Group 8: Dealings IN Properties
Group 8: Dealings IN Properties
Group 8: Dealings IN Properties
Chapter 12
Dealings i n Properties: A n Overview
Properties received as 'boot' shall have the same basis as their fair
market value. Boot refers to the money received and other property
received in excess of the stocks or securities received by the
transferor on a tax free exchange.
I. Corporate reorganization
2.Initial acquisition of control
No gain or loss shall be recognized if in
pursuant to a merger or consolidation:
1.A corporation exchanges property solely for the stock of
another corporation.
2.A shareholder exchanges his stock in a corporation solely for
the stock of another corporation.
3.A security holder of a corporation exchanges his securities in
such corporation solely for the stocks of another corporation.
I l l u s t r a t i o n 1: C o r p o r a t e p a r t y t o a m e r g e r o r
For DEF C o m p a n y
I l l u s t r a t i o n 2: S h a r e h o l d e r o f a p a r t y t o a m e r g e r
or consolidation
Case 2: 90 ,0 0 0 c a s h , 5 0 ,0 0 0 w o r t h o f m e r c h a n d i s e , a n d
120,000 w o r t h o f QRZ sh a r e s.
The indicated gain and reportable gain shall be computed
as follows:
T h e t a x b a s i s o f t h e s h a r e s r e c e i v e d s h a l l b e c o m p u t e d as:
Tax basis to the assignee
Alternative formula:
Effects of split and s t o c k dividends on t a x basis
of stocks
Wash sale occur when, within 30 days before and 30 days
after the date of disposal of securities at a loss, known as
the “61-day period”. The taxpayer acquired or entered into a
contract option to acquire substantially identical
Losses-not deductible
I l l u s r t r a t i o n 1 : Forei g n s t o c k s
A taxpayer had the following transactions in the shares of
Nitros company, a foreign company on the following date.
Required: d e t e r m i n e t h e r e p o r t a b l e g a i n s p e r y e a r
assuming that the taxpayer is subject to t a x on global
i n c o m e a n d is: