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Digital Communication

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Subject Code : EC6301

Subject : Digital Communication

Class : III Year ECE

Being prepared by me and it meets the knowledge requirement of the university curriculum.

Signature of the Author

Name : Mr. J.ASOKAN

Designation: Assistant Professor

This is to certify that the course material being prepared by Mr. J.ASOKAN is of adequate quality. He
has referred more than five books among them minimum one is from abroad author.

Signature of HD





1.1 Sampling theorem for Low pass signals 01

1.2 Aliasing and Signal reconstruction 02

1.3 Quantization 03

1.4 Uniform and Non-uniform quantization. 04

1.5 Quantization noise 06

1.6 Logarithmic companding of Speech signal 06

1.7 Pulse Code Modulation(PCM) 07

1.8 Time Division Multiplexing(TDM) 09


2.1 Linear predictive coding 10

2.2 Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) 11

2.3 Delta Modulation 13

2.4 Adaptive Delta modulation 16


3.1 Properties of Line codes 17

3.2 Power spectral density of Unipolar NRZ line code. 18

3.3 Manchester Encoding 19

3.4 Nyquist criterion for zero ISI 21

3.5 Inter symbol Interference 23

3.6 Eye pattern 24

3.7 Equalising filter 26


4.1 Geometric representation of Signals 29

Page 1

4.2 Generation and coherent detection of BPSK signals 32

4.3 Power density spectrum of BPSK signals 34

4.4 Binary Frequency shift keying (BFSK) 35

4.5 Quadrature Phase – shift keying (QPSK) 38

4.6 Quadrature Amplitude modulation 40


5.1 Linear block codes 41

5.2 Hamming codes 41

5.3 Convolutional codes 45

5.4 Vitterbi Decoding 56


A Question Bank 61

B University Question Papers 82

Page 2



Low pass sampling – Aliasing- Signal Reconstruction-Quantization - Uniform & non-

uniform quantization - quantization noise - Logarithmic Companding of speech signal- PCM


Prediction filtering and DPCM - Delta Modulation - ADPCM & ADM principles-Linear
Predictive Coding.


Properties of Line codes- Power Spectral Density of Unipolar / Polar RZ & NRZ – Bipolar
NRZ - Manchester- ISI – Nyquist criterion for distortionless transmission – Pulse shaping –
Correlative coding - Mary schemes – Eye pattern – Equalization


Geometric Representation of signals - Generation, detection, PSD & BER of Coherent BPSK,
BFSK & QPSK - QAM - Carrier Synchronization - structure of Non-coherent Receivers -
Principle of DPSK.


Channel coding theorem - Linear Block codes - Hamming codes - Cyclic codes -
Convolutional codes - Vitterbi Decoder


1. S. Haykin, “Digital Communications”, John Wiley, 2005

1. B. Sklar, “Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications”, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2009
2. B.P.Lathi, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems” 3rd Edition, Oxford
University Press 2007.
3. H P Hsu, Schaum Outline Series - “Analog and Digital Communications”, TMH 2006
4. J.G Proakis, “Digital Communication”, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Company, 2001.

Page 3

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A message signal may originate from a digital or analog source. If the message signal is
analog in nature, then it has to be converted into digital form before it can transmit by digital
means. The process by which the continuous-time signal is converted into a discrete–time
signal is called Sampling. Sampling operation is performed in accordance with the sampling


Statement: - “If a band –limited signal g(t) contains no frequency components for ‫׀‬f‫ > ׀‬W,
then it is completely described by instantaneous values g(kTs) uniformly spaced in time with
period Ts ≤ 1/2W. If the sampling rate, fs is equal to the Nyquist rate or greater (fs ≥ 2W), the
signal g(t) can be exactly reconstructed.

Proof:- Part - I If a signal x(t) does not contain any frequency component beyond W Hz, then
the signal is completely described by its instantaneous uniform samples with sampling
interval (or period ) of Ts < 1/(2W) sec.

Part – II The signal x(t) can be accurately reconstructed (recovered) from the set of uniform
instantaneous samples by passing the samples sequentially through an ideal (brick-wall)
lowpass filter with bandwidth B, where W ≤ B < fs – W and fs = 1/(Ts).

Page 1

If x(t) represents a continuous-time signal, the equivalent set of instantaneous uniform

samples {x(nTs)} may be represented as,

{x(nTs)}≡ xs(t) = Σ x(t).δ(t- nTs) ---------- 1.1

where x(nTs) = x(t)⎢t =nTs , δ(t) is a unit pulse singularity function and „n‟ is an integer.The
continuous-time signal x(t) is multiplied by an (ideal) impulse train to obtain {x(nTs)} and
can be rewritten as,

xs(t) = x(t).Σ δ(t- nTs) ------------ 1.2

Now, let X(f) denote the Fourier Transform F(T) of x(t), i.e.

Now, from the theory of Fourier Transform, we know that the F.T of Σ δ(t- nTs), the

impulse train in time domain, is an impulse train in frequency domain:

F{Σ δ(t- nTs)} = (1/Ts).Σ δ(f- n/Ts) = fs.Σ δ(f- nfs) -- ----- 1.3

If Xs(f) denotes the Fourier transform of the energy signal xs(t), we can write using Eq.
(1.2.4) and the convolution property:

Xs(f) = X(f)* F{Σ δ(t- nTs)}

= X(f)*[fs.Σ δ(f- nfs)]

= fs.X(f)*Σ δ(f- nfs)


Aliasing and signal reconstruction:

Nyquist‟s theorems as stated above and also helps to appreciate their practical implications.
Let us note that while writing Eq.(1.4), we assumed that x(t) is an energy signal so that its
Fourier transform exists. With this setting, if we assume that x(t) has no appreciable
frequency component greater than W Hz and if fs > 2W, then Eq.(1.4) implies that Xs(f), the
Fourier Transform of the sampled signal Xs(t) consists of infinite number of replicas of X(f),
centered at discrete frequencies n.fs, -∞ < n < ∞ and scaled by a constant fs= 1/Ts.

Page 2

Fig. 1.2.1 indicates that the bandwidth of this instantaneously sampled wave xs(t) is infinite
while the spectrum of x(t) appears in a periodic manner, centered at discrete frequency values
n.fs. Part – I of the sampling theorem is about the condition fs > 2.W i.e. (fs – W) > W and (–
fs + W) < – W. As seen from Fig. 1.2.1, when this condition is satisfied, the spectra of xs(t),
centered at f = 0 and f = ± fs do not overlap and hence, the spectrum of x(t) is present in xs(t)
without any distortion. This implies that xs(t), the appropriately sampled version of x(t),
contains all information about x(t) and thus represents x(t).

The second part suggests a method of recovering x(t) from its sampled version xs(t) by using
an ideal lowpass filter. As indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 1.2.1, an ideal lowpass filter (with
brick-wall type response) with a bandwidth W ≤ B < (fs – W), when fed with xs(t), will allow
the portion of Xs(f), centered at f = 0 and will reject all its replicas at f = n fs, for n ≠ 0. This
implies that the shape of the continuous time signal xs(t), will be retained at the output of the
ideal filter.

The process of transforming Sampled amplitude values of a message signal into a discrete
amplitude value is referred to as Quantization.

The quantization Process has a two-fold effect:

1. the peak-to-peak range of the input sample values is subdivided into a finite set of decision
levels or decision thresholds that are aligned with the risers of the staircase, and
2. the output is assigned a discrete value selected from a finite set of representation levels that
are aligned with the treads of the staircase.

A quantizer is memory less in that the quantizer output is determined only by the value of a
corresponding input sample, independently of earlier analog samples applied to the input.

Page 3

Types of Quantizers:
1. Uniform Quantizer
2. Non- Uniform Quantizer

Uniform Quantizer: In Uniform type, the quantization levels are uniformly spaced, whereas
in non-uniform type the spacing between the levels will be unequal and mostly the relation is

Types of Uniform Quantizers: ( based on I/P - O/P Characteristics)

1. Mid-Rise type Quantizer
2. Mid-Tread type Quantizer

In the stair case like graph, the origin lies the middle of the tread portion in Mid –Tread type
where as the origin lies in the middle of the rise portion in the Mid-Rise type.

Mid – tread type:Quantization levels – odd number.

Mid – Rise type: Quantization levels – even number.

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Page 5

Quantization Noise and Signal-to-Noise:

“The Quantization process introduces an error defined as the difference between the input
signal, x(t) and the output signal, yt). This error is called the Quantization Noise.”

q(t) = x(t) – y(t)

Quantization noise is produced in the transmitter end of a PCM system by rounding off
sample values of an analog base-band signal to the nearest permissible representation levels
of the quantizer. As such quantization noise differs from channel noise in that it is signal

Let “Δ‟ be the step size of a quantizer and L be the total number of quantization levels.
Quantization levels are 0, ± Δ., ± 2 Δ., ±3 Δ . . . . . . . The Quantization error, Q is a random
variable and will have its sample values bounded by [-(Δ/2) < q < (Δ/2)]. If Δ is small, the
quantization error can be assumed to a uniformly distributed random variable.

Consider a memory less quantizer that is both uniform and symmetric.

L = Number of quantization levels

X = Quantizer input

Y = Quantizer output

The output y is given by


which is a staircase function that befits the type of mid tread or mid riser quantizer of interest.

Companding of Speech signal:

Compander = Compressor + Expander

In Non – Uniform Quantizer the step size varies. The use of a non – uniform quantizer is
equivalent to passing the baseband signal through a compressor and then applying the
compressed signal to a uniform quantizer. The resultant signal is then transmitted.

Page 6

At the receiver, a device with a characteristic complementary to the compressor called

Expander is used to restore the signal samples to their correct relative level. The Compressor
and expander take together constitute a Compander.

Advantages of Non – Uniform Quantization:

1. Higher average signal to quantization noise power ratio than the uniform quantizer
when the signal pdf is non uniform which is the case in many practical situation.

2. RMS value of the quantizer noise power of a non – uniform quantizer is substantially
proportional to the sampled value and hence the effect of the quantizer noise is

Pulse code Modulation:

The pulse code modulator technique samples the input signalx(t) at a sampling frequency.
This sampled variable amplitude pulse is then digitalized by the analog to digital converter.
Figure. shows the PCM generator.
the signal is first passed through sampler which is sampled at a rate of (fs) where:
The output of the sampler x(nTs) which is discrete in time is fed to a „q‟ level quantizer.
The quantizer compares the input x(nTs) with it's fixed levels. It assigns any one of the
digital level to x(nTs) that results in minimum distortion or error. The error is called
quantization error, thus the output of the quantizer is a digital level called q(nTs). The

signal level q(nTs) is binary encode. The encoder converts the input signal
to v digits binary word.The receiver starts by reshaping the received
pulses, removes the noise and then converts the binary bits to analog.
The received samples are then filtered by a low pass filter; the cut off
frequency is at fc. fc= fm.

Page 7

It is impossible to reconstruct the original signal x(t) because of the permanent

quantization error introduced during quantization at the transmitter. The
quantization error can be reduced by the increasing quantization levels. This
corresponds to the increase of bits persample(more information). But increasing
bits (v) increases the signaling rate and requires a large transmission bandwidth.
The choice of the parameter for the number of quantization levels must be
acceptable with the quantization noise (quantization error).

Signaling Rate in PCM

Let the quantizer use 'v' number of binary digits to represent each
level. Then the number of levels that can be represented by v digits will
be : q=2v
The number of bits per second is given by : (Number of bits per
second)=(Number of bits per samples)x(number of samples per second) = v (bits
per sample) x fs (samples per second).

The number of bits per second is also called signaling rate of PCM and is
Signaling rate= v fs

Quantization Noise in PCM System

Errors are introduced in the signal because of the quantization process. This
error is called "quantization error".
ε= xq (nTs)- x(nTs)

Let an input signal x(nTs) have an amplitude in the range of xmax to - xmax
The total amplitude range is : Total amplitude = xmax-(- xmax)=2 xmax
If the amplitude range is divided into 'q' levels of quantizer, then the step size 'Δ'. Δ= q/2 X
max If the minimum and maximum values are equal to 1, xmax,=1,
- xmax=-1, Δ= q/2.

Signal to Quantization Noise ratio in PCM

The signal to quantization noise ratio is given as:

Page 8

The number of quantization value is equal to: q=2v

Let the normalized signal power is equal to P then the signal to quantization
noise will be given by:

Advantages of PCM
1. Effect of noise is reduced.
2. PCM permits the use of pulse regeneration.
3. Multiplexing of various PCM signals is possible.

Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM):

Page 9

Digital Multiplexers:


Linear Predictive Coding:

Linear predictive coding (LPC) is a tool used mostly in audio signal processing and
speech processing for representing the spectral envelopment of a digital signal of speech in
compressed form, using the information of a lenear prediction model.

Linear prediction is a mathematical operation where future values of a discrete time signal
are estimated as a linear function of previous samples.

In digital signal processing, linear prediction is often called linear predictive coding (LPC)
and can thus be viewed as a subset of filter theory.

Filter design is the process of designing a signal processing filter that satisfies a set of
requirements, some of which are contradictory. The purpose is to find a realization of the
filter that meets each of the requirements to a sufficient degree to make it useful.

The filter design process can be described as an optimization problem where each
requirement contributes to an error function which should be minimized. Certain parts of the
design process can be automated, but normally an experienced electrical engineer is needed
to get a good result.

In system analysis linear prediction can be viewed as a part of mathematical modeling or


optimization is the selection of a best element (with regard to some criteria) from some set of
available alternatives.

In the simplest case, an optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real

function by systematically choosing input values from within an allowed set and computing
the value of the function. The generalization of optimization theory and techniques to other


formulations comprises a large area of applied mathematics More generally, optimization

includes finding "best available" values of some objective function given a defined domain or
a set of constraints), including a variety of different types of objective functions and different
types of domains.

LPC starts with the assumption that a speech signal is produced by a buzzer at the end of a
tube (voiced sounds), with occasional added hissing and popping sounds. Although
apparently crude, this model is actually a close approximation of the reality of speech
production. The glottis the space between the vocal folds) produces the buzz, which is
characterized by its intensity (loudness) and frequency (pitch). The vocal tract (the throat and
mouth) forms the tube, which is characterized by its resonances, which give rise to formats,
or enhanced frequency bands in the sound produced. Hisses and pops are generated by the
action of the tongue, lips and throat during sibilants and plosives.

LPC analyzes the speech signal by estimating the formants, removing their effects from the
speech signal, and estimating the intensity and frequency of the remaining buzz. The process
of removing the formants is called inverse filtering, and the remaining signal after the
subtraction of the filtered modeled signal is called the residue.

The numbers which describe the intensity and frequency of the buzz, the formants, and the
residue signal, can be stored or transmitted somewhere else. LPC synthesizes the speech
signal by reversing the process: use the buzz parameters and the residue to create a source
signal, use the formants to create a filter (which represents the tube), and run the source
through the filter, resulting in speech.

Because speech signals vary with time, this process is done on short chunks of the speech
signal, which are called frames; generally 30 to 50 frames per second give intelligible speech
with good compression.

It is one of the most powerful speech analysis techniques, and one of the most useful
methods for encoding good quality speech at a low bit rate and provides extremely
accurate estimates of speech parameters.

Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM)

For the signals which does not change rapidly from one sample to next
sample, the PCM scheme is not preferred. When such highly correlated samples are
encoded the resulting encoded signal contains redundant information. By removing
this redundancy before encoding an efficient coded signal can be obtained. One of
such scheme is the DPCM technique. By knowing the past behavior of a signal up to a
certain point in time, it is possible to make some inference about the future values.
The transmitter and receiver of the DPCM scheme is shown in the below
fig.respectively. Transmitter: Let x(t) be the signal to be sampled and x(nTs) be its
samples. In this scheme the input to the quantizer is a signal.
e(nTs) = x(nTs) - x^(nTs) ----- (3.31)


where x^(nTs) is the prediction for unquantized sample x(nTs). This predicted
value is produced by using a predictor whose input, consists of a quantized versions
of the input signal x(nTs). The signal e(nTs) is called the prediction error.
By encoding the quantizer output, in this method, we obtain a modified
version of the PCM called differential pulse code modulation (DPCM).
Quantizer output,
v(nTs) = Q[e(nTs)]
= e(nTs) + q(nTs) ---- (3.32)
Predictor input is the sum of quantizer output and predictor output,
u(nTs) = x^(nTs) + v(nTs) ---- (3.33)
Using 3.32 in 3.33,
u(nTs) = x^(nTs) + e(nTs) + q(nTs) ----(3.34)
u(nTs) = x(nTs) + q(nTs) ----(3.35)
The receiver consists of a decoder to reconstruct the quantized error signal.
The quantized version of the original input is reconstructed from the decoder output
using the same predictor as used in the transmitter. In the absence of noise the
encoded signal at the receiver input is identical to the encoded signal at the transmitter
output. Correspondingly the receive output is equal to u(nTs), which differs from the
input x(nts) only by the quantizing error q(nTs).


Delta Modulation (DM)

Delta Modulation is a special case of DPCM. In DPCM scheme if the base band signal is
sampled at a rate much higher than the Nyquist rate purposely to increase the correlation
between adjacent samples of the signal, so as to permit the use of a simple quantizing strategy
for constructing the encoded signal, Delta modulation (DM) is precisely such as scheme.
Delta Modulation is the one-bit (or two-level) versions of DPCM.

DM provides a staircase approximation to the over sampled version of an input base band
signal. The difference between the input and the approximation is quantized into only two
levels, namely, ±δ corresponding to positive and negative differences, respectively, Thus, if
the approximation falls below the signal at any sampling epoch, it is increased by δ. Provided
that the signal does not change too rapidly from sample to sample, we find that the stair case
approximation remains within ±δ of the input signal. The symbol δ denotes the absolute value
of the two representation levels of the one-bit quantizer used in the DM.


Let the input signal be x(t) and the staircase approximation to it is u(t).


In the receiver the stair case approximation u(t) is reconstructed by passing the incoming
sequence of positive and negative pulses through an accumulator in a manner similar to that
used in the transmitter. The out-of –band quantization noise in the high frequency staircase
waveform u(t) is rejected by passing it through a low-pass filter with a band-width equal to
the original signal bandwidth. Delta modulation offers two unique features:
1. No need for Word Framing because of one-bit code word.
2. Simple design for both Transmitter and Receiver

Disadvantage of DM: Delta modulation systems are subject to two types of quantization
(1) slope –overload distortion, and (2) granular noise.


Adaptive Delta Modulation:

The performance of a delta modulator can be improved significantly by
making the step size of the modulator assume a time-varying form. In particular,
during a steep segment of the input signal the step size is increased. Conversely, when
the input signal is varying slowly, the step size is reduced. In this way, the size is
adapted to the level of the input signal. The resulting method is called adaptive delta
modulation (ADM). There are several types of ADM, depending on the type of
scheme used for adjusting the step size. In this ADM, a discrete set of values is
provided for the step size.



Properties of Line Codes:

DC Component:

Eliminating the dc energy from the single power spectrum enables the transmitter to be
ac coupled. Magnetic recording system or system using transformer coupling are less
sensitive to low frequency signal components. Low frequency component may lost, if
the presence of dc or near dc spectral component is significant in the code itself.

Self synchronization
Any digital communication system requires bit synchronization. Coherent detector
requires carrier synchronization.
For example Manchester code has a transition at the middle of every bit interval
irrespective of whether a 1 or 0 is being sent This guaranteed transmitter provide a
clocking signal at the bit level.

Error detection
Some codes such as duo binary provide the means of detecting data error without
introducing additional error detection bits into the data sequence.

Band width compression:

Some codes such as multilevel codes increase the efficiency of the bandwidth
utilization by allowing a reduction in required bandwidth for a given data rate, thus more
information transmitted per unit band width.


This technique is useful because it allow the polarity of differentially encoded waveform
to be inverted without affecting the data detection. In communication system where


waveform to be inverted having great advantage.

For same transmitted energy some codes produces lesser bit detection error than
other in the presence of noise. For ex. The NRZ waveforms have better noise
performance than the RZ type.


On aspect of spectrum matching is dc coupling. Also transmission bandwidth of the

code musts is sufficient small compared to channel bandwidth so that ISI is not

A line doe should be so designed that the receiver does not go out of synchronization
for any line sequence of data symbol. A code is not transparent if for some sequence of
symbol, the clock is lost.

Power spectral density of unipolar NRZ line code:

Line coding:
Line coding refers to the process of representing the bit stream (1s and
0s) in the form of voltage or current variations optimally tuned for the specific properties
of the physical channel being used. The selection of a proper line code can help in so
many ways: One possibility is to aid in clock recovery at the receiver. A clock signal is
recovered by observing transitions in the received bit sequence, and if enough
transitions exist, a good recovery of the clock is guaranteed, and the signal is said to be

Another advantage is to get rid of DC shifts. The DC component in a line code is called
the bias or the DC coefficient. Unfortunately, most long-distance communication
channels cannot transport a DC component. This is why most line codes try to eliminate
the DC component before being transmitted on the channel. Such codes are called DC
balanced, zero-DC, zero-bias, or DC equalized. Some common types of line encoding
in common-use nowadays are unipolar, polar, bipolar, Manchester, MLT-3 and
Duobinary encoding. These codes are explained here: 1. Unipolar (Unipolar NRZ and
Unipolar RZ):
Unipolar is the simplest line coding scheme possible. It has the advantage of being
compatible with TTL logic. Unipolar coding uses a positive rectangular pulse p(t) to
represent binary 1, and the absence of a pulse (i.e., zero voltage) to represent a binary
0. Two possibilities for the pulse p(t) exist3: Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) rectangular
pulse and Return-to-Zero (RZ) rectangular pulse. The difference between Unipolar NRZ
and Unipolar RZ codes is that the rectangular pulse in NRZ stays at a positive value
(e.g., +5V) for the full duration of the logic 1 bit, while the pule in RZ drops from +5V to
0V in the middle of the bit time. A drawback of unipolar (RZ and NRZ) is that its average
value is not zero, which means it creates a significant DC-component at the receiver
(see the impulse at zero frequency in the corresponding power spectral density (PSD)
of this line code.


that polar signals have more power than unipolar signals, and hence have better SNR at the
receiver. Actually, polar NRZ signals have more power compared to polar RZ signals. The
drawback of polar NRZ, however, is that it lacks clock information especially when a long
sequence of 0‟s or 1‟s is transmitted.

Non-Return-to-Zero, Inverted (NRZI): NRZI is a variant of Polar NRZ. In NRZI there are
two possible pulses, p(t) and –p(t). A transition from one pulse to the other happens if the bit
being transmitted is logic 1, and no transition happens if the bit being transmitted is a logic 0.

This is the code used on compact discs (CD), USB ports, and on fiber-based Fast Ethernet at
Manchester encoding:
In Manchester code each bit of data is signified by at least one transition. Manchester
encoding is therefore considered to be self-clocking, which means that accurate clock
recovery from a data stream is possible. In addition, the DC component of the encoded signal
is zero. Although transitions allow the signal to be self-clocking, it carries significant
overhead as there is a need for essentially twice the bandwidth of a simple NRZ or NRZI


The power spectral density of polar signalling:


Unipolar most of signal power is centered on origin and there is waste of power due to DC
component that is present.

Polar format most of signal power is centered on origin and they are simple to implement.

• Bipolar format does not have DC component and does not demand more bandwidth, but
power requirement is double than other formats.

• Manchester format does not have DC component but provides proper clocking.


Nyquist Criterion for Zero–ISI

Nyquist proposed a condition for pulses p(t) to have zero–ISI when transmitted through a
channel with sufficient bandwidth to allow the spectrum of all the transmitted signal to pass.
Nyquist proposed that a zero–ISI pulse p(t) must satisfy the condition

A pulse that satisfies the above condition at multiples of the bit period Tb will result in zero–
ISI if the whole spectrum of that signal is received. The reason for which these zero–ISI
pulses (also called Nyquist–criterion pulses) cause no ISI is that each of these pulses at the
sampling periods is either equal to 1 at the center of pulse and zero the points other pulses are

In fact, there are many pulses that satisfy these conditions. For example, any square pulse that
occurs in the time period –Tb to Tb or any part of it (it must be zero at –Tb and Tb) will
satisfy the above condition.
Also, any triangular waveform („Δ‟ function) with a width that is less than 2Tb will also
satisfy the condition. A sinc function that has zeros at t = Tb, 2Tb, 3Tb, … will also satisfy
this condition. The problem with the sinc function is that it extends over a very long period of
time resulting in a lot of processing to generate it. The square pulse required a lot of
bandwidth to be transmitted. The triangular pulse is restricted in time but has relatively large

There is a set of pulses known as raised–cosine pulses that satisfy the Nyquist criterion and
require slightly larger bandwidth than what a sinc pulse (which requires the minimum
bandwidth ever) requires.

The spectrum of these pulses is given by


Where ω b is the frequency of bits in rad/s (ω b = 2 /Tb), and x is called the excess bandwidth
and it defines how much bandwidth would be required above the minimum bandwidth that is
required when using a sinc pulse. The excess bandwidth ω x for this type of pulses is
restricted between

Sketching the spectrum of these pulses we get

We can easily verify that when ωx = 0, the above spectrum becomes a rect function, and
therefore the pulse p(t) becomes the usual sinc function. For ωx = b/2, the spectrum is similar
to a sinc function but decays (drops to zero) much faster than the sinc (it extends over 2 or 3
bit periods on each side). The expense for having a pulse that is short in time is that it
requires a larger bandwidth than the sinc function (twice as much for ωx =ω b/2). Sketch of
the pulses and their spectrum for the two extreme cases of ω x =ωb/2 and ωx = 0 are shown


We can define a factor r called the roll–off factor to be

The roll–off factor r specifies the ratio of extra bandwidth required for these pulses compared
to the minimum bandwidth required by the sinc function.

Inter symbol Interference

Generally, digital data is represented by electrical pulse, communication channel is always

band limited. Such a channel disperses or spreads a pulse carrying digitized samples passing
through it. When the channel bandwidth is greater than bandwidth of pulse, spreading of
pulse is very less. But when channel bandwidth is close to signal bandwidth, i.e. if we
transmit digital data which demands more bandwidth which exceeds channel bandwidth,
spreading will occur and cause signal pulses to overlap. This overlapping is called Inter
Symbol Interference. In short it is called ISI. Similar to interference caused by other
sources, ISI causes degradations of signal if left uncontrolled. This problem of ISI exists
strongly in Telephone channels like coaxial cables and optical fibers.

The main objective is to study the effect of ISI, when digital data is transmitted through band
limited channel and solution to overcome the degradation of waveform by properly shaping


The effect of sequence of pulses transmitted through channel is shown in fig. The Spreading
of pulse is greater than symbol duration, as a result adjacent pulses interfere. i.e. pulses get
completely smeared, tail of smeared pulse enter into adjacent symbol intervals making it
difficult to decide actual transmitted pulse. First let us have look at different formats of
transmitting digital data.In base band transmission best way is to map digits or symbols into
pulse waveform. This waveform is generally termed as Line codes.


The quality of digital transmission systems are evaluated using the bit error rate. Degradation
of quality occurs in each process modulation, transmission, and detection. The eye pattern is
experimental method that contains all the information concerning the degradation of quality.
Therefore, careful analysis of the eye pattern is important in analyzing the degradation
• Eye patterns can be observed using an oscilloscope. The received wave is applied to the
vertical deflection plates of an oscilloscope and the sawtooth wave at a rate equal to
transmitted symbol rate is applied to the horizontal deflection plates, resulting display is
eye pattern as it resembles human eye.
• The interior region of eye pattern is called eye opening

We get superposition of successive symbol intervals to produce eye pattern as shown below.


• The width of the eye opening defines the time interval over which the received wave can be
sampled without error from ISI
• The optimum sampling time corresponds to the maximum eye opening
• The height of the eye opening at a specified sampling time is a measure of the margin over
channel noise.

The sensitivity of the system to timing error is determined by the rate of closure of the eye as
the sampling time is varied. Any non linear transmission distortion would reveal itself in an
asymmetric or squinted eye. When the effected of ISI is excessive, traces from the upper
portion of the eye pattern cross traces from lower portion with the result that the eye is
completely closed.

Example of eye pattern:

Binary-PAM Perfect channel (no noise and no ISI)


Example of eye pattern: Binary-PAM with noise no ISI


Adaptive equalization

• An equalizer is a filter that compensates for the dispersion effects of a channel. Adaptive
equalizer can adjust its coefficients continuously during the transmission of data.

Pre channel equalization

requires feed back channel
causes burden on transmission.

Post channel equalization

Achieved prior to data transmission by training the filter with the guidance of a training
sequence transmitted through the channel so as to adjust the filter parameters to optimum

Adaptive equalization
It consists of tapped delay line filter with set of delay elements, set of adjustable multipliers
connected to the delay line taps and a summer for adding multiplier outputs.


The output of the Adaptive equalizer is given by

Ci is weight of the ith tap Total number of taps are M .Tap spacing is equal to symbol duration
T of transmitted signal In a conventional FIR filter the tap weights are constant and particular
designed response is obtained. In the adaptive equaliser the Ci's are variable and are adjusted
by an algorithm.

Two modes of operation

1. Training mode
2. Decision directed mode

Mechanism of adaptation


Training mode
A known sequence d(nT) is transmitted and synchronized version of it is generated in
the receiver applied to adaptive equalizer. This training sequence has maximal length PN
Sequence, because it has large average power and large SNR, resulting response sequence
(Impulse) is observed by measuring the filter outputs at the sampling instants. The difference
between resulting response y(nT) and desired response d(nT)is error signal which is used to
estimate the direction in which the coefficients of filter are to be optimized using algorithms.



Geometric representation of Signals:

Derive Geometrical representation of signal.

Basis Vectors

The set of basis vectors {e1, e2, …, en} of a space are chosen such that: Should be
complete or span the vector space: any vector a can be expressed as a linear combination
of these vectors.

Each basis vector should be orthogonal to all others

 Each basis vector should be normalized:
 A set of basis vectors satisfying these properties is also said to be a complete


orthonormal basis
 In an n-dim space, we can have at most n basis vectors

Signal Space

Basic Idea: If a signal can be represented by n-tuple, then it can be treated in much the
same way as a n-dim vector.
Let φ1(t), φ2(t),…., φn(t) be n signals
Consider a signal x(t) and suppose that If every signal can be written as above ⇒ ~ ~ basis
functions and we have a n-dim signal space

Orthonormal Basis

Signal set {φk(t)}n is an orthogonal set if

If cj≡1 ∀j ⇒ {φk(t)} is an orthonormal set.

Consider a set of M signals (M-ary symbol) {si(t), i=1,2,…,M } with finite energy. That is

Then, we can express each of these waveforms as weighted linear combination of

orthonormal signals

where N ≤ M is the dimension of the signal space and are called the orthonormal basis

Let, for a convenient set of {ϕj (t)}, j = 1,2,…,N and 0 ≤ t <T,

Now, we can represent a signal si(t) as a column vector whose elements are the scalar
sij, j = 1, 2, ….., N :


These M energy signals or vectors can be viewed as a set of M points in an N – dimensional

Euclidean space, known as the „Signal Space’. Signal Constellation is the collection of M
signals points (or messages) on the signal space.



(i) Generation
To generate the BPSK signal, we build on the fact that the BPSK signal is a special case of
DSB-SC modulation. Specifically, we use a product modulator consisting of two

(i) Non-return-to-zero level encoder, whereby the input binary data sequence is encoded in
polar form with symbols 1 and 0 represented by the constant-amplitude.

(ii) Product modulator, which multiplies the level encoded binary wave by the sinusoidal
carrier of amplitude to produce the BPSK signal. The timing pulses used to generate the level
encoded binary wave and the sinusoidal carrier wave are usually, but not necessarily,
extracted from a common master clock.

(ii) Detection
To detect the original binary sequence of 1s and 0s, the BPSK signal at the channel output
is applied to a receiver that consists of four sections
(a) Product modulator, which is also supplied with a locally generated reference signal that
is a replica of the carrier wave
(b) Low-pass filter, designed to remove the double-frequency components of the
product modulator output (i.e., the components centered on ) and pass the zero-
frequency components.
(c) Sampler, which uniformly samples the output of the low-pass filter at where; the local
clock governing the operation of the sampler is synchronized with the clock responsible
for bit-timing in the transmitter.
(d) Decision-making device, which compares the sampled value of the low-pass filters
output to an externally supplied threshold, every seconds. If the threshold is exceeded,
the device decides in favor of symbol 1; otherwise, it decides in favor of symbol 0.




Generation and Detection:-


FSK Transmitter

FSK receiver

A binary FSK Transmitter is as shown, the incoming binary data sequence is applied to on-
off level encoder. The output of encoder is √ volts for symbol 1 and 0 volts for symbol
“0‟. When we have symbol 1 the upper channel is switched on with oscillator frequency f1,
for symbol “0‟, because of inverter the lower channel is switched on with oscillator
frequency f2. These two frequencies are combined using an adder circuit and then
transmitted. The transmitted signal is nothing but required BFSK signal. The detector consists
of two correlators. The incoming noisy BFSK signal x(t) is common to both correlator. The
Coherent reference signal ᶲ1 (t) & ᶲ2 (t) are supplied to upper and lower correlators
The correlator outputs are then subtracted one from the other and resulting a random vector
“l” (l=x1 - x2). The output “l” is compared with threshold of zero volts.

If l > 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 1.

l < 0, the receiver decides in favour of symbol 0.

FSK Bandwidth:


• Limiting factor: Physical capabilities of the carrier

• Not susceptible to noise as much as ASK

• Applications
– On voice-grade lines, used up to 1200bps
– Used for high-frequency (3 to 30 MHz) radio transmission
– used at higher frequencies on LANs that use coaxial cable.

Therefore Binary FSK system has 2 dimensional signal space with two messages S1(t) and
S2(t), [N=2 , m=2] they are represented,


Fig. Signal Space diagram of Coherent binary FSK system.


In a sense, QPSK is an expanded version from binary PSK where in a symbol consists of two
bits and two orthonormal basis functions are used. A group of two bits is often called a
“dibit”. So, four dibits are possible. Each symbol carries same energy. Let, E: Energy per
Symbol and T: Symbol duration = 2.* Tb, where Tb: duration of 1 bit.

Fig. (a) QPSK Transmitter

Fig. (b) QPSK Receiver


Fig. QPSK Waveform

In QPSK system the information carried by the transmitted signal is contained in the phase.

QPSK Receiver:-

The QPSK receiver consists of a pair of correlators with a common input and supplied with a
locally generated pair of coherent reference signals ᶲ1(t) & ᶲ2(t)as shown in fig(b).The
correlator outputs x1 and x2 produced in response to the received signal x(t) are each
compared with a threshold value of zero.

The in-phase channel output:

If x1 > 0 a decision is made in favour of symbol 1 x1 < 0 a decision is made in favour of

symbol 0.

Similarly quadrature channel output:

If x2 >0 a decision is made in favour of symbol 1 and x2 <0 a decision is made in favour of
symbol 0 Finally these two binary sequences at the in phase and quadrature channel outputs
are combined in a multiplexer (Parallel to Serial) to reproduce the original binary sequence.


Probability of error:-

A QPSK system is in fact equivalent to two coherent binary PSK systems working in parallel
and using carriers that are in-phase and quadrature. The in-phase channel output x1 and the Q-
channel output x2 may be viewed as the individual outputs of the two coherent binary PSK
systems. Thus the two binary PSK systems may be characterized as follows.

- The signal energy per bit √

- The noise spectral density is N0/2

The bit errors in the I-channel and Q-channel of the QPSK system are statistically
independent . The I-channel makes a decision on one of the two bits constituting a symbol (di
bit) of the QPSK signal and the Q-channel takes care of the other bit.

QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation):

• QAM is a combination of ASK and PSK

Two different signals sent simultaneously on the same carrier frequency ie, M=4, 16, 32,
64, 128, 256.

As an example of QAM, 12 different phases are combined with two different amplitudes.
Since only 4 phase angles have 2 different amplitudes, there are a total of 16 combinations.
With 16 signal combinations, each baud equals 4 bits of information (2 ^ 4 = 16). Combine
ASK and PSK such that each signal corresponds to multiple bits. More phases than
amplitudes. Minimum bandwidth requirement of QAM is same as ASK or PSK.



Block Codes:
Block codes operate on a block of bits.Block codes are referred to as (n, k) codes. A
block of k information bits are coded to become a block of n bits. But before we go any
further with the details, let‟s look at an important concept in coding called Hamming
distance. Let‟s say that we want to code the 10 integers, 0 to 9 by a digital sequence. Sixteen
unique sequences can be obtained from four bit words. We assign the first ten of these, one to
each integer. Each integer is now identified by its own unique sequence of bits.

Hamming Weight: The Hamming weight of this code scheme is the largest number of 1‟s in
a valid codeword. This number is 3 among the 10 codewords we have chosen. (the ones in
the while space).

Concept of Hamming Distance: In continuous variables, we measure distance by Euclidean

concepts such as lengths, angles and vectors.In the binary world, distances are measured
between two binary words by something called the Hamming distance. The Hamming
distance is the number of disagreements between two binary sequences of the same size. The
Hamming distance between sequences 001 and 101 is = 1 The Hamming distance between
sequences 0011001 and 1010100 is = 4. Hamming distance and weight are very important
and useful concepts in coding. The knowledge of Hamming distance is used to determine the
capability of a code to detect and correct errors. Although the Hamming weight of our chosen
code set is 3, the minimum Hamming distance is 1. We can generalize this to say that the
maximum number of error bits that can be detected is
t = dmin –1


Where dmin is Hamming distance of the codewords. For a code with dmin = 3, we can both
detect 1 and 2 bit errors. So we want to have a code set with as large a Hamming distance as
possible since this directly effects our ability to detect errors. The number of errors that we
can correct is given by

Creating block codes: The block codes are specified by (n.k). The code takes k information
bits and computes (n-k) parity bits from the code generator matrix. Most block codes are
systematic in that the information bits remain unchanged with parity bits attached either to
the front or to the back of the information sequence.

* Hamming code, a simple linear block code

* Hamming codes are most widely used linear block codes.
* A Hamming code is generally specified as (2n- 1, 2n-n-1).
* The size of the block is equal to 2n-1.
* The number of information bits in the block is equal to 2n-n-1 and the number of overhead
bits is equal to n. All Hamming codes are able to detect three errors and correct one.

Reed-Solomon Codes: Reed Solomon (R-S) codes form an important sub-class of the family
of Bose- Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes and are very powerful linear non-binary
block codes capable of correcting multiple random as well as burst errors. They have an
important feature that the generator polynomial and the code symbols are derived from the
same finite field. This enables to reduce the complexity and also the number of computations
involved in their implementation. A large number of R-S codes are available with different
code rates.
An R-S code is described by a generator polynomial g(x) and other usual important code
parameters such as the number of message symbols per block (k), number of code symbols
per block (n), maximum number of erroneous symbols (t) that can surely be corrected per
block of received symbols and the designed minimum symbol Hamming distance (d). A
parity-check polynomial h (X) of order k also plays a role in designing the code. The symbol
x, used in polynomials is an indeterminate which usually implies unit amount of delay.

For positive integers m and t, a primitive (n, k, t) R-S code is defined as below: Number of
encoded symbols per block: n = 2m – 1 Number of message symbols per block: k Code rate:
R= k/n Number of parity symbols per block: n – k = 2t Minimum symbol Hamming distance
per block: d = 2t +1. It can be noted that the block length n of an (n, k, t) R-S code is bounded
by the corresponding finite field GF(2m). Moreover, as n – k = 2t, an (n, k, t) R-S code has
optimum error correcting capability.

Convolutional codes:

*Convolutional codes are widely used as channel codes in practical communication systems
for error correction. *The encoded bits depend on the current k input bits and a few past input
bits. * The main decoding strategy for convolutional codes is based on the widely used
Viterbi algorithm. *Convolutional codes are commonly described using two parameters: the
code rate and the constraint length. The code rate, k/n, is expressed as a ratio of the number
of bits into the convolutional encoder (k) to the number of channel symbols output by the


convolutional encoder (n) in a given encoder cycle. *The constraint length parameter, K,
denotes the "length" of the convolutional encoder, i.e. how many k-bit stages are available to
feed the combinatorial logic that produces the output symbols. Closely related to K is the
parameter m, which can be thought of as the memory length of the encoder. A simple
convolutional encoder is shown below(fig.). The information bits are fed in small groups of
k-bits at a time to a shift register. The output encoded bits are obtained by modulo-2 addition
(EXCLUSIVE-OR operation) of the input information bits and the contents of the shift
registers which are a few previous information bits.

Fig 3.1 . A convolutional encoder with k=1, n=2 and r=1/2

The operation of a convolutional encoder can be explained in several but equivalent ways
such as, by
a) state diagram representation.
b) tree diagramrepresentation.
c) trellis diagram representation.

a) State Diagram Representation: A convolutional encoder may be defined as a finite state

machine. Contents of the rightmost (K-1) shift register stages define the states of the encoder.
So, the encoder in Fig. 3.1 has four states. The transition of an encoder from one state to
another, as caused by input bits, is depicted in the state diagram.Fig. 3.2 shows the state
diagram of the encoder in Fig. 3.1. A new input bit causes a transition from one state to


Fig 3.2 State diagram representation for the encoder

b) Tree Diagram Representation: The tree diagram representation shows all possible
information and encoded sequences for the convolutional encoder. Fig. 3.3 shows the tree
diagram for the encoder in Fig. 3.1. The encoded bits are labeled on the branches of the tree.
Given an nput sequence, the encoded sequence can be directly read from the tree.

Representing convolutional codes compactly: code trellis and state




Inspecting state diagram: Structural properties of convolutional

• Each new block of k input bits causes a transition into new state.
• Hence there are 2k branches leaving each state.
• Assuming encoder zero initial state, encoded word for any input of k bits can thus be
obtained. For instance, below for u=(1 1 1 0 1), encoded word v=(1 1, 1 0, 0 1, 0 1, 1 1, 1 0, 1
1, 1 1) is produced:


- Encoder state diagram for (n,k,L)=(2,1,2) code

- Note that the number of states is 2L+1 = 8.

Distance for some convolutional codes:


Fig.3.3 A tree diagram for the encoder in Fig. 3.1

c) Trellis Diagram Representation: The trellis diagram of a convolutional code is obtained

from its state diagram. All state transitions at each time step are explicitly shown in the
diagram to retain the time dimension, as is present in the corresponding tree diagram.
Usually, supporting descriptions on state transitions, corresponding input and output bits etc.
are labeled in the trellis diagram. It is interesting to note that the trellis diagram, which
describes the operation of the encoder, is very convenient for describing the behavior of the
corresponding decoder, especially when the famous „Viterbi Algorithm (VA)‟ is followed.
Fig. 3.4 shows the trellis diagram for the encoder in Figure 3.1.


Fig.3.4. Trellis diagram for the encoder in Fig. 3.1

Hamming Code Example:

• H (7,4)

• Generator matrix G: first 4-by-4 identical matrix

• Message information vector p

• Transmission vector x

• Received vector r and error vector e


• Parity check matrix H

Error Correction:

• If there is no error, syndrome vector z=zeros

• If there is one error at location 2

• New syndrome vector z is


1. i)Consider a single error correction (7,4) linear code and the corresponding decoding
2. Find the (7,4) linear systematic block code word corresponding to 1101.Assume a
suitable generator matrix.


n=7 k=4
q = n-k= 3

code vector G=[Ik: P]

Check matrix C=MP

C1 = m1+m2+m3
C2= m2+m3+m4
C3= m1+m2+m4


Complete code word can be calculated X={M:C}={1 1 0 0 0 1 0}
The parity matrix H=[pT :I] =[I: pT] =

Minimum weight W(X)=3

3. Determine the generator polynomial g(X) FOR A (7,4) cyclic code and fine the code
vector for the following data vector 1010, 1111 and 1000

n=7 k=4

To obtain the generator polynomial

(p7+1) =(p+1)(p3+p2+1)(p3+p+1)
Let G(p)= (p3+p+1)
To obtain the generator matrix in systematic form

To determine the code vector

1. code vector for M=1010


2. code vector for M=1111


3. code vector for M=1000

4. Assume a (2,1) convolutional coder with constraint length 6.Draw the tree diagram,
state diagram and trellis diagram for the assumed coder
Design block code for a message block of size eight that can correct for single
errors Briefly discuss on various error control codes and explain in detail with one
example for convolution code.


M=K/n=6/2=3, since constrain length k=n*M
3 storage element in shift register
N=2 two output bits
One set k=1 of shift register having 3 storage element the convolutional code structure is easy
to draw from its parameters. First draw m boxes representing the m memory register. Then
draw n modulo-2 adders to represent the n output bits. Now connect the memory registers to
the adders using the generator polynomial


Convolutional codes
k = number of bits shifted into the encoder at one time
 k=1 is usually used!!
 n = number of encoder output bits corresponding to the k0020information bits
 r = k/n = code rate
 K = constraint length, encoder memory
Each encoded bit is a function of the present input bits and their past ones.

Generator Sequence


Convolutional Codes
An Example – (rate=1/2 with K=2)

Trellis Diagram Representation


Encoding Process

Viterbi Decoding Algorithm

Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding rule


Vitterbi Decoding Algorithm

 An efficient search algorithm

 Performing ML decoding rule.
 Reducing the computational complexity.

Basic concept
 Generate the code trellis at the decoder
 The decoder penetrates through the code trellis level by level in search
for the transmitted code sequence
 At each level of the trellis, the decoder computes and compares the
metrics of all the partial paths entering a node
 The decoder stores the partial path with the larger metric and eliminates
all the other partial paths. The stored partial path is called the survivor.

Viterbi Decoding Process






Two-Mark Questions and Answers


1. Draw the typical digital communication system[AUC NOV/DEC2011]


2. How can BER of an system be improved.

 Increasing the transmitted signal power

 Employing modulation and demodulation technique
 Employing suitable coding and decoding methods
 Reducing noise interference with help of improved filtering

3. Give an example for time limited and time unlimited signals [AUC APR/MAY 2011]
Time limited- rectangular pulse, triangular pulse
Time unlimited signals - sinusoidal signal,exponential signal and step signal.

4. Give the advantages and disadvantages of digital communication. [AUC APR/MAY 2011]
Speech, video and other data can be transmitted simultaneously
Wide dynamic range is possible since data is digital
digital communication required synchronization
data rate are very high

5. Which parameter is called figure of merit of a digital communication system

and why?
The ration Eb/No or bit energy to noise power spectral density is called figure of merit of
a digital communication system.


6. What is meant by distortion less transmission? [AUC NOV/DEC 2010]

For distortion less transmission, the transfer function of the system if given as,
K- Constant magnitude response
The transfer function impose two requirements on the system
1. The system response must have constant magnitude response
2. The system phase shift response must be linear with frequency

7. Why prefilterring done before sampling [AUC NOV/DEC 2010]

The signal must be limited to some highest frequency W Hz before sampling.
Then the signal is sampled at the frequency of fs=2W of higher. Hence the single should be
prefiltered at higher that W Hz.If the signal is not prefiltered, then frequency component
higher that W Hz will generate aliasing in the sampled signal spectrum.

8. Define quantization noise power [AUC NOV/DEC 2010]

Quantisation noise power is the noise power due to quantisation noise. Let the quantisation
noise has the pdf of f€(Є).Then Quantisation noise power is given as,
E[Є]2 = Є2 f€(Є) d Є.

9. State sampling theorem. [AUC APR/MAY 2011] [AUC APR/MAY 2012]

A band limited signal of finite energy, which has no frequency components higher than W
Hz, may be completely recovered from the knowledge of its samples taken at the rate of 2W
samples per second.

10. What is quantization error [AUC APR/MAY 2011]

Because of quantization inherent error are introduces in the signal. The error is called
Quantization error Є=xq(nTs)-x(nTs)
xq(nTs)- quantis ed value of the signal
x(nTs)- value of te sample before quantization

11. Compare uniform and non uniform quantization [AUC NOV/DEC 2011]

S.No Uniform Quantization Non-uniform Quantization

1 The quantization step size The quantization step size varies with
remains same throughout the the amplitude of the input signal.
dynamic range of the signal

2 SNR ratio varies with the input SNR ratio can be maintained constant
signal amplitude

12. What is meant by quantization. [AUC APR/MAY 2012]

The conversion of analog sample of the signal into digital form is called quantizing process

13. Differentiate the principle of temporal waveform coding and model based coding
The signal which varying with time can be digitized by periodic time sampling and amplitude


quantization. This process is called temporal waveform coding .DM,ADM,DPCM are

of temporal waveform coding
The signal is characterised in various parameter. This parameter represent the model of the
signal.LPC is an example model based coding.

14. What is meant by aliasing effect?

Aliasing effect takes place when sampling frequency is less than Nyquist rate.Under such
condition, the spectrum of the sampled signal overlaps with itself.Hence higher frequencies
take the form of lower frequencies. This interference of the frequency components is called
aliasing effects.
15. What is the effects of aliasing? How it is reduced?
(i) Since high and low frequencies interfere with each other,distortion is generated.
(ii) The data is lost and it can not be recovered.
Aliasing can be avoided by two methods:
(i) Sampling rate fs ≥ 2W samples/sec. Where W---> Max.frequency present in
the signal
(ii)Strictly bandlimit the signal to „W‟Hz.

16. What is the function of Low pass filter on sampling?

A low pass filter basically a reconstruction of filter.This filter should pass all the
frequencies between(-W,W), Since original signal was having maximum frequency of
„W‟Hz.Therefore cut-off frequency of this low pass reconstruction filter will be „W‟Hz.
17. Define Non-uniform quantization.(AU-Apr‟2015)
In non-uniform quantization, the step size is not fixed. It varies according to certain level of
input signal amplitude. Step size is small at low input signal levels and the step size is higher
at high input levels. Hence signal to noise power ratio remains almost same throughout the
input signal.

18. What is meant by compander?

The non-uniform quantization(variable stepsize „∂‟)becomes very difficult to implement.

Therefore the signal is amplified at low signal levels and attenuated high signal levels.After
this process,uniform quantization is used.This is equivalent to more stepsize at low signal
levels and small step size at high signal levels.At the receiver a reverse process is done.That
is the signal is attenuated at low signal levels and amplified at high signal levels to get
original signal.Thus the compressionbof signal at transmitter and expansion at receiver is
called combinely as Companding.



1.What is meant by temporal waveform coding [AUC NOV/DEC 2011]

The singal which varying with time can be digitzed by periodic time sampling and amplitude
quantization.this process is called temporal waveform coding .DM,ADM,DPCM are example
of temporal waveform coding.

2. Differentiate the principle of temporal waveform coding and model based coding.


The signal which varying with time can be digitized by periodic time sampling and amplitude
quantization. This process is called temporal waveform coding .DM,ADM,DPCM are
exampleof temporal waveform coding.


The signal is characterised in various parameter. This parameter represent the model of the
signal.LPC is an example model based coding.

3. What is meant by DPSK?

In DPSK, the input sequence is modified. Let input sequence be d(t) and output
sequence be b(t). Sequence b(t) changes level at the beginning of each interval in which
d(t)=1 and it does not changes level when d(t)=0.
When b(t) changes level, phase of the carrier is changed. And as stated above, b(t) changes
t=its level only when d(t) =1. This means phase of the carrier is changed only if d(t)=1.
Hence the technique is called Differential PSK.

4. Mention the merits of DPCM.

1 .Bandwidth requirement of DPCM is less compared to PCM.
2. .Quantization error is reduced because of prediction filter
3. .Numbers .of bits used to represent .one sample .value are also reduced
compared to PCM.

5. What is the main difference in DPCM and DM?

DM encodes the input sample by one bit. It sends the information about + δ or -δ,
ie step rise or fall. DPCM can have more than one bit of encoding the sample. It
sends the information about difference .between .actual sample value and the predicted
sample value.

6. What is the advantage of delta modulation over pulse modulation schemes?

Delta modulation encodes one bit per samples. Hence signalling rate is reduced in

7. What is meant by adaptive delta modulation?

In adaptive delta modulation, the step size is adjusted as per the slope of the input
signal. Step size is made high if slope of the input signal is high. This avoids slope
overload distortion.


8.What are the two limitations of delta modulation?

1 Slope of overload distortion.
2. Granular noise.

9. How does Granular noise occurs?

It occurs due to large step size and very small amplitude variation in the input

10. What are the advantages of the Delta modulation?

1. Delta modulation transmits only one bit for one sample. Thus the signalling rate
and transmission channel bandwidth is quite small for delta modulation.
2. The transmitter .and .receiver .implementation is very much simple for delta
modulation. There is no analog to digital converter involved in delta modulation.

11. What do you understand from adaptive coding?

In adaptive coding, the quantization step size and prediction filter coefficients are
changed as per properties of input signal. This reduces the quantization error and
number of bits to represent the sample value. Adaptive coding is used for speech
coding at low bits rates.

12.Mention the use of adaptive quantizer in adaptive digital waveform

cod ing schemes.
Adaptive quantizer changes its .step .size .according variance of .the .input signal.
Hence quantization error is significantly reduced due to the adaptive quantization.
ADPCM uses adaptive quantization. The bit rate of such schemes is reduced due to
adaptive quantization.


1. What is meant by transparency with respect to line codes [AUC APR/MAY 2011]

The line code is said to be transparent if the synchronization between the

transmitter and receiver is maintained for any type of input data sequence.

2. Draw the NRZ and RZ code for the digital data 10110001 [AUC APR/MAY 2010]
Draw the RZ bipolar line code format for the information {10110}[AUC NOV/DEC2011]


3. What is Manchester code? Draw the Manchester format for the data stream
10110? [AUC APR/MAY 2012]
In Manchester code each bit of data is signified by at least one transition. Manchester
encoding is therefore considered to be self-clocking, which means that accurate clock
recovery from a data stream is possible. In addition, the DC component of the encoded
signal is zero. Although transitions allow the signal to be self-clocking, it carries
significant overhead as there is a need for essentially twice the bandwidth of a simple
NRZ or NRZI encoding

4. State any four desirable properties of line code[AUC NOV/DEC 2012]

The PAM signal should have adequate timing content,
The PAM signal should immune to channel noise and interference
The PAM signal should allow error detection and error correction
The PAM signal should be transparent to digital data being transmitted.

5. What is intersymbol interference in baseband binary PAM systems?

In baseband binary PAM, symbols are transmitted one after another. These
symbols are separated by sufficient time durations. The transmitter, channel and


receiver acts as a filter to this baseband data. Because of the filtering

characteristics, transmitted PAM pulses are spread in time.

6. What is correlative coding?

Correlative level coding is used to transmit a baseband signal with the signalling
rate of 2Bo over the channel of bandwidth Bo. This is made physically possible
by allowing ISI in the transmitted in controlled manner. This ISI is known to
receiver. .The .correlative .coding .is .implemented .by .duobinary .signalling .and
modified duobinary signalling.

7. Define Duobinary baseband PAM systemK

Duobinary encoding reduces the maximum frequency of the baseband signal.
The word „duo‟ means to double the transmission capacity of the binary system.
Let the PAM signal ak represents kth bit. Then the encoder the new waveform as
Ck =ak + ak-1
Thus two successive bits are added to get encoded value of the kth bit. Hence
Ck becomes a correlated signal even though ak is not correlated. This introduces
intersymbol interference in the controlled manner to reduce the bandwidth.

8. What are eye pattern?

Eye pattern is used to study the effect of ISI in baseband transmission.
1) Width of .eye .opening defines the .interval over .which the .received
wave can be sampled without error from ISI.
2.) The sensitivity of the system to timing error is determined by the rate of
closure of the eye as the sampling time is varied.
3) Height of the eye opening at sampling time is called margin over noise.

9. How is eye pattern obtained on the CRO?

Eye pattern can be obtained on CRO by applying the signal to one of the input
channels and given an external trigger of 1/Tb Hz. This makes one sweep of
beam equal to Tb seconds.

10. Why do you need adaptive equalization in a switched telephone

In switched telephone network the distortion depends upon
1) Transmission characteristics of individual links.
2) Number of links in connection.
Hence fixed pair of transmit and receive filters will not serve the equalization
problem. The transmission characteristics keep on changing. Therefore adaptive
equalization is used.

11. What are the necessity of adaptive equalization?

Most of the channels are made up of individual links in switched telephone
network,the distortion induced depends upon
1 ) transmission characteristics of individual links
2) number of links in connection

12. Define the principle of adaptive equalization?

The filters adapt themselves to the dispersive effects of the channel that
is .the .cofficients of the filters are changed contineously according to the


received data .The filter cofficients are changed in such a way that the
distortion in the data is reduced.

13. Define the term ISI?

Ans. The presence of outputs due to other bits interference with the output of
required bit . This effect is called inter symbol interference (ISI).

14. Write the performance of data transmission system using eye

pattern technique?
The width of the eye opening defines .the interval over which the received
wave can can be .sampled without error from inter symbol interference .
The sensitivity of the system to timing error is determined by the rate of closure
of the eye as the sampling time is varied.

15.What is the necessity of equalization?

When the signal is passed through the channel distortion is introduced in
terms of 1) amplitude 2) delay this distortion creates problem of ISI. The
detection of the signal also become difficult this distraction can be compensated
with the help of equalizer.

16.What is raised cosine spectrum?

In the raised cosine spectrum, the frequency response P(f) decreases towards
zero gradually That is there is no abrupt transition.

17. What is nyquist Bandwidth?

The B.is called nyquist bandwidth. .The nyquist bandwidth is the minimum
transmission bandwidth for zero ISI.

18. Give two applications for Eye pattern. [AUC APR/MAY 2011]. [AUC NOV/DEC 2012]
 To determine an interval over which the received wave van be sampled without
error due ot ISI.
 To determine the sensitivity of the system to timing error
 The margin over the noise is determined from eye pattern

19.What are the information that can be obtained from eye pattern regarding the signal
quality? [AUC APR/MAY 2012]
 To determine an interval over which the received wave van be sampled without
 error due ot ISI.
 To determine the sensitivity of the system to timing error
 The margin over the noise is determined from eye pattern
20. A 64 kbps binary PCM polar NRZ signal is passed through a communication system with
a raised-cosine filter with roll-off factor 0.25. Find the bandwidth of a filtered PCM
signal. [AUC NOV/DEC 2012]




1.Define QAM and draw its constellation diagram. ? [AUC NOV/DEC 2010]

2. A binary frequency shift keying system employs two signaling frequencies 1f and 2f.
The lower frequency 1f is 1200 Hz and signaling rate is 500 Baud. Calculate 2f. ?
[AUC NOV/DEC 2010]
For binary FSK baud=fb
Consider the FN modulation index(h) of 1 in FSK
Fm-fs/Fb =h=1

3. Draw the PSK waveform for 011011. [AUC APR/MAY 2011]


4. What is meant by coherent detection system? [AUC APR/MAY 2011]

In coherent ASK, correlation receiver is used to detect the signal. Locally generated
carrier is correlated with incoming Ask signal. The locally generated carrier is in exact
phase either transmitted carrier. Coherent Ask is also called synchronous ASK.

5. Why is PSK always preferable over ASK in coherent detection? [AUC NOV/DEC
ASK is on-off signaling where as the modulated carrier is continuously transmitted in
PSK. Hence peak power requirement is more in ASK, where it is reduces in PSK.

6. Differentiate between coherent and non-coherent detection [AUC NOV/DEC 2011]

[AUC APR/MAY 2012]
In coherent detection the local carrier generated at the receiver is phase locked with
the carrier at the transmitter. Hence it is also called synchronous detection. In non
coherent detection the local carrier generated at the receiver not be phase locked
with the carrier at the transmitter. It is simple, but it has higher probability of error.

7. What are the drawbacks of binary PSK system? [AUC APR/MAY 2012]
It is difficult to detect +b(t) and –b(t) because of squaring in the receiver
Problem, of ISI and inter channel interference are present.

8. A BPSK system makes errors at the average rate of 1000 errors per delay. Data rate
is 1 kbps . The single-sided noise power spectral density is 10-20 W/Hz. Assuming
the system to be wide sense stationary, what is the average bit error probability?
[AUC NOV/DEC 2012]
Bir error probability Pe=100/86.4*106

9. What is meant by DPSK?

In DPSK, the input sequence is modified. Let input sequence be d(t) and output
Sequence be b(t). Sequence b(t) changes level at the beginning of each interval in which
d(t)=1 and it does not changes level when d(t)=0.
When b(t) changes level, phase of the carrier is changed. And as stated above, b(t)
changes t=its level only when d(t) =1. This means phase of the carrier is changed only if
d(t)=1. Hence the technique is called Differential PSK.
10. Explain coherent detection?
In coherent detection, the local carrier generated at the receiver is phase locked with the
carrier at the transmitter. The detection is done by correlating received noisy signal and
locally generated carrier. The coherent detection is a synchronous detection.

11. Bring out the difference between coherent & non coherent binary modulation scheme.
a. Coherent detection:
In this method the local carrier generated at the receiver is phase locked with the carrier
At the transmitter. Hence it is called synchronous detection
b. Non coherent detection:
In this method, the receiver carrier need not be phase locked with transmitter carrier.
Hence it is called envelope detection.


12. Write the expression for bit error rate for coherent binary FSK.
Bit error rate for coherent binary FSK is given as,
Pe = 1/2erfc√0.6E/No

13. What is Signal constellation diagram?

Suppose that in each time slot of duration T seconds, one s2(t), . . sM(t) is
transmitted with equal probability, 1/M For geometric representation, the signal si (t),
i = 1, 2, ..., M, is applied to a bank of correlators. The correlator outputs define the
signal vector si. The set of message points corresponding to the set of transmitted
signals {si(t))} i=1..M is called a signal constellation.

14. What is meant by memory less modulations? [AUC NOV/DEC 2012]

When the digital symbol modulates amplitude, phase or frequency of the carrier
without any reference to previous symbol, it is called memory less modulations.

15.Define QPSK.
 In QPSK two successive bits in the data sequence are grouped together.This
combination of two bits forms four distinct symbols.When the symbol is changed to
next symbol the phase of the carrier is changed by 450(or π/4).
 Because of combination of two bits there will be four symbols.Hence the phase shift
will be π/4, 3π/4, 5π/4 or 7π/4.
QPSK reduces amplitude variations and required transmission bandwidth.



1. Mention is the properties of cyclic codes [AUC NOV/DEC 2011]

Linearity property
The sum of any two code word is also a valid code word
Cyclic property
Every cyclic shift of a valid code vector produces another valid code vector.

2. Define hamming distance. [AUC APR/MAY 2011]

The hamming distance between two code vectors is equal to the number of elements in
which they differ. For example, let the two code words be,
X = (101) and Y= (110) These two code words differ in second and third bits. Therefore
the hamming distance between X and Y is two.

3. What is meant by transparency with respect to line codes [AUC APR/MAY 2011]
The line code is said to be transparent if the synchronization between the transmitter
and receiver is maintained for any type of input data sequence.

4. Define hamming distance and calculate its value for two code words 11100 and
11011 [AUC APR/MAY 2010]
The hamming distance between two code vectors is equal to the number of
elements in which they differ. For example, let the two code words be,
X = (11100) and Y= (11011)


D= 2 These two code words differ in second and third bits. Therefore the hamming
distance between X and Y is two.

5. What is convolution code? How is it different from block codes? [AUC APR/MAY
Fixed number of input bits is stored in the shift register & they are combined with the
help of mod 2 adders. This operation is equivalent to binary convolution coding.

6. State any four desirable properties of line code[AUC NOV/DEC 2012]

 The PAM signal should have adequate timing content,
 The PAM signal should immune to channel noise and interference
 The PAM signal should allow error detection and error correction
 The PAM signal should be transparent to digital data being transmitted

7. Find the hamming distance 101010 and 010101.If the minimum hamming distance
of a (n,k) linear block code is 3, what is its minimum hamming weight? [AUC
NOV/DEC 2012]
d(x1,x2)=x1 exor x2
Dmin=3 then Wmin=dmin=3

8. What is meant by syndrome of linear block code?

The non zero output of the produce YHT is called syndrome & it is used to detect errors
in y. Syndrome is denoted by S & given as,

9. What is convolutional code? Explain the fundamental difference between block
codes and convolutional codes.

Block codes takes‟k‟ number of bits simultaneously form „n‟-bit code vector. This code
vector is also called block. Convolutional code takes one message bits at a time and
generates two or more encoded bits. Thus convolutional codes generate a string of
encoded bits for input message string.

10. What is hamming distance?

The hamming .distance .between .two code vectors .is equal to the number .of
elements in which they differ. For example, let the two code words be,
X = (101) and Y= (110)
These .two code words differ in second and third bits.Therefore .the .hamming
distance between X and Y is two.

11. Define code efficiency.

The code efficiency is the ratio of message bits in a block to the transmitted bits for
that block by the encoder i.e.,
Code efficiency= (k/n)
k=message bits


n=transmitted bits.

12. What are the error detection and correction capabilities of hamming
codes ?
The minimum distance (dmin) of hamming codes is „3‟. .Hence it can be used to
detect double errors or correct single errors. Hamming codes are basically linear
block codes with dmin =3.

13. What is meant by linear code?

A code is linear if modulo-2 sum of any two code vectors produces another code
vector. This means any code vector can be expressed as linear combination of other
code vectors.

14. What is meant by cyclic codes?

Cyclic codes are the subclasses of linear block codes. They have the property that a
cyclic shift of one codeword produces another code word.

15. How syndrome is calculated in Hamming codes and cyclic codes?

In hamming codes the syndrome is calculated as,
Here Y is the received and H.is the transpose of parity check matrix

16. What is difference between block codes and convolutional codes?

Block codes takes‟k‟ .number of bits simultaneously form „n‟-bit .code vector. This
code vector is also called block. Convolutional code takes one message bits at a
time and generates two or more encoded bits. Thus convolutional codes generate a
string of encoded bits for input message string.

The conversion of analog sample of the signal into digital form is called quantizing process.

Aliasing effect:

Aliasing effect takes place when sampling frequency is less than Nyquist rate.Under such
condition, the spectrum of the sampled signal overlaps with itself.Hence higher frequencies
take the form of lower frequencies. This interference of the frequency components is called
aliasing effects.

Sampling theorem:

A band limited signal of finite energy, which has no frequency components higher than W
Hz, may be completely recovered from the knowledge of its samples taken at the rate of 2W
samples per second.

Quantization error:

Because of quantization inherent error are introduces in the signal. The error is called
Quantization error Є=xq(nTs)-x(nTs)
xq(nTs)- quantis ed value of the signal
x(nTs)- value of te sample before quantization


Non-uniform quantization:

In non-uniform quantization, the step size is not fixed. It varies according to certain level of
input signal amplitude. Step size is small at low input signal levels and the step size is higher
at high input levels. Hence signal to noise power ratio remains almost same throughout the
input signal.

The non-uniform quantization(variable stepsize „∂‟)becomes very difficult to implement.
Therefore the signal is amplified at low signal levels and attenuated high signal levels.After
this process,uniform quantization is used.This is equivalent to more stepsize at low signal
levels and small step size at high signal levels.At the receiver a reverse process is done.That
is the signal is attenuated at low signal levels and amplified at high signal levels to get
original signal.Thus the compressionbof signal at transmitter and expansion at receiver is
called combinely as Companding.
Quantization noise power:

Quantisation noise power is the noise power due to quantisation noise. Let the quantisation
noise has the pdf of f€(Є).Then Quantisation noise power is given as,
E[Є]2 = Є2 f€(Є) d Є.


Temporal waveform coding

The singal which varying with time can be digitzed by periodic time sampling and amplitude
quantization.this process is called temporal waveform coding .DM,ADM,DPCM are example
of temporal waveform coding.

Model based coding

The signal is characterised in various parameter. This parameter represent the model of the
signal.LPC is an example model based coding.


In DPSK, the input sequence is modified. Let input sequence be d(t) and output
sequence be b(t). Sequence b(t) changes level at the beginning of each interval in which
d(t)=1 and it does not changes level when d(t)=0.
When b(t) changes level, phase of the carrier is changed. And as stated above, b(t) changes
t=its level only when d(t) =1. This means phase of the carrier is changed only if d(t)=1.
Hence the technique is called Differential PSK.


1 .Bandwidth requirement of DPCM is less compared to PCM.

2. .Quantization error is reduced because of prediction filter
3. .Numbers .of bits used to represent .one sample .value are also reduced
compared to PCM.


Adaptive delta modulation

In adaptive delta modulation, the step size is adjusted as per the slope of the input
signal. Step size is made high if slope of the input signal is high. This avoids slope
overload distortion.

Granular noise:
It occurs due to large step size and very small amplitude variation in the input

Delta modulation
1. Delta modulation transmits only one bit for one sample. Thus the signalling rate
and transmission channel bandwidth is quite small for delta modulation.
2. The transmitter .and .receiver .implementation is very much simple for delta
modulation. There is no analog to digital converter involved in delta modulation.

Adaptive coding

In adaptive coding, the quantization step size and prediction filter coefficients are
changed as per properties of input signal. This reduces the quantization error and
number of bits to represent the sample value. Adaptive coding is used for speech
coding at low bits rates.

Adaptive quantizer

Adaptive quantizer changes its step size according variance of .the .input signal.
Hence quantization error is significantly reduced due to the adaptive quantization.
ADPCM uses adaptive quantization. The bit rate of such schemes is reduced due to
adaptive quantization.


Line codes:

The line code is said to be transparent if the synchronization between the

transmitter and receiver is maintained for any type of input data sequence.

Manchester code:

In Manchester code each bit of data is signified by at least one transition. Manchester
encoding is therefore considered to be self-clocking, which means that accurate clock
recovery from a data stream is possible. In addition, the DC component of the encoded
signal is zero. Although transitions allow the signal to be self-clocking, it carries
significant overhead as there is a need for essentially twice the bandwidth of a simple
NRZ or NRZI encoding

Properties of line code:

The PAM signal should have adequate timing content,

The PAM signal should immune to channel noise and interference


The PAM signal should allow error detection and error correction
The PAM signal should be transparent to digital data being transmitted.

Intersymbol interference:

In baseband binary PAM, symbols are transmitted one after another. These
symbols are separated by sufficient time durations. The transmitter, channel and
receiver acts as a filter to this baseband data. Because of the filtering
characteristics, transmitted PAM pulses are spread in time.

correlative coding:

Correlative level coding is used to transmit a baseband signal with the signalling
rate of 2Bo over the channel of bandwidth Bo. This is made physically possible
by allowing ISI in the transmitted in controlled manner. This ISI is known to
receiver. .The .correlative .coding .is .implemented .by .duobinary .signalling .and
modified duobinary signalling.

Duobinary baseband PAM system

Duobinary encoding reduces the maximum frequency of the baseband signal.

The word „duo‟ means to double the transmission capacity of the binary system.
Let the PAM signal ak represents kth bit. Then the encoder the new waveform as
Ck =ak + ak-1
Thus two successive bits are added to get encoded value of the kth bit. Hence
Ck becomes a correlated signal even though ak is not correlated. This introduces
intersymbol interference in the controlled manner to reduce the bandwidth.

Eye pattern:

Eye pattern is used to study the effect of ISI in baseband transmission.

1) Width of .eye .opening defines the .interval over .which the .received
wave can be sampled without error from ISI.
2.) The sensitivity of the system to timing error is determined by the rate of
closure of the eye as the sampling time is varied.
3) Height of the eye opening at sampling time is called margin over noise.

Eye pattern can be obtained on CRO by applying the signal to one of the input
channels and given an external trigger of 1/Tb Hz. This makes one sweep of
beam equal to Tb seconds.

Adaptive equalization:

In switched telephone network the distortion depends upon

1) Transmission characteristics of individual links.
2) Number of links in connection.
Hence fixed pair of transmit and receive filters will not serve the equalization
problem. The transmission characteristics keep on changing. Therefore adaptive
equalization is used.
Most of the channels are made up of individual links in switched telephone


network,the distortion induced depends upon 1 ) transmission characteristics of individual

links.2) number of links in connection

Principles of adaptive equalization:

The filters adapt themselves to the dispersive effects of the channel that
is .the .cofficients of the filters are changed contineously according to the
received data .The filter cofficients are changed in such a way that the
distortion in the data is reduced.


The presence of outputs due to other bits interference with the output of
required bit . This effect is called inter symbol interference (ISI).
The width of the eye opening defines .the interval over which the received
wave can can be .sampled without error from inter symbol interference .
The sensitivity of the system to timing error is determined by the rate of closure
of the eye as the sampling time is varied.


When the signal is passed through the channel distortion is introduced in

terms of 1) amplitude 2) delay this distortion creates problem of ISI. The
detection of the signal also become difficult this distraction can be compensated
with the help of equalizer.

Raised cosine spectrum:

In the raised cosine spectrum, the frequency response P(f) decreases towards
zero gradually That is there is no abrupt transition.

Nyquist Bandwidth:

The B.is called nyquist bandwidth. .The nyquist bandwidth is the minimum
transmission bandwidth for zero ISI.

Applications for Eye pattern.

 To determine an interval over which the received wave van be sampled without
error due ot ISI.
 To determine the sensitivity of the system to timing error
 The margin over the noise is determined from eye pattern.



QAM is a combination of ASK and PSK


Coherent detection system:

In coherent ASK, correlation receiver is used to detect the signal. Locally generated
carrier is correlated with incoming Ask signal. The locally generated carrier is in exact
phase either transmitted carrier. Coherent Ask is also called synchronous ASK.


ASK is on-off signaling where as the modulated carrier is continuously transmitted in

PSK. Hence peak power requirement is more in ASK, where it is reduces in PSK.

Binary PSK system:

It is difficult to detect +b(t) and –b(t) because of squaring in the receiver

Problem, of ISI and inter channel interference are present.


In DPSK, the input sequence is modified. Let input sequence be d(t) and output
Sequence be b(t). Sequence b(t) changes level at the beginning of each interval in which
d(t)=1 and it does not changes level when d(t)=0.
When b(t) changes level, phase of the carrier is changed. And as stated above, b(t)
changes t=its level only when d(t) =1. This means phase of the carrier is changed only if
d(t)=1. Hence the technique is called Differential PSK.

Coherent detection:
In coherent detection, the local carrier generated at the receiver is phase locked with the
carrier at the transmitter. The detection is done by correlating received noisy signal and
locally generated carrier. The coherent detection is a synchronous detection.


Non coherent detection:

In this method, the receiver carrier need not be phase locked with transmitter carrier.
Hence it is called envelope detection.

Bit error rate for coherent binary FSK.

Bit error rate for coherent binary FSK is given as,

Pe = 1/2erfc√0.6E/No

Signal constellation diagram:

Suppose that in each time slot of duration T seconds, one s2(t), . . sM(t) is
transmitted with equal probability, 1/M For geometric representation, the signal si (t),
i = 1, 2, ..., M, is applied to a bank of correlators. The correlator outputs define the
signal vector si. The set of message points corresponding to the set of transmitted
signals {si(t))} i=1..M is called a signal constellation.

Memory less modulations:

When the digital symbol modulates amplitude, phase or frequency of the carrier
without any reference to previous symbol, it is called memory less modulations.


 In QPSK two successive bits in the data sequence are grouped together.This
combination of two bits forms four distinct symbols.When the symbol is changed to
next symbol the phase of the carrier is changed by 450(or π/4).
 Because of combination of two bits there will be four symbols.Hence the phase shift
will be π/4, 3π/4, 5π/4 or 7π/4.
QPSK reduces amplitude variations and required transmission bandwidth.


Properties of cyclic codes:

Linearity property
The sum of any two code word is also a valid code word
Cyclic property
Every cyclic shift of a valid code vector produces another valid code vector.

Hamming distance.

The hamming distance between two code vectors is equal to the number of elements in
which they differ. For example, let the two code words be,
X = (101) and Y= (110) These two code words differ in second and third bits. Therefore
the hamming distance between X and Y is two.


Transparency with respect to line codes:

The line code is said to be transparent if the synchronization between the transmitter
and receiver is maintained for any type of input data sequence.

Hamming distance:

The hamming distance between two code vectors is equal to the number of
elements in which they differ. For example, let the two code words be,
X = (11100) and Y= (11011)
D= 2 These two code words differ in second and third bits. Therefore the hamming
distance between X and Y is two.

Convolution code:

Fixed number of input bits is stored in the shift register & they are combined with the
help of mod 2 adders. This operation is equivalent to binary convolution coding.

Properties of line code:

 The PAM signal should have adequate timing content,

 The PAM signal should immune to channel noise and interference
 The PAM signal should allow error detection and error correction
 The PAM signal should be transparent to digital data being transmitted

Syndrome of linear block code:

The non zero output of the produce YHT is called syndrome & it is used to detect errors
in y. Syndrome is denoted by S & given as,


Convolutional code:

Block codes takes‟k‟ number of bits simultaneously form “n”-bit code vector. This code
vector is also called block. Convolutional code takes one message bits at a time and
generates two or more encoded bits. Thus convolutional codes generate a string of
encoded bits for input message string.

Code efficiency:

The code efficiency is the ratio of message bits in a block to the transmitted bits for
that block by the encoder i.e.,
Code efficiency= (k/n)
k=message bits
n=transmitted bits.

Error detection and correction capabilities of hamming codes:

The minimum distance (dmin) of hamming codes is „3‟. .Hence it can be used to


detect double errors or correct single errors. Hamming codes are basically linear
block codes with dmin =3.

Linear code:
A code is linear if modulo-2 sum of any two code vectors produces another code
vector. This means any code vector can be expressed as linear combination of other
code vectors.

Cyclic codes:

Cyclic codes are the subclasses of linear block codes. They have the property that a
cyclic shift of one codeword produces another code word.

syndrome is calculated in Hamming codes and cyclic codes:

In hamming codes the syndrome is calculated as,

Here Y is the received and H.is the transpose of parity check matrix

Block codes and convolutional codes:

Block codes takes ‟k” .number of bits simultaneously form “n”-bit .code vector. This
code vector is also called block. Convolutional code takes one message bits at a
time and generates two or more encoded bits. Thus convolutional codes generate a
string of encoded bits for input message string.














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