Dynatest: 3032 Light Weight Deflectometer
Dynatest: 3032 Light Weight Deflectometer
Dynatest: 3032 Light Weight Deflectometer
The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) meets the ASTM 2583, the CD225 (UK) standard, and other
international standards for determining the modulus and compaction of the material.
A closer look at the smart Features of Dynatest Light Weight Deflec-
tometer 3032 (LWD)
Being the number one choice among our customers remains the number one priority for Dynatest and the
vital driver of our Research and Development (R&D) efforts. The Dynatest Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)
Model 3032 has more key customer features than any other LWD on the market - let’s have a closer look.
Easy data collection with the Dynatest Micro-USB port for easy charging. Using the latest energy-efficient technologies increases the
LWD Mobile App. idle and working time of your Dynatest LWD.
Comprehensive accessory program to customize your Dynatest LWD
for your needs.
The new Dynatest Light Weight Deflectometer is ready to be used in all standard measurement assignments
and is delivered with our user friendly manual in order to get your pavement testing started as quickly as
possible. If requested, a personalized training regarding the use of the equipment, the mobile app and the
software, can be offered by Dynatest: both online training and on-site training are possible options, carried out
by a qualified Dynatest engineer. We offer a comprehensive program of accessories and software in order for
you to customize the LWD after your needs.
Geophone Kit, Sensor Beam incl. 2 additional Transportation Trolley, for ease of transportation
geophones. on site.
With the Pro license version of the LWD App, all the
calculations are done automatically, while measuring in
the field. The results are shown by adjustable graphs.
The Pro App shows a summary of the acquired data, and
clearly points out when the test is passed or failed.
LWDMod software provides an ideal analysis package for your
Dynatest Light Weight Deflectometer.
The non licensed LWDMod is delivered as standard with the LWD 3032 equipment. It is a desktop
application designed to run on any PC with Windows 7 or higher and offers advanced features for data
organization, analysis, and reporting.
The non licensed version of LWDMod is a free version that include the following features.
LWDMod, licensed version, will give you enhanced calculations and analysis:
• One license required per PC
• Data Visualization—including figures and summary tables
• Calculation and Analysis including: back-calculation of layer moduli, overlay design thickness
calculations, depth to bedrock, subgrade no-linearity, and estimation of the layer thickness
During your road formation and foundation, it is key to conduct a proper quality control and assurance testing
including stiffness and density measurement. The modulus of the layers will affect the bearing capacity,
and if the construction is not properly done, the spread of the load to the layers beneath could be critical. It
is essential that stresses and strains in every structural layer are within the defined range. The same quality
assessment is of course as important when strengthening and maintaining of an old road.
The Falling Weight Deflectometer is the perfect measuring equipment to identify local spots or poor
performance and the Light Weight Deflectometer from Dynatest is a perfect equipment to identify local
issues or poor compaction and it will offer you a portable and cost-effective solution for your quality control.