with, as well as steps to take to

implement dietary changes. (Note: You will fmd a more

complete listing of food items at the back of this book.)

Purge the Pantry

Go to your kitchen, pantry and refrigerator and get rid of sugar,

corn syrup, white bread and other white-flour products, soda

pop, most ready-to-eat cereals, and all sugar- and fat-laden snack
foods. Foods and beverages containing these nutritionally
deficient simple carbohydrates encourage yeast overgrowth and
promote poor health. To overcome your candida-related health
. .

problems you'll need to avoid them. Get rid of processed and

prepared junk foods, which have hydrogenated or partially

hydrogenated fats, food coloring and additives.

Shop mainly around the outer edges of your supermarket.

Look for fresh and frozen vegetables; fresh meat, poultry fish,
seafood and eggs; olive oil and pure butter. I especially
recommend organically grown foods, as they haven't been
chemically contaminated. You'll fmd these foods in many health
food stores and in some supermarkets.

Eat Freely
Eggs and fish.

Low carbohydrate vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables (e.g.,

broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)

carrots, lettuce, onion, peppers.

Eat Sparingly
High carbohydrate vegetables: Potatoes, squash, beets, avocado,
beans, peas and other legumes.
Whole grains (non-enriched): Wheat, brown rice, corn, oats,

Gram alternatives: Buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth.

Sugar and foods containing sugar.
Packaged foods.
Processed and smoked meats.
Mushrooms and truffles.

Most condiments and sauces.

Fruit (during the first three weeks)

Leftovers (Leftovers should be frozen immediately as molds
are quick to grow in them)

Drink Freely
Water: Drink eight glasses of water a day Ordinary tap
water, however, may be contaminated with lead,
bacteria or parasites. I recommend bottled

spring water or distilled water. Green tea

provides many health benefits.

Drink Sparingly
Coffee: If you can't get along without your coffee, liniii

your intake to one to two cups a day Drink it plain.

Fruit juices: Fruit juices are hi^h in fructose, a type of sugar.
Alcoholic beverages: Wines, beers ami other alcohohc beverages
contain large aniounis of (juick-acting
Hui (Irniks: These beverages possess no nutritional value, and
coiuain ingredients that may disagree with sensitive
nuli\ iduals.

Implementinq the diet

To begin tlie Candida diet, avoid sugar (in all its forms) and
other tjuick-acting carbohydrates. Canned, bottled, boxed and
other packaged and processed foods usually contain reRned
sugar products and other hidden ingredients. You'll not only
need to avoid these sugar-containing foods during the early
people with
weeks of your diet, you'll need to avoid them indefinitely.
illnesses can, as
For the first ten days of your diet, avoid foods containing

they improve, ) east. The following is a list of foods that contain yeasts or molds.
follow a less • Breads, pastries and other raised bakery goods.
rigid diet. • All cheeses (especially moldy cheeses, such as Roquefort).

I •

Condiments, sauces and foods containing vinegar.
Malt products (malted milk drinks, cereals and candy).
smoked meats.
Processed and
• Edible fungi types of mushrooms, morels and truffles).

• Melons (watermelon, honeydew melon and, especially,

• Dried and candied fruits (raisins, apricots, dates, prunes,
figs, pineapple).
• Leftovers (molds grows quickly in leftover food).

Test Your Yeast Tolerance

After you've avoided yeast-containing foods for ten days, you
can find out if you're sensitive to yeast by eating a tablet of
brewer's yeast, which you can get at a health food store. If it
doesn't hoiher you, eat some moldy cheese. If consuming
these yeasty foods triggers symptoms, stay away from them for
several weeks, and then experiment further.
Truly yeast-free diets are impossible to come by because you'll
find )('asi and molds on the surfaces of all fruits, vegetables and
grains. Once you've found out that you're .sensitive to yeast, you'll
need to be your own judge as to how well you
tolerate food that may contain yeasts or molds.

The Fruit Challenge

Avoid during the first three weeks of

your The sugars in fruits, although


combined with fiber, are more quickly

released and may trigger yeast overgrowth.
But, to see if they bother you, you can do the
fruit challenge. Here's how:
Take a small bite of banana. Ten minutes
later, eat a second bite. If no reaction occurs
in the next hour, eat the whole banana. If you
tolerate the banana without developing
symptoms try strawberries, pineapple or
apple the next day. If you show no symptoms
after these fruit challenges, chances are you
Take die time to figure
can eat fruit in moderation. But feel your way along; don't
out what, if any, fruit
overdo it.
triggers symptoms
If your health problems are yeast-connected, you may related to yeast

improve— often dramatically-when you stop eating foods

containing significant amounts of cane sugar, beet sugar, corn

syrup, fructose, dextrose or honey. Then if you follow other
parts of the candida-control program you may find that after
two or three months you can consume foods that contain
small amounts of sugar.
However, if you are allergic to yeasts and molds, you may
pay for any dietary infraction. And you may not achieve
maximum improvement until you avoid all foods that contain
yeasts and molds. If you are still experiencing problems, you'll
need to carry out food allergy detective work. In so doing, you
identify and avoid all foods that cause adverse or allergic
reactions. Common offenders include milk, egg, wheat, corn
and soy, although any food can be a troublemaker.
Each person differs. You are unique. In following the
Candida diet, use a trial and error approach. Most of my
patients with candida-related illnesses can, as they improve,
follow a less rigid diet-especially if they are taking other steps
to regain their health.
Aniiyeasi Medications
If your health problems are yeasi-relaied,
thaiij^^inj^ )()ur diei is an iinportani step
toward j^ood hcakh. PrcseTipiioii aiulfun^al
inedicalions are an equally important step.

Such medications are effective in "knocking

out" or limiting the growth of yeast
organisms, including Candida albicans. As is the
case with other prescription drugs, they may,
in rare cases, cause significant adverse
reactions. However, based on the observations
of physicians who have used diem in treating
thousands of patients, they are remarkably
Health stores offer a safe and highly effective.
Yeast Buster Kit,
My long-time favorite prescription treatment is nystatin.
which includes four
effective products:
One of its outstanding features is its safety. Although it knocks
Psyllium, caproil. out yeast on contact, it works only in the intestine and very little

bentonite and DDS is absorbed into the bloodstream.

acidophilus powder.
Which medication (or medications) should you take? How

» long should you take it? These decisions

by your owii physician, and will be based on the duration of your
health problems and his/her experiences and preferences.
will, of course, be made

Die-Off Reactions
A word about "die-off" reactions: Many people who take
nystatin or other prescription or nonprescription anti-yeast
medications feel worse before feeling better. This is a result of
"die-off" reactions. As the Candida organisms are killed off, the
body is flooded with toxins from the ruptured yeast cells. The
body immediately reacts with an inflammatory immune
response that can cause fatigue, depression, irritability, aches and

Natural Yeast Fighters

There are a number of foods that have antifungal properties. Among the
most potent are garUc, onion, green onion, radish, black radish and
horseradish. Garlic and onion are particularly beneficial, especially if

eaten raw. And radish, horseradish and watercress contain oils that
suppress the growiJi of the Candida yeast. Add fresh watercress to your
salad; not only does it taste delicious but it aids in the fight against
Candida albicans.
abdominal pain. It may take a few days (or longer) for
your body to get rid of the dead yeast products, but you
will begin to feel better.

Nonprescription Anti-Yeast Medications

There are also nonprescription substances and products
that help hmit or retard the growth of Candida in the
digestive tract. Among my favorite remedies are
probiotics, capryhc acid and citrus seed extracts.

Probiotics are a group of friendly bacteria-including
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum bacterium-that contribute Ask your natural health
care practitioner about
our health. Although they are not potent agents for "knocking
products to help control
out" yeasts, recent reports indicate that they do help. I Candida.

recommend probiotics as a nutritional supplement for all my


Caprylic acid
Caprylic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid, has been found to
have antifungal properties and to be effective in controlling
Candida in the intestinal
feel that it is
tract. Some
just as effective as nystatin.

products discourage the growth of Candida

health care professionals
Although caprylic acid
albicans in the
intestinal tract, they are no "cure-all." Their use should be
supervised by a health professional.

Citrus Seed Extract

Like nystatin and caprylic acid, this antifungal agent discourages
the growth of Candida albicans in the intestinal tract and is

thought to be highly effective. Particularly recommended is

Tricyclene, a product that combines grapefruit seed extract and

the herbs artemesia and berberine.
Other products used to control Candida include garlic, olive

leaf extract, goldenseal, aloe vera and Kolorex, a New Zealand

herbal product. Research these and other products and discuss
their usage with your health care practitioner.

Whether or not your health problems are related to yeast, you
will need to exercise if you want to enjoy good health. Exercise

will increase your energy level, mental alertness and feeling of

wi'll-lH'inj^. FuriluTniore. studies have shown that
|H'()[iIe who exercise develop fewer iUnesses and are less

apt to have accidents.

Aerobic exercises, which recjuire the use of oxygen to
produce energy, are especially effective. Recommended
aerobic exercises include walking, running, aerobic
dance, swinuning. cross-country skiing, bicycling and
rowing. If you want to look good, feel good and
overcome health problems of any sort, you'll need to

exercise regularly

Lifestyle Changes
If your health problems are yeast-related, it will help to

change your diet, get rid of chemical pollutants in your

home and take antiyeast medications and nutritional
supplements. But there are other things that you can do,
too. In his comprehensive book Staying Healthy with Nutrition,

Elson M. Haas, MD, lists eighty-eight survival suggestions,

including these lifestyle changes:
• Avoid excessive sun exposure. With the depletion of the ozone

p •

and the


of ultraviolet

of stress
light, the risks

reduction daily.
outweigh the

Meditate, or
breathe deeply and relax for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.
• Reduce or avoid alcohol use. Alcohol depresses the senses and
reduces immune resistance.
• Avoid habitual drug use, such as consumption of caffeine in
coffee, tea or colas.
• Drink more clean water. Drink less soda, coffee and juice.
• Wear more natural-fiber clothes (cotton, rayon and silk),

especially if you are sensitive to synthetic materials.

• Buy and use organic foods, those grown without chemicals,
fertilizers and pesticides.
• Take antioxidant nutrients.
• Eat more cruciferous vegetables and rotate foods to avoid
allergic/sensitivity reactions.
• If possible, use natural or full spectrum lights at work.
• Take regular breaks from a computer-walk and stretch, drink
some water and get fresh air.
The Mind/Body Connection
Although I was aware that psychological factors could
contribute to health, I didn't really pay much attention to them
until recently. At a meeting of the American Holistic Medical
Association, I heard many fascinating discussions on the
mind/body connection, including presentations from Drs.
Larry Dossey, Deepak Chopra and James Gordon. On returning
home, I began to read books that dealt with the relationship of
psychological stimuli to physical symptoms. The authors
invariably attested to the value of meditation, visualization,
hypnosis, biofeedback and relaxation techniques in the
prevention and treatment of a variety of illnesses.

Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Unusual reactions to substances in a

person's diet or environment have been

recognized for thousands of years. But it
wasn't until 1906 that the word "allergy"

was coined by the Austrian pediatrician

Clemens von Pirquet. He put together two ^BK^ '^^^1
/^^^ 4
Greek words-allos, meaning "other" and
ergon, meaning "action." To von Pirquet
^^r ^-^'-

allergy meant altered reactivity.

Some doctors feel that the term allergy
should be limited to those conditions for
which an immunological response can be
demonstrated using allergy skin tests or
4, ^I^H
more sophisticated laboratory tests. But
other conscientious physicians feel that the

allergic and hypersensitivity diseases are much broader in slc)j)c,

and note the unrehabihty of food skin tests and the value of trial
elimination diets.

Tracking Down Your Hidden Food Sensitivities

Almost without exception, every person with a yeast-related
problem is bothered by food sensitivities. To identify the foods
that may be contributing to your symptoms, you must

plan and properly execute an elimination/challenge diet.

The diet is divided into two parts: First, you'll need to

eliminate a number of your usual foods to see if your symptoms

improve or disappear. Then, in five to ten days, when your
syin[)l()ins show marked improvement, eat the eHminated foods
aj^aiii mirodiK iiij^ one food jkt da)-and see which ones cause
symptoms. Keep a record of your symptoms in a notebook:
a) For three days (or more) before beginning the diet.
b) While following the elimination part of the diet (hve to ten days).

c) While rciiurodiicing ihe clliuiiuUed foods (one food })er day).

During the first two to four days of the diet you're apt to feel

irritable, hungry and tired. You may develop a headache or leg

cramps. If the foods you have eliminated are causing your symp-
toms, you'll usually feel better by the fourth, fifth or sixth day
Most people of the diet. Ahnost always, improvement is felt by the tenth day.
with yeast-
After you're you feel better, and your
certain that
related health
improvement has lasted for at least two days, begin adding foods
problems also
back to your diet-one per day. If you are allergic to one or more
have food
of the eliminated foods, you will most likely develop headache,
fatigue or other symptoms when you introduce the foods again.
These symptoms will usually appear within a few minutes to a
few hours. However, sometimes you may not notice the

p symptoms until the next day.

After you have completed the elimination part of your diet,
add the following foods to your
make note of any reactions. Make

one food per
you have the foods
day, and

their pure form. Following are suggestions:

Egg: Soft-boiled, or scrambled in pure butter or coconut

Citrus: Peel anorange and eat it.

Milk: Use whole milk.
Wheat: Cream of wheat cereal or Shredded Wheat.
Food coloring: Buy a set of food dyes. Mix several colors in
a glass; add a teaspoon of that mixture to a

glass of water and sip on it.

Chocolate: Use Baker's cooking chocolate or a pure cocoa
powder. You can sweeten it with maple syrup.
Corn: Use fresh corn on the cob or pure corn syrup.
Sugar: Use natural cane sugar (Sucanat® or Rapadura''^'^).
Other Suggestions
• Plan ahead. Don't start your diet the week before Christinas or
on some other hohday.
• Don't start the diet when you're traveling or visiting friends
or relatives.
• Reintroduce the foods you least suspect first.
• Save the foods you suspect are troublemakers until last.

• Eat a small portion of the eliminated food for breakfast. If you

show no reaction, eat more of the food in two hours and
again in four hours. In six hours, eat a lot of it. If you show
no reaction, that food isn't causing problems.
• Keep the rest of your diet the same while carrying out the
• If you think you develop symptoms when you add a food,
don't eat more of that food. Wait until the reaction subsides
(usually 24 to 48 hours) before you add another food.
• If you fmd that a food causes your symptoms, keep it out of

your diet for three to four weeks, then try it Many food-

sensitive people fmd that they can eat a small amount of the
food every four to seven days.
By eliminating the foods that

troublesome, and then closely monitoring your reaction to

you suspect to be 4
them upon you will discover what foods you
should avoid. And combined with the other steps outlined

in this book, should put you on the road to recovery from your
yeast-connected health problems.

Candida Quesdonnaire

Candida Questionnaire
If you woiilci \ikv to know if )()iir hralih prohlnns are yeast-related take this com-
prehensive lesi. Qiiesiions in Seeiion A locus on your medical history-factors that
promote the v^rowih of Oinilitld dlhiains and that are frequently found in people with
yeasi-relaied health prol^k'ins. In Section B )()ii'll iind a list of 23 s)-mptoins that
are often present m ixuients w ith yeast-related health problems. Section C consists

of 33 other symptoms that are sometimes seen in people with yeast-related prob-
lems-yet they may also be found in people with other disorders.
Fillinv^ out and scoring the c|iiesti{)nnaire shotild help you and your physician
evahiate the possible role that Candida albicans play in your health problems. It w ill

nn{, however, j^ive a definitive yes or no answer.

Section A: History
1 Have you ever taken tetracycline, or other antibiotics, for acne for one
month or longer? 35
2. Have you, at any time in your life, taken broad-spectrum antibiotics or
other antibacterial medication for respiratory, urinary or other infections
for tw'o months or longer, or in shorter courses four or more times in a
one-year period? 35

p 3.

Have you taken
Have you

vaginitis or other
a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug—even in
any time in your life been bothered by persistent
problems affecting your reproductive organs?
a single dose?


5. Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems— do you some-
times feel spaced out? 20
6. Do you feel "sick all over," yet despite visits to many different physicians
the cause has not been found? 20
7. Have you been pregnant?
Two or more times? 5

One time? 3

8. Have you taken birth control pills?

For more than two years 15

For six months to two years 8

9. Have you taken steroids orally, by injection or inhalation?
For more than two weeks 15

For two weeks or less 6

10. Does exposure to perfume, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other
chemicals provoke symptoms?
Moderate to severe 20
Mild 5

1 I .
Does tobacco smoke really bother you? iO
Candida Questionnaire

12. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places? 20
13. Have you had athlete's foot, ring worm, jock itch or other chronic fun-
gal infections of the skin or nails?
Severe or persistent 20
Mild to moderate 10

1 4. Do you crave sugar? 10

Total Score, Section A

Section B: Major Symptoms

For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score cohimn.
If a symptom is occasional or mild 3 points
If a symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe 6 points
If a symptom is severe and/or disabling 9 points
Add total score and record it at the end of this section.
• Fatigue or lethargy
• Feeling of being "drained"
• Depression or manic depression
• Numbness, burning or tingling
• Headache
• Muscle aches
• Muscle weakness or paralysis

Pain and/or swelling in joints
Abdominal pain
• Constipation and/or diarrhea
• Bloating, belching or intestinal gas
• Troublesome vaginal burning, itching or discharge
• Prostatitis
• Impotence
• Loss of sexual desire or feeling
• Endometriosis or infertility

• Cramps and/or other menstrual irregularities

• Premenstrual tension
• Attacks of anxiety or crying
• Cold hands or feet, low body temperature
• Hypothyroidism
• Shaking or irritable when hungry
• Cystitis or interstitial cystitis

Total Score, Section B

Candida Questionnaire

St'tlion C: Other Symptoms

For each of your syinpioms. enirr tin- aj^proprialc figure in ilu- poiiii scor' column.

It a sympioni is occasional or mild 1 point

If a symptom is fmiuc-ni and/or modcratcl) severe 2 points

If" a symptom is severe and/or disahlinj;^ 3 points

Add lota! score and record it at the en(i ol this section.

• Drowsiness, including inappropriate drowsiness
• Irritahilil)

• Incoordination
• Hrequeni mood swings
• Insomnia
• ni//iness/l()ss of" halance
• Pressure ahove ears, feeling of head swelling
• Sinus prol:)lems, tenderness of cheekbones or forehead
•Tendency to l^ruise easily
• Eczema, itching eyes
• Psoriasis
• Chronic hives (urticaria)
• Indigestion or heartburn
• Sensitivity to milk, wheat, corn or other common foods
• Mucus in stools
• Rectal itching

Dry mouth or throat
• Mouth rashes, including "white" tongue
• Bad breath
• Foot, hair or body odor not relieved by washing
• Nasal congestion or postnasal drip
• Nasal itching
• Sore throat
• Laryngitis, loss of voice
• Cough (3r recurrent bronchitis
• Pain or tightness in chest
• Wheezing or shortness of breath
• Urinary frequency or urgency
• Burning on urination
• Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision

Burning or tearing eyes

Recurrent infections or fluid in ears

i-ar pain or deafness

Total Score, Section C
Grand Total (Sections A, B and C)
Candida Quesdonnaire

The Grand Total score will help you and your physician decide if your iiealtli

problems are yeast-connected. Scores in women will run higher, as seven items
in the questionnaire apply exclusively to women, while only two apply exclu-
sively to men.
•Yeast-connected health problems are almost certainly present in women witli

scores of more than 180, and in men with scores of more than 140.
•Yeast-connected health problems are probably present in women with scores of
more than 120, and in men with scores more than 90.
•Yeast-connected health problems are possibly present in women with scores
more than 60, and in men with scores of more than 40.
•With scores of less than 60 in women and 40 in men, yeasts are less apt lo

be the cause of health problems.

Score of 60-99: yeast a possible cause of health problems.

Score of 100-139: yeast a probable cause of health problems.

Score of 140 or more: yeast almost certainly a cause of health problems

Diet plays a large role in the development of Candida,
and will therefore play a large role in recovery.
Papaya and Grapefruit with Kamut ®

Cm the papaya into
/z" ( cm) cubes

(afterremoving the skin and seeds). Peel
Vi grapefruit and segment the grapefruit, hi a large
bowl, thoroughly combine the fruit,
I cup ( 1 50 g) unsweetened Kamut" and juice. Serve immediately.
Kamut flakes Serves 1

'/2 cup (1 25 ml) freshly

squeezed orange juice

Millet Puffs with Fruit

In a bow^l, thoroughly combine the fresh

'/cup 00 g) fresh
( 1

fruit and millet puffs.


'/i cup ( 1 20 g) fresh papaya, Serves 1

cut in V" (I cm) cubes

Vi banana, sliced

'/.cup (120 g) fresh

grapefruit segments

'/cup (I20g) millet puffs


Anti-Candida Salad

In a lar^r poi, coinlMne 2 quarts (2 1)

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
water, apple cider vinegar, cloves and
I piece whole clove cinnamon and bring to a boil. Add the
beets, cover and simmer for 2 5 minutes
I small piece or until tender. Drain and let cool. You can
cinnamon stick cook the beets a day ahead if you wish.

I medium red beet, hi a medium pot, combine 1 quart (1 1)

peeled and cut into water, lemon, and one bay leaf. Bring to

a boil. Add the pumpkin and cook for

V" (\ cm) chunks 1

minutes. Remove lemon and bay leaf

I bay leaf In a large bowl, thoroughly combine beet,
pumpkin, lettuce, apple and walnuts.
Vi lemon
hi a separate bowl, whisk the dressing
'/) cup (120 g) pumpkin, ingredients together. Pour dressing over
cut into chunks the salad and serve immediately.

I heart of romaine Serves 2

lettuce, leaves separated

» I medium apple, peeled

and cut into chunks

% cup (100 g) toasted

walnut pieces

3 tbsp freshly squeezed

lemon juice #!*»'

4 tbsp cold-pressed
flax seed oil

I tsp fresh tarragon,

chopped pumpki

Vi tsp honey
Herbamare is a seasoning made with sea salt and 14
Sea salt or Herbamare organic herbs. The special steeping process used to
and freshly ground make this natural product allows the full herb and
pepper, to taste vegetable flavor to become concentrated in the salt

crystal-preserving essential vitamins and minerals

and providing ultimate zest.
Onion and Tomato Salad
This aiui-Laiulida rcci|H' looks ^^rcai and tastes even better. It makes an
impressive salad for guests.

In a pot, bring 2 quarts (2 1) of water to a

Vi cup (200 g) snow peas
boil, add the snow peas and blanch for 2
I large beefsteak tomato, mi nines. Drain and rinse in ice water
sliced immediately. In a bowl, whisk oil, lemon
juice, rosemary, salt and pepper together.
I medium Bermuda In a separate large bowl, toss the tomato,
onion, sliced onion and snow peas with the dressing
and serve immediately.
Serves 2
4 tbsp cold-pressed
hazelnut or flax oil

3 tbsp freshly squeezed

lemon or lime juice

I tsp fresh rosemary,

» Sea salt and freshly
ground pepper, to taste
^.^ *

Magnificent Red Beet Soup
This nu\r\rll()iis soup can hv srrvrci liol or cold.

III a lar^c pol, combine 2 cjuarls (2 1)

I red beets,
lb (450 g)
water, vinegar, clovesand cinnamon.
peeled and cut into
Bring to a boil. Add beets, cover and
simmer for 45 minutes or until tender.
I tbsp apple cider vinegar Drain and save the liquid. Remove
cinnamon stick.
Pinch ground cloves In a second large pot, heat the oil over
medium heat and saute the shallot, garlic,
Vi cinnamon stick
celery and carrot until translucent. Add
3 tbsp extra-virgin the cooked beets, butter, maple syrup,
olive oil spices and nutmeg. Saute for to 2 1

minutes. Add the reserved beet juice, cover

i medium shallot, minced and simmer for 5 minutes.

In a blender, mix until very smooth. Serve

I clove garlic
with a tablespoon of whipping cream or
Va cup 00 g) celery, diced kefir.
( 1

Serves 2
% cup ( 1 00 g) carrot,
diced carrot

I tbsp butter

Pinch ground nutmeg

Sea salt and freshly

ground pepper, to taste

Whipping cream or kefir

for garnish


Cucumber-Avocado Soup
Simple, tasi and lasi) ! This is cspcciall) wonderful wIhmi served cold on a hot
suninier day.

In a large bowl, ihoroiighly combine all

1 ripe avocado, cut in
ingredients, making sure the cucumber is
small chunks
not too watery. Cover and refrigerate at
2 cloves garlic, minced least hour before serving.

Serves 2
I shallot, minced

'/2 English cucumber,


I cup (450 ml) kefir or

goat's milk yogurt

'/• cup (250 ml)

sparkling water

1 tbsp lime juice

2 tbsp cold-pressed
hazelnut, walnut or
fiax oil

Fresh herbs of your

choice (parsley, dill,
tarragon, thyme)

Pinch ground nutmeg

Sea salt and freshly

ground pepper,
to taste

m)Ci cucumber
Vegetable Festival

I cup (150 g) broccoli Dressing:

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
I cup (lOOg) Brussels or lavender vinegar
2 tbsp freshly squeezed
Yi lb (225 g) whole lemon juice
4 tbsp cold-pressed
I large red bell pepper pumpkin or flax seed oil

I large yellow bell pepper Sea salt and freshly ground pepper,
to taste
V2 lb (225 g) medium
eggplant, cut in Fresh herbs for garnish (sage or oregano)
/4 slices

I small zucchini, cut in Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).

'/4" slices In a large pot, bring 2 quarts (2 1) of water

t I cup leeks
(white parts
cut lengthwise
to a boil and blanch the broccoli florettes,
Brussels sprouts and asparagus for 2 to 3
minutes. Drain the vegetables and
immediately rinse w^ith ice w^ater to maintain
the rich colors and to keep them crunchy.
'/t cup (100 garlic cloves Set aside.
Wash peppers, cut them in half and remove
Yi cup (125 ml) extra-virgin
the seeds. Place the peppers, eggplant,
olive oil
zucchini, leeks and garlic on a cookie sheet
and brush both sides of the vegetables w^ith
oil. Place in the oven and roast, turning
once, until both sides are golden brown
(approximately 10 minutes).
Place the peppers in a bowl, cover and set
aside. Once cool, carefully peel the skin off
the peppers.

In the meantime, whisk all the dressing

ingredients together.
Arrange the vegetables on a platter, drizzle
dressing over top and serve immediately.
Serves 2
Winter Vegetables with Tofu
Organic vegetables are lasiy allies in the fight against Candida. This satisfying
recipe is a favorite-even with those who are not attempting to control yeast.

Peel and cut the kohlrabi, yam and carrot

I medium kohlrabi
into 1" (2.5 cm) chunks. Steam the

I medium yam vegetables (a bamboo steamer works well)

adding them to the steamer in the
I small carrot following order: kohlrabi first, yam and
carrot next, and then broccoli. Steam until
1 cup broccoli florettes tender.

2 tbsp coconut butter Meanwhile in a large saucepan, heat the

coconut butter on medium heat then
'/2 lb (200 g) firm tofu saute the tofu until golden. Add garlic and
(organic, fermented), ginger and saute again. Add lemon juice
cut in I" (2.5 cm) chunks and butter. Simmer for minute. Stir in

sesame oil and tarragon.

I tbsp garlic, minced
Arrange the tofu and vegetables on a
1 tbsp ginger, minced platter, pour the sauce over top and serve
2 tbsp freshly squeezed
lemon juice

I tbsp butter

I tsp toasted sesame oil

I tsp fresh tarragon, lemon


Sea salt and freshly

ground pepper, to taste


Savoy Cabbage with Baked Potato

2 large Yukon gold Pinch ground paprika

'/4 cup (125 ml) vegetable stock
Cabbage rolls:
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper
4 large Savoy cabbage (preferably lemon pepper), to taste

1 cup (150 g) Savoy Preheat oven to 375 F (190 C).

cabbage, julienned To prepare the baked potatoes, carefully
wash and dry them and brush with oil.
2 tbsp extra-virgin
Wrap each in foil and bake for 45 minutes
olive oil
or until soft. Remove and set aside. Set
3 cloves garlic, minced aside 2 tablespoon of your butter to put
on potatoes when serving. Reduce the
I large red bell pepper, oven temperature to 275°F (135°C).
julienned While your potato is baking, prepare the

cabbage rolls. Bring 2 quarts (2 1) of

large yellovsr bell pepper,


water, with tablespoon of salt, to a boil

and blanch the cabbage leaves for 3
'/2 lb (225 g) asparagus, minutes. Drain and cool in ice water then
julienned cut out the middle part of the stem,
leaving the leaves whole.
I medium turnip,
In a large saucepan, heat the oil on
medium heat and saute the remaining

I small white onion,

vegetables for 5 to 6 minutes. Add butter,

lemon oregano, spices, and cook
until tender. Season with salt and pepper.
4 tbsp butter To assemble, divide the vegetables
(approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons per
'/2 tbsp freshly squeezed
leaf) and place each portion onto a
lemon juice
cabbage leaf Tightly roll the leaves,
I tbsp fresh oregano, tucking in the ends as you roll. Place in
chopped the oven for minutes. Serve with the

baked potatoes.
Pinch ground cinnamon Serves 2

< .m
Baked Seasonal Vegetables
This lower ot luiiriiioii is a liin way to regain licallh and vigor.

2" Preheat oven to 37 5 F (190 C).

Vi lb asparagus, cut in
cm) pieces hi a large pot, bring 2 quarts (2 1) of
water, with tablespoon of salt, to a boil

I large zucchini, cut in V^' and blanch the asparagus for 3 to 4

(5 mm) slices minutes or until tender. Drain, cool with
ice water and set aside.
I large eggplant, cut in /i"
Brush remaining vegetables with olive oil,
(5 mm) slices
season with salt and pepper, and place on
I large red bell pepper, a cookie sheet. Place in the oven and bake,

cut in half turning once, until both sides are golden

brown (approximately 10 minutes).
large yellow bell pepper,
Meanwhile, whisk all dressing ingredients
cut in half
together in a bowl.

I large red onion, sliced Place the baked vegetables in the center of
each plate and arrange the asparagus
I large beefsteak tomato, around them. Drizzle the dressing over
cut in half top and serve immediately.

I 2"-piece leek, cut In half

Serves 2

4 tbsp extra-virgin osporagus

olive oil

Sea salt and freshly

ground pepper, to taste


I tbsp freshly squeezed

lemon juice

I tsp fresh thyme,


I tbsp cold-pressed
flax seed oil
rt(\ pepper

Sea salt and Herbamare,

to taste
Avocado Salad
Tlic avocado is an amazing food-high in proUMii. viiainins and niiiKTals. Thi:
salad is so satisfying, yon may call it dinner.

To prepare the dressing, beat together the

I large avocado
egg yolks, vinegar and mustard in a large
8 asparagus tips bowl until light-colored and smooth. Add
the lemon juice, Worcestershire and
1 ripe tomato, sliced Tabasco and beat again.
While beating, add half the oil, a few
Sea salt and freshly
drops at a time. As the mixture starts to
ground pepper, to taste
thicken, slowly add the rest of the oil.
Avocado-Mayonnaise Continue beating until the mayonnaise
Dressing: becomes thick. Puree the avocado and add
it to the mayonnaise. Season with salt and

2 large egg yolks pepper. Set aside.

To prepare the vegetables, bring 2 quarts
2 tbsp white wine or
apple cider vinegar (2 1) of water with tablespoon of salt to

a boil in a large pot. Blanch the asparagus

I tsp Dijon mustard for 3 to 4 minutes or until tender. Drain,
cool with ice water and set aside.
I tbsp lemon or lime juice
Cut the avocado into thin slices.

I to 2 drops Using a squeeze bottle, squeeze the

Worcestershire sauce avocado-mayonnaise into a checker board
pattern onto plates. Arrange the avocado
I to 2 drops on top in a fan shape and garnish with the
Tabasco sauce tomato and asparagus. Season with salt
and freshly ground pepper and serve
I Vicup (375 ml)
pure olive or flax oil
Serves 2
Sea salt and Herbamare,
to taste

Vi ripe avocado, pureed

^^ '

\ ^
Colorful Kohlrabi and Beet Soup
This excjuisitc lookinj^ soup calls for a special evening of yeast fighting.

In a large pot, combine 2 quarts (2 1) water,

4 (Mb or 450 g) medium
vinegar, cloves and Vi stick of cinnamon.
red beets, cooked
Bring to a boil. Add the beets, cover and
I tbsp apple cider vinegar simmer for 45 minutes or until tender.
Drain and set aside.
Pinch ground cloves In a medium pot, combine 1 quart 1
( 1)

of water, bay leaf, Vi stick of cinnamon

I cinnamon stick
and one teaspoon of salt. Bring to boil
1 lb (450 g) kohlrabi, and add kohlrabi. Cook for 5 minutes or 1

cooked until tender.

In a pot, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over

2 tbsp extra-virgin
medium heat and saute half the shallots
olive oil
and half the golden brown. Add
garlic until
the red beet, half the vegetable stock, and
2 medium shallots,
half the cream. Cover and simmer until the
liquid is reduced by half.
2 cloves garlic, minced In a separate pot repeat the above
paragraph with the cooked kohlrabi.
I Vicups (375 ml) vegetable
stock Blend the soups in a blender (separately)
until they become the same consistency.
I cup (250 ml) cream Season the soups with salt and pepper.

Pour both soups at the same time into

Herbamare, to taste
soup bowls. Because of their similar
I tbsp cold-pressed flax consistencies, each soup will stay separate.

seed oil, for garnish Drizzle flax seed oil over top and serve
Serves 2

Potato Soup
This satisfying and tasty soup is "comfort food" at its best.

In a pot, boil the potatoes in 1 Vi quarts

1 lb russet potatoes,
(\Vi 1) water, with 1 teaspoon of sah,
until done. Drain carefully, reserving the

2 tbsp extra-virgin liquid, and set aside.

olive oil Meanwhile, in another pot, heat the oil

over medium lieat and saute the onion
1 small white onion, diced and garlic until translucent. Add vegetable
stock, bay leaves, cream, nutmeg, salt and
4 cloves garlic, minced
pepper. Cover and bring to a boil then
2 cups (450 ml) vegetable cook for 4 to 5 minutes more. Slowly add
stock cooked potatoes one after the other to
control consistency (should be creamy)
2 bay leaves and cook 5 to 7 minutes more.
Remove the bay leaves then blend with a
Va cup (60 ml) cream
hand mixer. If the consistency is too thick
Pinch nutmeg (it should be honey) add a little bit of
the reserved potato water and blend again.

i Herbamare, to taste

Fresh parsley, for garnish

Garnish with parsley and serve
Serves 2


**s ^-f/
Tomato-Tofu Tower
Who said ycasi busting had lo he duH?This cxciiing dish is iin[")rcssivc lo both
the eyes and taste buds.

hi a bowl, whisk together ah tlie

Vi lb (250 g) firm tofu
marinade ingredients until the mixture
(organic, fermented),
enuilsifies. Pour the mixture over the tofu,
cut into /i" (5 mm) slices
cover and refrigerate overnight.
I large beefsteak tomato, To prepare the tomato-tofu towers, stack
cut into /i" (5 mm) slices the tomato and marinated tofu in
alternating layers. Reserve the marinade.
I lb (450 g) asparagus, Tie the asparagus around the towers with
cut in 3" (7.5cm) pieces a straws string. Place in a steamer (a

bamboo steamer works well) and steam
for 7 to minutes at medium heat.

I tbsp toasted sesame oil remove the towers and place

them onto plates. Pour the remaining
I tbsp freshly squeezed marinade over top and serve immediately.
lemon juice
Serves 2
I tbsp rice wine

1 tbsp sweet cherry

balsamic vinegar

2 tbsp cold-pressed
pumpkin seed oil

2 cloves garlic, minced

I small shallot, minced

I tbsp chopped fresh


Zest of one lemon

Herbamare, to taste
Quinoa-Yegetable Patties

I cup (180 g) quinoa '/2 cup ( 1 20 g) pumpkin

(or spaghetti squash), grated
I cup ( 1 50 g) carrots,
finely grated I tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped

I medium onion, diced Sea salt and Herbamare, to taste

Vi tsp Herbamare

I tbsp Braggs all-purpose

In a pot, cook the quinoa in quart (1 1)

of salted water for 1 5 minutes. Set aside to

I tbsp tomato paste Meanwhile, in bowl, combine the
a large
Herbamare, Braggs
carrots, half the onion,
I free-range egg
seasoning, tomato paste, egg, bread
'/icup (lOOg) bread
crumbs, walnuts and sunflower seeds. Add
the thyme, coriander and cumin and mix
thoroughly. Add cooked quinoa.
'/2 cup ( 00 g) sunflower
Q In a pan, heat tablespoon of coconut oil

seeds, finely chopped at medium heat and saute the ginger,

garlic, remaining onion, zucchini and
'/: cup 00 g) walnuts,

pumpkin until translucent. cilantro,

shelled and coarsely
salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. To
make a patty, take 1 handful of the
'/2 tsp fresh thyme, mixture and shape it into a ball. With the

chopped thumb make a hole in the center and

place 1 tablespoon of the vegetable
'/2 tsp ground coriander mixture into the hole.
Roll the dough carefully until the
Pinch ground cumin
vegetable doesn't show anymore, then
I tsp ginger, minced flatten into a patty.

Heat the remaining coconut oil and saute

'/3 cup (85 ml) coconut oil
the patties for 4 to 5 minutes on each
side. Serve with a fresh salad of your
I tsp garlic, minced
'/2 cup (120 g) zucchini, Serves 2
Vegetable Medley with Poached Egg

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar I tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

Vi tbsp sea salt I dash Maggi or Bragg*s aminos

2 bay leaves I dash Herbamare, to taste

1 tsp coriander seeds

In a large pot, combine 1 quart (1 1) of
2 whole cloves water, apple cider vinegar and salt. Bring
Add bay leaves, coriander and
to a boil.
I fennel bulb, sliced
cloves.Blanch the fennel, carrots and
4 baby carrots, sliced peppers for 4 to 5 minutes. Drain, rinse
v^ith ice w^ater and set aside.
I red bell pepper, Meanwhile, whisk all dressing ingredients
quartered together in a bowl.

I yellow bell pepper, In a pan, heat the olive oil and butter over
quartered medium heat and saute the onion and garlic
for 4 minutes or until translucent. Add
to 5
3 tbsp extra-virgin the endive and saute lightly for 30 seconds.
olive oil
Arrange the endive, fennel, carrots and
peppers on a plate. Drizzle the dressing over
I tbsp butter
top and serve with a poached egg.
I small white onion, Serves 1


I clove garlic, minced

I Vi cups (300 g) endive

1 large egg, poached


2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

2 tbsp cold-pressed
flax seed oil

I tsp freshly squeezed

lemon juice
First published in 2000 by
references alive books
7436 Fraser Park Drive
Burnaby BCV5J 5B9
(604) 435-1919
Bennett, "Searching for the yeast connection."

New England Journal of Medicine.

Vol. 323 (1990): 176-67.

Haas, E. M. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. © 2000 by olive books

Berkeley: Celestial Arts, 1992.

Zwerling, M. H., K. N. Owens, and N. H. Ruth. 1984. All rights reserved. No pari of this book
"Think yeast: The expanding spectrum of may be reproduced or transmitted in any
candidiasis." South Carolina Med. Assoc.
form or by any means, electronic or
Vol. 80 (1984): 454-456.
mechanical, including photocopying,
Skolnick, A. "Even air in the home
not is
recording and any information storage and
entirely free of potential pollutants: Medical news and
retrieval system, without the written
perspectives." JAMA. Vol. 262 (1989): 3102-3103,
3107. permission of the publisher and the

sources Artw^ork:
Terence Yeung
for Herbamare:
Bioforce Raymond Cheung
4001 CoteVerty Liza Novecoski
Saint Laurent H4R 1R5
Tel: (514) 335-9393 Paul Chau
Fax: (514) 335-9639 Food Styling/Recipe Development:
Fred Edrissi
Rapunzel Pure Organics
2424 State Route Photographs:
203Valatia 12184 USA Edmond Fong (recipe photos)
Tel: 1-800-207-2814 Siegfried Gursche
Tel: (518) 392-8620
Fax: (518) 392-8630
Photo Editing:
email: mkg@rapunzel.com Sabine Edrissi-Bredenbrock
for Yeost Buster kit:
Innovite Sandra Tonn
97 Saramia Crescent Marian MacLean
Concord, ON L4K 4P7
Tel: (905) 761-5121
Fax: (905) 761-1453
Canadian Cataloguing in
Publication Data
for riatural oils:
7400 Fraser Park Drive
Crook, William G.
Burnaby, BC V5J 5B9 Nature's Ow^n Candida Cure
(604) 436-6000
1-800-663-0617 (Western Canada)
(alive natural health guides, 8
1-800-387-7541 (Eastern Canada)
ISSN 1490-6503)
Flora Inc. ISBN 1-55312-002-7
Box 73
Lynden, WA Second printing, 2000
(360) 354-2110 Printed in Canada
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Are your health problems yeast-related?

Yeast-related illnesses are more prevalent than you might think. In

fact, the common yeast Candida albicans has been linked to a

variety of conditions, including fatigue, depression, sinusitis and
multiple sclerosis. Most often, however, this yeast provides an
explanation for the perplexing symptom of feeling "sick all over."

Just what are yeasts, and why are some beneficial and others
harmful? Nature's Own Candida Cure answers these questions and
gives concise information on the relationship of Candida to chronic
illness. Most importantly, it outlines steps to take to control
Candida and thereby regain your health.

Also included are questionnaires-specific to men and women-that

will help you determine if your health problems are connected to

yeast. The suggested lifestyle changes, dietary guidelines and

nutritious recipes will help you implement the changes necessary
to put you on the road to recovery.

Did you know ...

• Prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics could lead

to an overgrowth of Candida?
•Almost without exception, those with a yeast-related
health problem are bothered by food sensitivities?
• Natural remedies, such as garlic, probiotics and caprylic

acid, are effective yeast-control agents?

•A healthy immune system is the first line of defense
against Candida?


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