IGNOU Block 4 Unit 2 Non-Communicable Diseases 1
IGNOU Block 4 Unit 2 Non-Communicable Diseases 1
IGNOU Block 4 Unit 2 Non-Communicable Diseases 1
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objectives
2.2 National Response to Non-Communicable Diseases
2.3 National Programme for the Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes,
Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS)
2.3.1 Diabetes
2.3.2 Hypertension
2.3.3 Cardiovascular Diseases
2.3.4 Stroke
2.3.5 Obesity
2.4 Blindness
2.4.1 Categories of Visual Impairment
2.4.2 National Programme for Control of Blindness
2.5 National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness
2.6 National Tobacco Control Programme
2.7 Thyroid Diseases
2.8 Injuries and Accidents
2.8.1 Operational Guidelines for Trauma Care Facility on National Highways
2.8.2 Risk Factors for Road Traffic Injuries
2.9 National Mental Health Programme
2.10 National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE)
2.11 Let Us Sum Up
2.12 Model Answers
2.13 References
In the previous unit, you learnt about the epidemiology of non-communicable disease,
which included burden of disease in India, cause and risk factors.
There are National Health Programmes on the non-communicable diseases and key
programme is National Programme on Cancer Diabetes Cardiovascular Diseases and
Stroke (NPCDCS) with objectives of risk reduction for prevention of NCDs and
early diagnosis and appropriate management of these NCDs. The strategies used are
health promotion for the general population and disease prevention for the high risk
groups. The expected outcomes of the programme is to create awareness on healthy
life styles, health promotion at school, community and work places, and management
of Non-Communicable Diseases, particularly Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and
In this unit you will be study objectives and various activities carried out under national
health programme and preventive measures for control of disease.
Non-Communicable Diseases
and Management Under 2.1 OBJECTIVES
National Health Programmes
After completing this unit, you should be able to describe:
• national health programmes related to NCDs;
• prevention, screening and management of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular
and coronary heart diseases;
• prevention, screening and management of stroke, obesity, blindness and thyroid
• prevention, screening and management of injuries and accidents; and
• integrated management for the NCDs.
2.3.2 Hypertension
Abnormally elevated blood pressure is a pathological condition which increases the
work load on the heart. This condition is termed as high blood pressure or hypertension.
The criteria for diagnosis of hypertensive is shown in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3: Criteria for diagnosing high blood pressure (mm of Hg)[ JNC-8]
Management of hypertension:
The Risk assessment should cover:
1) Assessment of medical history:
a) Risk factors
• Lack of physical activity (or sedentary lifestyle).
• Obesity or being overweight
• Abdominal obesity (Waist circumference more than 90 cm in male and 80 cm
in females)
• High sodium intake/high salt intake
• Excess alcohol consumption
b) Family history
c) Symptoms of consequences of hypertension
d) Frequent intake of pain relieving drugs (NSAIDS)
e) Steroid intake for asthma
f) Breathing difficulty particularly on exertion
g) Swelling of feet
h) Urinary difficulties, history of passing stones in the past
2) Physical examination:
a) BP measurement
b) Measurement of body weight and height to obtain BMI
c) Measurement of Waist circumference
d) Palpating all peripheral pulses
e) Auscultation for bruit (renal, carotid, abdominal and others)
f) Eye evaluation if ophthalmology facility is available
The management should include the following:
• Life-style management (refer to section on lifestyle modification)
• Drug Therapy
Complications of hypertension
Complications occur as a result of persistent elevation of blood pressure for a longer
duration of period. The impact of raised blood pressure is on various organs of the
body and can lead to organ damage.
The following are the organ-wise impact of the hypertension: Non-Communicable
• Complications affecting the heart: Left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic
dysfunction, CHF, abnormalities of blood flow and cardiac arrhythmias.
• Complications affecting the brain: Brain infarction and Haemorrhage.
• Complications affecting the eye: Generalised narrowing of the retinal arterioles
and in retina as microaneurysms, haemorrhages, hard exudates, and cotton-wool
• Complications affecting kidneys: Macroalbuminuria (a random urine albumin/
creatinine ratio > 300 mg/g) or microalbuminuria (a random urine albumin/
creatinine ratio 30–300 mg/g).
2.3.3 Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood
vessels. Cardiovascular disease includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) such
as angina and myocardial infarction (commonly known as a heart attack). The
cerebrovascular diseases commonly known as stroke is also common.
Risk factors
Age, gender, tobacco use, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, unhealthy
diet, obesity, family history of cardiovascular disease, raised blood pressure
(hypertension), raised blood sugar (diabetes mellitus), raised blood cholesterol
(hyperlipidemia), psychosocial factors, poverty and low educational status, and air
Coronary Heart Disease
Chest pain (angina) is the commonest symptom.
• Typical angina : Substernal pressure radiating to neck, Jaw, arm with duration<20–
30 minutes which may be associated with dyspnea, palpitations, nausea vomiting
and which increases with exertion, decreases with rest .
• MI : Has increased angina intensity and duration >30 min. Twenty five per cent of
MIs are clinically silent.
Associated symptoms: Weakness, nausea/vomiting, sweating, apprehension, anxiety,
sense of impending doom.
Features not characteristics of myocardial ischemia:
• Sharp pain brought by respiratory movement or cough
• Pain that may be localised by the tip of one finger
• Very brief episode of pain that lasts a few seconds
• Pain reproduced by movement or palpation over the chest
• Constant pain that lasts for many hours without other ischemic symptoms
2.3.4 Stroke
A stroke means that part of the brain is suddenly damaged. If an artery in the brain
becomes blocked by a thrombus, it causes a stroke. If an artery in the brain leaks then
too it damages the brain and causes a stroke.
Non-Communicable Diseases Identification of an acute event
and Management Under
National Health Programmes • Sudden onset of weakness of one half of body or one part of body
• Sudden onset of inability or difficulty in speech
• Sudden onset of imbalance
• Sudden onset of blindness
• Sudden onset of dizziness or spinning
• Sudden severe headache
• Sudden loss of consciousness
Patients of stroke presenting within 6 hours of onset of symptoms should be referred
to a secondary care for initial assessment and management. The follow-up of patients
presenting with a completed stroke not requiring acute care (such as respiratory distress)
can be managed at the PHC level.
2.3.5 Obesity
Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that
may impair health.
• Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly
used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person’s weight
in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2).
• The criteria based on World Health Organization is given below:
However, the revised criteria for obesity for Asians based on BMI is as follows:
Raised BMI is a major risk factor for noncommunicable diseases such as:
• heart disease
• stroke
• diabetes;
• musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis – a highly disabling degenerative Non-Communicable
disease of the joints);
• Some cancers (including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder,
kidney, and colon).
The risk for these non-communicable diseases increases, with increases in BMI.
To measure waist circumference, locate the upper hip bone and the top of the right iliac
crest. Place a measuring tape in a horizontal plane around the abdomen at the level of
the iliac crest. Before reading the tape measure, ensure that the tape is not too tight, not
too loose and does not compress the skin, and is parallel to the floor. The measurement
is made at the end of a normal expiration.
Men who have waist circumferences greater than 90 cm, and women who have waist
circumferences greater than 80 cms, are at higher risk of diabetes, dyslipidemia,
hypertension, and cardiovascular disease because of excess abdominal fat. Individuals
with waist circumferences greater than these values should be considered one risk
category above that defined by their BMI. The relationship between BMI and waist
circumference for defining risk is as defined in the Table 2.4.
A combination of diet modification, increased physical activity, and behaviour therapy
can be effective.
Dietary Therapy: Dietary therapy includes instructions for modifying diets to reduce
weight. The diet should be low in calories, but it should not be too low (less than 800
kcal/day). In general, diets containing 1,000 to 1,200 kcal/day should be selected
for most women; a diet between 1,200 kcal/day and 1,600 kcal/day should be
chosen for men.
Physical Activity: Increased physical activity may help reduce body fat and prevent
the decrease in muscle mass often found during weight loss. All adults should set a
long-term goal to accumulate atleast 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical
activity on 5, and preferably all days of the week.
Let us now go through the blindness in detail :
2.4.1 Categories of Visual Impairment
Blindness’ refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following
conditions, namely
• Total absence of sight; or persons who does not have light perception or persons
who have light perception but cannot count fingers at a distance of 1 meter even
with spectacles (best possible correction)
• Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 (Snellen’s Chart) in the better eye with correcting
lenses; or
• Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse.
Table 2.4 : Categories of visual impairment: Non-Communicable
Categories Visual Acuity
of Visual Maximum Less than Minimum Equal to or
Impairment Better than
Low vision 1. 6/18 6/60
2. 6/60 3/60
Blindness 3. 3/60 (finger counting at 3 meters) 1/60 (finger counting
4. 1/60(finger counting at 1meter) at 1 meter)
5. No light perception Light perception
1) Alcohol intake
2) Lack of body protection as helmets and seat belts
3) High speeding
4) Underage driving
There are primary and environmental factor related to road traffic accident as discussed
Primary factors in accidents:
Human factors:
• Age
• Sex
• Education
• Medical conditions– Sudden illness, heart attack, impaired vision
• Fatigue Non-Communicable
• Psychological factors– Lack of experience, risk-taking, impulsiveness, defective
judgement, delay in decision, aggressiveness, poor perception and family
• Lack of body protection– Helmets and safety belts
Environmental factors:
• Relating to road– Defective narrow rods, poor lighting, lack of familiarity
• Relating to vehicle– Excessive speed, overloaded, low driving standards
• Bad weather
• Inadequate enforcement of laws
• Mixed traffic as slow and fast moving, pedestrians and animals
All these above factors increase the vulnerability and risk situation for an accident.
Other precipitating factors are alcohol and drug usage as well as the traffic conditions,
emotion, tensions can lead to injuries and varied accidents.
Referral and Treatment
• Those with a systolic BP of over 140 and a diastolic BP of over 90 mm of Hg, or
random blood sugar of 140 mg/dl and above would be referred to a Medical
officer at the nearest facility, for confirmation, conducting relevant laboratory
investigations, and initiation of treatment.
• You have to follow up with the individual and with the concerned PHC to ensure
confirmation of diagnosis for individuals diagnosed with positive response for the
questions on carcinoma cervix/breast, epilepsy, thyroid disorders or COPD, or
where a suspicious oral lesion, initiation of treatment or referral to the next level.
Subsequent guidelines would deal with details on developing strategies for these
and other NCDs as well.
• Once the diagnosis of HT/Diabetes is established the patient must receive atleast
a month’s supply from the PHC. A three month supply, with the ANM/ASHA
visiting the patient each month for ensuring compliance, checking on diet and life
style modification, and measuring the blood pressure/ blood glucose. Alternatively,
a three-month drug supply could be stocked with the ANM, to be given each
• The patient will need to go the PHC for the first follow up at the end of the first
three months after diagnosis, and sooner if required.
• An annual specialist consultation at the nearest nodal CHC with an NCD clinic, is
also recommended, based on the decision of the MO at the PHC.
• For those individuals who are already on treatment under the care of a private
practitioner, they could be offered the choice of taking drugs from the public health
system but these individuals would be visited regularly by the frontline workers,
monitored for compliance with treatment/lifestyle changes and recorded in the
health card.
• Community follow up of these individuals would be by the ASHA making visits to
enable positive behaviour modifications, treatment compliance, and encouraging
patients to go the sub-centre for regular check-up of BP/blood glucose. 31
Non-Communicable Diseases
National Health Programmes
Persons with mental illness should be treated like other persons with health problems
and the environment around them should be made conducive to facilitate recovery,
rehabilitation and full participation in society keeping in view the heavy burden of mental
illness in the community.
• To ensure availability and accessibility of minimum mental health care for all in the
foreseeable future, particularly to the most vulnerable and underprivileged sections
of population.
• To encourage application of mental health knowledge in general health care and in
social development.
• To promote community participation in the mental health services development
and to stimulate efforts towards self-help in the community.
1) Department of Health and Family Welfare. Government of India.National
Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular
Disease and Stroke (NPCDCS). Operational guidelines 2013-17(pdf)
2) Thakur JS. NCD Surveillance. Public health approaches to non- communicable
diseases. Wolters kluwer, 2015.
3) National Mental Health Programme | National Health Portal of India [Internet].
Nhp.gov.in. 2016 [cited 17 September 2016]. Available from: http://
4) National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE) | National Health
Portal of India [Internet]. Nhp.gov.in. 2016 [cited 17 September 2016].
Available from: http://www.nhp.gov.in/national-program-of-health-care-for-
5) Directorate General of Health Services. Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare. Goverenment of India. National Programme for Control of Blindness
6) National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness | National Health
Portal of India [Internet]. Nhp.gov.in. 2016 [cited 17 September 2016]. Available
from: http://www.nhp.gov.in/national-programme-for-prevention-and-control-of-
7) National Tobacco Control Programme | National Health Portal Of India [Internet].
Nhp.gov.in. 2016 [cited 17 September 2016]. Available from: http://
8) Department of Health and Family Welfare. Government of India. Capacity building
for developing trauma care facilities on national highways. Operational
Non-Communicable Diseases 9) World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation. Definition,
and Management Under
National Health Programmes diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Geneva,
Switzerland: World Health Organization.
10) Paul A. James et al. 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High
Blood Pressure in Adults Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the
Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8).
11) Dalle Grave R, Calugi S, Centis E, El Ghoch M, and Marchesini G. Cognitive-
Behavioral Strategies to Increase the Adherence to Exercise in the Management
of Obesity. Journal of Obesity. 2011;2011:1-11.
12) WHO. International classification of diseases, vol. pg.242.
13) WHO. Diabetes. <http://www.who.int/diabetes/action_online/basics/en/