Current Electricity - Exercise - MCQ - Bc-Odd
Current Electricity - Exercise - MCQ - Bc-Odd
Current Electricity - Exercise - MCQ - Bc-Odd
Take approx. 2 minutes for answering each question.
Q.1 A storage battery is connected to a charger for charging with a voltage of 12.5Volts. The internal resistance of
the storage battery is 1. When the charging current is 0.5 A, the emf of the storage battery is:
(A) 13 Volts (B) 12.5 Volts (C) 12 Volts (D) 11.5 Volts
Q.3 A battery consists of a variable number n of identical cells having internal resistance connected in series.
The terminals of the battery are short circuited and the current I measured.
Which one of the graph below shows the relationship between I and n?
Q.5 n identical cells are joined in series with its two cells A and B in the loop with reversed polarities. EMF
of each shell is E and internal resistance r. Potential difference across cell A or B is (here n>4)
2E FG 1 IJ 4E FG 2 IJ
n H
(B) 2E 1
n K (C)
n H
(D) 2E 1
n K
Q.9 In order to determine the e.m.f. of a storage battery it was connected in series with a standard cell in a
certain circuit and a current I1 was obtained. When the battery is connected to the same circuit opposite
to the standard cell a current I2 flow in the external circuit from the positive pole of the storage battery
was obtained. What is the e.m.f. 1 of the storage battery? The e.m.f. of the standard cell is 2.
I1 I 2 I1 I 2 I1 I 2 I 2 I1
(A) 1= (B) 1= (C) 1= (D) 1=
I1 I 2 2 I 2 I1 2 I1 I 2 2 I1 I 2 2
Q.11 Two batteries one of the emf 3V, internal resistance 1 ohm and the other of emf 15 V,
internal resistance 2 ohm are connected in series with a resistance R as shown. If the
potential difference between a and b is zero the resistance of R in ohm is
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 3 (D) 1
Q.13 A cell of emf E has an internal resistance r & is connected to rheostat. When resistance R of rheostat is
changed correct graph of potential difference across it is
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
Q.15 Two current elements P and Q have current voltage characteristics as shown below :
Which of the graphs given below represents current voltage characteristics when P and Q are in series.
Q.19 Consider an infinte ladder network shown in figure. A voltage V is applied between the points A and B.
This applied value of voltage is halved after each section.
Q.21 In order to increase the resistance of a given wire of uniform cross section to four times its value, a
fraction of its length is stretched uniformly till the full length of the wire becomes times the original
length what is the value of this fraction?
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 8 16 6
Q.23 The circuit diagram shown consists of a large number of element (each element has two resistors R1 and
R2). The resistance of the resistors in each subsequent element differs by a factor of K = 1/2 from the
resistance of the resistors in the previous elements. The equivalent reistance between A and B shown in
figure is :
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
R1 R 2 (R1 R 2 ) 6 R1R 2
(A) (B)
2 2
Q.27 One end of a Nichrome wire of length 2L and cross-sectional area A is attatched to an end of another
Nichrome wire of length L and cross-sectional area 2A. If the free end of the longer wire is at an electric
potential of 8.0 volts, and the free end of the shorter wire is at an electric potential of 1.0 volt, the
potential at the junction of the two wires is equal to
(A) 2.4 V (B) 3.2 V (C) 4.5 V (D) 5.6 V
Q.29 Power generated across a uniform wire connected across a supply is H. If the wire is cut into n equal
parts and all the parts are connected in parallel across the same supply, the total power generated in the
wire is
(A) 2 (B) n2H (C) nH (D)
n n
Q.31 When electric bulbs of same power, but different marked voltage are connected in series across the
power line, their brightness will be :
(A) proportional to their marked voltage
(B) inversely proportional to their marked voltage
(C) proportional to the square of their marked voltage
(D) inversely proportional to the square of their marked voltage
(E) the same for all of them
Q.33 Rate of dissipation of Joule’s heat in resistance per unit volume is (symbols have usual meaning)
(A) E (B) J (C) J E (D) None
Q.35 A total charge Q flows across a resistor R during a time interval = T in such a way that the current vs.
time graph for 0 T is like the loop of a sin curve in the range 0 . The total heat generated in the
resistor is
(A) Q22R / 8T (B) 2Q22R / T (C) 2Q2R / T (D) Q22R / 2T
Q.37 A heater A gives out 300 W of heat when connected to a 200 V d.c. supply. A second heater B gives out
600 W when connected to a 200 v d.c. supply. If a series combination of the two heaters is connected
to a 200 V d.c. supply the heat output will be
(A) 100 W (B) 450 W (C) 300 W (D) 200 W
Q.39 In the circuit shown the cells are ideal and of equal emfs, the capacitance of the capacitor is C and the
resistance of the resistor is R. X is first joined to Y and then to Z. After a long time, the total heat
produced in the resistor will be
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
(A) equal to the energy finally stored in the capacitor
(B) half of the energy finally stored in the capacitor
(C) twice the energy finally stored in the capacitor
(D) 4 times the energy finally stored in the capacitor
Q.41 The ratio of powers dissipatted respectively in R and 3R, as shown is:
Q.43 In the circuit shown, the resistances are given in ohms and the
battery is assumed ideal with emf equal to 3.0 volts. The resistor
that dissipates the most power is
(A) R1
(B) R2
(C) R3
(D) R4
Q.45 The variation of current (I) and voltage (V) is as shown in figure A. The variation
of power P with current I is best shown by which of the following graph
Q.47 When a galvanometer is shunted with a 4 resistance, the deflection is reduced to one-fifth. If the
galvanometer is further shunted with 2 wire, the further reduction in the deflection will be (the main
current remains same)
(A) of the deflection when shunted with 4 only
(B) of the deflection when shunted with 4 only
(C) of the deflection when shunted with 4 only
(D) of the deflection when shunted with 4 only
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
Q.51 In the circuit shown the resistance of voltmeter is 10,000 ohm and that of ammeter
is 20 ohm. The ammeter reading is 0.10 Amp and voltmeter reading is 12 volt.
Then R is equal to
(A) 122 (B) 140 (C) 116 (D)100
Q.53 ln a balanced wheat stone bridge, current in the galvanometer is zero. It remains zero when:
[1] battery emf is increased
[2] all resistances are increased by 10 ohms
[3] all resistances are made five times
[4] the battery and the galvanometer are interchanged
(A) only [1] is correct (B) [1], [2] and [3] are correct
(C) [1], [3] and [4] are correct (D) [1] and [3] are correct
Q.55 In the figure shown for gives values of R1 and R2 the balance point for
Jockey is at 40 cm from A. When R2 is shunted by a resistance of 10 ,
balance shifts to 50 cm. R1 and R2 are (AB = 1 m):
(A) , 5 (B) 20 , 30
(C) 10 , 15 (D) 5 ,
Q.57 The figure shows a metre-bridge circuit, with AB = 100 cm, X = 12
and R = 18, and the jockey J in the position of balance.
If R is now made 8, through what distance will J have to be moved to
obtain balance?
(A) 10 cm (B) 20 cm
(C) 30 cm (D) 40 cm
Q.59 The length of a potentiometer wire is l. A cell of emf E is balanced at a length l/3 from the positive end of
the wire. If the length of the wire is increased by l/2. At what distance will the same cell give a balance
2l l l 4l
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 6 3
Q.61 An ammeter A of finite resistance, and a resistor R are joined in series to an ideal
cell C. A potentiometer P is joined in parallel to R. The ammeter reading is I0
and the potentiometer reading is V0. P is now replaced by a voltmeter of finite
resistance. The ammeter reading now is I and the voltmeter reading is V.
(A) I > I0, V < V0 (B) I > I0, V = V0 (C) I = I0, V < V0 (D) I < I0, V =V0
Q.65 The diagram besides shows a circuit used in an experiment to determine the emf and internal resistance
of the cell C. A graph was plotted of the potential difference V between the terminals of the cell against
the current I, which was varied by adjusting the rheostat. The graph is shown on the right ; x and y are the
intercepts of the graph with the axes as shown. What is the internal resistance of the cell ?
(A) x (B) y
(C) x/y (D) y/x
Q.67 A current of (2.5 0.05) A flows through a wire and develops a potential difference of ( 10 ± 0.1) volt.
Resistance of the wire in ohm, is
(A) 4 ± 0.12 (B) 4 ± 0.04 (C) 4 ± 0.08 (D) 4 ± 0.02
Q.69 In a wire of cross-section radius r, free electrons travel with drift velocity v when a current I flows
through the wire. What is the current in another wire of half the radius and of the same material when the
drift velocity is 2v?
(A) 2I (B) I (C) I/2 (D) I/4
Q.71 A piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 80 K. The resistance
of :
(A) each of them increases
(B) each of them decreases
(C) copper increases and germanium decreases
(D) copper decreases and germanium increases.
Q.73 As the temperature of a conductor increases, its resistivity and conductivity change. The ratio of resistivity
to conductivity
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remains constant
(D) may increase or decrease depending on the actual temperature.
Q.75 A current I flows through a uniform wire of diameter d when the mean electron drift velocity is V. The
same current will flow through a wire of diameter d/2 made of the same material if the mean drift velocity
of the electron is :
(A) v/4 (B) v/2 (C) 2v (D) 4v
Q.77 When an ammeter of negligible internal resistance is inserted in series with circuit it reads 1A. When the
voltmeter of very large resistance is connected across X it reads 1V. When the point A and B are shorted
by a conducting wire, the voltmeter measures 10 V across the battery. The internal resistance of the
battery is equal to
(A) zero
(B) 0.5
(C) 0.2
(D) 0.1
Q.79 The current in a metallic conductor is plotted against voltage at two different
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
temperatures T1 and T2. Which is correct
(A) T1 > T2 (B) T1 < T2
(C) T1 = T2 (D) none
Q.81 If X, Y and Z in figure are identical lamps, which of the following changes to
the brightnesses of the lamps occur when switch S is closed?
(A) X stays the same, Y decreases (B) X increases, Y decreases
(C) X increases, Y stays the same (D) X decreases, Y increases
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
Take approx. 3 minutes for answering each question.
Q.1 A battery is of emf E is being charged from a charger such that positive terminal of the battery is connected
to terminal A of charger and negative terminal of the battery is connected to terminal B of charger. The
internal resistance of the battery is r.
(A) Potential difference across points A and B must be more than E.
(B) A must be at higher potential than B
(C) In battery, current flows from positive terminal to the negative terminal
(D) No current flows through battery
Q.3 The equivalent resistance of a group of resistances is R. If another resistance is connected in parallel to
the group , its new equivalent becomes R1 & if it is connected in series to the group , its new equivalent
becomes R2 we have :
(A) R1 > R (B) R1 < R (C) R2 > R (D) R2 < R
Q.5 Two circuits (shown below) are called ‘Circuit A’ and ‘Circuit B’. The equivalent resistance of ‘Circuit a’
is x and that of ‘Circuit B’ is y between 1 and 2.
Q.7 A galvanometer may be converted into ammeter or voltmeter. In which of the following cases the resistance
of the device will be the largest ? (Asssume maximum range of galvanometer = 1 mA)
(A) an ammeter of range 10A (B) a voltmeter of range 5 V
(C) an ammeter of range 5 A (D) a voltmeter of range 10 V.
Q.9 In the circuit shown the readings of ammeter and voltmeter are 4A and
20V respectively. The meters are non ideal, then R is :
(A) 5 (B) less than 5
(C) greater than 5 (D) between 4 & 5
Q.11 In a potentiometer arrangement. E1 is the cell establishing current in primary circuit. E2 is the cell to be
measured. AB is the potentiometer wire and G is a galvanometer. Which of the following are the essential
condition for balance to be obtained.
(A) The emf of E1 must be greater than the emf of E2.
(B) Either the positive terminals of both E1 and E2 or the negative terminals of both E1 and E2 must be
joined to one end of potentiometer wire.
(C) The positive terminals of E1 and E2 must be joined to one end of potentiometer wire.
(D) The resistance of G must be less than the resistance of AB.
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
Q.13 In the given potentiometer circuit, the resistance of the
potentiometer wire AB is R0. C is a cell of internal resistance r.
The galvanometer G does not give zero deflection for any
position of the jockey J. Which of the following cannot be a
reason for this?
(A) r > R0 (B) R > > R0
(C) emf of C > emf of D (D) The negative terminal of C is connected to A.
Q.15 A metallic conductor of irregular cross-section is as shown in the figure. A constant potential difference
is applied across the ends (1) and (2). Then :
(A) the current at the cross-section P equals the current at the cross-section Q
(B) the electric field intensity at P is less than that at Q.
(C) the rate of heat generated per unit time at Q is greater than that at P
(D) the number of electrons crossing per unit area of cross-section at P is less than that at Q.
Q.17 A simple circuit contains an ideal battery and a resistance R. If a second resistor is placed in parallel with
the first,
(A) the potential across R will decrease
(B) the current through R will decreased
(C) the current delivered by the battery will increase
(D) the power dissipated by R will increased.
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
Q.30 If a battery is connected between any two points of the tetrahedron, then identify the correct statement(s).
(A) The potentials of the other two points are always equal.
(B) There always exists a branch through which no current flows.
(C) The current coming out of the battery in each case is same.
(D) None of these
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718
Physics Forum, H.NO. - 375, SECOND FLOOR, SHAKTI KHAND - 4, INDIRAPURAM, GHAZIABAD, U.P.-201014, Mb: 9871786737, 9643637718