Mathematics: School Based Assessment (SBA)
Mathematics: School Based Assessment (SBA)
Mathematics: School Based Assessment (SBA)
Subject: Mathematics
Territory: Jamaica
Table of Content
Title of Project , 5
Aims of Project……………………………………. 6
Functions of Department…………………………. 7
Corresponds……………………………………… 8
Methodology……………………………………. 9
Questionnaire………………………………… 11
Schedule of Activates……………………….. 12
Bibliography…………………………….. 16
The concern as to whether or not consumers are actually receiving the amount of liquid that is
stated on the labels has been an ongoing issue for many years now. Some consumers believe
that they are receiving the correct amount and that these companies are operating ethically
while others oppose and are of the opinion that it is not easy or convenient to know the exact
amount of content in the container and drink companies may be misleading consumers by
placing false measurements on the labels. However as a result of these claims a research will
be carried out to find out the truth. The focus will be on the drink industry. Products from
different companies will be collected and tested to find out whether or not drink companies
In order to carry out the research on the selected topic three (3) different types drinks will be
purchased that were made by different companies. The stated measurement will be noted, the
drink will then be measured using measuring cups and the discovered measurement will then
be noted and recorded, also we will visit Peak Bottling Company Ltd. and conduct an
interview with two employees. The questions answered by the employees of the company
will then be analysed and the results stated in the analysis of data and later be discussed in the
discussion of findings.
Presentation of Data
CHUBBY#1 250 ml 290 ml Measurement was
CHUBBY#2 250 ml 290 ml Measurement was
CHUBBY#3 250 ml 289 ml Measurement was
CHUBBY#4 250 ml 290 ml Measurement was
The investigation into whether or not drink companies are giving as much as they say carried
out by the researchers was a successful one. On January 20, 2017 the researchers visited Peak
Bottling Company Ltd. To conduct an interview with two employees that would enable the
researchers to obtain the necessary information on our topic “An investigation into whether
or not drink companies are giving as much as they say”. The researchers in analyzing the
collected data from the interview discovered that the equipment used to bottle their drinks is
an Automatic Fruit Juice Filling Packing Machine. This machine is mainly used for filling
non-carbonated beverage, including fruit juice, mineral water, and pure water and can also be
used for hot filling. The filling machine is set at an exact measurement of liquid that is
supposed to be in each bottle. The researchers discovered that there are personnel set to
monitor the process and check that the finished products are not faulty. The researchers,
however found that there are instances where the machines glitch and most times, in those
instances, there will be more liquid inside the bottles than less than what is stated on the
label, even though sometimes they will end up will a lesser amount than what is stated. The
researchers found that the company always tries to produce goods that are of high quality;
without faults.
Analysis of Data
Contrary to popular beliefs that drink companies use misleading measurements on their
labels, this experiment has shown that drink companies either give more than they say or just
a little less. Most times there is more liquid in the container than is stated on the labels. Only
a few times the measurements is less and when this is so it is only by 10 ml.