What Is Cupola Furnace
What Is Cupola Furnace
What Is Cupola Furnace
Cupola Furnace is a melting device used to melt cast iron, Ni-resist iron austenitic (type of stainless
steel)gray cast iron casting grades that provide good hardness, dampening, and some
corrosion resistance. These grades are very brittle and cannot be welded. , and some bronzes and
It is used in Foundries.
-arranged in vertical
1 Cylindrical Shell:
It is the outermost part of the Cupola Furnace. It is made up of steel sheet and other parts of this
furnace are present inside this shell.
1 Legs:
At the bottom of the Cupola Furnace legs are provided to support this furnace.
This cast iron is present at the bottom of the furnace above the legs which is closed by the support of
the legs.
3. Sand Bed:
Above the cast iron door sand bed is present. It is in tapered form so that the melted iron can flow out
easily from its top.
4. Slag Hole:
It is present at the opposite side of the hole from which melted iron comes out. It is present near the
elevated part of sand bed. This slag hole is used to remove slag formed on melted iron due to impurities.
The air pipe is provided to allow the air to reach inside the furnace. Inside the furnace wind belt is
present. The air entering from the air pipes reaches each part of the wind belt and in the wind belt there
are holes which are called tuyeres. Air reaches the furnace through this tuyeres and will help in
It is present at the top of the furnace. When gases are released out of the furnace, some burning
particles are present in it which can harm the environment. So this cap or spark arrester is used to
capture the burning particles and only allow the gas to pass to the environment.
7. Charging Door :
It is present near the top of the furnace. It is used to supply charge to the furnace. The charges in this
furnace are Pig Iron, Coke and Lime Stone. Coke is used for combustion, pig iron is the material that is to
be melt and lime stone is used as a flux. This flux mix with impurities to form slag and this slag comes
out of the slag hole.
8. Well:
The part of the furnace from the sand bed to lower part of tuyers is known as Well. It is named as well as
in this part molten iron is stored and then the molten iron comes out of the tapping hole.
9. Tuyers Zone:
The part of the furnace in which the wind belt and tuyers are present is known as Tuyers Zone.
In this zone combustion takes place. The air coming from the tuyers contains oxygen and this oxygen
reacts with carbon to form carbon dioxide. It is also known as oxidizing zone as carbon oxidizes in this
zone to form carbon dioxide and liberate heat. Apart from carbon other impurities like manganese,
silicon also oxidizes in this zone to form their oxides and liberate heat.
It is present above the combustion or oxidizing zone. It this zone carbon reacts with carbon dioxide to
form carbon monoxide. In this zone temperature is reduced by a small amount, so this zone is known as
reducing zone.
13 Preheating Zone:
In this zone the metal to be melted is preheated, in this zone metal is heated to about 1090 degree
14 Stack Zone:
Gases formed in the furnace after burning passes to the environment through this zone. In this zone,
spark arrester is present which prevent burning particles to reach the environment.
It is the zone where combustion takes place. It extends from the top of the tuyeres to a surface
boundary below which all the Oxygen of air is consumed by combustion, chemical reaction that
Reducing zone
It extends from the top of the combustion zone to the top of the initial coke bed. The CO2 produced
in the combustion zone moves up and is reduced to CO. The temperature also drops to 1650°C.
C02 + C2 -» CO – Heat
Preheating zone
It includes all the layers of cupola charges placed above the melting zone to the top of the last
charge. The layers of charges are heated by the out-going gases. The temperature in the zone may
be up to 1050°C.
It is the zone beyond the pre-heating zone, through which the hot gases go to the atmosphere
The cupola furnace works on a simple principal that combustion of coke generates carbon dioxide and
heat and this causes the iron to melt. The iron drains downward when it gets melted.
Cupola furnace constructed in the form of a hollow cylindrical vertical steel shell and it is lined from
inside with a refractory material. This furnace is generally supported on four cast iron legs mounted on a
concrete base.
The bottom of the furnace is closed by two cast iron doors hinged to the bed plate of the furnace. A
wind box cast iron encircles to the outside of the furnace bottom. This box is connected to the furnace
blower pipe known as the blast pipe. Air which supplies the oxygen necessary to burn the fuels forced
through the cupola by a blower. The top of the furnace is shielded by a mesh screen and topped with a
cone-shaped spark arrester, which permits the free vent of the waste gas and deflects spark and dust
back into the furnace.
After building the cupola make sure it is dried completely before getting it to fire. Any slag around the
tuyeres from previous runs needs to be cleaned properly.
Also, A broken part is repaired with the mixture of the silica sand and fire clay. Over the Brunt area, a
layer of refractory material is applied To about thickness 6 inches or more is rammed on the bottom
sloping toward the tap hole to ensure better flow of molten metal.
A hole opening of about 30 mm diameter and a tap hole of about 25 mm diameter is being provided
a fire of wood is ignited. When the wood burns well coke is dumped on the bed well from the top. Make
sure that the coke gets burned too. A bed of coke about 40 inches is placed next to the sand.
Firstly The air blast is turned on At a lower blowing rate than as normal for provoking the coke. A
measuring rod is also used which indicates the height of the coke bed. For about 3 hours firing is done
before the molten metal required.
Now the charge is fed into the cupola. Many factors like charge composition, affect the final structure of
the gray cast iron obtained. It composed of 10% steel,50% grey cast iron scrap, and 3% limestone as a
Alternate layers are formed by these constituents. Besides limestone, fluorspar and soda ash are also
used as flux material. The main function of flux is to remove the impurities in the iron and protect the
iron from oxidation.
after the fully charged furnace, it is allowed to remain as such for about 1 hour. As this process goes in
charge slowly gets heated up as the air blast is kept shut this time and because of this, the iron gets
soaked up.
At the end of the soaking period, the air blast is opened. The topmost opening is kept closed till the
metal melts. The sufficient amount of metal is collected. The contents of the charge move downwards as
the melting proceeds.
The rate of charging is equal to the rate of melting. The furnace is kept full throughout the heat.
Closing feeding of charge and air blast is stopped when no more melting is required. The bottom plate
swings to open when the prop is removed. The deposited slag is being removed. The cupola runs
continuously and The melting period does not exceed 4 hours in most of the time. But can be operated
for more than 10 hours.
Simple in construction
Simple in operations.
With a long list of advantages, cupola furnace also comes with few of limitations or disadvantages and
they are listed below:
Metal elements are converted to their oxides which are not suitable for casting.
Cupola furnace is a used widely as a melting unit for cast iron. Some of the characteristic that makes the
cupola furnace a primary method used in melting irons in the foundries. Some of them are :
It is easy to operate. Operating costs in use of cupola furnace is comparability very low to other methods
for this purpose.
Although having such great factors, the use of cupola furnace is declining and people are opting for
electric induction melting.