William G Crook - Natures Own Candida Cure-Alive Books (2007)
William G Crook - Natures Own Candida Cure-Alive Books (2007)
William G Crook - Natures Own Candida Cure-Alive Books (2007)
William G. Crook md
About this author
Dr. Crook lives in Jackson, Tennessee with his wife Betsy. They have
three daughters and four grandchildren. His interests include golf, oil
The alive Natural Health Guides is the first series of its kind in North
America. Books in this series combine up-to-the-minute research, vivid full-
and explains how you can improve your health and lifestyle through diet
and natural healing methods.
It IS your constitutional riglit to rdiRatc ><.uisrll m licahli and imdRal knowlrdgi-, to si-ck liclphil information and make
use of it for y<jur own benefit, and for that of your family You are tlie one responsible for your health. In order to make
decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself With this book and the guidance of a naturopath or alternative
medical doctor, you will learn what is needed to achieve optimal health.
Those individuals currently taking pharmaceutical prescription drugs will want to talk to their health care professional about
the negative effects that the drugs can have on herbal remedies and nutritional supplements, before combining them.
alive Natural Health Guides 8
William G. Crook md
Nature's Own
Powerful remedies
to combat
health disorders
83 5 2 3
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Nervous System
diarrhea alternating with constipation.
Endocrine System The thyroid, adrenal glands and the pancreas may be
affected by Candida. Symptoms include fatigue,
weakness, low body temperature, constipation and
sugar craving.
doors, urging medical institutions
such as the National Institute of
Ik-ahh to look into ihe relationship
hciwcen yeast infections and chronic
illnesses. My on deaf ears.
pleas fell
I'm not saying that Candida albicans is the cause of all these
problems. But Candida may be one of the causes-even a major
cause— of these and other health {problems.
The Candida Quiz
To help you determine if your health problems are connected to
Yes No Score
3. Do you feel "sick all over," yet the cause has not been found? n n 2
5. Are you unusually sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, colognes and odier -i n 2
chemical odors?
10. Does your skin itch, tingle or bum; or is it unusuaDy dry or are you
n n 1
bothered by rashes?
i to leaven bread,
bacteria are
the tenuous balance
is upset
Candida then multiplies, and the
and the good
Not all yeasts are had. Of the not kept in check by a healthy diet and a well-
thousands of existing species of functioning inmuine system, Candida can
yeast, only a small percentage
become a threat to your health.
can induce disease.
Factors that Promote Yeast Overgrowth . .
Like all fungi, Candida albicans thrives in warm, moist areas. Under
normal conditions, Candida exists within us in a healthy balance,
and the body's immune system keeps it from spreading. When
your immune system is strong, Candida yeasts present no
problem. But, if you take broad-spectrum antibiotics or other
medications (the birth control pill or cortisone, for example) the
good bacteria that prevent fungal infections from developing are
knocked out. The Candida yeasts are not affected, so they multiply
and put out toxins that further
weaken the immune system. The Vicious Cycle
Consequently, you may experience
repeated infections, and these
infections may be treated with
another round of antibiotics,
encouraging further growth of
Candida... and so a vicious cycle
develops. While there may be many
factors that contribute to feeling
"sick all over," I am convinced that
Wipe out friendly bacteria
it is repeated courses of broad-
spectrum antibiotics that are the
main "villain."
the endocrine system. Moreover, these systems are all connected. So,
yeast toxins play a role in causing allergies, vaginal, bladder, prostate
» Chamomilla,
helpful in
ear infections
may be
children, therefore
in 2.
on the subject.
Change your child's diet. Eliminate all sugar-containing foods
and beverages, as w^ell as milk and dairy products. In their
eliminating the need
place, offer whole foods, bottled or filtered water and fresh
for an antibiotic.
Believe in Yourself
Believing that you have some control over your condition is an
essential first step. You do not need to feel victimized by
Candida; you can make the changes necessary for better health.
Take Charge
The second step is taking charge. Read, study and learn. Be
responsible. Although you will need help from kind and caring
health professionals, you must make the major decisions.
Conrrol Exposure to Chemicals
Alniosi vvith(nit exception, every
person Willi a yeast-related disorder is
for health,
health problems. Here are
chances that chemicals
some things you can do to lessen the
may be contributing to your health
Nutritional Supplements
Many health professionals w^ith impeccable scientific credentials Supplements
have noted the importance of nutritional supplements. But are not
supplements are not nutrient substitutes; it is essential that you nutrients; it is
eat a healthy, balanced diet. However, getting optimal amounts essential that
Citrus bioflavonoids
500 mgs
100 mgs
100 mgs
Niacinamide 100-150 mgs PABA 50 mgs
Pantothenic acid 100-500 mgs Zinc 15-30 mgs
Vitamin B6 25-100 mgs Copper 1-2 mgs
These "good" fats come directly and only from food and they
have many diverse functions.
During the past decade, almost without exception,
a pan of
of HFAs:
fatty acid ()inrjja-3 fatly acids and the onu'jja-b tatty
supplements acids. Omega 6 essential fatty acids are found
as part of a
Ml primrose, safflower and siniflower oils;
()mega-3 is ahuiulaiit on!)'
in flax seed and some
fish oils. We have
doubled our intake
or omega-_6 but ^^
decreased omega- /^jT^v f
3 intake to one-sixth of
what we used to get in traditional diets. In order to rectify this
imbalance, I recommend taking flax oil: The usual dose is one to
two tablespoons a day. You can mix it with lemon juice and use
it as a salad dressing, or you can take it straight. Because flax oil
can become rancid, it should be dispensed in dark glass bottles
and kept refrigerated. The bottles should also be dated, as it has
» a short shelf
oil in
Eat Freely
Eggs and fish.
Eat Sparingly
High carbohydrate vegetables: Potatoes, squash, beets, avocado,
beans, peas and other legumes.
Whole grains (non-enriched): Wheat, brown rice, corn, oats,
Sugar and foods containing sugar.
Packaged foods.
Processed and smoked meats.
Mushrooms and truffles.
Drink Freely
Water: Drink eight glasses of water a day Ordinary tap
water, however, may be contaminated with lead,
bacteria or parasites. I recommend bottled
Drink Sparingly
Coffee: If you can't get along without your coffee, liniii
they improve, ) east. The following is a list of foods that contain yeasts or molds.
follow a less • Breads, pastries and other raised bakery goods.
rigid diet. • All cheeses (especially moldy cheeses, such as Roquefort).
I •
Condiments, sauces and foods containing vinegar.
Malt products (malted milk drinks, cereals and candy).
smoked meats.
Processed and
• Edible fungi types of mushrooms, morels and truffles).
syrup, fructose, dextrose or honey. Then if you follow other
parts of the candida-control program you may find that after
two or three months you can consume foods that contain
small amounts of sugar.
However, if you are allergic to yeasts and molds, you may
pay for any dietary infraction. And you may not achieve
maximum improvement until you avoid all foods that contain
yeasts and molds. If you are still experiencing problems, you'll
need to carry out food allergy detective work. In so doing, you
identify and avoid all foods that cause adverse or allergic
reactions. Common offenders include milk, egg, wheat, corn
and soy, although any food can be a troublemaker.
Each person differs. You are unique. In following the
Candida diet, use a trial and error approach. Most of my
patients with candida-related illnesses can, as they improve,
follow a less rigid diet-especially if they are taking other steps
to regain their health.
Aniiyeasi Medications
If your health problems are yeasi-relaied,
thaiij^^inj^ )()ur diei is an iinportani step
toward j^ood hcakh. PrcseTipiioii aiulfun^al
inedicalions are an equally important step.
Die-Off Reactions
A word about "die-off" reactions: Many people who take
nystatin or other prescription or nonprescription anti-yeast
medications feel worse before feeling better. This is a result of
"die-off" reactions. As the Candida organisms are killed off, the
body is flooded with toxins from the ruptured yeast cells. The
body immediately reacts with an inflammatory immune
response that can cause fatigue, depression, irritability, aches and
eaten raw. And radish, horseradish and watercress contain oils that
suppress the growiJi of the Candida yeast. Add fresh watercress to your
salad; not only does it taste delicious but it aids in the fight against
Candida albicans.
abdominal pain. It may take a few days (or longer) for
your body to get rid of the dead yeast products, but you
will begin to feel better.
Probiotics are a group of friendly bacteria-including
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidum bacterium-that contribute Ask your natural health
care practitioner about
our health. Although they are not potent agents for "knocking
products to help control
out" yeasts, recent reports indicate that they do help. I Candida.
Caprylic acid
Caprylic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid, has been found to
have antifungal properties and to be effective in controlling
Candida in the intestinal
feel that it is
tract. Some
just as effective as nystatin.
Whether or not your health problems are related to yeast, you
will need to exercise if you want to enjoy good health. Exercise
exercise regularly
Lifestyle Changes
If your health problems are yeast-related, it will help to
p •
and the
of ultraviolet
of stress
light, the risks
reduction daily.
outweigh the
Meditate, or
breathe deeply and relax for at least fifteen to twenty minutes.
• Reduce or avoid alcohol use. Alcohol depresses the senses and
reduces immune resistance.
• Avoid habitual drug use, such as consumption of caffeine in
coffee, tea or colas.
• Drink more clean water. Drink less soda, coffee and juice.
• Wear more natural-fiber clothes (cotton, rayon and silk),
and note the unrehabihty of food skin tests and the value of trial
elimination diets.
one food per
you have the foods
day, and
your diet for three to four weeks, then try it Many food-
sensitive people fmd that they can eat a small amount of the
food every four to seven days.
By eliminating the foods that
in this book, should put you on the road to recovery from your
yeast-connected health problems.
Candida Quesdonnaire
Candida Questionnaire
If you woiilci \ikv to know if )()iir hralih prohlnns are yeast-related take this com-
prehensive lesi. Qiiesiions in Seeiion A locus on your medical history-factors that
promote the v^rowih of Oinilitld dlhiains and that are frequently found in people with
yeasi-relaied health prol^k'ins. In Section B )()ii'll iind a list of 23 s)-mptoins that
are often present m ixuients w ith yeast-related health problems. Section C consists
of 33 other symptoms that are sometimes seen in people with yeast-related prob-
lems-yet they may also be found in people with other disorders.
Fillinv^ out and scoring the c|iiesti{)nnaire shotild help you and your physician
evahiate the possible role that Candida albicans play in your health problems. It w ill
Section A: History
1 Have you ever taken tetracycline, or other antibiotics, for acne for one
month or longer? 35
2. Have you, at any time in your life, taken broad-spectrum antibiotics or
other antibacterial medication for respiratory, urinary or other infections
for tw'o months or longer, or in shorter courses four or more times in a
one-year period? 35
p 3.
Have you taken
Have you
vaginitis or other
a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug—even in
any time in your life been bothered by persistent
problems affecting your reproductive organs?
a single dose?
5. Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems— do you some-
times feel spaced out? 20
6. Do you feel "sick all over," yet despite visits to many different physicians
the cause has not been found? 20
7. Have you been pregnant?
Two or more times? 5
One time? 3
1 I .
Does tobacco smoke really bother you? iO
Candida Questionnaire
12. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places? 20
13. Have you had athlete's foot, ring worm, jock itch or other chronic fun-
gal infections of the skin or nails?
Severe or persistent 20
Mild to moderate 10
Pain and/or swelling in joints
Abdominal pain
• Constipation and/or diarrhea
• Bloating, belching or intestinal gas
• Troublesome vaginal burning, itching or discharge
• Prostatitis
• Impotence
• Loss of sexual desire or feeling
• Endometriosis or infertility
• Premenstrual tension
• Attacks of anxiety or crying
• Cold hands or feet, low body temperature
• Hypothyroidism
• Shaking or irritable when hungry
• Cystitis or interstitial cystitis
• Incoordination
• Hrequeni mood swings
• Insomnia
• ni//iness/l()ss of" halance
• Pressure ahove ears, feeling of head swelling
• Sinus prol:)lems, tenderness of cheekbones or forehead
•Tendency to l^ruise easily
• Eczema, itching eyes
• Psoriasis
• Chronic hives (urticaria)
• Indigestion or heartburn
• Sensitivity to milk, wheat, corn or other common foods
• Mucus in stools
• Rectal itching
Dry mouth or throat
• Mouth rashes, including "white" tongue
• Bad breath
• Foot, hair or body odor not relieved by washing
• Nasal congestion or postnasal drip
• Nasal itching
• Sore throat
• Laryngitis, loss of voice
• Cough (3r recurrent bronchitis
• Pain or tightness in chest
• Wheezing or shortness of breath
• Urinary frequency or urgency
• Burning on urination
• Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision
Burning or tearing eyes
Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
The Grand Total score will help you and your physician decide if your iiealtli
problems are yeast-connected. Scores in women will run higher, as seven items
in the questionnaire apply exclusively to women, while only two apply exclu-
sively to men.
•Yeast-connected health problems are almost certainly present in women witli
scores of more than 180, and in men with scores of more than 140.
•Yeast-connected health problems are probably present in women with scores of
more than 120, and in men with scores more than 90.
•Yeast-connected health problems are possibly present in women with scores
more than 60, and in men with scores of more than 40.
•With scores of less than 60 in women and 40 in men, yeasts are less apt lo
Diet plays a large role in the development of Candida,
and will therefore play a large role in recovery.
Papaya and Grapefruit with Kamut ®
Cm the papaya into
/z" ( cm) cubes
(afterremoving the skin and seeds). Peel
Vi grapefruit and segment the grapefruit, hi a large
bowl, thoroughly combine the fruit,
I cup ( 1 50 g) unsweetened Kamut" and juice. Serve immediately.
Kamut flakes Serves 1
Vi banana, sliced
Anti-Candida Salad
peeled and cut into water, lemon, and one bay leaf. Bring to
4 tbsp cold-pressed
flax seed oil
Vi tsp honey
Herbamare is a seasoning made with sea salt and 14
Sea salt or Herbamare organic herbs. The special steeping process used to
and freshly ground make this natural product allows the full herb and
pepper, to taste vegetable flavor to become concentrated in the salt
Magnificent Red Beet Soup
This nu\r\rll()iis soup can hv srrvrci liol or cold.
Serves 2
% cup ( 1 00 g) carrot,
diced carrot
I tbsp butter
Cucumber-Avocado Soup
Simple, tasi and lasi) ! This is cspcciall) wonderful wIhmi served cold on a hot
suninier day.
Serves 2
I shallot, minced
2 tbsp cold-pressed
hazelnut, walnut or
fiax oil
m)Ci cucumber
Vegetable Festival
I large yellow bell pepper Sea salt and freshly ground pepper,
to taste
V2 lb (225 g) medium
eggplant, cut in Fresh herbs for garnish (sage or oregano)
/4 slices
t I cup leeks
(white parts
cut lengthwise
to a boil and blanch the broccoli florettes,
Brussels sprouts and asparagus for 2 to 3
minutes. Drain the vegetables and
immediately rinse w^ith ice w^ater to maintain
the rich colors and to keep them crunchy.
'/t cup (100 garlic cloves Set aside.
Wash peppers, cut them in half and remove
Yi cup (125 ml) extra-virgin
the seeds. Place the peppers, eggplant,
olive oil
zucchini, leeks and garlic on a cookie sheet
and brush both sides of the vegetables w^ith
oil. Place in the oven and roast, turning
once, until both sides are golden brown
(approximately 10 minutes).
Place the peppers in a bowl, cover and set
aside. Once cool, carefully peel the skin off
the peppers.
I tbsp butter
Savoy Cabbage with Baked Potato
lemon oregano, spices, and cook
until tender. Season with salt and pepper.
4 tbsp butter To assemble, divide the vegetables
(approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons per
'/2 tbsp freshly squeezed
leaf) and place each portion onto a
lemon juice
cabbage leaf Tightly roll the leaves,
I tbsp fresh oregano, tucking in the ends as you roll. Place in
chopped the oven for minutes. Serve with the
baked potatoes.
Pinch ground cinnamon Serves 2
< .m
Baked Seasonal Vegetables
This lower ot luiiriiioii is a liin way to regain licallh and vigor.
I large red onion, sliced Place the baked vegetables in the center of
each plate and arrange the asparagus
I large beefsteak tomato, around them. Drizzle the dressing over
cut in half top and serve immediately.
olive oil
I tbsp cold-pressed
flax seed oil
rt(\ pepper
^^ '
\ ^
Colorful Kohlrabi and Beet Soup
This excjuisitc lookinj^ soup calls for a special evening of yeast fighting.
seed oil, for garnish Drizzle flax seed oil over top and serve
Serves 2
Potato Soup
This satisfying and tasty soup is "comfort food" at its best.
i Herbamare, to taste
**s ^-f/
Tomato-Tofu Tower
Who said ycasi busting had lo he duH?This cxciiing dish is iin[")rcssivc lo both
the eyes and taste buds.
bamboo steamer works well) and steam
for 7 to minutes at medium heat.
2 tbsp cold-pressed
pumpkin seed oil
Vi tsp Herbamare
I yellow bell pepper, In a pan, heat the olive oil and butter over
quartered medium heat and saute the onion and garlic
for 4 minutes or until translucent. Add
to 5
3 tbsp extra-virgin the endive and saute lightly for 30 seconds.
olive oil
Arrange the endive, fennel, carrots and
peppers on a plate. Drizzle the dressing over
I tbsp butter
top and serve with a poached egg.
I small white onion, Serves 1
2 tbsp cold-pressed
flax seed oil
Zwerling, M. H., K. N. Owens, and N. H. Ruth. 1984. All rights reserved. No pari of this book
"Think yeast: The expanding spectrum of may be reproduced or transmitted in any
candidiasis." South Carolina Med. Assoc.
form or by any means, electronic or
Vol. 80 (1984): 454-456.
mechanical, including photocopying,
Skolnick, A. "Even air in the home
not is
recording and any information storage and
entirely free of potential pollutants: Medical news and
retrieval system, without the written
perspectives." JAMA. Vol. 262 (1989): 3102-3103,
3107. permission of the publisher and the
sources Artw^ork:
Terence Yeung
for Herbamare:
Bioforce Raymond Cheung
4001 CoteVerty Liza Novecoski
Saint Laurent H4R 1R5
Tel: (514) 335-9393 Paul Chau
Fax: (514) 335-9639 Food Styling/Recipe Development:
Fred Edrissi
Rapunzel Pure Organics
2424 State Route Photographs:
203Valatia 12184 USA Edmond Fong (recipe photos)
Tel: 1-800-207-2814 Siegfried Gursche
Tel: (518) 392-8620
Fax: (518) 392-8630
Photo Editing:
email: mkg@rapunzel.com Sabine Edrissi-Bredenbrock
for Yeost Buster kit:
Innovite Sandra Tonn
97 Saramia Crescent Marian MacLean
Concord, ON L4K 4P7
Tel: (905) 761-5121
Fax: (905) 761-1453
Canadian Cataloguing in
Publication Data
for riatural oils:
7400 Fraser Park Drive
Crook, William G.
Burnaby, BC V5J 5B9 Nature's Ow^n Candida Cure
(604) 436-6000
1-800-663-0617 (Western Canada)
(alive natural health guides, 8
1-800-387-7541 (Eastern Canada)
ISSN 1490-6503)
Flora Inc. ISBN 1-55312-002-7
Box 73
Lynden, WA Second printing, 2000
(360) 354-2110 Printed in Canada
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The alive Natural Health Guides are your best
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Just what are yeasts, and why are some beneficial and others
harmful? Nature's Own Candida Cure answers these questions and
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