2 Question Bank
2 Question Bank
2 Question Bank
25 Important Questions
Q. 1 Define data structure. List the various linear and non-linear data structures and
explain them in brief.
Q.2 Define following terms
(1) Time and space complexity of an algorithm
(2) Sparse matrix
(3) Level, Height, Ancestors, Decedents
Q.3 Create a Binary Search Tree for the following data and do in-order, Pre order and
Post-order traversal of the tree.
5, 6,65,7,8,60,57,11,45,18,2, 9,99,3,0,30,40,25
Q.4 First insert 10 and then insert 33. After these insertions, delete 26 and, delete 14
and then delete 17 from the following binary search tree. Draw the tree after each