Fyp Proposal
Fyp Proposal
Fyp Proposal
The concept of this research is to recycle plastic waste into wood-free or synthetic
Solid-waste generation is an emerging crisis because of its impacts i.e. land
pollution, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Among all the other wastes, Plastic
is a major challenge that planet Earth is facing. Currently, 12.7 million tonnes of
plastic end up in our oceans every year. So, Solid Waste should be managed
appropriately with suitable means of collecting, treating, and disposing of solid waste
material. Smart waste management helps in a better way to manage waste using 7
principles of SWM i.e., Recycle, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Re-gift, Recover.
Recycling has numerous advantages in our community and environment.
Our main objective is to recycle Polyethylene Terephthalate PET plastic into a
synthetic paper that would be tear-resistant and water-resistant followed by the
application of Artificial Intelligence that helps in resource estimation.
Literature review:
Lindani Koketso Ncube (2021) reviewed the use, disposal, and regulation of food
packaging plastics. They encouraged the food industry to reduce, reuse and recycle
packaging materials and initiatives must be taken to prevent pollution today rather
than handling waste in the future. They concluded that there is a need to adopt the
reduce, reuse, and recycle model. Governments have to play a key role to regulate,
businesses should innovate, institutions should research and individuals should act.
Together, a working society can achieve a plastics circular economy with effective
waste management systems to curb the pollution problem from plastic use.
Lily Trivedi et al (2021) assessed the impact of plastics on the environment and
analyzed the methods of plastic waste management. They studied new and more
efficient methods of waste management and proposed their adoption strategies.
Methods involve Liquid refuse-derived fuel conversion, Gasification of waste plastic,
Microbial degradation of Plastics. To adopt certain strategies, they emphasized the
awareness of the Government about waste management scenarios and their strict
Rijwan Khan et al (2021) proposed a smart and effective solution for waste
management based on Machine Learning and Internet of things. They used an
Arduino UNO microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, and moisture sensor. By using
image processing, one can measure the waste index of a particular dumping ground.
Bhasha Sharma et al (2021) offered a vision of converting waste into eye-catching
novel materials useful for human beings and to analyze whether recycling is the
solution or we could use it directly. They investigated the plastic waste management
practices which are globally adopted i.e. pyrolysis, incineration, recycling (mechanical
or feedstock recycling), landfilling, etc. They analyzed the limitations of recycling as
well, which include environmental aftermath, downcycling, stumbling block in health,
stumbling block health. Whereas the advantages are natural and energy resources
are conserved, landfill space is preserved by recycling of plastics, etc. they further
concluded that to maintain the current lifestyle, modification in plastic manufacturing
should go hand in hand with recycling, and innovation of biodegradable materials is
strongly required.
M.K. Eriksen et al (2019) proposed recycling initiatives to enhance the quantity and
quality of plastic recycling from household waste. They provided the detailed
composition of source-separated plastic waste including information regarding the
polymer of the main product component and its type, design of polymer, color, and its
separability. They quantified the effects of implementing recycling initiatives and
provided recommendations. PET, PE, and PP made up >90% of the source-
separated plastic, and both food- and non-food packaging existed in all three
polymers. In total, 10–11% of the plastic was black, and around 44% consisted of
multiple polymers, of which one-third was non-separable. By effectively separating
food from non-food packaging, e.g. by introducing two bins in the households or
politically aligning polymers and product types (all food packaging in PET and PP, all
non-food packaging in PE), 39–63% of the waste could potentially be recycled in a
closed-loop into food-grade quality packaging.
Steven Salomo et al (2018) converted plastic bottle waste into aerogels for various
applications i.e. automobiles, solar devices, building construction, and insulation
materials. Their PET aerogels are very versatile. It has the ability to give them
different surface treatments to customize them for different applications. When
incorporated with various methyl groups, the PET aerogels can absorb large
amounts of oil very quickly. They perform seven times better than existing
commercial sorbents. The developed aerogels exhibit superhydrophobicity
A.R. Darban Astane et al (2017) evaluated the quantity and quality of rural domestic
waste generation and identified the factors affecting it in rural areas using ANOVA.
They showed that the majority of organic waste is used by livestock and only 10.3%
is collected by rural governorates. Factors affecting the waste generation analyzed
were income, age, assets and personal attitude.
Problem statement
Solid waste management is a worldwide problem. E-waste, food waste, paper waste,
and plastic garbage are examples of waste that has a negative influence on the
environment. The environment deteriorates as a result of materials that surpass the
balance of their production and destruction. Plastic is one such material that offers a
significant environmental risk. Plastic, which does not decompose naturally, is
produced in large quantities and dumped into the environment. According to a
research by the United Nations Environment Programme, around 400 million tonnes
of single-use plastic (SUP) garbage is generated each year (representing 47% of
total plastic waste), with about half of this quantity being for disposal, or purchases
that are thrown within a year. Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), High-Density
Polyethylene (HDPE), Poly Vinyl chloride (PVC), Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE),
Polypropylene (PP), and Polystyrene (PS) are examples of plastic trash. SUPs, or
single-use plastics, were created for the present "throwaway society" and are only
meant to be used once. They're becoming more popular over the world, especially as
packaging and consumables like SUP shopping bags and throwaway tableware. PET
is a non-biodegradable and non-sustainably produced material. Water/juice/soft drink
bottles Food jars Microwavable containers Plastic films are made of PET (type 1)
plastic. SUPs that are landfilled or burnt pollute the environment, use valuable land,
and deplete natural resources. PET bottles emit more than 100 times the harmful
emissions into the air and water as glass bottles of the same size. The following are
some of the drawbacks of non-biodegradable plastics:
Plastic can take 400-1000 years to decompose naturally.
Plastic materials block waterways, oceans, seas and lakes.
Many animals die after consuming plastic materials.
Research objective:
1. To build an artificial intelligence model for waste management
2. To convert PET plastic bottle waste into water-resistant paper
3. Resource estimation using artificial intelligence
Scope of research
The goal of this study is to use chemical engineering ideas and artificial intelligence
to change or recycle harmful waste, such as plastic, notably type 1 plastic, PET, into
water-proof paper. Cosmetic jars, microwave containers, drink bottles, and other
packaging applications often use PET plastic. The samples of plastic water bottles
will be used in this study. Waste egg shells will be used to provide the calcium
carbonate required. The mechanical recycling process, which includes shredding and
pelletizing processes, will be the focus of this research. The Tensorflow Deep
Learning model of artificial intelligence will be used to estimate resource estimation
and waste generation percentage.
Solid waste management is a global problem that has prompted a slew of projects to
address it. When it comes to plastic garbage, the pace of manufacturing is still higher
than the rate of recycling and there are five basic solutions. Recycling, landfilling,
incineration, microbiological decomposition, and conversion into valuable materials
are some of these options. All of these systems have their own set of limitations,
necessitating further research into the best practises for managing plastic trash.
Plastics can be recycled up to six times before being discarded. Because recycling
PET bottles has a commercial value, it can provide employment and revenue, which
will benefit our country's economy. For a relatively clean plastic waste stream,
mechanical recycling of PET bottles is the most preferable recovery technique.
Regardless of how digitized we are now, paper is still required in today's world. Our
goal is to control waste and pollution by using PET plastic waste and egg shells,
despite the fact that PET has been recycled in many materials. This would not only
help with waste management, but by manufacturing synthetic paper, trees would also
be saved from being cut down. This study could also aid in the improvement of paper
quality, resilience, and stiffness.
Research methodology
Conversion of PET plastic bottles into paper is one technique\ to recycle solid waste
and improve waste management. Since, in its synthesis we are using calcium
carbonate, we are also using it from solid waste i.e. egg shells. PET plastic bottles
can be recycled in three ways: either mechanical recycling, chemical recycling or
energy recovery. We are doing mechanical recycling because of the reason that
mechanical recycling yields good quality products. And there are only less
approaches there with mechanical recycling. The integrated approach of waste
management with the participation of industry, government and public can solve the
waste disposal problem without damage to both environments and industry.
For data collection, we are going for the personal interview, Surveying records, Direct
Our direct approach will be household people, neighbours, and people of different
areas within the domain of Hyderabad and Jamshoro. We will design a questionnaire
and conduct surveys: online as well as in person.
Variables we will be governing involves the rate of solid waste i.e., plastic water
bottles, eggshells, tetra packs, shampoo bottles, paper; dependent upon 5 factors
i.e., income, age, assets and personal attitude
Processes are described as under:
o Plastics collection
o Manual sorting, we will prefer to remove paper labels after manual sorting).
Our sorting involves separation of PET bottles from other.
o Chipping (shredding)
o Washing, it is washed to remove paper labels, glue and dirt etc at around
90oC for at least 12 minutes. Wash solution consists of an alkaline detergent
in water which removes dirt and degrades protein. Detergent is an alkaline,
cationic detergent (containing cationic surfactant). Cationic surfactants are
less common, but they are used for shampoos and for fabric softeners.
o CaCO3 and plastic bottle particles are then melted to produce other
substances such as fibre.
o The resulting pellet mixture will then be heated to more than 100oC and rolled
out into large sheets. Or we can even mold and then separate out a smart
piece of paste.
In this process 20% PET is used while 80% CaCO3 is used. The source of
PET plastic is water bottles and that of CaCO3 in eggshells.
Other than that, The technology used in this is Artificial intelligence which is
helping us in the amount of waste generated in different areas and ultimately
helping us in resource estimation.
In Artificial intelligence, we will be using TensorFlow deep learning model that
will help us in categorizing the waste according to area with its percentage
and shown by a graph/chart.
Expected outcome
We expect that, if we use mechanical recycling techniques to solve the PET plastic
waste management issue, we can save marine life that is being targeted when PET
plastic bottles are disposed of in the ocean. The ozone layer destruction can be
minimized if we recycle PET. since the CO2 is emitted by PET in landfilling and
incineration. This initiative is expected to result in a reduction of the amount of
microplastics in our salt. Our end-product is expected to be water-resistant because
of the properties of plastic with high printing facilities.
Gantt chart: