Performance Analysis of Evacuated Tube Collector in Hot Climate
Performance Analysis of Evacuated Tube Collector in Hot Climate
Performance Analysis of Evacuated Tube Collector in Hot Climate
Adel A. Ghoneim 1*, Hany M. Shabana 2, Mohamed S. Shaaban 3 and Adel M. Mohammedein 4
Applied Sciences Department, College of Technological Studies,
Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET),
P.O. Box 42325, Shuwaikh 70654, Kuwait
Solar collectors are the major component in solar thermal systems, with flat plate and evacuated solar tube
collectors the most common ones. Flat plate collectors operate efficiently at low temperatures which limits
their applications to domestic water heating and space heating. The high temperatures can be achieved by
adapting a vacuum between the glass cover and the absorber plate to reduce or eliminate convection losses.
This paper presents an experimental and numerical study for evaluating the performance of evacuated tube
solar water collector in Kuwait climate. The present paper introduces a detailed developed model for
evacuated tube solar collectors where a more comprehensive optical and thermal analysis is proposed. The
variation of the temperature along both the circumferential (fin) and the longitudinal (tube) directions is
considered in the present model. A numerical procedure is implemented to obtain the solution for the
nonlinear set of equations representing the mathematical model. A subroutine program compatible with
TRNSYS is adapted to simulate the performance of ETC. The numerical model is validated by comparing
simulation results with the experimental data provided by the collector manufacturer. Simulation results
are found to agree well with the experimental results indicating the accuracy of the present developed
model. The thermal performance of solar system adapting evacuated tube collector designed for space
heating, domestic water heating, air conditioning requirements of a typical house in Kuwait is investigated.
The optimum ETC area is approximately equal to 44 m2. The total solar fraction for evacuated tube solar
collector satisfies a significant portion of the load about 0.74. Finally, the value of life cycle savings is found
to be $2300 per year for the optimum conditions. These results prove the feasibility of the solar heating and
cooling systems in Kuwait climate.
Keywords: Evacuated tube collector, collector efficiency, domestic hot water, space heating.
European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 April, 2016
1. Introduction
Solar high temperatures applications include power generation, air conditioning systems as well as solar
industrial heat processes. Evacuated tube solar collectors (ETC) are increasingly in use worldwide because
of their high thermal efficiency and high working temperature compared to the flat plate solar collectors.
The efficiency of ETC is substantially enhanced due to the presence of vacuum between the absorber and
the cover of evacuated tube solar collector (ETC). This is mainly attributed to the reduction in heat losses by
convection ad conduction. The high energy absorption increases the values of solar fraction and
instantaneous efficiency. There are several configurations of evacuate tube collector. The simplest one uses
a flat plate with a flow arrangement attached to an evacuated glass cylinder. Introducing a heat pipe as the
absorbing element in the collector tube greatly enhances the performance of evacuated tube collector. A
substantial thermal heat is transferred through the heat pipe with a small temperature difference between
heat input and heat output. The heat pipe consists of a closed container filled with a capillary device and
charged with small amount of working fluid suitable for the operating conditions. The incoming fluid is
absorbed and then vaporized in the pipe. Heat pipes require different working fluids as fluid properties such
as vapor pressure and density are temperature dependent. There are two categories of evacuated-tube solar
collectors; first is the single-walled glass evacuated-tube and the other is the Dewar tube. The two basic
types have a distinction differences. As an example, heat extraction can be through a U-pipe, heat pipe or
direct liquid contact.
Badar et al. [1] developed an analytical steady-state model to study the thermal performance of an individual
single-walled evacuated-tube with coaxial piping incorporating both single and two-phase flows. Zambolin
et al [2] carried out thermal performance comparisons in two types of the flat plate and vacuum tubes solar
collectors. They concluded that, in the steady-state conditions, the slope of the linear regression
instantaneous efficiency with increasing heat losses in flat plate collector is greater than the water-in-glass
ETCs. An improved procedure for the experimental characterization of optical efficiency in evacuated tube
solar collectors has been introduced by Zambolin et al [3]. Evacuated tube collectors usually have much
greater efficiencies than the conventional flat plate collectors especially at low temperature and isolation [4-
6]. The performance of the heat-pipe collectors have been studied and reported before [7-10]. The thermal
performance of four differently shaped absorbers of the evacuated-tube is analyzed numerically and
experimentally by Kim and Seo [11].
Zhao et al. [12] conducted an experimental and theoretical research on a prototype of a looped heat pipe
single walled evacuated tube water heating system. Yin and Harding [13] studied the effect of a range of
tube inclinations, manifold flow rates and inlet temperatures. They concluded that for a wide range of
operating conditions, buoyancy effects alone resulted in efficient heat transfer. A combination of single-
walled evacuated-tubes comprising heat pipes with an external or internal concentrator is presented by
Nkwetta et al. [14]. Tang et al [15,16] presented a mathematical procedure to determine the optimal choice
of tilt and zenith angles. At the same environmental conditions, Ayompe et al. [17] conducted an
experimental study to compare the performance of both FPC and a heat pipe ETC for domestic water
heating system application. The collector efficiencies were found to be 46.1% and 60.7% and the system
efficiencies were found to be 37.9% and 50.3% for FPC and heat pipe ETC, respectively.
Morrison et al. [18] presented a numerical study on a 45° inclined evacuated tube collector. They found the
possible presence of a stagnant region at the bottom of very long tubes. Evacuated tube collectors is
preferably used for high temperature applications such as desalination of sea water, air conditioning,
refrigeration, and industrial heating processes since their performance is better than that of FPC [19]. The
effects of thermal flow and mass rate on forced circulation solar hot water system are experimentally
investigated by Gao etal. [20]. Two types of ETC namely water in glass and U pipe evacuated collectors was
European International Journal of Science and Technology ISSN: 2304-9693
adapted. Results showed that U pipe evacuated collectors have 25–35% higher energy storage than water in
glass. In addition, they concluded that the energy storage and also pump operations are influenced by the
flow rate and fluid thermal mass. It is noted that the performance of energy collection will be reduced for
higher flow rate.
Mangal [21] stated that ETC are strong and long lasting. If any tube is broken, it is just replaced which is
considered as a cheaper option compared to flat plate collector (FPC) which require the replacement of the
whole collector. Optical and heat loss characteristics of water in glass evacuated tube solar heaters is
investigated by Budihardjo and Morrison [22].The domestic water heating system was compared with FPC
and the performance of 2 panel flat plate arrays was found to be higher than 30 evacuated tube arrays.
Shukla et al. [23] mentioned in the review of recent advances in the solar water heating system that the
performance of an ETSC is better than mostly used FPC due to its ability to produce high temperature but
ETSCs are not widely used because of its high initial cost.
Louise and Simon [24] studied heat transfer and flow structure employing computational fluid dynamics and
an optimum inlet flow rate of 0.006–0.015 kg/s has been recommended. The thermal performance of single-
phase ETCs with different tilt angles was carried out by Selvakumar et al [25]. They found that the daily
efficiency of inclined solar water heater at 22°C is relatively equal to that of inclined solar water heater at
46°C. So, they concluded that the result shows that the thermal performance of water-in-glass solar domestic
hot water system is independent of the collector slope.
Ayompe and Duffy [26] analyzed the thermal performance of solar water heating system using heat pipe
evacuated tube collector. Measurement data are collected over one year period from a forced circulation
solar water heating system. Water was used as the working fluid in the system and the maximum outlet
temperature of water was recorded as 70.3° while 59.5° was recorded at the bottom of the hot water tank.
Measurements obtained revealed that the heat pipe ETCs are more efficient than FPCs of a solar water
heating system. The characteristics and the performance of different types of ETSCs for solar water heating
system sthrough out the year was investigated by Arefin et al. [27]. They evaluated the system feasibility by
calculating the payback time. They also reported that all glass evacuated tubes are the cheapest and simplest
and the heat loss is less than heat pipe collectors as the glass tube collectors are directly connected with the
tank. In addition, they determined the operating temperature of the system to be 50° C which is good enough
for domestic purposes and their cost analysis showed that the solar water heater using an ETSC is more cost
effective than the electric water heater. Pappis et al. [28] conducted economical and environmental
comparison between FPC and ETC. They stated that the ETC are the best choice from the environmental
point of view because of the least impact generated during the manufacturing process. On the other hand,
FPC is preferable from the economic point of view as it is much cheaper than ETC.
Active solar heating systems are now widely used in many applications, while, active solar cooling systems
are not. Many publications studied the performance of the solar heating systems [29-31]. On the other hand,
there are fewer publications discussing the performance of solar cooling and air conditioning systems.
Absorption chiller systems are considered as the most suitable option for solar cooling; because they are
compact, reliable and can be easily integrated into different building energy systems. An absorption air
conditioner or refrigerator does not use an electric compressor to mechanically pressurize the refrigerant.
Instead, the absorption device uses a heat source, such as natural gas or a solar collector, to evaporate the
already-pressurized refrigerant from an absorbent/refrigerant mixture. Breesch et al. [32] studied passive
cooling in a low-energy office building in Belgium in which natural night ventilation and an earth-to-air heat
exchanger are applied. The overall thermal comfort in the office building is evaluated by means of
measuring and simulation results.
European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 April, 2016
The objective of this paper is to investigation thermal performance of evacuated tube solar water collector in
hot and harsh climate like Kuwait climate. The present paper introduces a detailed nonlinear model for
evacuated tube solar collectors where a more comprehensive optical and thermal analysis is proposed. The
numerical developed model is validated by the experimental data provided by the collector manufacturer.
The variation of the temperature along both the circumferential and the longitudinal directions is considered
in the present model. The second goal of the present study is to investigate the thermal performance of solar
system designed for space heating, domestic water heating, and cooling requirements of a typical house in
Kuwait. TRNSYS [33] is adapted to simulate the thermal performance of different solar heating and cooling
system components.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the glass evacuated tube solar collector with U-tube
One dimensional analysis for the fin of a single unit of the glass evacuated tube solar collector is carried out.
To simplify the model, the following assumptions are considered: i) steady-state conditions are considered
with normal incidence angle of solar radiation; ii) thermal resistance of the outer glass tube thickness is
negligible; iii) perfect vacuum is assumed between the two glass tubes, thus gas conduction is neglected; iv)
an air layer of small thickness is considered between aluminum fin and the absorber glass tube. The
European International Journal of Science and Technology ISSN: 2304-9693
absorbed solar power (S), is equal to the incident solar power times the optical losses and can be expressed
S = τα GA (1)
where τ is the glass cover transmittance, α is the glass cover absorptance, G is the global solar irradiance on
the collector surface and A is the collector aperture area. The theoretical model is based on the heat balance
equations for each part of the collector as follows:
h L T −T +h L T −T =0 (2)
where Tr, Tg, Ta are the inner glass tube temperature, outer glass tube temperature and ambient temperature;
hr–g is the heat transfer coefficient between the inner and outer glass tubes; and hg–a is the heat transfer
coefficient between the outer glass tube and the ambient environment. Heat conduction can be ignored
because the space between the inner and outer tubes is a very narrow vacuum layer, in which the vacuum
level is 10-4 Pa and the heat conduction coefficient is less than 0.27 x 10-5 W/m °C [34]. Considerin hr–g =
hr–g,rad + hr–g,cond, where hr–g,rad and hr–g,cond are the radiation and conduction heat transfer coefficients
between the outer and inner glass tube Also, hg–a = hg–a,rad + hg–a,conv, where hg–a,rad and hg–a,conv are the
radiation and convection heat transfer coefficients between the outer tube and the ambient environment, and
hg–a,conv is a function of the wind velocity. Lr–g = (Lr + Lg)/2, where Lr and Lg are the perimeters of the inner
and outer glass tubes.
h L T −T +h L T −T +Q +τ α d G=0 (3)
where TAl is the aluminum fin temperature; and hr–Al is the total heat transfer coefficient between the inner
glass tube and the aluminum fin, and hr–Al = hr–Al,rad + hr–Al,cond, where hr–Al,rad and hr–Al,cond are the
radiation and conduction heat transfer coefficients between inner glass tube and aluminum fin, τ is the
transmission coefficient of the outer glass tube; τ is the absorption coefficient of the selective coating on the
inner glass tube; dg is the diameter of the outer glass tube; G is the total solar irradiance on the collector
aperture surface; Lr–Al = (Lr + LAl)/2, where LAl is the perimeter of aluminum fin, and Qe is the heat loss of
the tube edge to the manifold.
h L T −T +h L T −T =0 (4)
where TCu is the U copper pipe temperature; and hAl–Cu is the total heat transfer coefficient between the
aluminum fin and U copper pipe, hAl–Cu = hAl–Cu,rad + hAl–Cu,cond, where hAl–Cu,rad and hAl–Cu,cond are the radiation
and conduction heat transfer coefficients between the aluminum fin and U copper pipe, and LCu is the
perimeter of the copper pipe.
European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 April, 2016
h L T −T +h L T −T =0 (5)
where hf is the fluid convective heat transfer coefficient inside the U copper pipe and it varies with flow
v) Working fluid
hL T − T x + mc T!" − T# $ =0 (6)
where Tin and Tout are the inlet and outlet temperatures of working fluid in the U copper pipe and x is the
interval of the fluid along the tube axis. m and cp are the mass flow rate and specific heat capacity of the
working fluid.
The radiation heat transfer coefficient (hr–g,rad) between the outer and inner glass tube is given by:
σ T' + T' T + T
h = 7
, & 1 1
+ ε −1
where εr and εg are the emission coefficients of the inner tube selective coating and glass of the outer glass
tubes, respectively. Under the conditions given by the industrial temperature range, the ambient air can be
treated as a transparent body of heat radiation, so that hg–a,rad can be ignored.
The convection heat transfer coefficient (hf) between the fluid and the U-pipe wall is given by [35]:
λ Nu λ L7 9.: = µ >
h = = 1.75 /Gz + 5.6 × 10 3
4GrPr 8 ; 9.<3
D D D µ?
where Nu is Nusselt number, Gz is Graetz number, Pr is Prandtl number, LT is the length of the tube, D is
equivalent diameter for the theoretical model, µ av and µ wall are the viscosity of fluid at average fluid
temperature and wall temperature.
T!" − T
η = FB τα − FB UD 9
where (τα) is the transmittance-absorptance product, Tin is the working fluid inlet temperature, Ta is the
ambient temperature, UL overall heat loss coefficient. The heat removal factor (FR) is the ratio of the actual
useful energy gain of a collector to the maximum possible useful gain if the whole collector surface were at
the fluid inlet temperature.
The previous equations are employed to develop a theoretical model to predict the performance of evacuated
tube collector under different climatic conditions.
European International Journal of Science and Technology ISSN: 2304-9693
The system consists of evacuated tube solar collector, a storage tank, an absorption chiller, heat exchanger,
and auxiliary units. The main components of the absorption unit are; generator, condenser, evaporator,
absorber, and low temperature heat exchanger. The lithium bromide solution is pumped from the absorber
to the generator where the water is boiled off. The heat source is passed in a counter-flow arrangement
through the generator to boil off water vapor from the LiBr-H2O solution. A cooling water loop is needed to
condense the water vapor boiled off from the generator and to aid in the absorption of water vapor back into
the LiBr-H2O solution. This cooling water is passed first through the absorber and then the condenser. The
evaporator takes in low-pressure cold water and produces a cooling effect by evaporating the water and
passing it to the absorber. Hot water is supplied to the air conditioner at a temperature of 87°C (minimum),
93°C (maximum) and leaves this unit 10°C cooler than the supply and returns to the storage (or to the
auxiliary heater if storage is below 77°C). Whenever hot water from storage is cooler than 87°C, the
auxiliary heat is supplied to raise its temperature to 87°C. When storage is cooler than 77°C, it is not used,
and the auxiliary heater carries the full cooling load. The performance of air conditioning systems is
expressed by their coefficient of performance (COP). COP determines how many units of cooling/heating
one gets for every unit of energy he puts.
The system operates in four different modes. When solar energy is available for collection and there is a
load demand, heat is supplied directly from the collector to the heating or cooling unit. When solar energy is
available for collection and there is no heat or cooling demand, heat is stored in the storage unit. On the
other hand, if solar energy is not available for collection and there is a load demand, storage then supplies
heat to the heating or cooling unit. However, if storage temperature is not sufficient, the heating or cooling
European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 April, 2016
load is supplied by the auxiliary source. The control strategy and the multistage room thermostat used is
shown in Table 1.
η (−)
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
(Ti -Ta )/G (m 2K/W)
Figure 3. Comparison between simulated and experimental ETC thermal efficiency
European International Journal of Science and Technology ISSN: 2304-9693
The efficiency curves obtained from the present model and experimental data provided by manufacturer are:
T!" − T
= 0.718 − 3.17 10
T!" − T
= 0.696 − 3.31 11
H !F "$ G
Error analysis revealed that the maximum deviation between model and experimental optical efficiency is
about 2.9% while the maximum deviation between model and experimental overall heat loss coefficient is
approximately 3.8%. The above graph and these predictions clearly demonstrate the reliability of the present
developed ETC numerical model.
0.9 s F
0.7 F
Solar Fraction (-)
0.5 F
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Area (m )
Figure 4. Solar fraction variation with collector area
European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 April, 2016
The variation of total solar fraction, life cycle savings, and overall system efficiency (ratio of solar energy
provided to the total incident radiation) with collector area is presented in Figure 5. This typical figure
shows the choice of optimum collector area which is approximately equal to 44 m2 in this case. It is clear
from this figure that this optimum area neither corresponds neither to maximum system efficiency nor to the
maximum solar fraction. Also, the total solar fraction (Ft) for evacuated tube solar collector satisfies a
significant portion of the load about 0.74. Finally, the coefficient of performance (COP) of the absorption
chiller is approximately 0.62 which is within the accepted practical values of the conventional lithium
bromide system. The life cycle cost of the conventional and the solar system varies significantly due to the
corresponding variation of the total load. The value of life cycle savings (LCS) is found to be $2300 per
year for the optimum conditions. These results prove the feasibility of the solar heating and cooling systems
in Kuwait climate.
1.0 2500
0.8 F 2000
Solar Fraction (-)
0.6 1500
LCS ($)
0.4 1000
0.2 η 500
0.0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Area (m )
Figure 5. Variation of system parameters with collector area
5. Conclusions
The present paper introduces a detailed nonlinear model for evacuated tube solar collectors. The numerical
developed model is validated by the experimental data provided by the collector manufacturer. Also, the
present study investigates the thermal performance of solar system designed for space heating, domestic
water heating, and cooling requirements of a typical house in Kuwait. Based on the present results, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
European International Journal of Science and Technology ISSN: 2304-9693
• The reliability of the present developed model is validated by the experimental data and the two
predictions agree well.
• The maximum energy is attained with a solar collector area of 44 m2.
• An annual solar savings of about $2300 is achieved at these optimum conditions which confirm the
feasibility of solar heating and cooling systems in Kuwait climate.
• The results of the present study should encourage wide utilization of solar energy systems which will
help in keeping our environment healthy and clean.
Ap collector Aperture area (m2)
cp specific heat of the water (J/kg K)
FD solar fraction of domestic water heating
Fs solar fraction of space heating
Ft total solar fraction
FR heat removal factor
G incident radiation on horizontal surface (W/m2)
Gr Grashof number
Gz Graetz number
h heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
L perimeter (m)
LCS life cycle savings ($)
ṁ mass flow rate of water to the collector (kg/s)
Nu Nusselt number
Pr Prandtl number
S absorbed solar power (W)
Ta ambient temperature ( °C )
Tin inlet collector temperature ( °C )
Tout outlet collector temperature ( °C )
UL collector overall heat loss coefficient ( W/m2 K)
α absorptance
η collector efficiency
λ thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m°C)
µ kinematic viscosity (Pa s)
τ transmittance
(τα) transmittance-absorptance product
The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Public Authority for Applied Education and
Training (PAAET) for financial support of the present work.
European International Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 5 No. 3 April, 2016
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