Credit Analysis
Credit Analysis
Credit Analysis
Data Collection
Credit Analysis
Lending Administration
Facilities Opening
Loan Disbursement
The objectives are :
( PRINSIP 5+ ) Kredit Baru
Tambahan Kredit
1. Purpose
2. The Five C’s of Credit
• Qualitative Analysis
• Quantitative Analysis
3. Ways Out
4. Structure
5. Conclusion
a. Why does the obligor need the proposed credit
b. Purpose of the loan must be clearly defined.
c. Project Finance
d. New Venture
e. Others: take-out of existing debt
1). Inventory Financing
c) Imported inventory
a) Receivable consists of:
* Trade receivables
* Due from subsidiaries/affiliates
* Others
b) Non - Operating
* Advances to stockholders
* Due from subsidiaries/affiliates
1. Capital Equipment Acquisition
2. Project Finance
3. New Venture
Collateral Capacity
Condition Capital
This criterion is exactly what the name implies. It
involves a review of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and
management skills.
Who are we lending money to ?
What is their past credit history ?
Do they have expertise in this company/industry ?
Marketing, Operations, Finance ?
Human Resources ?
Can we trust them ?
Do they have the ability to repay and to manage their
credit ?
The company’s ability to repay their loan or credit.
1) Track record/experience
2) Experience in crisis management
3) Independence (management vs. owner)
4) Reputation/integrity
5) Management style
6) Contact persons/decision-influencers/ gate-
a) Areas for analysis (not all inclusive):
b) Product cycle
c) Product characteristic
a) Raw materials sourcing
b) Process
c) Plant facilities
Who are their customers?
* Domestic vs. export
* Retail vs. wholesaler
* Consumer vs. corporate end users
* Distribution channels
a). Industry position
* Priority vs. non priority
b). Competition
* How many firms?
* Demand
* Market share
* Barriers to entry
* Price vs. cartel
c). Industry characteristics
* Cyclical? Boom/Burst?
* Position in industry cycle: Sunrise? Mature? Sunset?
* Obsolescence: R & D
* Import dependency?
a) Area of concern:
* Inflation
* Exchange rates
* Money supply
* Taxes
* Government spending
* Price control
b) Wage adjustments
c) Unemployment
d) GNP growth
e) FX availability
f) FX controls
g) Government regulations
a. Financial analysis of historical performance
1) Profitability
2) Cash Generation
3) Liquidity & Solvency
4) Capital Structure
5) Other Financial Indicators
b. Analysis of financial projections
1) Cash cycle = days inventory + days receivables
b. Type
c. Tenor/Repayment
d. Availability
e. Pricing
f. Conditions
g. Security
1) Assess customers’ need
3) Local currency
4) Foreign currency
5) Combination of the above
1) Overdrafts/Short-term loans
2) Term Loans
3) Letters of Credit
2) Committed facility
1) Fixed interest rate either discounted or based on
diminishing balance