Tugas Bpk. Jamiludin
Tugas Bpk. Jamiludin
Tugas Bpk. Jamiludin
Note : This story was adapted from a news release issued by The National Evolutionary
Synthesis Center. (NEScent)
One, the internal factors: having clarity of heart-clear river water can be drunk all living
beings and can reflect with him; have a positive Thingking with all the life events that happened,
good and bad there must be a wisdom behind it all, always be thankful with what is delegated to
him and trying to preserve things that are positive for themselves and others; work and pray in
every tramp life.
Two, the external factors: the environment is beautiful, clean and friendly. This condition
can only be created by the humans who have the internal factors above, whether he is the leader
or ordinary people, so there is a synergy of both to work together to create, maintain and
preserve the environment is conducive, and it has fixed price.
From experience, rural population living in mountainous and remote areas far from the bustle of
life of city people inhale the modern saying, they are better able to appreciate nature and keep it
for the good of life itself and its people, it turns out they better understand and appreciate the
natural environment of the city people who modern quasi uncultured life is sometimes more than
an animal. Thus nature provides an infinite protection to the public hamlet tsb. Indeed between
Natural Law, Natural and Man are bound to one another. If there are separate between the three,
then the damage. Now the three wise value is what is well understood by the traditional
inhabitants in the interior. So do not be surprised once they are very intimate with all the
inhabitants of the natural environment, so blessed and happy long life it is natural that they can
achieve and feel.