Excretory System
Excretory System
Excretory System
• Significance: Amino acids and proteins are not stored in human body like
carbohydrates and fats. So, if they are in excess (more amount) they are
degraded and nitrogen in them is released in the form of ammonia
(deamination). Ammonia is highly toxic to human body, so converted to
less toxic urea and uric acid. Urea and uric acid are expelled out of body
mixed with urine.
• The organs and its physiology which are involved in excretion collectively is
called excretory system.
Excretory system
• The body system which is concerned with continuous removal of the
metabolic waste from our body and retains the proper amount of water,
and regulate the chemical composition of body fluids.
• Kidneys, along with ureter, urinary bladder and urethra build up the urinary system
which facilitates the removal of nitrogenous waste along with excess of water from
the body in the form of urine.
• A pair of kidney are responsible for filtering toxins, wastes, excess
water, and mineral salts out of the bloodstream.
• Each kidney is about 4-5 inches (10 cm) long, 3 inches (6 cm) wide and
about 2 inches (4 cm) thick, weighing about 150 grams in an adult male
and 135 grams in adult female.
• Left kidney is slightly larger than right kidney because of higher degree of
vascularity. And, right kidney is slightly posterior in position due to position
of liver.
• Each kidney is enclosed in a thin, tough, fibrous, white capsule called fascia. It contains
semi-liquid fatty tissue which helps to keep the kidney in position.
• Each kidney has inner concave and outer convex surface. The inner concave surface is
called hilus renalis, through which renal artery, the renal vein, nerves, and the ureters
enter or leave the kidney.
• Adrenal gland is present at the top of each kidney, so also called as suprarenal gland.
Histology of kidney
• In longitudinal section, two regions of kidneys can be observed; the outer
granular darker region is called cortex and the inner light colored striated
region is called medulla.
• Each kidney consists of about one million blood filtering unit called
nephrons or uriniferous tubules.
Functions of kidneys
• remove waste products from the body
• remove drugs and their metabolites from the body
• balance the body's fluids
• release hormones that regulate blood pressure
• produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy
• control the production of red blood cells
Structure of nephron (uriniferous tubule)
• Nephron is the functional unit of kidney, specialized for the filtration of the
blood, that results in osmoregulation.