Practice Question Bank Sub: Software Project Management Class: T.Y.Bsc - IT
Practice Question Bank Sub: Software Project Management Class: T.Y.Bsc - IT
Practice Question Bank Sub: Software Project Management Class: T.Y.Bsc - IT
Unit I
1. Define software project management.
2. What are the characteristics that make software projects different from other software
3. Describe the activities covered by Software project management with example.
4. Explain project management life cycle.
5. List the differences between traditional and modern project management practices.
6. Explain business case in detail.
7. Explain project portfolio management.
8. Explain risk evaluation.
9. Explain management control.
10. Explain different types of cost benefits evaluation techniques.
11. What are steps involved in creating programme?
12. Explain benefits management.
13. Write a note on aids to programme management.
14. Explain stepwise project planning.
Unit II
1. How to select methodologies and technologies.
2. Explain structure versus speed of delivery.
3. Explain waterfall model/one-shot/one-through model.
4. Explain spiral model
5. Explain software prototyping
6. Explain incremental delivery
7. Explain Atern/dynamic system development model(DSDM).
8. Explain Rapid Application Development(RAD).
9. Explain lean software development. /Kanban
10. How will you select most appropriate process model?
11. Explain the various stages of estimates.
12. Explain bottom up estimating.
13. Explain expert judgement.
14. Explain albert function point analysis
15. Explain Function points mark II.
16. Explain scrum.
17. Explain capers Jones estimating rules of thumb.
18. Explain Norden and Putman work of staffing pattern.
19. What are the effect of schedule compression.
Unit III
1. Explain different stages of project planning.
2. Explain forward pass with example.
3. Explain backward pass with example.
4. Write a short note on network planning model.
5. What are the rules for constructing activity on arrow network.
6. Explain Boehm top 10 risk and counter measures.
7. Explain pert technique.
8. Explain risk planning.
9. Risk management.
10. Explain Monte Carlo simulation
11. Short note on evaluating risk to schedule.
12. Write short note on types of resources.
13. Short note on cost schedule.
14. Explain risk assessment
Unit – IV
1. Explain framework for management and control in detail.
2. Explain the various methods for visualizing the progress of a project.
3. Explain review process model.
4. What do you mean by software configuration management.
5. What do you mean by change control.
6. Explain steps in managing the contracts.
7. What are the stages in contract management or contract placement.
8. Explain different terms used in contract.
9. Explain recruitment process.
10. Explain stress management.
11. Discuss about the different models of motivation
12. Explain Oldham-hackman job characteristics model in detail.
1. Explain in detail the term decision making in process of managing people and
organizing teams.
2. Explain in detail about team organization and team structure.
3. Explain coordination dependencies
4. Write a short note on communication plans.
5. Explain in detail how to form a team.
6. Write a short note on leadership.
7. Explain importance of software quality.
8. Explain different types of software quality models.
9. Explain ISO 9126 external software quality characteristic and its sub characteristics
10. Explain product versus process quality management.
11. Explain quality management system.
12. Explain quality plans.
13. Explain testing.
14. Explain project closure process.
15. Explain project closure report.
16. How to perform a financial closure.
17. Explain the reasons for closing the project or project closure.