Financial Management in The Public Sector
Financial Management in The Public Sector
Financial Management in The Public Sector
XiaoHu Wang
Armonk, New York
London, England
Copyright © 2006 by M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the publisher, M.E. Sharpe, Inc.,
80 Business Park Drive, Armonk, New York 10504.
HJ141.W36 2006
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For my wife, Yan
1. Revenue Forecasting 3
Learning Objectives 3
Concepts and the Tool 4
Simple Moving Average (SMA) 4
Exponential Smoothing (EXS) 5
Transformation Moving Average (TMA) 8
Regression Against Time (Regression) 9
A Quasi-Causal Forecasting Model 10
Determining Forecast Accuracy 11
A Case Study 13
Step 1: Cleaning the Data 14
Step 2: Choosing the Forecasting Technique 15
Step 3: Forecasting 16
Step 4: Monitoring Forecasting Performance 16
Exercises 17
A Case Study 32
Step 1: Defining the Issue 34
Step 2: Estimating Revenue Shortage 34
Step 3: Developing Revenue Options 37
Step 4: Assessing Revenue Options 38
Step 5: Making Decisions 39
Exercises 39
3. Cost Estimation 42
Learning Objectives 42
Concepts and the Tool 43
Cost Classification 43
Total Cost Estimation 45
Average Cost Estimation 48
A Case Study 48
Step 1: Determination of Personnel Costs 49
Step 2: Determination of Operating Costs 49
Step 3: Determination of Capital Costs 50
Step 4: Determination of Total Program Cost 51
Step 5: Determination of Average Cost 52
Exercises 52
4. Cost Comparison 55
Learning Objectives 55
Concepts and the Tool 55
A Case Study 59
Step 1: Estimation of Project Costs 59
Step 2: Determination of Present Value of Cost (PVC) 59
Step 3: Making Decisions 61
Exercises 61
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis 70
Learning Objectives 70
Concepts and the Tool 70
Introduction to Cost-Benefit Analysis 70
Issues in Cost-Benefit Analysis 72
A Case Study 75
Step 1: Formulating the Question in Cost-Benefit Analysis 77
Step 2: Determining the Benefit 77
Step 3: Determining the Cost 78
Step 4: Determining the Discount Rate 78
Step 5: Calculating the Net Present Value 78
Step 6: Making Decisions 79
Exercises 79
Excel Screens
I always ask a few questions before buying a book. What is the book about?
Why did the author write it? How are important topics covered? I use this
preface to answer some questions that may be in the mind of a possible reader.
I wrote this book because I want the reader to use it, not just read it. This is a
book about application. It is about using what is learned. During my decade-
long teaching experience on financial management and budgeting, I have
learned that two things really stimulate student learning. One is an instructor’s
interest in student learning. Another, more important factor, is application of
the materials. If students know they will use what they learn, they are more
interested in learning it. This book emphasizes the application of budgeting
and financial management tools in the real world. Its goal is to familiarize
students with the application of analytical tools to resolve financial manage-
ment and budgeting issues.
The book uses a case study approach to illustrate the application of financial
management and budgeting concepts and tools. Each chapter starts with a
discussion of a tool (or tools) and related concepts, with examples. It then
presents a factual case study to demonstrate the use of the tool(s). The chap-
ter ends with a list of exercise questions. This presentation method is the
result of my longtime experience teaching analytical techniques, which of-
ten require repetitive examples, cases, and exercises for student learning and
application. This method stresses the importance of the case study. The case
study allows students to understand the conditions under which a tool can be
properly used. It also stimulates student interest and learning by relating the
tools to a real-world scenario. Each case study here presents a step-by-step
guide to application. A case starts with a presentation of a decision-making
scenario in which a tool can be applied, and then demonstrates its applica-
tion in solving the problem, step by step. The exercises reinforce student
understanding of the tools. Exercises also allow students to experience pos-
sible variations of a tool.
Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet software is used as an example in assist-
ing students in financial calculation. Financial calculation is a critical part of
budgeting and financial management, but is often ignored by textbooks. Since
the processes of many calculations are complex, the use of computer soft-
ware or financial calculators is necessary. Excel is a popular and powerful
software program for financial calculation. This book provides step-by-step
examples of Excel programming for many tools. The use of Excel can save
students time in calculating and enables the instructor to teach calculation-
sophisticated tools that they couldn’t teach otherwise.
manage cash flows, and conduct financial analysis. These topics are included
in the book. Second, a topic must be analytical in nature, which means that a
technical solution is needed and financial calculation is involved. Therefore,
simple subjects such as drafting a budget request, determining budget line-
item classifications, or preparing a spreadsheet of revenue (or expense) sum-
mary are not included.
Although the book does not provide comprehensive coverage of all tools
in public budgeting and finance, the analytical processes covered in the book
should be generic enough that the reader can relate and develop a good knowl-
edge on analytical tools used in public budgeting and financial management.
As the calculations can be performed using Excel, the math requirement for
the reader is minimal. A reader can readily understand the materials and
exercises with a basic knowledge of high school algebra.
Revenue Forecasting
Learning Objectives
Table 1.1
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Revenues ($) 12.00 14.00 17.00 13.00 17.00 14.00 16.00 ?
Using the simple moving average (SMA) technique, we calculate the arith-
metic average of revenues in previous forecast periods (“years” in this case)
and use it as the forecast. To do so, we need first to determine the number of
data. In the above example, we can give a large weight, say 40 percent (or
0.40), to the most recent revenue, 16.00; we can assign the other 60 percent
to the average of the previous six years, which is (12.00 + 14.00 + 17.00 +
13.00 + 17.00 + 14.00)/6 = 14.50. Therefore, the forecast is (0.40)(16.00) +
(0.60)(14.50) = 15.10.
Realize that the sum of the weights needs to be 1.0 (0.4 + 0.6), or 100
percent. In this example, we use a six-period average. You can choose a three-
period average with the same assignment of weights. The average is (13.00 +
17.00 + 14.00)/3 = 14.67. So, the forecast is (0.40)(16.00) + (0.60)(14.67) =
15.20. Forecasters call the weight 0.40 a smoothing constant, or α (alpha is
Greek letter a), and they use the following equation in forecasting:
Ft+1 = α At + (1 – α) Ft
In the equation, t is the current period and t +1 is the next period. Ft+1 is
the forecast for the next period. At is the actual revenue of the current period.
Ft is the average (or smoothed) revenue of previous periods. The Excel data
analysis package has a function for EXS. The programming is similar to that
of SMA.
Table 1.2
Forecasting Example Two
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6
Revenues ($) 10.00 13.00 14.00 17.00 19.00 ?
15.21. This forecast is a little different from our previous forecast of 15.20, but
both are correct. We just need to be aware of different Ft values used.
How to determine α? The values of α go from 0 to 1. The value of 1
indicates that the most recent revenue is used as the forecast; the value of 0
suggests that the most recent revenue is not considered in forecasting. We
also know that a larger α indicates a larger weight assigned to the most re-
cent revenue data. However, there is no rule on what α is best. A good method
of selecting α is by trial and error, in which you try different αs (from 0 to 1)
for a revenue and select the α that gives the most accurate forecast. Later in
this chapter, we will learn about a tool to determine the most accurate fore-
cast method. The tool can be used to determine the α.
Like SMA, EXS is also simple to understand. However, it has a major
drawback. Let us look at the example in Table 1.2.
What is the forecast for Year 6? A cursory review tells us it has a very
good chance of being larger than 19.00. Why? Because the data show an
upward trend—the revenues have been increasing each year. So history has
been repeated again and again, and there is no reason to believe that it won’t
repeat this time. Now, let us use EXS with α = 0.80 (a very large weight on
the latest figure 19.00) and a three-period average. The forecast is
(0.80)(19.00) + (0.20)[(13.00 + 14.00 + 17.00)/3] = 18.13.
We have a forecast figure smaller than 19.00. Very likely, we have
underforecast—the forecast is smaller than the actual. This happens because
EXS averages past data in their smoothing. For the same token, if we have a
downward trend—the revenues have been getting smaller over time—EXS
will overforecast. The forecast is larger than the actual (if you don’t believe
me, try EXS on downward data). An important point is that, when revenues
show trends of increase or decrease over time, EXS may not provide the
most accurate forecast. We will have to look at other techniques for accurate
forecasts of revenue trends.
A trend occurs when the revenue shows a distinctive direction over time. A
positive trend is upward: the revenue gets larger over time. On the other
hand, a negative trend shows a downward direction over time.
Table 1.3
So far we have studied SMA, EXS, TMA, and regression techniques. All of
these techniques use historical revenue information in forecasting. For
instance, in the example in Table 1.2, we used historical data of the past five
years to predict the revenue of Year 6. The techniques that use historical data
of revenue in forecasting are called time-series forecasting techniques, and
the historical data are called time-series data.
In some cases, however, time-series revenue data simply do not exist, or
the data exist but have limitations that significantly affect their utility. For
example, data may be missing for certain years in the past. Two revenue
sources may be merged in the past to create a new revenue category. Tax rate
or tax base may have changed significantly in the past to reflect a new rev-
enue need. Under these circumstances, the use of time-series data in fore-
casting is either impossible or improper. We need to consider other tools.
If we can identify several predictors that are highly associated with rev-
enue, we can use these predictors in forecasting. For example, if we know
the tax base and tax rate of a specific tax, then the tax revenue is the product
of tax base and tax rate. Tax base and tax rate are predictors of tax revenue. If
we use T for tax revenue, B for tax base, and R for tax rate, then
In a local property tax example, suppose that total assessed taxable prop-
erty value (i.e., tax base) in a city is $10,000,000 this year, and that the city’s
property tax rate is $5 for every $ 1,000 assessed taxable value (i.e., the
millage = 5). The forecast property tax revenue for this year is
$10,000,000 × 5/1,000 = $50,000.
This tool may be accurate for short-period forecasting (one to three years).
It probably is more accurate for revenues whose predicators can be con-
trolled to some degree. For example, in the above example, if local property
tax rates are determined by a local government, forecasters in that govern-
ment will know the rates for the forecast period, and the forecast could be
more accurate because of reduced uncertainty in forecasting.
How accurate is our forecast? To answer this question, we can use two mea-
sures: the absolute percentage error (APE) and the mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE). These measures estimate the difference of the forecast from
the actual revenue. A smaller actual-versus-forecast difference indicates more
accurate forecasting.
/ F − A/
Table 1.4
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Revenues ($) 14,305 15,088 15,256 16,748 17,554 18,625 ?
Table 1.5
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Revenue ($) 14,305 15,088 15,256 16,748 17,554
Increments ($) 783 168 1,492 806
To increase the reliability of our results, we need to get MAPE. MAPE is the
average (or mean) of multiple APEs.
First, let us look at the MAPE for TMA. In the above example, we used
the revenues from the first–five years to forecast the revenue at Year 6 and
then to compute the APE. We can call that figure APETMA1. Similarly, we can
also use the revenues from the first–four years to forecast the revenue at Year
5, which was $16,748 + ($1,492 + $168)/2 = $17,578, and then compute
another APE—let us call it APE TMA2. APE TMA2 = | $17,578 – $17,554 |/
$17,554 = 0.0014, or 0.14 percent. Therefore, MAPE(TMA1 + TMA2) = (0.0042 +
0.0014)/2 = 0.0028, or 0.28 percent.
We can use the same reasoning to compute MAPE(TMA1 + TMA2 + TMA3) and
more MAPEs, depending on data availability. Similarly, we can calculate
MAPE for regression. Using the first four revenue data to forecast the rev-
enue at Year 5, we have the following regression forecast: revenue = $13,475
+ $750(year). So, the forecast is $13,475 + $750(5) = $17,225. APERegression 2
= | $17,225 – $17,554 |/$17,554 = 0.0187, or 1.87 percent. Since APERegression 1
is 0.0207 (see the APE calculation above), the MAPE for regression is
MAPE(Regression 1 + Regression 2) = (0.0207 + 0.0187)/2 = 0.0197, or 1.97 percent.
Because MAPE(TMA1 + TMA2) is smaller than MAPE(Regression 1 + Regression 2), we
can say that TMA is a more accurate tool and should be used in forecasting
the franchise tax in the city.
A Case Study
Table 1.6
Utility Taxes in Sunnytown, Florida
Year Revenues ($)
1 842,387
2 1,665,430
3 1,863,296
4 2,063,103
5 2,905,717
6 2,994,785
7 3,281,836
8 3,766,661
9 3,907,110
10 4,063,555
11 ?
the finance director, forecast errors within plus or minus 5 percent are ac-
ceptable. This makes the city’s forecast performance in utility taxes signifi-
cantly below par by its own benchmark. The annual actual utility tax receipts
for the past ten years are shown in Table 1.6. What are the forecast utility
taxes for the next year (Year 11)?
Table 1.7
Comparison of MAPEs
In regression forecasting, we can use the data of the first nine years to fore-
cast the revenue in Year 10 and then compare it with the actual revenue in that
year to get APE. Using Excel, we know that the regression equation with the
data from the first nine years is revenue = $976,464 + $334,750 (year). The
forecast revenue in Year 10 is $976,464 + $334,750(10) =) $4,323,964. The
APE10 is $4,323,964 – $4,063,555/$4,063,555 = 6.41 percent. APE9 is
3.38 percent, and APE8 is 3.24 percent. MAPE is 4.34 percent.
The MAPE comparison in Table 1.7 reveals that TMA is the most accu-
rate forecasting tool for the utility taxes. Either TMA or regression satisfies
the city benchmark of a 5 percent forecast margin.
Step 3: Forecasting
In this step, we use the selected technique, TMA, to forecast the revenue of
the next year (Year 11). With three increments, the utility taxes forecast for
the next year are $4,063,555 + ($156,445 + $140,449 + $484,825)/3 =
$4,324,128. We can use this figure to forecast the utility taxes in Year 12,
which are $4,324,128 + ($260,573 + $156,445 + $140,449)/3 = $4,509,950,
and also forecast the revenue further into the future.
Table 1.8
Revenues of the Past Five Years
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Revenues ($) 10 12 15 13 16
Delphi technique
Forecast subject
Forecast horizon
Forecasting techniques
Simple moving average (SMA)
Exponential smoothing (EXS)
Smoothing constant or α
Transformation moving average (TMA)
Revenue trend
Upward trend
Downward trend
Incremental changes
Regression against time
Time-series forecasting
Quasi-causal forecasting model
Revenue predictors
Absolute percentage error (APE)
Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)
Data outlier
Steps in revenue forecasting
2. Calculations
that the Excel result is a little different from your hand calculation
for the reason specified in the text, but they should be very close.)
3. Use TMA, with consideration of three increments, to forecast the
revenue in Year 6. Use your calculator to forecast first, and then use
Excel to confirm the result.
3. Calculations
Table 1.9 presents the historical information of licenses, permits, and fees in
the city of Sun Lake, California.
1. Use SMA (from the receipts of the last three years), EXS, and TMA
(consider three incremental changes for your computation) to fore-
cast the revenue in Year 8.
2. If we know that the receipt of licenses, permits, and fees in Year 8
was $23,210,218, which of the above forecasting techniques is most
3. Use the most accurate method to forecast the receipts of licenses,
permits, and fees in Years 9, 10, and 11. Use the Year 8 actual figure
Table 1.9
Table 1.10
Franchise taxes are levied on businesses that gain a franchise right of doing
business in a jurisdiction’s territory. The data in Table 1.10 are franchise tax
revenues in the city of Sunbelt, Florida, from Year 1 to Year 9.
During forecasting, you are informed that BellSouth’s (the local telephone
service provider) current franchise contract with the city ends in Year 11.
The city will seek a 10 percent franchise tax increase from the previous year
basis from BellSouth in Year 12 (as the result of a change in the tax base).
The franchise tax receipts from BellSouth during the last nine years are shown
Table 1.11
Franchise Taxes from BellSouth in Sunbelt
Year Revenues ($)
1 3,727,000
2 4,100,000
3 3,927,000
4 4,435,000
5 5,722,000
6 6,036,000
7 5,950,000
8 6,700,000
9 7,062,000
Table 1.12
Miscellaneous Revenues
Year Revenues ($)
1 4,250,656
2 5,138,322
3 5,188,121
4 4,555,235
5 5,151,239
6 8,968,142
7 10,742,718
8 8,249,782
9 10,783,255
10 7,556,219
in Table 1.11. Forecast the franchise tax revenues of Years 10 to 12. Write a
report on your forecast.
Table 1.12 shows a city’s miscellaneous revenues for the last ten years. An
investigation reveals that the drastic increase from Year 5 to Year 6 was due to
a new reclassification of the city’s “fines and forfeitures.” About 20 percent of
the miscellaneous revenue was not included before Year 6. Before forecast, the
finance director told you that he would rather underestimate than overestimate
this revenue, as overestimation leaves the city no room for spending flexibility.
The director even suggested that he would take 95 percent your forecast. What
is your strategy to deal with this forecasting conservatism? What is your fore-
cast of the city’s miscellaneous revenues for the next year?
Learning Objectives
Imagine that your city needs a new police or fire station, a new city hall, a
significant increase in police patrol personnel, or a large increase in payoffs for
employee sick leave. Imagine that the city loses revenues as a result of eco-
nomic decline, or that a major business has decided to relocate and the city will
lose a large revenue base because of the relocation. All these events cause rev-
enue shortage and require the city to explore its financial resources to deal with
the shortage. In this chapter, we study a tool to deal with revenue shortage.
Resource development analysis includes an estimate of revenue shortage—
how much it will be, when it will happen, and how long it will last. It also
requires an analysis of potential revenue sources to cover the shortage. As
opposed to revenue forecasting, which emphasizes how much of the revenue
is available, resource development analysis concerns not only how much
revenue, but also where it comes from.
It is important to note that RDA is necessary for large and persistent rev-
enue shortages that could severely hinder an organization’s service quality
and affect its financial viability. Small, temporary, or incremental revenue
shortages may be dealt with by use of financial reserves or other established
financial practices, and RDA may not be necessary. For example, the short-
age caused by annual employee salary raises to offset inflation can be cov-
ered by allocation of a certain percentage of the budget for the increase, and
no specific justification or analysis is needed. RDA consists of several steps:
Estimating revenue shortage is the most critical part of RDA because all
other steps in RDA depend on it. It is also the most technically challenging
because of the uncertainty involved in the estimate. Accuracy of estimation
is influenced by three factors—availability of data necessary for the esti-
mate, integrity of the existing data collection system, and assumptions made
for the estimation. An accurate estimate requires that data are available, that
the data collection system provides reliable data, and that the assumptions
made for the estimate are proper. The ultimate purpose of the estimation is to
minimize the estimation error, defined as the difference between the esti-
mated shortage and actual shortage: Estimation Error = (Estimated Shortage –
Actual Shortage)/Actual Shortage.
A negative estimation error indicates an underestimate of the shortage, and
a positive sign suggests an overestimate. For example, if the estimated short-
age is $5 million and the actual shortage is $6 million, then the estimate error
of this underestimate is –16.67 percent ((5 – 6)/6). It is an intuitive belief that
Revenue loss is the amount of revenue decline between two fiscal periods.
For example, if $500 is collected this year and only $400 is available for the
next year, the revenue loss is $100. Revenue loss can be broadly defined as
Revenue Amount Before the Loss – Revenue Amount After the Loss.
Revenue loss occurs when the result of the above calculation is positive.
In the above equation, revenue amount can be simply displayed as a function
of revenue base and revenue rate (Revenue Amount = Revenue Base × Rev-
enue Rate).
Thus, revenue loss is the result of revenue base loss, or a revenue rate cut,
or both. Revenue base is the source of the revenue. For example, a local
property tax base is the assessed value of properties. A retail sales tax base
can be the retail sales value. The base of a utility charge could be the amount
of utility consumption.
Revenue base loss can be the contributing factor to revenue loss. For ex-
ample, in a city where the sales values are forecast to decline by 5 percent in
one year, the revenue decline is also 5 percent when the sales tax rate is
unchanged. If the expenditure level is also kept unchanged, the city will have
a revenue shortage equal to 5 percent of its total sales taxes in one year.
A revenue rate cut can also cause a revenue shortage. The structure of the
revenue rate can be flat or block. A flat rate means the same rate is applied
regardless of the revenue amount. For example, a retail sales tax applies the
same tax rate to all taxable sales regardless of the value of each sale. A block
rate structure can be progressive or regressive. A progressive rate increases
with larger revenue amounts (or higher revenue blocks), while a regressive
rate increases with smaller revenue amounts (or lower revenue blocks). For
example, the federal personal income tax rate has a progressive rate structure
because taxpayers with higher incomes pay a higher rate.
The impact of a cut in a flat rate on revenue loss can be estimated rela-
tively easily. For example, a 10 percent rate cut will transform to the same
percent of revenue loss if the revenue base is unchanged. But for a block rate
cut, revenue loss for each block (each rate bracket) of revenue must be esti-
mated, which can be a tedious task. Statistical estimation may be used.
Let us look at an example to illustrate the estimation process. For a rev-
enue that has a base of $1,000.00 and a flat rate of 10 percent, what is the
total revenue loss if the revenue base decreases by 7 percent and the rate is
reduced to 8 percent? We know that “revenue amount before the loss” is
$100.00 ($1,000.00 × 10 percent). Since the base loss is 7 percent or $70
($1,000 × 7 percent), the new base is $930. Multiplying that by 8 percent, we
get $ 74.40. This is “revenue amount after the loss.” So, revenue loss = $100.00
– $74.40 = $25.60. In fact, of the $25.60 loss, the base loss accounts for
$7.00 (($1,000.00 × 10 percent) – ($930.00 × 10 percent)), and the rate cut
accounts for $18.60 (($930.00 × 10 percent) – ($930.00 × 8 percent)).
Estimating Purchase Prices (or Cost). The focus of this estimation is on the
purchase prices of expenditure (expense) elements such as personnel, oper-
ating, and capital outlay. For example, if a new fire station is needed in a
newly annexed area in a city, the estimation should be performed on the
spending to hire fire personnel, the possible construction of new fire stations,
the purchase of new equipment, and operations (such as training, uniforms,
and office accessories). Chapter 3 describes the technique of cost estimation
for a variety of cost items.
Table 2.1
Total Expenditure
expenditure Expenditure per capita
Year ($) Population per capita ($) growth rate
Ten years ago 162,491,969 168,456 964.60
Nine years ago 162,424,561 169,675 957.27 –0.0076
Eight years ago 173,379,035 172,019 1,007.91 0.0529
Seven years ago 185,168,296 170,780 1,084.25 0.0757
Six years ago 190,753,923 170,307 1,120.06 0.0330
Five years ago 197,103,191 173,122 1,138.52 0.0165
Four years ago 229,163,984 176,373 1,299.31 0.1412
Three years ago 229,551,667 180,462 1,272.02 –0.0210
Two years ago 261,833,073 184,639 1,418.08 0.1148
Last year 258,881,807 188,013 1,376.94 –0.0290
Average 0.0418
Note: The growth rate is the result of percentage growth over the last period. For
example, the growth rate of last year over two years ago was (1,376.94 – 1,418.08)/
1,418.08 = –0.0290.
Table 2.2
City A City B
Total expenditure ($) 17,911,569 2,539,480
Population 38,349 42,738
Expenditure per capita ($) 467.08 527.39
Therefore, an increase in either the base or the rate will bring in more
revenues. One advantage of user charges, compared with taxes, is that the
payer benefits directly and proportionally from the service supported by the
charge. With taxes, taxpayers often do not benefit directly and/or proportion-
ally from tax-supported services. Because of this, user charges are consid-
ered fair, and perhaps more acceptable to the public than taxes. Therefore, if
either is considered applicable to a revenue shortage, a user charge may be a
more feasible and politically acceptable choice.
Option 3: Borrowing
In U.S. state and local governments, borrowing is desirable when the rev-
enue shortage is caused by an increase in purchasing durable capital assets
such as real estate and equipment. These capital items often have large price
tags and long, useful lives.
Once debt is issued to purchase a capital asset, the payoff of the principal
and interest can be matched to the life of the asset so payers (residents) can
pay as they use or benefit from the capital asset. Therefore, borrowing is
considered a financing method fair to taxpayers.
Bonds can be issued to deal with revenue shortage in governmental activi-
ties and business-type activities. Once a bond is issued to finance govern-
mental activities, it is often supported by the taxing authority, which means
that the repayment of principal and interest is assured by taxing power. This
means that the bond buyer has a claim on the taxes of the issuing unit equal
to their investment in its bonds. Such assurance may not exist for a bond
issued for business-type activities, which can be repaid from the revenue
generated by the activities. The former is called “full-faith-and-credit” (or
“general obligation”) debt, while the latter is called “nonguaranteed” debt
(or a “revenue” bond).
age, strict requirements are often associated with acquisition of grants. Un-
certainty is involved in acquiring grants and in their continuation. For ex-
ample, there is always a time lag between applying for a grant and receiving
it. Also, many grants for local governments provide funds only for new rather
than existing services/programs. Many other grants need matched funds
from receiving governments. All these limitations make intergovernmental
assistance less attractive than some other revenue sources to cover revenue
Any institutional change may have a financial impact. One policy that has
been used to deal with revenue shortage at the local level is to develop eco-
nomic incentive packages to attract business in order to enlarge the revenue
base. Besides, efforts in outsourcing and contracting out may reduce expen-
ditures and indirectly help reduce revenue shortages. Nevertheless, institu-
tional changes often take years to have any significant effect, and the impact
of these changes on revenue shortage is likely to be long term.
An organization is likely to use more than one option in dealing with revenue
shortage. This approach is particularly useful for a large revenue shortage, or
for a new community that starts levying its own revenues. Tables 2.3 and 2.4
present a summary, based on the applicability of the above options to ad-
dress revenue shortage.
Table 2.3
Table 2.4
Revenue shortage is
Short term Long term
(< 3 years) (≥ 3 years)
Taxes Applicable Applicable
User charges Applicable Applicable
Borrowing Questionable Applicable
Intergovernmental aids Applicable Not applicable
Financial reserves Applicable Not applicable
Institutional/policy changes Not applicable Applicable
(or options). If possible, always prepare multiple revenue options for the pur-
pose of comparison. Consideration in evaluating revenue options should be
placed on their financial, political, legal, and administrative merits.
In assessing financial merit, financial costs of options should be estimated
and compared. Financial costs include costs of revenue option development
(e.g., the feasibility study), revenue design (e.g., the rate study), and revenue
administration and collection (e.g., registration, assessment, accounting, de-
linquency control/compliance, audit, appeal, and enforcement). The revenue
amount should be estimated to determine whether enough revenue can be
generated from an option. The revenue to cost ratio, which represents the
revenue generated for each dollar of cost (Revenue Generated/Cost), can be
used to assess the cost-effectiveness of a revenue option in generating re-
sources. A higher ratio indicates a more financially efficient revenue option.
The political merit of revenue options concerns whether and how much
political support exists for a revenue option. Although a revenue option may
have high financial merit, lack of popular or political support may make it
impossible to be implemented. There are plenty of cases in which proposals
for tax increases live only to be rejected by citizens or elected officials. To
estimate and understand the level of political support for a revenue option,
an assessment of the possible impact of the option on each governmental
stakeholder (i.e., citizens, elected officials, businesses, and other interest
groups) is needed.
In addition to political feasibility, there are legal and regulatory require-
ments associated with development of revenue options. The law may set lim-
its on tax rate, tax base, and tax exemptions and deductions. The level of
legal compliance related to each revenue option should be assessed. Legal or
regulatory requirements may be placed on a grantee government in order to
receive intergovernmental assistance.
Making Decisions
A Case Study
Table 2.5
Total score
for the county, offered to perform an analysis on the potential revenue loss
for the county if Woodbury leaves.
How much does the county spend in Woodbury? The county provides
Woodbury with public services. Private contractors provide water and sewer
services and garbage/solid waste management so these services are excluded
in the county’s analysis. Woodbury will stay in its current fire and rescue and
emergency management services district in the county even after it leaves, so
no expenditure saving is expected from this service for the county.
Steve assumed that Woodbury would make the annexation decision next
year, and he also used a ten-year period in his projection of expenditure
saving and revenue loss. In estimation, Steve first calculated a population
percentage of Woodbury in the county (8,000/1,130,367 = 0.71 percent).
Then he derived the county’s spending in Woodbury by multiplying this per-
centage with the county’s forecast expenditures for next year in general gov-
ernment, law enforcement, culture and recreation, environmental
management, and local transportation.
Steve realized that using population proportion might not be accurate
for local transportation. Woodbury has forty-three miles of paved roadway,
about 2.35 percent of the county total. Using this measure, Steven adjusted
the county’s spending for transportation in Woodbury ($87,124,143 × 2.35
percent) as $2,047,417. Also, the county has a park in Woodbury. Steve
Table 2.6
was able to calculate the county’s spending on the park ($753,456), plus an
estimate of expenditures for other recreation activities ($521,696), and there-
fore estimated that the county would spend about $1,275,152 total on “Parks
and Recreation” in Woodbury. After these adjustments, Steve created Table
2.6. The figures in the last column represent his estimate of county spend-
ing in Woodbury.
The estimate shows that the county will spend $7,497,652 in Woodbury
next year. But, if Woodbury left, would the county be able to save all of this
money? Probably not in the short term. For example, it would be difficult
to cut the spending on county personnel even if Woodbury leaves. Some
members of the workforce might be reassigned to other areas. But much of
the savings from personnel would have to come from long-term labor force
attrition or early retirement buyouts. Also, in the short term, it would be
impossible to eliminate the spending on capital outlay (building, land, and
durable equipment) that has already been purchased. Therefore, the short-
term saving from Woodbury’s leaving would most likely come from a re-
duction in operating expenses such as office supplies, utility overhead,
inexpensive office equipment, and other operating expenditures related to
Woodbury. In the county’s operating budget this year, only 20 percent is
for operating expenses, so Steve estimated, if Woodbury leaves next year,
the county will likely save 20 percent of the $7,497,652, which is
$1,499,530. (A detailed discussion on how to calculate the expenditure
change due to a policy or managerial decision can be seen in Chapter 5,
“Incremental Cost Analysis”.)
Nevertheless, the savings can grow over time for the next ten years to
$7,497,652 at the end of the period if the county can cut its Woodbury-re-
lated personnel and capital outlay by 10 percent every year. Ten years is the
average maturity of the county’s current bonds, while 10 percent is an esti-
mate from the county Human Resources office on the attrition rate of the
Table 2.7
The county collects property taxes and utility taxes from Woodbury. The
county also gathers state intergovernmental assistance for Woodbury. The
real property taxes are estimated from the formula Tax Amount = Total Tax-
able Value × Tax Rate × 95 Percent Collection Factor. Woodbury’s total tax-
able value is $2,207,839,560 next year. The tax rate is 0.21234 percent (or
the millage = 2.1234). Assume that only 95 percent of all taxes levied are
eventually collected. The estimated property tax revenue next year in
Woodbury is $2,207,839,560 × 0.21234 percent × 95 percent = $4,453,720.
Utility taxes are levied on the consumption of public utilities that often
include electricity, water, and communication services. It is estimated that
annual utility taxes per household in Woodbury are $289 next year. There are
about 2,500 households in Woodbury. The estimated utility taxes are $289 ×
2,500 households = $722,500 next year.
There are two types of intergovernmental revenues that the county col-
lects for Woodbury: the retail sales tax and the local option gas tax. Both are
state revenue sharing based on the population of an area. If Woodbury leaves,
the county will lose population and its intergovernmental revenue will be
proportionally reduced. It is estimated that the county will collect about
$3,049,880 from Woodbury next year. This is the amount the county will
lose if Woodbury leaves.
The total revenue collected by the county from Woodbury is estimated at
$4,453,720 + $722,500 + $3,049,880 = $8,226,100 for the next year. Since it
Table 2.8
is very likely that Woodbury’s population and property values will grow about
3 percent every year for the next decade, this growth has to be used in esti-
mating Woodbury’s revenue after the next year. For example, if Woodbury
leaves, the county’s revenue loss would be $8,226,100 × 1.03 = $8,472,883
in two years. A ten-year estimate of the county’s revenue loss is given in
Table 2.8.
The amount of revenue shortage is the difference between spending sav-
ing and revenue loss. The negative sign indicates a shortage. The result indi-
cates that, if Woodbury leaves the county, the county will lose $6.7 million
next year, but the loss declines over the ten-year period. The total loss for the
next ten years is more than $46 million.
option gas taxes (shared with the state and other local governments), and
tourist development taxes (levied on tourist-related industries such as hotels,
restaurants, and shops). The county’s user charges include water/sewer treat-
ment charges to some customers that use the county’s treatment facilities,
and charges for the use of the county’s convention center.
Since the revenue shortage would mainly occur in governmental activities
(the county mainly provides governmental services to Woodbury), any in-
crease in user charges was ruled out. Of the major tax revenues, the county’s
share of sales taxes and local option gas taxes was predetermined by the
state, based on an established revenue-sharing formula. Unless the county
had a referendum to increase the tax rate on the top of the current rate, these
two taxes should be excluded as revenue options to cover the shortage. There-
fore, the only options left are to increase in property taxes, utility taxes, and
tourist development taxes.
Utility taxes generate about 5 percent of total county tax revenues. It will
have to take a significant increase (4.2 percent) to generate enough revenue
to cover the shortage. The utility tax rate in the county is considered one of
the highest in the state. A rate hike will meet substantial resistance from
utility businesses and customers. Also, a higher rate may curb utility con-
sumption, which will eventually offset the revenue increase. After careful
consideration, the utility tax rate increase is ruled out.
The county property tax rate is considered moderate in the state. Because
the total assessed value has increased over the last decade, the county has
been able to reduce the tax rate over years. So, in theory, there is a potential
for an increase in the property tax rate. Also, the collection cost is negligible
for such an increase, as the administrative process already exists. A calcula-
tion shows that a rate increase of 1.35 percent should bring the county an
additional $7 million, which is enough to cover the revenue shortage. Never-
theless, such an increase is considered significant and may face a political
challenge from residents. A substantial amount of persuasion may be needed.
Another resort is the tourist development taxes. Since the taxes are levied
on a limited number of businesses, a rate increase is unlikely to face heavy
resistance from residents. Nevertheless, these businesses already pay a higher
rate than others. A rate increase on top of the current high rate could cause
some businesses to close down, which would reduce the revenue due to a
smaller tax base. Word is out that the tourist industry is lobbying the county
commission to eliminate or reduce the current tourist development taxes.
Three (out of seven) commissioners from the county’s business-heavy districts
are likely to support such a proposal. They only need one more vote to deter
any effort to increase these taxes.
The final analysis indicates that a rate increase in property taxes is the most
likely revenue option. Steve estimated that the rate increase as the result of
Woodbury’s leaving would likely range from 1.350 percent next year to 0.054
percent ten years later. However, the scope of this rate increase is restricted
by the state law and depends on the assessed property value of the county,
which is expected to grow about 3 percent annually during the next de-
cade. If such growth ceases to exist, the county then needs a larger rate
increase. Three weeks after Steve presented his report, three hurricanes
struck his county and the damage to the property was immeasurable. Steve
was forced to readjust his analysis.
Table 2.9
Table 2.10
Consumption block Rate (per Consumption this next year
(gallons) 1,000 gallons) year (gallons) (gallons)
0 to 3,000 $7.08 243,578,500 231,349,400
Above 3,000 $9.54 124,760,340 100,760,350
Revenue/cost ratio
Financial, political, legal, and administrative merits of a revenue option
Decision-making matrix
2. Calculation
A state plans to increase the number of items exempted from its retail sales
tax. The tax amount is defined as (Retail Sales Value – Exemption) × Tax
Rate. Table 2.9 shows the expected change.
1. What is the revenue shortage (as the result of revenue loss) if there
is any, based on the information in Table 2.9?
2. If the actual shortage is $345,291, what is the estimation error?
3. Refer to Table 2.9. If the tax rate increases from 7.5 percent this year
to 8.0 percent next year and all other estimations are unchanged,
what is the estimated revenue shortage, if there is any?
4. Refer to Table 2.9. If the tax rate increases from 7.5 percent this year
to 8.0 percent next year and all other estimations are unchanged,
and if the actual shortage is $345,291, what is the estimation error?
3. Calculation
Table 2.11
4. Calculation
Table 2.11 shows police expenditures and population figures for the past ten
years. What is the estimated police expenditure per capita for the next year?
5. Application
Cost Estimation
Learning Objectives
• Calculate total cost, average cost, direct cost, indirect cost, personnel
cost, operating cost, and capital cost
• Perform cost allocation
• Use cost depreciation methods
• Apply average cost to determine efficiency
Cost Classification
If we know the total cost of a police patrol program, and we also know the
total number of patrols conducted, we can compute cost per patrol. This
measure is called average cost (or unit cost).
Some cost items can be directly assigned to a cost objective. For example,
the salary of a police officer in a local police department is a direct cost to the
department. Indirect cost cannot be directly assigned to a cost objective. It
should be allocated to it in some manner. One example is a city manager’s
salary as a cost of the police department. Although the manager is not in-
volved in the daily operation of the department, he or she does contribute to
the planning and management of the department. So the city manager’s sal-
ary is an indirect cost item of the police department and should be distributed
to its cost in an indirect fashion.
The process of distributing cost to goods or services is referred to as cost
allocation. Let us look at a simple example to illustrate this process. Suppose
that the total cost of a purchasing department is $25,000 this year, and we need
to allocate this cost to two service departments: Public Safety and Public Utili-
ties. Let us say that the purchasing department issues a total of 500 purchase
orders (POs) this year. So, the cost per PO is $25,000/500 = $50. In cost allo-
cation, this is called the overhead rate. The $25,000 is the cost pool, which is
the cost that needs to be allocated. The 500 POs, or “the number of POs is-
sued,” is the cost base. Cost base is a very important concept in costing. It is a
measure of an activity that incurs the cost. Later in this chapter, we will show
that the choice of cost base largely determines the cost allocated to a program.
The above example illustrates that overhead rate is determined as follows:
Let us say that, of the 500 POs issued, 300 are for Public Safety and 200
for Public Utilities. The cost allocated to Public Safety is $50 × 300 = $15,000.
Similarly, the cost for Public Utilities is $50 × 200 = $10,000. That is
Personnel Costs
Operating Costs
Operating costs support and sustain daily operations and service provisions.
They may include costs associated with travel, maintenance of equipment or
buildings, purchases of office supplies, acquisition of inexpensive equipment,
and overhead—electricity, water, and so forth. For example, if a printer costs
$500 a year to maintain (paper, toner, maintenance fees), and if it makes
1,000 copies a year and 300 of them belong to Program A, then the printing
cost for Program A is $150 ($500/1,000 × 300) this year. This is a simplified
example. In reality, as there are numerous operating cost items, cost alloca-
tion for all of them is a huge task (think about how many items there are in an
office). So it is often a good idea to classify operating cost items into several
cost groups and to allocate costs for these groups. Cost groups could be
“stationery expenses,” “equipment,” and “utility expenses.” For example, if
an agency spends $1,000 on stationery this year, if 10 percent of the statio-
nery is utilized by Program A, then the stationery cost for Program A is $100.
Notice that we use a “utilization” rate here to allocate the stationery cost.
Determination of this utilization rate often requires careful observation, good
bookkeeping practices, and accurate human judgment.
Capital Costs
These are costs for the acquisition or construction of fixed long-term assets
such as buildings, land, and equipment. As capital items are used for a long
time, it is necessary to spread the cost over the lifetime of these items. The
effort to distribute capital cost is called cost depreciation. Deprecation deter-
mines the capital cost of any particular time period. There are several meth-
ods of determining capital cost deprecation, including the straight-line
depreciation method shown in this equation.
In the equation, D is the cost allocated during a time period, C is the cost
of the asset, S is the salvage or residual value of the asset, and N is total
number of time periods in the lifetime of usage. Let us say that a police
vehicle is purchased for $30,000. The vehicle will be used for five years. The
residual value of the vehicle after five years is $4,000. Therefore, the annual
capital cost of the vehicle is ($30,000 – $4,000)/5 = $5,200.
Realize that the straight-line method allocates the same amount ($5,200)
each year. In reality, the vehicle will perhaps be used differently over time.
Suppose that it is driven more during the first three years—20,000 miles a
year for the first three years and 10,000 miles a year for the remaining two
years. We want to allocate cost according to the use of the vehicle—more
cost for years of heavy use. How do we do that? As we know, the total cost
for allocation is $26,000 ($30,000 – $4,000), we also know that the number
of total miles during the five years is 80,000 (20,000 miles each year for the
first three years plus 10,000 miles each year for the last two years). So we
know that it costs $0.325 for a mile ($26,000/80,000). For the 20,000 miles
in the first year, the cost is $6,500 ($0.325 × 20,000). This depreciation method
is called usage rate, shown in this equation.
D= ×u
U is total estimated usage units during the estimated time of the asset, and
u is estimated usage units during a particular time period. In this example,
the annual cost for the second or the third year is $6,500 each year. The
annual cost in the fourth or fifth year is $3,250 each year.
If it costs $10,000 to produce 100,000 gallons of water, the cost for each gallon
is $0.10 ($10,000/100,000). If we know an elementary school spends
$10,000,000 a year for 5,000 students, then the cost for each student is $2,000
($10,000,000/5,000). Average cost (AC) is total cost (TC) divided by quantity.
Average cost is a measure of efficiency. It tells us the resource consumed
in producing one unit of a product or service. For example, if elementary
School A educates a student for $2,000 and School B does that for $1,000,
we know School B is more efficient than School A in this measure. So a
smaller AC indicates a more efficient production.
To calculate average cost, a measure of product quantity is needed. In the
above example, it is the number of students for each school. It should be
realized, though, that many governmental agencies have multiple measures
of product or service quantity. For instance, instead of using the “number of
students” in the above example, the “number of student credit hours” can be
used. So the “average cost per student credit hour” is computed, which is
also an average cost measure. It is possible that, by this measure, School A
is more efficient than School B, because students in School A take more
courses and have more credit hours. So, it is always a good idea to look at
multiple measures to get a complete picture of efficiency when using aver-
age cost comparisons.
A Case Study
renew the grant, or support it from its own financial resources. He also
stated that, since the program had already purchased its equipment in the
first year of its operation, it would cost much less than $250,000 to oper-
ate the program annually.
Edward Nortew, the finance director, disagreed. Edward pointed out that,
although the equipment purchases were made and there was no need to pur-
chase new equipment in the next year, the equipment would be replaced
eventually. He also indicated that some communication equipment in the
COP unit was old and needed replacement very soon. He said in conclusion,
“the true cost of the program is more than $250,000. The city is going to pay
for that sooner or later.”
To determine the true cost of the program and to make a budget decision
related to it, the city manager asked her management analyst, Al Stevens, to
calculate the cost of the COP. Al recently received his MPA degree and was
eager to apply his education. He first requested related information from
James and then used the following steps to develop a spreadsheet of costs.
There are four employees currently working for the COP program—three
COP officers and a bookkeeper. An examination of COP financial records
shows that Officer A made an annual salary with benefits of $100,852 last
year. She worked 2,045 hours (including 210 overtime hours). Officer B made
$58,900 in salary and benefits last year. He worked 2,180 hours that included
100 overtime hours.
Officer C works for both the COP program and other programs in the
department. She made $68,450 in salary and benefits last year. Of a total of
2,080 hours, 832 were for COP. The bookkeeper also works for multiple
programs. Her annual salary and benefits were $40,000 for 2,080 hours last
year. It is estimated that she contributed 210 hours to COP last year. From
the information, Al calculated the personnel cost and found that COP cost
the city $191,171 in personnel last year, tallied in Table 3.1.
COP officers conduct vehicle and bike patrol in two residential communities
of the city. They also organize regular crime watch meetings with commu-
nity advocates. Recently, James assigned the COP unit the responsibility of
conducting an annual citizen satisfaction survey.
Last year, the program spent $12,523 on uniform allowance and bikes,
$5,342 to organize community meetings (renting places, sending flyers, and
paying one outside speaker). COP also spent $5,000 on a citizen survey
conducted by a consulting company. The items that should be allocated to
the program include utilities and office/other supplies. The utility bills (tele-
phone, water, and electricity) of the department were $5,370. The office sup-
plies cost the department a total of $22,597.
To determine the cost base to allocate the utility bills and office sup-
plies, Al conducted interviews with James and several other administrative
officers in the city. It became clear to Al that it was almost impossible to
reach a consensus on how much of the utility bills and office supplies should
be allocated to COP. Al finally decided to use the “number of employees”
as cost base to allocate these two items. His logic was that, since four of
twenty-three officers were working in COP (or 17.40 percent), it was rea-
sonable to assume that 17.40 percent of utility bills and office supplies
should go to COP. Since there is no clear evidence that COP officers spent
differently from non-COP officers, all parties finally agreed with Al on the
use of this cost base. The operating cost was estimated as $27,731, shown
in Table 3.1.
COP has two capital items—a police patrol vehicle and Electronic Communi-
cation Networking (ECN) equipment. The vehicle was purchased and equipped
two years ago for $55,000. The car has 26,730 miles on it; the annual average
is 13,365 for the first two years. After several calls and an Internet search, Al
found that the average lifetime of police vehicles in the city was five years, and
the residual market value for a five-year-old car of this type was $4,940. Using
the usage rate depreciation method, Al made the following estimation: Vehicle
cost of last year = ($55,000 – $4,940)/66,825 × 13,365 = $10,012. Notice that
Al assumes that annual mileage on the vehicle is the same for the remaining
three years, so total mileages are 66,825 (13,365 × 5). Also, the maintenance
for the vehicle is included in office/other supplies.
The ECN is a communication networking system that is shared by all
sworn officers in vehicle patrol and bike patrol. The system was purchased
five years ago for $1,750,000. The estimated life of the system is ten years,
with annual maintenance of $12,470 in the factory contract. The total cost in
the lifetime of the system is $1,874,700 ($1,750,000 + ($12,470 × 10)). The
system has no residual value.
Al used the “number of patrol hours” as the cost base in the cost alloca-
tion. After examining the department patrol records, he found that the annual
average of patrol hours was 21,900. So the estimated number of patrol hours
for a ten-year period is 219,000. He also knew that COP had 896 patrol hours
Table 3.1
Salary/ Total Hourly Hours for personnel
benefit ($) work hours rate ($) COP cost ($)
(1) (2) (3) = (1)/(2) (4) (3) × (4)
1. Personnel Cost
A 100,852 2,045 49.32 2,045 100,852
B 58,900 2,180 27.02 2,180 58,900
C 68,450 2,080 32.91 832 27,380
D 40,000 2,080 19.23 210 4,039
Total Personnel Cost 191,171
2. Operating Cost ($)
Uniform and bikes 12,523
Crime meetings 5,342
Survey 5,000
Utility 934
Office supplies 3,932
Total operating cost 27,731
3. Capital Cost ($)
Police vehicle 10,012
ENC 7,670
Total capital cost 17,682
last year. Using the usage rate depreciation method, he arrived at: ECN cost
shared by COP last year = ($1,874,700/219,000) × 896 = $7,670.
Table 3.1 shows the result of cost estimation for different cost items. The
total program cost was $191,171 + $27,731 + $17,682 = $236,584. Al re-
ported this figure to the city manager. He told the city manager that, accord-
ing to his previous experiences, there was a +/– 5 percent error margin in this
type of estimation. So the true cost was between $224,754 and $248,412.
Neither James nor Edward was happy about this estimation. James argued
that Al overestimated some expense items. For example, James said the sur-
vey was used for the entire department, not just for the COP program. The
cost should not have been counted solely toward the COP program. Edward
argued to the contrary. He said Al underestimated the sharing of the ECN
cost for the COP. Edward challenged Al’s use of “patrol hours” as the cost
base. He said Al should have used “patrol miles.” He believed COP’s patrol
miles per officer was far more than that of a non-COP officer.
Nevertheless, the city manager was satisfied with Al’s work. She thought
that the program was at least at breakeven last year. To strengthen her case to
support this program in the upcoming year, she now asked Al to compare the
cost of COP with similar programs in other cities.
Al knew that it did not make sense to compare total costs of COP pro-
grams as these programs vary greatly in size and activities. He needed to
compare the average cost. To calculate the average cost of the COP program,
Al needed to first determine the quantity of product for the program. What is
a product of the program? Patrols? But patrolling is not the only program
activity. The program also organizes crime watch meetings and conducts
citizen surveys. After several days of research, Al finally decided to use popu-
lation as cost base in computing total cost. On average, the COP program
spent $5.7 ($236,583/41,200) for each individual citizen.
2. Calculations
Cost allocation is one of most difficult tasks in total cost estimation. The use
of cost base in cost allocation determines the accuracy of calculation. Two
types of measures are often used as cost base. Measures of resource con-
sumption include measures of time spent (e.g., “the number of hours”) or
manpower used (e.g., “FTE”). Such measures are readily available, so they
are inexpensive to use. However, it should be understood that the cost is
4. Cost of Operations
U.S. state and local governments are required to report expenses of service
functions in a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Gain ac-
cess to a recent CAFR. Go to the “Financial Section” of the CAFR and look
for the section of “Basic Financial Statements.” Turn to “Statement of Ac-
tivities.” Look for the expenses of programs or functions (often listed as the
first column). As this statement is prepared on the accrual accounting basis,
these annualized expenses can be used to represent the annual cost of these
functions or programs. Work in an Excel file to
1. List the three most expensive functions/program activities of the
“primary government.”
2. Calculate the percentages of each of these function costs in “total
primary government.”
3. Compare the expenses of these functions over last year’s figures to
see the difference (last year’s figures should be available in last year’s
4. Write a statement to describe these expense differences.
5. Find the population statistics in the “Statistical Section” of the CAFR.
The CAFR should have the population of last ten years. If it doesn’t,
you need to call the agency to get the figure. Use it to compute “total
primary government expenses per capita.” Compare it with the num-
ber in the previous year to see the trend. Are the services becoming
more expensive in this government? Extend this analysis to include
the data of the previous three years. Do you observe any trend of
cost change in “total primary government expenses per capita” for
the past three years?
Cost Comparison
Learning Objectives
Suppose you need a computer that costs $1,000. You can pay $1,000 cash
right now, or a $500 down payment and $600 next year. If you can afford
either option, which one do you take? In this chapter, we learn how to use
cost to compare efficiency of programs or decisions. We learn to use present
value of cost (PVC) and annualized cost in decision making.
In the above example, the total payment of the cash option is $1,000, and
total payment of the down payment option is $500 + $600 = $1,100. It looks
like that the cash option is cheaper. However, it does not make sense to com-
pare these two figures, as the $600 in the down payment option is the pay-
ment next year. In finance, this $600 is called the future value (FV). The
future value is the amount of value realized sometime in the future. To com-
pare these two options, we must place the values of their payments on an
equal footing, which requires us to convert the future value into the value of
the present day—the present value (PV). So the cost comparison question
becomes: how to convert the future value to the present value.
How much is this $600 of the next year worth now? We know it is worth
less than $600. If we were offered $600 now or in the next year, everyone
would take the money now. Economists rationalize this idea that time plays a
role in valuation as the time value of money (TVM). More specifically, TVM
tells us that a given amount of payment (or value) becomes less in the future.
Exactly how much less? To convert a future value to a present value, the
following equation can be used.
PV =
(1 + i ) N
In the equation, i is called the discount rate. It is used to discount the
future value. Many people would like to think of it as the interest rate for an
investment. The idea is that, if the money isn’t spent on the computer, it can
be invested and earn interest. So the interest rate determines the discount
rate. We can use the interest rate of short-term federal debts (e.g., treasury
bills) as a benchmark to determine the discount rate. N in the equation repre-
sents the Nth project term in the future (a project term is designated as a year
in this book).
In the above example, suppose that the discount rate is 5 percent, and N is
1 (one year from now), the PV of $600 in the next year with a 5 percent
discount rate is now worth $600/(1 + 0.05)1 = $571.43. So the PV of the
down payment option is $500 + $571.43 = $1,071.43, which is $71.43 more
than the PV of the cash option. This example illustrates the use of the present
value of cost (PVC) to make decisions. The PVC can also be calculated from
the following equation.
C1 C2 C3 Cn
PVC = C 0 + 1
+ 2
+ 3
(1 + i ) (1 + i) (1 + i ) (1 + i) n
Now, let us change our example a little. Let us say that we have the choice
of purchasing Computer A or Computer B. Computer A costs $1,000 cash
now and it can be used for three years. Computer B requires a down payment
of $500 and a future payment of $600 next year. It can be used for four years.
Assume that both computers meet our needs. Which one do we buy?
We know the PVC for Computer A is $1,000 and for Computer B is
$1,071.43. Computer A costs less, but lasts one year less. To compare these
two options, we need to know the annualized cost of each option. The annu-
alized cost of Computer A can be computed from the following equation.
$1,000 = 1
+ 2
(1 + i) (1 + i ) (1 + i ) 3
C represents annualized cost. Assuming a 5 percent discount rate, the
annualized cost is $367.21. This is to say that paying $1,000 now is equiva-
lent to paying $367.21 annually over the next three years. The annualized
cost for Computer B is $302.16, a result of solving for C using the equation
with a 5 percent discount rate: $1,071.43 = C/(1 + i)1 + C/(1 + i)2 + C/(1 +
i)3 + C/(1 + i)4.
So far our calculations have been conducted using an annual basis. The
previous examples have used annual future value, annual present value, an-
nual discount rate, and annualized cost. In reality, the term of calculation can
A Case Study
The State University of Greenville, California, has a swimming program for all
eligible students. It is an educational program that teaches students how to
swim safely. The program coincides with school semesters. Every semester,
about thirty spots are open for all registered students. The program is managed
by the school’s athletic department, which is headed by Joan Nelson. The pro-
gram hires one full-time and two part-time instructors. It uses a swimming
pool facility owned by the school. Students in the program meet every Friday.
The swimming pool facility, named Phrog Pool, in memory of John Phrog
who made this facility financially possible, is a forty-year-old facility. Because
of its age, maintenance costs have been quite high. For the past several years
Joan has been trying to keep the budget of Phrog Pool under control. Two days
ago she got a call from the company contracted for the maintenance service of
the building. She was told that the heating system broke and the estimate for
replacement of the system was more than her total supplementary budget. Joan
knew immediately it was the moment to make some decisions.
She had long thought about building a new swimming pool in the same
location. However, the university was facing budget cuts. She knew she would
have to fight an uphill battle for any new building in her department. To get
ready for the upcoming budget season, she wanted a cost comparison of the
current maintenance option and a new swimming pool option.
She asked the contract company to provide an estimate of the annual mainte-
nance cost for the next ten years, including the current year. The estimate is
shown in Table 4.1.
She also consulted several swimming pool contractors. The cost of con-
structing a new swimming pool and the maintenance cost thereafter is shown
in Table 4.2.
Joan understood that, to compare the costs of the two options, she needed to
convert them to PV. To determine the discount rate, she assumed that the
Table 4.1
maintenance cost
Year ($)
0 (the current year) 48,000
1 48,000
2 48,000
3 48,000
4 48,000
5 55,000
6 55,000
7 55,000
8 55,000
9 55,000
Table 4.2
Cost of
construction and
Year maintenance ($)
0 (the current year) 300,000
1 15,000
2 15,000
3 15,000
4 15,000
5 15,000
6 15,000
7 15,000
8 15,000
9 15,000
university could issue bonds for an annual interest rate of 5 percent. Using
Excel, she found that the PVC of the maintenance option with a 5 percent
discount rate is $414,109. The PVC for a new swimming pool with a 5 per-
cent discount rate is $406,617.
In other words, although the initial cost seemed to be high for a new swim-
ming pool ($300,000), the option was in fact less costly over the next ten
years. The university would be better off by $7,491 over this ten-year period.
Although the figure is minor for a ten-year period, Joan argued that, with the
second option, the school would have a relatively new swimming facility
after ten years. With the first option, the school would be left with a very old
swimming pool that desperately needed to be replaced at the end.
Present value
Future value
Time value of money
Discount rate
Present value of cost
Annualized cost
2. Calculations
1. What is the present value of $1,000 one year from now, with an
annual discount rate of 5 percent?
2. What is the present value of $1,000 two years from now, with an
annual discount rate of 5 percent?
3. What is the present value of a stream of future values that include
$200 now, $500 one year from now, $500 two years from now, and
$500 three years from now?
4. What is the annualized cost of $12,000 of computer equipment that
lasts five years with an annual discount rate of 5 percent?
5. Suppose that you borrow a ten-year $100,000 loan to purchase a house
and the annual interest rate is 7 percent, what should be your monthly
payment of principal and interest for the next ten years? (Hint: Use
annualized costing and treat annual payments as monthly payments.)
Table 4.3
Cost Estimates for EOP and PMS
Year EOP ($) PMS ($)
0 (the current year) 1,500,000 750,000
1 100,000 300,000
2 100,000 300,000
3 100,000 300,000
4 100,000 300,000
Learning Objectives
Let us say that a city of 20,000 residents would like to provide water and
sewer service to an adjacent neighborhood of 1,000 residents. The city’s
water and sewer treatment program has an annual cost of $2.4 million that
includes $500,000 in personnel cost, $1.5 million in operating cost, and
$400,000 in annual capital depreciation of a water treatment facility. The
average annual cost of the service is $2.4 million/20,000 = $120 per cus-
tomer. How much does the addition of 1,000 customers cost the city? Some
may say $120 × 1,000 = $120,000. However, that may be incorrect. By add-
ing 1,000 new customers, do we really expect a proportional increase in
personnel cost, operating cost, and capital cost? Do we plan to hire more
employees as the result of additional customers? Do we need an additional
investment in the treatment facility? Can the current facility accommodate
the additional load?
Suppose that no new investment in the treatment facility is needed, and
the personnel cost also remains the same. Operating cost will increase pro-
portionally with the number of customers. As operating cost per customer is
$1.5 million/20,000 = $75, the annual cost for the additional 1,000 custom-
ers is $75 × 1,000 = $75,000, not $120,000.
In this example, the $75,000 is incremental cost. Incremental cost analy-
sis examines cost changes of alternative decisions. It tells how much cost we
should expect for a specified decision-making option. Incremental cost is
different from total cost and average cost in that it does not consider the cost
items that have been incurred in the past. These items, such as personnel and
capital costs in the example, are not affected by any new decisions. They
have occurred, and will not change for any decision. These costs are called
sunk costs. Managers can also use incremental cost to weigh up the cost
associated with a decision against the incremental revenue. In the above ex-
ample, the city profits if the estimated annual revenue from the additional
1,000 customers is more than $75,000.
In previous chapters, we introduced total cost and average cost. These cost con-
cepts are calculated for a given level of product or service quantity. They de-
scribe resource consumption in a static state. They do not reflect any change of
resource consumption in response to the change of production or service level.
Economists use a different set of concepts to assess the cost associated
with the change in product or service quantity. Let us again use the above
example. Personnel cost and capital cost do not increase when the number of
customers increases. They are fixed cost items in this production. Fixed cost
(FC) remains constant regardless of the variation in production quantity.
Operating cost is a variable cost (VC) item, which fluctuates with the varia-
tion in production quantity. Realize that the total cost (TC) is the sum of
fixed costs and variable costs (TC = FC + VC).
It is possible that a fixed cost item changes for a larger variation of quan-
tity. For example, when the number of additional water/sewer customers in-
creases by 2,000, the city needs to hire new staff to handle billing. Personnel
cost becomes a variable cost at this point. So fixed cost is “fixed” only for a
particular quantity range. Sometimes it is difficult to classify a cost item as
fixed or variable. For example, electricity cost is a fixed cost when the use is
for lighting and a variable cost when used for the oven (more cooking, more
consumption). These cost items are called mixed costs.
Incremental cost (IC) is the change in cost due to a production quantity
change or change of decision options. If we use ∆ to represent incremental
change, then IC can be defined as
∆TC is change in total cost. ∆FC is change in fixed cost. ∆VC is change in
variable cost. Sometimes it is useful to calculate incremental cost for unit
change in quantity. This is the concept of marginal cost (MC).
MC = ∆TC/∆Q
Table 5.1
(number of FC VC TC AC IC MC
students) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
1,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 9,000,000 ... ... ...
1,200 5,000,000 4,800,000 9,800,000 8,167 800,000 4,000
Table 5.2
Incremental Cost Analysis (Continued)
(number of FC VC TC AC IC MC
students) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
1,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 9,000,000 9,000 ... ...
1,200 5,000,000 4,800,000 9,800,000 8,167 800,000 4,000
1,500 7,000,000 6,000,000 13,000,000 8,667 3,200,000 10,667
will increase. Suppose that fixed cost increases to $7.0 million. What are the
incremental and marginal costs? Since the variable cost increases to $4,000 ×
1,500 = $6.0 million, the total cost is $13.0 million. The incremental cost for
the additional 300 students is $13.0 million – $9.8 million = $3.2 million. The
marginal cost is $3.2 million/300 = $10,667. Table 5.2 shows the calculations.
A Case Study
the foundation faced a tougher budget this year. One proposal to deal with
the budget decline was to cut back the evaluation team and contract out the
evaluation to a private firm. Nancy Winston, the foundation program coordi-
nator, was responsible for soliciting bids. Of the three firms that participated
in the bidding, one asked for a fee of $450,000 and was immediately re-
jected. The second firm asked a fee of $330,000. The third bidder, a state
university, asked $310,000. Both bidders guaranteed the quality of the re-
ports. Should Nancy accept the lower bid?
The purpose of this step is to determine the cost change as the result of con-
tracting out. During this step, Nancy found that the following costs would be
eliminated if the evaluation team were contracted out: personnel services, trans-
portation, office supplies, and printing and binding. Since the evaluation team
rents office space from the foundation, the cost reduction would be offset by
the revenue loss of the same amount to the foundation. So this cost would not
be eliminated if the evaluation was contracted out. Also, the evaluation team
owns two computers and uses a network printer. The cost associated with this
equipment would not be immediately saved through contracting out.
Table 5.3 shows the cost comparison of the current in-house operation and
the lower bid contracting-out option. The incremental cost of the contract-
ing-out option is the change in total cost due to the contracting out. The
result in the table shows a $27,000 increase if the foundation contracts out.
1. Key Terms
Sunk cost
Fixed cost (FC)
Variable cost (VC)
Quantity range
Table 5.3
Cost Comparison in Incremental Cost Analysis
TC for
in-house TC of Incremental
evaluation contracting out cost
team ($) ($) ($)
(1) (2) (2) – (1)
Personnel services 220,000 0 –220,000
Office rental 50,000 50,000 0
Office equipment 12,000 12,000 0
Transportation 10,000 0 –10,000
Office supplies 13,000 0 –13,000
Printing and binding 40,000 0 –40,000
Consulting fee 0 310,000 310,000
Total 345,000 372,000 27,000
Mixed cost
Incremental cost (IC)
Marginal cost (MC)
2. Calculations
Table 5.4 shows the cost information for a product at the 15,000-units level.
1. What are the incremental and marginal costs for producing 5,000
additional units?
2. Suppose that, at a new production level of 30,000, the fixed cost
increases to $4.5 million, what are the incremental and marginal
costs for the additional 10,000 units?
Table 5.4
Incremental Costing Exercise
Quantity FC ($) VC ($) TC ($) IC ($) MC ($)
15,000 3,000,000 1,500,000 ? ... ...
20,000 ? ? ? ? ?
30,000 ? ? ? ? ?
Referring to the above problem, suppose that the city wants a two-year deal.
In the second year of the deal, the recycling materials from the city will be
5,000 tons. The county analysis shows that a new vehicle is needed for the
increase. The estimated purchasing price of the vehicle is $30,000, and the
annual maintenance cost is the same, $10,000.
Considering this change, and also treating the fuel and the overhead as
variable costs and others as fixed costs, calculate the incremental cost and
marginal cost for the county. If the city still wants to pay the same rate for the
service, $6.00 a ton, should the county accept the offer? (Note: Use annual
maintenance cost for the vehicle in the calculation.)
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Learning Objectives
If you buy a house that costs $10,000 a year, and you earn revenue of
$15,000 by renting it out, your annual profit is $5,000. You have made a
good financial decision. In economics, a decision that can bring profit is
described as “economically feasible.”
Let us look at a five-year project that costs $1,000 in the first year (the
current year) and $200 every year from the second to the fifth year. Let us
assume a 5 percent discount rate. The PVC for the project is $1,000 + ($200)/
(1.05)1 + ($200)/(1.05)2 + ($200)/(1.05)3 + ($200)/(1.05)4 = $1,709 (review
Chapter 4 for the PVC calculation). Suppose that the project has an annual
revenue of $500 beginning with the first year (the current year), for five
years. Its PVB is $500 + ($500)/(1.05)1 + ($500)/(1.05)2 + ($500)/(1.05)3 +
($500)/(1.05)4 = $2,273. Therefore, the NPV = $564 ($2,273 – $1,709). Simi-
lar to the way PVC is defined in Chapter 4, PVB is defined here as
B1 B2 B3 Bn
PVB = B0 + + + +…
(1 + i ) 1
(1 + i ) 2
(1 + i ) 3
(1 + i ) n
<B0 , B1, B2, B3 . . . Bn are benefits generated by the project in project terms 0,
1, 2, 3 . . . n (B0 is the current term’s benefit), and i is the discount rate of the
project term (the project term is designated in years in this book).
In CBA, a project is economically feasible when its NPV is positive (NPV
> 0), which means that project benefits exceed project costs. If there are two
projects and only one can be funded, and both projects will produce a posi-
tive NPV, then the one that has a larger positive NPV should be chosen.
In addition to NPV, the benefit/cost ratio, defined as PVB/PVC, can also be
used to make the decision. Since NPV = PVB − PVC, when NPV > 0, (PVB −
PVC) > 0, or PVB > PVC, or PVB/PVC > 1. This means that, when the NPV is
larger than zero, the benefit/cost ratio is larger than 1. The benefit/cost ratio
represents the benefit received for every dollar of cost. For example, a ratio of
0.5 means a half dollar benefit is earned for every dollar of cost. Of course,
both benefits and costs are in the form of the present value.
Even if a project is economically feasible, that doesn’t necessarily mean
that it will be funded. Students of American public administration should
know that funding decisions are the result of a political process in which
economic value is only part of the consideration.
Let us look at a simplified CBA example. A city faces an increasing de-
mand for its garbage collection service. Two options have been considered
to improve the city’s garbage collection capacity. Option A requires the pur-
chase of a garbage collection vehicle that needs a three-person crew. The
vehicle will cost $50,000 and each worker will be paid $20,000 a year. The
city would pick up 400 tons of garbage annually, and for each ton of garbage
collected, it would charge a $400 fee. The city would have annual revenue of
$160,000 (400 × $400) from this operation.
Table 6.1
Option B
0 (the current year) 90,000 + 40,000 = 130,000 300 × $400 = 120,000
1 40,000/(1 + 5%) = 38,095 120,000/(1 + 5%) = 114,286
2 40,000/(1 + 5%)2 = 36,281 120,000/(1 + 5%)2 = 108,843
3 40,000/(1 + 5%)3 = 34,554 120,000/(1 + 5%)3 = 103,661
4 40,000/(1 + 5%)4 = 32,908 120,000/(1 + 5%)4 = 98,724
Total 271,838 545,514
Option B requires a vehicle for a two-person crew. The vehicle will cost
$90,000 and each worker will be paid $20,000 annually. With this option,
the city’s garbage collection capacity would be 300 tons annually, so the
annual revenue would be $120,000 (300 × $400). Using a five-year period
and a discount rate of 5 percent, which option should be recommended in the
budget request? Table 6.1 shows the CBA analysis for these two options.
Since the NPV of Option A is larger than that of Option B, Option A
should be recommended in the capital budget request.
Although CBA is a useful tool, it is not applicable for every project. When it
is applied, it is important to ensure it is done right. In this section, we discuss
some critical issues concerning how to do CBA.
Measuring Benefits
First, a clearly defined and achievable project objective is needed. For example,
a highway project that connects two busy districts in a metropolitan area can
be designed to reduce traffic accidents and save travelers’ time. Time saving is
Estimating Costs
There is a difference between the project cost (accounting cost) and the
opportunity cost. The former is the summation of all the resources con-
sumed by the project during its lifetime. It includes all cost items associ-
ated with producing a product or a service. The estimation of these cost
items is discussed in Chapter 3. What is opportunity cost? Think about the
cost of getting a graduate degree. Is it tuition? Many would perhaps dis-
agree. Many value family time greatly, and if it is lost because of time
spent on an education, then the opportunity cost of the education can be
the value of family time lost. In general, the opportunity cost of a project
is the value of the best alternative forgone because of the project. If the
project cost is the resource consumed for Project A, the opportunity cost
of Project A is the value of the best alternative project forgone because of
Project A.
A Case Study
Part 1 Replacement
Part 2 Replacement
Part 3 Replacement
First, there is no need to conduct CBA for the existing system VTM. The
decision of purchasing the system was made and the cost associated with
VTM is a sunk cost. To estimate the cost and benefit of QTS, we need to
know the objective of the vehicle diagnostic system. The goal of the
mechanic shop of the Public Works Department is stated as “protection
of the city’s vehicles through efficient and effective maintenance and
repair.” So the CBA question can be formulated as: What are the costs
and benefits of purchasing QTS in maintaining and repairing the city’s
First, we need to identify the benefits that should be included in CBA. Three
QTS benefits serve the goal of the mechanic shop—diagnostic time saving,
improved diagnostic accuracy, and residual value of the old system if it is
sold. Second, benefits should be converted to monetary terms. For diagnos-
tic time saving, salary and benefits information are needed. As we know,
QTS saves two hours (150 minutes – 30 minutes) for each diagnosis and, for
fifty-two diagnoses a year, there would be a saving of $1,248 a year (two
hours × fifty-two weeks × $12 per hour). We also know that QTS is more
accurate in diagnosis. By reducing ineffective replacement of parts, the sys-
tem would save $50 on each diagnosis, for an annual saving of $2,600 ($50
× 52). The last benefit is the salvage value of selling the VTM. The market
value is estimated at $692. Table 6.2 presents the PVB calculation for QTS
(refer to Chapter 4 for using Excel in the process of converting the future
value to the present value).
Table 6.2
Present Value of Benefits for QTS ($)
Time Accurate Salvage
Year saving diagnosis value
0 (the current year) 1,248 2,600 692
1 1,135 2,364 0
2 1,031 2,149 0
3 938 1,953 0
4 852 1,776 0
5 775 1,614 0
Total 5,979 12,456 692
Note: Discount rate = 10 percent.
Table 6.3
Present Value of Costs for QTS ($)
Year Purchasing cost Operating cost
0 (the current year) 21,400 280
1 0 254
2 0 231
3 0 210
4 0 191
5 0 174
Total 21,400 1,340
Note: Discount rate = 10 percent.
The purchase cost of QTS is $21,400 with an annual operating cost of $280.
Table 6.3 shows the process of calculating PVC.
Lisa believes that if the project is approved, the funding will come from a
capital project fund that is funded by city debts. The city now pays an ap-
proximate 10 percent interest rate for issuing long-term debts. So the dis-
count rate is appropriate at 10 percent.
The PVB of QTS is $19,127 ($5,979 + $12,456 + $692). The PVC is $22,741
($21,400 + $1,340). Thus, NPV = PVB – PVC = $19,127 – $22,741 = –$3,614.
For the lifetime of six years, a CBA on QTS shows a NPV of –$3,614.
Since NPV is negative, the funding of QTS does not appear to be economi-
cally feasible. So a decision was made not to fund QTS. Steven argued back.
He said that the number of diagnoses was based on this year’s data. The
number should double to two vehicle diagnoses a week. Would this change
the NPV of the QTS and therefore the funding decision?
1. Key Terms
2. Calculations
Table 6.4 shows cost and benefit flows of two public infrastructure projects.
1. Use a 5 percent discount rate to compute the NPV for both projects.
2. Recalculate the NPV for both projects with a 10 percent discount rate.
3. Write a paragraph to discuss the economic feasibility of the two
In CBA, assumptions must be made about benefits, costs, the discount rate, and
the lifetime of a project. In reality, these assumptions change. For example, in
this chapter’s Sunny Village case study, the discount rate can be lower if the
interest rate of the city’s long-term debt is lower. The change of assumption
Table 6.4
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Two Public Infrastructure Projects ($)
Year Personnel Operating Capital Benefit
Project A
0 (the current year) 300,000 0 200,000 0
1 150,000 2,000 100,000 0
2 100,000 15,000 25,000 30,000
3 0 21,000 0 150,000
4 0 21,000 0 200,000
5 0 21,000 0 200,000
6 0 21,000 0 200,000
7 0 21,000 0 200,000
8 0 25,000 0 200,000
9 0 25,000 0 200,000
10 0 25,000 0 200,000
Project B
0 (the current year) 500,000 0 125,000 0
1 100,000 12,500 25,000 187,500
2 0 25,000 0 187,500
3 0 25,000 0 187,500
4 0 25,000 0 187,500
5 0 25,000 0 187,500
6 0 25,000 0 187,500
7 0 25,000 0 187,500
8 0 25,000 0 187,500
9 0 25,000 0 187,500
10 0 25,000 0 187,500
inevitably changes CBA results. The type of analysis that examines the impact
of assumption change on CBA results is called sensitivity analysis.
4. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
terms, but rather, measure the benefit by “the number of vehicles diagnosed
correctly the first time.” With PVC, we can calculate a ratio that indicates
PVC for one correct diagnosis. This is a case of cost-effectiveness analysis.
Here is another example of cost-effectiveness analysis. A school district is
considering two options for a new school. Option A has a capacity to accom-
modate 1,000 students in the first year and an annual increase of 100 thereaf-
ter. The option costs $10.0 million in the first year and $2.5 million annually
thereafter. Option B offers spaces for 300 students in the first year, with an
annual increase of 200 students every year thereafter. The plan costs $7.0
million in the first year and $3.0 million annually thereafter. Consider a seven-
year term and a 5 percent discount rate. Conduct a cost-effectiveness analy-
sis for the options. Which option should the school choose?
Conduct a CBA for obtaining a master’s degree from a public college. Ex-
plain explicitly any assumptions in your analysis.
Learning Objectives
Imagine that your family has budgeted $400 per month on entertainment,
but when the credit card bill comes, it turns out that $500 has been spent. A
budget monitoring system, balancing the credit card bill in this case, tells
you that you have overspent, and that you need to limit your subsequent
spending to balance the budget.
A financial monitoring system serves three purposes. First, it provides an
ongoing check on the budget. By comparing actual financial results against
budgets, it can be determined how well financial objectives have been
achieved, and whether the budget is realistic. In the above example, if the
family keeps spending more than $400 on entertainment, that is an indica-
tion that the budget of $400 is too low and should be increased.
Second, a monitoring system helps uncover inefficient practices and op-
erations. In the above case, maybe the family spends too much on popcorn
and drinks at the movie because they attend late-afternoon matinees when
they are becoming hungry for dinner. Overspending on snacks could be
avoided by going to the movies in the evening, just after dinner. Of course, a
monitoring system can also discover desirable practices and operations. A
consistent revenue surplus uncovered by a monitoring system may indicate
enhanced efforts in revenue collection, and such efforts should be encour-
aged. Nevertheless, detection of inefficient and undesirable behaviors should
for equipment or product purchases and to employees for wages and ben-
efits. In accounting, many of these expenses are reported in payable ac-
counts. A rule of thumb for an acceptable current ratio is 2.0. Any value
smaller should cause concern about liquidity. We will further study current
assets and current liabilities in Chapter 9.
Because there are numerous indicators available for monitoring, using all of
them would be too costly and time consuming. Selection of limited indica-
tors is necessary. Consider the following four criteria in the selection.
scheme consists of three major steps that include (1) examining indicators,
(2) detecting the performance trend, and (3) developing a complete picture
of performance.
Examining Indicators
The first step is to find out whether a financial indicator is within an accept-
able performance range. To do that, the actual performance of the indicator
should be compared with some form of performance standards or bench-
marks, such as budgeted amounts, state- or nationwide averages, or perfor-
mance of similar organizations.
Let us say that we examine this year’s CAFR, and realize that there is a
general fund operating deficit (the amount that total expenditures exceeded
total revenue) of $150,000. The deficit is covered by our financial reserve
cumulated over years. We have sufficient reserves. But large and continual
deficits would eat up our reserves (assuming borrowing is too costly). To
detect whether this deficit is within our acceptable range, we should com-
pare this deficit with our budget figure. Suppose that we had expected a
$300,000 surplus in our budget. The difference between the budget and the
actual is –$450,000 (–150,000 – 300,000). The negative sign indicates unac-
ceptable performance.
After detecting unacceptable performance, we should look into the pos-
sible cause of the underperformance. If the investigation uncovers a random
error, for example, a once-a-decade purchase of land, then we should move
on. If we find that a systematic error—one that will recur, such as increased
personnel cost—is the cause of the deficit, then a strategy should be devel-
oped to deal with the deficit. A strategy may include efforts to increase rev-
enues and to reduce expenses, or modify budget projections. Finding causes
and taking actions is the subject of a later discussion in this chapter.
Table 7.1
Table 7.2
Table 7.3
A Case Study
Linda Ellis is the finance director of Doreen County, Nevada. The county has
a population of 312,000, with total projected revenues of $308 million this
year. Although the largest revenue item is property tax (about 35 percent of
the total revenue), the county has seen an increase in service charges, which
are about 16 percent of total revenues. Part of this increase is due to the
county’s policy that, “wherever possible, the county shall institute user charges
for programs and activities in the County.” The county also has a fiscal policy
of “keeping a prudent level of financial reserves for future unexpected ex-
penses and revenue declines.” The county has always tried to set apart 3 to 5
percent of appropriations for contingency.
The finance department has a financial monitoring system in place. The
system monitors all major financial indicators. Nevertheless, Linda’s monthly
monitoring focuses on a very limited number of indicators of liquidity and
fund balance. She believes that having sufficient cash and cash equivalents
on hand is important and she also knows that it is impossible to follow all
indicators closely, as the county’s resources for record keeping are limited
and only the most important indicators are available on a monthly basis.
Most other indicators are examined during an annual review. In a recent
monitoring analysis, Linda used the following steps.
One liquidity indicator Linda reviews monthly is the current ratio (Current
Assets/Current Liabilities). The current ratio indicates the short-term assets
available to pay short-term liabilities. For example, a ratio of 2.0 indicates
that there are $2 in current assets for every dollar of the current liabilities.
She uses a benchmark of 2.0, and any ratio lower than that number is a warn-
ing sign that indicates the county may not have sufficient liquidity.
In addition to the current ratio, Linda also reviews different current assets
for possible troubles in asset allocation that could lead to liquidity problems.
The county’s current assets include cash, short-term investments, receivables,
and inventories. In a recent monthly monitoring analysis, Linda noticed a
steady increase in the “receivables” account, which indicates an increase in
what others owe the county. “Receivables” are a current asset account that
typically represents amounts due to the county within 60 days. Although an
increase doesn’t negatively affect the current ratio, it does indicate a slowed
pace of cash inflow. In other words, the more money people owe to you, the
less cash you have. Because the increase in “receivables” suggests slowed
cash inflow and a possible problem in payment collection, Linda’s alert was
up when she noticed the increase.
The average monthly balance of current assets is $336,000,000 for the past
six months. A 3 percent decrease in cash balance indicates a decrease of
$10,080,000 ($336,000,000 × 3 percent) in cash, and with an annual interest
rate of 4 percent for the safest investment instruments, like treasury bills, this
decrease represents an interest income loss of $403,200 ($10,080,000 × 4
percent) this year.
This would be a significant loss to the county. Linda decided to investi-
gate the causes of the “receivables” increase. She focused on the two largest
revenue resources—property taxes and user charges. No significant payment
discrepancy was found for the property taxes. Most taxes were paid on time.
When analyzing the payment collection for the user charges, Linda noticed a
large and increasing amount in delayed payment for the county’s water and
sewer services. She called the public utility director and was told that an
outdated address database was responsible for that. Apparently, the old
database had not been updated for the past several years as the result of the
budget cut. The database included many old addresses, and payment notices
to these addresses were often returned. The public utility director estimated
that the address error rate was about 5 percent, which was much higher than
a 1 percent benchmark established by the county. The director also told Linda
that the county commission had noticed the problem, and he invited Linda to
attend the next commission meeting, in which the billing address database
was an issue on the agenda.
1. Key Terms
1. Total assets for the primary entity in the Statement of Net Assets.
2. Total net assets for the primary entity in the Statement of Net Assets.
3. Total revenue for the primary entity in the Statement of Activities
(general revenues plus program revenues).
4. Total expenses for the primary entity in the Statement of Activities.
5. Change in net assets for the primary entity in the Statement of
6. Current assets for the primary entity in the Statement of Net Assets
(Total Assets – Noncurrent or Capital Assets).
7. Total liabilities for the primary entity in the Statement of Net Assets.
8. Current liabilities for the primary entity in the Statement of Net As-
sets (Total Liabilities – Noncurrent or Long-Term Liabilities).
Use the information in the above question to compute the following financial
indicators. Discuss briefly the meaning of each indicator.
1. Total revenue per resident. (Note: To find out the population figure,
you may want to check the “Statistical Section” of CAFR, call the
organization, or search the Web.)
2. Total expenditure per resident.
3. The current ratio.
4. The net asset ratio. (Change in Net Assets/Net Assets.)
5. Total asset turnover.
6. Fixed asset turnover. (Sometimes fixed assets are listed as “long-
term assets,” “noncurrent assets,” or “capital assets.”)
7. Return on assets.
Make an effort to obtain CAFRs for the past three years, and compare the
indicators in Questions 2 and 3 over time. Report your monitoring findings.
Cash Management
Determining the Optimal Cash Balance
Learning Objectives
Table 8.1
Sources Amount
Property taxes 200,000
Sales taxes 100,000
Licenses and permits 50,000
Fines and forfeits 50,000
Total 400,000
The first step to determine the optimal cash balance is to create a cash budget
that includes future cash receipts and cash disbursements. The idea is that if
cash revenues and cash spending for a given time are known, then how much
or how little is left for investment is known. Table 8.1 shows the sources of
future cash receipts in a local government. Monthly cash receipts are forecast.
Effective cash collection is important in managing cash receipts. The ob-
jective of cash collection is to get the cash as quickly as possible and to keep
it as long as possible in order to increase liquidity or investment earnings.
Consider the following approaches to facilitate cash collection.
Table 8.2
Table 8.3
and at the last possible moment without penalty for the late payment. Con-
sider the following approaches in managing cash disbursements.
Cash balance
Invest this amount
Upper limit
Return point
Lower limit
Table 8.4
i =1
i − µ)2
V =
(n − 1)
Xi represents individual cases (like $10.00, $20.00, . . ., in the example),
where i is the representation of the individual case number. For example,
X1 is individual Case 1; X2 is individual Case 2. µ is the average. In our
example, it is $4.40. So (Xi – µ) is the difference between an individual
case and the average. Σ is the summation sign used to calculate the sum of
(Xi – µ)2, which is $577.20 in this example. Finally, n is the number of
cases. The variance can be easily calculated from Excel’s “Data Analysis
Use the data in Table 8.4 to practice the Excel Data Analysis. You should
be able to determine the variance shown in Screen 8.1. To make cash balance
decisions, you also need the return point, which is the cash balance point
that indicates the amount of the transfer.
The decision rules in the Miller-Orr model are: (1) No transaction is needed
if the cash balance falls between the lower limit and the upper limit. (2) If the
cash balance rises to the upper limit, invest cash by the amount of Upper
Limit – Return Point. (3) If the cash balance falls to the lower limit, sell
investments by the amount of Return Point – Lower Limit to replenish cash.
(Review Figure 8.1 to visualize this decision-making process.)
Let us look at an example. Suppose that an agency has a minimum cash
balance of $20,000 (lower limit) required by its bank. Suppose that the vari-
ance of daily net cash flows is $6,250,000, a daily interest rate is 0.025 per-
cent, and the transaction cost is $20. So, the spread = 3 × (0.75 × 20 × 6,250,000/
0.00025)1/3 = $21,600. Lower limit = $20,000. Upper limit = $20,000 + $21,600
= $41,600. Return point = $20,000 + ($21,600/3) = $27,200.
Thus, the agency does not need to do anything if its cash balance fluctuates
between $20,000 and $41,600. Nevertheless, if the cash balance rises to $41,600,
it should invest the cash in the amount of $41,600 – $27,200 = $14,400; if the
A Case Study
William first forecast cash flows for the next year. His forecast was largely
determined using last year’s cash flows with minor modifications based on
assumptions of next year’s financial condition. Table 8.5 presents monthly
Table 8.5
forecasts of cash receipts, disbursements, and cash balances for the next year.
The data show that the city has an average monthly cash balance of
$18,135,904, an average monthly cash receipt of $2,080,211, an average
monthly disbursement of $1,882,778, and an average monthly net cash flow
of $2,080,211 – $1,882,778 = $197,433. A closer look at the data shows cash
receipts surged in December, when the city’s property tax bills were due. Ac-
cordingly, the cash balance surged in January and then decreased every month
until the next January. So, more cash should be available for investment after
the New Year and the amount declines gradually throughout the year.
But William still needs to know exactly how much cash can be invested.
First, he decided to keep a minimum cash balance of $3,000,000. His logic
was that the figure should cover the average monthly withdrawals, $1,882,778,
and a minimum balance of $1,000,000 in a bank for free banking services.
This is the lower limit in the Miller-Orr model, and any balance lower than
this is considered too low.
To calculate the variance of daily net cash flow, William first used Excel
to determine the variance of monthly net cash flow, $6,432,190,674,028.
Notice that Excel calls it “sample variance.” Because this is such a large
number, Excel may present a 6.43219 E + 12, which means twelve zeros
Several things became clear to William after the analysis. First, the city
does not want to have a cash balance lower than $3.0 million. However,
keeping a balance of about $4.8 million (the upper limit) appears to be
sufficient to meet the cash demand of the city. The city’s current cash bal-
ance, an average of about $18.0 million, is simply too high. Second, if the
city keeps a balance of $4.8 million, it can invest $18.0 million – $4.8
million = $13.2 million. The current annual interest rate in the state invest-
ment pool is 4 percent. So the annual investment income in the state pool
is $13.2 million × 4 percent = $528,000. In comparison, if the city invests
in the federal treasury bills that pay 5 percent interest annually, it can make
$13.2 million × 5 percent = $660,000 annually in interest. That is $660,000
– $528,000 = $132,000 more than the investment earning in the state cash
pool. Third, of course, the above analysis is based on estimated cash flows
that may change. Significant socioeconomic, organizational, or policy
changes could lead to fluctuation in revenues and expenditures and thus
changes in cash flows and cash balances.
Based on the results of the Miller-Orr model and the above analysis, Will-
iam proposed the following cash management strategy. First, the city should
consider withdrawing from the state cash pool, or at least gradually reduc-
ing its investment in the pool. Second, the city should reduce its cash bal-
ance to $3,616,883, the return point, and invest the cash in ninety-day
federal treasury bills. If the cash balance reaches $4,850,649, the city should
1. Key Terms
Cash safety
Investment returns
Cash budget
Cash receipts
Cash disbursements
Cash balance
Optimal cash balance
Investment plans
Low-risk investments
Miller-Orr model
Lower limit
Upper limit
Return point
Transaction cost
Daily interest rate
Net cash flows
Variance of daily net cash flows
Decision rules in the Miller-Orr model
2. Calculations
Table 8.6 consists of cash flow data for a selected ten days.
Table 8.6
Cash Flows of Selected Days ($)
Day Receipts Disbursement
1 50 70
2 90 40
3 80 80
4 100 120
5 70 140
6 50 50
7 80 40
8 130 110
9 60 100
10 110 80
Table 8.7
1. Create a cash budget for the next year. Use the proper forecasting
techniques (from Chapter 1) and defend your reasoning for your
choice of technique.
2. Assuming a lower limit of $1,000,000, a transaction fee of $200,
and a 5 percent annual interest rate, use the Miller-Orr model to
determine the upper limit and the return point of the cash balance.
3. Do you see any investment opportunities for the foundation’s cash?
If yes, develop an investment strategy for the foundation.
Financial Reporting
and Analysis
The Statement of Net Assets
Learning Objectives
Why care about financial information? There are two fundamental rea-
sons for a manager to obtain and understand financial information. One is to
use the information to make managerial and operational decisions. The man-
ager can better plan, manage, and evaluate a service if he or she knows how
much it costs, and that information can be obtained from the financial report-
ing system. Another reason is to demonstrate accountability by keeping stake-
holders informed about the financial condition and operation of the organization.
Stakeholders in government organizations or agencies include citizens, elected
officials, other governments, nonprofit organizations, and businesses. They have
vital interests in government finance as taxpayers, oversight bodies, evalua-
tors, or contractors of governmental services. A manager has a responsibility
to answer their questions about the organization’s finances.
How is financial information reported? When a close friend asks you how
are you doing financially, how do you respond? There are two ways to tell a
financial story. You can reveal how much you earn, but that is not a complete
financial picture, because you also spend. If you make $50,000 and spend
$50,000, you save nothing. If you spend $45,000 instead, you save $5,000.
So another way to report your finances is to use net worth. In the above
example, where does the $5,000 in savings go? It goes to your net worth. We
use the term net worth to measure what you possess or own after taking out
what you owe. Say that you have a house, some furniture, a car, a retirement
account, a bank checking account, and some cash for a total of $200,000.
Your bills include a mortgage, a car loan, and other payments totaling
$160,000. Your net worth is $200,000 – $160,000 = $40,000.
In finance, net worth is often called net assets. Assets are what you own,
and liabilities are what you owe. The financial statement prepared to disclose
these financial figures is generally called the balance sheet. In U.S. state and
local governments, the balance sheet information for a government as a whole
is reported in the statement of net assets. Nonprofit organizations may use
the name the statement of financial position to disclose their balance sheet
information. On the other hand, the financial statement used to report annual
revenues and expenses is the statement of activities (or operations). Sources
and uses of cash and cash equivalents are reported in the statement of cash
flows. We focus on the statement of net assets in this chapter and the state-
ment of activities in Chapter 10.
Obviously, what you own minus what you owe is what is left. In accounting
language, “what you own” is called assets, “what you owe” is liabilities, and
“what is left” is net assets, so
assets are cash, cash equivalents, or resources that can be converted to cash
within a year or that will be consumed within a year. Noncurrent assets are
long-term assets such as lands, plant, equipment, and long-term invest-
ments over a year. Note that a year is used as a division of assets into
current and noncurrent assets because it represents the length of a business
cycle in many governmental organizations. The following is a list of com-
mon asset accounts.
• Cash or cash equivalents. This category may include bank savings and
checking accounts, short-term certificates of deposit, and other assets
that can be converted to cash quickly and easily.
• Investments. This category includes marketable securities such as stocks
and bonds, real estate, and other investment vehicles.
• Accounts receivable. When an organization provides a product to a cus-
tomer and has not received the payment, the amount is reported as re-
ceivable, which suggests that the payment will be collected in the future.
There can be many types of receivables. Examples include property
taxes receivable and interest and penalty receivable.
• Inventory. This category is for the materials and supplies that will be
used in producing goods or services.
• Prepaid expenses (prepayment, advance payment). These are the pay-
ments for goods or services that have not yet been received. For ex-
ample, if you make an advance payment of $1,000 rent the last day of
this year, but the rent will cover you for the next whole year, this $1,000
is a prepaid expense at the end of this year. Notice that long-term pre-
payment (more than one year) is referred as a deferred charge and is
reported in the long-term asset section of the statement of net assets.
• Long-term assets or fixed assets. These assets are often in the form of
land, plant, building, infrastructure, and equipment.
Where does the information in the statement of net assets come from? Ac-
counting is the process by which financial data are recorded, processed, and
reported. In an accounting cycle, raw financial information is obtained and
processed to be reported in the final statements. There are four phases in an
accounting cycle, and each phase represents a step to ensure the information
is accurately recorded and presented, so adherence to the accounting cycle is
a means to ensure financial accountability. Below are the phases in an ac-
counting cycle:
Table 9.1
Statement of Net Assets: The City of Evergreen, Florida, for the Year
Ending December 31, 2004 ($)
Current assets
Cash 1,500,000
Accounts receivable 560,000
Inventory 690,000
Total current assets 2,750,000
Fixed assets
Land 3,000,000
Equipment, net 2,000,000
Total fixed assets 5,000,000
Total assets 7,750,000
Liabilities and net assetts
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 3,000,000
Wages payable 1,300,000
Total current liabilities 4,300,000
Long-term liabilities
Bonds payable 1,000,000
Total liabilities 5,300,000
Net assets
Unrestricted 1,500,000
Restricted 950,000
Total net assets 2,450,000
Total liabilities and net assets 7,750,000
City of Evergreen
General Journal, 2005
Number Transaction Description Account Debits Credits
001(1/1/2005) Pay salaries $50,000 Wages Payable $50,000
Cash $50,000
reported in such a fashion that they can be traced and checked according to
the following equation.
The accounting rules of reporting transactions with debits and credits are:
asset accounts are increased by debits and decreased by credits; liability and
net asset accounts are increased by credits and decreased by debits. In the
above example, cash is an asset account. It decreases by $50,000 because
cash was used to pay the salaries. So it is credited by $50,000. Wages pay-
able is a liability account. It decreases by $50,000 because the amount owed
for salaries decreases. Therefore, we record it on the debit side. As you may
have noticed, the amount debited ($50,000) is equal to the amount credited
($50,000) in this example.
The next phase in the accounting cycle is the use of the general ledger. A
ledger is used to summarize and accumulate the transaction information. Un-
like a journal, which is organized by dates of transactions, a ledger is arranged
by account. For example, we could summarize all transaction information con-
cerning cash under a cash ledger account. A ledger account typically contains
an account name, transaction date, transaction reference numbers, debit
amounts, credit amounts, and balances. Figure 9.2 shows elements of a gen-
eral ledger account with the information from the Evergreen example.
The last phase in the accounting cycle is to present financial informa-
tion in a set of financial statements, including the statement of net assets.
City of Evergreen
General Ledger, 2005
Remember that the accounting equation is always true for any transaction.
Figure 9.3 demonstrates this with the transaction in the Evergreen example.
Notice that both sides of the equation decrease by $50,000, so the equation
still holds true. All other transactions are recorded in a similar way, and they
are summarized and reported in financial statements.
units for the entities that are legally separate from the primary government
but have close financial or governing relationships with the primary govern-
ment. Examples of component units include public universities, housing au-
thorities, and retirement systems.
The concept of monetary denominator refers to the fact that all actions
that have a financial element must be monetized. Land and inventories need
to be converted to monetary terms. There is a preference to use objective
evidence and the cost conventions in financial reporting, rather than subjec-
tive estimation. The concept of conservatism refers to the need to consider
risk in collecting revenues and the fact that less than 100 percent of them can
be collected. The going concern concept refers to the assumption that an
organization is going to continue in business for the foreseeable future. The
principle of materiality requires that an auditor report significant (material)
reporting errors.
Finally, the accrual concept requires that organizations recognize all eco-
nomic and financial transactions as they report their financial positions and
operations. That is, revenues are recorded at the time goods and services are
provided regardless of when payment is received; expenditures are recorded
at the time that assets have been consumed or liabilities incurred in the pro-
cess of providing goods and services. We will come back to this concept in
more detail in the next chapter.
A Case Study
Joe Klein is the city manager of Evergreen in Heaven County, Florida, a city
that serves about 5,000 residents. Joe was hired early this year when the
previous city manager retired. The city has a police department, a parks and
recreation department, a public works department, a local library, and an
administrative department. It relies on the county for other local services
such as fire protection, code enforcement, and health and human services.
The financial division in the administrative department prepares the city’s
CAFR. In the past, the previous city manager never bothered to read the
document. He claimed that the CAFR was too long, included too many
numbers, and confused, rather than helped, him. When he had a financial
question, he called the finance director.
First, Joe calculated the percentage for each asset category in total assets as
shown in Table 9.2. By doing this, he found that 19.4 percent of total assets
were in cash and 35.5 percent were current assets. These numbers gave him
an idea as to what assets were available. He also did the same calculation for
liabilities and net assets. He found that liabilities took up a very high per-
centage (68.4 percent) of total liabilities and net assets, which might be a
warning sign that the city’s level of liabilities is too high. He was also con-
cerned that a large amount of net assets was restricted (12.2 percent). To
better understand the meaning of these numbers, Joe compared them with
the numbers from the previous year.
The comparison in Table 9.3 shows a few changes from the previous year
that caused Joe concerns. He wrote them down in a note and planned to
discuss them with the finance director.
On assets:
Table 9.2
Dollars Percent
Current assets
Cash 1,500,000 19.4
Accounts receivable 560,000 7.2
Inventory 690,000 8.9
Total current assets 2,750,000 35.5
Fixed assets
Land 3,000,000 38.7
Equipment, net 2,000,000 25.8
Total fixed assets 5,000,000 64.5
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 3,000,000 38.7
Wages payable 1,300,000 16.8
Total current liabilities 4,300,000 55.5
Long-term liabilities
Bonds payable 1,000,000 12.9
Total liabilities 5,300,000 68.4
Net assets
Unrestricted 1,500,000 19.4
Restricted 950,000 12.2
Total net assets 2,450,000 31.6
Table 9.3
12/31/2004 12/31/2003
Current assets
Cash 1,500,000 2,000,000
Accounts receivable 560,000 300,000
Inventory 690,000 250,000
Total current assets 2,750,000 2,550,000
Fixed assets
Land 3,000,000 3,000,000
Equipment, net 2,000,000 2,500,000
Total fixed assets 5,000,000 5,500,000
Net assets
Unrestricted 1,500,000 2,000,000
Restricted 950,000 500,000
Total net assets 2,450,000 2,500,000
Joe then reviewed the CAFR to see whether his above questions were ad-
dressed. In the MD&A, the finance director attributed the total asset decline
mainly to the depreciation of equipment. Nevertheless, none of Joe’s other
concerns were addressed in the analysis. He picked up phone to call the
finance director.
1. Key Terms
Net worth
Balance sheet
Statement of net assets
Statement of financial position
Statement of activities
Fundamental accounting equation
Net assets
Current assets
Noncurrent assets
Cash or cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Long-term assets or fixed assets
Current liability
Noncurrent liabilities
Accounts payable
Long-term debts
Deferred revenues
Restricted net assets
Unrestricted net assets
Accounting cycle
Accounting journal
Accounting ledger
Double-entry accounting
Debit and credit
Primary government
Component units
Monetary denominator
Objective evidence
Cost convention
Going concern
Accrual accounting basis
Access the CAFRs of three recent years of a government. Refer to the State-
ment of Net Assets to conduct an analysis on assets, liabilities, and net assets
to identify any changes that cause concern about the financial condition of
the government.
Financial Reporting
and Analysis
The Statement of Activities
Learning Objectives
The financial statement that presents revenues and expenses is called the
statement of activities in governmental organizations (or, the statement of
operations, the income statement in many business organizations). Like the
statement of net assets, the statement of activities presents the financial in-
formation for a government as a whole. Fund-level financial information
(Chapter 11) is not presented in the statement of assets or the statement of
activities. It is included in the fund-level financial statements, such as the
balance sheet of governmental funds. The following section presents the key
Table 10.1
Business-type activities
Water 150,000 4.8
Sewer 210,000 6.7
Parking 120,000 3.8
Total 480,000 15.3
Table 10.2
Expenses, Program Revenues, and Net (Expenses) Revenues in the
Statement of Activities: The City of Evergreen, Florida, for the Year
Ending December 31, 2004 ($)
Program Net (expenses)
Expenses revenues revenues
Functions/program (1) (2) (2) – (1)
Governmental activities
General government 420,000 140,000 (280,000)
Public safety 1,500,000 53,000 (1,447,000)
Transportation 440,000 49,000 (391,000)
Health and human services 300,000 150,000 (150,000)
Total 2,660,000 392,000 (2,268,000)
Business-type activities
Water 150,000 180,000 30,000
Sewer 210,000 300,000 90,000
Parking 120,000 60,000 (60,000)
Total 480,000 540,000 60,000
Table 10.3
Business-type activities
Water 150,000 180,000 30,000
Sewer 210,000 300,000 90,000
Parking 120,000 60,000 (60,000)
Total 480,000 540,000 60,000
The $50,000 difference between general revenues and net expenses is called
change in net assets. In fact, the $50,000 is the difference between total
revenues (program revenues and general revenues) and total expenses
($932,000 + $2,158,000 – $3,140,000). Table 10.3 shows this figure and net
assets at the beginning and the end of the year. The balance of net assets is
$2,500,000 at the beginning of 2004 (see Table 9.3 on p. 125 for the source
of this figure). The balance decreases by $50,000 to $2,450,000 at the end of
2004 as the result of the $50,000 net expenses in operations. As discussed in
Chapter 7 on financial performance monitoring, change in net assets is a
measure of financial results. A decline of $50,000 in net assets shows that
the city’s financial condition is worse than it was at the beginning of the
year by this measure.
Accounting Bases
Suppose that you are a car dealer and you sold a car for $50,000 today, but
the payment won’t be collected until next year. Do you count the $50,000 as
revenue in this year or next year? If you report the revenue in a period when
it occurs, regardless of the payment status, you are using accrual basis ac-
counting. If you record the revenue only when you receive the payment, you
are using cash basis accounting. One advantage of accrual basis accounting
is that it helps accurately calculate earnings (or profit) from operations. This
is why the private sector uses accrual basis accounting in its financial report-
ing. In U.S. state and local governments, the statement of net assets and the
statement of activities are prepared on the accrual basis.
However, sometimes, the purpose of financial reporting in government
is not to determine earnings, but rather to reflect whether sufficient finan-
cial resources are collected timely and legally to meet financial responsi-
bilities and whether net financial resources are available for future use.
This is why the modified accrual basis is used to prepare some fund-level
financial statements in governments. According to the modified accrual
basis, revenues are reported as they become available and measurable, and
expenditures are reported as they become legally obligated to be paid. The
following is a summary of different accounting bases for reporting rev-
enues and expenditures.
A Case Study
In the case study in Chapter 9, Joe Klein used the statement of net assets to
learn the city of Evergreen’s finances. In that case, Joe compiled a list of
questions during the review of the statement, and one question concerned
the cause of the $50,000 net asset decline. Since this decline reduced the
city’s financial reserve, it was one of the first concerns to be addressed. To
understand what caused the decline, Joe did the following.
Joe first reviewed the city’s revenues and expenses in the statement shown in
Table 10.3. In the review, he realized that public safety accounted for 63.8
percent of total net expenses of governmental activities ($1,447,000/
$2,268,000 = 63.8 percent). He also realized that the parking service, which
should break even as a business-type activity, lost $60,000. On the revenue
side, property taxes accounted for 57.9 percent of total general revenues
($1,250,000/$2,158,000 = 57.9 percent), which may suggest that the city
overrelies on this revenue source. Overreliance on any single revenue source
is dangerous, as any decline of the revenue would significantly reduce the
city’s total revenues.
To further understand the cause of the net assets decline, Joe compared the
statements of activities for the past two years. The comparison in Table
10.4 indicates that net expenses changed very little during the period. In
fact, net expenses for the primary government decreased by only $2,000
($2,210,000 – $2,208,000), although the increase in the parking net ex-
pense was a concern. On the other hand, general revenues declined by
$72,000 ($2,158,000 – $2,230,000). A closer examination of this decline
reveals a dramatic drop of investment earnings by $136,000 ($179,000 –
$43,000). This decrease completely wiped out the revenue increases in
Table 10.4
Business-type activities
Water 30,000 20,000
Sewer 90,000 90,000
Parking (60,000) (30,000)
Total 60,000 80,000
General revenues
Property taxes 1,250,000 1,240,000
Sales taxes 320,000 330,000
Franchise taxes 230,000 230,000
Grants not restricted 260,000 200,000
Investment earnings 43,000 179,000
Miscellaneous 55,000 51,000
Total general revenues 2,158,000 2,230,000
Change in net assets (50,000) 20,000
Joe suspected that the investment decline was the result of last year’s bond
market meltdown. His suspicion was confirmed by his conversation with the
finance director. The finance director told him that the city’s investment in a
state investment pool had been largely placed in the bond market. On the
basis of this analysis, Joe decided to make the following adjustments. First,
he asked for a review of the city’s investment policies. The review would be
conducted by the finance department. The purpose of the review was to evalu-
ate investment risks and explore potential new ways of investment. Second,
he asked for a forecast of investment return for the next three years and the
1. Key Terms
Statement of activities
Governmental activities
Business-type activities
Indirect expenses
Direct services
Program revenues
General revenues
Net (expenses) revenues
Special items
Change in net assets
Accrual basis
Cash basis
Modified accrual basis
Access the CAFR of a government for the last three years. Refer to the state-
ment of activities to compare changes in expenses, program revenues, net
(expenses) revenues, general revenues, and changes in net assets. Identify
any changes that cause concern.
Financial Reporting
and Analysis
Fund-Level Statements
Learning Objectives
Let us say that you are a working professional and you have two bank
accounts. You use a checking account to handle daily expenses and an in-
vestment account to grow retirement income. Each time you get a check, you
split the money into these two accounts. Why do you use two separate ac-
counts? Because the separation helps you control, plan, and manage your
financial life. Each account serves a different financial goal and requires
different financial strategies and practices in operation. For example, the
purpose of a checking account is the facilitation of daily operations, so con-
venience of banking is necessary. On the other hand, the investment account
is designed to grow income in keeping with long-term investment strategy.
Similarly, governments have different financial operations. As discussed
in previous chapters, they have operations that support governmental activi-
ties, as well as operations related to business-type activities. Governments
may also play the role of trustees or guardians for certain financial resources.
Financial operations of different activities have different goals and require
different strategies and practices. For these and other reasons, governments’
financial operations should be accounted for differently—in separate funds.
This is why governments use fund accounting and reporting. Fund account-
ing and reporting has a unique advantage. When transactions of financial
resources are accounted for in separate funds, monitoring these transactions
becomes relatively easy. So the use of funds serves the ultimate purpose of
Governmental Funds
Table 11.1
Balance Sheet of the General Fund, December 31, 2004: The City of
Evergreen ($)
Cash 225,000
Accounts receivable 84,000
Inventory 0
Total 309,000
Accounts payable 175,000
Due to other funds 70,000
Total 245,000
Fund balance
Reserved 13,000
Unreserved 51,000
Total 64,000
Total liabilities and fund balance 309,000
Table 11.2
The Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance,
the General Fund, December 31, 2004: The City of Evergreen ($)
Property taxes 1,150,000
Sales taxes 320,000
Franchise taxes 230,000
Intergovernmental revenues 300,000
Investment earnings 38,000
Fees and fines 24,000
Total revenues 2,062,000
General government 255,150
Public safety 1,317,500
Transportation 311,850
Health and human services 296,900
Total expenditures 2,181,400
Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (119,400)
Other financing sources (uses)
Transfer in 200,300
Transfer out (100,000)
Total other financing sources (uses) 100,300
Net change in fund balances (19,100)
Fund balances—beginning 83,100
Fund balances—ending 64,000
Proprietary Funds
Fiduciary Funds
The fiduciary funds account for resources that the government possesses in a
trustee or agency capacity on behalf of individuals, other governments, or
private organizations. The fiduciary funds cannot be used to support the
government’s own programs and operations. For example, a government can
act as a trustee holding assets on behalf of employees participating in gov-
ernmental pension plans. A state government can act as a trustee or agency to
collect sales taxes on behalf of local governments. In general, fiduciary funds
use the income determination measurement focus and the accrual basis of
accounting (except for certain pension-related liabilities).
Among fiduciary funds, pension trust funds account for resources held in
trust for employees covered under the government’s retirement pension plans.
Agency funds account for assets held temporarily by a governmental unit as
the agent for individuals, organizations, other funds, or other governmental
units. Investment trust funds account for the assets invested on behalf of other
A Case Study
Joe started with the balance sheet and the statement of revenues, expendi-
tures, and change in fund balance. To have an overview of revenues and
expenditures, Joe created Table 11.3. It shows that taxes are the major rev-
enue sources for the general fund. About 83 percent of total general fund
revenues are taxes, with the property taxes representing the largest single
revenue source for the general fund (55.8 percent). The table also shows that,
while the city has four major functions that each account for more than 10
percent of total expenditures, the largest funded function is public safety
(60.4 percent).
After the overview, Joe realized that the general fund was running a deficit of
$19,100 (See Net change in fund balances in Table 11.2.) The deficit seems
to be caused by overspending revenue by $119,400. This fund deficit caused
Table 11.3
General government 255,150 11.7
Public safety 1,317,500 60.4
Transportation 311,850 14.3
Health and human services 296,900 13.6
The increase in public safety did not come as a surprise to Joe. The city has
experienced a steady increase in misdemeanor cases and in traffic violations
Table 11.4
2004 2003
amount amount Difference
(1) (2) (1) – (2)
Property taxes 1,150,000 1,140,000 10,000
Sales taxes 320,000 330,000 (10,000)
Franchise taxes 230,000 230,000 0
Intergovernmental revenues 300,000 275,000 25,000
Investment earnings 38,000 60,000 (22,000)
Fees and fines 24,000 23,000 1,000
General government 255,150 260,100 (4,950)
Public safety 1,317,500 1,145,000 172,500
Transportation 311,850 300,200 11,650
Health and human services 296,900 270,000 26,900
Excess (deficiency) of
revenues over expenditures (119,400) 82,700
and domestic violence. The police chief requested three additional patrol
officers, the related police equipment, and supplementary spending. The chief
eventually got two patrol officers. The increase in public safety appeared to
be the result of this hiring.
Joe believed expenditure growth in the police department would continue
while the city becomes “urbanized.” The question is, how to pay for the
increased service costs? Among the general fund revenue sources, property
taxes have been the largest source of revenues. By analyzing the change in
the property tax rate (the millage), Joe realized the millage for city services
has changed little during the past decade, from 2.296 ten years ago to 2.304
now. In fact, in five of the ten years during this period, the millage declined
Table 11.5
Year Rate
2004 2.304
2003 2.352
2002 2.431
2001 2.215
2000 2.413
1999 2.259
1998 2.492
1997 2.346
1996 2.384
1995 2.296
from the previous year (see Table 11.5). This was probably the result of the
city’s policy of rolling back the property tax. The rollback policy was an
attempt to keep the property tax amount stable when the property tax base
(the assessed property values) changes. In theory, it requires the adjust-
ment of the millage in response to the change of the assessed property
valuation to achieve an equalized effect on the actual property tax amount
paid by the taxpayer. More specifically, during the times of assessed value
escalation, the millage is lowered, and during the times of assessed value
decline, the millage is higher. However, in reality, since property values
often increase, the rollback method hurts the city more than helps it. The
rollback method hurts Evergreen’s finances by limiting its taxation capac-
ity. It won’t allow the city to gain financially at the pace of a blooming
local property market. As the property taxes are the major revenue sources
for Evergreen, this rollback method limits the city’s revenue flexibility and
capacity significantly.
Joe believes that if the city does not increase the millage significantly, it will
face a revenue shortage in a few years. But he is not quite sure how much the
revenue shortage will be, and he doesn’t know the political and legal feasi-
bility of raising the millage. He knows that a nearby city has levied a tax on
the consumption of public utilities such as water, power, phone, and cable
services. Joe wants to explore the feasibility of such a new tax in his city, and
decides to conduct a resource development analysis to estimate the revenue
shortage, and develop possible revenue options.
1. Key Terms
Access a state or local government’s CAFR for the last two years.
key accounts of assets, liabilities, and net assets for the past two
years. Specify any change that causes concern. If a jurisdiction has
multiple enterprise funds, which is very likely, you could add up the
items in all of the funds or select one or two of the largest funds for
your analysis.
4. Go to the Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Net Assets—
Proprietary Funds section. Compare key items of revenues, expen-
ditures, and change in net assets for the past two years. Specify any
change that causes concern. If a jurisdiction has multiple enterprise
(or internal service) funds, you could add up the items in all of the
funds or select one or two of the largest funds for your analysis.
5. Go to the Statement of Cash Flows—Proprietary Funds. Compare
the key sources of cash flows for the past two years. Specify any
change that causes concern. Again, if a jurisdiction has multiple funds
in this fund category, you could add up the items in all of the funds
or select one or two of the largest funds for your analysis.
6. Go to the Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets. Compare key accounts
of assets, liabilities, and net assets for the past two years. Specify
any change that causes concern. If a jurisdiction has multiple fidu-
ciary funds, you could add up the items in all of the funds or select
one or two of the largest funds for your analysis.
7. Go to the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets. Compare
key accounts of additions, deductions, and net assets for the past
two years. Specify any change that causes concern. Again, if a
jurisdiction has multiple fiduciary funds, you could add up the
items in all of the funds or select one or two of the largest funds
for your analysis.
Learning Objectives
Why do you see a doctor? You are either sick or go for a regular physical
checkup. If you are sick, the doctor often asks you a few questions about
your symptoms, does some lab tests, and then prescribes medicines or rec-
ommends further treatments. In this process of diagnosis and treatment, the
doctor identifies the causes of the problem and, more important, develops a
strategy to improve your health.
Doing a financial condition analysis is like seeing a doctor. Heads of an
organization have concerns or want to know about its health; they want to
know what factors influence its health and what to do to improve it.
What are the differences between FCA and the analysis of financial
statements discussed in the previous three chapters? Perhaps the most sa-
lient difference is that FCA stresses the importance of socioeconomic and
organizational factors in analysis, while analysis of financial statements
has a narrower focus on the financial information. FCA considers socio-
economic and organizational factors the causes of financial condition.
What are the differences between FCA and the financial performance
monitoring discussed in Chapter 7? Financial monitoring is conducted
more frequently than FCA. Monitoring can be conducted daily or monthly
on a very limited number of selected factors. FCA is a more thorough
assessment process that requires more time and resources for data collec-
tion and analytical design; it may not be conducted as often as financial
When to conduct FCA? FCA may be performed at the beginning of a
fiscal period, when a budget is developed, or at the end of the period,
when a financial report is prepared. It can also be conducted during a
financial crisis, emergency, or distress. Finally, it can be part of an
organization’s strategic planning process in which financial condition is
assessed to examine the organization’s financial capabilities to support
its mission and goals.
Who conducts FCA? FCA can be performed by an organization’s inter-
nal management team, its independent auditors, or outside consultants.
The internal approach has the advantage of ready accessibility to informa-
tion, while outside consultants or auditors may be more objective in analy-
sis and presenting critical recommendations.
How difficult is FCA? FCA can be rather complex. The FCA modeling
process could be complicated. Measures and data may not be available. In
general, the difficulty level of an FCA is determined by three factors. First,
the scope of FCA determines analytical complexity. Financial condition
has four dimensions, defined as cash solvency, budget solvency, long-run
solvency, and service solvency. An analysis can focus on any single di-
mension or combinations of dimensions. Obviously, an FCA that exam-
ines all four dimensions of financial condition is more complex than an
FCA limited to one dimension. Second, the availability of measures and
data also affect the difficulty of the analysis. If measures or data are not
available or not accessible, surrogates or replacements must be found and
used. Third, FCA requires the specification and testing of how financial
condition is affected by socioeconomic/organizational factors. The pro-
cess of specification is called FCA modeling, which can be a rather com-
plex process. The complexity is augmented by a lack of quality theories in
the FCA literature.
measures for each dimension of financial condition. Two ratios are used to
measure cash solvency. The cash ratio relates cash, cash equivalents, and
marketable securities to current liabilities. The ratio indicates the extent of
assets available to pay off current liabilities. A higher ratio indicates a better
level of cash solvency.
Another ratio of cash solvency is the quick ratio. Compared with the cash
ratio, the quick ratio is a more lenient measure, because it includes noncash
assets, such as receivables, as assets to pay off current liabilities. A higher
ratio indicates a better level of cash solvency.
Two measures can be used for long-run solvency. The net-asset ratio as-
sesses the extent of a government to withstand financial emergencies during
economic slowdowns, loss of major taxpayers, and natural disasters. A higher
ratio indicates a better state of long-run solvency.
Service solvency can be assessed by net assets per capita, which indi-
cates the level of net assets in relation to population. A higher ratio indicates
a better level of service solvency.
After financial condition measures are developed and related data are col-
lected, we should examine the data to identify any possible warning trend of
deteriorating financial condition. This step requires an examination of at least
three periods of data for a specified financial condition measure. A three-
period continuing deterioration of a measure constitutes a financial warning
trend. For example, if the cash ratio for the past three years was 0.75, 0.60,
and 0.55 respectively, this downward turn indicates a continuing deteriora-
tion of the measure and constitutes a financial warning trend. The Chart-
Wizard function in Excel spreadsheet software is a good graphing function
that provides a visual representation of a warning trend.
It is important to note that, although a warning trend provides a strong
reason to conduct an FCA, it is not the only reason. The fluctuation (rather
than continuation) of a financial condition measure may also deserve a close
look. Sometimes, management may simply want an FCA to explore the pos-
sibilities of a continually improving financial condition or to gain insight as
to the financial condition or financial capacity of the organization.
Table 12.1
Organizational factors
Budget management Budgetary systems and practices on budget
formation, implementation, and evaluation
(e.g., tax rates)
Cash management Systems and practices in managing cash (e.g.,
availability of mandated cash management policy)
Investment management Systems and practices in investment (e.g., availabil-
ity of periodic review of investment policies)
Fallback management Systems and practices in upholding and using
financial reserves (e.g., availability of mandated
“rainy day fund”)
Accounting and reporting Accounting and reporting systems and practices
(e.g., use of cost accounting)
Internal control Systems and practices in decentralizing budgeting
and procurement (e.g., availability of a decentralized
procurement system)
Professionalism and Qualification or behaviors of financial personnel
leadership (e.g., mean years of education of financial
Note: This table is derived partly from the Ph.D. dissertation of Lynda M. Dennis,
“Determinants of Financial Condition: A Study of U.S. Cities,” University of Central
Florida, 2005.
Table 12.2
At the beginning of this chapter we said that the purpose of FCA is to find
out the factors that impact financial condition. In this section, we discuss
how to identify the impact. A basic principle in logic is that in order to say
that Event A impacts Event B, both events must first be related. In other
words, to prove that a factor impacts financial condition, this factor and our
financial condition must be related. There is a relationship between the fac-
tor and financial condition. Although a relationship doesn’t mean the impact
actually occurs, it does serve as a necessary condition for the impact to hap-
pen. In other words, without the relationship, the impact cannot happen.
Statisticians have developed tools to assess relationships. They call these
tools measures of associations (association is a synonym for relationship).
One measure of association is the correlation coefficient. Let us look at an
example as to how to use this statistic in FCA. Table 12.2 shows a city’s
population and revenues for the last five years.
To obtain the correlation coefficient for the relationship between popula-
tion and revenues, we can use the following steps in the Excel spreadsheet
Step 1: Input the data in an Excel spreadsheet.
Step 2: Click “Data Analysis” under the “Tools” function.
Step 3: Select “Correlation” in the “Data Analysis” window.
Step 4: Select the population and revenue data in the “Input Range” (if
your input range includes the variable names “population” and
“revenues,” then check the “Labels in the first row”).
Step 5: Select an “Output Range” that does not overlap with the data.
Step 6: Hit “OK.” (See Excel Screen 12.1 for the programming and the
The Excel output is a correlation coefficient matrix with “population”
and “revenues” being presented as both columns and rows. The correlation
coefficient between them is the figure in the cross cell of “population” and
“revenues.” In this case, it is 0.755. What does that mean? Two pieces of
information are needed in interpreting a correlation coefficient—its direc-
tion and magnitude. A positive value of a coefficient indicates that both
factors move in the same direction. In other words, when the value of one
factor increases, the value of the other increases too. A negative value of a
coefficient indicates that the factors move in opposite directions. The mag-
nitude of a relationship is measured on a scale from –1.000 to 1.000. A
zero (0) would mean no relationship between the two factors, while 1.000
indicates a perfectly positive relationship and –1.000 a perfectly negative
relationship. Table 12.3 can be used as reference in explaining the correla-
tion coefficient value.
In our example, since the correlation coefficient is 0.755, we say that the
relationship between population and revenues is a strong positive relation-
ship, or that they are strongly positively associated. The establishment of this
relationship provides evidence that population may impact revenues. Notice
that the diagonal elements of the correlation matrix are 1.000. This is be-
cause a factor is perfectly positively associated with itself.
Table 12.3
Now, as an exercise, you may want to input the total expenditure data in
Table 2.1 on page 26 in the Excel file. Run a correlation analysis. The corre-
lation coefficient between population and expenditures should be 0.934, and
that between revenues and expenditures should be 0.884.
Table 12.4
Population Revenues ($) per capita ($)
Year (1) (2) (2)/(1)
Five years ago 173,122 198,837,119 1,149
Four years ago 176,373 265,927,499 1,508
Three years ago 180,462 249,374,988 1,382
Two years ago 184,639 265,884,544 1,440
One year ago 188,013 272,805,096 1,451
Average 1,386
improve financial condition to a certain degree, then the tax rate should be
increased by 2 percent.
Notice that, in our analysis, we examined the impact of one socioeco-
nomic/organizational factor on financial condition at a time. For example, in
the above case, we examined the impact of population on financial condi-
tion. In reality, it is very likely that more than one factor impacts financial
condition. For instance, it is possible that both population and household
income affect financial condition at the same time. When two or more socio-
economic/organizational factors are considered simultaneously in FCA, this
requires the use of advanced tools that are beyond the scope of this book.
A Case Study
Jeff knew the scope of the analysis would be limited by several factors and
he discussed these factors with Wendy to ensure that she understood these
limitations. First, the analysis would focus on budget solvency only. There
would be no attempt to address issues of long-term solvency and service
solvency, which could be done later if needed. Also, there would be no need to
repeat the analysis on cash solvency, which is always conducted at the end of a
fiscal year. The main results of last year’s cash solvency analysis can be seen in
the CAFR. Second, the analysis would focus on governmental funds only. No
attempts would be made to address the issues in other funds. This is because
the data of governmental funds are readily available, and the majority of the
city’s expenditures are for governmental activities. The city’s governmental-
activity expenditures are 67 percent of the total primary government expenses.
Third, the analysis would be limited by available measures and data. As
the analysis is needed in a short time, only measures and data available in the
CAFR would be used. There will be no time and budget to collect data be-
yond the city’s possession, which may be needed in a more comprehensive
analysis in the future. Fourth, the analysis would be guided by the financial
condition literature and experiences of city financial personnel. The latter is
Jeff decided to use two indicators to measure budget solvency. The first was
the operating ratio (Total Revenues/Total Expenditures), which assesses
the extent of revenues to cover expenses. The revenues include program
revenues and general revenues. A higher ratio indicates a higher budget
solvency. More specifically, a ratio of 1.000 indicates all revenues are used
to cover all expenditures. A ratio greater than 1.000 indicates revenues
exceed expenditures, and a ratio less than 1.000 suggests a deficit of rev-
enues over expenditures.
The second was the own-source ratio (Revenues from Own Sources/Total
Revenues), which measures the proportion of total revenues that comes from
the city’s own revenue sources. A higher ratio indicates less reliance on vul-
nerable intergovernmental revenues and a higher level of budget solvency.
Jeff also collected information about the following socioeconomic/
organizational factors that could influence budget solvency. (1) Assessed prop-
erty values can affect budget solvency by affecting the property tax revenues—
one of the largest revenues of the city. Assessed value increases should lead
to an increase in tax revenues, and therefore improve the operating ratio and
the own-source ratio. (2) Population fluctuation may influence both revenues
and expenditures, and thus budget solvency. Population increase can provide
more revenues through increased taxes and fees; population increase may
also lead to increased spending to support more public services. (3) Income
per capita in the city may also affect budget solvency. Increases in income
may suggest an increase in the tax base that results in improved budget sol-
vency. But, such increases may also suggest an increased demand for a high
quality of public services, which leads to higher spending and potentially
deteriorating budget solvency. (4) A higher unemployment rate may suggest
a bigger need for public assistances and services, which could negatively
affect budget solvency. (5) As far as the property tax rate, the millage can
influence the amount of revenue collected. Given the size of assessed prop-
erty values, a higher millage produces a larger amount of property taxes and
a higher level of budget solvency. Jeff collected the data for expenditures,
revenues, and all five socioeconomic/organizational factors for the last ten
years from the city’s CAFR, as shown in Table 12.5.
Table 12.5
Table 12.6
Operating Ratio and Own-Source Revenue Ratio
Operating Own-source
Year ratio revenue ratio
1 1.127 0.863
2 1.113 0.858
3 1.135 0.854
4 1.093 0.849
5 1.120 0.848
6 1.114 0.855
7 1.152 0.861
8 1.149 0.869
9 1.154 0.872
10 1.086 0.875
(this year)
How is the city’s budget solvency? Is there a warning trend in budget sol-
vency? To answer these questions, Jeff used the data in the above table to
compile data for the operating ratio and the own-source ratio for the past ten
years, as shown in Table 12.6. Notice that the operating ratio for this year is
1.086, which is the ratio of this year’s revenues ($285,705,000) to expendi-
tures ($263,139,000). This year’s own-source ratio, 0.875, is calculated from
this year’s own-source revenues ($249,941,000) divided by total revenues
The operating ratio shows the city had sufficient revenues to pay its bills
for the past ten years. Jeff used the value of the ratio 1.000 (Revenues =
Expenditures) as the benchmark to evaluate and explain the operating ratio.
The ratio has been greater than the benchmark, which indicates a satisfying
status of budget solvency in that indicator. The own-source ratio shows that
more than 85 percent of the city’s revenues came from its own sources, higher
than the national average of about 70 percent for local governments. This mea-
sure shows that the city does not appear to overrely on intergovernmental rev-
enues. As intergovernmental revenues can fluctuate over time and are not
considered a reliable source of revenues, absence of overreliance on intergov-
ernmental revenues suggests a satisfying status of budget solvency for the city.
Nevertheless, two issues concern Jeff. First, the operating ratio has fluctu-
ated over the last five years. This year’s ratio (1.086) is particularly low in
comparison with those of previous years (the average of the past ten years is
1.124). Thus, there may be a need to stabilize the ratio. Second, although the
own-source ratio is higher than the national average for local governments, it
is still lower than that of cities with populations greater than 100,000 in the
Table 12.7
Correlation with
operating ratio
Assessed property values 0.114
Population 0.072
Income per capita 0.086
Unemployment rate –0.307
The millage rate –0.266
state. It is also lower than several adjacent cities that have socioeconomic
characteristics that are similar to Lucille’s. These concerns indicate there is
still room for improvement in the city’s budget solvency. Jeff then decided to
continue the analysis to explore possible ways to improve the budget sol-
vency of the city.
Using the data in Table 12.5, Jeff first ran a correlation analysis of socio-
economic/organizational factors with the operating ratio. Table 12.7 shows
the result.
According to our rule of thumb to judge the relationship, none of these
relationships is strong (i.e., greater than 70 percent or less than –70 per-
cent). None of these factors appear to influence the ratio directly. However,
since the operating ratio is the division of revenues by expenditures (i.e.,
Revenues/Expenditures), one way to improve the ratio is to increase rev-
enues. So Jeff decided to examine factors that could influence revenues.
Table 12.8 shows the correlation between revenues and the socioeconomic/
organizational factors.
The results show that revenues are strongly and positively associated with
Table 12.8
Note: The figures are correlation coefficients. Strong relationships are highlighted in
Table 12.9
Note: The figures are correlation coefficients. Strong relationships are highlighted
in bold.
assessed property values, population, and income levels, which suggests that
an increase in these factors leads to the increase in revenues and, therefore,
the improvement of the operating ratio. The result also shows that the mill-
age is strongly and negatively associated with revenues. Revenue increase is
associated with millage decline. This bewildering relationship is the subject
of a later discussion in this chapter.
Jeff then ran a correlation analysis to assess the possible influences of socio-
economic/organizational factors on the own-source ratio. Table 12.9 presents
the results.
The result shows that the own-source ratio is strongly and positively asso-
ciated with assessed property values and population. Increase in assessed
property values and population could lead to improvement of the own-source
ratio. The millage is strongly and negatively associated with the ratio. In-
crease in the millage is associated with decline of the own-source ratio.
First, the relationship between assessed property values and budget solvency
can be simply specified in Figure 12.1.
In the current year, the city has assessed property values of $16,748,134,000
and collected $285,705,000 in tax revenues. In other words, the city collected
$0.0171 in revenue for every dollar of assessed value (i.e., $285,705,000/
$16,748,134,000 = 0.0171). This revenues/assessed value ratio has been con-
sistent for the past two years. The city has experienced a real estate boom
recently. It is expected that assessed property values will continue to grow at
an annual rate of about $700,000,000 in the next year. This would bring the
city an additional $11,970,000 ($700,000,000 × 0.0171) in revenue. As an ex-
ample to illustrate exactly how assessed value affects budget solvency, this
revenue increase would improve the operating ratio of the year by 0.046 (i.e.,
Additional Revenues/Expenditures = $11,970,000/$263,139,000 = 0.046).
Notice that this is the impact of increased assessed property values without
considering other factors that also influence budget solvency.
Revenue Increase
Expenditure Increase
Personal Income
The Millage
The Millage
A week later in a staff meeting, Jeff summarized the findings and recom-
mended actions to improve budget solvency. He recommended that the oper-
ating ratio should be stabilized at an average of 1.100 for the next five years.
This ratio ensures that revenues are sufficient to fund the existing level of
services and the continual accumulation of the city’s financial reserve. He
also recommended an increase in the own-source ratio from the current 0.875
to 0.900 for the next five years in order to withstand the impact of any pos-
sible decline in intergovernmental assistance.
Jeff recommended several strategies to achieve these budget solvency
goals. First, the city should continue its efforts to provide a family-friendly
environment in order to attract more working people. Second, the city
should maintain a quality of life environment that ensures the healthy
development of the local economy and real estate market. Third, the city
should stress its existing economic development strategies that attract
employers that can bring high-paid jobs to the community. Fourth, the
rollback policy related to the property tax rate significantly limits the
city’s capacity to increase revenues. A review of this policy may be nec-
essary. Jeff argued that any significant increase in assessed property val-
ues would be offset by the rollback policy. The impact of the policy would
be particularly salient during economic downturns, when the city’s
economy-sensitive revenue bases would be in decline. As assessed prop-
erty values are less sensitive to cyclical changes in the economy, prop-
erty tax revenues might be one of a few revenue options the city has to
use to survive bad economic times. Any measure that eases the rollback
policy to give the city flexibility in property tax rates, assessment, and
collection should be considered.
1. Key Terms
Table 12.10
Public General
Year safety government Total
1 94,367 11,222 157,849
2 100,034 9,831 166,754
3 105,669 10,910 171,030
4 112,433 11,001 182,867
5 117,023 10,234 188,981
Quick ratio
Operating ratio
Own-source ratio
Net asset ratio
Long-term debt ratio
Net assets per capita
Long-term debt per capita
Socioeconomic/organizational factors
Theoretical justification of measurement
Measurement controllability
Warning trends
Correlation coefficient
Interpretation of correlation coefficient values
Exact form of relationship
2. Calculation
Table 12.10 shows expenditure data for the past five years in an urban city.
3. Application
In the case study, we examined the budgetary solvency in the city of Lucille.
Now the city manager wants an analysis of all four dimensions of FCA—
cash solvency, budgetary solvency, long-run solvency, and service solvency.
Only data from the past five years are available for analysis. Table 12.11
presents additional data from the city’s CAFR.
Table 12.11
City of Lucille’s Additional Financial Data for the Past Five Years ($)
4. Application
2. Calculations
3. Calculations
Now, let us forecast the revenue for Year 12, temporarily assuming that
there is no 10 percent contract increase of revenue from BellSouth. Forecast
for Year 12 = $19,365,666 + $855, 333 = $20,220,999.
Let us also forecast the revenue from BellSouth with an assumption that
there is no 10 percent contract increase. Using TMA, we have: forecast for
Year 10 from BellSouth = $7,062,000 + [($7,062,000–$6,700,000) +
($6,700,000–$5,950,000) + ($5,950,000–$6,036,000)]/3 = $7,062,000 +
$342,000 = $7,404,000. Forecast for Year 11 from BellSouth = $7,404,000
+ $342,000 = $7,746,000. Forecast for Year 12 from BellSouth = $7,746,000
+ $342,000 = $8,088,000
Now, a 10 percent contract increase of the revenue from BellSouth for
Year 12 will bring an additional 10 percent × $8,088,000 = $808,800, which
should be added to the forecast for Year 12. So, the forecast for Year 12 (with
the 10 percent BellSouth contract increase) = $20,220,999 + $808,800 =
Since the city reclassified this revenue in Year 5, we should use data after that
time. A quick review of the data from Year 6 to Year 10 does not indicate a
clear trend, with two years of increase (Years 7 and 9) and two years of
decline (Years 8 and 10). An application of SMA on the latest three years’
data yields a forecast of $8,863,085 (($8,249,782 + $10,783,255 +
$7,556,219)/3). Your response to the finance director might go something
like this:
“I have decided to use this figure as a forecast basis, and take it to the
financial officials of the city for their input on any significant socioeconomic
or organizational changes in the city that could influence this revenue. I will
make adjustment for the forecast based on these inputs. With regard to the 95
percent underestimation, it is the finance director’ right to take whatever per-
centage he or she wants. But, it is my obligation as a forecasting professional
to give the most accurate figure I can come up with.”
2. Calculation
3. Calculation
4. Calculation
You need to first calculate the police expenditure per capita for the past ten
years, then use these figures to compute police expenditure per capita growth
rate (use the example in Table 2.1 for reference). You should arrive at an
average growth rate of 4.0 percent. Last year’s police expenditure per capita
was $356.20 ($211,635,000/594,176). The estimated police expenditure per
capita for the next year is $356.20(1.040) = $370.40.
2. Calculations
Here are examples of three administrative or office cost items and the related
measures. You can come up with your own. The first cost item is a manager’s
salary and benefit. The measure of time spent is “the number of hours spent
by the manager.” The measure of output is “the number of reports produced
by the manager” or “the number of directives issued by the manager.” The
second cost item is the electricity bill. The measure of time spent is “the
number of work hours.” The measure of output is “the number of products or
services provided by an agency.” The third cost item is office expenses. The
measure of manpower used is “the number of workers.” The measure of out-
put is “the number of products produced by an agency.”
4. Cost of Operations
1. In the last year, the three most expensive functions were police,
wastewater, and fire.
2. In the last year, police expenses were $82,247,630 (20.2 percent of
total). Wastewater expenses were $60,340,070 (14.8 percent of to-
tal). Fire protection expenses were $46,395,168 (11.4 percent of to-
tal). The total expenses were $407,204,348.
3. Two years ago, police expenses were $73,354,220 (20.1 percent).
Wastewater expenses were $60,673,007 (16.7 percent). Fire protec-
tion expenses were $36,513,281 (10.0 percent). The total expenses
were $364,196,770.
4. There was an increase in total expenses by $43,007,578 ($407,204,348
– $364,196,770) during this period. This was an 11.8 percent
($43,007,578/$364,196,770) increase, which means that city services
were 11.8 percent more expensive. The police expenses increased by
$8,893,410 ($82,247,630 – $73,354,220). The fire expenses grew by
$9,881,887. The wastewater expenses declined by $332,937. Of the
total increase of $43,007,578, 20.0 percent ($8,893,410/$43,007,578)
was attributed to the increase in the police expenses, and 23 per-
cent ($9,881,887/$43,007,578) was due to the increase in the fire
5. The expenses per capita were $2,089 last year and $1,895 two years
ago. The increase was $194, 10.3 percent. This suggests that the
city’s residents may eventually have to pay more for city services.
The PVC for the buy option is $20,673. The PVC for the lease option is
$19,243. So, the printer should be leased. The same conclusion should be
reached with the annualized cost analysis.
2. Calculations
The recyclable materials increase from 3,500 to 5,000 tons. That is a 1,500-
ton increase. The total quantity for the second year is 49,780 + 1,500 = 51,280.
Because the purchase price of the vehicle is $30,000 and the maintenance
cost is $10,000 per year, FC (quantity = 51,280) = $1,715,000 + $30,000 +
2. Calculations
1. When the discount rate is 5 percent, the NPV is –$1,692, less than
that at the 10 percent level, but still negative. Sometimes, it is infor-
mative to calculate the discount rate when the NPV is zero (the in-
ternal rate of return).
2. When the cost of ineffective replacement increases to $65, the NPV
is positive and the purchase becomes economically feasible. In
reality, the cost of ineffective replacement changes quite often, so
a sensitivity analysis should be applied. In fact, when the discount
rate is 10 percent, the NPV (when the cost of ineffective replace-
ment = $20) = –$11,088; the NPV (when the cost of ineffective
4. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
With a seven-year term and a 5 percent discount rate, the PVC per student for
Option A is $22,689,230/1,600 = $14,181. The PVC per student for Option
B is $22,227,076/1,500 = $14,818. Option A is more cost-effective (i.e., it is
less expensive to educate each student).
The city’s negative change of net assets should cause concern. Financial
monitoring of this indicator should be performed. The current ratio shows
the city is in good standing in liquidity. The total asset turnover indicates that
every dollar of the city’s assets brings a quarter in revenue.
An examination of CAFRs for the past three years shows that the city had net
asset increases two years in a row prior to this year’s decline. The concern
over the net asset decline of this year is alleviated a little. Nevertheless, the
net asset change should be closely monitored. The analysis also shows that
the change in the current ratio is in the territory of a normal change. The
measure of the expenditure per resident indicates that city services have be-
come more expensive for the past three years.
2. Calculations
1. Using Excel, you should easily have: variance of net daily cash flows
= $1,410.
2. Spread = 3 × (0.75 × 10 × $1,410/0.000274)1/3 = $1,014. Lower limit
= $200. Upper limit = $1,214. Return point = $200 + ($1,014/3) = $538.
of the months. For example, the January receipt data of the past
three years are $865,000, $873,650, and $871,903—the cash flow
increases and then declines. Because there is no trend discovered in
cash flows, you can use SMA in forecasting the cash receipts and
disbursements for the next twelve months. You can then calculate
net cash flows for every month by using forecast receipts minus
disbursements: –$99,196 in January; $10,007 in February; $20,120
in March; $246,468 in April; $531,753 in May; –$187,115 in June;
–$229,366 in July; $45,270 in August; –$30,180 in September;
–$65,390 in October; $575,428 in November; and –$341,032 in De-
cember. The foundation also has a forecast average cash balance of
2. The variance of monthly net cash flow with the above data is
$79,744,304,424. Dividing it by thirty (the number of days in a month),
we have the “variance of daily net cash flow”: $2,658,143,481. From
other information given, the spread = 3 × (0.75 × 200 × $2,658,143,481/
0.000137)1/3 = $428,323. Lower limit = $1,000,000. Upper limit =
$1,428,323. Return point = $1,142,774
3. The foundation has a forecast average cash balance of $2,302,776.
The Miller-Orr results indicate that the foundation can invest some
of this money. One possible investment strategy suggested by the
model is that the foundation always keep a minimum cash balance
of $1,000,000, and, if the cash balance falls below it, replenish cash
by an amount of $1,142,774 – $1,000,000 = $142,774. If the cash
balance exceeds $1,428,323, the foundation should invest by the
amount of $1,428,323 – $1,142,774 = $285,549.
2. Calculation
3. Application
Is there any warning trend in the cash ratio or the quick ratio? The values of
the cash ratio for the past five years have been 3.42, 3.76, 4.25, 2.52, and
3.59. The values of the quick ratio have been 3.85, 4.30, 4.25, 2.52, and 3.63.
Both indicators show that the city appears to have high liquidity. No clear
trends are identified from this data, except that the ratios in Year 4 (2.52 for
both the cash ratio and the quick ratio) appeared to be significantly lower
than those of other years. Cash and cash-related assets were particularly low
in that year, which deserves a close examination.
A correlation analysis has been conducted to specify the relationships
between the cash ratio and assessed taxable values (the correlation coeffi-
cient = –0.33), population (–0.27), income per capita (–0.28), the unem-
ployment rate (–0.43), and the millage (0.33), and between the quick ratio
and assessed taxable values (–0.57), population (–0.54), income per capita
(–0.48), unemployment rate (–0.57), and the millage (0.60). No strong rela-
tionship has been discovered. The cash solvency appears to be impacted by
factors other than those included in this study. Further identification and ex-
amination of these factors are needed. The status of cash solvency in the city
appears good now. However, the need for a good model to predict cash sol-
vency will become more urgent when cash solvency deteriorates.
Budgetary Solvency
Long-Run Solvency
The values of net asset ratio have increased for the past five years: 0.43, 0.46,
0.48, 0.51, and 0.54, which indicates that the city’s long-run solvency by this
measure has improved during that time. However, until information about
other long-run solvency measures (such as the long-term debt ratio) becomes
available for analysis, it is difficult to develop a complete picture of long-run
solvency for the city.
The net asset ratio is strongly associated with assessed taxable values (the
correlation coefficient = 0.99), population (0.99), and income per capita (0.98),
which suggests that the increased values of these factors may improve the
city’s long-run solvency. Nevertheless, the positive relationship between the
net asset ratio and the unemployment rate (0.86) is puzzling. Since only five
years of data are analyzed, this relationship could be spurious. This finding
needs to be reexamined when more data become available.
Service-Level Solvency
The values of net assets per capita have increased for the past five years:
$3,337.90, $3,570.50, $3,770.20, $3,996.80, and $4,253.90. The city’s ser-
vice-level solvency by this measure has improved during this time. The net
assets per capita appear to be associated with all of the socioeconomic/orga-
nizational factors in this study. But again, since only five years of data are
used for analysis, these findings need to be reexamined when more data be-
come available.
Governmental activity, 28, 29, 31t, 88, Marginal cost (MC), 64–66, 67, 68, 69
129, 130–31 Materiality, 122
Governmental funds, 138–40 Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE),
11–13, 15–16
Income determination, 138 Measurable/quantifiable project objectives,
Incremental changes, 9, 12–13, 15 73
Incremental cost analysis Measurement affordability, 150
case study, 66–67, 68t Measurement controllability, 153
concepts/tool, 64–66 Measurement focus, 138
cost comparison, 67, 68t Measurement reliability, 150
cost item examination, 67 Measurement validity, 150
decision-making, 63–64, 67 Measures of association, 155
defined, 63–64 Millage, 160–68
exercises, 67–69, 179–80 Miller-Orr model, 102–6, 107–8
fixed cost (FC), 64–66, 68–69 Miscellaneous revenue forecasting, 20
incremental cost (IC), 64–66, 67, 68, Mixed cost, 64
69 Modified accrual basis accounting, 133,
key terms, 67–68 134
learning objectives, 63–64 Modifier, 14–15
marginal cost (MC), 64–66, 67, 68, 69 Monetary denominator, 122
mixed cost, 64 Monitoring frequency, 90
quantity range, 64 Mutually exclusive benefits, 73
steps, 67 Mutually inclusive objectives, 73
sunk costs, 64
total cost (TC), 64 Net assets
variable cost (VC), 64–66, 69 change in, 88, 89, 132–33
zero-based budgeting (ZBD), 69 per capita, 152
Indirect cost, 44–45 ratio, 151
Indirect services, 129 See also Statement of net assets
Institutional/policy change, 30, 31t Net cash flow, 102–9
Interest payable accounts, 117 Net (expense) revenue, 130–31, 132t
Interest/penalty receivable, 117 Net present value (NPV), 70–72, 78, 79, 80
Interest rate, 56, 61, 102–6 Net worth, 115–16
Intergovernmental assistance, 29–30, 31t Noncurrent assets, 116–17
Internal service fund, 141 Noncurrent liabilities, 117
Investment, 102–9 Nonfinancial indicators, 86
Investment account, 117 Nonguaranteed debt, 29
Investment return, 99
Investment trust funds, 141–42 Objective evidence, 122
Operating cost, 45, 46–47, 49–50, 54
Lease-buy decisions, 62 Operating ratio, 151, 160–68
Legal merit, 31, 32 Operating surplus/deficit, 88, 91–92
Liabilities, 87–88, 116, 117–18, Opportunity cost, 74
123–25 Optimal cash balance, 99, 102–9
License/permit/fee-revenue, 18–19 Outcome measure, 73
Liquidity, 87–88, 90, 99 Output measure, 54, 73
Long-run solvency, 150, 151–52 Overforecast, 8
Long-term assets, 88, 117 Overhead rate, 44–45, 46
Long-term debt, 118 Own-source ratio, 151, 160–68
Long-term debt per capita, 152
Long-term debt ratio, 152 Pension trust funds, 141
Long-term liabilities, 88 Personal income, 160–68
Lower limit, 102–9 Personnel cost, 45, 46, 49, 64
Low-risk investment, 102 Political merit, 31–32