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2 Question Bank

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Faculty Name Designation Subject/Subject code Semester/Branch

Prof. Hiren Kotadiya Assistant Professor DS/2130702 3rd - CE

25 Important Questions

Q. 1 Define data structure. List the various linear and non-linear data structures and
explain them in brief.
Q.2 Define following terms
(1) Time and space complexity of an algorithm
(2) Sparse matrix
(3) Level, Height, Ancestors, Decedents
Q.3 Create a Binary Search Tree for the following data and do in-order, Pre order and
Post-order traversal of the tree.
5, 6,65,7,8,60,57,11,45,18,2, 9,99,3,0,30,40,25
Q.4 First insert 10 and then insert 33. After these insertions, delete 26 and, delete 14
and then delete 17 from the following binary search tree. Draw the tree after each

Q.5 (A) Discuss the variations of queue.

(B) Write a function to implement insertion and deletion of an element in queue
using Linked list.
Q.6 (A) What is Stack? Write algorithm for stack operations.
(B) Write Algorithm for infix to postfix expression.
Q. 7 Transform the following expression to postfix (reverse polish) and evaluate
postfix expression by assuming A=1,B=2,C=3,D=3,E=6,F=6,G=1, I=3and J=3
A +B-C*D/E+F$G/(I+J)
Q.8 Define following terms related to tree with example
1 .Binary tree
2. Binary search tree
3. Strictly binary tree
4. Complete binary tree
Q.9 (A) Explain doubly linkledist and write algorithms for Insertion and Deletion.
(B) Write an algorithm to perform each of the following operations on
Circular singly linked list using header node
1. add node at the end
2. add node at beginning
3. delete a node which contain element x
4. insert a node containing x after node having address p
Q. 10 (A) What is the meaning of height balanced tree? How rebalancing is done in
height balanced tree.
(B) Explain Threaded Binary Tree with example.
Q. 11 Construct a tree for the given inorder and postorder traversals
Q. 12 Define height of the binary tree. Define height balanced tree with its advantages.
Construct a height balanced binary tree(AVLtree) for the following data
Q. 13 What are the advantages of Multiway search tree in disc access?
Construct B tree of order 3 and B+ tree of order 4 for the following data
Q. 14 Define an AVL tree. Obtain an AVL tree by inserting one integer at a time in the
following sequence.
150,155,160,115,110,140,120,145, 130,147,170,180, 181,183,182
Show all the steps.
Q. 15 Explain BFS and DFS with example.
Q. 16 Explain your Pivot selection method for quicksort and apply quicksort [give
trace]on given list of numbers.
Q. 17 Explain following sorting technique along with algorithm:
1) Bubble sort
2) Selection sort
3) Merge sort
4) Quick sort
5) Insertion sort
Q. 18 Apply the merge sort for following data and show the steps
Q. 19 Define spanning tree and minimum spanning tree. Find the minimum spanning
tree of the graph shown in fig.1)Prims Algorithm 2)Kruskal Algorithm

Q. 20 I) Write warshall algorithm for a graph.

II) Write Modified Warshall Algorithm for a graph. Q.
Q. 21 Discuss following with reference to graphs.
(i) Directed graph
(ii) Undirected graph
(iii) Degree of vertex
(iv) Null graph
Q. 22 Explain matrix and linkedlist representation of a graph.
Q. 23 List various fundamental file organization techniques and explain each in brief.
Q. 24 I) What do you mean by hashing? What are various hash functions? Explain one in
II) Explain Various Collusion Resolving Technique.
Q. 25 Apply Dijkstra algorithm on graph shown in fig.

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