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This technical report is a report of Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) that I

carried out at Dangote Cement Company Plc, Gboko, Benue State. I started the training on 2nd of

December, 2019 till 15th of May, 2020.

This report contains the details of the technical knowledge acquired during the training and thus it

will remain as an evidence of the training that I received.

1.1 Meaning of ITF

ITF means Industrial Training Found. It was established by the decree No.47 of 8th October, 1971

with the aim of promoting and encouraging the acquisition of skills in industries and corporations.

It is commenced with a view to generate a pool of indigenously trained manpower sufficient to

meet the needs of the Nigerians economy.

1.2 Aims and Objectives of ITF

i. Building and training facilities of its own identified areas of national needs

ii. Seeking to harmonize ITF non-formal programmes with the curricula for formal education


iii. The establishment of uniform national vocational and apprenticeship training scheme in

the country.

iv. Organizing research and studies as support to other activities of the found.

v. It prepares students to be self-reliant at the end of SIWES program.

1.3 Meaning/Background of SIWES

SIWES means Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme. The Federal Government of Nigeria

as part of manpower development programme introduced the programme in 1974. The programme

was designed to supplement the theoretical learning of students in academics institutions with

exposure to practical activities in their various courses of studies and how to handle equipment

and machines that may not be found in their institutions.

The programme (SIWES) is a financed by the Federal Government of Nigeria and functions

through the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) board. The finance used to pay students and workers

on the programme is obtained from the Federal Government by taxing the registered companies.

1.4 Aims and Objectives of SIWES

1. To prepare students for self-reliance by improving their analytical and self-sustenance


2. To supplement the theoretical learning of student from higher institutions with practical

industrial activities in their various disciplines.

3. To enhance and strength employer’s involvement in the entire educational process of

preparing student for employment in commerce and industry.

4. To expose students to working method and experienced in handling equipment and

machines that may not be available in the institution.

5. To help students greatly to know work regulations and method of work.

6. To expose and prepare students for the working situations they are likely to meet after


1.5 Significance of SIWES

1. To help the students to combine both theoretical and practical work.

2. It helps the students to practicalized the knowledge they acquired in the school.

3. It allows them to see practically what they were taught in the classroom.

4. It helps students to be skillful and acquire knowledge in handling industrial equipment and

tools, it also give jobs experience in life.

1.6 Brief History of Dangote Cement Plant Gboko, Benue State

In 1950, traces of limestone were first noticed in Yandev by a group of geologist from the

amalgamated tin mines of Jos Nig. Ltd. During the course of lead-zinc prospecting operation in

Benue State through the extent of occurrence was found stretch up to some kilometers north of


Investigation started in 1963 by the Government of Nigeria (Geological survey of Nigeria report

No. 1399 and 1190) thereafter Henry Stephen (Nigeria) sunk 5 boreholes and consequently

obtained in 1967, the concession for mining limestone of the kilometers post 72km on the Makurdi-

Yandev Road.

In 1973 Klockrow INA (Germany) prepared a feasibility coming to the conclusion that limestone

and shale deposits were present in quality and quantity to justify the construction of a cement

manufacturing plant.

On request of the Nigerian Government cement AG Zurich made a further investigation geological

as well as infrastructural wise during August construction of a cement manufacturing plant.

From more findings of previous reports the following conclusion were made;

1. The raw materials deposit at Tse-Kucha of the Kilometer pass 72km on Makurdi – Yandev

road have been chosen for the construction of the cement manufacturing lant.

2. The limestone deposit in this area is of lower cretaceous age and belong to the Asu Rivers

group and are characterized by the NGADIM ANTICLINE (Onough, 1963).

3. The deposits area consisting of limestone siltstone and shale and lie on a bed of

Precambrian grasses and granite.

4. The strate in this area dips 3o25oSW is interrupted by numerous transverse faults.

This cement manufacturing plant was originally established in 1995, owned, managed and

controlled by the Federal Government of Nigeria incorporated and lasted on the Nigeria Stock

Exchange in 1991 and was later privatized to Dangote Group.

1.7 Departments in Dangote Cement Industry, Gboko Plant

1. Dangote Transportation System Department (DANTRAS)

2. Mechanical Maintenance Department

3. Electrical Engineering Department

4. Mines Department

5. Production Department

6. Safety Department

7. Quality Assurance Department

8. Mobile Plant Department

9. Packing Plant Department

10. Human Resource and Administrative Department

My Industrial training was carried out at Mechanical Maintenance Department which has ten (10)

sections under it;

i. Crusher section

ii. Raw mill section

iii. Kiln section

iv. Cement vertical roller mill section

v. Packing section

vi. Compressors section

vii. Coal mill section

viii. Water treatment plant (WTP) section

ix. Workshop section, and

x. Utilities section

Mechanical maintenance section is basically for the maintenance of mechanical equipments.














Figure 1.0: Organizational Chart of Dangote Cement Company, Gboko Plant



There are two main fundamental processes of cement production existing at present namely “wet”

and “dry”. These processes are named according to the preparation and blending of the raw

materials for feeding into the kiln.

In the wet process, the crushed of raw materials are suspended in water (H2O) to form a slurry. It

is to be noted that water (H2O) content in slurry ranges between 30 – 40%. The slurry which is

screened to remove oversized particles by weight which is kept agitated in a slurry basin (or tank)

before being pumped to the kiln through the upper end thereby allowing gradual downward travel

of the slurry towards the hottest zone, where it is burnt to form what is called Clinker. This is

discharged into coolers and then to stockpiles or storage for grinding into cement.

In the dry process, the hard materials are crushed, ground, blended (raw mill) and passed through

a pre-heated system. During grounding of the raw mix, moistures [or water (H2O)] is partly drive

off. The passage of the raw mill through the preheated system completes the driving off of water

(H2O) content.

However, the wet process kilns are longer than that of the dry process kilns since more effects are

made in partially dried raw mills.

2.1 Cement Production

Quarry: The quarry is situated some meters away behind the main factory. This means that the

raw materials flow starts from the quarry into the crusher which have two types available, impact

and hammer crusher.

The impact crusher has blow bars for raw material size reduction with an efficient of 9 TPH while

the hammer crusher has hammers and anvil for size reduction. Through conveyor but numbers

BO5 and BO6 up to the raw materials stockpile (1 and 2) and the crane hall which are used for

making cement.

Like in all other ordinary Portland cement, the raw materials are calcium carbonate (limestone),

silica (sand), alumina (clay) and ferrite (literite). Limestone is mined in the quarry by drilling and

blasting clay and literite are mined as over boding while silica is out sources to augment what is

available in the deposits. It may interest us to know that crushing of raw materials if effected using

mechanical process that is the impact and hammer crushers are used which are of the capacities of

750 and 900 TPH respectively to manageable sizes. Raw materials are proportioned and the size

(especially limestone) are reduced to less than 100mm and the products are stored in the stockpile

for further size reduction.

2.2 Raw Materials Stockpile

This is a large round structure with done-shape roof and has an automatic stacker and reclaimer

incorporated received the crushed limestone and clay from the quarry and pile it up in conical pile.

The reclaimer recovers the material into weigh feeder for further size reduction. The flow chart

from Quarry to Raw materials stockpile is shown in figure 2.

2.3 Secondary Crushing and Raw Milling

The raw materials from the stock pile are recovers into a weigh feeder through a belt conveyor to

the vertical roller mill, where they are ground into powder. The mill classifier only allows the fine

particles of the material to go into the blending silos while the oversized material particles return

to the mill turn table for grinding. The fine product called “RAW MILL/KILN FEED” is blended

and stored in four (4) number row mill silos. These kiln feed is extracted from the silos through

air slide and elevated to the preheater top by bucket elevators. Figure 3 shows flow chart of Raw

materials from Mill to Blending Silos Top.

2.4 Pre-Heater/Heat Exchange Units

The pre-heater system, which consists of a fire – stage cyclone (funnel-shaped objects) are

connected by ducts through to the kiln. It is used to preheat the raw mill before it gets to the

precasiner and the kiln. As the raw materials travel downwards through the cyclones, the hot gases

leaving the kiln move upward through the cyclones ducts, thereby enabling all the moisture content

in the raw mill to evaporate and therefore raining the temperature of the raw mill to about 850oC

before it get into the precasiner and the kiln. That is, materials coming from the storage stockpile

absorbs heat and goes into the kiln for proper burning to a temperature of about 1200oC and after

the cooked materials called “Clinker” travels downward and drop into a cooler to the cell conveyor

and Aumund conveyor of Deep pan conveyor (DPC) to the clinker stockpile. Figure 4 shows

Preheater Line 1 and 2.

2.4.1 Source of fuel for burning

Coal and low pour fuel oil are the major fuels used for cooking the raw materials into clinker. The

coal plant has a coal tippler section, where coal is discharged to the stockpile and to the mill for

grounding into powder before its been sent into the kiln through the burner pipe.

The jet of fuel through the burner pipe used contains 80% coal and 20% LPFO.

Figure 2: Flow Chart from Quarry to Raw materials stockpile

Figure 3: Flow chart of Raw materials from Mill to Blending Silos Top
Figure 4: Pre-heaters Line 1 and 2

2.4.2 A brief look at the kiln

This is a long hollow tube which is used in heating materials to a required temperature. It has a

diameter of 4.4m and 64m long but because of its expansion or friction during burning is about

60m and it is inclined at 4o. The inclination and rotation makes it easy to discharge materials into

the cooler. It is supported by two main rollers and four support rollers bearing on each type. There

are two (2) kilns in use at the Dangote Cement Factory, Gboko Plant.

2.5 Electrostatic Precipitation Devices

This is a device which allows dust particles carried with gases to become electri-statically changed

and attracted to earthed plates. When these earthed plates are juggled mechanically the dust

particles fall down into a hopper through warm or screw conveyors back to the cooler.

2.6 Quality Control

In order to produce good quality cement, different laboratory tests are carried out by the Quality

Control Department. These diiferent tests are classified into main areas, chemical tests which

deals with both.

2.7 Cement Vertical Roller Mill (CVRM)

About 96% by weight of clinker, the semi-finished product is finely grounded together with about

4% by weight gypsum of produced cement.

At this stage, supplementary materials of high grade, i.e. the silica sand, alumina (clay) and

limestone is at times added to it and this addition is based on the recommendations of the quality

controlled department in order to make sure that cement is consistently of high quality. This

grinding of clinker and other additives is done with the use of a six (6) rollers and grinding table

vertical rollers mill (three main rollers, three slave rollers).

Figure 5: Transverse section of a Cement Mill diagram

Figure 6: Flow Chart from Clinker stockpile to the Mill and Bag house
Figure 7: Flow chart from Bag house to Cement Silos Top
2.8 Cement Storage/Packing and Loading

Cement which is grounded at the cement mill is conveyed through the package house or plant into

silos. The four equally tall silos are for storing cement from where it is fed to the four small daily

silos under which are five (5) rotary parkers which has eight (8) spouses and the last has sixteen

(16) spouses. Each rotary packer has 50kg Dangote Cement bag rolled out onto a belt conveyor.

Near each rotary packer there is a fixed with a sensor device which automatically drops any under-

weight or over weight bag of cement (bag of less than or more than 50kg) and allows those up to

travel to the bag. This ensures that each Dangote’s cement bag is up to 50kg in weight. There are

two systems of loading; one automatically into a waiting trailer in a definite configuration to make

up 600bags per trailer or 900 bags per trailer while, the manual is to be used where automatic

loading machine (Caricamat) are not in operation. Figure 8 below shows a Caricamat machine.

Figure 8: Caricamat (Auto loader)

Figure 9: Rotary Parker



According to advanced Oxford Learners Dictionary, (6" Edition) which defines machines “as a

piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job". The power use to

operate a machine may be electricity stream, gas etc or human power before discussing generally

on machines let's look at some tools and equipment used in the factory.

3.1 Power Saw

It is a machine used for cutting a wide range of large sized ferrous or nonferrous materials (metals).

Before operation, it is necessary to first set the speed on the machine. Then the work is securely

clamped in the machine vice, then adjust the speed pressure by moving the weight above the saw

frame and then cutting operation commences.

3.1.1 Types of power saw

There are of two major types in used and they are

a. Wooden power saw

b. Metal power saw

3.1.2 The features of power saw and its functions

1. The movable end of vice: It helps in the work when adjusted to the size of the work piece

to work on and also it is adjusted and locked with a bolt.

2. The blade: this is a cutting tool that is fitted to the power saw. The blade is fitted in a way

that when it is returning it will not make any cut and it varies in sizes depending on the

work piece.

3. Blade cover: It is in a dovetailed shaped and covers the blade to one end.

4. Locking nut: It is used for locking the nut behind the blade.

5. On/Off Switch: The off switch brings the machine to rest and whereas the ON switch puts

the machine in motion or into operation.

6. Power source: the socket to which the machine is connected.

7. The frame: This may be called the backbone of the machine. It is the frame that carries the

saw (Blades) and the frame is fitted into the dovetails way.

3.1.3 Precaution

There are many precaution of which taken will safeguard the life of the workers/operators. These

precaution are taken while working with the machines.

I. Read the manual carefully before operating

II. Always put on safety goggles, nose mask, ear muff etc. When operating with power


III. Remove all the tools that are not in use from the work area.

IV. Unplug the saw before changing the blade or making any adjustments.

3.2 Lathe Machine

Lathe machine is a machine tool which is used to remove metals from a work piece to give a

desired shape and size. In other words it is a machine that is used to hold the work piece to perform

various metals removing such as turning, grooving, chamfering, knurling, facing, forming etc.

It's very versatile, as it can drill, mill, grind etc its primary aim is to reduce several smooth surface

of a revolution. It is very versatile, as it can Drill, mill, grind, etc. Material or metal spherical

surface, plane surface and cylindrical holding devices.

Spindle (tool holding devices etc in the sense that cutting process is effected when a clockwise or

anticlockwise rotation of the work piece is made as it comes in contact with the suitable tool. That

means that different types of tools such as parting tools, knurling tools, boring tools drilling tools

are available on the tools post. In a situation where the work piece is not cylindrical it is preferable

to use four jar chuck.

The machines are of different types such as capstan lathes, bench lathes, turret lathes and it has the

basic features which are:

i. The head stock

ii. The lathe bed

iii. The saddle or carriage

iv. The cross-side

v. The compound slide or top slide

vi. The tool post vii. The tail stock

vii. The work holding device (spindle)

This machine can produce varieties of work depending on the ability of the operators.

3.2.1 Functions of some component parts

I. Tail stock: it is a work holding device (spindle) in which a knife centre is counted upon.

It is on this tail stock that Jacobs jaw which carries drill bit is placed upon.

II. The saddles or carriage: this forms the base of the unit which support the hand control

or by power feeds. It can clamp at any point along the bed.

III. The cross slide: is provided for cross-traversing or “surfacing “and on this slide is

mounted the compound slide (top slide) which can be pivoted and locked at any angle

for use in turning short tapers.

IV. The lathe bed: This foundation of the lathe and made of cast iron. It is usually of a very

robust box-like form, ribbed on the sides and ported so that coolant short can pass

through easily. The top surfaces of the bed, known as the “way” are accurately

machined and often hardened, the satisfactory working of the lathe being very largely

dependent on the alignment of these surfaces which are usually finished by precision


V. The head stock: at the left and in the form of a stout box-casting, the head stock is

precisely located and bolted to the bed. It is occasionally cast in one piece with the lathe

bed. The head stock carries the spindles in precision bearings which must take both

redial and end loads.

VI. Tool post: it carries the tool used in cuning, boring knurling and drilling.

The shaping machine is used in machining surfaces and sections of all kinds, including curves,

veer slides, keyways end 80 on. It is one basic machine in which is notable for the simplicity of its

mechanisms end the low cost of tools and because of these factors and the variety of work it can

produce; it is e very useful investment in any machine shop.

The general purpose shaper has the main parts or element and they are:

1. The pedestal, a strong iron casting in box form with study base (is made also as a bench


2. The ram, also en iron casting, which works in slides on top of the pedestal, carrying at its

front end the tool-holding mechanism.

3. The saddle which is mounted on vertical slides on the front face of the pedestal.

4. The table, made in several forms and mounted on cross slides on the saddle and which can

be traversed by hand or power-feed.

The capacity of a shaper is gauged by the length of its stroke. Bench models are often made with

a 17mm stroke, whilst those standing on the floor vary between 254 and 769mm.

3.3 Radial Arm Drilling Machine

Radial Drilling machine is a type of drilling machine which is used to drill the holes in the given

radial distance when the component size is larger in terms of height with respect to the work table.

3.3.1 Parts of Radial drilling machine

The parts of the radial drilling machine are as follows;

1. Base

2. Column

3. Radial arm

4. Motor for elevating the arm

5. Elevating screw

6. Guideways

Figure 10: Lathe machine

Figure 11: Radial Arm Drilling Machine

7. Motor for driving drill spindle

8. Drill head

9. Drill spindle

10. Table

An explanation of some parts of Radial drilling machine are as follows;

1. Base:

It is made up of Cast iron which possesses high compressive strength and good wear

resistance. The base is used to support the assembly of parts on it and also absorbs the

vibrations induced by the machine parts.

2. Column:

It is exactly placed at one end of a bed which can act as a support for rotating the radial

arm in 360 degrees.

3. Radial Arm:

It is the arm that is connected to the Column. The drill head is a slide from one end to

another end by the guideways.

4. Motor:

It is placed on the drill head for driving the work unit (Spindle of the Drillbit).

5. Drill Bit:

The drill bit act as a tool for drill the holes on the specimens.

6. Workpiece:

If the workpiece is small then it can be placed on the swivel table else it can be placed on

the ground such that radial arm is used for drilling purposes.

3.3.2 Applications of Radial drilling machine

The applications of Radial drilling machine are as follows;

a. They are used in industries for the massive production of components.

b. They are used in Educational institutions for performing lab experiments.

c. They are used in small scale and large scale industries too.

3.3.3 Working principle of Radial drilling machine

When the power supply is given, the spindle rotates which was in conjuction with the motor. The

Radial arm is adjusted with respect to the type of operation and height of the workpiece. The

spindle is connected to the chuck and the drill bit is placed in between the jaws of the chuck.

The Drill head is adjusted on to the workpiece and a suitable feed is given. Then the drill bit drives

into the workpiece very easily.

3.3.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Radial drilling machine Advantages of Radial drilling machine

The advantages of Radial drilling machine are as follows;

1. Radial drilling machine is advanced compared to the Bench drilling machine.

2. With the help of its radial arm, it can be able to drill holes on the components which are

larger than the space between the drill bit and the worktable.

3. Works efficiently on different metals and wood materials too.

4. The worktable can be rotated through 360o.

5. It exhibits High precision and accuracy. Disadvantages of Radial drilling machine

The disadvantages of Radial drilling machine are as follows;

1. They are large machines and take up a lot of real estate.

2. It has been designed for medium to large workpieces.



I was provided with the following job experiences at Dangote Cement Factory, Gboko Plant.

4.1 Assembly of Vulcanizing Set and Vulcanizing of Conveyor Belt

The damaged part of the belt was carefully trimmed off to the fabric material and a buffing machine

was used to scrub off the surface, solution was applied to the surface and a 5mm thick portion of

a rubber belt was cut and covered on the area. A paper was used to properly cover the surface, the

rails were arranged under the belt and one heating plate was mounted on top on which the belt

rested on. Another heating plate was also mounted of the belt and the water jacket was also

mounted on top of the heating plate, other rails were also arranged on top of the water jacket. The

rails were tighten with their corresponding rails under the belt with tensioning bolts. A pressure

pump was connected to the water jacket to pump water into the jacket for more tension. The heating

plates was then connected to the heating box which uses electricity as its source of energy.

4.2 Replacement of Roof Gutters on Raw Material Stockpile

The damaged roof gutters on the raw material stockpile were removed and the new ones were

fabricated and replaced.

4.3 Servicing of Rotary Gate Valve on the Cooler Hopper

Rotary gate valve is used to discharged bulk materials from a hopper while maintaining a good air

lock. The valve was removed, the materials that was block inside was deblock and was also taken

to the workshop for further maintenance.

4.4 Replacements of Air Slide Canvase

Air slide system is a pneumatic mechanism inclined at a very small angle (8o in case of cement)

depending on the material nature for conveying powdered materials; the more fluidized the

material is, the lesser the angle of inclination.

Sixty segments of the air slide which conveyed materials from the raw mills to the blending silos

was dismounted, the wornout canvases (made of fabric material) were loosed and removed. The

segments were properly cleaned and new canvases were cut, tension on the segments and tighten.

The segments were mounted back according to their boxes.

Figure 12: Air Slide (Gravity Conveyor)

4.5 Adjustment of Belt Scrapper in the Coal Stock Pile

The belt scrapper systems are fixed under the return side of the belt conveyor belt to remove the

sticky coal dust on belt which may cause heat at the tail drum.

The scrappers were adjusted so that they lied on the belt very well.

4.6 Balancing of a Flap on a Coal Diverter Choute and Installation of a Pneumatic


Coal diverter is constructed to change the direction of coal supply either to the stockpile or straight

to the mill. The flape shaft of the choute mis-aligned and moving the flape become stiff. So the

shaft bearing house was open and cleaned properly, the shaft was balanced on the either sides and

was allow to move freely, grease was applied on the bearing and the bearing housing was covered

back; A pneumatic actuator was also installed on the shaft lever to help operated chute


Plate 1: Installation of Pneumatic Actuator

4.7 Modifications on Coal Truck Tippler

On the original construction of the truck tippler, the truck sometimes pass through the back stopper

into the hopper. The back stoppers were welded up with other strong irons to hold back the vehicle

no matter the condition.

4.8 Repositioning of Displaced Gudgeon Pins and Split Washers on a Drag Chain

Due to the continuous operation of a drag chain, some gudgeon pins displaced and some split

washers also removed, so the drag chain boxes were open and checked. All the missing spilt

washers were replaced and the displaced gudgeon pins were repositioned.

4.9 Replacement of V-Belts on Fans and Lubrication of Impeller Fans

The damaged V-belts on the fans were replace and the impeller shaft bearing was lubricated with

Ep2 grease.

4.10 Servicing and Replacement of Mill Reject Materials Slide Gate

Some particles of coal that are not grind by the mill are separated by the classifier and falls back

on the mill grinding table to be grinded to be grinded, since the grinding table is in rotation, some

material fall off due to the centrifugal force and are collected in the reject box which has a slide

gate which allows the reject materials to fall out. The slide gate is pneumatically operated by a

pneumatic cylinder for opening and closing, due to its frequent operation the cylinder shaft dis-

engaged from the gate.

The slide gate was serviced and engaged back to the cylinder shaft.

4.11 Arresting of Unsafe Conditions at the Pre-heater Line One

Hand rails and guards were made on the area that are open and some body can’t easily fall through.

Plate 2: On Preheater Top (104m high)

4.12 Fabrication of Drag Chain Boxes

Ten (10) drag chain boxes of size, 0.5m x 2.4m were fabricated.

4.13 Modification on the Dust Control System

The two clinker conveyor belts (1M16BC and 2M16BC) were having one dust bag filter, so it

could not control the duster properly so an alternative of connecting two dust bag filters was

adopted to help control the dust properly. The connection was made and tested good.

4.14 Servicing of Air Slide Rotary Gate Valve

The roll of the valve was turning against the canvase and it was serviced to turn in the normal

position (above the canvase) when in the open position.

The motorizer was dis-engage from the mechanical roll and was turned through 180o and engaged

back. The image of a rotary gate valve motorizer is shown in figure 13 below.

4.15 Production of Gate Hinges, M8, M12 Internal and External Thread, Nuts and Bolts

The above mentioned jobs were carried out in the workshop.

4.16 Operations on Lathe Machines and Power Saw

Different operation like turning, facing, chamfering, boring, was carried out on the lathe machine;

the power saw was used to cut irons of different sizes.

4.17 Production of Hydral Propeller Shaft

The hydral propeller shaft was produced in the workshop and replaced with the old one that was


Figure 13: Rotary Gate Valve Motorizer

Plate 3: Mechanical Workshop Operation on Power Saw

Plate 4: Workshop Operation on Lathe Machine

Plate 5: Milling of Keyway on Hydra Shaft

4.18 Servicing of Motorized Borehole

A 27 number pipes of 5.6m motorize borehole was serviced at the Factory Estate, the pump was

having problem and all the pipes and the pump were removed, the pump was handed over to

electrical department repair and the pump was replaced with a new one.

4.19 Jobs on Industrial Plumbing and Domestic Plumbing Industrial Plumbing

This is mainly concerned with the pumps and movement of fluids within the company.

Domestic Plumbing

This is concerned with domestic maintenance of water system in the toilet, bathrooms and the hand

wash basin and the water system in the kitchen.

Figure 14: Quarry Water Transfer Pump

4.20 Orientation on Dangote Safety Rules

Dangote Health, Safety, Social and Environmental Guidelines:

1. Report all incidents.

2. Stop unsafe work.

3. Work with a valid work permit when required.

4. Verify isolation before work begins and use the specified life protecting equipment.

5. Protect yourself against a fall when working at height.

6. Do not position yourself or walk under a suspended load.

7. Obtain authorization before entering a confined space.

8. Obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment.

9. Conduct gas tests when required.

10. Do not smoke outside designated smoking areas.

11. No alcohol or drugs while working or driving.

12. While driving, do not use your phone and do not exceed speed limit.

13. Wear your seat belt.

14. Do not discharge or dispose off hazardous materials into unauthorized areas.

15. Use the correct PPEs (Personal Protective Equipments).



5.1 Recommendations

My industrial training at Dangote Cement Factory, Gboko Plant was interesting. I therefore,

observed that the Industrial Training (I.T) has performed excellently in some aspect and has also

recorded some short-comings in other areas. In view of these facts, I do recommend the following;

1. That Industrial Training Fund (ITF) as a body need to embark on massive awareness

campaign in the media so that the acceptance of students for SIWES will not be a problem

in any organization.

2. Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and Government agencies concerned should ensure that

students on IT are given unlimited access to data and information in places of their I.T.F.


5.2 Conclusion

In conclusion, the importance of the Student Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) can never be


Nevertheless, I will like to point out that this programme has exposed me to practical aspect of my

course of study, that is in mechanical engineering and the wealth of experience were worthy of

commendations. It also gives me courage to be dedicated to my studies and to put into practice

what I was taught in school.






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