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Pi On Decay

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Neutral Pion Decay

Kirk T. McDonald
Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
(September 15, 1976)

1 Problem
Consider the decay of the neutral π meson of (total) energy Eπ to two photons, π0 → γγ.

1. If the two photons are observed in the laboratory with energies E1 and E2 and angle
α between them, what is their invariant mass?

2. If the decay of the π0 is isotropic in its rest frame, what is the laboratory distribution
dN/dEγ of the energies of the decay photons?

3. What is the minimum opening angle, αmin , between the two photons in the lab frame?

4. What is the distribution dN/dα of the opening angle between the two photons in the
lab frame?

5. If the two photons are detected at positions x1 and x2 in a plane perpendicular to the
direction of the π0 at a distance D, what is the projected impact point x of the π0 had
it not decayed? You may assume that |x1 − x2 |  D, which is true for most, but not
quite all, decays if Eπ /mπ  1.

6. What is the maximum laboratory angle θmax between the direction of a photon from
π0 decay and the direction of the π 0, supposing the photon is observed to have energy
Eγ  mπ ?

7. Suppose π 0’s are produced in some scattering process with distribution Nπ (Eπ , θπ ),
where angle θπ is measured with respect to the beam direction. That is, Nπ (Eπ , θπ ) dEπ dΩπ
is the number of π 0’s in energy interval dEπ centered about energy Eπ that point to-
wards solid angle dΩπ centered about angles (θπ , φπ ). A detector is placed at angle θ
to the beam and records the energy spectrum Nγ (Eγ , θ) of the photons that strike it.
Show that the π 0 spectrum can be related to the photon spectrum by

Eπ dNγ (Eγ = Eπ , θ)
Nπ (Eπ , θ) = − , (1)
2 dEγ

if Eπ  mπ .

2 Solution
1. Since a (real) photon has no mass, its energy and momentum are the same: Eγ = Pγ .

In this part we suppose that photon 1 propagates along the +z axis, so its energy-
momentum 4-vector can be written (in units where c = 1) as

q1 = (E, Px , Py , Pz ) = (E1 , 0, 0, E1 ). (2)

We can define photon 2 to be moving in the x-z plane, so its 4-vector is

q2 = (E2 , E1 sin α, , 0, E1 cos α). (3)

The invariant mass of the two photons is related by

m2 = (q1 + q2)2 = q12 + q22 + 2q1 · q2 = 0 + 0 + 2E1 E2(1 − cos α)

= 4E1 E2 sin2 α/2. (4)

If we had defined the π0 to propagate along the +z axis, we could still define the decay
plane to be the x-z plane and write

q1 = (E1, E1 sin θ1, 0, E1 cos θ1 ), q2 = (E2 , −E2 sin θ2 , 0, E1 cos θ2), (5)

so that
m2 = (q1 + q2 )2 = 2E1 E2 (1 − cos(θ1 + θ 2)) = 4E1 E2 sin2 α/2, (6)
where the opening angle is α = θ1 + θ2 .

2. In this part we suppose the π0 propagates along the +z axis, and we define θ as the
angle of photon 1 to the z axis in the rest frame of the π0 .
The decay is isotropic in the rest frame, so the distribution is flat as a function of
cos θ . We write
dN 1
 = , (7)
d cos θ 2
normalized to unity over the interval −1 ≤ cos θ ≤ 1. The desired distribution of
photon energies can be related to this via
dN dN d cos θ  1 d cos θ 
= = . (8)
dEγ d cos θ  dEγ 2 dEγ

To relate Eγ to cos θ , we examine the transformation between the lab frame and the
rest frame of the π0 , for which the boost is described by the Lorentz factors γ = Eπ /mπ
and β = vπ /c = Eπ /Pπ .
Of course, the energy and momentum of the photons in the π 0 rest frame is Eγ = Pγ =
mπ /2. The 4-vector of photon 1 in the π0 rest frame is therefore

(Eγ , Pγ,x
, Pγ,y 
, Pγ,z )= (1, sin θ , 0, cos θ ). (9)

Then, the lab-frame energy of photon 1 is given by

Eγ = γEγ + γβPγ,z

=γ (1 + β cos θ). (10)

dEγ mπ Pπ
 = γβ = , (11)
d cos θ 2 2
and the energy distribution follows from eq. (8) as

dN 1
= . (12)
dEγ Pπ

The distribution is flat, with limiting values of (Eπ ± Pπ )/2, according to eq. (10).

3. Since the two decay products have equal mass (zero), the minimum decay angle in the
lab occurs at either cos θ = 1 or 0. If cos θ = 1, one of the photons goes forward, and
the other goes backwards. Since the mass of the photon is zero, its backwards velocity
is c, and the boost of the pion to the lab frame cannot overcome this. The opening
angle between the two photons is then π, a maximum rather than a minimum. (If
the decay products have mass, it is possible that the velocity of the backward going
particles is less than that of the parent, and both particles go forward in the lab, with
minimum opening angle of zero.)
We conclude that the minimum opening angle occurs for the symmetric decay, cos θ =
0. In this case, the transverse momentum of the photons is mπ /2, both in lab frame
and the π 0 rest frame. In the lab frame, the photons’ total momentum equals their
total energy, which is just Eπ /2 for the symmetric decay. Hence,
αmin mπ 1
tan = = . (13)
2 Eπ γ

4. As in part 2, we can write

dN dN d cos θ  1 d cos θ
= = . (14)
dα d cos θ dα 2 dα

One way to relate α and cos θ is to combine eqs. (4) and (10) in the form

m2π 1
sin2 α = = 2 , (15)
4E1 E2 γ (1 − β 2 cos2 θ )
 1 1
cos θ = 1− 2 2 . (16)
β γ sin α
Taking the derivative, we use eq. (14) to find

dN 1 cos α/2 1
= 2
 . (17)
dα γβ 4 sin α/2 γ 2 sin2 α − 1

This distribution is peaked at αmin = 1/γ, and vanishes at αmax = π.

5. The transverse momenta of the two decay photons (with respect to the lab direction
of the π 0) are equal and opposite. When the observed separation of the two photons
obeys |x1 − x2 |  D, the angles of the photons with respect to the direction of the π0
are small, and the transverse momenta can be written as
xi − x xi − x
Pi = Ei , (18)
E1 (x1 − x) = E2 (x − x2 ), (19)
and the virtual impact point of the π0 is
x1 E1 + x2E2 x1 E1 + x2E2
x= = . (20)
E1 + E2 Eπ

6. The transverse momentum of a decay photon with respect to the direction of the π0 is

P⊥ = Pγ sin θ = Eγ sin θ, (21)

where θ is the angle between the direction of the photon and the π 0. This quantity is
invariant with respect to the boost to the rest frame of the π 0, so

P⊥ = P⊥ = Pγ sin θ = sin θ . (22)
Comparing eqs. (21) and (22) we see that

sin θ = sin θ . (23)

So long as θ ≤ π/2, we find that

sin θmax = , (24)

and for Eγ  mπ ,

θ max ≈ . (25)

However, there are cases when θ > π/2, for which P = Pγ cos θ < 0. Recalling the
boost formalism of part 2,
γ π mπ
P = γ π (P + β π E ) = (cos θ + β π ), (26)
we see that P = 0 and θ = π/2 when cos θ = −β π . In this case,

mπ  mπ m2 mπ
Eγ = P⊥ = 1 − β 2π = = π < , (27)
2 2γ π 2Eπ 2

since Eπ ≥ mπ . Thus, the result (24) holds for Eγ > mπ /2.

7. We will use information about the photon spectrum for energies Eγ  mπ , so the
maximum angle between the photon and its parent π0 is negligibly small, according to
the result of part 6. Then, the probability that a photon hits a detector of a fixed solid
angle is the same as the probability that its parent π 0 would have hit the detector,
had the π 0 not decayed. That is, we can ignore any possible complication due to solid
angle transformation between the π0 and the photon.
According to eq. (12), the number Nγ (Eγ ) of photons that appear in energy interval
dEγ due to the decay of a single π0 is

2 2
Nγ = ≈ , (28)
Pπ Eπ
where the factor of 2 occurs because two photon are produced in each decay, and the
approximation holds when Eπ  mπ so that it certainly applies when Eγ  mπ .
If π 0’s are produced with an energy spectrum Nπ (Eπ , θπ ), then the energy spectrum
of the decay photons observed in a detector centered on θπ is related by
Nγ (Eγ , θγ = θπ ) = Nπ (Eπ , θπ ) dEπ . (29)
Eγ Eπ
Taking the derivative, we find

Eπ dNγ (Eγ = Eπ , θγ = θπ )
Nπ (Eπ , θπ ) = − . (30)
2 dEγ

A more detailed discussion of this problem has been given by R.M. Sternheimer, Phys,
Rev. 99, 277 (1955),

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