Westbrook: Nickel Electrode For The Welding of Cast Iron
Westbrook: Nickel Electrode For The Welding of Cast Iron
Westbrook: Nickel Electrode For The Welding of Cast Iron
Description and
Applications MMA Electrode with graphite base coating. Pure nickel weld deposit
for the weld repair of grey cast iron. Machineable deposit, which,
when peened, provides a gas-tight joint
Base materials to be
Grey and flake cast irons. All cast irons to provide machineable deposit and gas
tight joints.
Packaging Data
Size mm 2.5 3.2 4.0 5.0
Elec/packet 251 156 100 66
Elec/carton 1004 624 400 264
Packs/carton 44 4 4
Kg/packet 55 5 6.5
Kg/carton 20 20 20 26
Amperes =/+ 70 100 145 180
Instructions Ensure heat input minimal, remove all scaling, grease and loose
debris.Deposit short stringer beads and peen to reduce stresses
For further information see Westbrook sheet `Cast Iron Welding`