FSC Tutorial
FSC Tutorial
FSC Tutorial
1. Installation..............................................................................................................................2
2. Default Settings......................................................................................................................2
3. Steps Required for Each Capture........................................................................................5
4. Output Options ......................................................................................................................5
5. Capture Active Window [Shift+PrtSc]................................................................................8
6. Capture Window or Object [Alt+PrtSc] .............................................................................9
7. Capture Rectangular Region [Ctrl+PrtSc] .......................................................................10
8. Capture a Freehand Region [Shift+Ctrl+PrtSc] ..............................................................12
9. Capture a Full Screen [PrtSc] ............................................................................................13
10. Capture a Scrolling Window [Ctrl+Alt+PrtSc]................................................................14
11. Run FastStone Capture when Windows Starts ................................................................15
12. The FastStone Capture Capture Panel .............................................................................16
13. Use the FastStone Capture Editor .....................................................................................18
14. Use the Hotkeys....................................................................................................................24
15. Capture an Image from a Slide Show that is Running ....................................................24
16. The Screen Magnifier..........................................................................................................25
17. The Color Picker..................................................................................................................26
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
1. Installation
A. Source:
1. You can install FastStone Screen Capture directly from the Digital Images - Basic and beyond CD,
by navigating to FastStone Screen Capture menu page and clicking on the Install button, or
2. You can install if from the FastStone Web site by either:
a. Using your web browser to go to the FastStone Web site (www.FastStone.Org) and by
navigating to and clicking on the FastStone Screen Capture Download button, or
b. By navigating to FastStone Screen Capture menu page on the Digital Images - Basic and
beyond CD and clicking on the Download button
B. Install:
1. Follow the simple on-screen instructions to install FastStone Capture
2. An icon will automatically be placed on your desktop during the installation process
2. Default Settings
A. Introduction:
1. If you are in a hurry to get started using FastStone Capture, you can skip this section completely and
come back to it later if you have questions about the various default settings
2. In this section of this tutorial, I will show how to open the Settings dialog box, and I will give a brief
explanation of each of the categories of settings
B. Open the Settings dialog box:
1. Activate FastStone Capture, if it is not already active:
a. Double click on the FastStone Capture icon on your desktop:
(1) The FastStone Capture icon will appear in your System Tray
(2) The Capture Panel will appear on your desktop:
(a) Your Capture Panel may have some additional icons if you have already changed the
default settings
(b) I will discuss each of the icons on the Capture Panel as each one is used in this tutorial
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
(1) You can click on the button to find out what all of those symbols mean
(2) You can click on the dropdown arrow at the right end of the Filename box to select from a
list of templates - If you do not create and save your own templates, only two choices will be
(3) You can click on the button to create your own presets
(4) You can create your default filename by typing your entry directly in the Filename Template
(a) For example, I have typed “My Capture ###” in the Filename Template box - it looks like
(b) Now, each time that I use FastStone Capture to save a captured image, the file’s name
will be My Capture 001 et seq. (the number will increase by 1 each time I capture a new
d. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will assume that you have accepted the default setting which
will result in a filename that uses the current year, month, day, and time (hour, minute and
second) - for example: When the capture is done on August 31, 2007, at 10:30 and 22 seconds,
the file name will be 2007-08-31_103022 - this file naming method will result in a unique name
for each file so there is no need to use a numbering sequence
5. The Auto Save settings:
a. These settings will be used when ever you use FastStone Capture’s Auto Save option (the Auto
Save option will be covered shortly)
b. If you do not make any changes to these settings:
(1) The first time that you use the Auto Save option, you will be asked to complete the
information in this section
(2) If you subsequently use the Auto Save option again at a later time, the information that you
supplied the first time will be used automatically
(3) If you want to subsequently change the Auto Save settings, you will have to come to this
section to accomplish that
(4) I will assume that no changes have been made to this section and I will cover how to make
the changes when we get to the section of this tutorial that covers the Auto Save option
6. The Hotkey settings:
a. FastStone Capture can be used by clicking with your mouse rather than by using the Hotkeys, so
don’t get hung up on the concept of Hotkeys at this time.
b. In the main section of this tutorial, I will describe how to use FastStone Capture without using
c. In a separate section of this tutorial (near the end) I will cover the use of Hotkeys
d. Most users will never have to change any of the Hotkey settings
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
4. Output Options
A. Introduction:
1. You select an Output option to tell FastStone Capture what you want to be done with the image that
you capture
2. FastStone Capture will automatically use the Output option that was last used unless you select a
new Output option
3. This section will give a brief explanation of each Output option
B. How to select an Output option:
1. Double click on the FastStone Capture icon on your desktop to activate FastStone Capture, if it
is not already active - the Capture Panel should appear on your desktop
2. Click on the Output icon and a dropdown menu will appear - note that this icon changes to
reflect the Output option that was last used so your Output icon may look different
3. Click on one of the five Output options to select it
4. The next five sections of this tutorial describes each of these Output options
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
(2) Click on the OK button and the Settings dialog box will appear:
(a) The Auto Save section of the Settings dialog box will look like this:
1. Click on the Ellipsis button at the right end of the Output Folder box to navigate
to the desired folder or to create a new folder - we will select the My Documents
(c) Designate the Output Format:
1. The default file type is PNG (Portable Networks Graphic) which is a format that is
recognized by many programs, but we will change the format to JPG:
a. Click on the dropdown arrow at the right end of the Output Folder box
and a dropdown menu will appear will appear
b. Click on JPG Output Format to select that option
(d) The Filename section of the Settings dialog box contains the Filename template that will
be used when the file is saved:
1. It should look something like this:
2. FastStone Capture will use the information in this section to determine the name that
will be given to the file:
a. See the Default Settings section of this tutorial for more information about the
Filename section of the Settings dialog box
b. If you want to change this information, you can do so now
c. If you do change the information, FastStone Capture will apply the changes each
time you use either the To File or To File (Auto Save) option
(e) Click on the OK button on the Settings dialog box to close the box and accept the
b. The next time that you use the To File (Auto Save) option, FastStone Capture will use the
information on the Settings dialog box to:
(1) Assign a name to the file
(2) Determine what Output Format will be used
(3) Determine which folder to use
c. If you subsequently want to change any of these default settings, and you need a bit of help, refer
to the Default Settings section of this tutorial
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
G. To Printer :
1. This Output option sends the image to your printer
2. When the To Printer Output option is in effect, each time you do a capture the Print dialog box will
appear - it will look something like this:
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
D. Select the Output Option that you want to use, if it is not already selected:
1. FastStone Capture will use the Output Option that you used the last time that you used FastStone
a. You can tell which Output Option was used the last time by looking at the Output Option icon -
they look like this:
(1) To Editor icon
(2) To Clipboard icon
(3) To File icon
(4) To File (Auto Save) icon
(5) To Printer icon
b. The developer of FastStone Capture has outdone himself this time!!!
2. If you do not want to change the Output Option, skip the next step
3. If you want to change the Output Option, click on the active Output Option icon on the Capture
Panel and a dropdown menu will appear:
a. Click on the Output Option that you want to use
b. FastStone Capture will remember the Output Option that you choose and will automatically use
that Output Option until you change the Output Option
E. Make the Capture using the Active Window option:
1. Select the Capture the Active Window option by either:
a. Clicking on the Capture Active Window icon on the Capture Panel, or
b. Using the Keyboard shortcut [Shift+PrtSc]
2. FastStone Capture will capture the visible portion of the active window
3. Depending on the Output Option that you selected, the capture process could be complete or addition
steps may be required - If you need help completing the capture process, refer to the Output Options
section of this tutorial
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
D. Select the Output Option that you want to use, if it is not already selected:
1. FastStone Capture will use the Output Option that you used the last time that you used FastStone
a. You can tell which Output Option was used the last time by looking at the Output Option icon -
they look like this:
(1) To Editor icon
(2) To Clipboard icon
(3) To File icon
(4) To File (Auto Save) icon
(5) To Printer icon
b. The developer of FastStone Capture has outdone himself this time!!!
2. If you do not want to change the Output Option, skip the next step
3. If you want to change the Output Option, click on the active Output Option icon on the Capture
Panel and a dropdown menu will appear:
a. Click on the Output Option that you want to use
b. FastStone Capture will remember the Output Option that you choose and will automatically use
that Output Option until you change the Output Option
E. Make the Capture using the Window/Object option:
1. Select the Capture Window/Object option by either:
a. Clicking on the Capture Window/Object icon on the Capture Panel, or
b. Using the Keyboard shortcut [Alt+PrtSc]
c. You can cancel the selection option by pressing the Escape key E
2. FastStone Capture will place a red box around a window or object
3. Move the cursor around on the screen and you will see the red box jump around so that it surrounds
the window or object that is under the cursor
4. When the red box is surrounding the window or object that you would like to capture, just click and
depending on the Output Option that you selected, the capture process could be complete or addition
steps may be required - If you need help completing the capture process, refer to the Output Options
section of this tutorial
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
D. Select the Output Option that you want to use, if it is not already selected:
1. FastStone Capture will use the Output Option that you used the last time that you used FastStone
a. You can tell which Output Option was used the last time by looking at the Output Option icon -
they look like this:
(1) To Editor icon
(2) To Clipboard icon
(3) To File icon
(4) To File (Auto Save) icon
(5) To Printer icon
b. The developer of FastStone Capture has outdone himself this time!!!
2. If you do not want to change the Output Option, skip the next step
3. If you want to change the Output Option, click on the active Output Option icon on the Capture
Panel and a dropdown menu will appear:
a. Click on the Output Option that you want to use
b. FastStone Capture will remember the Output Option that you choose and will automatically use
that Output Option until you change the Output Option
E. Make the Capture using the Rectangular Region option:
1. Select the Capture Rectangular Region option by either:
a. Clicking on the Capture Rectangular Region icon on the Capture Panel, or
b. Using the Keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+PrtSc]
c. You can cancel the selection option by pressing the Escape key E
2. FastStone Capture will display:
a. The Selection crosshairs , and
b. The Preview box
3. Select the Rectangular Region that you want to capture:
a. FastStone Capture provides three different methods for selection the Rectangular Region - use
one of these three methods:
(1) Click and drag starting in the upper left corner of the rectangular region and drop in the lower
right corner of the rectangular region, or
(2) Click (and don’t drag) in the upper left corner of the rectangular region, and then click in the
lower right corner of the rectangular region, or
(3) Precise selection:
(a) Select the upper left corner of the rectangular region:
1. Move the cursor to a point that approximates the location of the upper left corner - do
not click
2. Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the crosshair - left, right, up, down -
until the crosshair is at the exact point that you want to use as the upper left
corner of the rectangular region
3. Press the Enter key or the Space Bar on your keyboard to mark the upper left corner
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
(1) The FastStone Capture icon will appear in your System Tray
(2) The Capture Panel will appear on your desktop
2. Change the default setting that controls this feature:
a. Click on the Settings icon on the Capture Panel and a dropdown menu will appear
b. Click on Settings and the Settings dialog box will appear
c. In the Capture section of the dialog box, click on the Run When Windows Starts
checkbox to select this option
d. Click on the OK button and from now on FastStone Capture will run whenever you start
e. To stop FastStone Capture from running at startup, repeat these steps, deselecting this option
f. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will assume that you have not selected this option
C. Run FastStone Capture in the Minimized mode when Window Starts:
1. Activate FastStone Capture, if it is not already active:
a. Double click on the FastStone Capture icon on your desktop:
(1) The FastStone Capture icon will appear in your System Tray
(2) The Capture Panel will appear on your desktop
2. Change the default setting that controls these features:
a. Click on the Settings icon on the Capture Panel and a dropdown menu will appear
b. Click on Settings and the Settings dialog box will appear
c. In the Capture section of the dialog box:
(1) Click on the Run When Windows Starts checkbox to select this
option, if it is not already selected
(2) Click on the Silent Startup checkbox to select this
d. Click on the OK button and from now on FastStone Capture will run (minimized to the Windows
tray area) whenever you start Windows
e. To stop FastStone Capture from running in the Minimized state at startup, repeat these steps,
deselecting these options
f. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will assume that you have not selected these options
c. Click on the FastStone Capture icon in your System Tray and the Capture Panel will
appear maximized on your desktop
d. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will assume that you have left the Capture Panel maximized on
your desktop
E. Use the Capture Panel to close FastStone Capture:
1. Click on the Close X button on the Capture Panel to close FastStone Capture
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How To Capture Screen Shots
Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
1. Click on the Save As button on the Editor’s toolbar and the Save As dialog box will appear
2. Name and save the image to a folder on your hard disk
3. What happened? - by default, the Editor closes whenever you first save a screen capture - you can
change that default if you like (see the Default Settings section of this tutorial), but we will just open
the saved image and go on from there
4. Proceed to the next step
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
a. Click on the Draw icon on the toolbar and the Draw window will appear
3. Add a Text Box to your image:
a. Click on the Text tool on the toolbar and the cursor will turn into crosshairs
b. Click any place on the image and:
(1) A Text Box will appear, and
(2) The Text Style toolbar will appear near the top right of the Draw window
(3) It should look something like this (your settings will be the settings that you used the last
time you used this tool)
c. Enter your text:
(1) Make any changes that you like to the Text Style settings
(2) Click (you may need to double click) within the text box and type the text that you want to
appear - I will type Mikayla
(3) Change the text style settings after you have entered text:
(a) Click and drag to select the text that you want to change
(b) Make changes on the Text Style toolbar and the selected text will reflect the changes
(c) My Text Box now looks like this:
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
a. Click on the Straight Line tool on the toolbar and your cursor will turn into crosshairs and
the Straight Line options bar will appear at the bottom of the window
b. Click on the image and a straight line will appear
c. Use the handles at the ends of the line to change location, size and direction of the line
d. You can change the Straight Line options either before or after you draw the line - here are the
e. Here are the Straight Line options:
(1) The Color box controls the color of the line
(2) The Width box controls the width of the line
(3) The Arrow checkbox converts the straight line to an arrow when it is checked
(4) The Opacity option controls the opacity of the line
(5) The Drop Shadow option and Ellipses controls the drop shadow
(6) The Anti-Alias option:
(a) Smoothes the object when it is checked
(b) Slows down the operations when it is checked
(7) After making a few changes, this is how my Straight Line (Arrow) looked:
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
(2) Click on the Delete button on the toolbar to delete it (or press the Delete key)
7. Close the Draw window:
a. When you are finished adding objects to your image and when you are certain that you do not
want to make any more changes, click on the OK button to return to the Editor window
b. After you return to the Editor window, you will no longer be able to change any of the objects,
even if you later reopen the image in the Draw window
c. After you return to the Editor window, if you decided that you do not like the objects that you
added, you can eliminate all of them using the Undo function (Edit>Undo or Ctrl + Z)
F. Add Captions to your images:
1. Introduction:
a. This feature adds a caption box and a caption either above or below the image
b. You have a lot of control over the appearance of the caption box and the text
2. Open an image:
a. Since I still have my child image open in the Editor, I will use that image for this example
b. If you want to use a different image, just open it in the Editor
3. Click on the Caption button on the toolbar to open the Caption dialog box
4. Enter you caption - I will enter Winter Vacation 2007
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
5. Set up your options for the Caption box and the Caption text:
a. Click on the Options button and the Captions dialog box will appear
b. Choose your options:
(1) The Header check boxes add plain text information near the top of the Caption box:
(a) Try checking them one at a time to see how they will look in the Preview window
(b) I left them all unchecked
(2) The Frame color boxes control the color of the border of the frame and the fill color
(3) The Border Size box determines the width of the line around the border:
(a) Try changing the number and see how the border looks in the Preview window
(b) I left the Border Size set to 3
(4) The Bottom checkbox determines the placement of the caption box on your image:
(a) If there is a checkmark, the caption will be placed at the bottom of your image
(b) If there is no checkmark, the caption will be placed at the top of your image
(c) I left the Bottom checkbox checked
(5) The Font button allows you to select the font, font style, font size, color, etc.
(6) The Font color box determines the color of the text
(7) The alignment buttons allow you to specify the alignment to the text within the caption box
(8) When you are finish making your settings, click on the OK button to return to the Caption
dialog box
(9) Close the Draw window:
(a) When you are finished entering text and formatting the text and the Caption box, and
when you are certain that you do not want to make any more changes, click on the Add
Caption button to return to the Editor window
(b) After you return to the Editor window, you will no longer be able to make any changes to
the Caption box or the text, even if you later reopen the image in the Caption window
(c) After you return to the Editor window, if you decided that you do not like the Caption
that you added, you can eliminate it using the Undo function (Edit>Undo or Ctrl + Z)
(10) You can add additional Caption boxes if you want multiple caption boxes
(11) We are finished working with this image so we will close it without saving it:
(a) Click on Edit on the Menu bar and a dropdown menu will appear
(b) Click on Close and an alert window will appear
(c) Since we do not have any reason to save this image, we will click on the No button
G. Add Drop Shadows, Torn Edges and Water Marks to your images:
1. Introduction:
a. This feature allows us to add the following effects to an image:
(1) Drop Shadow Edge
(2) Torn Edge
(3) Watermark Image (not covered in this tutorial)
2. Open an image in the Editor:
a. Click on the Settings icon on the Capture Panel and a dropdown menu will appear
b. Click on Open File in Editor and the Open dialog box will appear
c. I will use the original version of my image to demonstrate these features, so I selected that image
and opened it in the Editor - you can open any image or capture a new image
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
a. Click on the Edge icon on the toolbar and the Edge/Watermark dialog box will appear
b. Click on the Drop Shadow Edge checkbox to select this option and:
(1) The Drop Shadow option boxes will appear
(2) The Preview window will show a simulation of the Drop Shadow effect
c. Change the Drop Shadow Edge options and watch as the changes are reflected in the Preview
(1) I increased the Depth to 6
(2) I increased the Darkness to 8
(3) Please do not ask why
d. Click on the Torn Edge checkbox to select this option and:
(1) The Torn Edge option boxes will appear
(2) The Preview window will show a simulation of the Torn Edge effect
e. Change the Torn Edge options and watch the as the changes are reflected in the Preview
(1) I decrease the Size to 30
(2) I left the Edge location set to Right
4. Apply the changes to the image:
a. Click on the Apply button and the edge effects will show on the image in the Editor
b. I thought that the Torn Edge was too exaggerated, so I used the Undo command and started over
setting the Size to 10 and that looked a lot better - why??:
(1) Apparently the resolution of the image has a lot to do with the size of the tear in the Torn
(2) Since I was using a low resolution image, the tear appeared to be too large
(3) My advice to you is to try different settings until you get one that looks good on your image
(4) Here is how my image now appears in the Editor - notice that FastStone Capture has added a
white canvas under the image:
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
d. Click on the OK button to set the default Auto Save settings and to close the dialog box
4. Determine which Type of capture you want to use:
a. I will use the Capture Active Window [Shift+PrtSc] option because I find that this option works
best for me - feel free to try other capture types to see what works best for you
b. Locate the Shift key and the Print Screen [PrtSc] keys on your keyboard so that you are ready to
use them when the slide that you want to capture appears on your monitor
c. To use this Hotkey combination, you will need to hold down the Shift key and then quickly press
and release the Print Screen key each time that you want to capture a screen shot
5. Minimize the Capture Panel by clicking on its Minimize button (do not close FastStone Capture)
6. Capture the screen shot and automatically save it to your hard disk:
a. Run the slide show
b. When the image that you want to capture appears on your monitor, hold down the Shift key and
then quickly press and release the Print Screen key and the image will be automatically saved to
your hard disk - repeat this step to capture more screen shots from the slide show
7. That’s all there is to it - the images will now be on your hard disk, in the folder that you specified in
the default settings
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Using FastStone Capture Version 5.2
Technical Support
If you need technical support, contact FastStone at
If you contact them, please remember to thank them for this fine program
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