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Gas Network Modeling

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Efficient Numerical Methods for Gas Network Modeling and

Yue Qiu† , Sara Grundel‡ , Martin Stoll§, Peter Benner¶
arXiv:1807.07142v2 [math.NA] 25 Nov 2018

We study the modeling and simulation of gas pipeline networks, with a focus on fast
numerical methods for the simulation of transient dynamics. The obtained mathematical
model of the underlying network is represented by a nonlinear differential algebraic equation
(DAE). With our modeling, we reduce the number of algebraic constraints, which correspond to
the (2, 2) block in our semi-explicit DAE model, to the order of junction nodes in the network,
where a junction node couples at least three pipelines. We can furthermore ensure that the
(1, 1) block of all system matrices including the Jacobian is block lower triangular by using
a specific ordering of the pipes of the network. We then exploit this structure to propose an
efficient preconditioner for the fast simulation of the network. We test our numerical methods
on benchmark problems of (well-)known gas networks and the numerical results show the
efficiency of our methods.

Keywords: gas networks modeling, isothermal Euler equation, directed acyclic graph
(DAG), differential algebraic equation (DAE), preconditioning

1 Introduction
Natural gas is one of the most widely used energy sources in the world, as it is easily transport-
able, storable and usable to generate heat and electricity. Even though research on the transient
gas network dates back to the 1980s [1, 2], often only stationary solutions of the gas network are
computed. This is also reasonable as the variation in a classically operated gas transportation net-
works enforces no need for a truly transient simulation. However as we move from classical energy
sources to renewable energy sources in which we may use the gas pipelines to deal with flexibility
from volatile energy creation, the need for fast transient simulation will increase. In recent years,
research on natural gas networks focuses on a variety of topics: transient simulations [1–5], op-
timization and control [6–8], time splitting schemes for solving the parabolic flow equations [9],
discretization methods [10, 11], and model sensitivity study [12] to mention a few. It is obvious
that efficient simulation techniques are needed both for design and for control.
The objective of this paper is to speed up the computations at the heart of each simulation.
For that we make use of a discretization that respects the hyperbolic nature of the problem by
using a finite volume method (FVM), as well as exploiting the network structure to create good
properties for the computations. We start as it is standard for modeling gas transport in a pipeline
by the one-dimensional isothermal Euler equation, which is a partial differential equation (PDE).
∗ This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/EFRE: ZS/2016/04/78156) within

the Research Center Dynamic Systems: Systems Engineering (CDS).

† Corresponding author. Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, SandtorStraße 1,

39108, Magdeburg, Germany. E-mail: qiu@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de, y.qiu@gmx.us

‡ Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, SandtorStraße 1, 39108, Magdeburg, Ger-

many. E-mail: grundel@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de

§ Technische Universität Chemnitz, Faculty of Mathematics, Reichenhainer Straße 41, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany.

E-mail: martin.stoll@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
¶ Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, SandtorStraße 1, 39108, Magdeburg, Ger-

many. E-mail: benner@mpi-magdeburg.mpg.de

We introduce the necessary discrete variables for the pressure and the flux on each pipe and make
sure to use as little algebraic equations as possible when considering a network of pipes. By further
exploiting the structure of the system, we propose a preconditioner that enables fast solution of
such a nonlinear equation using a preconditioned Krylov solver at each Newton iteration.
The structure of this paper is as follows. We introduce the incompressible isothermal Euler
equation for the gas dynamics modeling of each pipeline of the network in Section 2, and we apply
the finite volume method (FVM) to discretize the incompressible isothermal Euler equation in
Section 2. In Section 3, we introduce the details of gas network modeling starting from assembling
all pipelines. This results in a set of nonlinear DAEs for the network model. We propose numerical
algorithms to solve the resulting nonlinear DAE in Section 4 to simulate the gas network. We use
benchmark problems from gas pipeline networks to show the efficiency and the advantage of our
numerical algorithms in Section 5, and we draw conclusions in the last section.

2 Gas Dynamics in Pipelines

In a typical gas transport network the main components are pipelines (or pipes, for short). In
this section, we will discuss the dynamics of gas transported along pipes.

2.1 1D Isothermal Euler Equation

The dynamics of gas transported along pipes is described by the Euler equation, which rep-
resents the laws of mass conservation, momentum conservation, and energy conservation. In this
paper, we assume that the temperature is constant throughout the gas network, leading to the
isothermal Euler equations. Therefore, the energy equation can be neglected. This may seem un-
realistic, but for onshore gas networks, in which the pipes are buried underground, the temperature
along pipes does not change much. This assumption greatly reduces the complexity of modeling
and is widely used in the simulation of gas networks [5, 13–16].
Consider the 1D isothermal Euler equation over the spatial domain [0, L] given by

∂ ∂
ρ = − ϕ, (1a)
∂t ∂x
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ λ(ϕ)
ϕ=− p− (ρv 2 ) − gρ h − ρv|v|, (1b)
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x 2d
p = γ(T )z(p, T )ρ. (1c)

Here, ρ is the density of the gas (kg/m3 ), ϕ represents the flow rate and ϕ = ρv with v the
velocity of the gas (m/s), d is the diameter of the pipe (m), λ is the friction factor of the gas.
Meanwhile, p denotes the pressure of the gas (N/m2 ), T is the temperature of the gas (K), and z
denotes the compressibility factor. The conservation of mass is given by (1a), and the conservation
of momentum is represented by (1b), while the state equation (1c) couples the pressure with the
By using the mass flow q = aϕ to substitute into (1a)–(1b), where a is the cross-section area
of pipes, we get

∂ 1 ∂
ρ=− q, (2a)
∂t a ∂x
1 ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ q2 ∂ λ(q) q|q|
q =− p− 2 − gρ h − , (2b)
a ∂t ∂x a ∂x ρ ∂x 2da2 ρ
p = γ(T )z(p, T )ρ. (2c)

For the isothermal case, the temperature T equals T0 throughout the network, then γ(T ) = γ(T0 ) =
γ0 , and z(p, T ) = z(p, T0 ) = z0 (p). Therefore, the compressibility factor z(p, T ) is only related to

the pressure p and we can rewrite (2a)–(2c) as

1 ∂ p 1 ∂
=− q, (3a)
γ0 ∂t z0 (p) a ∂x
1 ∂ ∂ γ0 ∂ q 2 z0 (p) g p ∂ λ(q)γ0 q|q|
q =− p− 2 − h− 2
z0 (p) . (3b)
a ∂t ∂x a ∂x p γ z (p) ∂x 2da p
| {z } | 0 0 {z } | {z }
inertia term gravity term friction term

For the inertia term, it is studied in [13] that

γ0 ∂ q 2 z0 (p) ∂
≈ 10−3 p.
a ∂x p ∂x
Therefore, the inertia term can be neglected and this neglection greatly simplifies the model, which
is standard in the study of gas networks [4, 7, 8]. In this paper, we also use this simplification.
Meanwhile, we will often assume that the elevation of pipes is homogeneous. The gravity term
in (3b) then vanishes. However this term is easily treatable within our framework, which we will
illustrate later in this section.
Now, we get the model that describes the dynamics of isothermal gas transported along homo-
geneous elevation pipes given by
∂ p γ0 ∂
=− q, (4a)
∂t z0 (p) a ∂x
∂ ∂ λ(q)γ0 q|q|
q = −a p − z0 (p) . (4b)
∂t ∂x 2da p

The details of modeling the compressibility factor z0 (p) and the friction factor λ(q) are described
in [17].

2.2 Finite Volume Discretization

In this paper, the dynamics of the gas transported along pipes are described by the 1D iso-
thermal incompressible Euler equation (z0 (p) = 1) over the spatial domain [0, L] with homogeneous
elevation. According to (4a)–(4b) we have

∂ c ∂
p+ q = 0, (5a)
∂t a ∂x
∂ ∂ cλ q|q|
q+a p+ = 0. (5b)
∂t ∂x 2da p

For simplification of notation we introduce c = γ0 and we also assume λ(q) ≡ λ. The system (5a)–
(5b) is nonlinear due to the friction term. For gas transportation pipes, the boundary condition
at the inflow point x = 0 is given by the prescribed pressure ps , while the boundary condition at
the outflow point x = L is represented by the given mass flow (gas demand) qd . Therefore, the
boundary conditions for (5a)–(5b) are given as
p = ps , at x = 0,
q = qd , at x = L.

For the well-posedness and the regularity of the solution of the system (5)–(6), we refer to [18].
More advanced numerical schemes for hyperbolic PDEs, such as the total variation diminishing
(TVD) method [19], or the discontinuous Galerkin method (DG) [20], could be implemented at
the next step of our research to investigate more complicated dynamics of the gas networks. The
scope of our paper is to develop a systematic numerical methodology for the fast simulation of the
network dynamics while taking numerical accuracy into account.
For such an FVM discretization, we partition the domain as shown in Figure 1.

e w

Figure 1: finite volume cells partition

In Figure 1, the left boundary of the control volume is denoted by ‘e’ while the right boundary
of the control volume is denoted by ‘w’. For the isothermal incompressible Euler equation (5a)–
(5b), we have two variables, i.e., the pressure p, and the mass flow q. Together with the boundary
condition (6), we use two different control volume partitions for the pressure and mass flow nodes,
which are shown in Figure 2.

e w e w

(a) control volumes partition for p (b) control volumes partition for q

Figure 2: control volumes partition for p and q

To apply the FVM to discretize the PDE and the boundary condition, we integrate (5a)–(5b)
over each control volume. To be specific, we integrate (5a) over the pressure control volume in
Figure 2(a), and integrate (5b) over the mass flow control volume in Figure 2(b).
To integrate (5a) over the i-th control pressure control volume Ci , we have
∂t p + ∂x q dx = 0.
Ci a
The discretization point in Ci is either a virtual node along a pipe or a real node that connects
two different pipes. Therefore, the coefficient a of the PDE (5a)–(5b), which represents the cross-
section area of a pipe, may have a sudden change at the node in control volume Ci . Here, we use
Ci− and Ci+ to partition the control volume Ci with Ci = Ci− ∪ Ci+ , and the lengths of Ci− and
Ci+ are hi−1
2 and h2i , respectively. This partition is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Separation of control volume Ci

Therefore, we get Z Z Z
c c
∂t p dx + ∂x q dx + ∂x q dx = 0.
Ci Ci− a Ci+ a
Furthermore, by applying the midpoint rule, we get
hi−1 + hi c qi−1 + qi c qi + qi+1
∂t pi + qi − + − qi = 0,
2 ai−1 2 ai 2
hi−1 + hi 1 1 1 1
∂t pi + c − qi−1 + − qi + qi+1 = 0, (7)
2 2ai−1 2ai−1 2ai 2ai
where pi and qi are the values at the center of the control volume for i = 2, . . . , n − 1. Similarly,
for the rightmost control volume of the pressure in Figure 2(a), we have
c  hn−1 3hn−1 c
∂t p + ∂x q dx ≈ ∂t pn−1 + ∂t pn + (qn − qn−1 ) = 0, (8)

Cn a 8 8 2an−1

where pn and qn are the values at the end of the pipe. For the i-th mass flow control volume Ci
shown in Figure 2(b), we integrate (5b) over it and get
c λ q|q|
(∂t q + a∂x p) dx = − dx.
Ci 2 Ci ad p

Applying the same partition of Ci as in Figure 3, we have,
(∂t q + a∂x p) dx = (∂t q + a∂x p) dx + (∂t q + a∂x p) dx
Ci Ci− Ci+
hi−1 ai−1 hi ai
≈ ∂t qi + (pi − pi−1 ) + ∂t qi + (pi+1 − pi )
2 2  2 2 
hi−1 + hi ai−1 ai−1 − ai ai
= ∂t qi + − pi−1 + pi + pi+1 ,
2 2 2 2

qi |qi |
λ q|q| 1 hi−1 λi−1 hi λ i
dx ≈ + .
Ci ad p 2 ai−1 di−1 a i di pi
Therefore, for the i-th mass flow control volume Ci , we have
hi−1 + hi ai−1 ai−1 − ai ai c hi−1 λi−1 hi λi qi |qi |
∂t qi + − pi−1 + pi + pi+1 = − + . (9)
2 2 2 2 4 ai−1 di−1 ai di pi

Similarly, for the leftmost mass flow control volume, we get

3h1 h2 a1 ch1 λ1 q1 |q1 |

∂t q1 + ∂t q2 + (−p1 + p2 ) = − . (10)
8 8 2 4a1 d1 p1

where p1 and q1 are the values at the beginning of the pipe. Associating (7)–(10) with the boundary
condition (6), we get
right BC left BC
       z }| { z }| {  
Mp ∂t p 0 Kpq p Bq 0 0
= + qd + ps + , (11)
Mq ∂t q Kqp 0 q 0 Bp g(ps , p, q)
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
M K Bq Bp

where the mass matrices Mp and Mq are given by

 h1 +h2   3h1 h1 
2 8 8
 h2 +h3   h1 +h2 
2 2
h2 +h3
   
Mp =  ..
, Mq =  ,
   
. 2
 hn−2 +hn−1
  .. 

  . 
hn−1 3hn−1 hn−2 +hn−1
8 8 2

and  1 1
− a12 1 
− a1 a1 a2

 − a12 1
a2 − a13 1

c .. .. .. 
. . . 
Kpq =−  1 1 1 1
 − an−3 an−3 − an−2 an−2

1 1 1 
− an−2 an−2 − an−1 

− an−1
is an upper-triangular matrix with 3 diagonals and
 
a1 − a2 a2 
 
1 −a 2 a 2 − a3 a3 
Kqp = −  ,

2 −a 3 a 3 − a4 a4 
 . .. .. .. 
 . . 
−an−2 an−2 − an−1 an−1

is a lower-triangular matrix with 3 diagonals. Meanwhile,
h1 λ1 q1 |q1 |
 
   
a1 a1 d1 ps
 ..  ( ha11 λd11 + ha22 λd22 ) q2p|q22 |
 
a1   
c .  10
  c 
h2 λ2 h3 λ3 q3 |q3 |

Bq = −  0  , Bp =   , g(ps , p, q) = − 
 ( a2 d2 + a3 d3 ) p3  . (12)

2 1  2  ..  4 . 
a 
.  .

 
an−1 0 ( han−2 λn−2
+ hn−1 λn−1 qn−1 |qn−1 |
n−2 dn−2 an−1 dn−1 pn−1

The vectors  T  T
p = p2 p3 ··· pn , q = q1 q2 ··· qn−1 ,
represent the discretized analog of p and q to be computed, while p1 = ps , and qn = qd .
The discretized model for the dynamics of gas transported along pipes shown in (11) is a
nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE). The nonlinear term in this ODE comes from the
discretization of the friction term in the momentum equation (5b).
Remark 2.1. The obtained model in (11) results from the discretization of the incompressible
isothermal Euler equation of homogeneous elevation (5a)–(5b). However, we note that for the het-
erogeneous elevation case, the gravity term in (3b) is linear in the pressure p. After discretization,
this term will introduces an additional term in the position of Kqp in (11). This new term does not
change the structure of the model that we obtained in (11). The structure we refer to here is the
block structure of the matrices involved in describing the equation as well as the sparsity pattern of
all Jacobians of the nonlinear functions.
Note that we impose the boundary condition (6) by using the prescribed pressure at the inflow
point and the given mass flow at the outflow point. However one can also impose a negative mass
flow at the outflow point making it an inflow point, and for more complex topology of the network
with more than one supply node, it can happen that the gas flows out at a so called inflow point.
Computational results in the numerical experiment show this.

3 Network Modeling
Within this paper, we focus on passive networks to demonstrate how advanced numerical linear
algebra can benefit the fast simulation of such a network. When we say passive network we mean
a network that does not contain active elements, such as compressors, valves, etc. [21]. This
simplification allows us to maintain a differential algebraic model without combinatorial aspects.
For the modeling of the network with compressors and valves we refer to [17, 22]. In this section,
we introduce a new scheme for the modeling of the passive networks.
The abstract gas network is described by a directed graph

G = (E, N ), (13)

where E denotes the set of edges, which contains the pipes in the gas network. N represents the
set of nodes, which consist of the set of supply nodes Ns , demand nodes Nd , and interior nodes
N0 of the network. Here, the supply nodes represent the set of nodes in the network where gas
is injected into the network or more precisely where the pressure is given, and the demand nodes
form a set of nodes where the gas is extracted, where an outgoing flux is described and interior
nodes are the rest. We assume from now on that demand nodes and supply nodes are the only
boundary nodes. That means they are only connected to one pipe. If supply or demand nodes
exist that are connected to more than one edge, we add a short pipe to that node and declare the
new node as the demand or supply node and the old one becomes an interior node. Sometimes
interior nodes are called junction nodes [23], but for us junction nodes are more specific.
Definition 3.1. The nodes inside a graph G, which connect at least three edges, are called junction

Denote Nj ⊂ N the set of junction nodes of a given graph G. Since in our graph Ns ∪ Nd is
equal to the set of boundary nodes, we have Nj ⊂ N0 . From now on we will assume that besides
our original graph G, we also have the graph G̃, which is the graph created from G by smoothing
out the vertices N0 \Nj . Smoothing the vertex w, which is connected to the edges e1 and e2 , is
the operation which removes w as well as both edges and adds a new edge to the starting and end
points of the pair. This edge can be given the direction of any of the two removed edges. Here, it
is emphasized that only vertices that connect exactly two edges can be smoothed. This is however
the case for the vertices in N0 \Nj . This means our new graph G̃ = (Ẽ, Ñ ) is a directed graph,
which only has demand nodes, supply nodes and junction nodes in the sense of Definition 3.1.

1 9

2 8

3 7

Figure 4: A typical gas network

An example network is shown in Figure 4. Here, nodes 1 and 10 denote the supply nodes, node
6 represents the demand node. According to Definition 3.1, only node 4 in Figure 4 is a junction
node. This means we can replace this graph by the smoothed graph given in Figure 5

1 2

Figure 5: Smoothed network of Figure 4 with an ordering of the pipes.

By making use of the smoothed graph, the number of algebraic constraints is kept small, while
the edges which represent several pipes become long. More details on the number of algebraic
constraints will be presented in Proposition 3.1 at the end of this section. For each such long
(i) (i) (i) (i)
pipe i ∈ Ẽ, we have the set of variables p1 , . . . , pn(i) and q1 , . . . , qn(i) that represent the discrete
analog of p and q, respectively. Here n(i) is the number of discretization points in a certain edge.
The smoothed out nodes of the original graph are merely discretization points. We will denote
(i) (i) (i) (i)
p1 = ps and qn(i) = qd , for now, as they are boundary conditions in a one pipe system.

Remark 3.1. Our gas network is modeled by a directed graph G = (E, N ), where the set of
boundary nodes is equal to the union of supply nodes and demand nodes. All edges E are pipes,
and an edge attached to a supply node is called a supply pipe, while an edge attached to a demand
node is called a demand pipe. A supply pipe is directed away from the supply node and a demand
pipe is directed towards the demand node. By smoothing of this graph as explained above, we also
get a directed graph G̃ = (Ẽ, Ñ ), whose interior nodes are all junction nodes in the sense of
Definition 3.1. In G̃, supply edges and demand edges still exist, and they should be directed as
above, but are possibly longer.

3.1 Nodal Conditions

There are two types of constraints concerning the connection of edges, namely the pressure
constraint, and the mass flow constraint. These two types of constraints represent the equality of
the dynamic pressure and conservation of mass at junction nodes [24].
The so-called pressure nodal condition describes the pressure equality among pipes connected

at a same junction node, which is given by
pn(i) = p(j)
s , if a node connects the incoming pipe i and the outgoing pipe j. (14)
The pressure nodal condition states that the pressure at the end of the outflow pipes should equal
the pressure at the beginning of the inflow pipes that connect to the same junction node and
ensures that the there is only one pressure value at each node.
The second type of nodal condition i.e., the mass flow nodal condition, states the conservation
of mass flow at the junction nodes, and it is given by
X (i) X (i)
qd = q1 for every node k, (15)
i∈Ik i∈Ok

where Ik is the set of edges incoming the node k and Ok the set of edges outgoing of node k.
Equation (15) states that the inflow at the junction node k should equal to the outflow at the same
junction node k.

3.2 Network Assembly

In the discretized model (11) describing the dynamics of gas transported along one single pipe
the variables p1 = ps and qn = pd are given by the boundary condition, i.e., the prescribed pressure
at the input node, and the prescribed mass flow at the demand node. For the network all variables
(i) (i)
including ps and qd are treated as variables and we add the algebraic constraints (14)–(15) to
the system. We take the network in Figure 4, whose smoothed graph, with edge ordering is given
by Figure 5 as an example to build the full DAE system. For each pipe we have the pipe dynamics
of the discretized system given by (11). The supply pressure for pipe 1 and 2 is given as well as
(3) (1) (2)
the demand flux for pipe 3. This means we have the extra variables ps , qd , qd . We will first use
(3) (1)
the fact that ps is equal to pn(1) and replace it in the equation. We will then still have to make
(1) (2)
sure that pn(1) = pn(2) and also that the incoming flux at the junction is equal to the outgoing flux.
(1) (2) (3)
To summarize qd , qd are the added variables as ps was replaced directly and
(1) (2) (3)
qd + qd = q1 ,
(1) (2)
pn1 = pn2 ,
are the added algebraic constraints.
By using the single pipe model (11), we obtain the mathematical model for the network in
Figure 4 and 5,
   (1)
 
u(1) K(1) u(1)
 (1)

u(2)   (2)   (2) 
 M(2) 
 ∂    K(2) Bq  u 
 (3)  u(3) 
 M(3)   u  =  B̄ (3)
 
 ∂t  p
 
(1)   (1) 

0   qd   1   qd 
  
e3 1

0 (2) (2)
qd e1 e2 0 qd
| {z } | {z }
 (1) (1) 
G1 (u(1) , ps )
   
Bp 0
(2)  0  (2) (2) 
Bp   (3)  (3)  G2 (u , ps ) 
" #
 p(1)
 
 s

  p(2) + Bq  q + G (u(3) , ē u(1) ) .
  d  3 3 
  s  0   0 
0 0
| {z } | {z } | {z }
Bp Bq g(∗)

Here u(i) = [p(i) , q (i) ] and

Gi (u(i) , p(i) , and B̄p3 = 0, 0, . . . , ⊗ Bp3 .
s ) = (i) (i) (i) , 1, 0, ..., (18)
g(ps , p , q )

The mass flow nodal condition is represented by the 4th block row in (17), and the pressure nodal
condition is given by the 5th block row and also the (3, 1) block of K in (17). The row vectors
e1 , e2 , and e3 are just elementary vectors with 1 or −1 on a certain position and zeros elsewhere,
which select the corresponding variables for the nodal conditions (14)–(15).
(3) (1)
Note that the matrix K in (17) is not uniquely defined. This is because we use ps = pn(1) .
(3) (2) (3)
We can also employ ps = pn(2) , and this in turn moves B̄p from the (3, 1) block to the (3, 2)
block of K.
Although we need extra variables for both, the pressure and mass flow, to assemble a global
network model, we only introduce extra mass flow variables explicitly while the extra pressure
variables can be obtained via applying some pressure nodal conditions directly. This reduces the
redundancy in the network modeling.
There is a degenerate case that a network has only one long pipe, i.e., this network has one
supply node and one demand node, but no junction node. For such a degenerate network, which is
equivalent to one pipe, we do not need to introduce extra variables since we already have the left
and right boundary conditions. For a non-degenerate network, we have the following proposition.
Proposition 3.1. Suppose that the network G̃ = (Ẽ, Ñ ) is a connected graph as in Remark 3.1,
and has ns supply pipes, nd demand pipes, and nj junction pipes. Here junction pipes are edges
of the smoothed graph that are not supply pipes or demand pipes. Then the following relation
between the number of extra variables ne and the number of extra algebraic constraints na of the
mathematical model holds:
ne = na = ns + nj .
Proof. As stated before, we only introduce extra variables for the mass flow of each supply and
junction pipe, since the extra pressure variables are directly included at the process of network
assembling. Then we have
ne = ns + nj ,
which is due to the fact that the mass flows at the demand pipes are already prescribed.
The algebraic constraints are obtained via applying nodal conditions at the junction nodes.
(i) (i)
Suppose that the junction node i has nin injection pipes, and nout outflow pipes, then we need
(nin − 1) equality constraints to apply the pressure nodal conditions for injection pipes since the
pressure nodal conditions for outflow pipes are directly applied at the network assembling. We have
one algebraic constraint to prescribe the mass flow nodal condition for junction node i. Therefore,
we need nin algebraic constraints for junction node i. The sum over all the junction nodes of the
network gives the overall number of algebraic constraints:
X (i)
na = nin .

On the other hand,

nin = ns + nj ,

as incoming pipes are never demand pipes and the sum over all incoming pipes is the number of
all supply and all junction pipes.

Proposition 3.1 states that the total number of extra variables is equal to the total number of
algebraic constraints. This is very important for us to simulate the network model in the form
of (17), which will be shown in the next section.

4 Fast Numerical Methods for Simulation

With the help of our modeling we can represent the gas network as in (17). In general the
number of algebraic equation will be much smaller than the number of differential equation in this
description. In this section, we will introduce fast numerical algorithms for the simulation of such
a model.

4.1 Numerical Algorithms to Solve Differential Algebraic Equations
Here, we reuse the notation from (17) with simplifications. We obtain the general mathematical
M ∂t x = Kx + Bu(t) + f (x, u(t)), (19)
where the mass matrix M is singular when there is at least one junction node, and the right
hand side function f is nonlinear. In general, the mathematical model (19) is a large system of
nonlinear DAE, where the size of the DAE (19) is proportional to the length of the overall pipes in
the network. To solve/simulate such a DAE model is challenging and possibly slow. Related work
either focuses on exploiting the DAE structure such that the differential part and the algebraic part
are decoupled, and one can solve these two parts separately [4], or reducing the so-called tractability
index [23]. Here, we propose a fast numerical method by directly tracking the expensive numerical
linear algebra. To simulate the DAE model (19), we discretize in time using the implicit Euler
method, and at time step k, we have

xk − xk−1
M = Kxk + Buk + f (xk , uk ),
i.e., we need to solve the following nonlinear system of equations,

F (x) = (M − τ K)x − τ f (x, uk ) − M xk−1 − τ Buk = 0, (20)

at each time step k to compute the solution xk . To solve such a nonlinear equation for the
simulation of gas networks, some related work [25, 26] treats the nonlinear term f (x, uk ) explicitly,
i.e., f (xk , uk ) ≈ f (xk−1 , uk ) since the input uk is known. This explicit approximation of the
nonlinear term reduces the computational complexity, and yields a linear system. However, this
approximation can lead to the necessity for smaller and smaller time steps. Here, we treat this
nonlinear term implicitly and apply Newton’s method to solve the nonlinear system (20) to study
the nonlinear dynamics of the network. Newton’s method is described by Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Newton’s method to solve (20)

1: Input: maximal number of Newton steps nmax , stop tolerance ε0 , initial guess x0
2: m = 0
3: while m ≤ nmax & kF (x)k ≥ ε0 do

4: Compute the Jacobian matrix DF (xm ) = ∂x F |x=xm
5: Solve F (xm ) + DF (xm )(x − xm ) = 0
6: m ← m + 1, xm ← x
7: end while
8: Output: solution x ≈ xm

The biggest challenge for Algorithm 1 is to solve the linear system in line 5 at each Newton iter-
ation, since the Jacobian matrix DF (xm ) is large. Krylov subspace methods such as the generalized
minimal residual (GMRES) method [27] or induced dimension reduction (IDR(s)) method [28] are
then appropriate to solve such a system. To accelerate the convergence of such a Krylov subspace
method, we need to apply a preconditioning technique by exploiting the structure of the Jacobian
matrix DF (x).

4.2 Matrix Structure

The Jacobian matrix

DF (x) = (M − τ K) + τ
f (x, u), (21)
where the matrices M and K are two-by-two block matrices, and
M̄ K11 K12
M= , K= . (22)
0 K21 K22

Here M̄ is block-diagonal, and the second block row of A comes from the algebraic constraints
of the networks by applying the nodal conditions introduced in Section 3. The size of A11 is
much bigger than the size of A22 since A11 comes from the discretization of the isothermal Euler
equations over all the edges of the smoothed network, while the size of A22 is equal to ns + nj

according to Proposition 3.1. Moreover, the partial derivative of the nonlinear term ∂x f (x, u) has
the following structure  
∂ Df 0
f= , (23)
∂x 0 0
since the nonlinear term only acts on the differential part of the DAE (17). If the graph G̃ is directed
in a certain way and ordered a certain way, we can show that the first block of the Jacobian matrix
is block lower triangular.
Lemma 4.1. Given a graph with directed and undirected edges, such that the directed edges do not
create cycles, we can always direct the undirected edges such that the resulting graph is a directed
acyclic graph (DAG).
Proof. Take such a graph and remove all undirected edges. This results in a graph that may not
be connected. However, it is a DAG so that we can order the nodes in a topological ordering [29].
Applying such a topological ordering to the original graph, direct the undirected edges according
to that topological ordering, which induces another DAG.
This means, even by fixing the direction of the supply and demand pipes, we can redirect all
the other edges in our graph G̃ such that the resulting graph is a DAG. This is not unique, however
induces unique directions in the original graph. Here, we use an example network to show how to
build such a DAG.

2 3
2 5 8
1 1 2 3 3 4 6 5 6 7
4 5

6 7 4 7

(a) DAG with node or- (b) edges ordering and node ordering of DAG

Figure 6: An illustrative network example of a DAG

The network in Figure 6(a) is a smoothed graph that represents a gas network. Only the
direction of the supply and demand pipes are fixed. We start ordering the nodes of the graph from
the supply nodes, and end up with the demand nodes, which gives a topological ordering of the
nodes. Now, we can plot the graph along a line as in Figure 6(b). The directions of the undirected
edges of the graph are picked up by pointing away from lower order nodes to higher order nodes,
which induces a DAG.
Lemma 4.2. Given a DAG, we can order the edges in such a way that at every node all incoming
edges have a lower order as all the outgoing edges, or it doesn’t have an incoming edge. We call
this ordering direction following (DF) ordering
Proof. Since we have a DAG, there exist a topological ordering of the nodes. This means if an
edge goes from node a to node b, then b has a higher order than a. We now order the edges, by
their starting node. This means an edge has a higher order if its starting node has a higher order.
If two edges have the same starting node, then it doesn’t matter in which order we list them, we
just pick one. Once we have this ordering of the edges based on the order of the nodes we ensure
that all outgoing edges at a node have a higher order as all the incoming edge of a node.
Note that the DF ordering is not unique. A DF ordering example of the network in Figure 6(a)
is given by Figure 6(b), where the index above each edge is the order of such an edge.

Definition 4.1. (Smoothed direction following (SDF) gas network graph) This is a directed acyclic
graph, whose boundary nodes are supply or demand nodes, directions are away from supply nodes
and towards demand nodes. All edges are sorted with the DF ordering and there are no nodes in
the graph that connect exactly two edges.
From now on, we assume that our modeling is such that G̃ is a SDF gas network graph. Then we
have the following proposition to illustrate the structure of the partial derivative of the nonlinear
term (23).

Proposition 4.3. Given a SDF gas network graph we can construct the DAE system in such a
way that Df in (23) has a block lower-triangular structure.
Proof. The block of f corresponding to the i-th pipe has the structure,
fi = Gi = ,
g(pin , p(i) , q (i) )

where the structure of g(pin , p(i) , q (i) ) is given by (12). Here

ps , when i-th pipe is a supply pipe,
pin = (j)
pout , where pipe j is a selected incoming pipe into the node where pipe i is outgoing.

By the selected ordering, we always have j < i. Then the upper triangular blocks of Df are 0.
The diagonal blocks are given by
" #
0 0 0
,p(i) ,q (i) ) g(pin ,p(i) ,q (i) ) ,
0 g(pin∂p (i) ∂q (i)

which is again block lower triangular and in particular, with an easy structure of the diagonal
,p(i) ,q (i) )
blocks, since g(pin∂q (i) in our discretization is tridiagonal.

Similar to Proposition 4.3, we can also show that the (1, 1) block of K in (22) has a lower-
triangular block structure.
Proposition 4.4. Given an SDF gas network graph, K11 in (22) is also block lower-triangular
Proof. For the i-th block row of K11 , the off-diagonal blocks are zero if the i-th pipe is a supply
pipe. If the i-th pipe is not a supply pipe and connected with other pipes, then the off-diagonal
block (i, j) is nonzero if the j-th pipe corresponds to one of the flow injection pipes of the i-th
pipe. This is because the pressure nodal condition (14) is applied for the i-th pipe. According to
Definition 4.1, we can pick the pressure condition for the i-th pipe by any injecting pipe j, which
are all of lower order and therefore ensure i > j, and this completes the proof.

If we partition the Jacobian matrix (21) by a 2-by-2 block structure as in (22), then we have
the following theorem to illustrate the structure of the (1, 1) block of the Jacobian matrix.
Theorem 4.5. Given an SDF gas network graph we are able to model the system in such a way,
that the (1, 1) block of the Jacobian matrix (21) has a block lower-triangular structure.

Proof. According to (21)–(23), the (1, 1) block of the Jacobian matrix DF (x) is,

M̄ − τ K11 + τ Df .

According to Proposition 4.3 and Proposition 4.4, K11 and Df are block lower-triangular matrices.
Since M̄ is a block diagonal matrix, this completes the proof.

Next, we use a benchmark network from [30], shown in Figure 7 to show the structure of the
Jacobian matrix DF (x) of the first Newton iteration for the first time step, i.e., DF (x11 ) before
and after applying the DF ordering. The network parameters are also given in [30]. We set the
mesh size for the FVM discretization to be 20 meters, i.e., h = 20. The sparsity pattern of DF (x11 )
before and after the DF ordering are given by Figure 8.

Figure 7: Big benchmark network in [30]

10 5 10 5
0 0

0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8

1 1

1.2 1.2

1.4 1.4

1.6 1.6

1.8 1.8

2 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
nz = 700829 10 5 nz = 700829 10 5

(a) without DF ordering (b) with DF ordering

Figure 8: Sparsity pattern of J without and with DF ordering

Figure 8 shows that the Jacobian matrix DF (x) is a sparse matrix. After applying the DF
ordering, the (1, 1) block has a block lower-triangular structure, and the size of the (1, 1) block is
much bigger than the (2, 2) block. For the case when the mesh size is 20 meters, the (1, 1) block is
a 200, 348 × 200, 348 block lower-triangular matrix while the size of the (2, 2) block is 417 × 417.
In general, the size of the (2, 2) block of the Jacobian matrix is fixed since it equals the number
of algebraic constraints. According to Proposition 3.1, it equals ns + nj , where ns is the number
of supply pipes and nj is the number of junction pipes. The size of the (1, 1) block depends on
the mesh size and equals twice the total pipeline length divided by the mesh size. Therefore, it is
much bigger than ns + nj , if the total length of the pipelines is much larger compared to the mesh

4.3 Preconditioning Technique

The specific structure of the Jacobian matrix can be exploited to solve the Jacobian system
fast for the simulation of the gas network. Recall that to simulate the discretized gas network

model, we need to apply Algorithm 1, while we need to solve a Jacobian system at each Newton
iteration for each time step k (k = 1, 2, · · · , nt ). To solve the Jacobian system, we exploit the
2-by-2 structure of the Jacobian matrix. Here we write the Jacobian matrix DF (x) as
DF11 DF12
DF (x) = .
DF21 DF22

Note that the Jacobian matrix DF (x) has a special structure, which is called generalized saddle-
point structure [31]. This enables us to make use of the preconditioning techniques designed
for the generalized saddle-point systems to solve the Jacobian system. Generalized saddle-point
systems come from many applications, such as computational fluid dynamics [32], PDE-constrained
optimization [33], optimal flow control [34]. Many efforts have been dedicated to the efficient
numerical solution of such systems using preconditioning techniques [35–39], we recommend [31,40]
for a general survey of preconditioning generalized saddle-point systems.
We can compute a block LU factorization by

I DF−1
DF11 DF12
DF (x) = 11 . (24)
DF21 S I

Here S = DF22 − DF21 DF−1 11

DF12 is the Schur complement of DF (x). According to Theorem 4.5,
DF11 has a block lower-triangular structure, and the size of DF22 is much smaller than DF11 .
Therefore, we can compute the Schur complement S by block forward substitution, and apply the
following preconditioner,  
P = , (25)
DF21 S
to solve the Jacobian system using a preconditioned Krylov solver. Associated with the block LU
factorization (24), we can immediately see that the preconditioned spectrum λ(P −1 DF (x)) = {1}.
Moreover, the minimal polynomial of the preconditioned matrix P −1 DF (x) has degree 2, so that a
method like generalized minimum residual (GMRES) [27] would converge in at most two steps [31].
At each iteration of the Krylov solver, we need to solve the system
DF11 y1 r
= 1 ,
DF21 S y2 r2

which can be solved easily since DF11 is a block lower-triangular system, and S = DF22 −
DF21 DF−111
DF12 can be computed directly since the size of S is much smaller than DF11 . Note
that at each time step k, we need to solve a nonlinear system using Newton’s method, and we need
to apply a preconditioned Krylov subspace method to solve a Jacobian system at each Newton
iteration. For such a preconditioned Krylov solver, we need to compute the Schur complement S
at each Newton iteration. This can still be computationally expensive for gas network simulation
within a certain time horizon. We can further simplify the preconditioner by applying a fixed
preconditioner P1 for all Newton iterations and all time steps, i.e., we choose
P1 = , (26)
DF1 21 S 1

where P1 comes from the block LU factorization of the Jacobian matrix DF1 (x1 ) of the first Newton
iteration for the first time step, and S 1 = DF1 22 − DF1 21 (DF1 11 )−1 DF1 12 . Note that for the precon-
ditioner P1 , we just need to compute the Schur complement once and use it for all the Newton
iterations of all time steps.
Next, we show the performance of the DF ordering for the Schur complement S 1 computation.
Again, we use the network given in Figure 7 as an example and perform a FVM discretization of
the network using different mesh sizes. We report the computational results in Table 1, where all
timings are given in seconds. Here, h is the mesh size, and #DF represents the size of the Jacobian
matrix DF given by (24). The computations of (DF1 11 )−1 are performed using the MATLAB
backslash operator for both cases.
We have noticed that for medium problem sizes, the advantage of computing S 1 using the
block lower-triangular structure obtained from the DF ordering over that without using the DF

ordering is not very obvious. This is due to the fact that while computing S 1 using the block lower-
triangular structure of DF1 11 obtained from the DF ordering, MATLAB has an overhead calling the
block forward substitution. This overhead is comparable with the hardcore computation time for
medium problem sizes. When the problem size gets bigger, this overhead is less comparable with
the hardcore computation time, which is demonstrated by the results in Table 1. We believe that
the advantage of computations with the DF ordering over computations without the DF ordering
will become more apparent once we use a tailored high performance computation implementation.
Table 1: Computational time (seconds) for Schur complement S 1

h #DF with DF without DF

20 2,01e+05 8, 12 8,75
10 3,97e+05 17, 84 19,14
5 7,91e+05 38, 44 41,75
2.5 1,58e+06 81, 42 87,77

Since P1 is a good preconditioner for DF1 (x1 ), it is also a good preconditioner to the Jacobian
matrix DF (x) at the other Newton iterations and other time steps, if close to DF1 (x1 ). This is
true for the gas networks since the Jacobian matrix (21) has two parts, i.e., the linear part and the
linearized part. The linear part is dominant since it models the transportation phenomenon of the
gas while the nonlinear term acts as the friction term for such a transportation. This makes P1 a
good preconditioner for solving the Jacobian systems for all Newton steps of all time steps, as it
will be demonstrated by numerical experiments in the next section. Note that if we keep updating
the preconditioner (25) more often than simply using a single preconditioner P1 in (26), we will
obtain better performance for the preconditioned Krylov solver, which in turn needs more time for
preconditioner computation. A compromise has to be made to achieve the optimal performance
for the gas network simulation in the term of total computational time.


FVM discretization
of (7a)(7b)

DF ordering of
network smoothed edges

DAE system (17)

time discretization

pre-compute system(18)

applying the
preconditioner P1 time step Nt reached
Newton's method

Algorithm 1


next time step

Figure 9: Computational diagram for gas network simulation

By applying the preconditioner P1 in (26), we show the computational diagram to illustrate

the process of gas network simulation in Figure 9.

5 Numerical Results
In this section, we report the performance of our numerical algorithms for the simulation of
the gas networks. We apply our numerical algorithms to the benchmark problems of several gas
networks given in [4,15,23,25] to show the performance of our methods. All numerical experiments
are performed in MATLAB 2017a on a desktop with Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8400 of
2.66GHz, 8 GB memory and the Linux 4.9.0-6-amd64 kernel.

5.1 Comparison of Discretization Methods

In this section, we compare the performance of the finite volume method (FVM) with that of
the finite difference method (FDM) for the discretization of the gas networks. We apply both the
FVM and FDM to a pipeline network illustrated in Figure 10. Parameter settings for this pipeline
network are given in [4].

Figure 10: Pipeline network in [23]

We discretize the pipeline network using FVM and FDM with different mesh sizes, and the
discretized pipeline networks result in ordinary differential equations (ODEs) since there is no
algebraic constraint. We simulate the ODE systems using the routine ode15s in MATLAB over the
time horizon [0, 105 ] with the same setting of the initial condition for the ODEs. The computational
results are given in Figure 11, where the x-axis represents the mesh sizes in meters.

# time steps

time (s)


2,000 100


1000 250 100 50 25 1000 250 100 50 25

mesh sizes mesh sizes
(a) time steps (b) total timing

Figure 11: Comparison of FVM and FDM for a single pipe network

Figure 11(a) shows the number of time steps that ode15s uses to simulate the ODEs given by
FVM and FDM discretization over the time horizon [0, 105 ]. One can see that for a given mesh
size, we need less time steps for the ODE given by the FVM discretization than the ODE given
by the FDM discretization which results in less total computation time for the simulation of the
ODE given by the FVM discretization , which is also shown in Figure 11(b). The background
mechanism is not clear since ode15s behaves like a black-box.
Next, we use another network to show that with the same mesh, the model given by the FVM
discretization gives more accurate results than the FDM discretization. The test network is given
in Figure 12, where the network parameters are given in [23]. We use the FVM and FDM methods
to discretize the network in Figure 12 and apply the computational method depicted in Figure 9.

We choose different mesh sizes for the discretization, and fix the step size for the time discretization
to be one second, i.e., τ = 1. We plot the mass flow at the supply node 57 in Figure 13.
The mass flow at node 57 computed by using different discretized DAE models (20) is plotted
in Figure 13(a), showing similar dynamical behavior of the different models. However, when we
look at the dynamics of the mass flow at the first 5 seconds, we can see quite a big difference in
Figure 13(b). With the mesh refinement, the solutions of the model given by both the FVM and
the FDM discretizations converge. Moreover, we can infer that we can use a bigger mesh size for
the FVM discretization than for the FDM discretization to get the same accuracy.


Figure 12: Medium size network

The computational results given by Figure 11 and Figure 13 show that when we use the same
mesh size to discretize the network, the model given by the FVM discretization is more accurate
than the model by the FDM discretization. To get the same model accuracy, we can use a bigger
mesh size to discretize the network by FVM than that by FDM. This in turn yields a smaller
model given by the FVM discretization than the model given by the FDM discretization. This in
turn means that the FVM discretized model is easier to solve than the FDM discretized model.

250 350

200 340
0 20 40 60 80 100 1 2 3 4
time(s) time(s)
(a) supply flow at node 57 (b) zoomed supply flow at node 57

Figure 13: Comparison of FVM and FDM for a medium network

We also plot the condition number of the Jacobian matrix (κ(DF )) of all the Newton iterations
for the first time step with a mesh size h = 60 to discretize the DAE, which are given in Figure 14.
It illustrates that the condition number of the Jacobian matrix of the FVM discretized model is
about 10 times smaller than the condition number of the Jacobian matrix of the FDM discretized
model, which makes solving such a FVM discretized model easier than solving a FDM discretized
Computational results in Figure 11–14 show that the finite volume method has a big advantage

over the finite difference method. When using the same mesh size for discretization, FVM gives
a more accurate model than the FDM discretization. Moreover, the Jacobian matrix from the
FVM discretized model has a better condition number than the Jacobian matrix from the FDM
discretized model, which makes it easier to simulate the FVM discretized model. To get the
same model accuracy, the size of the FVM discretized model is smaller than the size of the FDM
discretized model, and it is therefore computationally cheap. For the comparison of the finite
element method (FEM) with FDM for the gas network simulation, we refer to an early study
in [11], where the authors preferred FDM due to the comparable accuracy with FEM and less
computational time.


κ(DF )


1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Newton iter.
Figure 14: Condition number of the Jacobian matrix, 1st time step, h = 60

5.2 Change of flow direction

The basis of our modeling is a directed graph, with the implicit assumption that the gas flow
follows that direction. However, the flow direction may change due to the change of operation
conditions of the gas network. In this part, we show that the direction is just a theoretical
construction but that the gas is allowed to flow in either direction meaning that the mass flow
can be negative and does not influence the performance of our methods. The change of the flow
direction does not change the mathematical formulation of algebraic constraints. Therefore, the
structure of the system stays unchanged with respect to the change of the flow direction. This
means that we do not require the foreknowledge of the flow direction.
First, we test two different cases, which corresponds to two different flow direction profiles of
(1) (2)
the network, cf. Figure 4. Case 1 corresponds to ps = ps = 30 bar, and qd = 30 kg/s while case
1 2
2 corresponds to ps = 30 bar, ps = 20 bar, and qd = 30 kg/s. We plot the mass flow at the supply
pipe 1 and 2 in Figures 15–16.
Figure 15 shows that the mass flow at both supply nodes approaches the steady state after
oscillation for a short while, and both input mass flows have a positive sign. This represents that
both supply nodes inject gas flow into the network to supply gas to the demand node 6. After
changing the operation condition of the network, e.g., changing the pressure at supply nodes,
the mass flow is redistributed as shown in Figure 16. The mass flow at supply node 10 becomes
negative after a few seconds and remains negative after the network reaches steady state. For this
case, the supply pipe at node 10 acts P as a demand pipe since gas flows out of the network there.
For both cases, the equality qs1 + qs2 = qd holds which can be easily see by looking at the steady
state solution.
We also apply two different cases to a more complicated network given in Figure 12 to test the
robustness of our methods. Case 1 corresponds to p55 56 57
s = ps = 50.5 bar, ps = 50.8 bar while case
55 56 57
2 has ps = ps = 50.5 bar, and ps = 50.0 bar. The demand of gas at the demand nodes is the
same for both cases. We show the mass flow at the pipe that connects node 31 and 37, which also
connects two sub-networks. The mass flow for the pipe 31 → 37 for different cases is shown in
Figure 17. The initial conditions of the gas network for the simulation of the two different cases

are set the same.

120 100

100 80

-20 -20

-40 -40
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
time(s) time(s)
(a) mass flow at node 1 (b) mass flow at node 10

Figure 15: Mass flow at supply nodes for case 1

450 50

400 0 qs
qs qd
350 -50


100 -350
50 -400

0 -450
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
time(s) time(s)
(a) mass flow at node 1 (b) mass flow at node 10

Figure 16: Mass flow at supply nodes for case 2

40 40
in in
out out
20 20

0 0

-20 -20

-40 -40

-60 -60
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
time(s) time(s)
(a) case 1 (b) case 2

Figure 17: Mass flow for the pipe 31 → 37

The simulation results in Figure 17 show that the flow direction at pipe 31 → 37 changes for
the above two cases. The steady state of the mass flow for the two cases shows that the flow can
travel in a direction opposite to the prescribed flow direction, and the inflow at node 31 is equal
to the outflow at node 37 for the steady state. The imbalance between the inflow and outflow in
the transient process is necessary to build the pressure profile of the network.

Computational results in Figure 15–17 show that the gas can flow in the opposite direction as
the directed graph suggests. We do not need to introduce another set of variables and switch to
another model when the flow changes direction.

5.3 Convergence Comparison

After the FDF ordering, we apply Algorithm 1 to solve the nonlinear equation (20) at each
time step. Newton’s method requires the computation of the Jacobian matrix at each iteration,
which is typically expensive. We try to reduce the cost of computing the Jacobian matrix, and we
q k |q k |
approximate the nonlinear term mqk m at the m-th Newton iteration of time step k as,

k k
qm |qm−1 | q k |q k |
≈ m km .
pm−1 pm

This approximation avoids computing the partial derivatives of the nonlinear term, and results
in a diagonal coefficient matrix for the linearization. We apply this approximation to solve the
nonlinear equation iteratively, and this is the Picard iteration. Here, we study the convergence
of both Newton’s method and the Picard method for solving (20). We plot the 2-norm of the
nonlinear residual, i.e., kF k2 of the first and 50-est time step at each Newton and Picard iteration.
Both Newton and Picard iteration start with the same initial condition and the time step size for
both methods is set as τ = 1.
We first study the convergence for the simulation of the network shown in Figure 12. We
discretize this network using the finite volume method with mesh size h = 50, and both Newton’s
method and the Picard method are stopped when kF k2 ≤ 10−5 . The results given in Figure 18
show that both the Newton and Picard iteration have a fast convergence rate. However, the Picard
method takes more than twice the number of iterations to reach the same stopping criterion. This
means that we need to solve more than twice as many linear systems for the Picard method than
for Newton’s method, while solving such a linear system is the most time consuming part of such a
nonlinear iteration. Moreover, the sizes of the linear systems at each Newton and Picard iteration
are the same. The additional cost from the Picard method is much bigger than the cost saved from
the simplification of the derivatives computation. This makes the Picard method not as practical
as Newton’s method for solving such a nonlinear system.
Next, we test on a bigger network given in Figure 7. We also discretize this network with the
finite volume method with h = 50m, and we stop both the Newton and Picard iteration when
kF k2 ≤ 10−4 . The results are given by Figure 19. Again, we observe similar convergence behavior
for Newton’s method and the Picard method with the convergence results shown in Figure 18. The
Picard method needs more than twice the number of linear system solves than Newton’s method.
When we need more accurate simulations of a gas network, smaller mesh sizes are necessary
increasing the difference in the computational effort.

Newton 104 Newton

105 Picard Picard

kF k2

kF k2

10−1 10−2

10−4 10−5

0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8
# iter. # iter.
(a) 1st time step (b) 50th time step

Figure 18: Convergence comparison for network in Figure 12

Newton Newton
10 Picard Picard

kF k2
kF k2


10−2 10−4

10−5 10−7
0 10 20 30 40 0 2 4 6
# iter. # iter.
(a) 1st time step (b) 50th time step

Figure 19: Convergence comparison for network in Figure 7

Computational results in Figures 18 and 19 show that for the simulation of gas networks,
Newton’s method is superior to the Picard method in both the computational complexity and the
convergence rate.

5.4 Preconditioning Performance

As introduced in the previous section, the biggest challenge for applying Algorithm 1 to simulate
a gas network lies in the effort spent to solve the linear system at each Newton iteration. For large-
scale networks, we need smaller mesh sizes to discretize such networks and this results in larger
sizes of the DAEs. Therefore, we need to employ iterative solvers to compute the solution of
such a large-scale linear system at each Newton iteration, while preconditioning is essential to
accelerate the convergence of such iterative solvers. In this part, we study the performance of the
preconditioner (26).
We test the performance of the preconditioner for the network in Figure 7 using different mesh
sizes for the finite volume discretization. At each Newton (outer) iteration, we solve a linear system
by applying an (inner) Krylov solver, e.g., the IDR(s) solver [28, 41], and this is called Newton-
Krylov method. Note that the Newton-Krylov method is an inexact Newton method, and at each
Newton iteration, we apply the IDR(s) method to solve the linear system up to an accuracy εtol ,
kF (xm ) + DF (xm )(x − xm )k ≤ εtol kF (xm )k,
where εtol is related to the forcing term for an inexact Newton’s method [42]. Since Newton-Krylov
method is inexact, we show its convergence with respect to different tolerances of the Krylov solver,
i.e., kF k2 with respect to different settings of εtol . We use the “true” residual computed by using a
direct method, i.e., the backslash operator implemented in MATLAB for comparison. We report
the computational results for the FVM discretization with mesh sizes of 50 and 40, and the time
step size τ is set to be 1. For the convergence rate of the inexact Newton method with respect to
εtol , we refer to [43].
The computational results of the nonlinear residual kF k2 in Figure 20 for two different mesh
sizes show that the accuracy of the inner iteration loop can be set relatively low while the conver-
gence of the outer iteration can still be comparable with more accurate inner loop iterations. The
convergence properties of the Newton iteration for the first time step are the same if the inner loop
is solved accurately, or the inner loop is solved up to an accuracy of 10−6 or 10−4 . If the inner
loop is solved up to an accuracy of 10−3 , only one more Newton iteration is needed. Moreover,
the convergence behavior of the Newton iteration for different inner loop solution tolerances are
the same for the 10-th time step. If lower inner loop accuracy is used, less computational effort is
needed. This reduces the computational complexity. The number of IDR(4) iterations for different
inner loop tolerances are reported in Figure 21–22.

direct method direct method
106 IDR(4), εtol = 10−6 IDR(4), εtol = 10−6
IDR(4), εtol = 10−4 IDR(4), εtol = 10−4
IDR(4), εtol = 10−3 IDR(4), εtol = 10−3
103 102
kF k2

kF k2

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4
# Newton iter. # Newton iter.
(a) h = 50, 1st time step (b) h = 50, 10-th time step

direct method direct method
106 IDR(4), εtol = 10−6 104 IDR(4), εtol = 10−6
IDR(4), εtol = 10−4 IDR(4), εtol = 10−4
IDR(4), εtol = 10−3 102 IDR(4), εtol = 10−3
kF k2

kF k2


0 2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4
# Newton iter. # Newton iter.
(c) h = 40, 1st time step (d) h = 40, 10-th time step

Figure 20: Nonlinear residual at the first and tenth time step

εtol = 10−6 εtol = 10−4 εtol = 10−3 εtol = 10−6 εtol = 10−4 εtol = 10−3

# IDR(4) iter.

# IDR(4) iter.


2 2

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Newton iter. Newton iter.
(a) h = 50 (b) h = 40

Figure 21: Number of IDR(4) iterations at the first time step

The computational results in Figure 21(a) show that the total number of IDR(4) iterations (47)
for εtol = 10−6 is almost twice the total number of IDR(4) iterations (24) for εtol = 10−3 . This

demonstrates that the computational work for the first time step can be reduced to almost 50%
since the most time consuming part inside each Newton iteration is the IDR(4) solver. Similar
results are shown by Figure 21(b). As the system gets closer to steady state, less Newton iterations
are needed, and the IDR(4) solver also needs less iterations, as shown in Figure 22. At this stage,
IDR(4) with εtol = 10−3 still needs less work than the IDR(4) with εtol = 10−6 but is no longer as

εtol = 10−6 εtol = 10−4 εtol = 10−3 εtol = 10−6 εtol = 10−4 εtol = 10−3

3 3
# IDR(4) iter.

# IDR(4) iter.
2 2

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Newton iter. Newton iter.
(a) h = 50 (b) h = 40

Figure 22: Number of IDR(4) iterations at the 10-th time step

We have already observed that the performance of our modeling is robust and convergence
of the preconditioned Krylov solver happens quickly. Next, we report the computational time
for computing the preconditioner P1 and applying the preconditioned IDR(4) solver of the first
Newton step for the first time step for different FVM discretization mesh sizes. We solve the
Jacobian system up to an accuracy of 10−4 , and the computational results are given by Table 2.
Here “-” represents running out of memory, #DF represents the size of the Jacobian system, tS 1
denotes the time to compute the Schur complement in P1 , and all the time are measured in seconds.

Table 2: Computational time for the 1st Newton iteration

h #DF tS 1 IDR(4) backslash

40 1,03e+05 3.85 0,25 0,13
20 2,01e+05 8, 12 0,52 0,36
10 3,97e+05 17, 84 1,06 1,18
5 7,91e+05 38, 44 2,13 1054,62
2.5 1,58e+06 81, 42 4,34 -

The computational results in Table 2 show the advantage of our preconditioner in solving the
large-scale Jacobian system over the direct solver. The time to solve the preconditioned system
using the IDR(4) solver scales linearly with the system size, and is much smaller than the time to
apply the direct solver when the mesh sizes are smaller than 20. For large-scale Jacobian systems,
the direct solver either takes up too much CPU time or fails to solve the Jacobian system due to
running out of memory. For smaller Jacobian systems, the direct solver shows the advantage over
preconditioned Krylov solvers. This is primarily because there is a big overhead when applying the
preconditioned IDR(4) solver while the backslash operator is highly optimal for smaller systems.

The time to compute the Schur complement in preconditioner P1 scales almost linearly with the
system sizes.

6 Conclusions
In this paper, we studied the modeling and simulation of pipeline gas networks. We applied
the finite volume method (FVM) to discretize the incompressible isothermal Euler equation, and
compared it with the finite difference method (FDM). Numerical results show the advantage of the
FVM over the FDM. To model gas networks, we introduced the SDF gas network, which represents
the topology of the network interconnection and reduces the size of the algebraic constraints of
the resulting differential algebraic equation (DAE) compared with current research. To simulate
such a DAE system, we proposed the direction following (DF) ordering of the edges of the SDF
network. Through such an DF ordering, we exploited the structure of the system matrix and
proposed an efficient preconditioner to solve the DAE. Numerical results show the advantage of
our algorithms.

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