VVR Agents Config Sol
VVR Agents Config Sol
VVR Agents Config Sol
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Chapter 1
Overview of the VCS Agents
for VVR
This chapter includes the following topics:
The VCS Agents for VVR monitor and manage Replicated Volume Groups (RVGs).
Each agent includes VCS-type declarations and agent executables, which represent
a resource type. The VCS Agents for VVR include:
Agents for Failover Applications
■ RVG agent
■ RVGPrimary agent
■ RVGSnapshot agent
See “How the agents for failover applications work” on page 11.
Agents for Parallel Applications
■ RVGShared agent
■ RVGSharedPri agent
■ RVGLogowner Agent
See “How the agents for parallel applications work” on page 20.
Service groups Service groups are comprised of related resources. When a service
group is brought online, all the resources within the group are
brought online.
You can dynamically configure or modify the VCS agents and their resources from
the command line or from the VCS Java and Web consoles. You can also edit the
main.cf file directly, however you must stop VCS before editing the main.cf file.
Example main.cf files for the VCS agents for VVR are located in the
/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr directory.
For instructions, see the chapters on administering VCS in the Veritas Cluster
Server User's Guide.
RVG agent
The RVG agent enables replication between clusters by managing the Primary
VVR node in one cluster and the Secondary VVR node in another cluster, each of
which can be failed over in its respective cluster. In this way, replication is made
highly available.
12 Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR
How the agents for failover applications work
Note: The RVG works with the RVGPrimary agent to provide failover of the Primary
VVR node to the Secondary VVR node. If a disaster occurs on the Primary VVR
node and all the nodes in the Primary cluster are unavailable, the RVG agent does
not fail over the Primary role from the Primary VVR node to the Secondary VVR
node. Using a VCS global cluster enables you to fail over the Primary role from a
Primary VVR node to a Secondary VVR node.
Note: This release does not support the attributes Primary, SRL, and RLinks of
the RVG agent. If you have a configuration from a previous release, you must
remove these attributes during the upgrade or the configuration will fail.
The function of the RVG agent, its entry points, and its state definitions are as
Description Brings the RVG online, monitors read/write access to the RVG,
and takes the RVG offline; this is a failover resource.
Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR 13
How the agents for failover applications work
Entry Points ■ online: Verifies whether the DiskGroup agent has recovered
the RVG. If not, recovers and starts the data volumes and the
Storage Replicator Log (SRL), recovers the RVG, recovers all
RLINKs in the RVG, and then starts the RVG.
■ offline: Stops the RVG.
■ clean: Stops the RVG.
■ info: Gives the information about the replication status for
the Replicated Data Set (RDS).
■ monitor: Monitors the state of the RVG using the vxprint
Note: The RVG resource monitors an RVG for local access only;
it does not monitor replication.
Detecting Failure The RVG resource fails if the RVG is not in the ENABLED/ACTIVE
str StorageDG
str StorageRVG
str StorageHostIds[]
static int NumThreads = 1
For example, to set the info interval to 60 seconds for the RVG resource type,
The info interval indicates how frequently VCS executes the info entry point to
update the the replication status. In the above example, the info interval is set to
60, so VCS updates the replication status every 60 seconds. To display the output
of the info entry point, use the following command:
The output of the info entry point is also logged in the file
DiskGroup IP
RVGPrimary agent
The RVGPrimary agent enables migration and takeover of a VVR replicated data
set in a VCS environment. Bringing a resource of type RVGPrimary online causes
the RVG on the local host to become a primary if it is not already. The agent is
useful when hosts in both the primary and secondary side are clustered, in
particular a VCS replicated data cluster or a VCS global cluster, to completely
automate the availability of writable replicated disks to an application managed
by VCS.
The RVGPrimary agent includes the following key features:
■ Removes manual steps of migrating a VVR primary and secondary roles when
failing over applications across a wide area.
■ Minimizes the need for resynchronizing replicated volumes by attempting a
migration before attempting a hard takeover.
■ Waits for the two sides of a replicated data set to become completely
synchronized before migrating roles.
■ Supports an automatic fast failback resynchronization of a downed primary
if it later returns after a takeover.
A sample configuration file for this agent that can be used as a guide when creating
your configuration is located at /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr/RVGPrimary.
The function of the RVGPrimary agent and its entry points are as follows:
16 Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR
How the agents for failover applications work
Offline—Perform no actions.
Clean—Perform no actions.
Detecting Failure Monitoring of the actual RVG is done by the RVG agent;
accidental migration of a VVR Primary outside of VCS would
cause other resources to fault immediately, such as Mount, so
no special monitoring by this agent is necessary.
NIC RVGPrimary
DiskGroup IP
Replication group, online at both
the Primary and the Secondary
18 Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR
How the agents for failover applications work
RVGSnapshot agent
The RVGSnapshot agent automates the taking of space-optimized snapshots on
a secondary RVG; since these snapshots can be mounted and written to without
affecting the actual replicated data, a space-optimized snapshot can be an effective
tool for scheduling a “fire drill” to confirm that a wide-area failover is possible.
By combining this agent with VCS Mount agents and VCS agents that manage the
application being replicated, a special fire drill service group can be created that
can be onlined and offlined at regularly scheduled intervals to confirm the
robustness of a disaster recovery environment.
In addition to the agent itself, a text-based wizard /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/fdsetup that
prepares the VVR and VCS infrastructure for a fire drill and a script
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/fdsched that runs the fire drill and consolidates the results
are included with this package.
Complete details are in the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.
The RVGSnapshot agent includes the following key features:
■ Automates the process of creating a space-optimized snapshot on a VVR
secondary that can be mounted to simulate a wide-area failover without
affecting the production application.
■ Includes a wizard to effectively set up and schedule fire drills that are
completely managed by VCS.
While the fdsetup wizard configures the appropriate resources for a fire drill
group, the following table summarizes the function of the RVGSnapshot agent,
its entry points, and its state definitions:
boolean DestroyOnOffline = 1
temp str FDFile
RVGShared agent
The RVGShared agent enables you to configure parallel applications to use an
RVG in a cluster. The RVGShared agent monitors the RVG in a shared disk group
environment. The RVGShared agent must be configured as a parallel group in
VCS. Typically, the RVGShared resource is online or offline at the same time on
all the nodes in the VCS cluster. An example configuration file for this agent that
can be used as a guide when creating your configuration is located at
The function of the RVGShared agent, its entry points, and its state definitions
are as follows:
Entry Points online—Verifies whether the RVG is started. If the RVG is not
started, recovers and starts the RVG.
offline—No action.
clean—No action.
Note: Do not add any volumes that are part of the RVG in the CVMVolume attribute
of the CVMVolDg resource. The volumes in the RVG are managed by the
RVGShared resource.
RVGLogowner Agent
The RVGLogowner agent assigns or unassigns a node as a logowner in the cluster.
To replicate data, VVR requires network connectivity between the Primary and
the Secondary. In a shared disk group environment, only one node, that is, the
logowner, can replicate data to the Secondary.
For replication to be highly available, the logowner must be highly available. To
make the logowner highly available, the RVGLogowner resource must be configured
as a resource in a failover group. Also, a virtual IP must be set up on the logowner
to enable replication and failover of the logowner from one node to another in a
cluster. The virtual IP must be configured as an IP resource.
See “Dependency graph for the RVGLogowner agent” on page 24.
For more information about the logowner, see the Veritas Volume Replicator
Administrator's Guide. An example configuration file for this agent that can be
used as a guide when creating your configuration is located at
The function of the RVGLogowner agent, its entry points, and its state definitions
are as follows:
Description Assigns and unassigns a node as the logowner in the CVM cluster;
this is a failover resource.
Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR 23
How the agents for parallel applications work
State Definitions ONLINE—Indicates that the node is the logowner for the RVG in
the cluster.
str RVG
str DiskGroup
str StorageDG
str StorageRVG
str StorageHostIds
static int NumThreads = 1
RVGSharedPri agent
The RVGSharedPri agent enables migration and takeover of a VVR replicated data
set in parallel groups in a VCS environment. Bringing a resource of type
RVGSharedPri online causes the RVG on the local host to become a primary if it
is not already. The agent is useful when hosts in both the primary and secondary
side are clustered using a VCS global cluster, to completely automate the
availability of writable replicated disks to an application managed by VCS.
The RVGSharedPri agent includes the following key features:
Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR 25
How the agents for parallel applications work
■ Removes manual steps of migrating a VVR primary and secondary roles when
failing over applications across a wide area.
■ Minimizes the need for resynchronizing replicated volumes by attempting a
migration before attempting a hard takeover.
■ Waits for the two sides of a replicated data set to become completely
synchronized before migrating roles.
■ Supports an automatic fast failback resynchronization of a downed primary
if it later returns after a takeover.
Sample configuration files are located in the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_rac/
directory and include CVR in the filename. These sample files are installed as part
of the VRTSdbac package, and can be used as a guide when creating your
The function of the RVGSharedPri agent and its entry points are as follows:
Offline—Perform no actions.
Clean—Perform no actions.
Detecting Failure Monitoring of the actual RVG is done by the RVGShared agent;
accidental migration of a VVR Primary outside of VCS would
cause other resources to fault immediately, such as Mount, so
no special monitoring by this agent is necessary.
26 Overview of the VCS Agents for VVR
How the agents for parallel applications work
An RDC uses VVR as opposed to shared storage to provide access to data at the
Secondary. An RDC exists within a single VCS cluster. The application group,
which is configured as a failover group, can be online only on the Primary host.
In the case of the failure of the Primary site, the Secondary is promoted to a
Primary and the application is brought online on the new Primary host.
An RDC configuration is appropriate in configurations lacking shared storage or
SAN interconnection between the Primary site and Secondary site, but where dual
dedicated LLT links are available between the Primary site and the Secondary
For more information about RDCs, refer to the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.
different MAC address. This is true for all the nodes at the Primary and
Secondary sites.
■ This requirement is specific to the RVG Agent. VCS requires the noautoimport
attribute of the disk group to be set.
Refer to the Veritas Cluster Server Bundled Agents Reference Guide for more
information about setting the noautoimport attribute.
■ Do not configure the RVGShared resource in the cvm group. Configure the
RVGShared resource in a separate group which contains the RVGShared
resource and the CVMVolDg resource.
■ If a volume set is fully associated to an RVG, that is, if all its component
volumes are associated to the RVG, you can add the volume set to the agent
configuration in the same way that a volume is added. Specify the volume set
in the Mount resource instead of the component volume names.
See “Example—Setting up VVR in a VCS environment” on page 38.
Configuring the agents for high availability 33
Adding the VVR agents to the VCS configuration
Note: The agents do not support mounting a volume set that is partially
associated to an RVG, that is, if one or more of its component volumes are not
associated to the RVG.
For more information about using volume sets in an RVG, refer to the Veritas
Volume Replicator Administrator's Guide.
# haconf -makerw
# /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr/addVVRTypes.sh
■ Delete occurrences of the RVolume resource from the main.cf file by using
the following command for each resource:
5 Ensure that all changes to the existing configuration are saved and that
further changes are prevented.
For a new installation of the agents, the configuration is complete. If you are
upgrading the agents, continue with steps 6 and 7.
6 If you stopped the agent before installing the new agent, start the agent on
the system by entering:
When you get the message Please look for messages in the log file, check the
file /var/VRTSvcs/log/engine_A.log for a message confirming that each agent
has started.
You can also use the ps command to confirm that the agent is started.
7 If you brought the RVG service group offline before doing the installation,
bring it online by using the following command:
You can add the agents by editing the main.cf file. You must stop VCS before
editing the main.cf file. Perform the following steps:
To add the agents when VCS is stopped
1 Log in as root on one node in the cluster.
2 Ensure that all changes to the existing configuration have been saved and
that further changes are prevented while you modify main.cf located in the
/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config directory.
If the VCS cluster is currently writeable, run the following command:
If the VCS cluster is already read only, run the following command:
# haconf -dump
3 Do not edit the configuration files while VCS is running. The following
command stops the had daemon on all systems and leaves resources available:
include "SRVMTypes.cf"
include "VVRTypes.cf"
For a new agent installation, add the following line to the main.cf file:
include "VVRTypes.cf"
7 This version of the agent does not support the Primary, SRL, and RLINK
attributes of the RVG resource. If existing RVG resources use or define these
attributes, you must remove the attributes.
8 Verify the syntax of the file /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf:
# hastart
# hastatus
# hastart
4 Verify that all service group resources are brought online. On any system,
# hagrp -display
5 On the secondary cluster, start VCS from the system on which the main.cf
was modified:
# hastart
# hastatus
# hastart
8 Verify the service groups and their resources that are brought online. On any
system, enter:
# hagrp -display
Configuring the agents for high availability 37
Example configuration for a failover application
NIC RVGPrimary
DiskGroup IP
Replication group, online at both
the Primary and the Secondary
The service groups Logowner and Oracle are dependent on the service group
RVGShared. The RVGShared manages the RVG in a shared environment; therefore,
it is dependent on the cvm service group.
ora_vvr_shpri nic
RVGSharedPri NIC
RVGShared Group (Parallel)
qlogckd orabin_voldg
CFSQlogckd CVMVolDg
Cluster IP
Cluster IP
This example assumes that each of the hosts seattle1 and london1 has a disk group
named hrdg with enough free space to create the VVR objects mentioned in the
example. Set up the VVR configuration on seattle1 and london1 to include the
objects used in the sample configuration files, main.cf.seattle and main.cf.london,
located in the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr/RVG directory.
See “Example VVR configuration in a VCS environment” on page 29.
To set up the VVR configuration
1 On london1:
■ Create the Secondary data volumes.
■ Create the data volumes for the volume set on the Secondary and create
the volume set.
2 On seattle1:
Configuring the agents for high availability 41
Example—Setting up VVR in a VCS environment
■ Create the data volumes for the volume set on the Primary and create the
volume set.
■ Determine the virtual IP address to be used for replication, and then verify
that the device interface for this IP is plumbed. If the device interface for
this IP is not plumbed, then plumb the device. Get the IP up using the
OS-specific command. This IP address that is to be used for replication
must be configured as the IP resource for this RVG service group.
■ Create the Secondary RVG.
Note: The RLINKs must point to the virtual IP address for failovers to
succeed. The virtual IP address must be able to ping virtual
IP address and vice versa.
■ Start replication.
42 Configuring the agents for high availability
Example—Setting up VVR in a VCS environment
# mkdir /hr_mount01
# mkdir /hr_mount02
# mkdir /hr_mount03
4 On seattle1, create file systems on the volumes hr_dv01 and hr_dv02 and on
the volume set hr_vset01.
Note: Use this example as a reference when creating or changing your resources
and attributes.
To add the agent resources to your existing VCS configuration when VCS is
running, perform the following procedures:
■ Create the replication service group
■ Create the application service group
Perform the following steps on the system seattle1 in the Primary cluster Seattle,
and then repeat the steps (with minor changes as noted) on the system london1
in Secondary cluster London:
To create the replication service group
1 Log in as root.
2 Set the VCS configuration mode to read/write by issuing the following
# haconf -makerw
3 Add the replication service group, VVRGrp, to the cluster. This group will
contain all the storage and replication resources. Modify the attributes
SystemList and AutoStartList of the service group to populate SystemList
and AutoStartList:
On the Secondary cluster, replace seattle1 and seattle2 with london1 and
4 Add the DiskGroup resource Hr_Dg to the service group VVRGrp and modify
the attributes of the resource:
5 Add a NIC resource vvrnic to the service group VVRGrp and modify the
attributes of the resource:
6 Add the IP resource vvrip to the service group VVRGrp and modify the
attributes of the resource:
On the Secondary cluster, use the appropriate IP for the Address. For example:
7 Specify resource dependencies for the resources you added in the previous
Perform the following steps on the system seattle1 in the Primary cluster Seattle,
and then repeat the steps (with minor changes as noted) on the system london1
in Secondary cluster London:
To create the application service group
1 Log in as root.
2 Set the VCS configuration mode to read/write by issuing the following
# haconf -makerw
Configuring the agents for high availability 45
Example—Setting up VVR in a VCS environment
3 Add a service group, ORAGrp, to the cluster Seattle. This group will contain
all the application specific resources. Populate the attributes SystemList,
AutoStartList and ClusterList of the service group
On the Secondary , replace seattle1 and seattle2 with london1 and london2,
as follows:
4 Add a NIC resource oranic to the service group ORAGrp and modify the
attributes of the resource:
5 Add an IP resource oraip to the service group ORAGrp and modify the
attributes of the resource:
7 Add the Mount resource Hr_Mount02 to mount the volume hr_dv02 in the
RVG resource Hr_Rvg:
8 Add the Mount resource Hr_Mount03 to mount the volume set hr_vset01 in
the RVG resource Hr_Rvg:
12 Specify resource dependencies for the resources you added in the previous
13 The application service group and the replication service group must both
exist before doing this step. If you have not yet created the replication service
group, do so now.
See “To create the replication service group ” on page 43.
After you have created the application service group and the replication
service group, specify an online local hard group dependency between ORAGrp
and VVRGrp.
17 Verify that the service group ORAGrp is ONLINE on the system seattle1 by
issuing the following command:
If the VCS cluster is already read only, run the following command:
# haconf -dump
3 Do not edit the configuration files while VCS is started. The following
command will stop the had daemon on all systems and leave resources
# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
# cp main.cf main.cf.orig
5 Edit the main.cf files for the Primary and Secondary clusters. The files
main.cf.seattle and main.cf.london located in the
/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sample_vvr/RVGPrimary directory can be used for
reference for the primary cluster and the secondary cluster respectively.
Configuring the agents for high availability 49
Example—Setting up VVR in a VCS environment
Note: Determine the node that is performing the most writes by running the vxstat
command on each node for a suitable period of time; after you set up replication,
specify this node as the logowner.
If the VCS cluster is already read only, run the following command:
# haconf -dump
3 Ensure VCS is not running while you edit main.cf by using the hastop
command to stop the VCS engine on all systems and leave the resources
# cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
# cp main.cf main.orig
5 Use vi or another text editor to edit the main.cf file, making the following
■ Edit the CVM group on the secondary cluster. Use the CVM group on the
primary as your guide.
■ Add the logowner group and the RVG service groups.
■ Add an application service group. Use the application service group on
the primary cluster as a pattern for the service group on the secondary
■ Since the service group is a global group, assign it the same name as the
group on the primary cluster.
■ Define the ClusterList and ClusterFailOverPolicy cluster attributes.
■ Include the RVGSharedPri resource.
To set up automated failover of the bunker RVG, specify the bunker RVG, the
bunker disk group, and the bunker node using the following attributes of the RVG
resource in the application service group or the RVGLogowner agent:
Attribute Description
The bunker failover attributes described in this section are the only specific
attributes that differ for an RDS containing a bunker. The rest of the configuration
for the VCSAgent is the same as for any other RDS.
See “Example—Setting up VVR in a VCS environment” on page 38.
group AppSG (
ClusterList = { cluster_london = 0 }
SystemList = { seattle = 0, london = 1 }
Authority = 1
AutoStartList = { seattle }
ClusterFailOverPolicy = Manual
RVG = vcsrvg
DiskGroup = pdg
Primary = true
StorageRVG = brvg
StorageDG = bdg
StorageHostIds = "portland"
group RVGLogownerGrp (
SystemList = { seattle = 0, london = 1 }
AutoStartList = { seattle, london }
IP vvr_ip (
Device = bge0
Address = ""
NIC vvr_nic (
Device = bge0
RVGLogowner vvr_rvglogowner (
RVG = rvg
DiskGroup = vvrdg
StorageRVG = brvg
StorageDG = bdg
StorageHostIds = "portland"
Configuring the agents for high availability 55
Administering the service groups
requires group RVGSharedGrp online local firm
vvr_ip requires vvr_nic
# hastart
2 Verify that all the service groups that contain RVG resource type are brought
# hagrp -display
3 Take the service group offline and verify that all resources are stopped:
4 Bring the service group online again and verify that all resources are available:
# hastart
7 Verify that all the service groups that contain RVG resource type are brought
online on seattle2:
# hagrp -display
RVGPrimary 15
RVGSharedPri 24
types.cf file 10
adding agents when VCS is running 33
adding agents when VCS is stopped 34
defined 10
configuring RVG agent with 43, 48
VCS agents for VVR
list 9
VCS cluster components 10
VCS environment
configuring VVR in 28
example setting up VVR 38
generic VVR setup 28
requirements for configuring VVR 31
setting up VVR
virtual IP requirement 41
VVR replication state 42
virtual IP
requirement 41
RVGLogowner agent requirement 22
volume sets
using agents with 32
VVR agents
adding when VCS is running 33
configuring 42
list of 9
VVR configuration
setting up 39
VVR in a VCS environment
configuring 28