Main Memory – where programs and data are kept when the processors is actively using them. Holds
the programs and data that the processor is actively working with.
Primary Storage – presently known as memory, is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. The
CPU continuously reads instructions stored there and executes them as required.
Types of Memory
ROM – Read Only Memory, can’t be changed or erase. Example or ROM is BIOS.
RAM – Random Access Memory, volatile memory that holds data only when the power is on, when
the power is off the information will lost.
Types of ROM
1. Masked ROM: ROM that is programmed with data when fabricated. Data will not change once
installed. Hardwired.
2. Programmable ROM (PROM): Capable of being programmed by the user with a ROM
programmer. Not hardwired.
3. Erasable PROM (EPROM): Much like the PROM this EPROM can be programmed and then
erased by light.
4. EEPROM: Another form of EPROM but is reprogrammable electrically.
1. SRAM: Static random access memory uses multiple transistors, typically four to six, for each
memory cell but doesn't have a capacitor in each cell. It is used primarily for cache.
2. DRAM: Dynamic random access memory has memory cells with a paired transistor and
capacitor requiring constant refreshing.
Computer Instructor: HELNER D. TAGHAP
3. FPM DRAM: Fast page mode dynamic random access memory was the original form of DRAM.
It waits through the entire process of locating a bit of data by column and row and then reading
the bit before it starts on the next bit. Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache is approximately 176
4. EDO DRAM: Extended data-out dynamic random access memory does not wait for all of the
processing of the first bit before continuing to the next one. As soon as the address of the first
bit is located, EDO DRAM begins looking for the next bit. It is about five percent faster than FPM.
Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache is approximately 264 MBps.
5. SDRAM: Synchronous dynamic random access memory takes advantage of the burst mode
concept to greatly improve performance. It does this by staying on the row containing the
requested bit and moving rapidly through the columns, reading each bit as it goes. The idea is
that most of the time the data needed by the CPU will be in sequence. SDRAM is about five
percent faster than EDO RAM and is the most common form in desktops today. Maximum
transfer rate to L2 cache is approximately 528 MBps.
6. DDR (DDR1) SDRAM: Double data rate synchronous dynamic RAM is just like SDRAM
except that is has higher bandwidth, meaning greater speed. Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache
is approximately 1,064 MBps (for DDR SDRAM 133 MHZ).
Computer Instructor: HELNER D. TAGHAP
7. DDR2 SDRAM: DDR2 SDRAM is a double data rate type two synchronous dynamic
random-access memory interface. It superseded the original DDR SDRAM specification, and
is superseded by DDR3 SDRAM (launched in 2007). DDR2 DIMMs are neither forward
compatible with DDR3 nor backward compatible with DDR.
8. DDR3 SDRAM: Double data rate type three SDRAM (DDR3 SDRAM) is a type of synchronous
dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) with a high bandwidth ("double data rate") interface,
and has been in use since 2007. It is the higher-speed successor to DDR and DDR2 and
predecessor to DDR4 synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) chips.
9. DDR4 SDRAM: DDR4 SDRAM, an abbreviation for double data rate fourth-generation
synchronous dynamic random-access memory, is a type of synchronous dynamic random-
access memory (SDRAM) with a high bandwidth ("double data rate") interface. Released to the
market in 2014, it is one of the latest variants of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), some
of which have been in use since the early 1970s, and a higher-speed successor to the DDR2
and DDR3 technologies.
10. RDRAM: Rambus dynamic random access memory is a radical departure from the previous
DRAM architecture. Designed by Rambus, RDRAM uses a Rambus in-line memory module
(RIMM), which is similar in size and pin configuration to a standard DIMM. What makes RDRAM
so different is its use of a special high-speed data bus called the Rambus channel. RDRAM
memory chips work in parallel to achieve a data rate of 800 MHz, or 1,600 MBps. Since they
operate at such high speeds, they generate much more heat than other types of chips. To help
dissipate the excess heat Rambus chips are fitted with a heat spreader, which looks like a long
thin wafer. Just like there are smaller versions of DIMMs, there are also SO-RIMMs, designed
for notebook computers.
Computer Instructor: HELNER D. TAGHAP
Speeds of RAM
For various technologies, there are certain bus and device clock frequencies that are
standardized. There is also a decided nomenclature for each of these speeds for each type.
Bus Transfer
Module Module Clock Speed Cycles per Bus Width
Speed Rate
Standard Format (MHz) Clock (Bytes)
(MT/s) (MBps)
FPM SIMM 22 1 22 8 177
EDO SIMM 33 1 33 8 266
Single Inline Memory Module (SIMM) SIMM is a memory module with 72 or 30 pins, and SIMMs are
considered legacy components and can be found in older machines. SIMMs with 72 pins can support
32-bit transfer rates and 32-pin SIMMs can support 16-bit transfer rates.
Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) DIMM is a memory module with 168 pins. DIMMs are commonly
used today and support 64-bit transfer.
Rambus Inline Memory Module (RIMM) RIMM is a 184-pin memory module that uses only the
RDRAM. Smaller modules called SO-RIMM have a 160-pin connector. Some systems require that
RIMM modules be added in identical pairs while others allow single RIMMs to be installed.
SO-DIMM, or small outline dual in-line memory module, is a type of computer memory built using
integrated circuits. SO-DIMMs are a smaller alternative to a DIMM, being roughly half the size of regular
Variants of DIMM slots support DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4 RAM. Common types of DIMMs include
the following:
• 72-pin SO-DIMM (not the same as a 72-pin SIMM), used for FPM DRAM and EDO DRAM
• 100-pin DIMM, used for printer SDRAM
• 144-pin SO-DIMM, used for SDR SDRAM
• 168-pin DIMM, used for SDR SDRAM (less frequently for FPM/EDO DRAM in
workstations/servers, may be 3.3 or 5 V)
• 172-pin MicroDIMM, used for DDR SDRAM
• 184-pin DIMM, used for DDR SDRAM
• 200-pin SO-DIMM, used for DDR SDRAM and DDR2 SDRAM
• 204-pin SO-DIMM, used for DDR3 SDRAM
• 214-pin MicroDIMM, used for DDR2 SDRAM
• 240-pin DIMM, used for DDR2 SDRAM, DDR3 SDRAM and FB-DIMM DRAM
• 244-pin MiniDIMM, used for DDR2 SDRAM
• 260-pin SO-DIMM, used for DDR4 SDRAM
• 260-pin SO-DIMM, with different notch position than on DDR4 SO-DIMMs, used for UniDIMMs
that can carry either DDR3 or DDR4 SDRAM
• 288-pin DIMM, used for DDR4 SDRAM
Computer Instructor: HELNER D. TAGHAP
Most types of SO-DIMMs can be recognized at a glance by the distinctive notches that “key” them for
different applications: