Reconsideration of Face-To-Face Classes
Reconsideration of Face-To-Face Classes
Reconsideration of Face-To-Face Classes
Education is essential to the future of our society. Many adults, including scholars and teachers, are
constantly searching for the best way to educate students today. Face-to-face education, being the
genuine form, seems to be the first choice of many students. However, COVID-19 has
disrupted education systems on a global scale, creating unexpected challenges.
Going to school is the best public policy tool available to raise skills. While school time can be fun
and can raise social skills and social awareness, from an economic point of view the primary point of being
in school is that it increases a child’s ability. Even a relatively short time in school does this, even a
relatively short period of missed school will have consequences for skill growth. But can we estimate how
much the COVID-19 interruption will affect learning? I believe that Face to Face learning is better than
distance learning because Interaction is the main element that is present in the face-to-face education.
There are still other reasons why we must reconsider the face-to-face classes in this time of
Firstly, one of the most beneficial aspects of feedback is the information the teacher acquires.
Students can have difficulty learning on their own and not be able to immediately ask questions to their
respective teachers if they are unsure about the material. Feedback affords an opportunity for clarification
of what is expected. On face-to-face class, student performance and achievement increase as they are
able to understand the expectations for the specified task or project. They can ask questions while it is
fresh on their mind or help with a particular problem. This process also helps alleviate frustrations one may
feel when unsure of the criteria for quality performance. If the student was at home online, they would
have to wait for the instructor to email them back. Is that really more conducive to a person’s education
and learning? Feedback also helps students identify strengths and weaknesses in various content. Effective
feedback from the teacher assists in student identification of the level of which they are performing as
compared to the desired goal.
Secondly, one of the most common forms of active learning involves collaborative learning.
Collaborative learning, a form of teamwork in which students work together in teams to complete course
assignments while simultaneously developing a deeper understanding of course content and engaging in
critical thinking. Collaborative projects have been shown to reduce feelings of isolation and increase
students’ sense of belonging to a community of learners. However, some students lack direction in online
classes because they don't really connect with their other classmates. Learning online only gives you an
email id of the instructor but this email id excess cannot replace the real time conversation when you are
learning in the group. Face to face education allows students to clear up all the misunderstandings that
student has about a topic at the run time. In face-to-face education practices are performed which allows
students to learn more quickly and allows instant feedback from their classmates. Face to face education
allows collaborative learning. Collaboration and face to face learning speeds up the process of learning and
achieving our goals.
Lastly, students attending online classes perform poorly compared to those in face-to-face classes if
they are not disciplined. Self – discipline is important as the instructor provides the content and learners
take the initiative to access, learn, and comprehend it. Also, students have to regularly get help and they
are required to complete the material within the stated time. However, some students find it challenging
as they lack the skills needed to become successful learners. They lack the motivation to learn on their
own and become discouraged when they face economic problems and drop out. The lack of support from
other students and educators contributes to the difficulty in learning and low performance.
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Online education is the mode of education that is the only way to assists the education of learners
in this time of Pandemic, but due to the lack of interaction it is not considered as good as face-to-face
education. Online education can be brought to the level of face-to-face education only if the connection
and interaction between instructor and students is increased and if there are frequent group discussions.
There must be free internet everywhere so that the level of interaction is increased.
At the end I would like to say that there are pros and cons in both types of education but face to
face education is more reliable and superior mode of education. In face-to-face education students take
social advantages of social interaction among other people which are from different background and have
different culture. The best type of education with good quality is face to face education and learning in
groups. This is the traditional type of education that has a practical sense. Other types of educations
cannot match the quality of online education. There are so many advantages of face-to-face education that
are discussed and these advantages cannot be denied. No matter how fast this era is people have to
spend their time in getting educations in groups. Online education and the degrees of online educations
have no value.
Introduction: Going to school is the best public policy tool available to raise skills. While school time can be fun and
can raise social skills and social awareness, from an economic point of view the primary point of being in school is that it
increases a child’s ability. Even a relatively short time in school does this, even a relatively short period of missed school
will have consequences for skill growth. But can we estimate how much the COVID-19 interruption will affect learning?
Thesis statement: Interaction is the main element that is present in the face-to-face education.
Reason 1: Teacher’s Feedback - On face-to-face class, student performance and achievement increase as they
are able to understand the expectations for the specified task or project. They can ask questions while it is fresh
on their mind or help with a particular problem.
Reason 2: Students Collaboration - Face to face education allows collaborative learning. Collaboration and face
to face learning speeds up the process of learning and achieving our goals.
Reason 3: Self – discipline - Students attending online classes perform poorly compared to those in face-to-face
classes if they are not disciplined.
Conclusion: Online education is the mode of education that is the only way to assists the education of learners in this
time of Pandemic, but due to the lack of interaction it is not considered as good as face-to-face education. Online
education can be brought to the level of face-to-face education only if the connection and interaction between instructor
and students is increased and if there are frequent group discussions. There must be free internet everywhere so that the
level of interaction is increased.
~~ THE END ~
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