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Rivera and Santos Partnership

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1. Prepare the Income Statement and the Statement of Financial Position

2. Make a horizontal analysis and vertical analysis on the Income Statement and the Statement of Financial Position

Profit is divided in 60:40 ratio

All figures below are in thousands of Pesos

2021 2020
debit credit debit
Accrued Liabilities 2,300
Accumulated Depreciation - Building 27,000
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 2,200
Accumulated Depreciation - Land Improvements 15,900
Administrative Expenses 5,888 6,154
Advances to employees 12 8
Allowance for doubtful accounts 320
Building 50,000 50,000
Cash in Banks 17,335 13,534
Cash on Hand 1,230 2,015
Cost of Sales 43,251 35,640
Current Claims Receivable 39 46
Equipment 12,704 12,704
Income Tax Payable 1,700
Income Taxes Expense 6,932 7,353
Insurance and other Prepayments 123 198
Intangible Assets 1,000 1,150
Interest Expense 4,200 3,000
Interest Payable 3,150
Inventories 2,397 2,521
Investment Properties 10,477 10,678
Land 40,000 40,000
Land Improvements 32,868 33,056
Net Sales 72,608
Notes Payable - Long-term 30,780
Other current assets 1,560 1,540
Other Current Liabilities 2,193
Other income 6,618
Other Noncurrent Assets 2,515 2,300
Other current receivables 2,146 1,519
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 8,184
Prepaid Rental 269 251
Rivera, Withdrawals 9,588 5,615
Rivera, Capital 40,180
Royalties and other revenues 12,864
Selling Expenses 15,646 14,613
Santos, Capital 27,017
Santos, Withdrawals 8,760 7,500
Short-term Debt 8,309
Short-term bank deposits 900 850
Trade Accounts Receivable 5,981 4,075
Trade Payables 10,022
Unearned Revenue 5,148
Unused office supplies 672 754
276,493 276,493 257,074

Financial Position

ousands of Pesos











1. Prepare the Income Statement and the Statement of Financial Position
2. Make a horizontal analysis and vertical analysis on the Income Statement and the Statement of Financial Position

Profit is divided in 60:40 ratio

All figures below are in thousands of Pesos

2021 2020
debit credit debit credit
Accrued Liabilities 2,300 3,380
Accumulated Depreciation - Building 27,000 25,250
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 2,200 1,800
Accumulated Depreciation - Land Improvements 15,900 13,700
Administrative Expenses 5,888 6,154
Advances to employees 12 8
Allowance for doubtful accounts 320 292
Building 50,000 50,000
Cash in Banks 17,335 13,534
Cash on Hand 1,230 2,015
Cost of Sales 43,251 35,640
Current Claims Receivable 39 46
Equipment 12,704 12,704
Income Tax Payable 1,700 1,800
Income Taxes Expense 6,932 7,353
Insurance and other Prepayments 123 198
Intangible Assets 1,000 1,150
Interest Expense 4,200 3,000
Interest Payable 3,150 2,120
Inventories 2,397 2,521
Investment Properties 10,477 10,678
Land 40,000 40,000
Land Improvements 32,868 33,056
Net Sales 72,608 63,890
Notes Payable - Long-term 30,780 38,000
Other current assets 1,560 1,540
Other Current Liabilities 2,193 3,156
Other income 6,618 7,409
Other Noncurrent Assets 2,515 2,300
Other current receivables 2,146 1,519
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 8,184 6,724
Prepaid Rental 269 251
Rivera, Withdrawals 9,588 5,615
Rivera, Capital 40,180 31,973
Royalties and other revenues 12,864 12,618
Selling Expenses 15,646 14,613
Santos, Capital 27,017 27,262
Santos, Withdrawals 8,760 7,500
Short-term Debt 8,309 4,312
Short-term bank deposits 900 850
Trade Accounts Receivable 5,981 4,075
Trade Payables 10,022 9,720
Unearned Revenue 5,148 3,668
Unused office supplies 672 754
276,493 276,493 257,074 257,074

- -
Rivera and Sontos Partnetship
Trial Balance
ancial Position For the Year 2020-2021
amounts are in thousand
2021 2020
Cash on Hand 1,230 2,015
Cash in Banks 17,335 13,534
Short-term bank deposits 900 850
Trade Accounts Receivable 5,981 4,075
Current Claims Receivable 39 46
Other current receivables 2,146 1,519
Allowance for doubtful accounts 320
Advances to employees 12 8
Inventories 2,397 2,521
Unused office supplies 672 754
Insurance and other prepayments 123 198
Prepaid Rental 269 251
Other current assets 1,560 1,540
Intangible Assets 1,000 1,150
Investment Properties 10,477 10,678
Building 50,000 50,000
Accumulated Depreciation - Building 27,000
Equipment 12,704 12,704
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment 2,200
Land 40,000 40,000
Land Improvements 32,868 33,056
Accumulated Depreciation - Land Improvements 15,900
Other Noncurrent Assets 2,515 2,300
Trade Payables 10,022
Accrued Liabilities 2,300
Income Tax Payable 1,700
Interest Payable 3,150
Unearned Revenue 5,148
Short-term Debt 8,309
Other Current Liabilities 2,193
Notes Payable - Long-term 30,780
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 8,184
Rivera, Capital 40,180
Santos, Capital 27,017
Rivera, Withdrawals 9,588 5,615
Santos, Withdrawals 8,760 7,500
Royalties and other revenues 12,864
Other income 6,618
Net Sales 72,608
Cost of Sales 43,251 35,640
Selling Expenses 15,646 14,613
Administrative Expenses 5,888 6,154
Income Taxes Expense 6,932 7,353
Interest Expense 4,200 3,000
TOTAL 276,493 276,493 257,074
Rivera and Santos Partnership
Income Statement
For the Year Ended 2020
mounts are in thousand amounts are in thousand
2020 Net Sales 63,890
CREDIT Less:Cost of Sales (35,640)
Operating Income 28,250
Royalties and Other Income 12,618
Other Income 7,409
Gross Profit 48,277
Less: General Expenses
Selling Expenses 14,613
292 Administrative Expenses 6,154
Interest Expense 3,000 (23,767)
Income Before Tax 24,510
Income Taxes Expense (7,353)
Net Income after tax 17,157

Rivera and Santos Partnership

Income Statement
For the Year Ended 2021
25,250 amounts are in thousand
Net Sales 72,608
1,800 Less:Cost of Sales (43,251)
Operating Income 29,357
Royalties and Other Income 12,864
13,700 Other Income 6,618
Gross Profit 48,839
9,720 Less: General Expenses
3,380 Selling Expenses 15,646
1,800 Administrative Expenses 5,888
2,120 Interest Expense 4,200 (25,734)
3,668 Income Before Tax 23,105
4,312 Income Taxes Expense (6,932)
3,156 Net Income after tax 16,173
6,724 Horizontal Analysis for year 2020-2021
31,973 in amount in percentage
27,262 Net Sales 8,718 14%
Less:Cost of Sales (7,611) 21%
Operating Income 1,107 4%
12,618 Royalties and Other Income 246 2%
7,409 Other Income (791) -11%
63,890 Gross Profit 562 1%
Less: General Expenses
Selling Expenses 1,033 7%
Administrative Expenses (266) -4%
Interest Expense 1,200 40%
Income Before Tax (1,405) -6%
257,074 Income Taxes Expense 421 -6%
Net Income after tax (984) -6%

Vertical Analysis for year 2020-2021

Yer 2020 Year 2021
Net Sales 100% 100%
Less:Cost of Sales -56% -60%
Operating Income 44% 40%
Royalties and Other Income 20% 18%
Other Income 12% 9%
Gross Profit 76% 67%
Less: General Expenses
Selling Expenses 23% 22%
Administrative Expenses 10% 8%
Interest Expense 5% 6%
Income Before Tax 38% 32%
Income Taxes Expense -12% -10%
Net Income after tax 27% 22%
Rivera and Santos Partnership
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the Year Ended 2020

Rivera-60% Santos- 40% Total Current Assets:

Beg, Capital 31,973 27,262 59,235 Cash on Hand
Less: Withadrawals (5,615) (7,500) (13,115) Cash in Banks
Balances 26,358 19,762 46,120 Short-term bank depos
Profit Sharing 10,294.20 6,862.80 17,157 Trade Accounts Receiv
Ending Partnerts Equity, 2020 36,652 26,625 63,277 Current Claims Receiva
Other current receivab
Allowance for doubtful
Advances to employees
Unused office supplies
Insurance and other pr
Prepaid Rental
Other current assets
Non Current Assets:
Rivera and Santos Partnership Intangible Assets
Statement of Changes in Equity Investment Properties
For the Year Ended 2021 Building
Accumulated Deprecia
Rivera-60% Santos- 40% Total Equipment
Beg, Capital 40,180 27,017 67,197 Accumulated Deprecia
Less: Withadrawals (9,588) (8,760) (18,348) Land
Balances 30,592 18,257 48,849 Land Improvements
Profit Sharing 9,703.80 6,469.20 16,173 Accumulated Deprecia
Ending Partnerts Equity, 2021 40,296 24,726 65,022 Other Noncurrent Asse

Current Liabilities:
Trade Payables
Accrued Liabilities
Income Tax Payable
Interest Payable
Unearned Revenue
Short-term Debt
Other Current Liabilitie
Non Current Liabilities:
Notes Payable - Long-te
Other Noncurrent Liab

Partners Equity:
Rivera, Capital 2020
Santos, Capital 2020
Rivera and Santos Partnership
Statement of Financial Position
For the Year Ended 2020

Current Assets:
Cash on Hand 2,015 Cash on Hand
Cash in Banks 13,534 Cash in Banks
Short-term bank deposits 850 Short-term bank deposits
Trade Accounts Receivable 4,075 Trade Accounts Receivable
Current Claims Receivable 46 Current Claims Receivable
Other current receivables 1,519 Other current receivables
Allowance for doubtful accounts (292) Allowance for doubtful accou
Advances to employees 8 Advances to employees
Inventories 2,521 Inventories
Unused office supplies 754 Unused office supplies
Insurance and other prepayments 198 Insurance and other prepaym
Prepaid Rental 251 Prepaid Rental
Other current assets 1,540 27,019 Other current assets
rrent Assets: Non Current Assets:
Intangible Assets 1,150 Intangible Assets
Investment Properties 10,678 Investment Properties
50,000 Building
Accumulated Depreciation - Building (25,250) Accumulated Depreciation - B
Equipment 12,704 Equipment
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment (1,800) Accumulated Depreciation - E
40,000 Land
Land Improvements 33,056 Land Improvements
Accumulated Depreciation - Land Improvements (13,700) Accumulated Depreciation - L
Other Noncurrent Assets 2,300 109,138 Other Noncurrent Assets

Liabilities: Current Liabilities:

Trade Payables 9,720 Trade Payables
Accrued Liabilities 3,380 Accrued Liabilities
Income Tax Payable 1,800 Income Tax Payable
Interest Payable 2,120 Interest Payable
Unearned Revenue 3,668 Unearned Revenue
Short-term Debt 4,312 Short-term Debt
Other Current Liabilities 3,156 28,156 Other Current Liabilities
rrent Liabilities: Non Current Liabilities:
Notes Payable - Long-term 38,000 Notes Payable - Long-term
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 6,724 44,724 Other Noncurrent Liabilities

Partners Equity:
Rivera, Capital 2020 36,652 Rivera, Capital 2021
Santos, Capital 2020 26,625 Santos, Capital 2021
Rivera and Santos Partnership Statement of Financial Position Hori
Statement of Financial Position
For the Year Ended 2021
Current Assets
Non Current Assets
Cash on Hand 1,230 Total Assets
Cash in Banks 17,335
Short-term bank deposits 900 Current Liabilities
Trade Accounts Receivable 5,981 Non Current Liabilities
Current Claims Receivable 39 Total Liabilities
Other current receivables 2,146
Allowance for doubtful accounts (320) Rivera Capital
Advances to employees 12 Santos Capital
Inventories 2,397 Total Partners equity
Unused office supplies 672
Insurance and other prepayments 123
Prepaid Rental 269 Statement of Financial Position Hori
Other current assets 1,560 32,344

Intangible Assets 1,000 Current Assets

Investment Properties 10,477 Non Current Assets
50,000 Total Assets
Accumulated Depreciation - Building (27,000)
Equipment 12,704 Current Liabilities
Accumulated Depreciation - Equipment (2,200) Non Current Liabilities
40,000 Total Liabilities
Land Improvements 32,868
Accumulated Depreciation - Land Improvements (15,900) Rivera Capital
Other Noncurrent Assets 2,515 104,464 Santos Capital
136,808 Total Partners equity

Trade Payables 10,022

Accrued Liabilities 2,300
Income Tax Payable 1,700
Interest Payable 3,150
Unearned Revenue 5,148
Short-term Debt 8,309
Other Current Liabilities 2,193 32,822
Notes Payable - Long-term 30,780
Other Noncurrent Liabilities 8,184 38,964
Rivera, Capital 2021 40,296
Santos, Capital 2021 24,726
TNERS EQUITY 2020 65,022
of Financial Position Horizontal Analysis for year 2020-2021

in amount in percentage
5,325 20%
(4,674) -4%
651 0%

4,666 17%
(5,760) -13%
(1,094) -2%

3,644 10%
(1,899) -7%
1,745 3%

of Financial Position Horizontal Vertical Analysis for year 2020-2021

2020 2021
20% 24%
80% 76%
100% 100%

21% 24%
33% 28%
54% 52%

27% 29%
20% 18%
46% 48%
B. & PARTNERS EQUITY 100% 100%
1. Prepare the Income Statement (2020 & 2019) , Statement of Financial Position (2020 & 2019) and
Statement of Cash Flows (2020)

2. Make ratio analyses for 2020 as follows:

a. liquidity
b. profitability
c. solvency

Additional Information:
1. Dividends declared were P1.5M and P1M for the years 2020 and 2019 respectively.
2. The dividends are paid the year following the declaration

All figures below are in thousands of Pesos

2020 2019
Accounts Payable 27,546 18,123
Accounts Receivable 125,880 97,670
Accrued income 3,643 4,143
Accrued expense/payable 5,045 4,553
Accumulated Depreciation 30,342 20,120
Allowance for Bad debts 18,421 10,623
Bad Debts Expense 12,588 9,767
Cash in Bank 111,550 108,516
Cash on Hand 8,650 9,460
Cost of sales 312,993 559,885
Deficit 133,027 140,233
Dividend Payable 1,500 1,000
Freight-out 100,364 86,570
Income tax expense 3,731 3,278
Income tax payable 933 820
Intangible assets 416,300 359,500
Interest Expense 21,606 21,265
Inventories 46,562 35,500
Long-term debt (Payable annually for 5 years) 40,000 50,000
Notes Receivable - Long term 49,700 49,700
Office Depreciation 6,500 6,500
Office Salaries Expense 72,877 71,888
Office Supplies Expense 13,210 22,964
Other Expenses 23,515 22,750
Petty Cash Fund 100 104
Prepaid expenses 4,321 3,301
Property, Plant and Equipment 395,760 245,760
Repairs Expense - Store Equipment 1,540 1,680
Sales 978,530 1,224,764
Sales Commission 185,230 216,394
Sales Discounts 91,030 79,000
Sales-Salaries Expense 109,870 100,405
Share Capital 640,000 540,000
Share Premium 487,000 357,000
Short-term debt 36,000 44,000
Store Depreciation 14,770 14,770

Total 2,265,317 2,265,317 2,271,003 2,271,003

- -
MBA Corporation MBA Corporat
Balance Sheet Income Statem
For the Year 2019-2020 For the Year 2019 a

2020 2019
Cash in Bank 111,550 108,516 Sales
Cash on Hand 8,650 9,460 Sales Discount
Petty Cash Fund 100 104 Total Net Sales
Accounts Receivable 125,880 97,670 Less: Cost of Sales
Allowance for Bad debts 18,421 10,623 Gross Profit
Accrued income 3,643 4,143 Less: Selling Expenses
Prepaid expenses 4,321 3,301 Sales Commission
Inventories - end 46,562 35,500 Sales-Salaries Expense
Property, Plant and Equipment 395,760 245,760 Store Depreciation
Accumulated Depreciation 30,342 20,120 Repairs Expense - Store Equipment
Notes Receivable - Long term 49,700 49,700 Operating Expenses
Intangible Assets 416,300 359,500 Freight Out
Accounts Payable 27,546 18,123 Office Supplies Expense
Accrued expense 5,045 4,553 Office Salaries Expense
Short-term debt 36,000 44,000 Office Depreciation
Income tax payable 933 820 Bad Debts Expense
Dividend Payable 1,500 1,000 Other Expenses
Long-term debt 40,000 50,000 Total Expenses
Share Capital 640,000 540,000 Net Income Operating Income
Share Premium 487,000 357,000 Less: Interest expense
Deficit 133,027 140,233 Net Income Before Interest
Sales 978,530 1,224,764 Less: Income Tax Expense
Sales Discount 91,030 79,000 Net Income After Taxes
Cost of Sales 312,993 559,885
Sales Commission 185,230 216,394
Sales-Salaries Expense 109,870 100,405
Store Depreciation 14,770 14,770
Repairs Expense - Store Equipment 1,540 1,680
Freight Out 100,364 86,570
Office Supplies Expense 13,210 22,964
Office Salaries Expense 72,877 71,888
Office Depreciation 6,500 6,500
Bad Debts Expense 12,588 9,767
Other Expenses 23,515 22,750
Interest Expense 21,606 21,265
Income Tax Expense 3,731 3,278
TOTAL 2,265,317 2,265,317 2,271,003 2,271,003
MBA Corporation MBA Corporation
Income Statement Statement of Changes in Shareholders Equity
For the Year 2019 and 2020 For the Year 2019 and 2020

YEAR 2019 YEAR 2020

Share Capital Share Premium
1,224,764 978,530 Beginning Balance, 2019 540,000 357,000
(79,000) (91,030) Profit
1,145,764 887,500 Dividends Declared
(559,885) (312,993) Adjustment
585,879 574,507 Ending Balance 2019 540,000 357,000

216,394 185,230 Share Capital Share Premium

100,405 109,870 Beginning Balance, 2020 540,000 357,000
14,770 14,770 Profit
1,680 333,249 1,540 311,410 Dividends Declared
Adjustment 100,000 130,000
86,570 100,364 Ending Balance 2020 640,000 487,000
22,964 13,210
71,888 72,877
6,500 6,500
9,767 12,588
22,750 220,439 23,515 229,054
(553,688) (540,464)
32,191 34,043
(21,265) (21,606)
10,926 12,437
(3,278) (3,731)
7,648 8,706
orporation MBA Corporation
s in Shareholders Equity Statement of Financial Position
2019 and 2020 For the Year 2019 & 2020


Deficit Total Current Assets: Net Income
(140,233) 756,767 1 Cash & Cash Equivalents 118,080 120,300 2,220 Add:
7,648 7,648 2 Trade & Other Receivables 87,047 107,459 20,412
(1,000) (1,000) 3 Pre-payment & Other Current Assets 7,444 7,964 520 Adjusted Net Income
1,000 1,000 Inventorie-end 35,500 46,562 11,062
(132,585) 764,415 Total Current Assets 248,071 282,285 Increase (Decrease) in
Non Current Assets:
Deficit Total 4 Property, Plant and Equipment 225,640 365,418 139,778
(132,585) 764,415 Notes Receivables 49,700 49,700 -
8,706 8,706 Intangible Assets 359,500 416,300 56,800 Increase (Decrease) in
(1,500) (1,500) Total Non Current Assets 634,840 831,418
1058 231,058 TOTAL ASSETS 882,911 1,113,703 Net Cash used by Ope
(124,321) 1,002,679
Current Liabilities CASH FLOWS FROM IN
5 Trade and other Payables 23,496 33,524 10,028
Short Term Debt 44,000 36,000 (8,000)
Dividend Payable 1,000 1,500 500
Total Current Liabilities 68,496 71,024 NET CASH FLOWS USE
Non Current Liabilities
Long Term Debt 50,000 40,000 (10,000) CASH FLOWS FROM FIN
Total Non Current Liabilities 50,000 40,000
Total Liabilities 118,496 111,024
Shareholders Equity
Share Capital 540,000 640,000 100,000 NET CASH FLOW FROM
Share Premium 357,000 487,000 130,000
Deficit (132,585) (124,321) 8,264 NET Increase (Decrease
Total Shareholders Equity 764,415 1,002,679 CASH AT BEGINNING O

Notes to Statement of Financial Position: 2019 2020


Cash in Bank 108,516 111,550
Cash on Hand 9,460 8,650
Petty Cash Fund 104 100
Total 118,080 120,300

Note 2. Trade and Other Receivables

Accounts Receivable 97,670 125,880
Allowance for Bad debts (10,623) (18,421)
Total 87,047 107,459

Note 3. Prepayments and Other Receivables

Accrued income 4,143 3,643
Prepaid expenses 3,301 4,321
Total 7,444 7,964

Note 4. Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, Plant and Equipment 245,760 395,760 150,000
Accumulated Depreciation (20,120) (30,342)
Total 225,640 365,418
Note 5. Trade and Other Payables
Accounts Payable 18,123 27,546
Accrued expense 4,553 5,045
Income tax payable 820 933
Total 23,496 33,524
MBA Corporation
Statement of Cash Flow RATIOS ANALYSIS
For the Year 2020 YEAR 2019-2020


Net Income 8,706 Current Assets 282,285
Depreciation 10,222 Less: Current Liabilities - 71,024
Adjustment 231,058 Working Capital 211,261
Adjusted Net Income 249,986
Current Assets 282,285
Increase (Decrease) in Currents Assets Divided by: Current Liabilities 71,024
Trade & Other Receivables (20,412) Current ratio 4
Inventories (11,062)
Pre-payments & Other Current Assets (520) Current Assets-Inventories-Prepaym 291,015
Increase (Decrease) in Currents Liabilitites Divided by: Current Liabilities 71,024
Trade and Other Payables 10,028 Quick Ratio 4
Net Cash used by Operating Activities 228,020
Sales on Account 978,530
CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Divided by: Average Trade Receivabl 14,105
Increase of property, plant and equipment (150,000) Receivable Turnover 69.37
Increase on Investment properties (56,800)
Increase on Notes Receivable - Days in a Year 365
NET CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES (206,800) Divided By: Receivable Turnover 69.37
Collection Period 5.26
Paid Dividends (1,000) Cost of Sales 312,993
Decrease in Short-Term Debt (8,000) Divided by: Average Inventories 41,031
Long term Debt (10,000) Inventory Turnover 7.63
Days in a year 365
NET Increase (Decrease) in Cash 2,220 Inventory Turnover 7.63
CASH AT BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 118,080 Days Sale Outstanding/Inventory 47.84


Profitability Ratio
Net Income Before Interest & Taxes 12,437
Divded by: Average Total Assets 998,307
Return on Assets 1.2%

Net Income after Taxes 8,706

Net Sales 887,500
Return on Sales 1.0%

Gross Profit 574,507

Net Sales 887,500
Profit Margin 65%

Solvency Ratios
Total Liabilities 111,024
Total Assets 1,113,703
Debt to Assets 10%

Total Liabilities 111,024

Total Shareholder's Equity 1,002,679
Debt to Equity 11%

Net Income before Interest and Taxe 12,437

Interest Expense 21,606
Times Interest Earned 0.58








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