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VFX Cmyk 2021 Master Inclusive Web

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Production management

Entry level

Follow the
dotted lines to
see how visual
effects in the
film and TV
industries are
Art, graphic
Data digital media
Production Production input/output routes
VFX Producer manager coordinator VFX editor (I/O) technician Runner
routes Concept Previsualisation
artist (previs) artist

On set Computer-generated (CG) department Technical

Entry level

Computer Look Pipeline Rigging Creature

VFX graphics (CG) development Modelling technical technical technical
supervisor artist Animator
supervisor artist director (TD) director (TD) director (TD)

Entry level Entry level Entry level Entry level Entry level Entry level

Data capture Environment Layout Lighting Matchmove Effects technical technical Software
Texture artist developer
technician artist artist artist artist director (FX TD) director (TD)

Art, Compositing
Art, The stamps
animation, show the routes
digital media,
Entry level creative Entry level Entry level in. Remember,
digital media you can move
routes from one
routes Entry level roles are
department to
ones that you can another.
do straight after
education, whether
that be school,
college or university.
Most entry level
roles are in
production. Some
companies look for Art,
new entrants in all
Prep artist Roto artist Compositor Compositing creative
the production roles supervisor digital media
listed. routes

VFX industry career map Go to ScreenSkills for more details:

What is visual effects? water. You can think of VFX skills as being
on a spectrum, with artists at one end,
• Maya, the ubiquitous industry 3D
If you want to take a degree, make sure
you take one that will best equip you for
a VFX company can take you into being
a production coordinator, then a line
TDs in the middle and programmers at • Nuke, the software used for VFX a job. Have a look at ScreenSkills’ Select producer or production manager and
Visual effects (VFX) is the art of combining computer-generated the other end. People are often surprised list of recommended courses in VFX at finally a producer. Runners don’t need to
imagery (CG) with live-action pictures. Think of the dinosaurs in to learn that a good degree in computer
screenskills.com/courses and select one have degrees, but they often do. Check
Looking for further advice?
• Mari, for painting the surface texture of
science or maths can lead to a career in in VFX. We recognise courses where they out the websites of VFX companies for
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom or the final battle in Avengers: models in 3D If you’re interested in a career in the VFX industry, check out these websites to
VFX. offer training in the relevant software, opportunities.
Infinity War. If a scene in a film can’t be captured on camera, it’s • Substance designer, also used for find out more:
dedicated time to building a portfolio and
Producers designing surface textures The graduate-training route
made through the ingenuity of VFX. Like any business, the industry needs
have strong links with the VFX industry.
ScreenSkills, for information on careers and courses: screenskills.com/careers-in-VFX
• Houdini, which is used for effects Some companies recruit staff directly from
people to manage the projects, sell the Whichever path you are planning to
The picture in the UK simulation undergraduate and postgraduate courses. NextGen Skills Academy, courses and apprenticeships: nextgenskillsacademy.com
VFX services and seal the deals. There follow, look into the destinations of other
Go to the large VFX companies’ websites
The UK is an international leader in the VFX industry. DNEG won the VFX Oscar for is a shortage within the VFX industry Use these tools to create a showreel to students who have taken that route. If Access VFX, helping people get into the VFX, animation and games industries: accessvfx.org
and look for in-house graduate training
First Man in 2019. The year before, DNEG and Framestore received the award for of people with project management, show off your talents. recent entrants are employed in jobs that
schemes. These are usually for roles with
accountancy, legal, marketing and Go to screenskills.com/portfolio to learn interest you, you are most likely on the Show me the Animation, online magazine with information on events and opportunities:
Blade Runner 2049. These companies, based in the UK, with other studios around a high degree of STEM as well as art skills,
sales skills. To be equipped for roles how to do this. You can also test your right track. showmetheanimation.com
the world, are internationally renowned for their quality and innovation. such as layout or technical animation (tech
like producer, accountant or marketing ideas and share renders through forums, anim) and effects specialisms. Make sure
Almost all the UK companies that create VFX for the feature film industry (98%) executive, you need to have core business blogs and video sharing sites like Vimeo Routes into jobs in VFX Bectu, the media and entertainment union: bectu.org.uk
you have a strong showreel if you want to
are based in London. However, VFX is also used in television, advertising and skills, an in-depth understanding of or YouTube. Those pursuing computer The apprenticeship route go down this route.
games, so there are opportunities for VFX careers wherever those are made. VFX is the VFX pipeline and knowledge of the science or code-based VFX routes won’t Produced by ScreenSkills
Apprenticeships are an alternative to
increasingly being used in virtual reality for architecture, training and healthcare industry as a whole. usually have to develop a showreel but will The data wrangling route
university. They are jobs with training,
need to evidence relevant coding skills. Graduates who have gained experience Supported by National Lottery funds awarded to ScreenSkills from the British Film Institute to
too. Cardiff, Glasgow, Belfast, Manchester, Brighton, Bournemouth and Bristol are Generalists and specialists so they’re a great opportunity to earn
in managing digital data within other deliver its Future Film Skills programme
all places where VFX is made. It’s worth being aware that your role will as you learn. They are relatively new to
What to study sectors and can demonstrate an interest in
be different depending on whether you the VFX industry, but NextGen Skills
What to study at school and college film and VFX can get a start as part of the Statistics courtesy of ScreenSkills (Annual ScreenSkills Assessment 2019) and UK Screen Alliance
are employed in a small or a large VFX Academy (nextgenskillsacademy.com)
(Inclusion and Diversity in the UK, Visual Effects, Animation and Post-Production, 2019)
For art and technical director roles, a has developed apprenticeships as team looking after a VFX company’s data,
The VFX skills spectrum company. Small VFX companies need
trained eye and an appreciation of light junior 2D artists and Assistant technical asset management and rendering. This
You can think of VFX as being on a spectrum, with arts-based roles at one end people who can do a wide range of things, Design by Dave Gray (iamdavegray.com)
and colour are vital to be able to make directors, so check those out. These are involves supporting projects in production
and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) roles at the other. so they employ generalists. In large
images appear real. A-levels or Highers in Level 4 apprenticeships, which means by backing up and moving data around or
Many roles require both sets of skills. companies, employees will be working
art, art history and photography can help they can be taken after A-levels, Highers working in editorial as a data input/output With thanks to Phil Attfield (NextGen Skills Academy), Amy Smith (Framestore), Vic Wade
on one specific part of the VFX pipeline,
with this. It’s also useful to take A-levels or Level 3 diplomas. If you’re interested technician. The work is usually shift- (DNEG), Lucy Cooper (Union VFX), Amy Blackwell (ILM), Simon Devereux (The Mill)
picking up the work from one artist
or Highers in biology and physics as they in production roles, it’s worth looking based, which means there’s time to take
and handing it on to the next, so they Originally commissioned by Yen Yau from Into Film
can be helpful in interpreting anatomy, for apprenticeships in marketing or internal online training and get feedback
are looking for specialists. You might be
mass, mechanics and movement. For accounting in related industries, such as on practice assets from VFX professionals
someone who likes to excel in doing one
programming roles, A-levels or Highers in a marketing apprenticeship for a video between their shifts. Based on an original concept by Ian Murphy and Allan Burrell (www.compositingcoach.com)
thing very well, or someone who enjoys
getting to grips with a breadth of skills. maths and computer programming are production company. Even if you’re not The animation route
useful. working in VFX, you can develop skills that
Consider junior roles in animation, such as
Develop yourself There are a wide range of Level 3 you can transfer to the VFX industry later
Art STEM on. Go to gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship to
a lighting artist or junior compositor. Roles
Developing your skills is as important vocational qualifications that are useful that require both STEM and art skills are
too. Look out for the AIM Awards Level 3 find apprenticeships near you.
as gaining qualifications. Watch lots highly sought-after in both industries. If
of movies. Take note of contemporary Extended Diploma in Games, Animation The internship route you can get into animation in this kind of
culture and the way ideas are visualised. and VFX Skills or NextGen Skills Academy role, you can transfer your skills to VFX at a
Undergraduate students, towards the
Roles in the VFX industry a car bursting into flames or an animated For instance, we all have notions of what courses. To find the recommended later point.
middle of their studies, should consider
figure. TDs write the rules, in code, for the vampires and robots look like that we vocational qualifications for each of the
There are many different roles in VFX. applying (with a student showreel) for
way water moves when a dam bursts or have referenced from popular culture. roles listed on the inside of this map, go to Enjoy VFX
Some suit those with a more artistic side. summer internship programmes offered
how light reflects on glass. Both require Films, graphic novels and computer screenskills.com/careers-in-VFX.
Others suit those who prefer maths and by larger VFX companies. Look at their Whatever route you choose, a passion for
programming. There are plenty for those a blend of art and science, technology, games can provide a good background for websites to find ones with student VFX and an awareness of the industry is
engineering and maths (STEM) skills, but What to study at university
who like both and there is a need for those anyone interested in pursuing a career in accommodation for the duration of the essential. Keep watching VFX. Think about
more art is needed for artist roles and VFX. The VFX workforce is highly qualified, with
with business and marketing skills too. programme. how it’s made. Look up the companies
more STEM is needed for the TD roles. 83% of workers being either graduates or
Build a portfolio post-graduates (29%). Some have creative that made it. Immerse yourself in the VFX
Artists The production route world. Content © 2020 ScreenSkills. All rights reserved.
Programmers If you’re interested in the art or TD roles, or media related degrees and others have
More than half the VFX workforce is If you enjoy planning and organising,
employed as artists or technical directors Programmers are needed to create new get experience learning to use free degrees in physics, maths and computer
a good starting point is a role as a
(TDs). Artists work on the look of the software tools to produce better VFX, such industry-standard software and tutorials, science.
production runner. Being a runner with
effect they are creating, whether that be as more convincing explosions, fur or including:

Careers in
Production management Data input/output (I/O) technician between a VFX studio and the director or Animator in a way that mirrors the camera on the set in Software developer
Responsible for organising, producer of the film or TV programme. They Imbues figures with personality by every way, including lens distortion. Produces the technology required for
transferring and storing the computer continue to lead when a film is being put making them move in ways that a VFX project. Software developers

Visual effects (VFX)

VFX Producer
Manages the whole process of files and data for a VFX production together in post-production. show their character and emotion. Technical department create the systems that technical
creating the VFX for film or TV. company. Data I/O technicians In VFX, animators use computer- directors can use and modify to suit
manage the computer storage and retrieval Data capture technician – entry level generated “rigs” to help make the characters the specific needs of their VFX artists. They also
VFX producers write the bid, the Pipeline technical director
systems, including company hard drives. They Goes onto the film or TV set to collect in a shot move in a believable way. They might design new digital tools and make sure they
document through which they Makes sure a VFX project runs
ensure that the transferring and storing of data the information about the live-action animate vehicles or machinery too. fit into existing software systems. This enables
persuade the film or TV series’ producer to smoothly by identifying and fixing
is done securely and that files are encrypted footage that the teams in the VFX the efficient passing of assets from one VFX
take on their VFX studio to do the work. They problems as they arise. Pipeline
wherever necessary. studio need to add the visual effects. Texture artist – entry level process to the next.
put together the team of artists and technical technical directors make sure each
Data capture technicians take photographs Makes surfaces look realistic on
staff. They set the schedules and manage the department has the software tools that they
Runner – entry level of the set and the way the cameras are computer-generated 3D models.
budget. They also communicate between need to complete their part of the project to Compositing department
Supports everyone in the VFX studio. positioned. They “capture data” about the type Texture artists rough up objects or
the crew working on the film set and the VFX the best standard possible. They have a very
Runners do a variety of jobs. They of lens being used, its focal length, filters, focus they make them shine – scales on a
editor in the studio. good understanding of how VFX production Prep artist – entry level
deliver materials and messages and colour temperature. They upload, log and crocodile’s skin, reflections on car doors, skid
pipelines work and the roles within them. Cleans up the backgrounds of live-
Production manager between departments. They organise back up all the data, before sending it on to the marks on roads, creases in trousers. They start
Acts on the decisions that have been meetings and schedules. They keep the office relevant members of the VFX company on a with a 3D model created by a modelling artist Rigging technical director action footage ready for the effects to be
made by the producer. Production clean and tidy and might work on reception or daily basis. that is usually a plain grey shape. The texture Creates digital skeletons for 3D layered onto it by the compositor. The
managers create the detailed be responsible for locking up. They also make artists paint the details onto the surface of the computer-generated models. Rigging shots they work on, known as plates,
schedule for the project and budget. a lot of tea and coffee. Runners are well placed Computer-generated (CG) department models until they look like a photograph. technical directors (TDs) program these either moving or still, don’t have foreground
They liaise with the artists and technical to observe experienced professionals, ask “rigs” or puppets so that they move action or players included. Prep artists use
questions and build their knowledge. Environment artist – entry level specialist VFX software to clean plates. They
directors to see that work is completed Computer graphics supervisor in a realistic way. This underlying skeleton is
Creates the computer-generated remove any unwanted dust and scratches from
on time. They are also the link with the Responsible for the delivery and then used by animators as the basis for their
places in which actors move. They the frame and any unwanted items such a
client shooting the live-action footage and Pre-production quality of the 3D computer-generated
make galaxies, lunar landscapes and
producing the film or TV programme. (CG) elements of a VFX project. Before boom microphones or electric pylons.
desecrated cities – any environment Creature technical director
Concept artist a film goes into production, Computer Roto artist – entry level
that it’s too difficult to film in real life. Builds the software that enables
Production coordinator Creates artwork to inspire the look graphics (CG) supervisors identify areas of Manually draws around and cuts out
Environment artists used modelling and artists to create believable fur, feathers
Helps ensure VFX projects run of the VFX in a film or TV production. the VFX work that need to be researched by objects from movie frames so that the
sculpting software. and skin on their creatures. Creature
smoothly. Production coordinators Concept artists are the first to draw software developers. They design the VFX required parts of the image can be
help to arrange the day-to-day the characters or creatures and pipeline – which means they decide the order technical directors (TDs) develop and
Layout artist - entry level used, a process known as rotoscoping.
running of the team and make sure everyone environments as well as vehicles, props and in which the work needs to be done. They program the digital tools for all the artists
Determines the position of the virtual The parts of an image that are wanted after
has the information they need to work buildings. They begin with a brief, which might supervise the creation of all CG imagery and who work on digital dinosaurs, animals or
camera. Layout artists consider a cutting out are known as mattes. Roto artists
effectively. They organise the movement of be a script, or the original concept of a film as manage the artists creating it. magnificent beasts, helping them to be as
shot’s framing, composition, camera work on the areas of live-action frames where
the assets through the VFX pipeline. They told by its filmmaker. Their work is used help efficient as possible. They then work with
angle, camera path and movement, computer-generated images or other live-
keep production databases updated with the other members of a production, or in the VFX Look development artist pipeline TDs to incorporate the tools into a VFX
and the rough lighting of each key scene. action images will overlap or interact with the
current status of shots and take detailed notes pipeline, to have a shared vision. Defines the look of computer- production pipeline.
They keep a consistent scale of the elements live image.
in meetings. They also track costs against the generated creatures or objects to
within the frame. The work that layout artists Effects technical director
budget. Previsualisation (previs) artist ensure all the art in the film or TV Compositor
do enables other VFX artists to have a basis for Makes it easier for VFX artists to use
Helps to plan what a film is going programme is consistent. If a concept Creates the final image of a frame, shot
shot construction later in the VFX production effects like explosions, billowing
VFX editor to look like. Previs is the process of artist draws an alien, then look development or VFX sequence. Compositors take
pipeline. smoke and rushing water. Effects
Works as the link between the film visualising a scene before creating artists (look devs) work out what the skin of all the different digital materials used
it. Previs artists usually start with a the alien will look like in different conditions technical directors (FX TDs) create
or TV production team, which shoots Lighting artist (assets), such as computer-generated
2D storyboard or imagery from a – when it’s raining, when it’s dark, when the these effects for the VFX artists to use in their
the live-action footage, and the VFX Enables depth and realism to be images, live action footage and matte
concept artist. They create draft versions of the creature’s angry. They work with lighting sequences; they write the computer language
studio that does the visual effects. added to a computer-generated paintings, and combine them to appear as one
different moving image sequences and they technical directors (TDs), texturing artists and scripts that generate the effects. FX TDs build
The role of a VFX editor varies depending on (CG) scene through lighting, just as a cohesive image and shot.
put it all together using their compositing and creature TDs to establish the different looks, and test software tools for the VFX artists to
whether they are in-house (employed by the director of photography (DoP) does
editing skills. This is used to map out how the balancing the processes of texturing, lighting use and then they incorporate them into a VFX Compositing supervisor
studio) or client-side (employed by the film or in a live-action film. Lighting artists adjust
VFX will fit into a live-action scene. and rendering to match reference images and studio’s production pipeline. In charge of the department that puts
TV production company). the colour, placement and intensity of CG
Client-side VFX editors work on set, while real footage. lights to create atmosphere. Using reference Assistant technical director together all the different elements
the live-action footage is being shot. They On-set photos taken on set or location, they match the – entry level of the VFX shots. They manage the
Modelling artist – entry level compositors, who do this work, and
check everything is being captured in a illumination of virtual 3D objects to the look of Helps to identify and fix problems
Creates characters, weapons, plants check it for quality. They are also responsible
way that makes it possible for the VFX to be VFX supervisor the on-set production and cinematography. and make sure everyone in a VFX
and animals on a computer in 3D. for ensuring the continuity of colour between
created and integrated effectively. In-house In charge of the whole VFX project. production pipeline has the tools they
Modelling artists start with a brief, Matchmove artist – entry level shots.
VFX editors work closely with client-side VFX They manage the VFX pipeline, need. Assistant technical directors (TDs) gather
which might be 2D or 3D art produced Matches computer-generated scenes
editors and are also responsible for ensuring including all the VFX artists who work information on the needs of each department.
by a concept artist. From this they create a with shots from live-action footage
that the VFX artists at the VFX studio have in the process. They have ultimate responsibility They design solutions for problems that arise
3D digital model that can then move on to be so the two can be convincingly
everything that they need to create for all the VFX elements produced for a project and also use coding skills to create small-scale
animated, given texture and lit. combined. Matchmove artists recreate
their work. by their company or studio. They are therefore tools needed by the VFX artists.
ultimately responsible for the relationship live-action backgrounds (plates) on a computer

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