Plants Song
Plants Song
Plants Song
(Show fingers or make daffodil puppets from cupcake liners and craft sticks!)
Five little tulips bright and gay, (hold up fingers and thumb on one hand)
Let us water them each day. (make sprinkle motion with other hand)
Watch them open in the bright sunlight. (cup hand, then open it)
Watch them when it is night. (close hand again)
A flower so neat!
It's a rose so sweet.
There's a little flower
On my garden path.
(Continue singing additional verses to the song, replacing the word "rose" in the second verse with hollyhock,
marigold, zinnia, daisy, bluebell, lily, peony, pansy, tulip, and sunflower.)
other verses:
The rain begins to fall...
The sun begins to shine...
The seeds begin to grow..
The plants grow big and tall...
The farmer cuts his corn...
And now the harvest is on....
Out in my garden
early in the morning
see the little vegetables all in a row
see the rows of carrots
and the rows pf peas.
Water, hoe, grow, grow
In my garden please.
I Plant A Seed
(Sung to: I'm a Little Teapot)
Submitted by Betty
I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground.
Out comes the yellow sun, big and round.
Down come the raindrops soft and slowly
Up comes the flower grow, grow, grow!
Second Verse: The sun comes out to shine. (make big circle with arms)
Third Verse: The rain begins to fall. (hands flutter to the ground)
Fourth Verse: The seeds begin to grow. (children begin to rise)
Fifth Verse: The farmer digs them up. (pretend to use a shovel)
Now we'll have some to eat. (pretend to eat)
Plant Fingerplays
Mister Carrot
Nice Mister Carrot
Make curly hair, (Hand on head)
His head grows underneath the ground (Bob head)
His feet up in the air. (Raise feet)