Faculty: PAN Number (Mandatory) Aadhar Number (Mandatory)
Faculty: PAN Number (Mandatory) Aadhar Number (Mandatory)
Faculty: PAN Number (Mandatory) Aadhar Number (Mandatory)
1. a. Additional Qualification:
II. Title of Ph.D.Thesis -: Investigation on the flexural behavior of glass fiber reinforced
Metakaolin blended Self- Compacting Concrete
Relieving Date
/Current Date Experience
Name of the College Designation Joining Date for Presently
working Days
Years Months
SNS College of Assistant
18.06.2014 Till Date 5 6 13
Technology Professor
Sriguru Instituts of Assistant
09.07.2010 22.04.2014 3 9 13
Technology Professor
Sasurie Academy of
Lecturer 01.09.2008 08.07.2010 1 10 7
Kumaraguru College of
Lecturer 02.01.2007 30.06.2008 1 5 28
Karpagam College of
Lecturer 09.01.2006 14.12.2006 0 11 5
Maharaja Engineering
Lecturer 05.07.2004 06.01.2006 1 6 1
Total 15 1 7
V. Industrial Experience:
Name of the Nature of Relieving
Organisation Work Date Days
Joining Years Months
Prakash & Design Design of
01.02.2002 20.03.2004 2 1 0
Company Engineer structures
It is certified that all the information provided are true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of the Faculty